All noteable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Change log adopted from the transitspectroscopy package by Nestor Espinoza.
- update pyproject.toml file with required pacakage to support scipy>=1.8.0 to address issue #13 to resolve dependency conflicts.
- removed unused .yml files and requirement.txt
- update pyproject.toml file with required pacakage as we as numpy support below version 2.0 to address open issue #13.
- Update order 2 trace model and wavelength solution to provide full support
- jwst_niriss_gr700xd_order2_trace_refmodel_002.txt
- jwst_niriss_gr700xd_wavelength_model_order2_002.json
- updated demo notebook showcasing order 2 completeness
- update readme to reflect additions/changes
- removing support for python 3.9 upon Astropy being deprecating Python 3.9 so 3.10 will now be the the minimum version.
- also making additional to changes to some test and removing the duplicate test folder that was present.
- updated demo notebook to include having to download a soss dataset from PID 1512
- finished integration of wavecal model and tested extensively in my dev branch
- updated the order 2 reference trace model which now extend from 600 to 1750
- readme has been update with some changes
- modified some of the archeitecture for return outputs of trace and wavelength predictions.
- refactoring the package to be in a more maintable state is being planned but not implemented in this version (should be v1.1 now)
- need to push changes to ST main repo thus tag up with Mees again.
- Updating packing to include new wavelength calibration reference file that are not apart of the JWST pipeline currently.
- Developers: Tyler Baines and Mees Fix
- Performed first release of the python package on github
- have few people test including myself passed
- Developers: Tyler Baines and Mees Fix
- Basic setup and installation files.
- First version of package under revision and under going testing.
- Updating code and updating data files in package.