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Jim Lindblom edited this page Dec 15, 2016 · 1 revision
  • When creating a device, give it a name which indicates the manufacturer's part number.
    • If multiple part numbers can share the same device (eg, 32-pin QFP and 32-pin DFN versions of the same device), give the device a good generic name (ATMEGA328P_32PIN).
  • Device Prefixes must use one of the approved International standard reference designators. - See Reference Designators for a list!
    • If a part automatically puts a "$" in the name, it needs to be fixed. Open the library, click on the "device." Select the problem device. Click on "Prefix" button. Type the correct prefix letter. Save and update the library.
  • Split devices into gates when appropriate (e.g., 7400 logic chips, op-amps, etc). Name the gates to avoid the $ in the gate name. Set swap flag if valid.
  • Use Attributes to record the following pieces of information about the device:
    • PROD_ID - Production part number (if applicable; otherwise, assign this value NA),
    • VALUE - The value of the part (1k, 0.1uF, etc).
  • Description
    • Device descriptions should include:
      • A brief description ("12-bit one-channel SPI/I2C ADC"). This should be on the first line, so it shows up when one is browsing the library.
      • Manufacturer's name (for single-source parts).
      • More information about the device (voltage range, for instance).
    • Use the following format:
<h3>[Manufacturer (if applicable)] [General Part Number (if applicable)] - [Short Part Description (required)]</h3>
<p>[Few-sentence description of part(s)]</p>
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