- Various smaller fixes for ROS Kinetic - Reduce logging level at nodelet startup to remove logging clutter - Bugfix for #78, blocked aggregator nodelets due to detector stall. Fix by monitoring if any message are actually received on detections topic, before advertising publisher. - Configurable odom and base footprint frame IDs (fixes #53)
- Contributors: Timm Linder
- Merge pull request #47 from LCAS/master 1.0.8
- Contributors: Timm Linder
- Merge pull request #41 from LCAS/master 1.0.7
- Contributors: Timm Linder
- Add missing install targets
- Contributors: Timm Linder
- various install targets added that were missing
- Updating TrackSynchronizer with current message types and topics namespaces
- Compiling on kinetic. Rviz crashes with views (QT bug?)
- Updated licenses for spencer_detected_person_association
- Updating spencer_detected_person_association from SPENCER repo
- Fix for #2, correctly include message headers in spencer_detected_person_association
- Adding script for detecting suspicious poses and covariance matrices of CompositeDetectedPersons, useful for debugging (will output to console)
- Fix compilation issue
- Adding detection-to-detection fusion modules
- Contributors: Joao Avelino, Marc Hanheide, Timm Linder, ruffsl