Releases: spinnaker/orca
orca v8.27.1
e534be6 chore(dependencies): Autobump fiatVersion (#4358)
ee451cf chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#4357)
a513554 feat(bakery): Clean up cached data created by Rosco. (#4323) (#4351)
b4c8041 chore(dependencies): Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#4337) (#4346)
04885fd fix(tasks): Fix MonitorKayentaCanaryTask on results data map (#4312) (#4340)
5570885 fix(config): add back public visibility for ClouddriverRetrofitBuilder class (#4331) (#4334)
5dc3920 fix(stageExecution): In evaluable variable stage restart scenario variables are not cleaned properly (#16) (backport #4307) (#4327)
3ac8a17 fix(config): restore prior visibility of methods on CloudDriverConfigurationProperties class (#4317) (#4318)
orca v8.24.4
8a8d271 feat(bakery): Clean up cached data created by Rosco. (#4323) (#4350)
89fdccc chore(dependencies): Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#4337) (#4345)
447ffbb fix(tasks): Fix MonitorKayentaCanaryTask on results data map (#4312) (#4339)
6405f43 fix(stage): Resource requests on custom stage | Error: got "map", expected "string…" (backport #4295) (#4328)
3cb7128 fix(stageExecution): In evaluable variable stage restart scenario variables are not cleaned properly (#16) (backport #4307) (#4326)
b2fa816 feat(igor): Stop Jenkins job when job name has slashes in the job name (backport #4294) (#4321)
orca v8.18.8
orca v8.18.7
orca v8.24.3
orca v8.29.0
orca v8.28.0
orca v8.27.0
73f385b chore(dependencies): Autobump fiatVersion (#4300)
d5dfd1d chore(dependencies): Autobump fiatVersion (#4299)
5ce083c chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#4298)
df21b4c feat(orchestration): provide a way to allow only certain configured ad-hoc operations to be performed (#4195)
2001d23 fix(stageExecution): In MJ stages find the correct authenticated user… (#4289)
f7014fa fix(sql): Wrong indentation for rollback in database changelog (#4297)
orca v8.26.0
bc97a24 chore(dependencies): Autobump fiatVersion (#4296)
9e38116 feat(igor): Stop Jenkins job when job name has slashes in the job name (#4294)
a629149 fix(preconfiguredJobs): Resource requests on custom stage | Error: got "map", expected "string" (#4295)
ecd83a8 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#4291)
d00f89a fix(clouddriver): fix property binding for Clouddriver (#4290)
df2cd76 chore(build): Build docker images for multiple architectures (#4288)
20e79ff refactor(groovy): migrating Clouddriver services to Java (#4269)
88a778c chore(dockerfile): upgrade to latest alpine image (#4284)
17573b3 chore(dependencies): Autobump fiatVersion (#4283)
7a9cbc7 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#4282)
8a32126 feat(webhook): Allow webhook retries for selected status codes (#4276)
orca v8.24.2
e303664 chore(dependencies): Autobump fiatVersion (#4293)
02ba16a chore(dockerfile): upgrade to latest alpine image (#4284) (#4286)
337c568 chore(ci): Mergify - merge Autobumps on release-* (#4264) (#4268)
c968734 fix(ci): fetch previous tag from git instead of API (#4263) (#4266)
3e2b40c chore(ci): Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#4256) (#4261)