Here's a suggested
# Contributing to Quantum Machine Learning and Optimization Project
Thank you for your interest in contributing to this project! We appreciate your time and effort in helping us improve.
## How to Contribute
### Reporting Issues
If you find any bugs or issues, please report them by creating a new issue in the [GitHub Issues]( section. Be sure to include:
- A clear description of the issue.
- Steps to reproduce the issue.
- Any error messages or logs.
### Submitting Pull Requests
1. **Fork the Repository**: Start by forking the repository to your GitHub account.
2. **Create a Branch**: Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
git checkout -b feature/new-feature
Make Changes: Implement your changes in the new branch.
Write Tests: Ensure that your changes are covered by appropriate tests.
Commit Changes: Commit your changes with a descriptive message.
Copier le code
git commit -m "Add new feature"
Push to GitHub: Push your changes to your forked repository.
Copier le code
git push origin feature/new-feature
Create a Pull Request: Submit a pull request to the main repository. Provide a clear description of your changes and any related issues.
Code Style
Follow Python's PEP 8 for code style.
Write clear, concise comments for any complex or non-obvious code.
Ensure all tests pass before submitting a pull request.
Add new tests for any new functionality or bug fixes.
Feel free to ask questions or discuss potential contributions in the Issues section or by creating a Discussion on GitHub.
Thank you for contributing!
These documents provide a basic foundation for any developer or contributor looking to understand and contribute to your project.