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I am best know for my work on Shadow & Light plugin that is for ElvUI. I am also one of the members of the ElvUI team which you either love or hate. 😄
SInce doing addons isn't very lucrative and never thought it would be, it would still be nice to offset some bills make doing something I love to tinker with worth my while.
Featured work
Adds various status icons to ElvUI UnitFrames that show if you are in combat, resting, or just running around dead as a ghost!
Lua 3 -
Adds ability to select which keybind is shown as well as replace the text to display something else on ElvUI Buttons.
Lua 3 -
Bringing back the Hello Kitty and Tukui profiles for ElvUI.
Lua 4 -
User Interface replacement AddOn for World of Warcraft.
Lua 481 -
Customize ElvUI's Inherit Global Fade option to allow it to only trigger on mouse over!
Lua 3