Become a sponsor to Appstract
π Hi, we are Appstract. We are a small team of enthusiastic developers and we make packages for Laravel, PHP and Javascript.
You are free to use any package as you like, but we would love it if you could support us financially! This helps us focus more on open source and create more packages and maintain existing packages that you love.
With over a million downloads, there must be a package that you know, use or can use for your next project!
1 sponsor has funded appstractβs work.
Meet the team
Gijs Jorissen gizburdtCode, timber, fire.
Bob Krijnen 303KWebdeveloper traveling through Europe.
Teun de Kleijne teuunnFreelancer Developer
Featured work
Laravel Package for OPcache
PHP 1,339 -
A collection of nice Laravel Blade directives
PHP 859 -
Global key-value store in the database
PHP 728 -
Keep stock for Eloquent models
PHP 290
$7 a month
Selectβ Buy us a coffee to keep us focused on open source.
$15 a month
SelectπΊπΊ Buy us a few beers to keep us creative on open source.
$25 a month
Selectπ Buy us a pizza for the late night programming.
$49 a month
Selectπ’ You are a small business owner and make some profit of our packages.
- Get priority e-mail support.
$199 a month
Selectπ’ You are a larger / enterprise business owner and make a profit of our packages.
- Get priority e-mail support.
$6,000 a month
Selectπ°π° You are rich and don't know what to do with your money. We will send you a signed postcard, so you can brag about it.