Updates the authenticating user’s current text (e.g Tweeting).
For each update attempt, the update text is compared with the authenticating user’s recent Tweets. Any attempt that would result in duplication will be blocked, resulting in a 403 error. A user cannot submit the same text twice in a row. |
While not rate limited by the API, a user is limited in the number of Tweets they can create at a time. The update limit for standard API is 300 in 3 hours windows. If the number of updates posted by the user reaches the current allowed limit this method will return an HTTP 403 error.
You can find details for the Update API here: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/post-and-engage/api-reference/post-statuses-update
exposes 2 composable functions:
Function<Message<?>, StatusUpdate> messageToStatusUpdateFunction(TwitterUpdateConsumerProperties updateProperties)
- Converts input message intoStatusUpdate
query object. -
Consumer<StatusUpdate> updateStatus(Twitter twitter)
- Sends the inputStatusUpdate
argument as Twitter text update.
Use @Import(TwitterUpdateConsumerConfiguration.class)
to compose those functions.
By default the twitter-update
implements the following composite function chain:
or (byteArrayTextToString|twitterStatusUpdateConsumer