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Releases: spring-projects/sts4


04 Aug 08:32
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fixes and improvements

  • (Spring Boot) fixed: Validation errors on @@ placeholders in YAML editor (#711)
  • (VSCode) fixed: Live process is not auto connected when app is launched in internalConsole (#794)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Cleanup / reduce verbosity of diagnostic output in Eclipse logs (#798)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Not properly disposed SWT resource was caused Spring Starter Project (#797)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: avoid live hover connection attempt when deploying app to docker without actuator (#716)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Devtools integration with boot dash docker is broken (#724)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Pause / Resume for docker boot dash malfunctions (#783)
  • (Concourse) fixed: Concourse extension (in vscode) doesn't allow on_error in Steps (#737)

known issues

  • (Eclipse): Due to additional third-party add-ons being installed by default into the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution, the Maven POM file editor still uses the old XML editor when selecting the source page of that editor (instead of the new, XML language server based one). You can workaround that by manually opening the pom.xml file with Open With and select the Generic Editor.


18 Jun 06:23
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fixes and improvements

  • (Spring Boot) fixed: VScode incorrectly suggests removing @Autowired annotation from methods (#787)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: VScode quick fix should not suggest removing @Autowired annotation from JUnit tests (#786)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Not able to extract the new version of spring-tool-suite-4-4.15.0.RELEASE-e4.24.0-win32.win32.x86_64.self-extracting.jar on windows 11 (#788)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Cannot open Spring Boot Language Server Java Editor settings menu (#789)

known issues

  • (Eclipse): Due to additional third-party add-ons being installed by default into the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution, the Maven POM file editor still uses the old XML editor when selecting the source page of that editor (instead of the new, XML language server based one). You can workaround that by manually opening the pom.xml file with Open With and select the Generic Editor.


15 Jun 18:51
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major changes to the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution

fixes and improvements

  • (Spring Boot) fixed: vscode-sts: an edge case of workspace symbol for @PutMapping (#781)
  • (VSCode) fixed: Failed to refresh live data from process 12704 - after retries: 10 (#748)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: The Spring Boot Language Server is not immediately shutdown after closing the last open editor to avoid the need to restart the server when you open the next file (related to #568)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: When opening symbols, open the compilation unit from the relevant project (#769)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: The issue with the internal web browser not being able to open HTTP URLs on macOS got fixed. If you prefer to use the internal browser instead of an external one, you can make that switch in the preferences.
  • (Concourse) fixed: Update Concourse registry-image schema (#777)
  • (Concourse) fixed: Add registry_mirror & across as a known properties (#752)

known issues

  • (Eclipse): Due to additional third-party add-ons being installed by default into the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution, the Maven POM file editor still uses the old XML editor when selecting the source page of that editor (instead of the new, XML language server based one). You can workaround that by manually opening the pom.xml file with Open With and select the Generic Editor.


26 Apr 19:02
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import changes

  • (VSCode) enhancement: live hovers are now automatically show up when you launch a Spring Boot application in VSCode. Additional JVM args for the Spring Boot app to enable JMX are added to the launch automatically. More details can be found in the user guide section about Live Application Information.

fixes and improvements

  • (Spring Boot) fixed: use startupSnapshot instead of startup timer call to avoid wiping out the underlying data
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: When vscode opens a Java project for about 2 hours, the suggestion function will fail (#750)
  • (VSCode) improvement: add extension APIs to get live data (#751) - contributed by @Eskibear

known issues

  • (Eclipse): There is an issue with the internal web browser opening HTTP URLs on macOS, showing an error popup from the operating system instead of opening the HTTP URL. Therefore, the default setting has changed to use the external system browser by default.

  • (Spring Boot): Importing Spring Guides into the IDE using Gradle can result in an exception error dialog showing up, complaining about an incompatible class file version. This is most likely due to the IDE running on the embedded JDK17 by default, but the Gradle version in some Spring Guides is not yet updated to a JDK17-compatible version of Gradle. If you face this issue, please import the Spring Guide using Gradle, as usual, ignore the error dialog, and switch to Gradle 7.3 in the file of the imported project. Then trigger a refresh of the Gradle project using the context menu.


16 Mar 16:45
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major changes to the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution

fixes and improvements

  • (VSCode) fixed: VSCode Spring boot tools 1.30.0 error trying to find JVM (#726)
  • (VSCode) fixed: vscode "Problems" diagnostic entries lack "source" field (#725)
  • (VSCode) fixed: orphan vscode extension processes left running (#704)
  • (VSCode) fixed: deadlock in language server process avoids process to be shutdown (#741)
  • (VSCode) fixed: Outline View is broken again on Windows (#742)
  • (VSCode) fixed: is not working on vscode (#733)
  • (VSCode) fixed: Java 17 is mis-identified as Java 8 (#713)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Deadlock with Spring LSP in Eclipse 4.23 with STS 4.23 nightlies (#729)

known issues

  • (Eclipse): There is an issue with the internal web browser opening HTTP URLs on macOS, showing an error popup from the operating system instead of opening the HTTP URL. Therefore, the default setting has changed to use the external system browser by default.

  • (Spring Boot): Importing Spring Guides into the IDE using Gradle can result in an exception error dialog showing up, complaining about an incompatible class file version. This is most likely due to the IDE running on the embedded JDK17 by default, but the Gradle version in some Spring Guides is not yet updated to a JDK17-compatible version of Gradle. If you face this issue, please import the Spring Guide using Gradle, as usual, ignore the error dialog, and switch to Gradle 7.3 in the file of the imported project. Then trigger a refresh of the Gradle project using the context menu.


02 Feb 11:41
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fixes and improvements

  • (Spring Boot) improvement: Consider if content assist can be offered for spring.config.import property keys (#536)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: YAML editor generates wrong EOL characters in Windows (#709)
  • (VSCode) fixed: Always pop up a prompt box: indexing spring boot properties (#697)
  • (VSCode) fixed: Spring Boot Tools for VS Code incorrectly misidentifies internal JDK for Language Support for Java as a JRE (#715)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Create or modify new project - maven update problem (#703)

known issues

  • (Eclipse): There is an issue with the internal web browser opening HTTP URLs on macOS, showing an error popup from the operating system instead of opening the HTTP URL. The best way to workaround this is to switch to an external browser in the preferences via Preferences -> General -> Web Browser and then select Use External Web Browser.

  • (Spring Boot): Importing Spring Guides into the IDE using Gradle can result in an exception error dialog showing up, complaining about an incompatible class file version. This is most likely due to the IDE running on the embedded JDK17 by default, but the Gradle version in some Spring Guides is not yet updated to a JDK17-compatible version of Gradle. If you face this issue, please import the Spring Guide using Gradle, as usual, ignore the error dialog, and switch to Gradle 7.3 in the file of the imported project. Then trigger a refresh of the Gradle project using the context menu.


08 Dec 15:49
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major changes to the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution

  • updated to Eclipse 2021-12 release (including support for Java 17) (new and noteworthy)
  • builds for Apple Silicon platform (ARM M1) are available now from the regular download page

additional changes

  • (Spring Boot) fixed: STS 4.12.0 (for eclipse) *.yml can't automatic prompt (#690)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: A StackOverFlow error for serializable Kotlin data class for autocompletion in the Eclipse IDE (#693)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Typescript comparison: An internal error occurred during: "LSP4E Linked Editing Highlight" (#700)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: js syntax highlight disabled by STS4 (#702)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Cannot copy/paste from ANSI console without escape sequences (#667) - fixed in ANSI Color Console project thanks to @mihnita

known issues

  • (Eclipse): Updates from STS <= 4.12.1 to the latest Eclipse 2021-1 release will not work due to an incompatibility between the slightly outdated m2e.egit integration that was part of STS <= 4.12.1 distributions and the newest EGit version that is included in Eclipse 2021-12. Therefore the automatic update will only update the Spring Tools components from 4.12.1 to 4.13.0, without also updating the underlying Eclipse release. If you want to updat the underlying Eclipse release as well, please uninstall the m2e.egit integration feature as a first step using the About dialog, then Installation Details, select the Maven SCM Handler for EGit feature and uninstall it. After that, updates to the latest Eclipse platform should work again.

  • (Eclipse): There is an issue with the internal web browser opening HTTP URLs on macOS, showing an error popup from the operating system instead of opening the HTTP URL. The best way to workaround this is to switch to an external browser in the preferences via Preferences -> General -> Web Browser and then select Use External Web Browser.

  • (Spring Boot): Importing Spring Guides into the IDE using Gradle can result in an exception error dialog showing up, complaining about an incompatible class file version. This is most likely due to the IDE running on the embedded JDK17 by default, but the Gradle version in some Spring Guides is not yet updated to a JDK17-compatible version of Gradle. If you face this issue, please import the Spring Guide using Gradle, as usual, ignore the error dialog, and switch to Gradle 7.3 in the file of the imported project. Then trigger a refresh of the Gradle project using the context menu.


27 Oct 13:37
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This is an update release for the Eclipse-based distributions only. The VSCode and Theia extensions remain unchanged.

important updates to the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution

additional changes

  • (Eclipse) fixed: Alway Download sources and javadoc when I open sts (distribution includes latest m2e 1.18.2 release now) (#692)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: docker integration doesn't work on Apple Silicon (#684)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Annoying error message on every eclipse startup if CF destination is not reachable (#688)

known issues

  • (Eclipse): There is an issue with the internal web browser opening HTTP URLs on macOS, showing an error popup from the operating system instead of opening the HTTP URL. The best way to workaround this is to switch to an external browser in the preferences via Preferences -> General -> Web Browser and then select Use External Web Browser.


15 Sep 14:18
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major changes to the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution

additional changes

  • (VS Code, Spring Boot) fixed: [codespaces] vscode extension crashes if specified log output location doesn't work (#676)
  • (Eclipse, Spring Boot) improvement: Little UX improvement for Tags Editor in the Properties View (#649)
  • (Eclipse, Spring Boot) fixed: symbols don't work anymore in Eclipse (#682)
  • (Eclipse, Spring Boot) fixed: Problem with the STS/eclipse initializr for custom project types (#660)

known issues

  • (Eclipse): There is an issue with the internal web browser opening HTTP URLs on macOS, showing an error popup from the operating system instead of opening the HTTP URL. The best way to workaround this is to switch to an external browser in the preferences via Preferences -> General -> Web Browser and then select Use External Web Browser.
  • (Eclipse): The docker integration inside of the Boot Dashboard doesn't work on Apple Silicon (#684)


18 Aug 11:23
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  • (VS Code, Spring Boot) fixed: [codespaces] spring boot extension starting up multiple times in Codespaces setting (#669)
  • (VS Code, Spring Boot) fixed: [codespaces] spring boot extension doesn't find the right JDK when connecting to a codespace (#670)
  • (VS Code, Spring Boot) fixed: JAVA_Home should be right but still shows "Note Java 8 can still be used in your own projects" (#664)
  • (Eclipse) improvement: progress view shows many AsyncLiveExpression refresh messages and doesn't respond anymore (#653)
  • (Eclipse) improvement: latest CI builds do not show port of running app anymore (#659)
  • (Concourse) improvement: Property 'commit_message' not recognized for semver resources (#655)
  • (Concourse) improvement: GitResource schema, add missing properties (#671)
  • (Concourse) improvement: Unknown property 'fetch_tags' for type 'GitSource'(YamlSchemaProblem) (#668)