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(Piper) Node Monitor API

成文 edited this page Mar 24, 2022 · 36 revisions

1 Base API Url


[http:]xxxx:8617/efm.doaction?ac=action (GET方式)

[http:]xxxx:8617/efm.doaction (POST方式)

{ "ac":"action" }

2 node manage

名称 接口说明 参数说明 约束
getResource 读取资源配置内容 None
updateResource 更新资源配置 {"content":""}
addResource 添加资源 socket {"socket":{}}
removeResource remove resource socket {"name":"socketName"} 删除将导致引用的实例被停止
getNodeConfig 读取节点配置文件 None
setNodeConfig 设置节点配置文件 {"content":""}
getStatus get node environmental state. None
startSearcherService open node searcher service None
stopSearcherService stop node searcher service None
startHttpReaderServiceService start node http reader pipe service None
stopHttpReaderServiceService stop node http reader pipe service None
restartNode restart node None
loadHandler 加载外部jar

3 instance manage

名称 接口说明 参数说明 约束
getInstances get all instances info None
getInstanceXml 获取实例task.xml配置内容 {"instance":"xxx"}
updateInstanceXml 更新实例task.xml配置 {"instance":"xxx","content":""}
getInstanceSeqs get instance L1seqs {"instance":"xxx"}
cloneInstance Clone the instance {"instance":"test","new_instance_name":"test_new"}
resetInstanceState reset Instance full+increment running state {"instance":"xxx"}
reloadInstanceConfig reload instance config and rebuild instance task {"instance":"xx","reset":"true/false"} reset true will recreate the instance in java from instance configure.
runNow Perform the instance task immediately {"instance":"xx","type":"full/increment"}
addInstance push instance to system {"instance":"xxx","level":"task level","content":"task.xml base64 content"}
addInstanceToSystem push instance setting to system {"instance":"xxx","level":"task level"}
stopInstance stop instance job {"instance":"xxx":"type":"full/increment"}
resumeInstance resume instance job {"instance":"xxx":"type":"full/increment"}
removeInstance remove instance stop relate jobs and save to configure file. {"instance":"xxx"}
deleteInstanceData delete Instance Data through alias or Instance data name {"instance":"xxx"}
getInstanceInfo get instance detail informations. {"instance":"xxx"}
runCode run ElasticFlow CPU instruction program. {"script":"script content"}
setInstancePipeConfig Modify task configure {"instance":"xxx","":"TransParam.multiThread","param.value":false}