- C66 -> 0402
- I2S: DIN/DOUT switched
- p2 connector zu raspi abstand erhöhen
IMU Footprint fixenMPU9500 passt (nicht MPU9050) - Panel DCDC input capacitors reevaluate
- "you don't really need polymer so you could use some low ESR electrolytic"
- get rid of chineese DCDC
- Panel DCDC: improve thermal performance
- Raspi LED an GPIO von raspi für Info funktion
- standard folienlautsprecher footprint
- vsync over extra FPGA IO
- Fix Stencils????
Pullup on Shutdown pin?ist schon vorhanden - shutdown / button pin -> zener schutzdiode
- maybe switch all FPGA pins for best Panel connection
- FPGA passives, alle footprint 0402 -> 0603 ?
- IDC Buchse breiterer Footprint, wegen billigerem stecker (CNC TECH?!)
- Panel Levelswitch 5V -> panel dcdc 4.2V
- DC/DC Widerstände fixen für defaultspannung höher
- Vias auf den BatterySpringcontacts (wurden leicht abgerissen)
- IO expansion header
- SPI2 / I2C / UART / GPIOs
- 5v + 3v3
- Externe Anschaltlösung
- stift von aussen durch eckenloch an taster
- capacitiv ?
- button in bigger/better
- make the hole battery longer, remove the notch
- vertical front panel as button holder
- on/off aditional high-side switch
- move R23 away from under the battholder
- pulldown on shutdown pin? (weaker than the pullup on masterboard) -> 1M ?
- kupfer unter den schrauben weg