- Restful APIs: build and manage Restful APIs.
- Logging: use Spring Boot's logging features to track the application's behavior and troubleshoot issues.
- N Tier Architecture: Master the N Tier Architecture design pattern, crucial for developing scalable and maintainable applications.
- Spring Boot Actuator: Get to grips with Spring Boot Actuator, a powerful tool that provides production-ready features to monitor and manage your application.
- Dependency Injection: Understand the concept of dependency injection and how it helps to make your applications loosely coupled, extensible, and maintainable.
- Unit Tests: write unit tests for the Spring Boot applications.
- Integration Tests: write integration tests that check if different parts of your application work well together.
- JSON Serialization and Deserialization: convert Java objects into JSON and vice versa.
- Java Beans Validation: validate data using built-in and custom validation annotations.
- Open Feign: use Open Feign, a declarative web service client that makes writing HTTP clients easier.
- Exception Handling: create custom exceptions and exception handler classes.
- Lombok: use Lombok to reduce boilerplate code.
- Running Spring Boot Applications: use Maven and Docker to run the applications.