VM nodes integration in containerlab is based on the hellt/vrnetlab project which is a fork of vrnetlab/vrnetlab
where things were added to make it work with the container networking.
Start with cloning the project:
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/hellt/vrnetlab.git
cd ~/vrnetlab
Cisco c8000v qcow image is located at ~/images/c8000v-universalk9_16G_serial.17.11.01a.qcow2
and should be copied to the ~/vrnetlab/c8000v/
directory before building the container image.
cp ~/images/c8000v-universalk9_16G_serial.17.11.01a.qcow2 ~/vrnetlab/c8000v/
Once copied, we can enter in the ~/vrnetlab/c8000v
image and build the container image:
cd ~/vrnetlab/c8000v
Note, that c8000v image will run the VM during the container build time. This is to unpack the image once at build time, instead of doing it every time a container is started. That is why the build time is longer than for SR OS image.
While it is building the image, open another terminal window and proceed with building the SR OS image
The resulting image will be tagged as vrnetlab/cisco_c8000v:17.11.01a
SR OS qcow image is located at ~/images/sros-vm-24.3.R1.qcow2
and should be copied to the ~/vrnetlab/sros/
directory before building the container image.
cp ~/images/sros-vm-24.7.R1.qcow2 ~/vrnetlab/sros/
Once copied, we can enter in the ~/vrnetlab/sros
image and build the container image:
cd ~/vrnetlab/sros
The image will be built and tagged as vrnetlab/nokia_sros:24.7.R1
. The tag is auto-derived from the file name.
With the images built, we can proceed with the lab deployment. First, let's switch back to the lab directory:
cd ~/clab-workshop/20-vm
Now lets deploy the lab:
sudo clab dep -c
You will notice that the lab deployment log will show the following message and the deployment process will appear stuck:
Waiting for clab-vm-sros to be ready. This may take a while. Monitor boot log with `sudo docker logs -f clab-vm-sros`
This is because containerlab waits for SR OS node to boot and become ready for containerlab to inject SSH keys to enabled passwordless SSH access. To monitor the boot process, you can open a new terminal and run the following command:
docker logs -f clab-vm-sros
the SR OS boot time is approx 3 minutes.
You will see the boot process of the SR OS node as it would have been seen in a terminal connected to the real hardware console.
The same docker logs
command can be used for the clab-vm-c8000v
node to monitor the boot log of the Cisco Catalyst 8000v node.
The c8000v boot time is approx 3 minutes.
To connect to SR OS node:
ssh clab-vm-sros
No user/password is needed, since username is injected by containerlab as well as the local public key for passwordless SSH access.
To connect to the c8000v node use admin:admin
ssh clab-vm-c8000v
If not logged in yet, open a new terminal and connect to the SR OS node:
ssh clab-vm-sros
While logged in in the SR OS CLI paste the following snippet to configure SR OS:
edit-config private
/configure port 1/1/c1 admin-state enable
/configure port 1/1/c1 connector breakout c1-100g
/configure port 1/1/c1/1 admin-state enable
/configure port 1/1/c1/1 description "port 1/1/c1/1"
/configure port 1/1/c1/1 ethernet mode hybrid
/configure port 1/1/c1/1 { ethernet lldp }
/configure port 1/1/c1/1 ethernet lldp dest-mac nearest-bridge notification true
/configure port 1/1/c1/1 ethernet lldp dest-mac nearest-bridge port-id-subtype tx-if-name
/configure port 1/1/c1/1 ethernet lldp dest-mac nearest-bridge receive true
/configure port 1/1/c1/1 ethernet lldp dest-mac nearest-bridge transmit true
/configure port 1/1/c1/1 ethernet lldp dest-mac nearest-bridge tx-tlvs port-desc true
/configure port 1/1/c1/1 ethernet lldp dest-mac nearest-bridge tx-tlvs sys-name true
/configure port 1/1/c1/1 ethernet lldp dest-mac nearest-bridge tx-tlvs sys-desc true
/configure port 1/1/c1/1 ethernet lldp dest-mac nearest-bridge tx-tlvs sys-cap true
/configure port 1/1/c1/1 ethernet lldp dest-mac nearest-bridge tx-mgmt-address oob admin-state enable
/configure port 1/1/c1/1 ethernet lldp dest-mac nearest-bridge tx-mgmt-address system admin-state enable
/configure router "Base" interface "toC8kv" { admin-state enable }
/configure router "Base" interface "toC8kv" { port 1/1/c1/1:0 }
/configure router "Base" interface "toC8kv" { ipv4 primary address }
/configure router "Base" interface "toC8kv" { ipv4 primary prefix-length 24 }
exit all
If not logged in yet, open a new terminal and connect to the SR OS node:
# password admin
ssh clab-vm-c8000v
And paste the following configuration:
conf t
lldp run
interface GigabitEthernet2
ip address
lldp receive
lldp transmit
no shutdown
Now we configured the two systems to be able to communicate with each other and enabled LLDP on both sides. Perform a ping from SR OS towards the c8000v node and let it run:
While in SR OS CLI, let's check a few things. First, let's see if LLDP is working and we detect the c8000v node:
A:admin@sros# / show port "1/1/c1/1" ethernet lldp remote-info
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Port Information
Port 1/1/c1/1 Bridge nearest-bridge Remote Peer Information
Remote Peer Index 1 at timestamp 11/07/2024 13:36:07:
Supported Caps : bridge router
Enabled Caps : router
Chassis Id Subtype : 4 (macAddress)
Chassis Id : 00:1E:BD:D7:38:00
PortId Subtype : 5 (interfaceName)
Port Id : 47:69:32
Port Description : GigabitEthernet2
System Name : c8000v.example.com
System Description : Cisco IOS Software [Dublin], Virtual XE Software
(X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 17.11.1a,
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2023 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 05-Apr-23 06:54 by
Age : 213 seconds
Port 1/1/c1/1 Bridge nearest-non-tpmr Remote Peer Information
No remote peers found
Port 1/1/c1/1 Bridge nearest-customer Remote Peer Information
No remote peers found
Great, the neighboring router is detected, which means that L2 protocols such as LLDP are working fine.
Next, check the configuration status of the interface towards the c8000v node:
A:admin@sros# / show router "Base" interface "toC8kv"
Interface Table (Router: Base)
Interface-Name Adm Opr(v4/v6) Mode Port/SapId
IP-Address PfxState
toC8kv Up Up/Down Network 1/1/c1/1:0 n/a
Interfaces : 1
The interface is up and the remote IP address is, let's start the ping it to verify the datapath and make it run for a while with thousands of probes requested:
A:admin@sros# ping count 2000
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=50.4ms.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=1.57ms.
Pings are flowing, neat. Let them run in this terminal window, we will need them later.
In a new terminal window open c8000v node's container shell:
docker exec -it clab-vm-c8000v bash
Explore the Linux link interfaces available in the container:
ip link
the tap1
interface corresponds to the VM's interfaces and it is transparently "stitched" (with tc mirred
You can sniff the traffic on both eth1
and tap1
interface, and see that they carry the same traffic, as they are merely two ends of the same virtual link.
tcpdump -nni tap1
The management interface doesn't use the tapX
interface, but rather leverage the qemu user mode networking, where qemu is instructed to forward connections made to certain ports on the localhost to a special qemu-managed interface that represents the VM's management interface.
You can see those host forward rules created by vrnetlab, when you list the qemu process:
root@c8000v:/# ps auxw | grep qemu
root 13 99.9 25.8 4667132 4231652 pts/0 Sl+ 14:11 126:16 qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -display none -machine pc -monitor tcp:,server,nowait -serial telnet:,server,nowait -m 4096 -cpu host -smp 1 -drive if=ide,file=/c8000v-universalk9_16G_serial.17.11.01a-overlay-overlay-overlay.qcow2 -device pci-bridge,chassis_nr=1,id=pci.1 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=p00,mac=0C:00:ed:ba:55:00 -netdev user,id=p00,net=,tftp=/tftpboot,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=udp:,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp: -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=p01,mac=0C:00:7e:5c:84:01,bus=pci.1,addr=0x2 -netdev tap,id=p01,ifname=tap1,script=/etc/tc-tap-ifup,downscript=no
root 1622 0.0 0.0 3324 1596 pts/1 S+ 16:17 0:00 grep qemu
Look for hostfwd
options in the qemu command line. Those are the port forwarding rules that qemu uses to forward the connections to the VM's management interface. For example, as per the output above, the hostfwd=tcp:
rule forwards connections made to the localhost:22 to the VM's interface