Traits provide a mechanism for reusing sets of methods in independent classes.
PHPUnit introduced support for traits with version 3.8, but similar to testing “regular” classes, private/protected functions are not accessible by default. As PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::getMockForTrait()
fails in conjunction with class reflection, the suggested approach uses PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::getObjectForTrait()
and the ReflectionMethod
class to make the desired methods accessible for testing.
Given a trait
trait ExampleTrait
protected function doTheMagic($parameter)
return $returnValue;
the protected method can be accessed in a PHPUnit test like
class ExampleTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @test
public function testTheMagic()
$exampleTrait = $this->getObjectForTrait(ExampleTrait::class);
$doTheMagicReflection = new \ReflectionMethod(get_class($exampleTrait), 'doTheMagic');
$doTheMagicReflection->invoke($exampleTrait, $testParameter)
Inspired by: Testing traits with non-public methods