This project implements a database controller. It introduces a CRD that allows someone to create a database claim. That database claim will create a database in an existing postgres server, or it could create a cloud claim that will attach a database on demand. Additionally it will create user/password to the database and rotate them.
See db-controller docs for more detail on the db-controller.
The installation should create:
- a stable role to own the schema and schema objects
- at least two logins that the controller can jump between
The docs are developed using mkdocs you can run a local server to view the rendered content before checking them into git:
mkdocs serve
- The code doesn't implement the rotation strategy correctly.
The project was not setup for local debugging. The first time I ran it it crashed at the viper config load was looking for the configFile at "/etc/config/config.yaml"
Looking at the helm chart you see that a config file is loaded, but all the values are left as defaults in this case.
config.yaml: |
# master credentials source can be 'aws' or 'secret'
#authSource: "aws"
The deployment resource passes this mounted as configmap to the application:
- --config-file=/etc/config/config.yaml
For local debugging created a config file:
Added program argument when running it local:
After these changes you can now run the db-controller locally:
API server listening at:
debugserver-@(#)PROGRAM:LLDB PROJECT:lldb-1316.0.9.41
for x86_64.
Got a connection, launched process /private/var/folders/49/3pxhjsps4fx4q21nkbj1j6n00000gp/T/GoLand/___db_controller (pid = 32109).
{"level":"info","ts":1650469489.2526941,"msg":"loading config"}
The db-controller wont go far since we have not loaded the CRDs yet. Here are the steps to setup the local environment:
kind create cluster
cd helm/db-controller-crds
helm install db-controller-crds .
The install gives errors but the CRDs are installed!! Need further debugging.
❯ helm install db-controller-crds .
Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with install: CustomResourceDefinition "" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; label validation error: missing key "": must be set to "Helm"; annotation validation error: missing key "": must be set to "db-controller-crds"; annotation validation error: missing key "": must be set to "default"
❯ k get crds | grep infoblox 2022-04-20T16:12:11Z
Now with the DatabaseClaim CRD installed you can see that controller is able to startup:
API server listening at:
{"level":"info","ts":1650471244.296891,"msg":"Starting server","kind":"health probe","addr":"[::]:8081"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650471244.297001,"logger":"controller.databaseclaim","msg":"Starting EventSource","reconciler group":"","reconciler kind":"DatabaseClaim","source":"kind source: *v1.DatabaseClaim"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650471244.297049,"logger":"controller.databaseclaim","msg":"Starting Controller","reconciler group":"","reconciler kind":"DatabaseClaim"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650471244.3978748,"logger":"controller.databaseclaim","msg":"Starting workers","reconciler group":"","reconciler kind":"DatabaseClaim","worker count":1}
To get the reconciler running we will apply a DatabaseClaim:
cd helm/dbclaim-sample
k create namespace dbclaim-sample
helm install dbclaim-sample --namespace dbclaim-sample .
This gets us further but db-controller namespace is not set in deployment it gets set in environment variable SERVICE_NAMESPACE:
- name: {{ .Chart.Name }}-manager
- containerPort: 8443
name: https
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
So for local debugging we set environment variable:
export SERVICE_NAMESPACE=db-controller
kubectl create namespace db-controller
Create namespace if not already created:
kubectl create namespace db-controller
Create postgres database server:
cd helm/sample-postgres
helm install -n db-controller postgres .
Make sure it is running
kubectl get pods
postgres-postgresql-0 1/1 Running 0 16h
port-forward so that you can reach it from localhost:5432
kubectl port-forward postgres-postgresql-0 5432:5432
Here is what the config.yaml configuration for this local setup looks like for local setup:
username: postgres
host: localhost
port: 5432
sslMode: disable
passwordSecretRef: postgres-postgresql
passwordSecretKey: postgresql-password
Here is what the config.yaml configuration for this local setup looks like for local setup:
This make us get to get the client secret:
Got a connection, launched process /private/var/folders/49/3pxhjsps4fx4q21nkbj1j6n00000gp/T/GoLand/___2db_controller (pid = 59179).
{"level":"info","ts":1650554772.588421,"msg":"loading config"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554773.195811,"logger":"controller-runtime.metrics","msg":"Metrics server is starting to listen","addr":""}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554773.196074,"logger":"setup","msg":"starting manager"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554773.196287,"msg":"Starting server","path":"/metrics","kind":"metrics","addr":"[::]:8080"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554773.196287,"msg":"Starting server","kind":"health probe","addr":"[::]:8081"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554773.196388,"logger":"controller.databaseclaim","msg":"Starting EventSource","reconciler group":"","reconciler kind":"DatabaseClaim","source":"kind source: *v1.DatabaseClaim"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554773.1964228,"logger":"controller.databaseclaim","msg":"Starting Controller","reconciler group":"","reconciler kind":"DatabaseClaim"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554773.297556,"logger":"controller.databaseclaim","msg":"Starting workers","reconciler group":"","reconciler kind":"DatabaseClaim","worker count":1}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554773.2979488,"logger":"controllers.DatabaseClaim","msg":"creating database client","databaseclaim":"dbclaim-sample/databaseclaim-sample"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554773.298023,"logger":"controllers.DatabaseClaim","msg":"using credentials from secret"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554782.1417012,"logger":"controllers.DatabaseClaim","msg":"processing DBClaim: databaseclaim-sample namespace: dbclaim-sample AppID: sample-app","databaseclaim":"dbclaim-sample/databaseclaim-sample"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554794.11509,"logger":"controllers.DatabaseClaim","msg":"creating DB:","databaseclaim":"dbclaim-sample/databaseclaim-sample","database name":"sample_app"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554794.399101,"logger":"controllers.DatabaseClaim","msg":"database has been created","databaseclaim":"dbclaim-sample/databaseclaim-sample","DB":"sample_app"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554803.734873,"logger":"controllers.DatabaseClaim","msg":"creating a ROLE","databaseclaim":"dbclaim-sample/databaseclaim-sample","role":"sample_user"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554803.740366,"logger":"controllers.DatabaseClaim","msg":"role has been created","databaseclaim":"dbclaim-sample/databaseclaim-sample","role":"sample_user"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554803.740391,"logger":"controllers.DatabaseClaim","msg":"rotating users","databaseclaim":"dbclaim-sample/databaseclaim-sample"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554803.744957,"logger":"controllers.DatabaseClaim","msg":"creating a user","databaseclaim":"dbclaim-sample/databaseclaim-sample","user":"sample_user_a"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554803.749567,"logger":"controllers.DatabaseClaim","msg":"user has been created","databaseclaim":"dbclaim-sample/databaseclaim-sample","user":"sample_user_a"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650554803.756309,"logger":"controllers.DatabaseClaim","msg":"creating connection info secret","secret":"databaseclaim-sample","namespace":"dbclaim-sample"}
Check that secret is managed:
kubectl -n dbclaim-sample get secrets
The "databaseclaim-sample" is the secret name specified by the claim:
databaseclaim-sample Opaque 2 7m30s
default-token-mnrfg 3 22h
sh.helm.release.v1.dbclaim-sample.v1 1 22h
The implementation is currently using crossplane but it could use any provider to overlay over the DatabaseClaim.
We need to configure a dynamic database connection in the configuration. TODO - this could be omitted and we could setup everything from the claim. The configuration looks like:
# host omitted, allocates database dynamically
username: root
port: 5432
sslMode: require
engineVersion: 12.8
passwordSecretRef: dynamic-connection-secret
There will be two local debugging environment:
- one will be to setup crossplane on kind cluster and debug as that will be the fastest way to bring up the environment.
- This will require having a EKS cluster that you can reference for setting up the subnet-group and security group which tied to EKS vpc
- It will also require setting up a different ProviderConfig right now it is using IRSA and will need local credentials
- second will be to setup crossplane on EKS and this will the closest to production testing
For kind environment run the deploy setps: TODO - This is not working yet, see above notes
cd deploy
make kind
For EKS we assume you have run:
cd deploy
make eks
kubectl create namespace db-controller
I raised an issue on Kubebuilder community seems to be problem with MacOS based on my investigation. If you running MacOS you can load the tools locally and tests should run.
This was a problem that was raised about this not working on a cluster that was not setup using the Deploy project here that is using eksctl but using other tooling.
I looked at the logs:
kubectl logs -f db-controller-5c475895b4-44cqc -c db-controller-manager
There is this error about connectivity problem:
"level": "error",
"ts": 1651940225.8717563,
"logger": "controllers.DatabaseClaim",
"msg": "error creating database postgresURI postgres://root:@db-controller-dynamic.<some region>",
"databaseclaim": "<some namespace>/databaseclaim-dynamic-1",
"error": "dial tcp connect: connection timed out",
"stacktrace": "*DatabaseClaimReconciler).Reconcile\n\t/workspace/controllers/databaseclaim_controller.go:116\*Controller).Reconcile\n\t/go/pkg/mod/\*Controller).reconcileHandler\n\t/go/pkg/mod/\*Controller).processNextWorkItem\n\t/go/pkg/mod/\*Controller).Start.func2.2\n\t/go/pkg/mod/"
You can use a command like:
aws --profile <some profile> --region <some region> rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier db-controller-dynamic
- DBInstances->Endpoint->Address : Should match the endpoint for Postgres msg
- DBInstances->Endpoint->Port : 5432
- DBInstances->VpcSecurityGroups->VpcSecurityGroupId : "sg-..." Make sure that it allows connectivity to cluster
- DBInstances->DBSubnetGroup->VpcId: Matches EKS Cluster
- DBInstances->DBSubnetGroup->Subnets[]: Matches EKS Cluster Subnets
To check the security group you can use a command like:
❯ aws --profile <some-profile> --region <some-region> ec2 describe-security-groups --group-ids sg-...
- SecurityGroups->IpPermissions[]: Should match the port above
In the above case we had:
"SecurityGroups": [
"Description": "<some description>",
"GroupName": "<some group name>",
"IpPermissions": [
"FromPort": 10000,
"IpProtocol": "tcp",
"IpRanges": [
"CidrIp": "",
"Description": "all ips"
"Ipv6Ranges": [],
"PrefixListIds": [],
"ToPort": 10000,
"UserIdGroupPairs": []
Note that this Security Group is programmed to accept connection on 10000 while db-controller is setup to connect to 5432 so that is the cause of the issue.
How would you test this with postgres client? First lets run a container with psql client in it:
cd helm/sample-postgres
kubectl create ns postgres
helm install postgres -n postgres .
After the database is running we can use the bundled psql client to test our database, using the postgres dsn from the db-controller log. Note that the password is missing from the logs and you will need to find the value from the secret in db-controller namespace for this database as part of your connection string.
kubectl -n postgres exec -it postgres-postgresql-0 /bin/sh
PGPASSWORD=PGPASSHEREz... createdb -h db-controller-dynamic.<some-region> -U root -p 10000 sample_app_claim_1
psql postgres://root:<password>@db-controller-dynamic.<some region>
psql postgres://root:PASSHERE@:5432/sample_app_claim_1?sslmode=require psql postgres://root:PASSHERE@:10000/sample_app_claim_1?sslmode=require
PGPASSWORD=PASSHERE createdb -h -U root -p 5432 sample_app_claim_1 PGPASSWORD=PASSHERE createdb -h -U root -p 5432 sample_app_claim_1