\n"}, "stac_check.cli": {"fullname": "stac_check.cli", "modulename": "stac_check.cli", "kind": "module", "doc": "
\n"}, "stac_check.cli.link_asset_message": {"fullname": "stac_check.cli.link_asset_message", "modulename": "stac_check.cli", "qualname": "link_asset_message", "kind": "function", "doc": "Prints a list of links or assets and any errors associated with them.
\n\nArgs:\n link_list (list): A list of links or assets.\n type (str): The type of link or asset being processed.\n format (str): The format or request being used.\n healthy_msg (bool): Whether to display \"No TYPE errors!\" or not
\n\nReturns:\n None.
\n", "signature": "(link_list : list , type : str , format : str , healthy_msg : bool ) -> None : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.cli.recursive_message": {"fullname": "stac_check.cli.recursive_message", "modulename": "stac_check.cli", "qualname": "recursive_message", "kind": "function", "doc": "Displays messages related to the recursive validation of assets in a collection or catalog.
\n\nArgs:\n linter: An instance of the Linter class.
\n\nReturns:\n None.
\n", "signature": "(linter : stac_check . lint . Linter ) -> None : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.cli.intro_message": {"fullname": "stac_check.cli.intro_message", "modulename": "stac_check.cli", "qualname": "intro_message", "kind": "function", "doc": "Prints an introduction message for the stac-check tool.
\n\nThe message includes the stac-check logo, the name of the tool, the version\nof the STAC spec being validated, an update message, and the version of the\nstac-validator being used.
\n\nArgs:\n linter (object): An instance of the Linter class, which is used to\n obtain the version of the STAC spec being validated, the update\n message, and the version of the stac-validator being used.
\n\nReturns:\n None.
\n", "signature": "(linter : stac_check . lint . Linter ) -> None : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.cli.cli_message": {"fullname": "stac_check.cli.cli_message", "modulename": "stac_check.cli", "qualname": "cli_message", "kind": "function", "doc": "Prints various messages about the STAC object being validated.
\n\nArgs:\n linter: The Linter
object containing information about\n the STAC object to be validated.
\n\nReturns:\n None
\n", "signature": "(linter : stac_check . lint . Linter ) -> None : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "kind": "module", "doc": "
\n"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter", "kind": "class", "doc": "A class for linting STAC JSON files and generating validation messages.
\n\nArgs:\n item (Union[str, dict]): A URL, file name, or dictionary representing a STAC JSON file.\n config_file (Optional[str], optional): A path to a YAML configuration file. Defaults to None.\n assets (bool, optional): A boolean value indicating whether to validate assets. Defaults to False.\n links (bool, optional): A boolean value indicating whether to validate links. Defaults to False.\n recursive (bool, optional): A boolean value indicating whether to perform recursive validation. Defaults to False.\n max_depth (Optional[int], optional): An optional integer indicating the maximum depth to validate recursively. Defaults to None.\n assets_open_urls (bool): Whether to open assets URLs when validating assets. Defaults to True.\n headers (dict): HTTP headers to include in the requests.
\n\nAttributes:\n data (dict): A dictionary representing the STAC JSON file.\n message (dict): A dictionary containing the validation message for the STAC JSON file.\n config (dict): A dictionary containing the configuration settings.\n asset_type (str): A string representing the asset type, if one is specified.\n version (str): A string representing the version of the STAC standard used in the STAC JSON file.\n validator_version (str): A string representing the version of the STAC validator used to validate the STAC JSON file.\n validate_all (dict): A dictionary containing the validation message for all STAC JSON files found recursively, if recursive validation was performed.\n valid_stac (bool): A boolean value indicating whether the STAC JSON file is valid.\n error_type (str): A string representing the type of error in the STAC JSON file, if one exists.\n error_msg (str): A string representing the error message in the STAC JSON file, if one exists.\n invalid_asset_format (List[str]): A list of URLs with invalid asset formats, if assets were validated.\n invalid_asset_request (List[str]): A list of URLs with invalid asset requests, if assets were validated.\n invalid_link_format (List[str]): A list of URLs with invalid link formats, if links were validated.\n invalid_link_request (List[str]): A list of URLs with invalid link requests, if links were validated.\n schema (List[str]): A list of the STAC JSON file's JSON schema files.\n object_id (str): A string representing the STAC JSON file's ID.\n file_name (str): A string representing the name of the file containing the STAC JSON data.\n best_practices_msg (str): A string representing best practices messages for the STAC JSON file.
\n\nMethods:\n parse_config(config_file: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict:\n Parses a YAML configuration file and returns a dictionary with the configuration settings.
\n\ndef get_asset_name(self, file: Union[str, Dict] = None) -> str:\n Returns the name of a file.\n\nload_data(self, file: Union[str, Dict]) -> Dict:\n Loads a STAC JSON file from a URL or file path and returns a dictionary representation.\n\nvalidate_file(self, file: Union[str, dict]) -> Dict[str, Any]:\n Validates a STAC JSON file and returns a dictionary with the validation message.\n\nrecursive_validation(self, file: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> str:\n Validates a STAC JSON file recursively and returns a dictionary with the validation message.\n\nset_update_message(self) -> str:\n Sets a message regarding the recommended version of the STAC JSON file standard.\n\ncheck_links_assets(self, num_links: int, url_type: str, format_type: str) -> List[str]:\n Checks whether the STAC JSON file has links or assets with invalid formats or requests.\n\ncheck_error_type(self) -> str:\n Checks whether the STAC JSON file has an error type.\n\ncheck_error_message(self) -> str:\n Checks whether the STAC JSON file has an error message.\n\ndef check_summaries(self) -> bool:\n Checks whether the STAC JSON file has summaries.\n\ncheck_bloated_links(self, max_links: Optional[int] = 20) -> bool:\n Checks whether the STAC JSON file has bloated links.\n\ncheck_bloated_metadata(self, max_properties: Optional[int] = 20) -> bool:\n Checks whether the STAC JSON file has bloated metadata.\n\ncheck_datetime_null(self) -> bool:\n Checks whether the STAC JSON file has a null datetime.\n\ncheck_unlocated(self) -> bool:\n Checks whether the STAC JSON file has unlocated items.\n\ncheck_geometry_null(self) -> bool:\n Checks whether the STAC JSON file has a null geometry.\n\ncheck_searchable_identifiers(self) -> bool:\n Checks whether the STAC JSON file has searchable identifiers.\n\ncheck_percent_encoded(self) -> bool:\n Checks whether the STAC JSON file has percent-encoded characters.\n\ncheck_thumbnail(self) -> bool:\n Checks whether the STAC JSON file has a thumbnail.\n\ncheck_links_title_field(self) -> bool:\n Checks whether the STAC JSON file has a title field in its links.\n\ncheck_links_self(self) -> bool:\n Checks whether the STAC JSON file has a self link.\n\ncheck_item_id_file_name(self) -> bool:\n Checks whether the filename of an Item conforms to the STAC specification.\n\ncheck_catalog_file_name(self) -> str:\n Checks whether the filename of a Catalog or Collection conforms to the STAC specification.\n\ncreate_best_practices_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:\n Creates a dictionary with best practices recommendations for the STAC JSON file.\n\ncreate_best_practices_msg(self) -> List[str]:\n Creates a message with best practices recommendations for the STAC JSON file.\n
\n"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.__init__": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.__init__", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.__init__", "kind": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\titem : Union [ str , dict ] , \tconfig_file : Optional [ str ] = None , \tassets : bool = False , \tlinks : bool = False , \trecursive : bool = False , \tmax_depth : Optional [ int ] = None , \tassets_open_urls : bool = True , \theaders : dict = < factory > ) "}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.item": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.item", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.item", "kind": "variable", "doc": "
\n", "annotation": ": Union[str, dict]"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.config_file": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.config_file", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.config_file", "kind": "variable", "doc": "
\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]", "default_value": "None"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.assets": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.assets", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.assets", "kind": "variable", "doc": "
\n", "annotation": ": bool", "default_value": "False"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.links": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.links", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.links", "kind": "variable", "doc": "
\n", "annotation": ": bool", "default_value": "False"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.recursive": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.recursive", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.recursive", "kind": "variable", "doc": "
\n", "annotation": ": bool", "default_value": "False"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.max_depth": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.max_depth", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.max_depth", "kind": "variable", "doc": "
\n", "annotation": ": Optional[int]", "default_value": "None"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.assets_open_urls": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.assets_open_urls", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.assets_open_urls", "kind": "variable", "doc": "
\n", "annotation": ": bool", "default_value": "True"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.headers": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.headers", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.headers", "kind": "variable", "doc": "
\n", "annotation": ": dict"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.parse_config": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.parse_config", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.parse_config", "kind": "function", "doc": "Parse the configuration file for STAC checks.
\n\nThe method first looks for a file path specified in the STAC_CHECK_CONFIG
\nenvironment variable. If the variable is defined, the method loads the\nYAML configuration file located at that path. Otherwise, it loads the default\nconfiguration file packaged with the stac-check
\n\nIf config_file
is specified, the method also loads the YAML configuration\nfile located at that path and merges its contents with the default or\nenvironment-based configuration.
\n\nArgs:\n config_file (str): The path to the YAML configuration file.
\n\nReturns:\n A dictionary containing the parsed configuration values.
\n\nRaises:\n IOError: If config_file
is specified but cannot be read.\n yaml.YAMLError: If any YAML syntax errors occur while parsing the\n configuration file(s).
\n", "signature": "(config_file : Optional [ str ] = None ) -> Dict : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.get_asset_name": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.get_asset_name", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.get_asset_name", "kind": "function", "doc": "Extracts the name of an asset from its file path or from a STAC item asset dictionary.
\n\nArgs:\n file (Union[str, dict], optional): A string representing the file path to the asset or a dictionary representing the\n asset as specified in a STAC item's assets
\n\nReturns:\n A string containing the name of the asset.
\n\nRaises:\n TypeError: If the input file
is not a string or a dictionary.
\n", "signature": "(self , file : Union [ str , Dict ] = None ) -> str : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.load_data": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.load_data", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.load_data", "kind": "function", "doc": "Loads JSON data from a file or URL.
\n\nArgs:\n file (Union[str, Dict]): A string representing the path to a JSON file or a dictionary containing the JSON data.
\n\nReturns:\n A dictionary containing the loaded JSON data.
\n\nRaises:\n TypeError: If the input file
is not a string or dictionary.\n ValueError: If file
is a string that doesn't represent a valid URL or file path.\n requests.exceptions.RequestException: If there is an error making a request to a URL.\n JSONDecodeError: If the JSON data cannot be decoded.\n FileNotFoundError: If the specified file cannot be found.
\n", "signature": "(self , file : Union [ str , Dict ] ) -> Dict : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.validate_file": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.validate_file", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.validate_file", "kind": "function", "doc": "Validates the given file path or STAC dictionary against the validation schema.
\n\nArgs:\n file (Union[str, dict]): A string representing the file path to the STAC file or a dictionary representing the STAC\n item.
\n\nReturns:\n A dictionary containing the results of the validation, including the status of the validation and any errors\n encountered.
\n\nRaises:\n ValueError: If file
is not a valid file path or STAC dictionary.
\n", "signature": "(self , file : Union [ str , dict ] ) -> Dict [ str , Any ] : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.recursive_validation": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.recursive_validation", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.recursive_validation", "kind": "function", "doc": "Recursively validate a STAC item or catalog file and its child items.
\n\nArgs:\n file (Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]): A string representing the file path to the STAC item or catalog, or a\n dictionary representing the STAC item or catalog.
\n\nReturns:\n A string containing the validation message.
\n\nRaises:\n TypeError: If the input file
is not a string or a dictionary.
\n", "signature": "(self , file : Union [ str , Dict [ str , Any ]] ) -> str : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.set_update_message": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.set_update_message", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.set_update_message", "kind": "function", "doc": "Returns a message for users to update their STAC version.
\n\nReturns:\n A string containing a message for users to update their STAC version.
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> str : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_links_assets": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_links_assets", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_links_assets", "kind": "function", "doc": "Checks the links and assets in the STAC catalog and returns a list of invalid links of a specified type and format.
\n\nArgs:\n num_links (int): The maximum number of invalid links to return.\n url_type (str): The type of URL to check, which can be either 'self' or 'external'.\n format_type (str): The format of the URL to check, which can be either 'html' or 'json'.
\n\nReturns:\n A list of invalid links of the specified type and format. If there are no invalid links, an empty list is returned.
\n", "signature": "(self , num_links : int , url_type : str , format_type : str ) -> List [ str ] : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_error_type": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_error_type", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_error_type", "kind": "function", "doc": "Returns the error type of a STAC validation if it exists in the validation message,\nand an empty string otherwise.
\n\nReturns:\n str: A string containing the error type of a STAC validation if it exists in the validation message, and an\n empty string otherwise.
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> str : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_error_message": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_error_message", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_error_message", "kind": "function", "doc": "Checks whether the message
attribute contains an error_message
\n\nReturns:\n A string containing the value of the error_message
field, or an empty string if the field is not present.
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> str : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_summaries": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_summaries", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_summaries", "kind": "function", "doc": "Check if a Collection asset has a \"summaries\" property.
\n\nReturns:\n A boolean indicating whether the Collection asset has a \"summaries\" property.
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> bool : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_bloated_links": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_bloated_links", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_bloated_links", "kind": "function", "doc": "Checks if the number of links in the STAC data exceeds a certain maximum.
\n\nArgs:\n max_links (Optional[int]): The maximum number of links that the STAC data is allowed to have. Default is 20.
\n\nReturns:\n bool: A boolean indicating if the number of links in the STAC data exceeds the specified maximum.
\n", "signature": "(self , max_links : Optional [ int ] = 20 ) -> bool : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_bloated_metadata": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_bloated_metadata", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_bloated_metadata", "kind": "function", "doc": "Checks whether a STAC item's metadata contains too many properties.
\n\nArgs:\n max_properties (int, optional): The maximum number of properties that the metadata can contain before it is\n considered too bloated. Defaults to 20.
\n\nReturns:\n bool: True if the number of properties in the metadata exceeds the maximum number of properties specified by\n max_properties
, False otherwise.
\n", "signature": "(self , max_properties : Optional [ int ] = 20 ) -> bool : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_datetime_null": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_datetime_null", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_datetime_null", "kind": "function", "doc": "Checks if the STAC item has a null datetime property.
\n\nReturns:\n bool: A boolean indicating whether the datetime property is null (True) or not (False).
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> bool : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_unlocated": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_unlocated", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_unlocated", "kind": "function", "doc": "Checks if a STAC item is unlocated, i.e., has no geometry but has a bounding box.
\n\nReturns:\n bool: True if the STAC item is unlocated, False otherwise.
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> bool : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_geometry_null": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_geometry_null", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_geometry_null", "kind": "function", "doc": "Checks if a STAC item has a null geometry property.
\n\nReturns:\n bool: A boolean indicating whether the geometry property is null (True) or not (False).
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> bool : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_searchable_identifiers": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_searchable_identifiers", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_searchable_identifiers", "kind": "function", "doc": "Checks if the identifiers of a STAC item are searchable, i.e.,\nthey only contain lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores.
\n\nReturns:\n bool: True if the identifiers are searchable, False otherwise.
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> bool : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_percent_encoded": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_percent_encoded", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_percent_encoded", "kind": "function", "doc": "Checks if the identifiers of a STAC item are percent-encoded, i.e.,\nthey only contain lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores.
\n\nReturns:\n bool: True if the identifiers are percent-encoded, False otherwise.
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> bool : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_thumbnail": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_thumbnail", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_thumbnail", "kind": "function", "doc": "Checks if the thumbnail of a STAC item is valid, i.e., it has a valid format.
\n\nReturns:\n bool: True if the thumbnail is valid, False otherwise.
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> bool : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_links_title_field": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_links_title_field", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_links_title_field", "kind": "function", "doc": "Checks if all links in a STAC collection or catalog have a 'title' field.\nThe 'title' field is not required for the 'self' link.
\n\nReturns:\n bool: True if all links have a 'title' field, False otherwise.
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> bool : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_links_self": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_links_self", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_links_self", "kind": "function", "doc": "Checks whether the \"self\" link is present in the STAC collection or catalog or absent in STAC item.
\n\nReturns:\n bool: True if the \"self\" link is present in STAC collection or catalog or absent in STAC item, False otherwise.
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> bool : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_item_id_file_name": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_item_id_file_name", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_item_id_file_name", "kind": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> bool : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_catalog_file_name": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_catalog_file_name", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.check_catalog_file_name", "kind": "function", "doc": "Checks whether the filename of a Catalog or Collection conforms to the STAC specification.
\n\nReturns:\n bool: True if the filename is valid, False otherwise.
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> bool : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.create_best_practices_dict": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.create_best_practices_dict", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.create_best_practices_dict", "kind": "function", "doc": "Creates a dictionary of best practices violations for the current STAC object. The violations are determined\nby a set of configurable linting rules specified in the config file.
\n\nReturns:\n A dictionary of best practices violations for the current STAC object. The keys in the dictionary correspond\n to the linting rules that were violated, and the values are lists of strings containing error messages and\n recommendations for how to fix the violations.
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> Dict : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.create_best_practices_msg": {"fullname": "stac_check.lint.Linter.create_best_practices_msg", "modulename": "stac_check.lint", "qualname": "Linter.create_best_practices_msg", "kind": "function", "doc": "Generates a list of best practices messages based on the results of the 'create_best_practices_dict' method.
\n\nReturns:\n A list of strings, where each string contains a best practice message. Each message starts with the\n 'STAC Best Practices:' base string and is followed by a specific recommendation. Each message is indented\n with four spaces, and there is an empty string between each message for readability.
\n", "signature": "(self ) -> List [ str ] : ", "funcdef": "def"}, "stac_check.logo": {"fullname": "stac_check.logo", "modulename": "stac_check.logo", "kind": "module", "doc": "
\n"}, "stac_check.logo.logo": {"fullname": "stac_check.logo.logo", "modulename": "stac_check.logo", "qualname": "logo", "kind": "variable", "doc": "
\n", "default_value": "'\\n ____ ____ __ ___ ___ _ _ ____ ___ __ _ \\n/ ___)(_ _)/ _\\\\ / __)___ / __)/ )( \\\\( __)/ __)( / )\\n\\\\___ \\\\ )( / \\\\( (__(___)( (__ ) __ ( ) _)( (__ ) ( \\n(____/ (__)\\\\_/\\\\_/ \\\\___) \\\\___)\\\\_)(_/(____)\\\\___)(__\\\\_)\\n '"}}, "docInfo": {"stac_check": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "stac_check.cli": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 3, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "stac_check.cli.link_asset_message": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 51, "bases": 0, "doc": 66}, "stac_check.cli.recursive_message": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 30, "bases": 0, "doc": 33}, "stac_check.cli.intro_message": {"qualname": 2, "fullname": 5, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 30, "bases": 0, "doc": 90}, "stac_check.cli.cli_message": 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1}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_links_assets": {"tf": 1}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_error_message": {"tf": 1}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_bloated_links": {"tf": 1}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_bloated_metadata": {"tf": 1}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_datetime_null": {"tf": 1}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_unlocated": {"tf": 1}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_geometry_null": {"tf": 1}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_searchable_identifiers": {"tf": 1}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_percent_encoded": {"tf": 1}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_thumbnail": {"tf": 1}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_links_title_field": {"tf": 1}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_links_self": {"tf": 1}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_catalog_file_name": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 15}}}}, "a": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "a": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "c": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "t": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "s": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}}}}}, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "l": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "d": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter.recursive_validation": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "a": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "t": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.create_best_practices_msg": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 2, "s": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.create_best_practices_dict": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 2}}}}}}, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "t": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "a": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "n": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter.check_bloated_links": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}}}, "u": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "n": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "t": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter.create_best_practices_dict": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}}, "df": 1}}}}}}}, "j": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "s": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "o": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "n": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter": {"tf": 5.916079783099616}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.load_data": {"tf": 2.23606797749979}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_links_assets": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 3, "d": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "c": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "o": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "d": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "o": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter.load_data": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "g": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "n": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "a": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "t": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "n": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "g": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "s": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter.create_best_practices_msg": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}}}}, "t": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}, "o": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "m": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "t": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "y": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_unlocated": {"tf": 1}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.check_geometry_null": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}}, "df": 3}}}}}}}, "t": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter": {"tf": 4.795831523312719}}, "df": 1}, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "v": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "n": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter.validate_file": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}}, "y": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "a": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "m": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "l": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "stac_check.lint.Linter.parse_config": {"tf": 2.23606797749979}}, "df": 2, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "o": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter.parse_config": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}}}}}}, "k": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "y": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "s": {"docs": {"stac_check.lint.Linter.create_best_practices_dict": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}}}}, "pipeline": ["trimmer"], "_isPrebuiltIndex": true};
+ // mirrored in build-search-index.js (part 1)
+ // Also split on html tags. this is a cheap heuristic, but good enough.
+ elasticlunr.tokenizer.setSeperator(/[\s\-.;&_'"=,()]+|<[^>]*>/);
+ let searchIndex;
+ if (docs._isPrebuiltIndex) {
+ console.info("using precompiled search index");
+ searchIndex = elasticlunr.Index.load(docs);
+ } else {
+ console.time("building search index");
+ // mirrored in build-search-index.js (part 2)
+ searchIndex = elasticlunr(function () {
+ this.pipeline.remove(elasticlunr.stemmer);
+ this.pipeline.remove(elasticlunr.stopWordFilter);
+ this.addField("qualname");
+ this.addField("fullname");
+ this.addField("annotation");
+ this.addField("default_value");
+ this.addField("signature");
+ this.addField("bases");
+ this.addField("doc");
+ this.setRef("fullname");
+ });
+ for (let doc of docs) {
+ searchIndex.addDoc(doc);
+ }
+ console.timeEnd("building search index");
+ }
+ return (term) => searchIndex.search(term, {
+ fields: {
+ qualname: {boost: 4},
+ fullname: {boost: 2},
+ annotation: {boost: 2},
+ default_value: {boost: 2},
+ signature: {boost: 2},
+ bases: {boost: 2},
+ doc: {boost: 1},
+ },
+ expand: true
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pdoc/stac_check.html b/pdoc/stac_check.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbea48a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pdoc/stac_check.html
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+ stac_check API documentation
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pdoc/stac_check/cli.html b/pdoc/stac_check/cli.html
index a951124..8200b0a 100644
--- a/pdoc/stac_check/cli.html
+++ b/pdoc/stac_check/cli.html
@@ -1,481 +1,728 @@
-stac_check.cli API documentation
+ stac_check.cli API documentation
-Expand source code
-import click
-from .lint import Linter
-import pkg_resources
-def link_asset_message(link_list:list, type: str, format: str) -> None:
- """Prints a list of links or assets and any errors associated with them.
- Args:
- link_list (list): A list of links or assets.
- type (str): The type of link or asset being processed.
- format (str): The format or request being used.
- Returns:
- None.
- """
- if len(link_list) > 0:
- click.secho(f"{type.upper()} {format} errors: ", fg="red")
- for asset in link_list:
- click.secho(f" {asset}")
- else:
- click.secho(f"No {type.upper()} {format} errors!", fg="green")
-def recursive_message(linter: Linter) -> None:
- """Displays messages related to the recursive validation of assets in a collection or catalog.
- Args:
- linter: An instance of the Linter class.
- Returns:
- None.
- """
- click.secho()
- click.secho(f"Recursive: Validate all assets in a collection or catalog", bold=True)
- click.secho(f"Max-depth = {linter.max_depth}")
- click.secho("-------------------------")
- for count, msg in enumerate(linter.validate_all):
- click.secho(f"Asset {count+1} Validated: {msg['path']}", bg="white", fg="black")
- click.secho()
- if msg['valid_stac'] == True:
- recursive_linter = Linter(msg["path"], recursive=0)
- cli_message(recursive_linter)
- else:
- click.secho(f"Valid: {msg['valid_stac']}", fg='red')
- click.secho("Schemas validated: ", fg="blue")
- for schema in msg["schema"]:
- click.secho(f" {schema}")
- click.secho(f"Error Type: {msg['error_type']}", fg='red')
- click.secho(f"Error Message: {msg['error_message']}", fg='red')
- click.secho("-------------------------")
-def intro_message(linter: Linter) -> None:
- """Prints an introduction message for the stac-check tool.
- The message includes the stac-check logo, the name of the tool, the version
- of the STAC spec being validated, an update message, and the version of the
- stac-validator being used.
- Args:
- linter (object): An instance of the Linter class, which is used to
- obtain the version of the STAC spec being validated, the update
- message, and the version of the stac-validator being used.
- Returns:
- None.
- """
- click.secho("""
- ____ ____ __ ___ ___ _ _ ____ ___ __ _
-/ ___)(_ _)/ _\ / __)___ / __)/ )( \( __)/ __)( / )
-\___ \ )( / \( (__(___)( (__ ) __ ( ) _)( (__ ) (
-(____/ (__)\_/\_/ \___) \___)\_)(_/(____)\___)(__\_)
- """)
- click.secho("stac-check: STAC spec validation and linting tool", bold=True)
- click.secho()
- if linter.version == "1.0.0":
- click.secho(linter.set_update_message(), fg='green')
- else:
- click.secho(linter.set_update_message(), fg='red')
- click.secho()
- click.secho(f"Validator: stac-validator {linter.validator_version}", bg="blue", fg="white")
- click.secho()
-def cli_message(linter: Linter) -> None:
- """Prints various messages about the STAC object being validated.
- Args:
- linter: The `Linter` object containing information about
- the STAC object to be validated.
- Returns:
- None
- """
- if linter.valid_stac == True:
- click.secho(f"Valid {linter.asset_type}: {linter.valid_stac}", fg='green')
- else:
- click.secho(f"Valid {linter.asset_type}: {linter.valid_stac}", fg='red')
- ''' schemas validated for core object '''
- click.secho()
- if len(linter.schema) > 0:
- click.secho("Schemas validated: ", fg="blue")
- for schema in linter.schema:
- click.secho(f" {schema}")
- ''' best practices message'''
- click.secho()
- for message in linter.best_practices_msg:
- if message == linter.best_practices_msg[0]:
- click.secho(message, bg='blue')
- else:
- click.secho(message, fg='red')
- if linter.validate_all == True:
- click.secho()
- click.secho(f"Recursive validation has passed!", fg='blue')
- elif linter.validate_all == False and linter.recursive:
- click.secho()
- click.secho(f"Recursive validation has failed!", fg='red')
- if linter.invalid_asset_format is not None:
- click.secho()
- link_asset_message(linter.invalid_asset_format, "asset", "format")
- if linter.invalid_asset_request is not None:
- click.secho()
- link_asset_message(linter.invalid_asset_request, "asset", "request")
- if linter.invalid_link_format is not None:
- click.secho()
- link_asset_message(linter.invalid_link_format, "link", "format")
- if linter.invalid_link_request is not None:
- click.secho()
- link_asset_message(linter.invalid_link_request, "link", "request")
- if linter.error_type != "":
- click.secho(f"Validation error type: ", fg="red")
- click.secho(f" {linter.error_type}")
- if linter.error_msg != "":
- click.secho(f"Validation error message: ", fg='red')
- click.secho(f" {linter.error_msg}")
- click.secho(f"This object has {len(linter.data['links'])} links")
- click.secho()
- ### Stac validator response for reference
- # click.secho(json.dumps(linter.message, indent=4))
- "--recursive",
- "-r",
- is_flag=True,
- help="Recursively validate all related stac objects.",
- "--max-depth",
- "-m",
- type=int,
- help="Maximum depth to traverse when recursing. Omit this argument to get full recursion. Ignored if `recursive == False`.",
- "-a", "--assets", is_flag=True, help="Validate assets for format and response."
- "-l", "--links", is_flag=True, help="Validate links for format and response."
-def main(file, recursive, max_depth, assets, links):
- linter = Linter(file, assets=assets, links=links, recursive=recursive, max_depth=max_depth)
- intro_message(linter)
- if recursive > 0:
- recursive_message(linter)
- else:
- cli_message(linter)
-def cli_message (linter: Linter ) ‑> NoneType
-Prints various messages about the STAC object being validated.
-The Linter
object containing information about
the STAC object to be validated.
-Expand source code
-def cli_message(linter: Linter) -> None:
- """Prints various messages about the STAC object being validated.
- Args:
- linter: The `Linter` object containing information about
- the STAC object to be validated.
- Returns:
- None
- """
- if linter.valid_stac == True:
- click.secho(f"Valid {linter.asset_type}: {linter.valid_stac}", fg='green')
- else:
- click.secho(f"Valid {linter.asset_type}: {linter.valid_stac}", fg='red')
- ''' schemas validated for core object '''
- click.secho()
- if len(linter.schema) > 0:
- click.secho("Schemas validated: ", fg="blue")
- for schema in linter.schema:
- click.secho(f" {schema}")
- ''' best practices message'''
- click.secho()
- for message in linter.best_practices_msg:
- if message == linter.best_practices_msg[0]:
- click.secho(message, bg='blue')
- else:
- click.secho(message, fg='red')
- if linter.validate_all == True:
- click.secho()
- click.secho(f"Recursive validation has passed!", fg='blue')
- elif linter.validate_all == False and linter.recursive:
- click.secho()
- click.secho(f"Recursive validation has failed!", fg='red')
- if linter.invalid_asset_format is not None:
- click.secho()
- link_asset_message(linter.invalid_asset_format, "asset", "format")
- if linter.invalid_asset_request is not None:
- click.secho()
- link_asset_message(linter.invalid_asset_request, "asset", "request")
- if linter.invalid_link_format is not None:
- click.secho()
- link_asset_message(linter.invalid_link_format, "link", "format")
- if linter.invalid_link_request is not None:
- click.secho()
- link_asset_message(linter.invalid_link_request, "link", "request")
- if linter.error_type != "":
- click.secho(f"Validation error type: ", fg="red")
- click.secho(f" {linter.error_type}")
- if linter.error_msg != "":
- click.secho(f"Validation error message: ", fg='red')
- click.secho(f" {linter.error_msg}")
- click.secho(f"This object has {len(linter.data['links'])} links")
- click.secho()
- ### Stac validator response for reference
- # click.secho(json.dumps(linter.message, indent=4))
-def intro_message (linter: Linter ) ‑> NoneType
-Prints an introduction message for the stac-check tool.
+ View Source
+ 1 import importlib.metadata
+ 2
+ 3 import click
+ 4
+ 5 from .lint import Linter
+ 6 from .logo import logo
+ 7
+ 8
+ 9 def link_asset_message (
+ 10 link_list : list , type : str , format : str , healthy_msg : bool
+ 11 ) -> None :
+ 12 """Prints a list of links or assets and any errors associated with them.
+ 13
+ 14 Args:
+ 15 link_list (list): A list of links or assets.
+ 16 type (str): The type of link or asset being processed.
+ 17 format (str): The format or request being used.
+ 18 healthy_msg (bool): Whether to display "No TYPE errors!" or not
+ 19
+ 20 Returns:
+ 21 None.
+ 22 """
+ 23 if len ( link_list ) > 0 :
+ 24 click . secho ( f " { type . upper () } { format } errors: " , fg = "red" )
+ 25 for asset in link_list :
+ 26 click . secho ( f " { asset } " )
+ 27 elif healthy_msg :
+ 28 click . secho ( f "No { type . upper () } { format } errors!" , fg = "green" )
+ 29
+ 30
+ 31 def recursive_message ( linter : Linter ) -> None :
+ 32 """Displays messages related to the recursive validation of assets in a collection or catalog.
+ 33
+ 34 Args:
+ 35 linter: An instance of the Linter class.
+ 36
+ 37 Returns:
+ 38 None.
+ 39 """
+ 40 click . secho ()
+ 41 click . secho ( "Recursive: Validate all assets in a collection or catalog" , bold = True )
+ 42 click . secho ( f "Max-depth = { linter . max_depth } " )
+ 43 click . secho ( "-------------------------" )
+ 44 for count , msg in enumerate ( linter . validate_all ):
+ 45 click . secho (
+ 46 f "Asset { count + 1 } Validated: { msg [ 'path' ] } " , bg = "white" , fg = "black"
+ 47 )
+ 48 click . secho ()
+ 49 if msg [ "valid_stac" ] == True :
+ 50 recursive_linter = Linter ( msg [ "path" ], recursive = True )
+ 51 cli_message ( recursive_linter )
+ 52 else :
+ 53 click . secho ( f "Valid: { msg [ 'valid_stac' ] } " , fg = "red" )
+ 54 click . secho ( "Schemas validated: " , fg = "blue" )
+ 55 for schema in msg [ "schema" ]:
+ 56 click . secho ( f " { schema } " )
+ 57 click . secho ( f "Error Type: { msg [ 'error_type' ] } " , fg = "red" )
+ 58 click . secho ( f "Error Message: { msg [ 'error_message' ] } " , fg = "red" )
+ 59 click . secho ( "-------------------------" )
+ 60
+ 61
+ 62 def intro_message ( linter : Linter ) -> None :
+ 63 """Prints an introduction message for the stac-check tool.
+ 64
+ 65 The message includes the stac-check logo, the name of the tool, the version
+ 66 of the STAC spec being validated, an update message, and the version of the
+ 67 stac-validator being used.
+ 68
+ 69 Args:
+ 70 linter (object): An instance of the Linter class, which is used to
+ 71 obtain the version of the STAC spec being validated, the update
+ 72 message, and the version of the stac-validator being used.
+ 73
+ 74 Returns:
+ 75 None.
+ 76 """
+ 77 click . secho ( logo )
+ 78
+ 79 click . secho ( "stac-check: STAC spec validation and linting tool" , bold = True )
+ 80
+ 81 click . secho ()
+ 82
+ 83 if linter . version == "1.0.0" :
+ 84 click . secho ( linter . set_update_message (), fg = "green" )
+ 85 else :
+ 86 click . secho ( linter . set_update_message (), fg = "red" )
+ 87
+ 88 click . secho ()
+ 89
+ 90 click . secho (
+ 91 f "Validator: stac-validator { linter . validator_version } " , bg = "blue" , fg = "white"
+ 92 )
+ 93
+ 94 click . secho ()
+ 95
+ 96
+ 97 def cli_message ( linter : Linter ) -> None :
+ 98 """Prints various messages about the STAC object being validated.
+ 99
+100 Args:
+101 linter: The `Linter` object containing information about
+102 the STAC object to be validated.
+104 Returns:
+105 None
+106 """
+107 if linter . valid_stac == True :
+108 click . secho ( f "Valid { linter . asset_type } : { linter . valid_stac } " , fg = "green" )
+109 else :
+110 click . secho ( f "Valid { linter . asset_type } : { linter . valid_stac } " , fg = "red" )
+112 """ schemas validated for core object """
+113 click . secho ()
+114 if len ( linter . schema ) > 0 :
+115 click . secho ( "Schemas validated: " , fg = "blue" )
+116 for schema in linter . schema :
+117 click . secho ( f " { schema } " )
+119 """ best practices message"""
+120 click . secho ()
+121 for message in linter . best_practices_msg :
+122 if message == linter . best_practices_msg [ 0 ]:
+123 click . secho ( message , bg = "blue" )
+124 else :
+125 click . secho ( message , fg = "red" )
+127 if linter . validate_all == True :
+128 click . secho ()
+129 click . secho ( "Recursive validation has passed!" , fg = "blue" )
+130 elif linter . validate_all == False and linter . recursive :
+131 click . secho ()
+132 click . secho ( "Recursive validation has failed!" , fg = "red" )
+134 if linter . invalid_asset_format is not None :
+135 click . secho ()
+136 link_asset_message ( linter . invalid_asset_format , "asset" , "format" , True )
+138 if linter . invalid_asset_request is not None :
+139 click . secho ()
+140 link_asset_message (
+141 linter . invalid_asset_request , "asset" , "request" , linter . assets_open_urls
+142 )
+144 if linter . invalid_link_format is not None :
+145 click . secho ()
+146 link_asset_message ( linter . invalid_link_format , "link" , "format" , True )
+148 if linter . invalid_link_request is not None :
+149 click . secho ()
+150 link_asset_message ( linter . invalid_link_request , "link" , "request" , True )
+152 if linter . error_type != "" :
+153 click . secho ( "Validation error type: " , fg = "red" )
+154 click . secho ( f " { linter . error_type } " )
+156 if linter . error_msg != "" :
+157 click . secho ( "Validation error message: " , fg = "red" )
+158 click . secho ( f " { linter . error_msg } " )
+160 click . secho ( f "This object has { len ( linter . data [ 'links' ]) } links" )
+162 click . secho ()
+164 # Stac validator response for reference
+165 # click.secho(json.dumps(linter.message, indent=4))
+168 @click . option (
+169 "--recursive" ,
+170 "-r" ,
+171 is_flag = True ,
+172 help = "Recursively validate all related stac objects." ,
+173 )
+174 @click . option (
+175 "--max-depth" ,
+176 "-m" ,
+177 type = int ,
+178 help = "Maximum depth to traverse when recursing. Omit this argument to get full recursion. Ignored if `recursive == False`." ,
+179 )
+180 @click . option (
+181 "-a" , "--assets" , is_flag = True , help = "Validate assets for format and response."
+182 )
+183 @click . option (
+184 "-l" , "--links" , is_flag = True , help = "Validate links for format and response."
+185 )
+186 @click . option (
+187 "--no-assets-urls" ,
+188 is_flag = True ,
+189 help = "Disables the opening of href links when validating assets (enabled by default)." ,
+190 )
+191 @click . option (
+192 "--header" ,
+193 type = ( str , str ),
+194 multiple = True ,
+195 help = "HTTP header to include in the requests. Can be used multiple times." ,
+196 )
+197 @click . command ()
+198 @click . argument ( "file" )
+199 @click . version_option ( version = importlib . metadata . distribution ( "stac-check" ) . version )
+200 def main ( file , recursive , max_depth , assets , links , no_assets_urls , header ):
+201 linter = Linter (
+202 file ,
+203 assets = assets ,
+204 links = links ,
+205 recursive = recursive ,
+206 max_depth = max_depth ,
+207 assets_open_urls = not no_assets_urls ,
+208 headers = dict ( header ),
+209 )
+210 intro_message ( linter )
+211 if recursive > 0 :
+212 recursive_message ( linter )
+213 else :
+214 cli_message ( linter )
+ def
+ link_asset_message (link_list : list , type : str , format : str , healthy_msg : bool ) -> None :
+ View Source
+ 10 def link_asset_message (
+11 link_list : list , type : str , format : str , healthy_msg : bool
+12 ) -> None :
+13 """Prints a list of links or assets and any errors associated with them.
+15 Args:
+16 link_list (list): A list of links or assets.
+17 type (str): The type of link or asset being processed.
+18 format (str): The format or request being used.
+19 healthy_msg (bool): Whether to display "No TYPE errors!" or not
+21 Returns:
+22 None.
+23 """
+24 if len ( link_list ) > 0 :
+25 click . secho ( f " { type . upper () } { format } errors: " , fg = "red" )
+26 for asset in link_list :
+27 click . secho ( f " { asset } " )
+28 elif healthy_msg :
+29 click . secho ( f "No { type . upper () } { format } errors!" , fg = "green" )
+ Prints a list of links or assets and any errors associated with them.
+ link_list (list): A list of links or assets.
+ type (str): The type of link or asset being processed.
+ format (str): The format or request being used.
+ healthy_msg (bool): Whether to display "No TYPE errors!" or not
+ None.
+ 32 def recursive_message ( linter : Linter ) -> None :
+33 """Displays messages related to the recursive validation of assets in a collection or catalog.
+35 Args:
+36 linter: An instance of the Linter class.
+38 Returns:
+39 None.
+40 """
+41 click . secho ()
+42 click . secho ( "Recursive: Validate all assets in a collection or catalog" , bold = True )
+43 click . secho ( f "Max-depth = { linter . max_depth } " )
+44 click . secho ( "-------------------------" )
+45 for count , msg in enumerate ( linter . validate_all ):
+46 click . secho (
+47 f "Asset { count + 1 } Validated: { msg [ 'path' ] } " , bg = "white" , fg = "black"
+48 )
+49 click . secho ()
+50 if msg [ "valid_stac" ] == True :
+51 recursive_linter = Linter ( msg [ "path" ], recursive = True )
+52 cli_message ( recursive_linter )
+53 else :
+54 click . secho ( f "Valid: { msg [ 'valid_stac' ] } " , fg = "red" )
+55 click . secho ( "Schemas validated: " , fg = "blue" )
+56 for schema in msg [ "schema" ]:
+57 click . secho ( f " { schema } " )
+58 click . secho ( f "Error Type: { msg [ 'error_type' ] } " , fg = "red" )
+59 click . secho ( f "Error Message: { msg [ 'error_message' ] } " , fg = "red" )
+60 click . secho ( "-------------------------" )
+ Displays messages related to the recursive validation of assets in a collection or catalog.
+ linter: An instance of the Linter class.
+ None.
+ 63 def intro_message ( linter : Linter ) -> None :
+64 """Prints an introduction message for the stac-check tool.
+66 The message includes the stac-check logo, the name of the tool, the version
+67 of the STAC spec being validated, an update message, and the version of the
+68 stac-validator being used.
+70 Args:
+71 linter (object): An instance of the Linter class, which is used to
+72 obtain the version of the STAC spec being validated, the update
+73 message, and the version of the stac-validator being used.
+75 Returns:
+76 None.
+77 """
+78 click . secho ( logo )
+80 click . secho ( "stac-check: STAC spec validation and linting tool" , bold = True )
+82 click . secho ()
+84 if linter . version == "1.0.0" :
+85 click . secho ( linter . set_update_message (), fg = "green" )
+86 else :
+87 click . secho ( linter . set_update_message (), fg = "red" )
+89 click . secho ()
+91 click . secho (
+92 f "Validator: stac-validator { linter . validator_version } " , bg = "blue" , fg = "white"
+93 )
+95 click . secho ()
+ Prints an introduction message for the stac-check tool.
The message includes the stac-check logo, the name of the tool, the version
of the STAC spec being validated, an update message, and the version of the
stac-validator being used.
: object
-An instance of the Linter class, which is used to
-obtain the version of the STAC spec being validated, the update
-message, and the version of the stac-validator being used.
-Expand source code
-def intro_message(linter: Linter) -> None:
- """Prints an introduction message for the stac-check tool.
- The message includes the stac-check logo, the name of the tool, the version
- of the STAC spec being validated, an update message, and the version of the
- stac-validator being used.
- Args:
- linter (object): An instance of the Linter class, which is used to
- obtain the version of the STAC spec being validated, the update
- message, and the version of the stac-validator being used.
- Returns:
- None.
- """
- click.secho("""
- ____ ____ __ ___ ___ _ _ ____ ___ __ _
-/ ___)(_ _)/ _\ / __)___ / __)/ )( \( __)/ __)( / )
-\___ \ )( / \( (__(___)( (__ ) __ ( ) _)( (__ ) (
-(____/ (__)\_/\_/ \___) \___)\_)(_/(____)\___)(__\_)
- """)
- click.secho("stac-check: STAC spec validation and linting tool", bold=True)
- click.secho()
- if linter.version == "1.0.0":
- click.secho(linter.set_update_message(), fg='green')
- else:
- click.secho(linter.set_update_message(), fg='red')
- click.secho()
- click.secho(f"Validator: stac-validator {linter.validator_version}", bg="blue", fg="white")
- click.secho()
-def link_asset_message (link_list: list, type: str, format: str) ‑> NoneType
-Prints a list of links or assets and any errors associated with them.
: list
-A list of links or assets.
: str
-The type of link or asset being processed.
: str
-The format or request being used.
-Expand source code
-def link_asset_message(link_list:list, type: str, format: str) -> None:
- """Prints a list of links or assets and any errors associated with them.
- Args:
- link_list (list): A list of links or assets.
- type (str): The type of link or asset being processed.
- format (str): The format or request being used.
- Returns:
- None.
- """
- if len(link_list) > 0:
- click.secho(f"{type.upper()} {format} errors: ", fg="red")
- for asset in link_list:
- click.secho(f" {asset}")
- else:
- click.secho(f"No {type.upper()} {format} errors!", fg="green")
-def recursive_message (linter: Linter ) ‑> NoneType
-Displays messages related to the recursive validation of assets in a collection or catalog.
-An instance of the Linter class.
-Expand source code
-def recursive_message(linter: Linter) -> None:
- """Displays messages related to the recursive validation of assets in a collection or catalog.
- Args:
- linter: An instance of the Linter class.
- Returns:
- None.
- """
- click.secho()
- click.secho(f"Recursive: Validate all assets in a collection or catalog", bold=True)
- click.secho(f"Max-depth = {linter.max_depth}")
- click.secho("-------------------------")
- for count, msg in enumerate(linter.validate_all):
- click.secho(f"Asset {count+1} Validated: {msg['path']}", bg="white", fg="black")
- click.secho()
- if msg['valid_stac'] == True:
- recursive_linter = Linter(msg["path"], recursive=0)
- cli_message(recursive_linter)
- else:
- click.secho(f"Valid: {msg['valid_stac']}", fg='red')
- click.secho("Schemas validated: ", fg="blue")
- for schema in msg["schema"]:
- click.secho(f" {schema}")
- click.secho(f"Error Type: {msg['error_type']}", fg='red')
- click.secho(f"Error Message: {msg['error_message']}", fg='red')
- click.secho("-------------------------")
+ 98 def cli_message ( linter : Linter ) -> None :
+ 99 """Prints various messages about the STAC object being validated.
+101 Args:
+102 linter: The `Linter` object containing information about
+103 the STAC object to be validated.
+105 Returns:
+106 None
+107 """
+108 if linter . valid_stac == True :
+109 click . secho ( f "Valid { linter . asset_type } : { linter . valid_stac } " , fg = "green" )
+110 else :
+111 click . secho ( f "Valid { linter . asset_type } : { linter . valid_stac } " , fg = "red" )
+113 """ schemas validated for core object """
+114 click . secho ()
+115 if len ( linter . schema ) > 0 :
+116 click . secho ( "Schemas validated: " , fg = "blue" )
+117 for schema in linter . schema :
+118 click . secho ( f " { schema } " )
+120 """ best practices message"""
+121 click . secho ()
+122 for message in linter . best_practices_msg :
+123 if message == linter . best_practices_msg [ 0 ]:
+124 click . secho ( message , bg = "blue" )
+125 else :
+126 click . secho ( message , fg = "red" )
+128 if linter . validate_all == True :
+129 click . secho ()
+130 click . secho ( "Recursive validation has passed!" , fg = "blue" )
+131 elif linter . validate_all == False and linter . recursive :
+132 click . secho ()
+133 click . secho ( "Recursive validation has failed!" , fg = "red" )
+135 if linter . invalid_asset_format is not None :
+136 click . secho ()
+137 link_asset_message ( linter . invalid_asset_format , "asset" , "format" , True )
+139 if linter . invalid_asset_request is not None :
+140 click . secho ()
+141 link_asset_message (
+142 linter . invalid_asset_request , "asset" , "request" , linter . assets_open_urls
+143 )
+145 if linter . invalid_link_format is not None :
+146 click . secho ()
+147 link_asset_message ( linter . invalid_link_format , "link" , "format" , True )
+149 if linter . invalid_link_request is not None :
+150 click . secho ()
+151 link_asset_message ( linter . invalid_link_request , "link" , "request" , True )
+153 if linter . error_type != "" :
+154 click . secho ( "Validation error type: " , fg = "red" )
+155 click . secho ( f " { linter . error_type } " )
+157 if linter . error_msg != "" :
+158 click . secho ( "Validation error message: " , fg = "red" )
+159 click . secho ( f " { linter . error_msg } " )
+161 click . secho ( f "This object has { len ( linter . data [ 'links' ]) } links" )
+163 click . secho ()
+165 # Stac validator response for reference
+166 # click.secho(json.dumps(linter.message, indent=4))
+ Prints various messages about the STAC object being validated.
+ linter: The Linter
object containing information about
+ the STAC object to be validated.
+ None