diff --git a/www/posts/2023-04-22-dummy-post.md.njk b/src/posts/2023-04-22-dummy-post.md.njk
similarity index 100%
rename from www/posts/2023-04-22-dummy-post.md.njk
rename to src/posts/2023-04-22-dummy-post.md.njk
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/stampnet.md.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+layout: page.njk
+title: 'StampNet'
+This page is a work in progress and will be created and updated as StampNet comes to life.
+## Sync
+## Publish
diff --git a/www/why.md.njk b/src/why.md.njk
similarity index 100%
rename from www/why.md.njk
rename to src/why.md.njk
diff --git a/tailwind.config.js b/tailwind.config.js
index ff72224..32b9c64 100644
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diff --git a/www/docs.md.njk b/www/docs.md.njk
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a5db03..0000000
--- a/www/docs.md.njk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,659 +0,0 @@
-layout: page.njk
-title: 'Documentation'
-generate_toc: true
-{% from 'includes/components/transaction.njk' import main as transaction %}
-## Core concepts
-Let's go over the different pieces that make up the Stamp protocol and how they
-fit together. First off, we'll look at identities: what it is and the pieces that
-make an identity in Stamp.
-### Identity
-Your identity in Stamp is a collection of claims you make
-about yourself, "stamps" (signatures) from other identities on your claims that create
-a network of trust, keys that allow you update your identity or
-interact with other cryptographic applications, and a set of policies that defines how
-the identity can be updated and who can act on behalf of the identity.
- Make claims (name, email, etc) and verify the claims of others, creating a
- web of trust. Some claims, such as domain or URL ownership can be verified
- instantly with no third party.
- Manage keys not just for general encryption or signing, but for
- other cryptographic applications. Stamp is like a password manager
- for apps that use cryptography.
- Create policies that allow recovering your identity in the case of a lost or
- compromised key, or to give combinations of people the ability to act on behalf
- of an identity.
-### Claims
-Your identity contains pieces of information about you that others can verify. These are
-known as "claims" and form a basic building block of your identity. This can be something
-as simple as "I own this identity" or "My name is \_\_\_\_" to "I am the member of the
-group that owns the identity \_\_\_\_."
-Claims have an interesting property: they can be either publicly viewable or private/encrypted
-and hidden from all published forms of your identity. Private claims can still be verified
-by others, however you have to specifically share the claim with them. Stamps on these claims
-are public, however the value of the claim will never be viewable unless you share it.
-There are several different claim types:
-Claim | Description
---- | ---
-`Identity` | Allows claiming ownership of an identity. Generally, __all__ Stamp identities will have this as their first claim as a way to say "I own this identity." It also provides a method for others to verify the identity belongs to you without having to individually [stamp][stamps] each of the other claims.
-`Name` | Your name.
-`Birthday` | The date you were born. Happy birthday! Or if you are a faceless megacorp, the date you filed your articles of incorporation! Wooooo!
-`Email` | Claim that you own an email address.
-`Photo` | Allows uploading a *small* photo of you.
-`PGP` | If you've got a PGP identity, you can put the long-form identifier here to claim ownership of it through your Stamp identity.
-`Domain` | Here you can put in a (DNS) domain name you have control over. This is a self-verifying claim in that it doesn't require stamps: it can be verified on the spot through the Stamp claim checker.
-`URL` | Claim that you own a particular URL. This can be a personal website, a profile on a social media page, etc. Like the `Domain` claim, this can be verified directly through Stamp.
-`Address` | Claims that you reside at a physical address.
-`Relation` | Claims a relationship to another Stamp identity. This generally means membership of a particular group represented by Stamp. Relationship claims also have an extension type, allowing you to claim any kind of relationship, such as claiming someone is your grandson. The possibilities are literally infinite.
-`RelationExtension` | Like a `Relation` claim, but the subject does not have to be a Stamp identity: it can be anything that can be serialized into binary. This allows claiming relationships with entities outside of the Stamp protocol.
-`Extension` | The extension claim basically allows you to make any claim you want. If any of the above claim types don't cover your use-case, you can use this claim type to extend Stamp to accommodate you. Extension claims have two parts: a key (binary) that is always publicly-readable and a value that can be public or private.
-It's important to note: any identity can claim anything. You don't know if someone's name
-is really what they say it is, or if they are *truly* a member of the Bass Pro Shops Insider
-Deals Club. This is why every claim on an identity can be verified by other identities. These
-verifications are known as stamps.
-### Stamps
-### Admin keys
-Admin keys are *cryptographic signing keys* that give the holder abilities to modify
-or act on behalf of the identity in some capacity. By default, admin keys have
-no real power and must be [assigned capabilities using policies][policies].
-Admin keys generally live in their own collection inside [the identity's keychain][keychain].
-When an identity is first created, it is created with an initial set of admin keys and
-### Policies
-Policies grant capabilities to admin keys, allowing
-different combinations of admin keys to perform certain actions on
-the identity or on behalf of the identity.
-### Keychain
-## Architecture
-Let's go over some important pieces about how Stamp works.
-### DAG
-Each identity is a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) of modifications created by the
-identity's owner which are signed by one of the keys belonging to the identity.
-Each transaction, except for the first, references the transaction(s) directly before it.
-This creates a chain of modifications that, when applied in order, build a full
-identity that can be cryptographically verified.
- {{ transaction('0a4b41', '[]', 'CreateIdentity', 'text-red-600') }}
- {{ transaction('f8bb77', '[0a4b41]', 'MakeClaim', 'text-green-700') }}
- {{ transaction('9221d1', '[f8bb77]', 'AddSubkey', 'text-blue-600') }}
-All private data within an identity (private keys, private claim data) is encrypted
-by a master key generated from a passphrase of your choosing. Even if your full Stamp
-identity is stolen, it is protected by your master key (so choose a good passphrase).
-Each transaction ID is a signature by one of the identity's admin keys on the transaction
-entry, which holds the transaction's body and points back to previous transactions.
-Here's what a published identity looks like:
- Blake3: N727v76Gx3Kv_hynOYvsYS_7CrBlvSiQfNutfCHDZss
- created: "2024-01-04T07:49:51.898Z"
- previous_transactions: []
- body:
- PublishV1:
- transactions:
- transactions:
- - id:
- Blake3: Zef-ZpmdW1CsA-zxqUzHTP2sKZwUqnfV3oQ7Di2gL3A
- entry:
- created: "2024-01-04T07:40:51.669Z"
- previous_transactions: []
- body:
- CreateIdentityV1:
- admin_keys:
- - key:
- Ed25519:
- public: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
- secret: ~
- name: alpha
- description: Your main admin key
- revocation: ~
- policies:
- - capabilities:
- - Permissive
- multisig_policy:
- MOfN:
- must_have: 1
- participants:
- - Key:
- name: ~
- key:
- Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
- signatures:
- - Key:
- key:
- Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
- signature:
- Ed25519: KSye_UHFzy7bE0lekc5L9w6dvjnujUgJ2mqkVZNFJRtp0X46fqZvn5k-1M3KskIJGderUENr3KpKA4BcSKtWBw
- - id:
- Blake3: Dr4qJ88VNLMraCqXBGoNO8ILbtizognoTwOvR3o7OtY
- entry:
- created: "2024-01-04T07:41:11.901Z"
- previous_transactions:
- - Blake3: Zef-ZpmdW1CsA-zxqUzHTP2sKZwUqnfV3oQ7Di2gL3A
- body:
- MakeClaimV1:
- spec:
- Identity:
- Public:
- Blake3: Zef-ZpmdW1CsA-zxqUzHTP2sKZwUqnfV3oQ7Di2gL3A
- name: ~
- signatures:
- - Key:
- key:
- Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
- signature:
- Ed25519: SqXlNUmqx-Hr9LMTX4eAZ1ic9UFf3d_AUzvf25Gxd1ZeKNHZnUFSYnxofLdDpclA8k0SHjl83UEQ7d34FzIwBA
- - id:
- Blake3: yMRZQTTIsPdmCuhaJvwzCFXDsnljQk1y32VcgNn4b8o
- entry:
- created: "2024-01-04T07:41:11.901Z"
- previous_transactions:
- - Blake3: Dr4qJ88VNLMraCqXBGoNO8ILbtizognoTwOvR3o7OtY
- body:
- MakeClaimV1:
- spec:
- Name:
- Public: Zefram Cochrane
- name: ~
- signatures:
- - Key:
- key:
- Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
- signature:
- Ed25519: r8ymcgyRovieDWZodLJPULiabfmiN7QZ5ZwabJoTa9mYePLxa2obF_7jrkmJln9Ltmnb1_CxgrT6MmaoLPm5AQ
- - id:
- Blake3: 13_BWJcu_HrKFQV0mSogjHpm3i-4HQGDf-6vhnarH5Y
- entry:
- created: "2024-01-04T07:41:11.901Z"
- previous_transactions:
- - Blake3: yMRZQTTIsPdmCuhaJvwzCFXDsnljQk1y32VcgNn4b8o
- body:
- MakeClaimV1:
- spec:
- Email:
- Public: zef@starfleet.org
- name: ~
- signatures:
- - Key:
- key:
- Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
- signature:
- Ed25519: YrhHLHG53oMc-wzQkABDTADFu18Dh_mMBEH5n6EUi4OnV5SQy6wrAxI2H7bqoBG49lnEdqc_Uvqxh9VHplr7Aw
- - id:
- Blake3: eG-ezU5d-LVjmVbIHy_CPDMIipkVozIAC2ym5glnUGo
- entry:
- created: "2024-01-04T07:41:11.902Z"
- previous_transactions:
- - Blake3: 13_BWJcu_HrKFQV0mSogjHpm3i-4HQGDf-6vhnarH5Y
- body:
- AddSubkeyV1:
- key:
- Sign:
- Ed25519:
- public: LD9pzUz2mHpY1fr-wn03fHA-sqVo-vFcYm9nal5gSyE
- secret: ~
- name: default/sign
- desc: A default key for signing documents or messages.
- signatures:
- - Key:
- key:
- Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
- signature:
- Ed25519: XOBkXzQafXblmbkiE_roxgXH0o3EFGrMBblW9vvAE6R_-qhEELDYskTmyTHWJ2U9F89SClNRX90vvciEgkHwAg
- - id:
- Blake3: MBngTWWon600NOBzZI2hVNetglpVJjfT5Ls807GyfqE
- entry:
- created: "2024-01-04T07:41:11.903Z"
- previous_transactions:
- - Blake3: eG-ezU5d-LVjmVbIHy_CPDMIipkVozIAC2ym5glnUGo
- body:
- AddSubkeyV1:
- key:
- Crypto:
- Curve25519XChaCha20Poly1305:
- public: LtIC_cnuUprmT9C-YtHZmken25vf-_OaqiCAHFWRJ1E
- secret: ~
- name: default/crypto
- desc: A default key for receiving private messages.
- signatures:
- - Key:
- key:
- Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
- signature:
- Ed25519: 7X6qGeqA3YS_v9RoHDFOussKrHmy_dkfaDweVmoC9xv8CSNrLO4kXcdyeNX-ty65OgpQqng6UrxTGMyk6dqSCQ
- - id:
- Blake3: OG5wLtZuJ72SKujlp8YbOw3aQUyVTexYlKjv6L2KqVk
- entry:
- created: "2024-01-04T07:41:11.904Z"
- previous_transactions:
- - Blake3: MBngTWWon600NOBzZI2hVNetglpVJjfT5Ls807GyfqE
- body:
- AddSubkeyV1:
- key:
- Secret:
- hmac:
- Blake3: fTbD8ptHwCa-9_iXAIHyroTM8mBLq1w91Fm5LLmf2Yg
- data: ~
- name: default/secret
- desc: A default key allowing encryption/decryption of personal data.
- signatures:
- - Key:
- key:
- Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
- signature:
- Ed25519: 83Sak68ltmxqzfdt3mpwAkbxDeUThzMQ6QtNyUi_l8d95FkgeAlvZO5clCJ91hEsV8uoeXLrSRYXXU5-LYzmBg
- - id:
- Blake3: j98fNieA0pRXwKS6xBMkJYOWOuvOCBKzkOVyzG-2vXA
- entry:
- created: "2024-01-04T07:43:14.192Z"
- previous_transactions:
- - Blake3: OG5wLtZuJ72SKujlp8YbOw3aQUyVTexYlKjv6L2KqVk
- body:
- MakeClaimV1:
- spec:
- Photo:
- Public: _9j_4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD_2wBDABQODxIPDRQSEBIXFRQYHjIhHhwcHj0sLiQySUBMS0dARkVQWnNiUFVtVkVGZIhlbXd7gYKBTmCNl4x9lnN-gXz_2wBDARUXFx4aHjshITt8U0ZTfHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHz_wgARCACZAJkDAREAAhEBAxEB_8QAGQAAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMAAQQF_8QAFwEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECA__aAAwDAQACEAMQAAABz8qy6kCKsFKQiFAlllC9BqqhRB_Kto1Wg1aFLdXJKkoooql6BVkIQ0c7ZCqlhlhSyIXYVXGSkaQhCEHYtw2w6qqBi4gwOjoIztZdZohCENmUiWssIXTIRDShupsOdNKms1zVkIQhsxYQZqDYNIlqNMtDlfWRAlz0u5shCG3mtZZWlEWSsmnqQ0ZQGdOcym5lQhDbzsSUJbWlqgJSDCM9aIZbzdYzMVUIQ140UhkoGnqIgFdMq0uzeoHLuUXEqEIbMaKSy7q2mSIFVQ-XfQDlSnJ1hVzCEIa8bJkoixsrCQCpSXbaBcVXNvNGoCRLWG3G7mZVwy6FSFxQ-0yKmNIjWMaIspKqzbnbEKRqsM6iqoolMa2IAwBLQKFMlzmOhnQoCvIARVqci7WroWg7nnw-R1pIVlJnjGhrqIudGW3NAUFK-1qKucDMl3roFkTKykYrhRms0rc1agMlfRIihuMSas72DgTnM2LHiDNqOV0tKUWNURlxlFJsmiXQEc2ZlsSCLFgmuqmhlOV1p3I3GaKHS75oBVZ5m1uxYqwQKGtEuuAVo-zKmaCFHSmnLDCzUUq7EWWVQVS7syx1azAZoaIOlNaFSf_EACYQAAIBBAEEAgMBAQAAAAAAAAABAgMQERIhIDAxMhNBIzNCBEP_2gAIAQEAAQUCVsmw-b4NTXpz1oyZM9evaybWwY62sk447Goo9KMGuoqcmlTkPKJ9fCMn2yMHIjzKcVinhikTqZdGpKBFtE6jk5D7O-pKo5OKYpSGJpGNnFSRiriSw5D7P9SaclsaYEkKKFeSFTiift2MZEkhDtsbHyRN2RbyVPbsJWRJjkblLEiUNZ_HmSisS8y9u19MaMEPZx3SWojzL77UbOyRH1nJCdpL8j7OrFwO2RelN4KkN1TbtOnlyg10owYFgb48t9H2Y5tJ20jIqUtbKPDmIVpGdkOyyao9TIqgnlReSQuT44EvWZC3lzZT_WOyEnaZOOpF8wawNYMsfmSI8L6fmb5pv8ZgwIR9VfEuacfK4IPk0RIflH8ytSlrKS1FIyhCJsr_AK8kuCKUjDg88Wxylxnh-LQqZWjsjOFTjsT5_wA78y9KUhPhxNrP2fgm8ivGZsS0z8URRXyT5g_L9Fw4O2R3dkO8fEPaA_Nb1P8AmQv_AP_EABoRAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERADBAIGD_2gAIAQMBAT8B9corlFFF0ahUchpGQVGH3QsHBxOPb__EABQRAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAID_2gAIAQIBAT8BSH__xAApEAABAwIFBAICAwAAAAAAAAABABEhAhAgMDFRYRIiQHEyQQOBUtHx_9oACAEBAAY_AvPjxZ8GQycCFomOYdhqmVRoEBFyy4W6MIN8ul-lfFesrlkenRa9xTOW2t2kokvK7QU0ts6-6Su4TvlUnqH9ItuiHg65DmRsjnBAqVCmxz-kri0Wq9-AMB8AKb1eBK5TGxqBU5XOTomtonGmJ04waLZTOAv_AIuVxbTEcht1xYb4Xw-sf46sX3b2E1jtadCuMIp3Q4KKBtuLzYxh6al2rm0pzqi_8rftNaFrlTSCodTU6cFgqjb95wsVSqvdxg__xAAmEAEAAgIBBAEEAwEAAAAAAAABABEhMUEQUWFxgSAwobGRwfDx_9oACAEBAAE_IasWnEHzFX0joJntFcTUvotRi5cuX01qJ3FVGMIM4geelvM3xG-f4TI5ixfquFY2mWecIYOJh6kA4Szhx9gTANyokuLFcbaGKpYqvMQ3Bnca12wr0Lv6gh4QyL6L9XcQGfRy-J7yP-5dI0LLjmS3wLgXZw5gA1DNs0g8Rs8MsWOeOY7Kze1zb6q6VG0ouy7lEURSLuKwV_FAD5y24bVCULed4rMbzSrwTbH3AGD0kexOBeo32b-w10OOI6YUgu2e8tDpEDa5eqAdRcEGoMBEQRitiOoFAGvquX0fmjHSalzLL1EUPpiB-kHa_aKoJZVd8T5_MfqOirslUzSYOnZaIMjuMlnjAA8dpSUqCqEz-0KOITvLdwrMYK17IipqK-ZajMtu7jv7N04i4iHRUrivxQECmIblQQ0_Z1WMNt9FxpFQ7svdk0-moTFAxBzh2mSH8RM_SLShuMupiPnUU0kYEqJLzDAzBlG3QS21jmpU4ONxM5B-IirGLyeirLcIoPxFcTP0io70KLM3BRL7KFuaEFBTFWxqJC3REXbXaVzLkeYr0bQVmKCkK6HKFn9QsCpeHiYLf9hoPe44juXWpZhoZMxlWhWJmMZ7Stf9QzbW-IvwnqgteZfYlQm1_cVIHcRpxLn3cuvXQ5TGPMULMK8RmcTGvxFb3ARfEoAPE8EWqzZPJ_VMw0Bi3bgiLy8I5th-kMZ-f4lHki0TFLDkdfE3uzU2EGHCqeYnL7YHocjwjodmYBdlBrvdw1IYjA2kbOZ2l7HEbyrMElkWCWXuVmHwJqgrt2jekoVz8T_VQwl_mYYajsdpdTD8TIidON-GZHzLKcIHszNak4uUzNId4eyqMxk4wqWYJ81Pc6HicvSzn0cw1Pwpun7Cf4-5-InPxGOfof_aAAwDAQACAAMAAAAQ9-Q77rbigk_TnwZTrEAA20gMSA_AAAGJgTr0IAAAPgSSbvkgAAACZ0SQtFAA6IYE0Yk_AAXe6SfUMrAAnT_FC9FWAALzCQiJBNAAgZ1pEgpZtAivFG8sfvXggadhxhptmKJp_cYIhjDGbxyMkwZfDzvxvXgQ4NSyrFdANef3Vi4IOZTQd6yQ6sL0yGqQvKPUNYrQWgvI_8QAHBEAAwEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAERECAwQCEx_9oACAEDAQE_EEJlL8VKX7p8aJ8LELH7Qm8EPylEEFlNaJh-KEIJlJlF50hfh_dRdXgmoNU_m0XDGPl6xeILILRopdeITxatsKMY0QmvYIXK4eNEGiDZcuXlYxsuseUuvE-FrKJ9TXiFtG8Y16ITLlJl_fc2IQ49Qu2LYXSj1C7fouP_xAAaEQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAQIDBA_9oACAECAQE_EMriIPCIKG3ByG1FFBFFRtRdALIiioUeQMFmGOgY8DYgMcceHTggh7OOnBBD1WR3eR5BQ8Qp8HhcHYjp-U2MvChFDAhsaWhsWaMejT0KGhBZ4CO1agEVCjzOxRv_xAAmEAEAAgMAAgICAgMBAQAAAAABABEhMUFRYXGBIKEQkbHB8NHx_9oACAEBAAE_EEQILEo1qWaGJcXn3Cpf1AlxLLqDWB9y7sj6IfKH4wy1UiPuFsQrstRm5g2xxlpaW-YKrTcpiW_EMWq8xG7uFVb9QXRuUYeZ5MPEQ40zwCpYabnueQPlj-o2AInE_mn8UepYvxNUIHKh6Q8trGHJVc5EHz4hFkvEuzjCq8wZUyzZ332PuFryRfyMuDc4VETFZgKwQAuYzJNSvjxFVqHwSmMKDo5AaBt0FXqDghbF9PP7leS_XIsUj9zd-WQrMW0CpiF2JGwsuqi40C0ao39_UZqs4S06YhPVRswsB0MLR1EhrRitAAbUKq_u5fgWVZVZGjLA2xbAL_7Nf3KMaaZ3Z1EJ6QBSPSCvyPllgJyWsTLcFx0FF2uMHkLlIHCAUxnzUUwymEAe2ISy4KmXfMtWBetss5kJ1DP3GUMvHlmOGraIbW7Xydg7D1AYq8bJrJqXGy9ltnz2Ds3-NT9JQIy4ZlQMU0rFKFvct4OSvAICthz1MLY_EGEYcRcZJjObjFhWaQmou_PYCAlX5hNmqmVp5lyj8-IaUCqnNR_EwjYjdzGpAddSsH9wAYKNQMrihs2Zg2NjKu-JrE3i77l0ys6yTL0LwNKlmQ11wxuLcNDhBHUJt-Jlhzcor3EQBRbbFAlAtQIYJRxAKAx5gIOncAcbLHHzHyyxZYkmzmhuABP9IY3VZE23ImP4jCpdmYVkfqKDolfcYldhUKvrPLXyolaMESC4rSQoxxY8YAtV0hLg9RRs1-5aFsin3-UFMDTCrqOyCBDdVVRW1p-5Qt36gOEya3EC17l-HKplbgP-IRVZ6gpp5uAXgu58ozc1_IWymBWY5-4Dgh1WyCghXVRYs5EuoQvsRmEs51Bc2lMOxhbbyeGIKhGgeSixllLZhb1EVdVvIiDA-nEqV8_xYUaxEyDEFNxfEqQS82-ooBFyyjpARzkye55FXd0TIXzMHoomK5CpajsDUpyaCCbN-JSAcYsr5wsG9ZhctKY733M5LGitiVoFVGKr4l5Zsb4TEsLAjbyFZNFV_kxnd3XfENZeUorkulWUdcsAMCLtK-oYjvfqVh38QLPUzRY-oEXyXljEVfMKFc-XqIbkLa5Eos7oNMJVle5Rqn_UK0oNvfUtZtOmmOlDKtZ_1IEgyqFnP_ImIUGEdhhXughUUx7iFKIpb57jUXoaG9vMHpJPyMBkVXmWQ0RqrAhcAUM7jltU6pupgAtqVBIBuvEfJRw9GPYLEPqpyFNZ0NjfGBAs1o6-oCbbfxLANNBBwkrhREAfENHlT6ioCrTB0xS9K2hqtkcJwbBhjDLUOjApFFt4iaxj3G-BG4mouBqL3oC4kCgR-WEvywxfmHO64RFLwe9iK7RRfTVTGFp1P_oxWYnG7zNqsMFm3iDI-Q4S4tezGE8fMG9hNd01LpGxXPYL4M_PcxvKqVD0F-zUIvT7ljDdQ80ZqAQ8A51BWCUh4Kg711RyGOhpIJG3RORUr8BNfMZZboMkx5IrQKtIdjVwUANRBsGr_wA_MuIA401j-4hKBZgXO5tZzyCllFcChfEG9rI5SxpNUlRJYHGKloq81M5CnQDo9PuJ2xUPaxXzE4dOKZl3AlBh0tiBba_cV2ivmfH8AFdYtRRhWh3yV5btzEyN8hJhnCuSmHkqfUtHGH1GKeq9NRBVSacv3BVDM6fqNpiCPB9NQ4KVaxTKVGXoGmqV1Xmo6KyAEtTxaOVqwqI1eRByJBKz5-Zv8iP7Zo_M6-X-DSMbPmftp-hNf-WZ-7_BLr8Ju-SH7p_rHT8fx__Z
- name: ~
- signatures:
- - Key:
- key:
- Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
- signature:
- Ed25519: meUIklJ4H58cyYmZOaWvH5Kb3weDNiTbj9sD8Z7UaLGHB3zabrPUr5onDfVz9TgTnHA_cNbkDg4_Gsj5uQ0zCQ
- - id:
- Blake3: HflWay2xmCYnbqTKYP3utSo0s3v4Ne3vWOBzwHziD-o
- entry:
- created: "2024-01-04T07:45:01.291Z"
- previous_transactions:
- - Blake3: j98fNieA0pRXwKS6xBMkJYOWOuvOCBKzkOVyzG-2vXA
- body:
- MakeClaimV1:
- spec:
- Url:
- Public: "https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=xX_zefram420_Xx"
- name: ~
- signatures:
- - Key:
- key:
- Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
- signature:
- Ed25519: "-1XBmxQAdO1CMXf_ccA4Dr4P8xigaIhNCqCo6MTuBq_61CCBjNAOppP5fSuBHpfpCxovfyh8Z7-XIUwF0i17Bg"
- - Key:
- key:
- Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
- signature:
- Ed25519: A7tyA0accrK9uwvA6crQ9o623c5GabBrqlsW1rjKDpfULRYGVH6IbEkpkgLhsqPrTaB7nAQ1vz4-wWFdmTWzDw
-When all of these transactions are run in order, they spit out an identity object,
-which looks like this:
- Blake3: Zef-ZpmdW1CsA-zxqUzHTP2sKZwUqnfV3oQ7Di2gL3A
-created: "2024-01-04T07:40:51.669Z"
- - id:
- Blake3: OEvlaK-ZNB3zvVfcJH8i1rD3RIfarYyUAbw920-DiCM
- policy:
- capabilities:
- - Permissive
- multisig_policy:
- MOfN:
- must_have: 1
- participants:
- - Key:
- name: ~
- key:
- Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
- admin_keys:
- - key:
- Ed25519:
- public: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
- secret: ~
- name: alpha
- description: Your main admin key
- revocation: ~
- subkeys:
- - key:
- Sign:
- Ed25519:
- public: LD9pzUz2mHpY1fr-wn03fHA-sqVo-vFcYm9nal5gSyE
- secret: ~
- name: default/sign
- description: A default key for signing documents or messages.
- revocation: ~
- - key:
- Crypto:
- Curve25519XChaCha20Poly1305:
- public: LtIC_cnuUprmT9C-YtHZmken25vf-_OaqiCAHFWRJ1E
- secret: ~
- name: default/crypto
- description: A default key for receiving private messages.
- revocation: ~
- - key:
- Secret:
- hmac:
- Blake3: fTbD8ptHwCa-9_iXAIHyroTM8mBLq1w91Fm5LLmf2Yg
- data: ~
- name: default/secret
- description: A default key allowing encryption/decryption of personal data.
- revocation: ~
- - id:
- Blake3: Dr4qJ88VNLMraCqXBGoNO8ILbtizognoTwOvR3o7OtY
- spec:
- Identity:
- Public:
- Blake3: Zef-ZpmdW1CsA-zxqUzHTP2sKZwUqnfV3oQ7Di2gL3A
- stamps:
- - id:
- Blake3: ilik2Qll91ayj_YAeMs8yXanIVWJ9OOdOjMuD1Lm2bo
- entry:
- stamper:
- Blake3: s0f__TtNxiUrNJ8yi14vVQteecP7xQYQzcohhPqOdt8
- stampee:
- Blake3: Zef-ZpmdW1CsA-zxqUzHTP2sKZwUqnfV3oQ7Di2gL3A
- claim_id:
- Blake3: Dr4qJ88VNLMraCqXBGoNO8ILbtizognoTwOvR3o7OtY
- confidence: Low
- expires: ~
- created: "2024-01-04T08:47:03.075Z"
- revocation: ~
- name: ~
- - id:
- Blake3: yMRZQTTIsPdmCuhaJvwzCFXDsnljQk1y32VcgNn4b8o
- spec:
- Name:
- Public: Zefram Cochrane
- stamps: []
- name: ~
- - id:
- Blake3: 13_BWJcu_HrKFQV0mSogjHpm3i-4HQGDf-6vhnarH5Y
- spec:
- Email:
- Public: zef@starfleet.org
- stamps: []
- name: ~
- - id:
- Blake3: j98fNieA0pRXwKS6xBMkJYOWOuvOCBKzkOVyzG-2vXA
- spec:
- Photo:
- Public: _9j_4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD_2wBDABQODxIPDRQSEBIXFRQYHjIhHhwcHj0sLiQySUBMS0dARkVQWnNiUFVtVkVGZIhlbXd7gYKBTmCNl4x9lnN-gXz_2wBDARUXFx4aHjshITt8U0ZTfHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHz_wgARCACZAJkDAREAAhEBAxEB_8QAGQAAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMAAQQF_8QAFwEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECA__aAAwDAQACEAMQAAABz8qy6kCKsFKQiFAlllC9BqqhRB_Kto1Wg1aFLdXJKkoooql6BVkIQ0c7ZCqlhlhSyIXYVXGSkaQhCEHYtw2w6qqBi4gwOjoIztZdZohCENmUiWssIXTIRDShupsOdNKms1zVkIQhsxYQZqDYNIlqNMtDlfWRAlz0u5shCG3mtZZWlEWSsmnqQ0ZQGdOcym5lQhDbzsSUJbWlqgJSDCM9aIZbzdYzMVUIQ140UhkoGnqIgFdMq0uzeoHLuUXEqEIbMaKSy7q2mSIFVQ-XfQDlSnJ1hVzCEIa8bJkoixsrCQCpSXbaBcVXNvNGoCRLWG3G7mZVwy6FSFxQ-0yKmNIjWMaIspKqzbnbEKRqsM6iqoolMa2IAwBLQKFMlzmOhnQoCvIARVqci7WroWg7nnw-R1pIVlJnjGhrqIudGW3NAUFK-1qKucDMl3roFkTKykYrhRms0rc1agMlfRIihuMSas72DgTnM2LHiDNqOV0tKUWNURlxlFJsmiXQEc2ZlsSCLFgmuqmhlOV1p3I3GaKHS75oBVZ5m1uxYqwQKGtEuuAVo-zKmaCFHSmnLDCzUUq7EWWVQVS7syx1azAZoaIOlNaFSf_EACYQAAIBBAEEAgMBAQAAAAAAAAABAgMQERIhIDAxMhNBIzNCBEP_2gAIAQEAAQUCVsmw-b4NTXpz1oyZM9evaybWwY62sk447Goo9KMGuoqcmlTkPKJ9fCMn2yMHIjzKcVinhikTqZdGpKBFtE6jk5D7O-pKo5OKYpSGJpGNnFSRiriSw5D7P9SaclsaYEkKKFeSFTiift2MZEkhDtsbHyRN2RbyVPbsJWRJjkblLEiUNZ_HmSisS8y9u19MaMEPZx3SWojzL77UbOyRH1nJCdpL8j7OrFwO2RelN4KkN1TbtOnlyg10owYFgb48t9H2Y5tJ20jIqUtbKPDmIVpGdkOyyao9TIqgnlReSQuT44EvWZC3lzZT_WOyEnaZOOpF8wawNYMsfmSI8L6fmb5pv8ZgwIR9VfEuacfK4IPk0RIflH8ytSlrKS1FIyhCJsr_AK8kuCKUjDg88Wxylxnh-LQqZWjsjOFTjsT5_wA78y9KUhPhxNrP2fgm8ivGZsS0z8URRXyT5g_L9Fw4O2R3dkO8fEPaA_Nb1P8AmQv_AP_EABoRAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERADBAIGD_2gAIAQMBAT8B9corlFFF0ahUchpGQVGH3QsHBxOPb__EABQRAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAID_2gAIAQIBAT8BSH__xAApEAABAwIFBAICAwAAAAAAAAABABEhAhAgMDFRYRIiQHEyQQOBUtHx_9oACAEBAAY_AvPjxZ8GQycCFomOYdhqmVRoEBFyy4W6MIN8ul-lfFesrlkenRa9xTOW2t2kokvK7QU0ts6-6Su4TvlUnqH9ItuiHg65DmRsjnBAqVCmxz-kri0Wq9-AMB8AKb1eBK5TGxqBU5XOTomtonGmJ04waLZTOAv_AIuVxbTEcht1xYb4Xw-sf46sX3b2E1jtadCuMIp3Q4KKBtuLzYxh6al2rm0pzqi_8rftNaFrlTSCodTU6cFgqjb95wsVSqvdxg__xAAmEAEAAgIBBAEEAwEAAAAAAAABABEhMUEQUWFxgSAwobGRwfDx_9oACAEBAAE_IasWnEHzFX0joJntFcTUvotRi5cuX01qJ3FVGMIM4geelvM3xG-f4TI5ixfquFY2mWecIYOJh6kA4Szhx9gTANyokuLFcbaGKpYqvMQ3Bnca12wr0Lv6gh4QyL6L9XcQGfRy-J7yP-5dI0LLjmS3wLgXZw5gA1DNs0g8Rs8MsWOeOY7Kze1zb6q6VG0ouy7lEURSLuKwV_FAD5y24bVCULed4rMbzSrwTbH3AGD0kexOBeo32b-w10OOI6YUgu2e8tDpEDa5eqAdRcEGoMBEQRitiOoFAGvquX0fmjHSalzLL1EUPpiB-kHa_aKoJZVd8T5_MfqOirslUzSYOnZaIMjuMlnjAA8dpSUqCqEz-0KOITvLdwrMYK17IipqK-ZajMtu7jv7N04i4iHRUrivxQECmIblQQ0_Z1WMNt9FxpFQ7svdk0-moTFAxBzh2mSH8RM_SLShuMupiPnUU0kYEqJLzDAzBlG3QS21jmpU4ONxM5B-IirGLyeirLcIoPxFcTP0io70KLM3BRL7KFuaEFBTFWxqJC3REXbXaVzLkeYr0bQVmKCkK6HKFn9QsCpeHiYLf9hoPe44juXWpZhoZMxlWhWJmMZ7Stf9QzbW-IvwnqgteZfYlQm1_cVIHcRpxLn3cuvXQ5TGPMULMK8RmcTGvxFb3ARfEoAPE8EWqzZPJ_VMw0Bi3bgiLy8I5th-kMZ-f4lHki0TFLDkdfE3uzU2EGHCqeYnL7YHocjwjodmYBdlBrvdw1IYjA2kbOZ2l7HEbyrMElkWCWXuVmHwJqgrt2jekoVz8T_VQwl_mYYajsdpdTD8TIidON-GZHzLKcIHszNak4uUzNId4eyqMxk4wqWYJ81Pc6HicvSzn0cw1Pwpun7Cf4-5-InPxGOfof_aAAwDAQACAAMAAAAQ9-Q77rbigk_TnwZTrEAA20gMSA_AAAGJgTr0IAAAPgSSbvkgAAACZ0SQtFAA6IYE0Yk_AAXe6SfUMrAAnT_FC9FWAALzCQiJBNAAgZ1pEgpZtAivFG8sfvXggadhxhptmKJp_cYIhjDGbxyMkwZfDzvxvXgQ4NSyrFdANef3Vi4IOZTQd6yQ6sL0yGqQvKPUNYrQWgvI_8QAHBEAAwEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAERECAwQCEx_9oACAEDAQE_EEJlL8VKX7p8aJ8LELH7Qm8EPylEEFlNaJh-KEIJlJlF50hfh_dRdXgmoNU_m0XDGPl6xeILILRopdeITxatsKMY0QmvYIXK4eNEGiDZcuXlYxsuseUuvE-FrKJ9TXiFtG8Y16ITLlJl_fc2IQ49Qu2LYXSj1C7fouP_xAAaEQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAQIDBA_9oACAECAQE_EMriIPCIKG3ByG1FFBFFRtRdALIiioUeQMFmGOgY8DYgMcceHTggh7OOnBBD1WR3eR5BQ8Qp8HhcHYjp-U2MvChFDAhsaWhsWaMejT0KGhBZ4CO1agEVCjzOxRv_xAAmEAEAAgMAAgICAgMBAQAAAAABABEhMUFRYXGBIKEQkbHB8NHx_9oACAEBAAE_EEQILEo1qWaGJcXn3Cpf1AlxLLqDWB9y7sj6IfKH4wy1UiPuFsQrstRm5g2xxlpaW-YKrTcpiW_EMWq8xG7uFVb9QXRuUYeZ5MPEQ40zwCpYabnueQPlj-o2AInE_mn8UepYvxNUIHKh6Q8trGHJVc5EHz4hFkvEuzjCq8wZUyzZ332PuFryRfyMuDc4VETFZgKwQAuYzJNSvjxFVqHwSmMKDo5AaBt0FXqDghbF9PP7leS_XIsUj9zd-WQrMW0CpiF2JGwsuqi40C0ao39_UZqs4S06YhPVRswsB0MLR1EhrRitAAbUKq_u5fgWVZVZGjLA2xbAL_7Nf3KMaaZ3Z1EJ6QBSPSCvyPllgJyWsTLcFx0FF2uMHkLlIHCAUxnzUUwymEAe2ISy4KmXfMtWBetss5kJ1DP3GUMvHlmOGraIbW7Xydg7D1AYq8bJrJqXGy9ltnz2Ds3-NT9JQIy4ZlQMU0rFKFvct4OSvAICthz1MLY_EGEYcRcZJjObjFhWaQmou_PYCAlX5hNmqmVp5lyj8-IaUCqnNR_EwjYjdzGpAddSsH9wAYKNQMrihs2Zg2NjKu-JrE3i77l0ys6yTL0LwNKlmQ11wxuLcNDhBHUJt-Jlhzcor3EQBRbbFAlAtQIYJRxAKAx5gIOncAcbLHHzHyyxZYkmzmhuABP9IY3VZE23ImP4jCpdmYVkfqKDolfcYldhUKvrPLXyolaMESC4rSQoxxY8YAtV0hLg9RRs1-5aFsin3-UFMDTCrqOyCBDdVVRW1p-5Qt36gOEya3EC17l-HKplbgP-IRVZ6gpp5uAXgu58ozc1_IWymBWY5-4Dgh1WyCghXVRYs5EuoQvsRmEs51Bc2lMOxhbbyeGIKhGgeSixllLZhb1EVdVvIiDA-nEqV8_xYUaxEyDEFNxfEqQS82-ooBFyyjpARzkye55FXd0TIXzMHoomK5CpajsDUpyaCCbN-JSAcYsr5wsG9ZhctKY733M5LGitiVoFVGKr4l5Zsb4TEsLAjbyFZNFV_kxnd3XfENZeUorkulWUdcsAMCLtK-oYjvfqVh38QLPUzRY-oEXyXljEVfMKFc-XqIbkLa5Eos7oNMJVle5Rqn_UK0oNvfUtZtOmmOlDKtZ_1IEgyqFnP_ImIUGEdhhXughUUx7iFKIpb57jUXoaG9vMHpJPyMBkVXmWQ0RqrAhcAUM7jltU6pupgAtqVBIBuvEfJRw9GPYLEPqpyFNZ0NjfGBAs1o6-oCbbfxLANNBBwkrhREAfENHlT6ioCrTB0xS9K2hqtkcJwbBhjDLUOjApFFt4iaxj3G-BG4mouBqL3oC4kCgR-WEvywxfmHO64RFLwe9iK7RRfTVTGFp1P_oxWYnG7zNqsMFm3iDI-Q4S4tezGE8fMG9hNd01LpGxXPYL4M_PcxvKqVD0F-zUIvT7ljDdQ80ZqAQ8A51BWCUh4Kg711RyGOhpIJG3RORUr8BNfMZZboMkx5IrQKtIdjVwUANRBsGr_wA_MuIA401j-4hKBZgXO5tZzyCllFcChfEG9rI5SxpNUlRJYHGKloq81M5CnQDo9PuJ2xUPaxXzE4dOKZl3AlBh0tiBba_cV2ivmfH8AFdYtRRhWh3yV5btzEyN8hJhnCuSmHkqfUtHGH1GKeq9NRBVSacv3BVDM6fqNpiCPB9NQ4KVaxTKVGXoGmqV1Xmo6KyAEtTxaOVqwqI1eRByJBKz5-Zv8iP7Zo_M6-X-DSMbPmftp-hNf-WZ-7_BLr8Ju-SH7p_rHT8fx__Z
- stamps: []
- name: ~
- - id:
- Blake3: HflWay2xmCYnbqTKYP3utSo0s3v4Ne3vWOBzwHziD-o
- spec:
- Url:
- Public: "https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=xX_zefram420_Xx"
- stamps: []
- name: ~
-stamps: []
-### Algorithms
-There are four main keys an identity uses for either updating or publishing.
- {% capture body %}
- One key to rule them all. It is used to create the identity, and can be
- used to replace any of the other keys that control the identity.
- {% endcapture %}
- {% include 'includes/components/key.njk' title="Alpha" body=body classes="bg-indigo-100" %}
- {% capture body %}
- The policy key is used to create recovery policies, allowing the identity
- owner to replace compromised keys with newly-generated ones. A valid
- recovery can replace the policy, publish, and root keys.
- {% endcapture %}
- {% include 'includes/components/key.njk' title="Policy" body=body classes="bg-yellow-100" %}
- {% capture body %}
- The publish key allows signing and dating all published versions of a
- Stamp identity, useful for proving its overall correctness and preventing
- tampering.
- {% endcapture %}
- {% include 'includes/components/key.njk' title="Publish" body=body classes="bg-green-100" %}
- {% capture body %}
- The root key is effectively the daily-use key of the identity. It is used
- to sign claims, create stamps on the claims of others, manage your subkeys,
- and update any other part of your identity.
- {% endcapture %}
- {% include 'includes/components/key.njk' title="Root" body=body classes="bg-red-100" %}
-The keychain also holds "subkeys" which are either revoked/replaced keys from the
-list above, or any number of active keys which allow the identity to encrypt or
-sign messages or files.
-Effectively, any key in the keychain can be updated except the alpha key,
-which cannot ever change. If the alpha key is stolen, the identity is forever lost
-and most be revoked entirely. However, with an effective recovery policy, it is
-possible you would never even need to use the alpha key, so it can be tucked away
-inside a vault somewhere.
-If we've learned one thing from PGP and cryptocurrencies, it's that key management
-is really, really hard, even for complete nerds. So it follows that an identity
-system that relies on key management should be a) hard to misuse and b) easy to
-recover from misuse.
-Stamp's recovery system attempts to provide a way to make key management accidents
-not so fatal. It allows setting up a set of rules before an accident happens
-that allow you to recover from that accident. How does this work?
-Every Stamp identity has the concept of being valid.
-If the identity has signatures that don't match certain keys, or parts of the
-identity that stray from the signatures, then the identity is
-invalid and the implementations won't let you interact
-with it in any way.
-So if your root key is stolen and you need to change it, you can't just slap a new
-root key in there and go to town. You need to create a transaction, signed by your
-alpha key, that replaces the old root key. But if you're following best practices,
-your alpha key is stored separately from your identity and is locked in a safe
-protected by armed guards on a space station in geosynchronous orbit.
-Luckily, you were super smart and created a recovery policy:
- - All:
- - OfN:
- must_have: 1
- pubkeys:
- - Ed25519: hxJNDiXrMu3ahhhl9DDgkipiry1iw-9aoz8FOjhz3K0
- - Ed25519: el09jpXlNktjrb63_q75zlIJyjFmI30fBA4DI5OBj7o
- - OfN:
- must_have: 1
- pubkeys:
- - Ed25519: g3yYPVK8L4NiuTikdivlDNJ_brdZWA-cEjfNeASQFt0
- - Ed25519: 4rkAHQYDj5YKfAl_40O8JOLbApByHruaWwWIj1EeSMo
- - OfN:
- must_have: 3
- pubkeys:
- - Ed25519: 0FwmCwC7G2V2g7L_yJjH_HzUjQM3SDotmRvuFe2eqpk
- - Ed25519: R8R7t0JZQw80VyZrdk35BLPzlUCHY515zXSrEPJu2Ro
- - Ed25519: el09jpXlNktjrb63_q75zlIJyjFmI30fBA4DI5OBj7o
- - Ed25519: hxJNDiXrMu3ahhhl9DDgkipiry1iw-9aoz8FOjhz3K0
-Above, Any
is an OR
, All
is an AND
-and OfN
is a specification that of the given public keys, a recovery
-request must have at least N
signatures to be valid.
-Effectively what we have is a set of conditions requiring some combination of signatures
-from public keys that you specify beforehand. If a set of signatures on a recovery
-request satisfy the policy, the request is marked as valid
-and its action is executed (the only available action is to replace the policy, publish,
-and root keys all at once). You can create any amount of nested conditions that satisfy
-whatever balance between security and ease of recovery that you desire.
-Recovery policies give you and your community (family, friends, institutions) a
-way to help you recover from otherwise fatal mistakes relating to key management.
-Great so you've created a new identity, and it has a bunch of well-thought-out claims
-and you're ready to make or receive stamps or set up a recovery policy. How do you
-find other people's identities?
-StampNet is (going to be) a p2p network for storage of identities. It has three main
- {% capture body %}
- Anybody can connect to the network and ask for a publicly-stored identity.
- Doesn't matter if you're rich, poor, tall, short, skinny, fat, or a brain in a jar.
- All published identities are always accessible to anyone who can connect.
- {% endcapture %}
- {% include 'www/includes/components/id-part.njk' title="Retrieval" body=body classes="bg-indigo-100" %}
- {% capture body %}
- Any user of the Stamp protocol can use StampNet to make sure their private
- identity is in-sync between their devices. The synced updates to your identity
- are only available to the devices you approve beforehand.
- {% endcapture %}
- {% include 'www/includes/components/id-part.njk' title="Syncing" body=body classes="bg-yellow-100" %}
- {% capture body %}
- Public storage of your published identity requires StampNet membership,
- which is granted through the stamps of existing network members. These stamps
- are limited, and members must choose who they stamp wisely.
- {% endcapture %}
- {% include 'www/includes/components/id-part.njk' title="Storage" body=body classes="bg-green-100" %}
-Membership is currently a loosely-defined topic and
-discussion is currently ongoing.
-One of the goals of StampNet is to avoid blockchain-itis and act
-as a p2p network in its own right without the need to form some sort of global
-consensus. If it turns out blockchains are beneficial enough that the pros outweigh
-the cons, then so be it, but blockchain should not be used unless absolutely needed.
-[claims]: #claims
-[keychain]: #keychain
-[policies]: #policies
-[stamps]: #stamps
diff --git a/www/index.md.njk b/www/index.md.njk
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d1630e..0000000
--- a/www/index.md.njk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-layout: page.njk
-title: 'Stamp: A cryptographic identity system'
-Stamp is a distributed, cryptographic identity system used to represent a personal or group
-identity in electronic systems. The Stamp project is both a protocol and a
-[reference implementation][github], as well as a set of utilities for syncing your identity
-across your devices, publishing to an open p2p network for easy lookup, and syncing
-messages between identities in other p2p systems.
-Stamp's goals are to be *reasonably secure by default*, have *an intuitive interface*,
-and to be *a platform for other systems that use the concept of identity*.
-[github]: https://github.com/stamp-protocol