Scaffolding for highly optimized applications built with Ember.js
Helpful autotracking utilities
Async task functions for ember-concurrency
Component Library for Ember Octane apps
The frontend for the emeis user management service
Ember.js - A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications
Build fully personalized documentation sites; write content and demos in Markdown.
Automatic integration and configuration from the EmberJS community
Services for interacting with browser APIs so that you can have fine-grained control in tests.
Tracked versions of JavaScript's built-in classes
Resources for use with ember-data for reactive data (re)fetching
Modifier wrapper over Hammer.js library to drag elements
Lightweight, contextual component based table for Ember
Complimentary event template helpers to the {{on}} modifier
Stateful wrapper for native Promises
Render elsewhere in the DOM, with nice composition, animation, etc. Based on 100% public API.
Statecharts for Ember.js applications
Renderless Component for Popper.JS for you to easily make popovers in Ember.JS
An Ember.js addon for the painless support of keyboard events
An Ember addon for Fastboot-enabled UserAgent parsing via UAParser.js.
A utility/helper and data structure for representing a Promise in a declarative, reactive way in Glimmer.js and Ember Octane.
A simple ember component for adding Charts
Analyze the size and contents of your Ember app's bundles
A GitHub Action to compare runs of Ember Test Audit