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Faster debug and development with tiny models, tokenizers and datasets

If you're debugging problems and develop with full sized models and tokenizers you're likely not working in a very efficient way. Not only it's much more difficult to solve problem, the amount of waiting to get the program to restart and to get to the desirable point can be huge - and cumulatively this can be a huge drain on one's motivation and productivity, not talking about the resolution taking much longer, if at all.

The solution is simple:

Unless you're testing the quality of a model, always use a tiny random model with potentially tiny tokenizer.

Moreover, large models often require massive resources, which are typically expensive and can also can make a debugging process super complicated. For example any debugger can handle a single process, but if your model doesn't fit and require some sort of parallelization that requires multiple processes - most debuggers will either break or have issue giving you what you need. The ideal development environment is one process and a tiny model is guaranteed to fit on an even cheapest single smallest consumer GPU available. You could even use the free Google Colab to do development in a pinch if you have no GPUs around.

So the updated ML development mantra then becomes:

  • the larger the model the better the final product generates
  • the smaller the model the quicker the final product's training can be started

footnote: the recent research shows that larger isn't always better, but it's good enough to convey the importance of my communication.

Once your code is working, do switch to the real model to test the quality of your generation. But even in this case still try first the smallest model that produces a quality result. Only when you can see that the generation is mostly right use the largest model to validate if your work has been perfect.

Making a tiny model

Important: given their popularity and the well designed simple API I will be discussing HF transformers models. But the same principle can be applied to any other model.

TLDR: it's trivial to make a tiny HF transformers model:

  1. Fetch the config object of a full size model
  2. Shrink the hidden size and perhaps a few other parameters that contribute to the bulk of the model
  3. Create a model from that shrunken config
  4. Save this model. Done!

footnote: It's critical to remember that this will generate a random model, so don't expect any quality from its output.

footnote: These notes were written with HF Transformers models in mind. If you're using a different modeling library you may have to adapt some of these things.

Now let's go through the actual code and convert "google/mt5-small" into its tiny random counterpart.

from transformers import MT5Config, MT5ForConditionalGeneration

mname_from = "google/mt5-small"
mname_very_small = "mt5-tiny-random"

config = MT5Config.from_pretrained(mname_from)

print("new config", config)

very_small_model = MT5ForConditionalGeneration(config)
print(f"num of params {very_small_model.num_parameters()}")


As you can see it's trivial to do. And you can make it even smaller if you don't need the hidden size to be at least 64. For example try 8 - you just need to make sure that the number of attention heads isn't larger than hidden size.

Also please note that you don't need any GPUs to do that and you could do this even on a huge 176B parameter model like BLOOM-176B. Since you never load the actual original model, except its config object.

Before modifying the config you can dump the original parameters and choose to shrinks more dimensions. For example, using less layers makes it even smaller and easier to debug. So here is what you can do instead:


The original "google/mt5-small" model file was 1.2GB. With the above changes (and vocab shrinking as explained in the following sections) we got it down to 126MB.

If you're dealing with a multi-level nested config, you will have to update each sub-level's config object separately. For example in IDEFICS we have 1 main and 2 nested objects:


If you wanted to shrink this model you'd want to update config and config.vision_config with smaller values:


# sub object needs to be updated directly

See for a fully working script (I didn't bother adding the vocab shrinking as I'm just demonstrating how to update nested config objects here).

We can then further halve our tiny model size by converting the model to fp16 or bf16 (depending on the goal) before saving it:

very_small_model.half() # convert to fp16
#very_small_model.bfloat16() # convert to bf16

this takes us to 64M file.

So you could stop here and your program will start much much faster already.

And there is one more step you could do to make it truly tiny.

What we haven't shrunken so far is the vocabulary dimension so 64x250k (hidden*vocab) is still huge. Granted this 250k vocab model is not typical - normally models models' vocab is ~30-50k, but even 30k is a lot if we want the model to be truly tiny.

So next we will look into various techniques to shrinking the tokenizer, as it defines our vocab size.

Making a tiny tokenizer

This task varies between a relatively simple procedure and a much more complex workout depending on the underlying tokenizer.

The following recipes have come from a few awesome tokenizer experts at Hugging Face, which I then adapted to my needs.

You probably don't really need to understand how these work until you actually need them, therefore if you're reading this for the first time you can safely jump over these to Making a tiny model with a tiny tokenizer.

Anthony Moi's version

Anthony Moi's tokenizer shrinker:

import json
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from tokenizers import Tokenizer

vocab_keep_items = 5000
mname = "microsoft/deberta-base"

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(mname, use_fast=True)
assert tokenizer.is_fast, "This only works for fast tokenizers."
tokenizer_json = json.loads(tokenizer._tokenizer.to_str())
vocab = tokenizer_json["model"]["vocab"]
if tokenizer_json["model"]["type"] == "BPE":
    new_vocab = { token: i for token, i in vocab.items() if i < vocab_keep_items }
    merges = tokenizer_json["model"]["merges"]
    new_merges = []
    for i in range(len(merges)):
        a, b = merges[i].split()
        new_token = "".join((a, b))
        if a in new_vocab and b in new_vocab and new_token in new_vocab:
    tokenizer_json["model"]["merges"] = new_merges
elif tokenizer_json["model"]["type"] == "Unigram":
    new_vocab = vocab[:vocab_keep_items]
elif tokenizer_json["model"]["type"] == "WordPiece" or tokenizer_json["model"]["type"] == "WordLevel":
    new_vocab = { token: i for token, i in vocab.items() if i < vocab_keep_items }
    raise ValueError(f"don't know how to handle {tokenizer_json['model']['type']}")
tokenizer_json["model"]["vocab"] = new_vocab
tokenizer._tokenizer = Tokenizer.from_str(json.dumps(tokenizer_json))

I later discovered that gpt2 seems to have a special token "<|endoftext|>" stashed at the very end of the vocab, so it gets dropped and code breaks. So I hacked it back in with:

if "gpt2" in mname:
        new_vocab = { token: i for token, i in vocab.items() if i < vocab_keep_items-1 }
        new_vocab["<|endoftext|>"] = vocab_keep_items-1
        new_vocab = { token: i for token, i in vocab.items() if i < vocab_keep_items }

Lysandre Debut's version

Lysandre Debut' shrinker using train_new_from_iterator:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer

mname = "microsoft/deberta-base" # or any checkpoint that has a fast tokenizer.
vocab_keep_items = 5000

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(mname)
assert tokenizer.is_fast, "This only works for fast tokenizers."
# Should be a generator of list of texts.
training_corpus = [
    ["This is the first sentence.", "This is the second one."],
    ["This sentence (contains #) over symbols and numbers 12 3.", "But not this one."],
new_tokenizer = tokenizer.train_new_from_iterator(training_corpus, vocab_size=vocab_keep_items)

but this one requires a training corpus, so I had an idea to cheat and train the new tokenizer on its own original vocab which gave me:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer

mname = "microsoft/deberta-base"
vocab_keep_items = 5000

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(mname)
assert tokenizer.is_fast, "This only works for fast tokenizers."
vocab = tokenizer.get_vocab()
training_corpus = [ vocab.keys() ] # Should be a generator of list of texts.
new_tokenizer = tokenizer.train_new_from_iterator(training_corpus, vocab_size=vocab_keep_items)

which is almost perfect, except it now doesn't have any information about the frequency for each word/char (that's how most tokenizers compute their vocab, which if you need this info you can fix by having each key appearing len(vocab) - ID times, i.e.:

training_corpus = [ (k for i in range(vocab_len-v)) for k,v in vocab.items() ]

which will make the script much much longer to complete.

But for the needs of a tiny model (testing) the frequency doesn't matter at all.

Hack the tokenizer file approach

Some tokenizers can be be just manually truncated at the file level, e.g. let's shrink Llama2's tokenizer to 3k items:

# Shrink the orig vocab to keep things small (just enough to tokenize any word, so letters+symbols)
# ElectraTokenizerFast is fully defined by a tokenizer.json, which contains the vocab and the ids,
# so we just need to truncate it wisely
import subprocess
import shlex
from transformers import LlamaTokenizerFast

mname = "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf"
vocab_keep_items = 3000

tokenizer_fast = LlamaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(mname)
tmp_dir = f"/tmp/{mname}"
# resize tokenizer.json (vocab.txt will be automatically resized on save_pretrained)
# perl  -0777 -pi -e 's|(2999).*|$1},"merges": []}}|msg' tokenizer.json # 0-indexed, so vocab_keep_items-1!
closing_pat = '},"merges": []}}'
cmd = (f"perl -0777 -pi -e 's|({vocab_keep_items-1}).*|$1{closing_pat}|msg' {tmp_dir}/tokenizer.json")
result =, capture_output=True, text=True)
# reload with modified tokenizer
tokenizer_fast_tiny = LlamaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(tmp_dir)

Please remember that the outcome is only useful for functional testing - not quality work.

Here is the full version of which includes both the model and the tokenizer shrinking.

SentencePiece vocab shrinking

First clone SentencePiece into a parent dir:

git clone

Now to the shrinking:

# workaround for fast tokenizer protobuf issue, and it's much faster too!

from transformers import XLMRobertaTokenizerFast

mname = "xlm-roberta-base"

# Shrink the orig vocab to keep things small
vocab_keep_items = 5000
tmp_dir = f"/tmp/{mname}"
vocab_orig_path = f"{tmp_dir}/sentencepiece.bpe.model" # this name can be different
vocab_short_path = f"{tmp_dir}/spiece-short.model"
# HACK: need the sentencepiece source to get sentencepiece_model_pb2, as it doesn't get installed
import sentencepiece_model_pb2 as model
tokenizer_orig = XLMRobertaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(mname)
with open(vocab_orig_path, 'rb') as f: data =
# adapted from
m = model.ModelProto()
print(f"Shrinking vocab from original {len(m.pieces)} dict items")
for i in range(len(m.pieces) - vocab_keep_items): _ = m.pieces.pop()
print(f"new dict {len(m.pieces)}")
with open(vocab_short_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(m.SerializeToString())
m = None

tokenizer_fast_tiny = XLMRobertaTokenizerFast(vocab_file=vocab_short_path)

Making a tiny model with a tiny tokenizer

So now you can shrink the vocab size to as small as the tokenizer allows, that is you need to have at least enough tokens to cover the target alphabet and special characters, and usually 3-5k tokens is more than enough. Sometimes you could make it even small, after all the original ASCII charset has only 128 characters.

If we continue the MT5 code from earlier in this chapter and add the tokenizer shrinking code from the previous section, we end up with this script and when we run it - our end model file is truly tiny - 3.34 MB in size! As you can see the script also has code to validate that the model can actually work with the modified tokenizer. The results will be garbage, but the intention is to test that the new model and the tokenizer are functional.

Here is another example - here you can see I'm creating a totally new tiny vocab from scratch.

I also recommend to always store the building scripts with the model, so that you could quickly fix things or make similar versions of the model.

Also be aware that since HF transformers needs tiny models for their testing, you are very likely to already find one for each architecture available mostly from (except they didn't include the code of how they were made, but you can now figure it out based on these notes).

Another hint: if you need a slightly different tiny model, you can also start with an already existing tiny model and adapt it instead. Since it's random it's really only about getting the right dimensions. For example if the tiny model you found has 2 layers but you need 8, just resave it with this larger dimension and you're done.

Making a tiny dataset

Similar to models and tokenizers it helps to have a handy tiny version of a dataset you work with a lot. As usual this won't help with quality testing, but it's perfect for launching your program really fast.

footnote: the impact of using a tiny dataset won't be as massive as using a tiny model, if you're using already pre-indexed Arrow file datasets, since those are already extremely fast. But say you want the iterator to finish an epoch in 10 steps. Instead of editing your code to truncate the dataset, you could just use a tiny dataset instead.

This process of making a tiny dataset is somewhat more difficult to explain because it'd depend on the builder of the original model, which can be quite different from each other, but perhaps you can correlate my recipes to your datasets.

But the concept is still very simple:

  1. Clone the full dataset git repo
  2. Replace its full data tarball with a tiny one that contains just a few samples
  3. Save it - Done!

Here are some examples:

In all of these I took the original tarball, grabbed the first 10k records, tarred it back, used this smaller tarball and that was that. The rest of the builder script remained mostly the same.

And here are some examples of synthetic datasets, where instead of just shrinking the original tarball, I untar'ed it, manually chose the representative examples and then wrote a script to build any size of desired dataset based on those few representative samples:

These are also the complex examples where each sample is more than a text entry, but may have multiple text entries and images as well.

The unpacker is what expands each complex multi-record sample into its own sub-directory, so that now you can easily go and tweak it to your liking. You can add image, remove them, make text records smaller, etc.. You will also notice that I'm shrinking the large images into tiny 32x32 images, so again I'm applying the important principle of tiny across all dimensions that don't break the requirements of the target codebase.

And then the main script uses that structure to build a dataset of any desired length.

And here is for example the instructions of deploying these scripts for stas/general-pmd-synthetic-testing:

# prep dataset repo => stas/general-pmd-synthetic-testing
git clone
cd general-pmd-synthetic-testing

# select a few seed records so there is some longer and shorter text, records with images and without,
# a few variations of each type
rm -rf data
python --dataset_name_or_path \
general_pmd/image/localized_narratives__ADE20k/train/00000-00002 --ids 1-10 --target_path data

cd data

# shrink to 32x32 max, keeping ratio
mogrify -format jpg -resize 32x32\> */*jpg

# adjust one record to have no image and no text
cd 1
rm image.jpg text.txt
touch image.null text.null
cd -

cd ..

# create tarball
tar -cvzf data.tar.gz data

# complete the dataset repo
echo "This dataset is designed to be used in testing. It's derived from general-pmd/localized_narratives__ADE20k \
dataset" >>

# test dataset
cd ..
datasets-cli test general-pmd-synthetic-testing/ --all_configs

I also recommend to always store the building scripts with the dataset, so that you could quickly fix things or make similar versions of the dataset.

Similar to tiny models, you will find many tiny datasets under


While in the domain of ML we have the dataset, the model and the tokenizer - each of which can be made tiny and enable super-speed development with low resource requirements, if you're coming from a different industry you can adapt the ideas discussed in this chapter to your particular domain's artifacts/payloads.

Backup of all scripts in this chapter

Should the original scripts this chapter is pointing to disappear or the HF hub is down while you're reading this, here is the local back up of all of them.

note-to-self: to make the latest backup of files linked to in this chapter run:

perl -lne 'while (/(https.*?.py)\)/g) { $x=$1; $x=~s/blob/raw/; print qq[wget $x] }'