Huffman algorithm :
The input is recieved from the command line. The first parameter indicates which operation to perform. Possible operations are as follows:
-Pack Compressing. In this case, after the command is given a path to the directory which needs to be processed and the name of the archive file which needs to be created. For example:
Archive.exe -Pack C:\Test C:\Temp\myfile.arc
-Unpack Decompressing. In this case, after the command is given a path to an existing archive and a path to the directory in which it needs to be unpacked. For example:
Archive.exe -Unpack C:\Temp\myfile.arc C:\AnotherDirectory\
-List Shows the content of an archive. In this case, after the command is given a path to an exising archive. As output we get a list of the names of all files and directories contained in it. For example:
Archive.exe -List C:\Temp\myfile.arc