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Joe Steinbring
Developer, AI Expert, Traveler, and Milwaukeean
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I leverage over a decade of experience in JavaScript, mastering both front-end and back-end development to deliver robust and scalable web applications. My deep technical expertise encompasses the entire JavaScript ecosystem, enabling me to architect seamless, efficient solutions that drive business success.
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My expertise in Python is extensive, having utilized it to develop data-driven solutions and streamline workflows effectively across various projects. My proficiency in Python, combined with a keen understanding of libraries like Pandas and Scikit-Learn, allows me to craft high-quality, innovative software that meets complex business needs.
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Artificial Intelligence
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I have demonstrated significant expertise in leveraging products like Ollama to enhance AI-driven projects, showcasing my ability to integrate cutting-edge conversational models effectively. My deep understanding of these platforms enables me to develop sophisticated AI solutions that significantly improve user interaction and business processes.