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Telegram Bot for Simple Finance Information


  • /help : Display this help message
  • /greet : Greeting
  • /tips : Calculating tips (only for MD (Maryland), DC (District of Columbia), and VA (Virginia)) (Arguments: subtotal state [nb_splits])
  • /stock : Computing the statistics of a symbol (Arguments: symbol [startdate] [enddate]) (date format: YYYY-mm-dd)
  • /stockg : Computing the statistics of a symbol, and plotting (Arguments: symbol [startdate] [enddate]) (date format: YYYY-mm-dd)
  • /stockcorr : Computing the correlation between two symbols (Arguments: symbol1 symbol2 [startdate] [enddate]) (date format: YYYY-mm-dd)
  • /stockgma50: Computing the statistics of a symbol, and plotting the 50-day moving average (Arguments: symbol [startdate] [enddate]) (date format: YYYY-mm-dd)
  • /stockgma200: Computing the statistics of a symbol, and plotting the 200-day moving average (Arguments: symbol [startdate] [enddate]) (date format: YYYY-mm-dd)
  • /sp500ma: Plotting the S&P 500 index and its 50- and 200-day moving average.
  • /maplot: Plotting indices of your choice and its 50- and 200-day moving average.
  • /predictcrash: Predict the next market crash.

Telegram: @FinportTelebot (