As described in the table on the IIIF specification page.
- getLabel
- getMetadata
- getDescription
- getThumbnail
- getAttribution
- getLicence
- getLogo
- getId
- getType
- getViewingHint
- getNavDate
- getFormat
- getHeight
- getWidth
- getViewingHint
- getSeeAlso
- getService
- getRelated
- getRendering
- getWithin
- getStartCanvas
- getFirst
- getLast
- getTotal
- getNext
- getPrevious
- getStartIndex
- getCollections
- getManifests
- getMembers
- getSequences
- getCanvases
- getStructures / getRanges
- getOtherContent
- getImages
Methods that work on specific resources. (currentCollection, currentManifest etc.)
- Collection
- getId (Required)
- getType (Required - probably not needed for this)
- getViewingHint (Optional)
- getNavDate (Optional)
- Manifest
- getId (Required)
- getType (Required - probably not needed for this)
- getViewingDirection (Optional)
- getViewingHint (Optional)
- getNavDate (Optional)
- Sequence
- getId (Optional - auto-generated)
- getType (Required - probably not needed for this)
- getViewingDirection (Optional)
- getViewingHint (Optional)
- Canvas
- getId (Required)
- getType (Required - probably not needed for this)
- getHeight (Required)
- getWidth (Required)
- getViewingHint (Optional)
- Annotation
- getId (Recommended - auto-generated)
- getType (Required - probably not needed for this)
- getViewingHint (Optional)
- AnnotationList
- getId (Required)
- getType (Required - probably not needed for this)
- getViewingHint (Optional)
- Range
- getId (Required)
- getType (Required - probably not needed for this)
- getViewingDirection (Optional)
- getViewingHint (Optional)
- Layer
- getId (Required)
- getType (Required - probably not needed for this)
- getViewingDirection (Optional)
- getViewingHint (Optional)
- Image Content (imageResources)
- getId (Required)
- getType (Required - probably not needed for this)
- getFormat (Optional - default?)
- getHeight (Optional)
- getWidth (Optional)
- getViewingHint (Optional)
- Other Content (externalResources)
- getId (Required)
- getType (Required - probably not needed for this)
- getFormat (Optional - default?)
- getHeight (Optional)
- getWidth (Optional)
- getViewingHint (Optional)
- Collection
- getLabel (Required)
- getMetadata (Recommended)
- getDescription (Recommended)
- getThumbnail (Recommended)
- getAttribution (Optional)
- getLicence (Optional)
- getLogo (Optional)
- Manifest
- getLabel (Required)
- getMetadata (Recommended)
- getDescription (Recommended)
- getThumbnail (Recommended)
- getAttribution (Optional)
- getLicence (Optional)
- getLogo (Optional)
- Sequence
- getLabel (Optional)
- getMetadata (Optional)
- getDescription (Optional)
- getThumbnail (Optional)
- getAttribution (Optional)
- getLicence (Optional)
- getLogo (Optional)
- Canvas
- getLabel (Required)
- getMetadata (Optional)
- getDescription (Optional)
- getThumbnail (Recommended)
- getAttribution (Optional)
- getLicence (Optional)
- getLogo (Optional)
- Annotation
- getLabel (Optional)
- getMetadata (Optional)
- getDescription (Optional)
- getThumbnail (Optional)
- getAttribution (Optional)
- getLicence (Optional)
- getLogo (Optional)
- AnnotationList
- getLabel (Optional)
- getMetadata (Optional)
- getDescription (Optional)
- getThumbnail (Optional)
- getAttribution (Optional)
- getLicence (Optional)
- getLogo (Optional)
- Range
- getLabel (Required)
- getMetadata (Optional)
- getDescription (Optional)
- getThumbnail (Optional)
- getAttribution (Optional)
- getLicence (Optional)
- getLogo (Optional)
- Layer
- getLabel (Required)
- getMetadata (Optional)
- getDescription (Optional)
- getThumbnail (Optional)
- getAttribution (Optional)
- getLicence (Optional)
- getLogo (Optional)
- Image content
- getLabel (Optional)
- getMetadata (Optional)
- getDescription (Optional)
- getThumbnail (Optional)
- getAttribution (Optional)
- getLicence (Optional)
- getLogo (Optional)
- Other content
- getLabel (Optional)
- getMetadata (Optional)
- getDescription (Optional)
- getThumbnail (Optional)
- getAttribution (Optional)
- getLicence (Optional)
- getLogo (Optional)
- Collection
- getSeeAlso
- getService
- getRelated
- getRendering
- getWithin
- Manifest
- getSeeAlso
- getService
- getRelated
- getRendering
- getWithin
- Sequence
- getSeeAlso
- getService
- getRelated
- getRendering
- getWithin
- getStartCanvas
- Canvas
- getSeeAlso
- getService
- getRelated
- getRendering
- getWithin
- Annotation
- getSeeAlso
- getService
- getRelated
- getRendering
- getWithin
- AnnotationList
- getSeeAlso
- getService
- getRelated
- getRendering
- getWithin
- Range
- getSeeAlso
- getService
- getRelated
- getRendering
- getWithin
- getStartCanvas
- Layer
- getSeeAlso
- getService
- getRelated
- getRendering
- getWithin
- Image Content (imageResources)
- getSeeAlso
- getService
- getRelated
- getRendering
- getWithin
- Other Content (externalResources)
- getSeeAlso
- getService
- getRelated
- getRendering
- getWithin
- Collection
- getFirst
- getLast
- getTotal
- getNext
- getPrevious
- getStartIndex
- AnnotationList
- getNext
- getPrevious
- getStartIndex
- Layer
- getFirst
- getLast
- getTotal
- Collection
- getCollections
- getManifests
- getMembers
- getOtherContent (implicit)
- Manifest
- getSequences (Required)
- getStructures / getRanges
- getOtherContent (implicit)
- Sequence
- getCanvases
- Canvas
- getOtherContent
- getImages
- AnnotationList
- getResources / getAnnotations
- Range
- getMembers
- getCanvases
- getRanges
- Layer
- getOtherContent
- Collection (Required)
- Manifest (Required)
- First Sequence (Optional)
- Nth Sequence (Required)
- Canvas (Optional)
- Annotation (Recommended)
- AnnotationList (Required)
- Range (Optional)
- Layer (Optional)
- Image Content (Required)
- Other Content (externalResources) (Required)