All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- pause queue (bc347ea)
- resume order source backfill (56e91bf)
- stop order source backfill (a26c1d7)
- better locking on metadata queue (76688e2)
- wip (819e4ac)
- added script to resync orders source (07ec3f6)
- disable slug resync (4287492)
- added collection slug resync (0edaa62)
- remove logs (a625a17)
- update refresh date (8385ce4)
- added log (933041c)
- update queue export (46d1c52)
- fix log (7087a2f)
- added logs (f88a28c)
- add 5s cache to tokens floor route (ae4a173)
- wip (990be72)
- wip (0962345)
- remove source from details v1 (b7cf2fc)
- allow to update sources (c5753b2)
- allow up to 500 owners (92c2235)
- allow empty collection metadata entries (fed892d)
- use opensea for metadata (42b5dd4)
- allow getting up to 50 tokens by id (42ef098)
- disable queue (bfd04ce)
- check token result (d00118a)
- user tokens artblocks (11cf0f3)
- added push to github actions (4e3ad68)
- add admin api for fixing orphaned blocks (19670cb)
- add attributes static api (3cc7c61)
- add back initial token attributes deletion (75a0e8c)
- add better index on orders (ba4d085)
- add better logs (8a386b8)
- add exponential retry on calculate daily volume and more error checking (#238) (72e43cc)
- add index for bulk sales retrieval (e5dc33c)
- add new reprice token floor ask event (a081592)
- add origin to the logs (b877c41)
- add priority to admin metadata sync (#230) (e80636c)
- add public apis to refresh token and collections metadata (b6279a9)
- add public apis to refresh token and collections metadata (#233) (a2283ba)
- add sorting on 7 and 30 day volume and return those values in the collections api (#226) (227415e)
- add sorting on 7 and 30 day volume and return those values in the collections api (#227) (3d74acd)
- add standard version for automatic verion bump and changelog (6701e78)
- add support for attribute and collection orders (5f6caf6)
- add support for attributes (6ea8cc9)
- add support for bulk indexing collections (6411e55)
- add support for dynamic orders (fc0867d)
- add support for filtering by attributes in the tokens details api (eebb755)
- add support for filtering by source in the tokens details api (6842743)
- add support for filtering sales by attributes (4932092)
- add support for fixing orders by contract (ae2d0f3)
- add support for token media (87d6c18)
- added additional logs (f16986b)
- added new transfers api to support continuation (1ae586e)
- added versioning (e51604a)
- allow filtering collections api by slug (427fd03)
- allow large limit on attribute explore (6e18052)
- attach contract information to orders (d526cc5)
- better attribute filtering support on transfers and sales api (97f13f7)
- better metadata indexing (ac3c352)
- better paging and removal of offset and limit in tokens APIs (b1ec204)
- better support for rarible metadata syncing (22a2f3c)
- cache attributes in the tokens table (3bda8c7)
- cache attributes in the tokens table (1ffa7a7)
- compare row instead of using concat (8c8ca18)
- created v3 sales api (dabf412)
- denormalize attributes in the token_attributes table (00378f5)
- faster owners api (e37db91)
- improve indexes for orders bids and asks (f68912a)
- improved collection apis (2692086)
- include sample images in the collections api (7a3f213)
- index the metadata of new tokens (37c662c)
- integrate attributes api (6217f20)
- integrate attributes into token details api (3b4399e)
- integrate collection attributes api (60f4513)
- integrate collection filtering in transfers/sales apis (6e875ef)
- integrate execute buy api (020bc7a)
- integrate execute cancel api (786eb5c)
- integrate execute list api (118e6a5)
- integrate execute sell api (b6192d0)
- integrate filtering by attributes in the owners api (0eb2b87)
- integrate filtering by contract or source in the orders all api (616674c)
- integrate orders asks and bids apis (ecde810)
- integrate stats api (b28ddf5)
- integrate user positions api (d2c28cb)
- Log api calls with api keys for reference and set some defaults when no api key/invalid key are used (37b0870)
- optimize attribute filtering (1d8dc56)
- optional time range and sort direction for token floor ask events API (849e5ad)
- prioritize collection sync api (fb82929)
- prioritize low fee sell orders (e93a76c)
- properly associate orders to their source (02c5c43)
- properly integrate metadata for user positions api (48d1780)
- remove redundant fields (86a3dda)
- reorganize API into more logical product categories (30428df)
- support building attribute and collections bids (1384638)
- temporary log keys when posting orders in batch (4ff07d2)
- update indexes (696411c)
- update user tokens api to sort by top_buy_value (541288b)
- update x-deprecated docs (666f235)
- use a sample image as the collection icon when missing (a526bed)
- use cached tokens attributes (5144ab5)
- use continuation node for pagination (23066a5)
- use denormalized attributes for filtering (ad68c2b)
- v2 sales API (ad41ff1)
- wip (bdfd689)
- add 2 minutes timeout when indexing metadata (9912656)
- add missing comma (da5364c)
- add missing parameters when posting to opensea (fc7dcfb)
- allow duplicated token metadata write jobs (8622278)
- asks and bids apis tweaks (08a7518)
- attribute explore api should sort desc (70767fb)
- change hstore attributes insertion (5ceda73)
- change hstore attributes insertion (d7e45a6)
- change stats query when filtering by attribute (b13d4df)
- change to floorAskPrice (c612798)
- change versions and clean up some code (077e97f)
- collection entity parsing (9d31365)
- contination bug (#243) (f0c5d53)
- debug (5173eab)
- debug opensea order posting on rinkeby (ab33d1e)
- debug rarible full collection indexing (956f659)
- debugging (c30a9a4)
- debugging (841ceef)
- debugging (af6eccc)
- debugging (995fed7)
- default start and end timestamp of the floor ask events api in the code (f73b033)
- deploy (dc911ed)
- deploy (18f4ba4)
- deploy (bad4757)
- deploy (5cafdbc)
- deploy (2c8b781)
- do not return any values from query (c3a2e67)
- do not return any values from query (1bc5715)
- enforce passing the collection together with the attributes (7e262b6)
- ensure a single worker fetches metadata (7590473)
- explicit cast to postgres numeric type (7fb5573)
- handle duplicated collection slugs (315adb7)
- handle duplicated collection slugs (60f5331)
- handle pre-approvals of common exchanges (6dd7e48)
- increase metadata fetch concurrency (6aa4a29)
- increase metadata fetch timeout (ac677c8)
- increase payload size limit for admin metadata index api (687f2a6)
- insert newly minted tokens into corresponding collection-wide token sets (d7d29e3)
- make the owner nullable in the tokens details api (9d3aa0e)
- merge conflicts (fe175ab)
- optimize get user collections api (b77e6fa)
- orders asks and bids api tweaks (f3644a4)
- proper token set top buy query (75457ff)
- proper wyvern payment token detection (e80d2ec)
- properly handle attribute filtering on collection attributes apis (0e011a4)
- properly handle attribute filtering on collection attributes apis (082516f)
- properly handle inactive orders retrieval (5e2a942)
- properly handle list token sets (4bb8164)
- properly handle list token sets with attributes (4674d84)
- properly handle retrieving null sources (1187c36)
- redeploy (6dcdfc8)
- remove concurrency from metadata write queue (7cfc037)
- remove debug log (2904e78)
- remove debug log (41ffb97)
- remove debug logs (de32984)
- remove initial token attributes deletion and increase concurrency (e68a441)
- remove join on tokens when fetching collections (04fb8f8)
- remove token attributes deletion (4556b08)
- repair build (e6e0b56)
- revert temporary timeout increase and add improvement idea for updating expired orders (370dfe0)
- skip metadata for unknown tokens (5fe9946)
- skip metadata write jobs with invalid data (972afba)
- skip unknown collections (73ea6a9)
- stringify all metadata keys and values before inserting to database (9006f09)
- temporary internal database timeouts increase (16e3c86)
- temporary script for backfilling all orders' contract (276128c)
- testing (6920c1d)
- top sell value from users tokens (5e159bd)
- transfer continuation node (f3a1656)
- tweak attributes all api (7ed8f06)
- tweak attributes all api (d6ed9e9)
- tweak collection and stats apis (bb515fe)
- tweak collection and stats apis (889c775)
- tweaks to the sales and transfers apis (db520bc)
- update api response (e61206a)
- update collection name (4861d4d)
- update metadata index api query (469d4c0)
- update migration indexes (25aa845)
- use nulls last when sorting collections by volume (e0b7e8c)
- user collections response type (b5db3ad)