- "Go for it! Take risks!" - talk to speaker (they simply want attention)
- take care of your career, be proactive, it's your game!
- Mentoring
- use platforms like Github, Xing, Twitter to make yourself visible and expand your filter bubble to include the "cool guys"
- job interviews = partnership between you and your potential employer. Use this opportunity!
- dare to apply for another job / multiple jobs. You can only learn.
- "how conferences work": drink enough water, don't visit talks in every slot but pause for a while, talk to foreign developer, join the folks at the hotel bar in the evening
- Coderetreats, Katas
- JUG, Softwerkskammer, Software Craftsmanship
- decide what motivates you: Money isn't everything. Freedom and conferences are more important later on.
- small world: Story of conference troll in Nürnberg, Braunschweig, Hannover, Hamburg. Care about your good image A LOT and do good things.
- "Be there" = huge part of success. JUGs, conferences, job, events organized by your employer, corporate events
- win / take magazines and licences at JUG events
- add stuff from "Passionate Programmer"
- Get Input from Lisa + Dmitrij