Just some sample prototype green screen code using Tensorflow lite. Unlike other packages out there, this is extremely simplified for easy access and relatively clear understanding of what's going on.
This requires WASM + SIMD supported (enabled?) on your browser; also it requires Chromium >= v87. (chrome or edge , etc)
To enable WASM + SIMD, go to chrome://flags
and enable WebAssembly SIMD support.
It is also hard-coded to 720p, so your camera needs to support that.
Try it out live: https://steveseguin.github.io/digital-greenscreen/
This project was initially based on the works of Google and this repo: https://github.com/Volcomix/virtual-background ; Apache-2.0 License. The Google portion was published initially with an Apache lic, although it changed to a Google Lic at a later date. (?)