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Fortran module: lineParse.f90

Routines for easy string parsing.

-logical function s_is_number(s)
is string a number?

-subroutine capital2lower( s )
convert string to all capital letters

-subroutine lower2capital( s )
convert string to all lowercase

-logical function s_is_fortran ( s, flag)
returns .true. if string is a recognized fortran term

-integer(4) function s_word_count ( s )
returns the number of words in a string

-character(80) function s_get_word( n, s, attr )
returns the nth word in a string

-character(80) function s_get_word_range( n1, n2, s )
returns the n1th up to the n2th words in string

-subroutine s_get_val( n, s, val, attr )
returns the value of the nth "word" in string an overloaded function, so you must specify the returning variable in the expected type.

-subroutine left_of( w , s )
returns the part of string left of w useful for striping inline comments

-integer function s_num_count( s )
returns the number of numbers in string

-character(80) function s_get_num( n, s, attr )
returns the value of the nth number in string

-character(80) function s_get_line( fid, ln, eo )
reads a string, striped of inline comments from file fid

-real(4) function evaluate( s )
TESTING attempts to evaluate the string as amathematical expression

Geometric Domain Module: domMod/domType.f90

Geometric domain definitions can be complicated, this Fortran module consolodates it.

-subroutine readDomain( s, dom )
reads a domain format from a string, useful for input files

-subroutine writeDomain( dom )
writes the domain definition to a string that is readable by readDomain.

-logical function inDomain( pos, dom )
returns whether a given position vector is in the specified domain.

-real(4) function DomainVolume( dom, box )
returns the volume of the specified domain, box is required if the domain is inverted.

-real(4), dimension(3) function DomainCenter( dom )
returns the positioin vector for the center of the domain.

-real(4) function fullangle( v )
returns the full angle between the X axis and the vector v.

Domain Types

The domain type is defined below:

type domain
    character(3)           :: ct	!type
    logical                :: inside	!within or without boundary
    integer                :: axis	!cylinders have an axial direction (only parallel axes supported)
    real(4), dimension(7) :: parm	!parameters
end type domain

-rec in xmin xmax, ymin ymax, zmin zmax
rectangular domain with faces perpendicular to primary axes

-per in xmin xmax, ymin ymax, zmin zmax, width
rectangular shell or perimeter with a thickness of width

-sph in x y z, radius
sphere, fairly obvious.

-ell in axis x y a b
ellipse or cylinder oriented along axis with major and minor radii a and b

-tub in axis x y oa ob ia ib
elliptical tube with outer radii oa and ob and inner radii ia and ib

-wed in axis x y r maxAng dAng
Wedge shape with point at (x, y) and radius r with maxAng measured from X axis, the angle size of the wedge is dAng