Understanding of abstract operations (e.g. ToString) is essential to understand coercion!
null "null"
undefined "undefined"
true "true"
false "false"
3.14159 "3.14159"
0 "0"
-0 "0"
[] ""
[1,2,3] "1,2,3"
[null,undefined] ","
[[[],[],[]],[]] ",,,"
[,,,,] ",,,"
{} "[object Object]"
{a:2} "[object Object]"
Javascript spec:
Edition 5 clarifies the fact that a trailing comma at the end of an ArrayInitialiser does not add to the length of the array
"" 0
"0" 0
"-0" -0
" 009 " 9
"3.14159" 3.14159
"0." 0
".0" 0
"." NaN
"0xaf" 175
false 0
true 1
null 0
undefined NaN
ToNumber(object) ToPrimitive(number)
[""] 0
["0"] 0
["-0"] -0
[null] 0
[undefined] 0
[1,2,3] NaN
[[[[]]]] 0
Falsy : if you have a value and you dispatch the ToBoolean abstract operation on it, it will always produce false
examples and only falsy values ("", 0, +0, -0, null, NaN, false, undefined)
Truthy : something is a truthy value if it's not on the Falsy list
These rules only apply if the ToBoolean
operation is invoked!