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File metadata and controls

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Rodent's Error Management System


errors.go implements a comprehensive error management system for Rodent, designed to handle errors across different subsystems while providing structured error information for both API responses and logging.

Core Components

1. Error Structure

The RodentError type is the foundation:

type RodentError struct {
    Code       ErrorCode           `json:"code"`
    Domain     Domain             `json:"domain"`
    Message    string             `json:"message"`
    Details    string             `json:"details,omitempty"`
    HTTPStatus int               `json:"-"`
    Metadata   map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

Key features: - Domain-based categorization - Unique error codes - HTTP status code mapping - Extensible metadata - JSON serialization support

2. Domain Classification

Domains help identify error sources:

const (
    DomainConfig    Domain = "CONFIG"
    DomainServer    Domain = "SERVER"
    DomainZFS       Domain = "ZFS"
    DomainCommand   Domain = "CMD"
    DomainHealth    Domain = "HEALTH"
    DomainLifecycle Domain = "LIFECYCLE"

3. Error Code Ranges

Well-defined ranges for each subsystem: - 1000-1099: Configuration errors - 1100-1199: Server errors - 1200-1299: ZFS operations - 1300-1399: Command execution - 1400-1499: Health checks - 1500-1599: Lifecycle management

Integration Points

1. Middleware Integration

middleware.go demonstrates structured error logging:

if re, ok := err.Err.(*errors.RodentError); ok {
    attrs = append(attrs,
        slog.Int("error_code", int(re.Code)),
        slog.String("error_domain", string(re.Domain)),
        slog.String("error_message", re.Message),
        slog.String("error_details", re.Details),
    // Add metadata as fields
    for k, v := range re.Metadata {
        attrs = append(attrs, slog.String("error_metadata_"+k, v))

2. API Response Handling

Error information is automatically included in JSON responses:

    "code": 1200,
    "domain": "ZFS",
    "message": "ZFS command execution failed",
    "details": "dataset not found",
    "metadata": {
        "dataset": "tank/test",
        "command": "zfs list",
        "exit_code": "1"
    "timestamp": "2024-03-19T10:30:45Z"

Usage Examples

1. Creating Errors

// Simple error
err := errors.New(errors.ZFSCommandFailed, "dataset creation failed")

// With metadata
err := errors.New(errors.ZFSCommandFailed, "dataset creation failed").
    WithMetadata("dataset", "tank/test").
    WithMetadata("command", "zfs create")

2. Wrapping Errors

if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
    return errors.Wrap(err, errors.CommandExecution)

3. Error Handling in Handlers

func handleZFSOperation(c *gin.Context) {
    if err := zfs.CreateDataset(dataset); err != nil {
        if re, ok := err.(*errors.RodentError); ok {
            c.JSON(re.HTTPStatus, re)
            errors.New(errors.ServerError, "internal error"))

Best Practices

  1. Domain Usage:
    • Keep errors within their domain
    • Use appropriate error codes
    • Include relevant metadata
  2. Error Creation:
    • Use New() for fresh errors
    • Use Wrap() for existing errors
    • Add context with metadata
  3. Error Handling:
    • Check error types with IsRodentError()
    • Log all error fields
    • Preserve error context

What Could Go Wrong

  1. Error Wrapping Depth:
    • Multiple wraps can lose original context
    • Need to consider error unwrapping
  2. Metadata Growth:
    • Unconstrained metadata can bloat logs
    • Need metadata validation/limits
  3. Error Code Collisions:
    • Manual management of error codes
    • Need automated checks
  4. Performance Impact:
    • Metadata map allocations
    • JSON marshaling overhead

Future Improvements

1. Error Recovery

type RecoveryHint struct {
    Suggestion string
    Action     func() error

2. Error Aggregation

type ErrorAggregator interface {
    GetErrors() []error
    HasErrors() bool

3. Stack Traces

type RodentError struct {
    // ...existing fields
    Stack    []string `json:"stack,omitempty"`

4. Error Categories

type ErrorCategory int

const (
    CategoryValidation ErrorCategory = iota

Monitoring Integration

The error system provides data for monitoring:

  1. Error Metrics:
    • Count by domain
    • Error code frequency
    • Response times
  2. Alert Triggers:
    • Error rate thresholds
    • Critical error codes
    • System health impact

Current Limitations

  1. No built-in stack traces
  2. Limited error recovery hints
  3. No error aggregation
  4. No error pattern detection


Rodent's error management system provides a solid foundation for handling errors across the application. While there's room for improvement, the current implementation offers: - Structured error information - Clear domain separation - Rich contextual metadata - Integrated logging - API-friendly responses

Future work should focus on adding advanced features like stack traces, error recovery, and monitoring integration while maintaining the system's simplicity and usability.