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764 lines (465 loc) · 40.2 KB

File metadata and controls

764 lines (465 loc) · 40.2 KB

Change log

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning. See for instructions to keep up to date.

Operators, you should copy/paste content of this content straight to your project. It is written and meant to be copied over to your project.

If you were at firehose-core version 1.0.0 and are bumping to 1.1.0, you should copy the content between those 2 version to your own repository, replacing placeholder value fire{chain} with your chain's own binary.


  • [Operator] Node Manager HTTP /v1/resume call now accepts extra-env=<key>=<value>&extra-env=<keyN>=<valueN> enabling to override environment variables for the next restart only. Use curl -XPOST "http://localhost:10011/v1/resume?sync=true&extra-env=NODE_DEBUG=true" (change localhost:10011 accordingly to your setup).

    This is not persistent upon restart!

  • [Metering] Revert undesired Firehose metric Endpoint changes, the correct new value used is sf.firehose.v2.Firehose/Blocks (had been mistakenly set to sf.firehose.v2.Firehose/Block between version v1.6.1 and v1.6.4 inclusively).


Substreams fixes

  • Fixed an(other) issue where multiple stores running on the same stage with different initialBlocks will fail to proress (and hang)


Substreams fixes

  • Fix "cannot resolve 'old cursor' from files in passthrough mode" error on some requests with an old cursor
  • Fix handling of 'special case' substreams module with only "params" as its input: should not skip this execution (used in graph-node for head tracking) -> empty files in module cache with hash d3b1920483180cbcd2fd10abcabbee431146f4c8 should be deleted for consistency
  • Fix bug where some invalid cursors may be sent (with 'LIB' being above the block being sent) and add safeguard/loggin if the bug appears again
  • Fix panic in the whole tier2 process when stores go above the size limit while being read from "kvops" cached changes

Core fixes

  • fix: reader-node-stdin not shutting down after receiving an EOF



  • [Operator] The flag --advertise-block-id-encoding now accepts shorter form: hex, base64, etc. The older longer form BLOCK_ID_ENCODING_HEX is still supported but we suggested using the shorter form from now on.

Substreams v1.10.2

Note Since a bug that affected substreams with "skipping blocks" was corrected in this release, any previously produced substreams cache should be considered as possibly corrupted and be eventually replaced

  • Substreams: fix bad handling of modules with multiple inputs when only one of them is filtered, resulting in bad outputs in production-mode.
  • Substreams: fix stalling on some substreams with stores and mappers with different start block numbers on the same stage
  • Substreams: fix 'development mode' and LIVE mode executing some modules that should be skipped


  • Bump substreams to v1.10.0: Version 1.10.0 adds a new EndpointInfo/Info endpoint, introduces a 3-minute default execution timeout per block, updates metering metrics with a deprecation warning, enhances substreams init commands, and improves wasm module caching and Prometheus tool flexibility. Full changelog:
  • Metering update: more detailed metering with addition of new metrics. DEPRECATION WARNING: bytes_read and bytes_written metrics will be removed in the future, please use the new metrics for metering instead


  • Add sf.firehose.v2.EndpointInfo/Info service on Firehose and sf.substreams.rpc.v2.EndpointInfo/Info to Substreams endpoints. This involves the following new flags:

    • advertise-chain-name Canonical name of the chain according to (required, unless it is in the "well-known" list)
    • advertise-chain-aliases Alternate names for that chain (optional)
    • advertise-block-features List of features describing the blocks (optional)
    • advertise-block-id-encoding Encoding format of the block ID [BLOCK_ID_ENCODING_BASE58, BLOCK_ID_ENCODING_BASE64, BLOCK_ID_ENCODING_BASE64URL, BLOCK_ID_ENCODING_HEX, BLOCK_ID_ENCODING_0X_HEX] (required, unless the block type is in the "well-known" list)
    • ignore-advertise-validation Runtime checks of chain name/features/encoding against the genesis block will no longer cause server to wait or fail.
  • Add a well-known list of chains (hard-coded in wellknown/chains.go to help automatically determine the 'advertise' flag values). Users are encouraged to propose Pull Requests to add more chains to the list.

  • The new info endpoint adds a mandatory fetching of the first streamable block on startup, with a failure if no block can be fetched after 3 minutes and you are running firehose or substreams-tier1 service. It validates the following on a well-known chain:

    • if the first-streamable-block Num/ID match the genesis block of a known chain, e.g. matic, it will refuse another value for advertise-chain-name than matic or one of its aliases (polygon)
    • If the first-streamable-block does not match any known chain, it will require the advertise-chain-name to be non-empty
    • If the first-streamable-block type is unknown (i.e. not ethereum, solana, near, cosmos, bitcoin...), it will require the user to provide advertise-chain-name as well as advertise-block-id-encoding
  • Substreams: add --common-tmp-dir flag and activate local caching of pre-compiled WASM modules through wazero feature

  • Substreams: revert module hash calculation from v1.5.5, when using a non-zero firstStreamableBlock. Hashes will now be the same even if the chain's first streamable block affects the initialBlock of a module.

  • Substreams: add --substreams-block-execution-timeout flag (default 3 minutes) to prevent requests stalling

  • Metering update: more detailed metering with addition of new metrics (live_uncompressed_read_bytes, live_uncompressed_read_forked_bytes, file_uncompressed_read_bytes, file_uncompressed_read_forked_bytes, file_compressed_read_forked_bytes, file_compressed_read_bytes). DEPRECATION WARNING: bytes_read and bytes_written metrics will be removed in the future, please use the new metrics for metering instead.


  • Bump substreams to v1.9.3: fix high CPU usage on tier1 caused by a bad error handling


  • Bump substreams to v1.9.2: Prevent Noop handler from sending outputs with 'Stalled' step in cursor (which breaks substreams-sink-kv)
  • add --reader-node-line-buffer-size flag and bump default value from 100M to 200M to go over crazy block 278208000 on Solana


  • added well known type for starknet and cosmos
  • Fixed a bug in substreams where chains with non-zero first-streamable-block would cause some substreams to hang. Solution changes the 'cached' hashes for those substreams.


Substreams bumped to v1.9.0

Important Substreams BUG FIX

  • Fix a bug introduced in v1.6.0 that could result in corrupted store "state" file if all the "outputs" were already cached for a module in a given segment (rare occurence)
  • We recommend clearing your substreams cache after this upgrade and re-processing or validating your data if you use stores.


  • Expose a new intrinsic to modules: skip_empty_output, which causes the module output to be skipped if it has zero bytes. (Watch out, a protobuf object with all its default values will have zero bytes)
  • Improve schedule order (faster time to first block) for substreams with multiple stages when starting mid-chain


  • fix "hub" not recovering on certain disconnections in relayer/firehose/substreams (scenarios requiring full restart)


Substreams changes

  • Added substreams back-filler to populate cache for live requests when the blocks become final
  • Fixed: truncate very long details on error messages to prevent them from disappearing when behind a (misbehaving) load-balancer


  • Bootstrapping from live blocks improved for chains with very slow blocks or with very fast blocks (affects relayer, firehose and substreams tier1)
  • Substreams fixed slow response close to HEAD in production-mode



  • Substreams engine is now able run Rust code that depends on solana_program in Solana land to decode and alloy/ether-rs in Ethereum land

How to use solana_program or alloy/ether-rs

Those libraries when used in a wasm32-unknown-unknown context creates in a bunch of wasmbindgen imports in the resulting Substreams Rust code, imports that led to runtime errors because Substreams engine didn't know about those special imports until today.

The Substreams engine is now able to "shims" those wasmbindgen imports enabling you to run code that depends libraries like solana_program and alloy/ether-rs which are known to pull those wasmbindgen imports. This is going to work as long as you do not actually call those special imports. Normal usage of those libraries don't accidentally call those methods normally. If they are called, the WASM module will fail at runtime and stall the Substreams module from going forward.

To enable this feature, you need to explicitly opt-in by appending a +wasm-bindgen-shims at the end of the binary's type in your Substreams manifest:

    type: wasm/rust-v1
    file: <some_file>

to become

    type: wasm/rust-v1+wasm-bindgen-shims
    file: <some_file>


  • Substreams clients now enable gzip compression over the network (already supported by servers).

  • Substreams binary type can now be optionally composed of runtime extensions by appending a +<extension>,[<extesions...>] at the end of the binary type. Extensions are key[=value] that are runtime specifics.

    [!NOTE] If you were a library author and parsing generic Substreams manifest(s), you will now need to handle that possibility in the binary type. If you were reading the field without any processing, you don't have to change nothing.


  • Fix parsing of flag 'common-index-block-sizes' from yaml config file

Substreams bumped to v1.6.2

  • execout: preload only one file instead of two, log if undeleted caches found
  • execout: add environment variable SUBSTREAMS_DISABLE_PRELOAD_EXEC_FILES to disable file preloading


Substreams bumped to v1.6.1

  • Revert sanity check to support the special case of a substreams with only 'params' as input. This allows a chain-agnostic event to be sent, along with the clock.
  • Fix error handling when resolved start-block == stop-block and stop-block is defined as non-zero


Substreams bumped to v1.6.0

Note Upgrading will require changing the tier1 and tier2 versions concurrently, as the internal protocol has changed.

  • Index Modules and Block Filter now supported. See for an example implementation
  • Various scheduling and performance improvements
  • env variable SUBSTREAMS_WORKERS_RAMPUP_TIME changed from 4s to 0. Set it to 4s to keep previous behavior
  • otelcol:// tracing protocol no longer supported



  • Allow stores to write to stores with out-of-order ordinals (they will be reordered at the end of the module execution for each block)
  • Fix issue in substreams-tier2 causing some files to be written to the wrong place sometimes under load, resulting in some hanging requests


  • The tools download-from-firehose now respects it's documentation when doing --help, correct invocation now is firecore tools download-from-firehose <endpoint> <start>:<end> <output_folder>.

  • The firecore tools download-from-firehose has been improved to work with new Firehose sf.firehose.v2.BlockMetadata field, if the server sends this new field, the tool is going to work on any chain. If the server's you are reaching is not recent enough, the tool fallbacks to the previous logic. All StreamingFast endpoints should serves be compatible.

  • Firehose response (both single block and stream) now include the sf.firehose.v2.BlockMetadata field. This new field contains the chain agnostic fields we hold about any block of any chain.



  • Fixed possible race condition in the blockPoller
  • Fix relayer waiting too long to fail when reconnecting to a single source (especially on slow chains). It will now fail right away if it receives an unlinkable block and has a single source configured.
  • Fixed skipped block handling and performance issues on blockPoller


  • The --block-type flag got renamed to --substreams-tier1-block-type. Specifying it will make substreams-tier1 skip the block type discovery (from files or live stream) on startup, getting ready faster.


  • Logs now print the "x-deployment-id" header on firehose connections (used to propagate subgraph deployment ids from graph-node and help debugging)


  • bump substreams to v1.5.5 with fix in wazero to prevent process freezing on certain substreams
  • bump go-generics to v3.4.0


Substreams fixes

  • fix a possible panic() when an request is interrupted during the file loading phase of a squashing operation.
  • fix a rare possibility of stalling if only some fullkv stores caches were deleted, but further segments were still present.
  • fix stats counters for store operations time


  • add DefaultBlockType into firehose.Chain struct, enabling default block type setting for known chain


  • bumped to v1.5.3
  • add --block-type flag that can be specified when creating substreams tier1. If not specified, tier1 will auto-detect block type from source.
  • fix memory leak on substreams execution (by bumping wazero dependency)
  • prevent substreams-tier1 stopping if blocktype auto-detection times out
  • fix missing error handling when writing output data to files. This could result in tier1 request just "hanging" waiting for the file never produced by tier2.
  • fix handling of dstore error in tier1 'execout walker' causing stalling issues on S3 or on unexpected storage errors
  • increase number of retries on storage when writing states or execouts (5 -> 10)
  • prevent slow squashing when loading each segment from full KV store (can happen when a stage contains multiple stores)



  • Fix a context leak causing tier1 responses to slow down progressively



  • fix another panic on substreams-tier2 service
  • fix thread leak in metering affecting substreams
  • revert a substreams scheduler optimisation that causes slow restarts when close to head
  • add substreams_tier2_active_requests and substreams_tier2_request_counter prometheus metrics


  • fix panic on substreams-tier2 service



Chain-agnostic tier2

  • A single substreams-tier2 instance can now serve requests for multiple chains or networks. All network-specific parameters are now passed from Tier1 to Tier2 in the internal ProcessRange request.
  • This allows you to better use your computing resources by pooling all the networks together.


Since the tier2 services will now get the network information from the tier1 request, you must make sure that the file paths and network addresses will be the same for both tiers. ex: if --common-merged-blocks-store-url=/data/merged is set on tier1, make sure the merged blocks are also available from tier2 under the path /data/merged. The flags --substreams-state-store-url, --substreams-state-store-default-tag and --common-merged-blocks-store-url are now ignored on tier2. The flag --common-first-streamable-block should be set to 0 to accommodate every chain.


The cached 'partial' files no longer contain the "trace ID" in their filename, preventing accumulation of "unsquashed" partial store files. The system will delete files under '{modulehash}/state' named in this format{blocknumber}-{blocknumber}.{hexadecimal}.partial.zst when it runs into them.

Performance improvements

  • All module outputs are now cached. (previously, only the last module was cached, along with the "store snapshots", to allow parallel processing).
  • Tier2 will now read back mapper outputs (if they exist) to prevent running them again. Additionally, it will not read back the full blocks if its inputs can be satisfied from existing cached mapper outputs.
  • Tier2 will skip processing completely if it's processing the last stage and the output_module is a mapper that has already been processed (ex: when multiple requests are indexing the same data at the same time)
  • Tier2 will skip processing completely if it's processing a stage where all the stores and outputs have been processed and cached.
  • Scheduler modification: a stage now waits for the previous stage to have completed the same segment before running, to take advantage of the cached intermediate layers.
  • Improved file listing performance for Google Storage backends by 25%


  • Concurrent requests on the same module hashes may benefit from the other requests' work to a certain extent (up to 75%) -- The very first request does most of the work for the other ones.


More caches will increase disk usage and there is no automatic removal of old module caches. The operator is responsible for deleting old module caches.


The cached 'partial' files no longer contain the "trace ID" in their filename, preventing accumulation of "unsquashed" partial store files. The system will delete files under '{modulehash}/state' named in this format{blocknumber}-{blocknumber}.{hexadecimal}.partial.zst when it runs into them.


  • Readiness metric for Substreams tier1 app is now named substreams_tier1 (was mistakenly called firehose before).
  • Added back readiness metric for Substreams tiere app (named substreams_tier2).
  • Added metric substreams_tier1_active_worker_requests which gives the number of active Substreams worker requests a tier1 app is currently doing against tier2 nodes.
  • Added metric substreams_tier1_worker_request_counter which gives the total Substreams worker requests a tier1 app made against tier2 nodes.


  • Added --merger-delete-threads to customize the number of threads the merger will use to delete files. It's recommended to increase this when using Ceph as S3 storage provider to 25 or higher (due to performance issues with deletes the merger might otherwise not be able to delete one-block files fast enough).

  • Added --substreams-tier2-max-concurrent-requests to limit the number of concurrent requests to the tier2 substreams service.

  • If relayer is started with a single source, it will have reduced tolerance for missing blocks. This is to prevent the relayer from falling behind when the source is not producing blocks.


  • Fixed tools check merged-blocks default range when -r <range> is not provided to now be [0, +∞] (was previously [HEAD, +∞]).

  • Fixed tools check merged-blocks to be able to run without a block range provided.

  • Added API Key based authentication to tools firehose-client and tools firehose-single-block-client, specify the value through environment variable FIREHOSE_API_KEY (you can use flag --api-key-env-var to change variable's name to something else than FIREHOSE_API_KEY).

  • Fixed tools check merged-blocks examples using block range (range should be specified as [<start>]?:[<end>]).

  • Added --substreams-tier2-max-concurrent-requests to limit the number of concurrent requests to the tier2 Substreams service.

Library firehose-core

  • Added API Key authentication to client.NewFirehoseFetchClient and client.NewFirehoseClient.

    [!NOTE] If you were using or, this will be a minor breaking change, refer to upgrade notes for details if it affects you.


Substreams improvements

  • Performance: prevent reprocessing jobs when there is only a mapper in production mode and everything is already cached
  • Performance: prevent "UpdateStats" from running too often and stalling other operations when running with a high parallel jobs count
  • Performance: fixed bug in scheduler ramp-up function sometimes waiting before raising the number of workers
  • Added the output module's hash to the "incoming request" log

Reader node and Beacon blocks

  • The reader-node-bootstrap-url gained the ability to be bootstrapped from a bash script.

    If the bootstrap URL is of the form bash:///<path/to/script>?<parameters>, the bash script at <path/to/script> will be executed. The script is going to receive in environment variables the resolved reader node variables in the form of READER_NODE_<VARIABLE_NAME>. The fully resolved node arguments (from reader-node-arguments) are passed as args to the bash script. The query parameters accepted are:

    • arg=<value> | Pass as extra argument to the script, prepended to the list of resolved node arguments
    • env=<key>%3d<value> | Pass as extra environment variable as <key>=<value> with key being upper-cased (multiple(s) allowed)
    • env_<key>=<value> | Pass as extra environment variable as <key>=<value> with key being upper-cased (multiple(s) allowed)
    • cwd=<path> | Change the working directory to <path> before running the script
    • interpreter=<path> | Use <path> as the interpreter to run the script
    • interpreter_arg=<arg> | Pass <interpreter_arg> as arguments to the interpreter before the script path (multiple(s) allowed)

    [!NOTE] The bash:/// script support is currently experimental and might change in upcoming releases, the behavior changes will be clearly documented here.

  • The reader-node-bootstrap-url gained the ability to be bootstrapped from a pre-made archive file ending with tar.zst or tar.zstd.

  • The reader-node-bootstrap-data-url is now added automatically if firecore.Chain#ReaderNodeBootstrapperFactory is non-nil.

    If the bootstrap URL ends with tar.zst or tar.zstd, the archive is read and extracted into the reader-node-data-dir location. The archive is expected to contain the full content of the 'reader-node-data-dir' and is expanded as is.

  • Added Beacon to known list of Block model.


  • Fix marshalling of blocks to JSON in tools like firehose-client and print merged-blocks


Auth and metering

  • Add missing metering events for sf.firehose.v2.Fetch/Block responses.
  • Changed default polling interval in 'continuous authentication' from 10s to 60s, added 'interval' query param to URL.


  • Fixed bug in scheduler ramp-up function sometimes waiting before raising the number of workers
  • Fixed load-balancing from tier1 to tier2 when using dns:/// (round-robin policy was not set correctly)
  • Added trace_id in grpc authentication calls
  • Bumped connect-go library to new "" location



  • Fixed tools firehose-client which was broken because of bad flag handling


  • Added --api-key-env-var flag to firehose-clients, which allows you to pass your API Key from an environment variable (HTTP header x-api-key) instead of a JWT (Authorization: bearer), where supported.


  • Poller is now fetching blocks in an optimized way, it will fetch several blocks at once and then process them.

  • Poller is now handling skipped blocks, it will fetch the next blocks until it find a none skipped block.

  • Poller now has default retry value of infinite.

  • Compare tool is now using dynamic protobuf unmarshaler, it will be able to compare any block type.

  • Print tool is now using dynamic protobuf unmarshaler, it will be able to print any block type.

  • Print tool is encoding bytes in base64 by default, it can be changed to hex or base58 by using parameter bytes-encoding.

  • Added 'x-trace-id' header to auth requests when using --common-auth-plugin=grpc

  • Fixed Substreams scheduler sometimes taking a long time to spawn more than a single worker.

  • Added ACCEPT_SOLANA_LEGACY_BLOCK_FORMAT env var to allow special tweak operations


  • Removed useless chainLatestFinalizeBlock from blockPoller initialization


  • Added Arweave to known list of Block model.


  • Added FORCE_FINALITY_AFTER_BLOCKS environment variable to override block finality information at the reader/poller level. This allows an operator to pretend that finality is still progressing, N blocks behind HEAD, in the case where a beacon chain fails to do so and is intended as a workaround for deprecated chains like Goerli.


  • Updated substreams and dgrpc to latest versions to reduce logging.

  • Tools printing Firehose Block model to JSON now have --proto-paths take higher precedence over well-known types and even the chain itself, the order is --proto-paths > chain > well-known (so well-known is lookup last).

  • The tools print one-block now works correctly on blocks generated by omni-chain firecore binary.

  • Tools printing Firehose Block model to JSON now have --proto-paths take higher precedence over well-known types and even the chain itself, the order is --proto-paths > chain > well-known (so well-known is lookup last).

  • The tools print one-block now works correctly on blocks generated by omni-chain firecore binary.

  • The various health endpoint now sets Content-Type: application/json header prior sending back their response to the client.

  • The firehose, substreams-tier1 and substream-tier2 health endpoint now respects the common-system-shutdown-signal-delay configuration value meaning that the health endpoint will return false now if SIGINT has been received but we are still in the shutdown unready period defined by the config value. If you use some sort of load balancer, you should make sure they are configured to use the health endpoint and you should common-system-shutdown-signal-delay to something like 15s.

  • The firecore.ConsoleReader gained the ability to print stats as it ingest blocks.

  • The firecore.ConsoleReader has been made stricter by ensuring Firehose chain exchange protocol is respected.

  • Changed reader logger back to reader-node to fit with the app's name which is reader-node.

  • Fix -c "" not working properly when no arguments are present when invoking start command.

  • Fix tools compare-blocks that would fail on new format.

  • Fix substreams to correctly delete .partial files when serving a request that is not on a boundary.

  • Add Antelope types to the blockchain's known types.


This is a major release.



When upgrading your stack to firehose-core v1.0.0, be sure to upgrade all components simultaneously because the block encapsulation format has changed. Blocks that are merged using the new merger will not be readable by previous versions.


  • New binary firecore which can run all firehose components (reader, reader-stdin, merger, relayer, firehose, substreams-tier1|2) in a chain-agnostic way. This is not mandatory (it can still be used as a library) but strongly suggested when possible.

  • Current Limitations on Ethereum:

    • The firecore firehose app does not support transforms (filters, header-only --for graph-node compatibility--) so you will want to continue running this app from fireeth
    • The firecore substreams apps do not support eth_calls so you will want to continue running them from fireeth
    • The firecore reader does not support the block format output by the current geth firehose instrumentation, so you will want to continue running it from fireeth
  • New BlockPoller library to facilitate the implementation of rpc-poller-based chains, taking care of managing reorgs

  • Considering that firehose-core is chain-agnostic, it's not aware of the different of the different block types. To be able to use tools around block decoding/printing, there are two ways to provide the type definition:

    1. the 'protoregistry' package contains well-known block type definitions (ethereum, near, solana, bitcoin...), you won't need to provide anything in those cases.
    2. for other types, you can provide additional protobuf files using --proto-path flag


  • Merged blocks storage format has been changed. Current blocks will continue to be decoded, but new merged blocks will not be readable by previous software versions.
  • The code from the following repositories have been merged into this repo. They will soon be archived.


  • Fixed SF_TRACING feature (regression broke the ability to specify a tracing endpoint)
  • Firehose connections rate-limiting will now force a delay of between 1 and 4 seconds (random value) before refusing a connection when under heavy load
  • Fixed substreams GRPC/Connect error codes not propagating correctly



  • fixed typo in check-merged-blocks preventing its proper display of missing ranges



  • Firehose logs now include auth information (userID, keyID, realIP) along with blocks + egress bytes sent.


  • Filesource validation of block order in merged-blocks now works correctly when using indexes in firehose Blocks queries


  • Flag substreams-rpc-endpoints removed, this was present by mistake and unused actually.
  • Flag substreams-rpc-cache-store-url removed, this was present by mistake and unused actually.
  • Flag substreams-rpc-cache-chunk-size removed, this was present by mistake and unused actually.




We have had reports of older versions of this software creating corrupted merged-blocks-files (with duplicate or extra out-of-bound blocks) This release adds additional validation of merged-blocks to prevent serving duplicate blocks from the firehose or substreams service. This may cause service outage if you have produced those blocks or downloaded them from another party who was affected by this bug.

  • Find the affected files by running the following command (can be run multiple times in parallel, over smaller ranges)
tools check merged-blocks-batch <merged-blocks-store> <start> <stop>
  • If you see any affected range, produce fixed merged-blocks files with the following command, on each range:
tools fix-bloated-merged-blocks <merged-blocks-store> <output-store> <start>:<stop>
  • Copy the merged-blocks files created in output-store over to the your merged-blocks-store, replacing the corrupted files.


  • Removed the --dedupe-blocks flag on tools download-from-firehose as it can create confusion and more issues.


  • Bumped bstream: the filesource will now refuse to read blocks from a merged-files if they are not ordered or if there are any duplicate.
  • The command tools download-from-firehose will now fail if it is being served blocks "out of order", to prevent any corrupted merged-blocks from being created.
  • The command tools print merged-blocks did not print the whole merged-blocks file, the arguments were confusing: now it will parse <start_block> as a uint64.
  • The command tools unmerge-blocks did not cover the whole given range, now fixed


  • Added the command tools fix-bloated-merged-blocks to try to fix merged-blocks that contain duplicates and blocks outside of their range.
  • Command tools print one-block and merged-blocks now supports a new --output-format jsonl format. Bytes data can now printed as hex or base58 string instead of base64 string.


  • Changed tools check merged-blocks-batch argument syntax: the output-to-store is now optional.



  • Fixed a few false positives on tools check merged-blocks-batch
  • Fixed tools print merged-blocks to print correctly a single block if specified.


  • Breaking The reader-node-log-to-zap flag has been removed. This was a source of confusion for operators reporting Firehose on bugs because the node's logs where merged within normal Firehose on logs and it was not super obvious.

    Now, logs from the node will be printed to stdout unformatted exactly like presented by the chain. Filtering of such logs must now be delegated to the node's implementation and how it deals depends on the node's binary. Refer to it to determine how you can tweak the logging verbosity emitted by the node.


  • Added support -o jsonl in tools print merged-blocks and tools print one-block.

  • Added support for block range in tools print merged-blocks.

    [!NOTE] For now the range is restricted to a single "merged-blocks" file!

  • Added retry loop for merger when walking one block files. Some use-cases where the bundle reader was sending files too fast and the merger was not waiting to accumulate enough files to start bundling merged files

  • Added --dedupe-blocks flag on tools download-from-firehose to ensure no duplicate blocks end up in download merged-blocks (should not be needed in normal operations)


  • Added tools check merged-blocks-batch to simplify checking blocks continuity in batched mode, writing results to a store
  • Bumped substreams to v1.1.20 with a fix for some minor bug fixes related to start block processing


  • Bumped substreams to v1.1.18 with a regression fix for when a Substreams has a start block in the reversible segment.



The --common-auth-plugin got back the ability to use secret://<expected_secret>?[user_id=<user_id>]&[api_key_id=<api_key_id>] in which case request are authenticated based on the Authorization: Bearer <actual_secret> and continue only if <actual_secret> == <expected_secret>.


  • Bumped substreams to v1.1.17 with provider new metrics substreams_active_requests and substreams_counter



  • Bumped susbtreams to v1.1.14 to fix bugs with start blocks, where Substreams would fail if the start block was before the first block of the chain, or if the start block was a block that was not yet produced by the chain.
  • Improved error message when referenced config file is not found, removed hard-coded mention of fireacme.



  • More tolerant retry/timeouts on filesource (prevent "Context Deadline Exceeded")




The Substreams service exposed from this version will send progress messages that cannot be decoded by Substreams clients prior to v1.1.12. Streaming of the actual data will not be affected. Clients will need to be upgraded to properly decode the new progress messages.


  • Bumped substreams to v1.1.12 to support the new progress message format. Progression now relates to stages instead of modules. You can get stage information using the substreams info command starting at version v1.1.12.
  • Bumped supervisor buffer size to 100Mb
  • Substreams bumped: better "Progress" messages


  • Added new templating option to reader-node-arguments, specifically {start-block-num} (maps to configuration value reader-node-start-block-num) and {stop-block-num} (maps to value of configuration value reader-node-stop-block-num)


  • The reader-node is now able to read Firehose node protocol line up to 100 MiB in raw size (previously the limit was 50 MiB).


  • Removed --substreams-tier1-request-stats and --substreams-tier1-request-stats (Substreams request-stats are now always sent to clients)



  • Fixed bug where null dmetering plugin was not able to be registered.



  • Fixed dmetering bug where events where dropped, when channel got saturated


  • fire{chain} tools check forks now sorts forks by block number from ascending order (so that line you see is the current highest fork).
  • fire{chain} tools check forks --after-block can now be used to show only forks after a certain block number.
  • bump firehose, dmetering and bstream dependencies in order to get latest fixes to meter live blocks.


This release bumps Substreams to v1.1.10.


  • Fixed jobs that would hang when flags --substreams-state-bundle-size and --substreams-tier1-subrequests-size had different values. The latter flag has been completely removed, subrequests will be bound to the state bundle size.


  • Added support for continuous authentication via the grpc auth plugin (allowing cutoff triggered by the auth system).


This release bumps Substreams to v1.1.9.


Substreams Scheduler Improvements for Parallel Processing

The substreams scheduler has been improved to reduce the number of required jobs for parallel processing. This affects backprocessing (preparing the states of modules up to a "start-block") and forward processing (preparing the states and the outputs to speed up streaming in production-mode).

Jobs on tier2 workers are now divided in "stages", each stage generating the partial states for all the modules that have the same dependencies. A substreams that has a single store won't be affected, but one that has 3 top-level stores, which used to run 3 jobs for every segment now only runs a single job per segment to get all the states ready.

Substreams State Store Selection

The substreams server now accepts X-Sf-Substreams-Cache-Tag header to select which Substreams state store URL should be used by the request. When performing a Substreams request, the servers will optionally pick the state store based on the header. This enable consumers to stay on the same cache version when the operators needs to bump the data version (reasons for this could be a bug in Substreams software that caused some cached data to be corrupted on invalid).

To benefit from this, operators that have a version currently in their state store URL should move the version part from --substreams-state-store-url to the new flag --substreams-state-store-default-tag. For example if today you have in your config:

    substreams-state-store-url: /<some>/<path>/v3

You should convert to:

    substreams-state-store-url: /<some>/<path>
    substreams-state-store-default-tag: v3

Operators Upgrade

The app substreams-tier1 and substreams-tier2 should be upgraded concurrently. Some calls will fail while versions are misaligned.

Backend Changes

  • Authentication plugin trust can now specify an exclusive list of allowed headers (all lowercase), ex: trust://?allowed=x-sf-user-id,x-sf-api-key-id,x-real-ip,x-sf-substreams-cache-tag

  • The tier2 app no longer uses the common-auth-plugin, trust will always be used, so that tier1 can pass down its headers (ex: X-Sf-Substreams-Cache-Tag).


Operator Changes

  • Added fire{chain} tools check forks <forked-blocks-store-url> [--min-depth=<depth>] that reads forked blocks you have and prints resolved longest forks you have seen. The command works for any chain, here a sample output:

    Fork Depth 3
    #45236230 [ea33194e0a9bb1d8 <= 164aa1b9c8a02af0 (on chain)]
    #45236231 [f7d2dc3fbdd0699c <= ea33194e0a9bb1d8]
        #45236232 [ed588cca9b1db391 <= f7d2dc3fbdd0699c]
    Fork Depth 2
    #45236023 [b6b1c68c30b61166 <= 60083a796a079409 (on chain)]
    #45236024 [6d64aec1aece4a43 <= b6b1c68c30b61166]
  • The fire{chain} tools commands and sub-commands have better rendering --help by hidden not needed global flags with long description.


Operator Changes

  • Added missing --substreams-tier2-request-stats request debugging flag.

  • Added missing Firehose rate limiting options flags, --firehose-rate-limit-bucket-size and --firehose-rate-limit-bucket-fill-rate to manage concurrent connection attempts to Firehose, check fire{chain} start --help for details.


Backend Changes

  • Fixed Substreams accepted block which was not working properly.