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File metadata and controls

111 lines (76 loc) · 5.42 KB



If you were using or, this will be a minor breaking change, the constructor now returns callOpts which should be passed to all request you make, see usage in resp, err := firehoseClient.Block(ctx, req, requestInfo.GRPCCallOpts...) and populating requestInfo.GRPCCallOpts from NewFirehoseFetchClient function returns can be seen here.


No changes was required.


This includes changes that are needed to upgrade to version v0.2.0.

  • The nodemanager.GetLogLevelFunc global override has been removed. If you had a global assignment of the form nodemanager.GetLogLevelFunc = ... you must removed it now. There is no replacement has the functionality this was used for has been removed. See the version v0.2.0 section of the CHANGELOG for further details about the removal.

  • The firecore.Config#ReaderNodeBootstrapperFactory has change signature from func(cmd *cobra.Command, nodeDataDir string) (operator.Bootstrapper, error) to ReaderNodeBootstrapperFactory func(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, cmd *cobra.Command, resolvedNodeArguments []string, resolver ReaderNodeArgumentResolver) (operator.Bootstrapper, error). The new signature provides more data than before namely you get a context.Context for long running operation, the logger instance for this app if you need to log stuff, the cmd if you need to extract flags, the currently fully resolved arguments via resolvedNodeArguments and also a resolver function so you can perform further replacement on your own custom flags if needed. If you were using nodeDataDir value before, it's easy to get it back with nodeDataDir := resolver("{node-data-dir}").


    func newReaderNodeBootstrapper(cmd *cobra.Command, nodeDataDir string) (operator.Bootstrapper, error) {


    func newReaderNodeBootstrapper(ctx context.Context,
      logger *zap.Logger,
      cmd *cobra.Command,
      resolvedNodeArguments []string,
      resolver firecore.ReaderNodeArgumentResolver,
    ) (operator.Bootstrapper, error) {
      nodeDataDir := resolver("{node-data-dir}")
  • The firecore.Block has a new method that you must implement: GetFirehoseBlockVersion() int32. Implementing like:

    func (b *Block) GetFirehoseBlockVersion() int32 {
      return N

    Where N is the value your have currently as ProtocolVersion in your Chain config. You should not try to use Chain.ProtocolVersion directly and you must instead "hard-code" it for now. Those two values were tied together in firecore <= v0.1.z which was wrong so since they don't represent the same thing (one is used for the low-level file format dbin while the other is used in bstream.PayloadVersion).

  • The firecore.Block interface method GetFirehoseBlockLIBNum has been removed from the core interface firecore.Block and has been moved instead to an optional interface firecore.BlockLIBNumDerivable. This was needed because not all chain convey the LIBNum within the Block model itself. This is not a breaking change and requires no change on your part. This was done to accomodate Ethereum and probably others.

  • The firecore.NewGenericBlockEncoder(protocolVersion int32) has been renamed and changed signature, you should now use simply firecore.NewBlockEncoder()

  • The way tools transform flags are registered changed to become more generic. The firecore.ToolsConfig#TransformFlags changed it's definition completely. If you had firecore.Config#Tools { TransformFlags: ... } defined, you must change a bit how you define it. You will now manually define the flags and the parser will change to parse all of the flags instead of one flag at a time.

Here the example that was applied to firehose-near firecore.Chain config:


TransformFlags: map[string]*firecore.TransformFlag{
  "receipt-account-filters": {
    Description: "Comma-separated accounts to use as filter/index. If it contains a colon (:), it will be interpreted as <prefix>:<suffix> (each of which can be empty, ex: 'hello:' or ':world')",
    Parser:      parseReceiptAccountFilters,


TransformFlags: &firecore.TransformFlags{
  Register: func(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
    flags.String("receipt-account-filters", "", "Comma-separated accounts to use as filter/index. If it contains a colon (:), it will be interpreted as <prefix>:<suffix> (each of which can be empty, ex: 'hello:' or ':world')")

  Parse: parseReceiptAccountFilters,


Notice the rename from Parser to Parse!

And the parseReceiptAccountFilters needs some update too:


func parseReceiptAccountFilters(in string) (*anypb.Any, error) {

  return anypb.New(filters)


func parseReceiptAccountFilters(cmd *cobra.Command, logger *zap.Logger) ([]*anypb.Any, error) {
    in := sflags.MustGetString(cmd, "receipt-filter-accounts")


  any, err := anypb.New(filters)
  // Deal with error

  return []*anypb.Any{any}, err