DevSecOps Container Pipeline Demo
Austin AWS Meetup 28.05.2020
- Github Repo
- AWS ECR - Image Scanning - CVE
- AWS Codepipeline/Build - CI/CD
- AWS ECR - Immutable Tags
- Run Time Security - Falco
- Logging - FireLens
- Alerting - Cloudwatch
- Auditing - Cloudtrail
Signed Commits Setup
- GPG Key
- Keybase
- Github Account
You can use this tutorial to setup gpg keys and use them with Git
Developer workflow
Using Make, Docker and docker-compose, the developer local workflow can match the workflow the CI/CD pipeline runs and workflow others will uses. It helps solves the "works on my machine" syndrome.
Kind - Kubernetes in Docker
Allows Developers to run local Kubernetes clusters and test before pushing.
List out images in ECR
aws ecr list-images --repository-name golang_example
Scans can be ran on push or manually
aws ecr start-image-scan --repository-name golang_example --image-id imageTag=0.0.10 --region us-west-2
Retrieve findings
aws ecr describe-image-scan-findings --repository-name golang_example --image-id imageTag=0.0.10 --region us-west-2
Stages for Code pipeline
Build - Build golang example applications, in a docker container and stores it in the AWS ECR
Invoke - Runs the Go Report Static Code analysis
Test - runs any tests in the golang example applications
Deploy - deploys the application via Code build, aws eks cli and kubectl
When enabled on a Repository, images tags can not be overwritten
2020-05-24 19:43:28 ⌚ strongjz-macbook in ~/Documents/code/go/src/
± |master U:2 ✗| → docker tag nginx
2020-05-24 19:44:43 ⌚ strongjz-macbook in ~/Documents/code/go/src/
± |master U:2 ✗| → docker push
The push refers to repository []
6c7de695ede3: Pushed
2f4accd375d9: Pushed
ffc9b21953f4: Pushed
[DEPRECATION NOTICE] registry v2 schema1 support will be removed in an upcoming release. Please contact admins of the registry NOW to avoid future disruption. More information at
tag invalid: The image tag '0.0.7' already exists in the 'golang_example' repository and cannot be overwritten because the repository is immutable.
Falco is Container Native Runtime Security
"Falco is a behavioral activity monitor designed to detect anomalous activity in your applications. Falco audits a system at the most fundamental level, the kernel. Falco then enriches this data with other input streams such as container runtime metrics, and Kubernetes metrics. Falco lets you continuously monitor and detect container, application, host, and network activity—all in one place—from one source of data, with one set of rules."
Falco Demo Repo
This Demo runs a poorly configured NodeJS server and will generate a Falco alert when the server attempts to run a bash shell
falco | 22:26:53.536628076: Warning Shell spawned in a container other than entrypoint (user=root container_id=6f339b8aeb0a container_name=express_server shell=bash parent=sh cmdline=bash )
"FireLens gives you a simplified interface to filter logs at source, add useful metadata and send logs to almost any destination. You can now stream logs directly to Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose destinations such as Amazon Elasticsearch, Amazon S3, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and partner tools. Using Amazon ECS task definition parameters, you can select destinations and optionally define filters for additional control and FireLens will ingest logs to target destinations."
Fluentbit images are available here
Credits and Thank you to
Sysdig Blog Falco EKS deployment
Issues with Docker and Code build aws/aws-codebuild-docker-images#164
Ubuntu Packer Build