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207 lines (116 loc) · 3.65 KB

File metadata and controls

207 lines (116 loc) · 3.65 KB


Just another Vim settings under version control system.


Run these commands to get this Vim configuration working on your Linux machine.

git clone ~/.vim --recursive
echo "source ~/.vim/.vimrc" > ~/.vimrc

Update plugins

git submodule update --remote

Vim + Tmux

My Tmux config on Ubuntu looks like this:

$ cat ~/.tmux.conf

set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
set-option -g history-limit 1000000

Shortcuts special for this settings

cf  " Copy relative file path
cF  " Copy absolute file path
\ff " (leader+ff) just an alias for CtrlP


Should be placed inside _gvimrc on Windows or .gvimrc on Linux, uncomment needed lines:

" colorscheme onedark
" colorscheme molokai
" set guifont=Consolas:h11:cANSI "Win11
" set guifont=Source\ Code\ Pro\ 13 "Fedora
set co=120
set lines=30

List of the included plugins

Vim tips

vim cheat sheet

Make vim to copy into system clipboard:

sudo apt-get install vim-gnome
:set clipboard=unnamedplus

Join two lines with space between them:

Shift + J

Join two lines without space between them:


Spell check:

:setlocal spell spelllang=en

Spell check manipulations

]s   " move to the next mispelled word
[s   " move to the previous mispelled word
zg   " add a word to the dictionary
zug  " undo the addition of a word to the dictionary
z=   " view spelling suggestions for a mispelled word

Left only current tab open:


Open file under cursor in Vim:


Open URL under cursor in Vim with browser:


Change working directory to the currently open file:

:cd %:p:h

Change the directory only for the current window:

:lcd %:p:h

Append output of an external command:

:read !date

Open the output of a shell command in a new tab:

:tabe|read !echo #

Open the output of a shell command in a split pane:

:new|read !echo #

Highlight comments:

:highlight comment ctermbg=192

Remote editing:

vim scp://deploy@

Netrw manipulations:

%  " create new file.
gh " hide/unhide hidden files

Remove ^M artifacts:


View binary file as hex:


Move pane to a new tab:

Ctrl-W Shift-T

Paste yanked text into Vim command line:

Ctrl-R "

Open file on specific line:

vim +20 file.txt

Highlight 81 column:

set colorcolumn=81

Wrap selected text to some fixed width:


Display current filename:

:echo @%

Pretty json:

:%!python3 -m json.tool

Reload the file:


Launch Vim without any plugin:

vim -u NONE

Sort visually selected lines:

:sort /\ze\%V/

Remove duplicate spaces:

:s/\s\+/ /g

Reformat file for a nice column layout:

:%!column -t

Open quick fix window:


Close quick fix window:


Copy current file relative path:

:let @+=expand('%')

Copy current file absolute path:

:let @+=expand('%:p')

Copy file name:

:let @+=expand('%:t')

Search exact word:
