please use either
- Rocket MV Basic extension
- MV Basic extension
- update readme for publishing
- Change folding keywords to !#beginfold/!#endfold
- tidy up syntax
- update sample GET.DICTS
- move unibasic-compile script to extension_dir/resources
- add UV 11.3.2 changes
- tidy up git repo
- update .gitignore and package.json to reflect repo tidy up
- add SBXA syntax highlighting
- update syntax
- add snippets
- add icon
- update dependencies
- add snippets
- Add function keywords for AMI, BCI, DOM, Sockets, UDO, XML
- Add $option keywords
- Add snippets
- Add folding region signifiers - !#region/!#endregion
- Add most of the missing UV verbs and reorganise the tmLanguage file
- Update verb matching to ignore variables with dots which contain verbs eg open.balance
- Implement changelog (this)
- update .gitignore
- clean up syntax list
- Initial release