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About Ajaxify

subeshpokhrel edited this page Sep 6, 2012 · 2 revisions

I have few blog posts regarding working with Ajax on Magento. And I see many people visiting those pages to get the information on working with Ajax in Magento. Sensing the need of developer I came up with an idea of making the whole process into a module in an effort to give back to the Magento community. I’ve tried to make the module simple for now, which of course can be extended a lot to incorporate all kinds of needs. But for now, if I may say, there are roughly these two things you might want to do (Purely in Magento terms).

  1. Request to a controller with params, do some changes in the model, set error/success message and show those message to the user.
  2. Next, perform all the actions as #1 and in addition to that refresh the content of certain HTML elements. This module has been devised just to meet these two actions. In addition, the module is loader ready and has by default a floating message block.
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