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Welcome to django-allauth!

Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication.



Most existing Django apps that address the problem of social authentication focus on just that. You typically need to integrate another app in order to support authentication via a local account.

This approach separates the worlds of local and social authentication. However, there are common scenarios to be dealt with in boh worlds. For example, an e-mail address passed along by an OpenID provider is not guaranteed to be verified. So, before hooking an OpenID account up to a local account the e-mail address must be verified. So, e-mail verification needs to be present in both worlds.

Integrating both worlds is quite a tedious process. It is definately not a matter of simply adding one social authentication app, and one local account registration app to your INSTALLED_APPS list.

This is the reason this project got started -- to offer a fully integrated authentication app that allows for both local and social authentication, with flows that just work.

Why Not?

From the start the focus has been to deliver an integrated experience and flows that just work, and to a lesser extent a completely pluggable social authentication framework.

Earlier versions of the project suffered from this, e.g. each provider had its own implementation with its own social account model definition.

Work is well underway to rectify this situation. These days, social account models have been unified, and adding support for additional OAuth/OAuth2 providers is child's play. All hardcodedness with respect to providers has been removed.

Ofcourse, there is always more that can be done. Do know that the biggest hurdles to overcome the initial shortcomings have been taken...


Supported Flows

  • Signup of a both local and social accounts
  • Connecting more than one social account to a local account
  • Disconnecting a social account -- requires setting a password if only the local account remains
  • Optional instant-signup for social accounts -- no questions asked
  • E-mail address management (multiple e-mail addresses, setting a primary)
  • Password forgotten flow
  • E-mail address verification flow

Supported Providers

  • Facebook (both OAuth2 and JS SDK)
  • Github
  • Google (OAuth2)
  • LinkedIn
  • OpenId
  • Twitter

Note: OAuth/OAuth2 support is built using a common code base, making it easy to add support for additional OAuth/OAuth2 providers. More will follow soon...


  • Supports multiple authentication schemes (e.g. login by user name, or by e-mail), as well as multiple strategies for account verification (ranging from none to e-mail verification).
  • All access tokens are consistently stored so that you can publish wall updates etc.

Architecture & Design

  • Pluggable signup form for asking additional questions during signup.
  • Support for connecting multiple social accounts to a Django user account.
  • The required consumer keys and secrets for interacting with Facebook, Twitter and the likes are to be configured in the database via the Django admin using the SocialApp model.
  • Consumer keys, tokens make use of the Django sites framework. This is especially helpful for larger multi-domain projects, but also allows for for easy switching between a development (localhost) and production setup without messing with your settings and database.




    "allauth.account.auth_backends.AuthenticationBackend", )


urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^accounts/', include('allauth.urls')))


Available settings:

ACCOUNT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD (="username" | "email" | "username_email")
Specifies the login method to use -- whether the user logs in by entering his username, e-mail address, or either one of both.
The user is required to hand over an e-mail address when signing up.
After signing up, keep the user account inactive until the e-mail address is verified.
Subject-line prefix to use for email messages sent. By default, the name of the current Site (django.contrib.sites) is used.
A string pointing to a custom form class (e.g. 'myapp.forms.SignupForm') that is used during signup to ask the user for additional input (e.g. newsletter signup, birth date). This class should implement a 'save' method, accepting the newly signed up user as its only parameter.
When signing up, let the user type in his password twice to avoid typ-o's.
Enforce uniqueness of e-mail addresses.
ACCOUNT_USER_DISPLAY (=a callable returning user.username)
A callable (or string of the form 'some.module.callable_name') that takes a user as its only argument and returns the display name of the user. The default implementation returns user.username.
render_value parameter as passed to PasswordInput fields.
An integer specifying the minimum password length.
Request e-mail address from 3rd party account provider? E.g. using OpenID AX, or the Facebook "email" permission.
Attempt to bypass the signup form by using fields (e.g. username, email) retrieved from the social account provider. If a conflict arises due to a duplicate e-mail address the signup form will still kick in.
Enable support for django-avatar. When enabled, the profile image of the user is copied locally into django-avatar at signup.
Dictionary containing provider specific settings.
EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_DAYS (=# of days, no default)
Determines the expiration date of email confirmation mails sent by django-email-confirmation.


From 0.5.0

  • The login form field is now always named login. This used to by either username or email, depending on the authentication method. If needed, update your templates accordingly.
  • The allauth template tags (containing template tags for OpenID, Twitter and Facebook) have been removed. Use the socialaccount template tags instead (specifically: {% provider_login_url ... %}).
  • The allauth.context_processors.allauth context processor has been removed, in favor of allauth.socialaccount.context_processors.socialaccount. In doing so, all hardcodedness with respect to providers (e.g allauth.facebook_enabled) has been removed.

From 0.4.0

  • Upgrade your settings.INSTALLED_APPS: Replace allauth.<provider> (where provider is one of twitter, facebook or openid) with allauth.socialaccount.providers.<provider>
  • All provider related models (FacebookAccount, FacebookApp, TwitterAccount, TwitterApp, OpenIDAccount) have been unified into generic SocialApp and SocialAccount models. South migrations are in place to move the data over to the new models, after which the original tables are dropped. Therefore, be sure to run migrate using South.


Most providers require you to sign up for a so called API client or app, containing a client ID and API secret. You must add a SocialApp record per provider via the Django admin containing these app credentials.


For Facebook both OAuth2 and the Facebook Connect Javascript SDK are supported. You can even mix the two.

Advantage of the Javascript SDK may be a more streamlined user experience as you do not leave your site. Furthermore, you do not need to worry about tailoring the login dialog depending on whether or not you are using a mobile device. Yet, relying on Javascript may not be everybody's cup of tea.

To initiate a login use:

{% load socialaccount_tags %}
<a href="{% provider_login_url "facebook" method="js_sdk" %}">Facebook Connect</a>


{% load socialaccount_tags %}
<a href="{% provider_login_url "facebook" method="oauth2" %}">Facebook OAuth2</a>

The following Facebook settings are available:

    { 'facebook':
        { 'SCOPE': ['email', 'publish_stream'],
          'METHOD': 'oauth2' ,
          'LOCALE_FUNC': ''} }

By default, email scope is required depending whether or not SOCIALACCOUNT_QUERY_EMAIL is enabled.

The locale for the JS SDK is chosen based on the current active language of the request, taking a best guess. This can be customized using the LOCALE_FUNC setting, which takes either a callable or a path to a callable. This callable must take exactly one argument, the request, and return a valid Facebook locale as a string:

    { 'facebook':
        { 'LOCALE_FUNC': lambda request: return 'zh_CN'} }


The Google provider is OAuth2 based. Register your Google API client over at Make sure you list a redirect uri of the form

You can specify the scope to use as follows:

    { 'google':
        { 'SCOPE': [''] } }

By default, profile scope is required, and optionally email scope depending on whether or not SOCIALACCOUNT_QUERY_EMAIL is enabled.


The OpenID provider does not require any settings per se. However, a typical OpenID login page presents the user with a predefined list of OpenID providers and allows the user to input his own OpenID identity URL in case his provider is not listed by default. The list of providers displayed by the builtin templates can be configured as follows:

    { 'openid':
        { 'SERVERS':

If you want to manually include login links yourself, you can use the following template tag:

{% load socialaccount_tags %}
<a href="{% provider_login_url "openid" openid="" next="/success/url/" %}">Google</a>


Template Tags

The following template tag libraries are available:

  • account_tags: tags for dealing with accounts in general
  • socialaccount_tags: tags focused on social accounts

Account Tags

Use user_display to render a user name without making assumptions on how the user is represented (e.g. render the username, or first name?):

{% load account_tags %}

{% user_display user %}

Or, if you need to use in a {% blocktrans %}:

{% load account_tags %}

{% user_display user as user_display}
{% blocktrans %}{{ user_display }} has logged in...{% endblocktrans %}

Then, override the ACCOUNT_USER_DISPLAY setting with your project specific user display callable.

Social Account Tags

Use the provider_login_url tag to generate provider specific login URLs:

{% load socialaccount_tags %}

<a href="{% provider_login_url "openid" openid="" next="/success/url/" %}">Google</a>
<a href="{% provider_login_url "twitter" %}">Twitter</a>


Verified E-mail Required

Even when email verification is not mandatory during signup, there may be circumstances during which you really want to prevent unverified users to proceed. For this purpose you can use the following decorator:

from allauth.account.decorators import verified_email_required

def verified_users_only_view(request):

The behavior is as follows:

  • If the user isn't logged in, it acts identical to the login_required decorator.
  • If the user is logged in but has no verified e-mail address, an e-mail verification mail is automatically resend and the user is presented with a page informing him he needs to verify his email address.


Please mail me ( links to sites that have django-allauth up and running.