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Ansible playbook for provisioning a DigitalOcean droplet for running webrecorder/browsertrix-crawler.

The droplet is configured with docker, docker-compose, and the AWS CLI. The browsertrix docker image is pulled, and an SSH public key is installed for a user who has passwordless sudo on the droplet.


  1. Install Ansible (>= 2.12) locally (

  2. Create a Digital Ocean Personal Access Token to use as an API key (

  3. Upload an SSH public key to Digital Ocean (, and copy the fingerprint that's created (<admin-ssh-key-fingerprint> below)

  4. Checkout this repo and cd into it


  1. Create a droplet:

    doctl compute droplet create --region fra1 --image ubuntu-20-04-x64 --size s-8vcpu-16gb <droplet-name> --ssh-keys <admin-ssh-key-fingerprint>
  2. Find the IP address of the newly-created droplet (<do-droplet-id> below):

    doctl compute droplet get <droplet-name> --format PublicIPv4
  3. Run the playbook against the droplet:

    ansible-playbook -u root -i '<do-droplet-ip>,' -e "user=<user-to-configure>" -e "pub_key='$(</path-to-ssh-public-key)'" browsertrix.playbook.yaml

    You can read the SSH public key from a file, as in the example above, or just provide it as a string.