Record of the modification in project development.
- Issue 130 : Need description of the Stack headroom.
- Issue 139 : Add Si5351A Support.
- Issue 143 : Conditional compile on debug port
- Issue 145 : Add Nucleo G0B1RE Support to murasaki_platform.cpp.tmp
- Issue 147 : Support new FreeRTOS installation by CubeIDE.
- Issue 149 : Support STM32H5
- Issue 142 : Split the thirdparty module as separate project.
- Issue 144 : Change extensions of templates.
- Issue 146 : Re-struct the directories
- Issue 148 : Use xPortIsInsideInterrupt() rather than original function.
- Issue 117 : STM32G0 misses EXTI because of HAL incompatibility.
- Issue 129 : SetSyslogSeverityLevel() is misspelled.
- Issue 132 : Compile failure of adau1361.cpp when No debug, No syslog option
- Issue 133 : Removing the L1/F0 I2C workaround
- Issue 141 : Cycle counter works only when a program is loaded by debugger.
- Issue 150 : Unnessary "volatile" causes warning at build time.
- Issue 151 : Installer is searching for StartDefaultTask() imprecisely.
- Issue 152 : xPortIsInsideInterrupt() is not provided for ARMv6-M
- Issue 153 : STM32H5 target has warning of the implicit declaration.
- Issue 154 : Template for STM32L152 has wrong UART_PORT define.
- Issue 155 : I2C legacy API of CubeHAL causes compile error on STM32H5
- Issue 156 : Cache handling API should not call when the D Cache is disabled.
3.0.0 - 2020-04-24
The issue 119, 121 changes the file structure of the existing project. The issue 120 change the class name. So, this release has incompatibility to the past release.
- Issue 119 : Make interrupt callback program automatic.
- Issue 121 : Make ESTI callback program automatic.
- Issue 120 : I2CMasterStrategy must be renamed.
- Issue 123 : STM32G0 EXTI cannot release the task by interrupt
- Issue 124 : Early EXTI call system failure
- Issue 125 : I2cStrategy and SpiStrategy are not appropriate name
- Issue 117 : STM32G0 misses EXTI because of HAL incompatibility.
- Issue 126 : STM32L1 fails to compile the Exti class.
2.0.0 - 2020-03-31
The Issue 91 fix brings incompatibility to the past. Class name changed.
- Issue 51 : Add I2S audio adapter
- Issue 53 : Add EXTI control class
- Issue 54 : Add a rotary encoder class
- Issue 94 : Add ADC class
- Issue 104 : Add sample code to the interrupt handler.
- Issue 95 : Update the readme.rd
- Issue 100 : Refactor the word size and shift of the DuplexAudio.
- Issue 101 : Add I2S and ADC callback handler to the template.
- Issue 102 : I2sSearch() should be in separate file
- Issue 103 : Restructure the document module hierarchy
- Issue 107 : Reject STM32H7 from I2sPortAdapter class by assertion
- Issue 109 : Add more parameter check to the I2S
- Issue 110 : Drop 8bit support from DuplexAudio
- Issue 111 : Add more parameter check to the SAI
- Issue 112 : Add more parameter check to the SPI master and slave
- Issue 115 : ADD DMA checking for Uart and SPI.
- Issue 91 : Class SaiPortAdaptor must be renamed
- Issue 92 : SaiPortAdaptor::GetSampleWordSizeTx() check coverage is not complete
- Issue 93 : kfaAll and kfaNone is not handled at all.
- Issue 96 : Test code is left in I2sPortAdapter::StartTransferTx and StartTransferRx
- Issue 97 : 24bit I2S data is not correctly scaled.
- Issue 98 : AudioPortAdapterStrategy::GetSampleDataSizeTx() / GetSampleDataSizeRx() should return the size by bits
- Issue 99 : AudioPortAdapterStrategy::GetSampleWordsSizeTX() / GetSampleWordsSizeRX() returns 3 for 24bit word
- Issue 105 : Build fail if EXTI_LINE_## is equal to the ##th power of 2
- Issue 106 : Assertion fail at DebugUart when a terminal emulator is connected.
- Issue 108 : template/murasaki_platform.cpp has unnecessary LED control
- Issue 114 : Saturation on the DuplexAudio transmitting.
1.0.1 - 2020-01-07
- The SPI slave transfer is not tested.
1.0.0 - 2019-12-31
Large release.
- Added DuplexAudio to support audio in-out.
- Performance is drastically incresed by fixing bug of the Syncronizer class.
Note that issue #46, #56 and #77 made incompatibility from the past code.
- Issue 22 : Add Stereo Audio Class
- Issue 42 : Print the context information on the hard fault.
- Issue 44 : Support STM32CubeIDE startup code
- Issue 47 : Add Match() method to peripheral class
- Issue 49 : Add SAI interrupt handler template
- Issue 62 : Add the I2C Search function to the template
- Issue 66 : Add audio description to the user's guide
- Issue 46 : Task priority is passed incorrectly
- Issue 56 : The Inc-tp and Src-tp should be moved to under Inc and Src, respectively
- Issue 61 : Change timeout parameter as integer
- Issue 69 : Step-by-Step installation guide should be removed
- Issue 77 : Add objectpointer parameter to MURASKI_SYSLOG
- Issue 82 : Rename the AudioAdapterStrategy and SaiAudioAdaptor
- Issue 41 : Confirm context check between ARMv6M and ARMv7M
- Issue 45 : Synchronizer::Wait() is incorrectly handling the timeout parameter
- Issue 48 : has old Task based sample. Need to update
- Issue 55 : Adau1361::SetAuxInputGain seems to by buggy
- Issue 57 : DuplexAudio::TransmitAndReceive is incorrectly private member function
- Issue 58 : Adau1361::SendCommand and SendCommandTable are incorrectly private member funcitons
- Issue 59 : DuplexAudio visibility must be back
- Issue 63 : The sleep function doesn't handle the indefinite wait correctly
- Issue 64 : The scale constant of DuplexAudio is incorrectly calculated
- Issue 65 : murasaki_platform.hpp have to be updated
- Issue 67 : Adau1361::Set*Gain() functions overwrite the non-related field
- Issue 68 : README has wrong link to the LICENSE
- Issue 70 : "Blocking" should be changed to "Synchronous"
- Issue 72 : The word "CubeMX" should be substituted "CubeIDE"
- Issue 73 : Build failure for the CORTEX-M0
- Issue 74 : Build failure for STM32L152
- Issue 78 : Update install script
- Issue 79 : The core clock counter initialization have to be moved.
- Issue 80 : The sample peripheral name of the template has camel format
- Issue 81 : DuplexAudio::DMACallback() should use match()
- Issue 83 : Refactoring request of template.
- Issue 84 : Change CODEC interface.
- Issue 85 : Build failure for STM32F091
- The SPI slave transfer is not tested.
0.4.0 - 2019-04-07
Major change is the renaming Task class to SimpleTask. It loses backword compatibility. Also, severe problem bug of the cache control was fixed.
- Issue 35 : Add getMinStackHeadroom() to TaskStrategy class ^ Issue 39 : Raise Assert failure at the DebugUart error handler.
- Issue 34 : Refactor SYSLOG message from "Return" to "Leave"
- Issue 37 : Rename Task class to SimpleTask
- Issue 33 : __VA_ARGS__ have problem if there are variable parameters.
- Issue 36 : "Sample" section is missed in the TOC of
- Issue 40 : Cache in-coherency crashes the program
- The SPI slave transfer is not tested.
0.3.0 - 2019-03-09
Major change at the MURASAKI_ASSERTION to enforce the hard fault. This makes debug easier. The HAL header file include mechanism is now eaiser to catch up the ST Micro's new processor.
- Issue 24 : SpiSlaveSpecifier class name should be refactored
- Issue 23 : Change MURASAKI_ASSERT to raise an exception
- Issue 26 : InitPlatform needs to check the result of new
- Issue 28 : uint should be changed unsigned int
- Issue 29 : Update Inc/murasaki_defs.hpp
- Issue 31 : Update document with new HAL include scheme
- Pull Request 21 : Typo. Thanks osaboh.
- Issue 25 : "Takemasa" is wrong signature
- The SPI slave transfer is not tested.
0.2.1 - 2019-02-24
- The SPI slave transfer is not tested.
0.2.0 - 2019-02-23
- Issue 6 : Add CubeMX configuration note to the porting guide.
- Issue 10 : Write an install script
- Issue 12 : Step-By-Step porting sample
- Issue 13 : Add post mortem debugging description
- Issue 8 : ADD link to murasaki_samples to
- Issue 16 : Substitute \n\r by \n
- Issue 17 : refinement for DMA Interrupt and required memory
- Issue 5 : HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback() needs to avoid the null pointer access
- Issue 7 : doesn't have link to the "where to get" at ToC
- Issue 11 : Link to refman.pdf in is wrong
- Issue 15 : Write a Program flow walk through
- The SPI slave transfer is not tested.
0.1.0 - 2019-02-11
- file
- This file