Thank you for considering contributing to Linux-Exploit-Suggester-2! There are many ways to contribute, including writing and improving documentation, submitting bug reports and feature requests, and writing code.
- We are always looking for ways to improve our documentation. If you find any errors or areas that could be made clearer, please let us know by submitting an issue or pull request.
If you find a bug in Linux-Exploit-Suggester-2, please submit an issue with as much detail as possible about the problem, including the version of Linux-Exploit-Suggester-2 you are using, the version of the operating system, and any error messages you received.
If you have an idea for a new feature, please submit an issue with a clear description of the feature and why it would be useful.
- If you are interested in writing code for Linux-Exploit-Suggester-2, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes. Please make sure that your code follows the existing coding style and that it is well-documented.
- We want to create a welcoming and friendly environment for everyone who participates in the Linux-Exploit-Suggester-2 project. We expect all contributors to follow our code of conduct.