From 7c743747a217f3c3c469cac7772f3ef7b6c35c63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Schranz
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 12:07:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove PHPCR and Elasticsearch implementation
.circleci/config.yml | 55 -
Admin/ArticleAdmin.php | 502 -----
Admin/Helper/WebspaceSelect.php | 40 -
Builder/ArticleIndexBuilder.php | 62 -
Command/ArticleExportCommand.php | 87 -
Command/ArticleImportCommand.php | 144 --
Command/ReindexCommand.php | 237 ---
Content/ArticleDataItem.php | 71 -
Content/ArticleDataProvider.php | 563 -----
Content/ArticleResourceItem.php | 198 --
Content/ArticleResourceItemFactory.php | 75 -
Content/ArticleSelectionContentType.php | 93 -
Content/PageTreeArticleDataProvider.php | 75 -
Content/SingleArticleSelectionContentType.php | 78 -
Controller/ArticleController.php | 753 -------
Controller/ArticlePageController.php | 248 ---
Controller/VersionController.php | 198 --
Controller/WebsiteArticleController.php | 228 --
DependencyInjection/Configuration.php | 107 -
DependencyInjection/ConverterCompilerPass.php | 36 -
.../DefaultArticleTypeNotFoundException.php | 52 -
.../RouteEnhancerCompilerPass.php | 29 -
.../StructureValidatorCompilerPass.php | 45 -
DependencyInjection/SuluArticleExtension.php | 426 ----
.../WebspaceSettingsConfigurationResolver.php | 61 -
Document/ArticleDocument.php | 593 ------
Document/ArticleInterface.php | 68 -
Document/ArticlePageDocument.php | 319 ---
Document/ArticlePageViewObject.php | 84 -
Document/ArticleViewDocument.php | 754 -------
Document/ArticleViewDocumentInterface.php | 547 -----
Document/Behavior/DateShardingBehavior.php | 21 -
Document/Behavior/PageBehavior.php | 32 -
Document/Behavior/RoutableBehavior.php | 19 -
Document/Behavior/RoutablePageBehavior.php | 21 -
Document/Behavior/WebspaceBehavior.php | 34 -
Document/CategoryViewObject.php | 59 -
Document/ExcerptViewObject.php | 121 --
Document/Form/ArticleDocumentType.php | 76 -
Document/Form/ArticlePageDocumentType.php | 41 -
Document/Form/Listener/DataNormalizer.php | 53 -
Document/Form/UnstructuredType.php | 29 -
Document/Index/ArticleGhostIndexer.php | 132 --
Document/Index/ArticleIndexer.php | 595 ------
Document/Index/DocumentFactory.php | 40 -
Document/Index/DocumentFactoryInterface.php | 32 -
.../Factory/CategoryCollectionFactory.php | 74 -
Document/Index/Factory/ExcerptFactory.php | 79 -
.../Index/Factory/MediaCollectionFactory.php | 62 -
Document/Index/Factory/MediaFactory.php | 49 -
.../Factory/SegmentCollectionFactory.php | 37 -
Document/Index/Factory/SeoFactory.php | 42 -
.../Index/Factory/TagCollectionFactory.php | 61 -
Document/Index/IndexerInterface.php | 70 -
Document/Initializer/ArticleInitializer.php | 65 -
Document/Initializer/ArticleNodeType.php | 67 -
.../Initializer/ArticlePageNodeDefinition.php | 76 -
Document/Initializer/ArticlePageNodeType.php | 67 -
Document/LocalizationStateViewObject.php | 43 -
Document/LocalizedLastModifiedBehavior.php | 30 -
Document/MediaViewObject.php | 115 -
.../ArticleViewDocumentRepository.php | 168 --
Document/Resolver/WebspaceResolver.php | 85 -
Document/SegmentViewObject.php | 44 -
Document/SeoViewObject.php | 104 -
Document/Serializer/ArticlePageSubscriber.php | 53 -
Document/Serializer/ArticleSubscriber.php | 219 --
.../WebsiteArticleUrlsSubscriber.php | 218 --
Document/Structure/ArticleBridge.php | 124 --
Document/Structure/ArticlePageBridge.php | 19 -
Document/Structure/ContentProxyFactory.php | 155 --
.../Structure/RoutableStructureInterface.php | 61 -
Document/Subscriber/ArticlePageSubscriber.php | 284 ---
Document/Subscriber/ArticleSubscriber.php | 599 ------
.../Subscriber/DateShardingSubscriber.php | 71 -
Document/Subscriber/PageSubscriber.php | 200 --
Document/Subscriber/RoutableSubscriber.php | 432 ----
Document/Subscriber/WebspaceSubscriber.php | 154 --
Document/TagViewObject.php | 45 -
Domain/Event/ArticleCopiedEvent.php | 97 -
Domain/Event/ArticleCreatedEvent.php | 91 -
Domain/Event/ArticleDraftRemovedEvent.php | 81 -
Domain/Event/ArticleModifiedEvent.php | 91 -
Domain/Event/ArticlePublishedEvent.php | 81 -
Domain/Event/ArticleRemovedEvent.php | 73 -
Domain/Event/ArticleRestoredEvent.php | 80 -
Domain/Event/ArticleTranslationAddedEvent.php | 94 -
.../Event/ArticleTranslationCopiedEvent.php | 108 -
.../Event/ArticleTranslationRemovedEvent.php | 79 -
.../Event/ArticleTranslationRestoredEvent.php | 94 -
Domain/Event/ArticleUnpublishedEvent.php | 87 -
Domain/Event/ArticleVersionRestoredEvent.php | 101 -
Elasticsearch/AnnotationReader.php | 72 -
Elasticsearch/EventAwareConverter.php | 43 -
Elasticsearch/PostConvertToDocumentEvent.php | 69 -
Event/IndexEvent.php | 56 -
EventListener/ArticleTrashSubscriber.php | 109 -
EventListener/ContentProxyListener.php | 84 -
EventListener/DomainEventSubscriber.php | 429 ----
EventListener/TargetWebspaceListener.php | 62 -
.../ArticleInRequestNotFoundException.php | 23 -
Exception/ArticlePageNotFoundException.php | 51 -
Exception/ParameterNotAllowedException.php | 52 -
Exception/RouteSchemaNotFoundException.php | 59 -
Export/ArticleExport.php | 216 --
Export/ArticleExportInterface.php | 19 -
Export/ExportFormatNotFoundException.php | 32 -
Import/ArticleImport.php | 338 ---
Import/ArticleImportInterface.php | 25 -
Import/ImportException.php | 16 -
Import/ImportResult.php | 74 -
.../Content/ArticleContentQueryBuilder.php | 177 --
.../ArticleSelectionResolver.php | 112 -
.../SingleArticleSelectionResolver.php | 53 -
.../AbstractArticleDataProviderResolver.php | 168 --
.../ArticleDataProviderResolver.php | 22 -
.../ArticlePageTreeDataProviderResolver.php | 22 -
.../ArticleSelectionResolver.php | 112 -
.../SingleArticleSelectionResolver.php | 53 -
.../AbstractArticleDataProviderResolver.php | 168 --
.../ArticleDataProviderResolver.php | 22 -
.../ArticlePageTreeDataProviderResolver.php | 22 -
ListBuilder/ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor.php | 70 -
.../ElasticSearchFieldDescriptorBuilder.php | 113 -
Markup/ArticleLinkProvider.php | 150 --
Metadata/ArticleViewDocumentIdTrait.php | 34 -
Metadata/ListMetadataVisitor.php | 117 --
Metadata/StructureTagTrait.php | 62 -
Preview/ArticleObjectProvider.php | 202 --
.../Provider/ArticleReferenceProvider.php | 62 -
.../Refresh/ArticleReferenceRefresher.php | 85 -
Resolver/ArticleContentResolver.php | 138 --
Resolver/ArticleContentResolverInterface.php | 22 -
Resources/config/automation.xml | 16 -
Resources/config/forms/article_settings.xml | 143 --
.../article_settings.xml | 128 --
Resources/config/lists/article_versions.xml | 19 -
Resources/config/lists/articles.xml | 120 --
Resources/config/routing_api.yml | 15 -
.../serializer/Document.ArticleDocument.xml | 37 -
.../Document.ArticlePageDocument.xml | 29 -
.../Document.ArticleViewDocument.xml | 21 -
.../Document.LocalizationStateViewObject.xml | 7 -
Resources/config/services.xml | 557 -----
Resources/config/services_headless.xml | 55 -
Resources/config/services_reference.xml | 24 -
Resources/config/services_trash.xml | 25 -
Resources/doc/ | 17 -
Resources/doc/ | 43 -
Resources/doc/ | 181 --
Resources/doc/ | 15 -
Resources/doc/ | 37 -
Resources/doc/ | 116 -
Resources/doc/default.html.twig | 9 -
Resources/doc/default.xml | 50 -
Resources/doc/ | 120 --
Resources/doc/ | 224 --
Resources/doc/ | 24 -
Resources/doc/ | 195 --
Resources/doc/ | 120 --
Resources/doc/ | 49 -
Resources/doc/ | 50 -
.../phpcr-migrations/Version201702211450.php | 124 --
.../phpcr-migrations/Version201712041018.php | 160 --
.../phpcr-migrations/Version201811091000.php | 183 --
.../phpcr-migrations/Version201905071542.php | 97 -
.../phpcr-migrations/Version202005151141.php | 103 -
.../phpcr-migrations/Version202005191117.php | 97 -
.../phpcr-migrations/Version202005250920.php | 97 -
.../phpcr-migrations/Version202210140922.php | 129 --
.../phpcr-migrations/Version202210241106.php | 109 -
.../phpcr-migrations/Version202407111600.php | 137 --
Resources/views/Export/Article/1.2.xliff.twig | 42 -
.../views/Export/Article/base.export.twig | 77 -
Routing/ArticlePageRouteGenerator.php | 66 -
Routing/ArticleRouteDefaultProvider.php | 195 --
Routing/ArticleRouteEnhancer.php | 104 -
Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByTemplate.php | 55 -
Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByType.php | 66 -
Search/ArticleSearchSubscriber.php | 79 -
Sitemap/ArticleSitemapProvider.php | 223 --
Teaser/ArticleTeaserProvider.php | 110 -
Tests/Application/.env | 5 +-
Tests/Application/Kernel.php | 44 +-
Tests/Application/config/config.yml | 24 +-
Tests/Application/config/config_default.yml | 12 -
.../config/config_experimental_storage.yml | 2 -
Tests/Application/config/config_extend.yml | 37 -
.../config/config_phpcr_storage.yml | 26 -
Tests/Application/config/routing.yml | 5 +-
.../config/templates/articles/block.xml | 35 -
.../config/templates/articles/default.xml | 18 -
.../articles/default_blocks_in_blocks.xml | 64 -
.../templates/articles/default_fallback.xml | 23 -
.../templates/articles/default_image.xml | 19 -
.../templates/articles/default_pages.xml | 25 -
.../articles/default_with_page_tree_route.xml | 23 -
.../templates/articles/default_with_route.xml | 23 -
.../articles/default_with_search_tags.xml | 45 -
.../templates/articles/page_tree_route.xml | 16 -
.../articles/page_tree_route_second.xml | 16 -
.../config/templates/articles/simple.xml | 18 -
.../templates/articles/simple_with_route.xml | 19 -
Tests/Application/config/versioning.yml | 3 -
.../config/webspaces/ | 55 -
.../Application/config/webspaces/ | 28 +-
Tests/Application/config/webspaces/test.xml | 55 -
Tests/Application/config/webspaces/test2.xml | 55 -
Tests/Functional/.gitignore | 0
.../Content/ArticleDataProviderTest.php | 635 ------
.../PageTreeArticleDataProviderTest.php | 219 --
.../Controller/ArticleControllerTest.php | 1860 -----------------
.../Controller/ArticlePageControllerTest.php | 390 ----
.../Controller/VersionControllerTest.php | 131 --
.../Document/Index/ArticleIndexerTest.php | 838 --------
Tests/Functional/Export/ArticleExportTest.php | 149 --
Tests/Functional/Import/ArticleImportTest.php | 93 -
Tests/Functional/Import/export.xliff | 211 --
.../Repository/ArticleRepositoryTest.php | 324 ---
.../ArticleContentQueryBuilderTest.php | 445 ----
.../Markup/ArticleLinkProviderTest.php | 141 --
.../Provider/ArticleReferenceProviderTest.php | 146 --
.../Refresh/ArticleReferenceRefresherTest.php | 156 --
.../Sitemap/ArticleSitemapProviderTest.php | 99 -
.../Teaser/ArticleTeaserProviderTest.php | 90 -
.../Functional/Traits/CreateArticleTrait.php | 75 -
.../Functional/Traits/CreateCategoryTrait.php | 60 -
Tests/Functional/Traits/CreateTagTrait.php | 40 -
.../Trash/ArticleTrashItemHandlerTest.php | 317 ---
.../ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtensionTest.php | 157 --
.../Document/ArticleDocument.php | 18 -
.../Document/ArticlePageDocument.php | 18 -
.../Document/ArticleViewDocument.php | 29 -
Tests/TestExtendBundle/TestExtendBundle.php | 18 -
Tests/Unit/.gitignore | 0
.../ArticleSelectionContentTypeTest.php | 130 --
.../SingleArticleSelectionContentTypeTest.php | 83 -
...spaceSettingsConfigurationResolverTest.php | 101 -
.../WebsiteArticleUrlsSubscriberTest.php | 307 ---
.../Subscriber/ArticlePageSubscriberTest.php | 304 ---
.../Subscriber/ArticleSubscriberTest.php | 746 -------
.../Subscriber/PageSubscriberTest.php | 228 --
.../Subscriber/RoutableSubscriberTest.php | 417 ----
.../Model/ArticleDimensionContentTest.php | 82 -
Tests/Unit/Domain/Model/ArticleTest.php | 40 -
.../ArticleResourceItemFactoryTest.php | 73 -
.../Sulu/Admin/ArticleAdminTest.php | 146 --
.../ArticleSelectionResolverTest.php | 261 ---
.../SingleArticleSelectionResolverTest.php | 115 -
.../ArticleDataProviderResolverTest.php | 284 ---
...rticlePageTreeDataProviderResolverTest.php | 284 ---
.../ArticleSelectionResolverTest.php | 261 ---
.../SingleArticleSelectionResolverTest.php | 115 -
.../ArticleDataProviderResolverTest.php | 284 ---
...rticlePageTreeDataProviderResolverTest.php | 284 ---
...lasticSearchFieldDescriptorBuilderTest.php | 75 -
.../Preview/ArticleObjectProviderTest.php | 264 ---
.../ArticleViewDocumentRepositoryTest.php | 234 ---
.../Routing/ArticlePageRouteGeneratorTest.php | 75 -
.../ArticleRouteDefaultProviderTest.php | 287 ---
.../Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteEnhancerTest.php | 117 --
.../ArticleRouteGeneratorByTemplateTest.php | 60 -
.../ArticleRouteGeneratorByTypeTest.php | 89 -
.../ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtensionTest.php | 239 ---
Trash/ArticleTrashItemHandler.php | 221 --
Twig/ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtension.php | 228 --
.../ | 0
.../admin.en.json | 0
268 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 35526 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 .circleci/config.yml
delete mode 100644 Admin/ArticleAdmin.php
delete mode 100644 Admin/Helper/WebspaceSelect.php
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delete mode 100644 Command/ArticleExportCommand.php
delete mode 100644 Command/ArticleImportCommand.php
delete mode 100644 Command/ReindexCommand.php
delete mode 100644 Content/ArticleDataItem.php
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delete mode 100644 Content/ArticleResourceItem.php
delete mode 100644 Content/ArticleResourceItemFactory.php
delete mode 100644 Content/ArticleSelectionContentType.php
delete mode 100644 Content/PageTreeArticleDataProvider.php
delete mode 100644 Content/SingleArticleSelectionContentType.php
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delete mode 100644 Controller/ArticlePageController.php
delete mode 100644 Controller/VersionController.php
delete mode 100644 Controller/WebsiteArticleController.php
delete mode 100644 DependencyInjection/Configuration.php
delete mode 100644 DependencyInjection/ConverterCompilerPass.php
delete mode 100644 DependencyInjection/DefaultArticleTypeNotFoundException.php
delete mode 100644 DependencyInjection/RouteEnhancerCompilerPass.php
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delete mode 100644 DependencyInjection/SuluArticleExtension.php
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delete mode 100644 Document/ArticlePageViewObject.php
delete mode 100644 Document/ArticleViewDocument.php
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delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/ContentTypeResolver/ArticleSelectionResolverTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/ContentTypeResolver/SingleArticleSelectionResolverTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticleDataProviderResolverTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticlePageTreeDataProviderResolverTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/ContentTypeResolver/ArticleSelectionResolverTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/ContentTypeResolver/SingleArticleSelectionResolverTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticleDataProviderResolverTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticlePageTreeDataProviderResolverTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/ListBuilder/ElasticSearchFieldDescriptorBuilderTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Preview/ArticleObjectProviderTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Repository/ArticleViewDocumentRepositoryTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticlePageRouteGeneratorTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteDefaultProviderTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteEnhancerTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByTemplateTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByTypeTest.php
delete mode 100644 Tests/Unit/Twig/ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtensionTest.php
delete mode 100644 Trash/ArticleTrashItemHandler.php
delete mode 100644 Twig/ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtension.php
rename {Resources/translations => translations}/ (100%)
rename {Resources/translations => translations}/admin.en.json (100%)
diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f2421066e..000000000
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-version: 2
- build:
- environment:
- DATABASE_URL: mysql://root@
- docker:
- - image: circleci/php:8.1-node-browsers
- - image: circleci/mysql:5.7
- environment:
- - image: elasticsearch:7.5.2
- environment:
- - es-test-cluster
- - false
- - localhost
- -
- - http.port: 9200
- - discovery.type: single-node
- steps:
- - checkout
- - run:
- name: Install OS dependencies (mysql, gd)
- command: |
- sudo apt-get install -y libpng-dev
- sudo docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql gd
- parallel: true
- - run: echo -e "memory_limit=2G" | sudo tee /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini > /dev/null
- - run: /usr/local/bin/composer remove php-cs-fixer/shim --dev --no-update
- - run: /usr/local/bin/composer require "elasticsearch/elasticsearch:~7.5.2" --no-update
- - restore_cache:
- keys:
- - composer-v2-{{ checksum "composer.json" }}
- - composer-v2-
- - run: php -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/local/bin/composer install -n --prefer-dist
- - save_cache:
- key: composer-v2-{{ checksum "composer.json" }}
- paths:
- - vendor
- - ~/.composer/cache
- - run:
- name: Test Elasticsearch
- command: |
- sleep 10 && wget --waitretry=10 --retry-connrefused -v
- cat index.html
- - run:
- name: Command Create Test Database
- command: |
- composer bootstrap-test-env
- - run:
- name: List Bundles
- command:
- ./Tests/Application/bin/adminconsole debug:config
- - run: composer test
diff --git a/Admin/ArticleAdmin.php b/Admin/ArticleAdmin.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b6aefa69..000000000
--- a/Admin/ArticleAdmin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-viewBuilderFactory = $viewBuilderFactory;
- $this->securityChecker = $securityChecker;
- $this->localizationManager = $localizationManager;
- $this->structureManager = $structureManager;
- $this->kernelBundles = $kernelBundles;
- $this->articleTypeConfigurations = $articleTypeConfigurations;
- $this->versioningEnabled = $versioningEnabled;
- $this->automationViewBuilderFactory = $automationViewBuilderFactory;
- }
- public function configureNavigationItems(NavigationItemCollection $navigationItemCollection): void
- {
- if (!$this->securityChecker->hasPermission(static::SECURITY_CONTEXT, PermissionTypes::EDIT)) {
- return;
- }
- $hasArticleTypeWithEditPermissions = false;
- foreach ($this->getTypes() as $typeKey => $typeConfig) {
- if (!$this->securityChecker->hasPermission(static::getArticleSecurityContext($typeKey), PermissionTypes::EDIT)) {
- continue;
- }
- $hasArticleTypeWithEditPermissions = true;
- break;
- }
- if (!$hasArticleTypeWithEditPermissions) {
- return;
- }
- $articleItem = new NavigationItem('sulu_article.articles');
- $articleItem->setPosition(20);
- $articleItem->setIcon('su-newspaper');
- $articleItem->setView(static::LIST_VIEW);
- $navigationItemCollection->add($articleItem);
- }
- public function configureViews(ViewCollection $viewCollection): void
- {
- if (!$this->securityChecker->hasPermission(static::SECURITY_CONTEXT, PermissionTypes::EDIT)) {
- return;
- }
- $locales = \array_values(
- \array_map(
- function(Localization $localization) {
- return $localization->getLocale();
- },
- $this->localizationManager->getLocalizations()
- )
- );
- $viewCollection->add(
- $this->viewBuilderFactory->createTabViewBuilder(static::LIST_VIEW, '/articles')
- ->addRouterAttributesToBlacklist(['active', 'filter', 'limit', 'page', 'search', 'sortColumn', 'sortOrder'])
- );
- foreach ($this->getTypes() as $typeKey => $typeConfig) {
- if (!$this->securityChecker->hasPermission(static::getArticleSecurityContext($typeKey), PermissionTypes::EDIT)) {
- continue;
- }
- $formToolbarActionsWithoutType = [];
- $formToolbarActionsWithType = [];
- $listToolbarActions = [];
- if ($this->securityChecker->hasPermission(static::SECURITY_CONTEXT, PermissionTypes::ADD)
- && $this->securityChecker->hasPermission(static::getArticleSecurityContext($typeKey), PermissionTypes::ADD)) {
- $listToolbarActions[] = new ToolbarAction('sulu_admin.add');
- }
- if ($this->securityChecker->hasPermission(static::SECURITY_CONTEXT, PermissionTypes::LIVE)
- && $this->securityChecker->hasPermission(static::getArticleSecurityContext($typeKey), PermissionTypes::LIVE)) {
- $formToolbarActionsWithoutType[] = new ToolbarAction('sulu_admin.save_with_publishing');
- $formToolbarActionsWithType[] = new ToolbarAction('sulu_admin.save_with_publishing');
- } else {
- $formToolbarActionsWithoutType[] = new ToolbarAction('');
- $formToolbarActionsWithType[] = new ToolbarAction('');
- }
- $formToolbarActionsWithType[] = new ToolbarAction('sulu_admin.type');
- if ($this->securityChecker->hasPermission(static::SECURITY_CONTEXT, PermissionTypes::DELETE)
- && $this->securityChecker->hasPermission(static::getArticleSecurityContext($typeKey), PermissionTypes::DELETE)) {
- $formToolbarActionsWithType[] = new DropdownToolbarAction(
- 'sulu_admin.delete',
- 'su-trash-alt',
- [
- new ToolbarAction(
- 'sulu_admin.delete',
- [
- 'visible_condition' => '(!_permissions || _permissions.delete) && url != "/"',
- 'router_attributes_to_back_view' => ['webspace'],
- ]
- ),
- new ToolbarAction(
- 'sulu_admin.delete',
- [
- 'visible_condition' => '(!_permissions || _permissions.delete) && url != "/"',
- 'router_attributes_to_back_view' => ['webspace'],
- 'delete_locale' => true,
- ]
- ),
- ]
- );
- $listToolbarActions[] = new ToolbarAction('sulu_admin.delete');
- }
- if ($this->securityChecker->hasPermission(static::SECURITY_CONTEXT, PermissionTypes::LIVE)
- && $this->securityChecker->hasPermission(static::getArticleSecurityContext($typeKey), PermissionTypes::LIVE)) {
- $editDropdownToolbarActions = [
- new ToolbarAction('sulu_admin.delete_draft'),
- new ToolbarAction('sulu_admin.set_unpublished'),
- new ToolbarAction('sulu_admin.copy'),
- ];
- if (\count($locales) > 1) {
- $editDropdownToolbarActions[] = new ToolbarAction('sulu_admin.copy_locale');
- }
- $formToolbarActionsWithType[] = new DropdownToolbarAction(
- 'sulu_admin.edit',
- 'su-pen',
- $editDropdownToolbarActions
- );
- }
- if ($this->securityChecker->hasPermission(static::SECURITY_CONTEXT, PermissionTypes::VIEW)
- && $this->securityChecker->hasPermission(static::getArticleSecurityContext($typeKey), PermissionTypes::VIEW)) {
- $listToolbarActions[] = new ToolbarAction('sulu_admin.export');
- }
- $metadataRequestParameters = [
- 'tags[sulu_article.type]' => false,
- ];
- if ($typeConfig['type']) {
- $metadataRequestParameters = [
- 'tags[sulu_article.type][type]' => $typeConfig['type'],
- ];
- }
- $previewCondition = '(__routeAttributes.locale in availableLocales) or !__routeAttributes';
- $viewCollection->add(
- $this->viewBuilderFactory->createListViewBuilder(static::LIST_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey, '/:locale/' . $typeKey)
- ->setResourceKey(ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY)
- ->setListKey(ArticleDocument::LIST_KEY)
- ->setTabTitle($typeConfig['title'])
- ->addListAdapters(['table'])
- ->addLocales($locales)
- ->addRequestParameters(['types' => $typeKey])
- ->setDefaultLocale($locales[0])
- ->setAddView(static::ADD_FORM_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey)
- ->setEditView(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey)
- ->addToolbarActions($listToolbarActions)
- ->setParent(static::LIST_VIEW)
- );
- $viewCollection->add(
- $this->viewBuilderFactory->createResourceTabViewBuilder(static::ADD_FORM_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey, '/articles/:locale/' . $typeKey . '/add')
- ->setResourceKey(ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY)
- ->addLocales($locales)
- ->setBackView(static::LIST_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey)
- );
- $viewCollection->add(
- $this->viewBuilderFactory->createFormViewBuilder(self::ADD_FORM_VIEW_DETAILS . '_' . $typeKey, '/details')
- ->setResourceKey(ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY)
- ->addMetadataRequestParameters($metadataRequestParameters)
- ->setFormKey('article')
- ->setTabTitle('sulu_admin.details')
- ->setEditView(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey)
- ->addToolbarActions($formToolbarActionsWithType)
- ->setParent(static::ADD_FORM_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey)
- );
- $viewCollection->add(
- $this->viewBuilderFactory->createResourceTabViewBuilder(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey, '/articles/:locale/' . $typeKey . '/:id')
- ->setResourceKey(ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY)
- ->addLocales($locales)
- ->setTitleProperty('title')
- ->setBackView(static::LIST_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey)
- ->addRouterAttributesToBlacklist(['active', 'filter', 'limit', 'page', 'search', 'sortColumn', 'sortOrder'])
- );
- $viewCollection->add(
- $this->viewBuilderFactory->createPreviewFormViewBuilder(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW_DETAILS . '_' . $typeKey, '/details')
- ->setResourceKey(ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY)
- ->addMetadataRequestParameters($metadataRequestParameters)
- ->setFormKey('article')
- ->setTabTitle('sulu_admin.details')
- ->setTabCondition('shadowOn == false')
- ->setTabPriority(1024)
- ->addToolbarActions($formToolbarActionsWithType)
- ->setPreviewCondition($previewCondition)
- ->setParent(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey)
- );
- $viewCollection->add(
- $this->viewBuilderFactory->createPreviewFormViewBuilder(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW_SEO . '_' . $typeKey, '/seo')
- ->setResourceKey(ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY)
- ->setFormKey('page_seo')
- ->setTabTitle('sulu_page.seo')
- ->setTabCondition('shadowOn == false')
- ->addToolbarActions($formToolbarActionsWithoutType)
- ->setTitleVisible(true)
- ->setPreviewCondition($previewCondition)
- ->setParent(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey)
- );
- $viewCollection->add(
- $this->viewBuilderFactory->createPreviewFormViewBuilder(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW_EXCERPT . '_' . $typeKey, '/excerpt')
- ->setResourceKey('articles')
- ->setFormKey('page_excerpt')
- ->setTabTitle('sulu_page.excerpt')
- ->setTabCondition('shadowOn == false')
- ->addToolbarActions($formToolbarActionsWithoutType)
- ->setTitleVisible(true)
- ->setPreviewCondition($previewCondition)
- ->setParent(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey)
- );
- $viewCollection->add(
- $this->viewBuilderFactory->createPreviewFormViewBuilder(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW_SETTINGS . '_' . $typeKey, '/settings')
- ->setResourceKey(ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY)
- ->setFormKey('article_settings')
- ->setTabTitle('sulu_page.settings')
- ->setTabPriority(512)
- ->addToolbarActions($formToolbarActionsWithoutType)
- ->setTitleVisible(true)
- ->setPreviewCondition($previewCondition)
- ->setParent(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey)
- );
- if ($this->automationViewBuilderFactory
- && $this->securityChecker->hasPermission(AutomationAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT, PermissionTypes::EDIT)
- ) {
- $viewCollection->add(
- $this->automationViewBuilderFactory->createTaskListViewBuilder(
- static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW_AUTOMATION . '_' . $typeKey,
- '/automation',
- BasePageDocument::class
- )->setParent(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey)
- );
- }
- if ($this->securityChecker->hasPermission(ActivityAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT, PermissionTypes::VIEW)) {
- $viewCollection->add(
- $this->viewBuilderFactory
- ->createResourceTabViewBuilder(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW_ACTIVITY . '_' . $typeKey, '/activity')
- ->setResourceKey(ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY)
- ->setTabTitle($this->versioningEnabled ? 'sulu_admin.activity_versions' : 'sulu_admin.activity')
- ->setTitleProperty('')
- ->addRouterAttributesToBlacklist(['active', 'filter', 'limit', 'page', 'search', 'sortColumn', 'sortOrder'])
- ->setParent(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey)
- );
- $viewCollection->add(
- $this->viewBuilderFactory
- ->createListViewBuilder(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW_ACTIVITY . '_' . $typeKey . '.activity', '/activity')
- ->setTabTitle('sulu_admin.activity')
- ->setResourceKey(ActivityInterface::RESOURCE_KEY)
- ->setListKey('activities')
- ->addListAdapters(['table'])
- ->addAdapterOptions([
- 'table' => [
- 'skin' => 'flat',
- 'show_header' => false,
- ],
- ])
- ->disableTabGap()
- ->disableSearching()
- ->disableSelection()
- ->disableColumnOptions()
- ->disableFiltering()
- ->addResourceStorePropertiesToListRequest(['id' => 'resourceId'])
- ->addRequestParameters(['resourceKey' => ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY])
- ->setParent(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW_ACTIVITY . '_' . $typeKey)
- );
- if ($this->versioningEnabled) {
- $viewCollection->add(
- $this->viewBuilderFactory
- ->createListViewBuilder(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW_ACTIVITY . '_' . $typeKey . '.versions', '/versions')
- ->setTabTitle('sulu_admin.versions')
- ->setResourceKey('article_versions')
- ->setListKey('article_versions')
- ->addListAdapters(['table'])
- ->addAdapterOptions([
- 'table' => [
- 'skin' => 'flat',
- ],
- ])
- ->disableTabGap()
- ->disableSearching()
- ->disableSelection()
- ->disableColumnOptions()
- ->disableFiltering()
- ->addRouterAttributesToListRequest(['id', 'webspace'])
- ->addItemActions([
- new ListItemAction('restore_version', ['success_view' => static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW . '_' . $typeKey]),
- ])
- ->setParent(static::EDIT_FORM_VIEW_ACTIVITY . '_' . $typeKey)
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public function getSecurityContexts()
- {
- $securityContext = [];
- foreach ($this->getTypes() as $typeKey => $type) {
- $securityContext[static::getArticleSecurityContext($typeKey)] = [
- PermissionTypes::VIEW,
- PermissionTypes::ADD,
- PermissionTypes::EDIT,
- PermissionTypes::DELETE,
- PermissionTypes::LIVE,
- ];
- }
- return [
- 'Sulu' => [
- 'Global' => [
- static::SECURITY_CONTEXT => [
- PermissionTypes::VIEW,
- PermissionTypes::ADD,
- PermissionTypes::EDIT,
- PermissionTypes::DELETE,
- PermissionTypes::LIVE,
- ],
- ],
- 'Article types' => $securityContext,
- ],
- ];
- }
- private function getTypes(): array
- {
- $types = [];
- // prefill array with keys from configuration to keep order of configuration for tabs
- foreach ($this->articleTypeConfigurations as $typeKey => $articleTypeConfiguration) {
- $types[$typeKey] = [];
- }
- /** @var StructureBridge $structure */
- foreach ($this->structureManager->getStructures('article') as $structure) {
- $type = $this->getType($structure->getStructure(), null);
- $typeKey = $type ?: 'default';
- if (empty($types[$typeKey])) {
- $types[$typeKey] = [
- 'type' => $type,
- 'default' => $structure->getKey(),
- 'title' => $this->getTitle($typeKey),
- 'templates' => [],
- ];
- }
- $types[$typeKey]['templates'][$structure->getKey()] = [
- 'multipage' => $this->getMultipage($structure->getStructure()),
- ];
- }
- return $types;
- }
- private function getTitle(string $type): string
- {
- if (!\array_key_exists($type, $this->articleTypeConfigurations)) {
- return \ucfirst($type);
- }
- return $this->articleTypeConfigurations[$type]['translation_key'];
- }
- /**
- * Returns security context for pages in given webspace.
- *
- * @final
- */
- public static function getArticleSecurityContext(string $typeKey): string
- {
- return \sprintf('%s_%s', static::SECURITY_CONTEXT, $typeKey);
- }
diff --git a/Admin/Helper/WebspaceSelect.php b/Admin/Helper/WebspaceSelect.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 118b63ce7..000000000
--- a/Admin/Helper/WebspaceSelect.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-webspaceManager = $webspaceManager;
- }
- public function getValues(): array
- {
- $values = [];
- foreach ($this->webspaceManager->getWebspaceCollection() as $webspace) {
- $values[] = [
- 'name' => $webspace->getKey(),
- 'title' => $webspace->getName(),
- ];
- }
- return $values;
- }
diff --git a/Builder/ArticleIndexBuilder.php b/Builder/ArticleIndexBuilder.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d09db646..000000000
--- a/Builder/ArticleIndexBuilder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-buildForManager($this->container->get(''), $this->input->getOption('destroy'));
- $this->buildForManager($this->container->get('es.manager.default'), $this->input->getOption('destroy'));
- }
- /**
- * Build index for given manager.
- *
- * If index not exists - it will be created.
- * If index exists and destroy flag is true - drop and create index.
- * Else do nothing.
- */
- private function buildForManager(Manager $manager, bool $destroy): void
- {
- $name = $manager->getName();
- if (!$manager->indexExists()) {
- $this->output->writeln(\sprintf('Create index for "%s " manager.', $name));
- $manager->createIndex();
- return;
- }
- if (!$destroy) {
- return;
- }
- $this->output->writeln(\sprintf('Drop and create index for "%s " manager.', $name));
- $manager->dropAndCreateIndex();
- }
diff --git a/Command/ArticleExportCommand.php b/Command/ArticleExportCommand.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c8381557..000000000
--- a/Command/ArticleExportCommand.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-articleExporter = $articleExporter;
- }
- protected function configure(): void
- {
- $this->addArgument('target', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'export.xliff')
- ->addArgument('locale', InputArgument::REQUIRED)
- ->addOption('format', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, '', '1.2.xliff')
- ->setDescription('Export article translations from given language into xliff file for translating into a new language.');
- }
- protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
- {
- $target = $input->getArgument('target');
- if (0 === !\strpos($target, '/')) {
- $target = \getcwd() . '/' . $target;
- }
- $locale = $input->getArgument('locale');
- $format = $input->getOption('format');
- $output->writeln([
- 'Article Language Export ',
- '======================= ',
- '',
- 'Options ',
- 'Target: ' . $target,
- 'Locale: ' . $locale,
- 'Format: ' . $format,
- '---------------',
- '',
- ]);
- $helper = $this->getHelper('question');
- $question = new ConfirmationQuestion('Continue with this options?(y/n) ', false);
- if (!$helper->ask($input, $output, $question)) {
- $output->writeln('Abort! ');
- return 0;
- }
- $output->writeln('Continue! ');
- $file = $this->articleExporter->export($locale, $format, $output);
- \file_put_contents($target, $file);
- return 0;
- }
diff --git a/Command/ArticleImportCommand.php b/Command/ArticleImportCommand.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f0eb8a286..000000000
--- a/Command/ArticleImportCommand.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-articleImporter = $articleImporter;
- $this->logger = $logger ?: new NullLogger();
- }
- protected function configure(): void
- {
- $this->addArgument('file', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'export.xliff')
- ->addArgument('locale', InputArgument::REQUIRED)
- ->addOption('format', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, '', '1.2.xliff')
- ->addOption('uuid', 'u', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED)
- ->addOption('overrideSettings', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Override Settings-Tab')
- ->setDescription('Import article translations from xliff file into a specific language.');
- }
- protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
- {
- $filePath = $input->getArgument('file');
- if (0 === !\strpos($filePath, '/')) {
- $filePath = \getcwd() . '/' . $filePath;
- }
- $locale = $input->getArgument('locale');
- $format = $input->getOption('format');
- $overrideSettings = $input->getOption('overrideSettings');
- $output->writeln([
- 'Language Import ',
- '=============== ',
- '',
- 'Options ',
- 'Locale: ' . $locale,
- 'Format: ' . $format,
- 'Override Setting: ' . ($overrideSettings ? 'YES' : 'NO'),
- '---------------',
- '',
- ]);
- $helper = $this->getHelper('question');
- $question = new ConfirmationQuestion('Continue with this options? Be careful! (y/n) ', false);
- if (!$helper->ask($input, $output, $question)) {
- $output->writeln('Abort! ');
- return -1;
- }
- $output->writeln('Continue! ');
- $import = $this->articleImporter->import(
- $locale,
- $filePath,
- $output,
- $format,
- $overrideSettings
- );
- if ($output->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE) {
- $output->writeln(\sprintf('Imported %s/%s ', $import->getSuccesses(), $import->getCount()));
- }
- $this->printExceptions($import, $output);
- return $import->getFails();
- }
- protected function printExceptions(ImportResult $import, $output = null)
- {
- if (null === $output) {
- $output = new NullOutput();
- }
- $output->writeln([
- '',
- '',
- 'Import Result ',
- '=============== ',
- '' . $import->getSuccesses() . ' Documents imported. ',
- '' . \count($import->getFailed()) . ' Documents ignored. ',
- ]);
- if (!isset($import->getExceptionStore()['ignore'])) {
- return;
- }
- // If more than 20 exceptions write only into log.
- if (\count($import->getExceptionStore()['ignore']) > 20) {
- foreach ($import->getExceptionStore()['ignore'] as $msg) {
- $this->logger->info($msg);
- }
- return;
- }
- foreach ($import->getExceptionStore()['ignore'] as $msg) {
- $output->writeln('' . $msg . ' ');
- $this->logger->info($msg);
- }
- }
diff --git a/Command/ReindexCommand.php b/Command/ReindexCommand.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ca15552af..000000000
--- a/Command/ReindexCommand.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-webspaceManager = $webspaceManager;
- $this->propertyEncoder = $propertyEncoder;
- $this->documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->draftIndexer = $draftIndexer;
- $this->liveIndexer = $liveIndexer;
- $this->suluContext = $suluContext;
- }
- public function configure(): void
- {
- $this->setDescription('Rebuild elastic-search index for articles');
- $this->setHelp('This command will load all articles and index them to elastic-search indexes.');
- $this->addOption('drop', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Drop and recreate index before reindex');
- $this->addOption('clear', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Clear all articles of index before reindex');
- }
- protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
- {
- $startTime = \microtime(true);
- $indexer = SuluKernel::CONTEXT_WEBSITE === $this->suluContext
- ? $this->liveIndexer
- : $this->draftIndexer;
- $output->writeln(
- \sprintf('Reindex articles for the `%s` context' . \PHP_EOL, $this->suluContext)
- );
- if (!$this->dropIndex($indexer, $input, $output)) {
- // Drop was canceled by user.
- return 0;
- }
- $indexer->createIndex();
- $this->clearIndex($indexer, $input, $output);
- $locales = $this->webspaceManager->getAllLocalizations();
- foreach ($locales as $locale) {
- $output->writeln(\sprintf('Locale " %s" ' . \PHP_EOL, $locale->getLocale()));
- $this->indexDocuments($locale->getLocale(), $indexer, $output);
- $output->writeln(\PHP_EOL);
- }
- $output->writeln(
- \sprintf(
- 'Index rebuild completed ( %ss %s) ',
- \number_format(\microtime(true) - $startTime, 2),
- $this->humanBytes(\memory_get_peak_usage())
- )
- );
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Drop index if requested.
- */
- protected function dropIndex(IndexerInterface $indexer, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): bool
- {
- if (!$input->getOption('drop')) {
- return true;
- }
- if (!$input->getOption('no-interaction')) {
- $output->writeln(
- 'ATTENTION : This operation drops and recreates the whole index and deletes the complete data.'
- );
- $output->writeln('');
- $question = new ConfirmationQuestion('Are you sure you want to drop the index? [Y/n] ');
- /** @var QuestionHelper $questionHelper */
- $questionHelper = $this->getHelper('question');
- if (!$questionHelper->ask($input, $output, $question)) {
- return false;
- }
- $output->writeln('');
- }
- $indexer->dropIndex();
- $output->writeln(
- \sprintf(
- 'Dropped and recreated index for the `%s` context' . \PHP_EOL,
- $this->suluContext
- )
- );
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Clear article-content of index.
- */
- protected function clearIndex(IndexerInterface $indexer, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): void
- {
- if (!$input->getOption('clear')) {
- return;
- }
- $output->writeln(\sprintf('Cleared index for the `%s` context', $this->suluContext));
- $indexer->clear();
- }
- /**
- * Index documents for given locale.
- */
- protected function indexDocuments(string $locale, IndexerInterface $indexer, OutputInterface $output): void
- {
- $documents = $this->getDocuments($locale);
- $count = \count($documents);
- if (0 === $count) {
- $output->writeln(' No documents found');
- return;
- }
- $progressBar = new ProgressBar($output, $count);
- $progressBar->setFormat(' %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%% %elapsed:6s%/%estimated:-6s% %memory:6s%');
- $progressBar->start();
- foreach ($documents as $document) {
- $indexer->index($document);
- $progressBar->advance();
- }
- $indexer->flush();
- $progressBar->finish();
- }
- /**
- * Query for documents with given locale.
- */
- protected function getDocuments(string $locale): QueryResultCollection
- {
- $sql2 = \sprintf(
- 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS a WHERE [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article" AND [%s] IS NOT NULL',
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName('template', $locale)
- );
- return $this->documentManager->createQuery($sql2, $locale, ['load_ghost_content' => false])->execute();
- }
- /**
- * Converts bytes into human readable.
- *
- * Inspired by
- */
- protected function humanBytes(int $bytes, int $dec = 2): string
- {
- $size = ['b', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'];
- $factor = (int) \floor((\strlen($bytes) - 1) / 3);
- return \sprintf("%.{$dec}f", $bytes / \pow(1024, $factor)) . $size[$factor];
- }
diff --git a/Content/ArticleDataItem.php b/Content/ArticleDataItem.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 573594fc2..000000000
--- a/Content/ArticleDataItem.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-id = $id;
- $this->title = $title;
- $this->resource = $resource;
- }
- public function getId()
- {
- return $this->id;
- }
- public function getTitle()
- {
- return $this->title;
- }
- public function getResource()
- {
- return $this->resource;
- }
- public function getImage()
- {
- return;
- }
diff --git a/Content/ArticleDataProvider.php b/Content/ArticleDataProvider.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8340d9ae9..000000000
--- a/Content/ArticleDataProvider.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-searchManager = $searchManager;
- $this->documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->proxyFactory = $proxyFactory;
- $this->referenceStore = $referenceStore;
- $this->articleResourceItemFactory = $articleResourceItemFactory;
- $this->articleDocumentClass = $articleDocumentClass;
- $this->defaultLimit = $defaultLimit;
- $this->formMetadataProvider = $formMetadataProvider;
- $this->tokenStorage = $tokenStorage;
- $this->hasAudienceTargeting = $hasAudienceTargeting;
- }
- public function getConfiguration()
- {
- return $this->getConfigurationBuilder()->getConfiguration();
- }
- /**
- * Create new configuration-builder.
- */
- protected function getConfigurationBuilder(): BuilderInterface
- {
- $builder = Builder::create()
- ->enableTags()
- ->enableCategories()
- ->enableLimit()
- ->enablePagination()
- ->enablePresentAs()
- ->enableSorting(
- [
- ['column' => 'published', 'title' => 'sulu_admin.published'],
- ['column' => 'authored', 'title' => 'sulu_admin.authored'],
- ['column' => 'created', 'title' => 'sulu_admin.created'],
- ['column' => 'title.raw', 'title' => 'sulu_admin.title'],
- ['column' => 'author_full_name.raw', 'title' => ''],
- ['column' => 'last_modified_or_authored', 'title' => 'sulu_article.last_modified_or_authored'],
- ]
- );
- if (\method_exists($builder, 'enableTypes')) {
- $builder->enableTypes($this->getTypes());
- }
- if ($this->hasAudienceTargeting) {
- $builder->enableAudienceTargeting();
- }
- return $builder;
- }
- public function getDefaultPropertyParameter()
- {
- return [
- 'type' => new PropertyParameter('type', null),
- 'ignoreWebspaces' => new PropertyParameter('ignoreWebspaces', false),
- ];
- }
- public function resolveDataItems(
- array $filters,
- array $propertyParameter,
- array $options = [],
- $limit = null,
- $page = 1,
- $pageSize = null
- ) {
- // there are two different kinds of types in the context of the article bundle: template-type and article-type
- // filtering by article-type is possible via the types xml param
- // filtering by template-type is possible via the structureTypes xml param and the admin interface overlay
- // unfortunately, the admin frontend sends the selected types in $filters['types'] to the provider
- // TODO: adjust the naming of the xml params to be consistent consistent, but this will be a bc break
- $filters['structureTypes'] = \array_merge($filters['types'] ?? [], $this->getStructureTypesProperty($propertyParameter));
- $filters['types'] = $this->getTypesProperty($propertyParameter);
- $filters['excluded'] = $this->getExcludedFilter($filters, $propertyParameter);
- /** @var string|null $locale */
- $locale = $options['locale'];
- $webspaceKey = $this->getWebspaceKey($propertyParameter, $options);
- $queryResult = $this->getSearchResult($filters, $limit, $page, $pageSize, $locale, $webspaceKey);
- $result = [];
- /** @var ArticleViewDocumentInterface $document */
- foreach ($queryResult as $document) {
- $result[] = new ArticleDataItem($document->getUuid(), $document->getTitle(), $document);
- }
- return new DataProviderResult($result, $this->hasNextPage($queryResult, $limit, $page, $pageSize));
- }
- public function resolveResourceItems(
- array $filters,
- array $propertyParameter,
- array $options = [],
- $limit = null,
- $page = 1,
- $pageSize = null
- ) {
- // there are two different kinds of types in the context of the article bundle: template-type and article-type
- // filtering by article-type is possible via the types xml param
- // filtering by template-type is possible via the structureTypes xml param and the admin interface overlay
- // unfortunately, the admin frontend sends the selected types in $filters['types'] to the provider
- // TODO: adjust the naming of the xml params to be consistent consistent, but this will be a bc break
- $filters['structureTypes'] = \array_merge($filters['types'] ?? [], $this->getStructureTypesProperty($propertyParameter));
- $filters['types'] = $this->getTypesProperty($propertyParameter);
- $filters['excluded'] = $this->getExcludedFilter($filters, $propertyParameter);
- /** @var string|null $locale */
- $locale = $options['locale'];
- $webspaceKey = $this->getWebspaceKey($propertyParameter, $options);
- $queryResult = $this->getSearchResult($filters, $limit, $page, $pageSize, $locale, $webspaceKey);
- $result = [];
- /** @var ArticleViewDocumentInterface $document */
- foreach ($queryResult as $document) {
- $this->referenceStore->add($document->getUuid());
- $result[] = $this->articleResourceItemFactory->createResourceItem($document);
- }
- return new DataProviderResult($result, $this->hasNextPage($queryResult, $limit, $page, $pageSize));
- }
- public function resolveDatasource($datasource, array $propertyParameter, array $options)
- {
- return;
- }
- private function getWebspaceKey(array $propertyParameter, array $options): ?string
- {
- if (\array_key_exists('ignoreWebspaces', $propertyParameter)) {
- $value = $propertyParameter['ignoreWebspaces']->getValue();
- if (true === $value) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- if (\array_key_exists('webspaceKey', $options)) {
- return $options['webspaceKey'];
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns flag "hasNextPage".
- * It combines the limit/query-count with the page and page-size.
- */
- private function hasNextPage(\Countable $queryResult, ?int $limit, int $page, ?int $pageSize): bool
- {
- $count = $queryResult->count();
- if (null === $pageSize || $pageSize > $this->defaultLimit) {
- $pageSize = $this->defaultLimit;
- }
- $offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
- if ($limit && $offset + $pageSize > $limit) {
- return false;
- }
- return $count > ($page * $pageSize);
- }
- /**
- * Creates search for filters and returns search-result.
- */
- private function getSearchResult(array $filters, ?int $limit, int $page, ?int $pageSize, ?string $locale, ?string $webspaceKey): \Countable
- {
- $repository = $this->searchManager->getRepository($this->articleDocumentClass);
- $search = $this->createSearch($repository->createSearch(), $filters, $locale);
- if (!$search) {
- return new \ArrayIterator([]);
- }
- $this->addPagination($search, $pageSize, $page, $limit);
- if (\array_key_exists('sortBy', $filters)) {
- $sortMethod = \array_key_exists('sortMethod', $filters) ? $filters['sortMethod'] : 'asc';
- $search->addSort(new FieldSort($filters['sortBy'], $sortMethod));
- }
- if ($webspaceKey) {
- $webspaceQuery = new BoolQuery();
- // check for mainWebspace
- $webspaceQuery->add(new TermQuery('main_webspace', $webspaceKey), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- // check for additionalWebspaces
- $webspaceQuery->add(new TermQuery('additional_webspaces', $webspaceKey), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- $search->addQuery($webspaceQuery);
- }
- $segmentKey = $filters['segmentKey'] ?? null;
- if ($segmentKey && $webspaceKey) {
- $matchingSegmentQuery = new TermQuery(
- 'excerpt.segments.assignment_key',
- $webspaceKey . SegmentSelect::SEPARATOR . $segmentKey
- );
- $noSegmentQuery = new BoolQuery();
- $noSegmentQuery->add(new TermQuery('excerpt.segments.webspace_key', $webspaceKey), BoolQuery::MUST_NOT);
- $segmentQuery = new BoolQuery();
- $segmentQuery->add($matchingSegmentQuery, BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- $segmentQuery->add($noSegmentQuery, BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- $search->addQuery($segmentQuery);
- }
- $targetGroup = $filters['targetGroupId'] ?? null;
- if ($targetGroup) {
- $targetGroupQuery = new BoolQuery();
- $targetGroupQuery->add(new TermQuery('excerpt.audience_targeting_groups', $targetGroup), BoolQuery::MUST);
- $search->addQuery($targetGroupQuery);
- }
- return $repository->findDocuments($search);
- }
- /**
- * Initialize search with neccesary queries.
- */
- protected function createSearch(Search $search, array $filters, string $locale): Search
- {
- if (0 < \count($filters['excluded'])) {
- foreach ($filters['excluded'] as $uuid) {
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('uuid', $uuid), BoolQuery::MUST_NOT);
- }
- }
- $query = new BoolQuery();
- $queriesCount = 0;
- $operator = $this->getFilter($filters, 'tagOperator', 'or');
- $this->addBoolQuery('tags', $filters, '', $operator, $query, $queriesCount);
- $operator = $this->getFilter($filters, 'websiteTagsOperator', 'or');
- $this->addBoolQuery('websiteTags', $filters, '', $operator, $query, $queriesCount);
- $operator = $this->getFilter($filters, 'categoryOperator', 'or');
- $this->addBoolQuery('categories', $filters, '', $operator, $query, $queriesCount);
- $operator = $this->getFilter($filters, 'websiteCategoriesOperator', 'or');
- $this->addBoolQuery('websiteCategories', $filters, '', $operator, $query, $queriesCount);
- if (null !== $locale) {
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('locale', $locale));
- }
- if (\array_key_exists('types', $filters) && $filters['types']) {
- $typesQuery = new BoolQuery();
- foreach ($filters['types'] as $typeFilter) {
- $typesQuery->add(new TermQuery('type', $typeFilter), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- }
- $search->addQuery($typesQuery);
- }
- if (\array_key_exists('structureTypes', $filters) && $filters['structureTypes']) {
- $strTypesQuery = new BoolQuery();
- foreach ($filters['structureTypes'] as $filter) {
- $strTypesQuery->add(new TermQuery('structure_type', $filter), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- }
- $search->addQuery($strTypesQuery);
- }
- if (0 === $queriesCount) {
- $search->addQuery(new MatchAllQuery(), BoolQuery::MUST);
- } else {
- $search->addQuery($query, BoolQuery::MUST);
- }
- return $search;
- }
- /**
- * Returns array with all types defined in property parameter.
- */
- private function getTypesProperty(array $propertyParameter): array
- {
- $filterTypes = [];
- if (\array_key_exists('types', $propertyParameter)
- && !empty($value = $propertyParameter['types']->getValue())
- && \is_string($value)) {
- $types = \explode(',', $value);
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- $filterTypes[] = $type;
- }
- }
- return $filterTypes;
- }
- /**
- * Returns array with all structure types (template keys) defined in property parameter.
- */
- private function getStructureTypesProperty(array $propertyParameter): array
- {
- $filterStrTypes = [];
- if (\array_key_exists('structureTypes', $propertyParameter)
- && null !== ($types = \explode(',', $propertyParameter['structureTypes']->getValue()))
- ) {
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- $filterStrTypes[] = $type;
- }
- }
- return $filterStrTypes;
- }
- /**
- * Returns excluded articles.
- *
- * @param PropertyParameter[] $propertyParameter
- */
- private function getExcludedFilter(array $filters, array $propertyParameter): array
- {
- $excluded = \array_key_exists('excluded', $filters) ? $filters['excluded'] : [];
- if (\array_key_exists('exclude_duplicates', $propertyParameter)
- && $propertyParameter['exclude_duplicates']->getValue()
- ) {
- $excluded = \array_merge($excluded, $this->referenceStore->getAll());
- }
- return $excluded;
- }
- /**
- * Add the pagination to given query.
- */
- private function addPagination(Search $search, ?int $pageSize, int $page, ?int $limit): void
- {
- if (null === $pageSize || $pageSize > $this->defaultLimit) {
- $pageSize = $this->defaultLimit;
- }
- $offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
- if ($limit && $offset + $pageSize > $limit) {
- $pageSize = $limit - $offset;
- }
- if ($pageSize < 0) {
- $pageSize = 0;
- }
- $search->setFrom($offset);
- $search->setSize($pageSize);
- }
- /**
- * Add a boolean-query if filter exists.
- */
- private function addBoolQuery(
- string $filterName,
- array $filters,
- string $field,
- string $operator,
- BoolQuery $query,
- int &$queriesCount
- ): void {
- if (0 !== \count($tags = $this->getFilter($filters, $filterName, []))) {
- ++$queriesCount;
- $query->add($this->getBoolQuery($field, $tags, $operator));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns boolean query for given fields and values.
- */
- private function getBoolQuery(string $field, array $values, string $operator): BoolQuery
- {
- $type = ('or' === \strtolower($operator) ? BoolQuery::SHOULD : BoolQuery::MUST);
- $query = new BoolQuery();
- foreach ($values as $value) {
- $query->add(new TermQuery($field, $value), $type);
- }
- return $query;
- }
- /**
- * Returns filter value.
- *
- * @param mixed $default
- *
- * @return mixed
- */
- private function getFilter(array $filters, string $name, $default = null)
- {
- if ($this->hasFilter($filters, $name)) {
- return $filters[$name];
- }
- return $default;
- }
- /**
- * @return array>
- */
- private function getTypes(): array
- {
- $types = [];
- if ($this->tokenStorage && null !== $this->tokenStorage->getToken() && $this->formMetadataProvider) {
- $user = $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser();
- if (!$user instanceof UserInterface) {
- return $types;
- }
- /** @var TypedFormMetadata $metadata */
- $metadata = $this->formMetadataProvider->getMetadata('article', $user->getLocale(), []);
- foreach ($metadata->getForms() as $form) {
- $types[] = ['type' => $form->getName(), 'title' => $form->getTitle()];
- }
- }
- return $types;
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if filter-value exists.
- */
- private function hasFilter(array $filters, string $name): bool
- {
- return \array_key_exists($name, $filters) && null !== $filters[$name];
- }
- /**
- * Returns Proxy document for uuid.
- */
- private function getResource(string $uuid, string $locale): object
- {
- return $this->proxyFactory->createProxy(
- ArticleDocument::class,
- function(
- &$wrappedObject,
- LazyLoadingInterface $proxy,
- $method,
- array $parameters,
- &$initializer
- ) use ($uuid, $locale) {
- $initializer = null;
- $wrappedObject = $this->documentManager->find($uuid, $locale);
- return true;
- }
- );
- }
- public function getAlias()
- {
- return 'article';
- }
diff --git a/Content/ArticleResourceItem.php b/Content/ArticleResourceItem.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c533a2ab4..000000000
--- a/Content/ArticleResourceItem.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-article = $article;
- $this->resource = $resource;
- }
- /**
- * Returns uuid.
- */
- public function getUuid(): string
- {
- return $this->article->getUuid();
- }
- /**
- * Returns locale.
- */
- public function getLocale(): string
- {
- return $this->article->getLocale();
- }
- /**
- * Returns title.
- */
- public function getTitle(): string
- {
- return $this->article->getTitle();
- }
- /**
- * Returns type.
- */
- public function getType(): string
- {
- return $this->article->getType();
- }
- /**
- * Returns changer.
- */
- public function getChanger(): string
- {
- return $this->article->getChangerFullName();
- }
- /**
- * Returns creator.
- */
- public function getCreator(): string
- {
- return $this->article->getCreatorFullName();
- }
- /**
- * Return changed.
- */
- public function getChanged(): \DateTime
- {
- return $this->article->getChanged();
- }
- /**
- * Returns created.
- */
- public function getCreated(): \DateTime
- {
- return $this->article->getCreated();
- }
- /**
- * Returns published.
- */
- public function getPublished(): \DateTime
- {
- return $this->article->getPublished();
- }
- /**
- * Returns lastModified.
- */
- public function getLastModified(): ?\DateTime
- {
- return $this->article->getLastModified();
- }
- /**
- * Returns authored.
- */
- public function getAuthored(): \DateTime
- {
- return $this->article->getAuthored();
- }
- /**
- * Returns excerpt.
- */
- public function getExcerpt(): ExcerptViewObject
- {
- return $this->article->getExcerpt();
- }
- /**
- * Returns seo.
- */
- public function getSeo(): SeoViewObject
- {
- return $this->article->getSeo();
- }
- /**
- * Returns route-path.
- */
- public function getRoutePath(): string
- {
- return $this->article->getRoutePath();
- }
- /**
- * Returns view-object.
- */
- public function getContent(): ArticleViewDocumentInterface
- {
- return $this->article;
- }
- public function getTargetWebspace(): string
- {
- return $this->article->getTargetWebspace();
- }
- public function getMainWebspace(): string
- {
- return $this->article->getMainWebspace();
- }
- /**
- * @return string[]|null
- */
- public function getAdditionalWebspaces(): ?array
- {
- return $this->article->getAdditionalWebspaces();
- }
- public function getResource()
- {
- return $this->resource;
- }
- public function getId()
- {
- return $this->getUuid();
- }
- public function getAuthorId()
- {
- return $this->article->getAuthorId();
- }
- public function getAuthorFullName()
- {
- return $this->article->getAuthorFullName();
- }
diff --git a/Content/ArticleResourceItemFactory.php b/Content/ArticleResourceItemFactory.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e94cadf7..000000000
--- a/Content/ArticleResourceItemFactory.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->proxyFactory = $proxyFactory;
- }
- /**
- * Creates and returns article source item with proxy document.
- */
- public function createResourceItem(ArticleViewDocumentInterface $articleViewDocument): ArticleResourceItem
- {
- return new ArticleResourceItem(
- $articleViewDocument,
- $this->getResource($articleViewDocument->getUuid(), $articleViewDocument->getLocale())
- );
- }
- /**
- * Returns Proxy document for uuid.
- */
- private function getResource(string $uuid, string $locale): object
- {
- return $this->proxyFactory->createProxy(
- ArticleDocument::class,
- function(
- &$wrappedObject,
- LazyLoadingInterface $proxy,
- $method,
- array $parameters,
- &$initializer
- ) use ($uuid, $locale) {
- $initializer = null;
- $wrappedObject = $this->documentManager->find($uuid, $locale);
- return true;
- }
- );
- }
diff --git a/Content/ArticleSelectionContentType.php b/Content/ArticleSelectionContentType.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ee538a9d2..000000000
--- a/Content/ArticleSelectionContentType.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-searchManager = $searchManager;
- $this->referenceStore = $referenceStore;
- $this->articleDocumentClass = $articleDocumentClass;
- }
- public function getContentData(PropertyInterface $property)
- {
- $value = $property->getValue();
- if (null === $value || !\is_array($value) || 0 === \count($value)) {
- return [];
- }
- $locale = $property->getStructure()->getLanguageCode();
- $repository = $this->searchManager->getRepository($this->articleDocumentClass);
- $search = $repository->createSearch();
- $search->addQuery(new IdsQuery($this->getViewDocumentIds($value, $locale)));
- $search->setSize(\count($value));
- $result = [];
- /** @var ArticleViewDocumentInterface $articleDocument */
- foreach ($repository->findDocuments($search) as $articleDocument) {
- $result[\array_search($articleDocument->getUuid(), $value, false)] = $articleDocument;
- }
- \ksort($result);
- return \array_values($result);
- }
- public function preResolve(PropertyInterface $property)
- {
- $uuids = $property->getValue();
- if (!\is_array($uuids)) {
- return;
- }
- foreach ($uuids as $uuid) {
- $this->referenceStore->add($uuid);
- }
- }
diff --git a/Content/PageTreeArticleDataProvider.php b/Content/PageTreeArticleDataProvider.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b49660ef5..000000000
--- a/Content/PageTreeArticleDataProvider.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- ->enableDatasource('pages', 'pages', 'column_list')
- ->getConfiguration();
- }
- public function resolveDatasource($datasource, array $propertyParameter, array $options)
- {
- if (!$datasource) {
- return null;
- }
- /** @var string|null $locale */
- $locale = $options['locale'];
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($datasource, $locale);
- if (!$document instanceof BasePageDocument) {
- return null;
- }
- return new DatasourceItem($document->getUuid(), $document->getTitle(), $document->getResourceSegment());
- }
- protected function createSearch(Search $search, array $filters, string $locale): Search
- {
- $search = parent::createSearch($search, $filters, $locale);
- if (!\array_key_exists('dataSource', $filters) || !$filters['dataSource']) {
- return $search;
- }
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($filters['dataSource'], $locale);
- if (!$document instanceof BasePageDocument || !$document->getResourceSegment()) {
- return $search;
- }
- $includeSubFolders = $filters['includeSubFolders'] ?? null;
- if (true === $includeSubFolders) {
- $search->addQuery(new PrefixQuery('route_path.raw', \rtrim($document->getResourceSegment(), '/') . '/'));
- return $search;
- }
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('parent_page_uuid', $document->getUuid()));
- return $search;
- }
diff --git a/Content/SingleArticleSelectionContentType.php b/Content/SingleArticleSelectionContentType.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d422d0ae..000000000
--- a/Content/SingleArticleSelectionContentType.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-searchManager = $searchManager;
- $this->referenceStore = $referenceStore;
- $this->articleDocumentClass = $articleDocumentClass;
- }
- public function getContentData(PropertyInterface $property)
- {
- $uuid = $property->getValue();
- if (null === $uuid) {
- return null;
- }
- $repository = $this->searchManager->getRepository($this->articleDocumentClass);
- $locale = $property->getStructure()->getLanguageCode();
- return $repository->find($this->getViewDocumentId($uuid, $locale)) ?? null;
- }
- public function preResolve(PropertyInterface $property)
- {
- $uuid = $property->getValue();
- if (null === $uuid) {
- return;
- }
- $this->referenceStore->add($uuid);
- }
diff --git a/Controller/ArticleController.php b/Controller/ArticleController.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b011eaea..000000000
--- a/Controller/ArticleController.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,753 +0,0 @@
-documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->contentMapper = $contentMapper;
- $this->metadataFactory = $metadataFactory;
- $this->restHelper = $restHelper;
- $this->manager = $manager;
- $this->documentFactory = $documentFactory;
- $this->formFactory = $formFactory;
- $this->requestHashChecker = $requestHashChecker;
- $this->securityChecker = $securityChecker;
- $this->displayTabAll = $displayTabAll;
- $this->documentInspector = $documentInspector;
- if (null === $this->documentInspector) {
- @trigger_deprecation('sulu/article-bundle', '2.5', 'Instantiating the ArticleController without the $documentInspector argument is deprecated!');
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create field-descriptor array.
- *
- * @return ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor[]
- */
- protected function getFieldDescriptors(): array
- {
- return [
- 'uuid' => ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::create('id', '')
- ->setVisibility(FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_NO)
- ->build(),
- 'typeTranslation' => ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::create('typeTranslation', 'sulu_article.list.type')
- ->setSortField('typeTranslation.raw')
- ->setVisibility(
- $this->displayTabAll ?
- FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_YES :
- FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_NEVER
- )
- ->build(),
- 'title' => ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::create('title', 'public.title')
- ->setSortField('title.raw')
- ->setSearchField('title')
- ->setSearchability(FieldDescriptor::SEARCHABILITY_YES)
- ->build(),
- 'creatorFullName' => ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::create('creatorFullName', 'sulu_article.list.creator')
- ->setSortField('creatorFullName.raw')
- ->build(),
- 'changerFullName' => ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::create('changerFullName', 'sulu_article.list.changer')
- ->setSortField('changerFullName.raw')
- ->build(),
- 'authorFullName' => ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::create('authorFullName', '')
- ->setSortField('authorFullName.raw')
- ->build(),
- 'created' => ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::create('created', 'public.created')
- ->setSortField('created')
- ->setType('datetime')
- ->setVisibility(FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_NO)
- ->build(),
- 'changed' => ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::create('changed', 'public.changed')
- ->setSortField('changed')
- ->setType('datetime')
- ->setVisibility(FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_NO)
- ->build(),
- 'authored' => ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::create('authored', 'sulu_article.authored')
- ->setSortField('authored')
- ->setType('datetime')
- ->build(),
- 'localizationState' => ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::create('localizationState')
- ->setVisibility(FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_NO)
- ->build(),
- 'published' => ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::create('published')
- ->setVisibility(FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_NO)
- ->build(),
- 'publishedState' => ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::create('publishedState')
- ->setVisibility(FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_NO)
- ->build(),
- 'routePath' => ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::create('routePath')
- ->setVisibility(FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_NO)
- ->setSearchField('route_path.value')
- ->setSearchability(FieldDescriptor::SEARCHABILITY_YES)
- ->build(),
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Returns list of articles.
- */
- public function cgetAction(Request $request): Response
- {
- $locale = $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'locale', true);
- $repository = $this->manager->getRepository($this->documentFactory->getClass('article'));
- $search = $repository->createSearch();
- $limit = (int) $this->restHelper->getLimit();
- $page = (int) $this->restHelper->getPage();
- /** @var array{
- * authored?: array{
- * from: string,
- * to: string,
- * },
- * type?: string,
- * contactId?: string,
- * categoryId?: string,
- * tagId?: string,
- * pageId?: string,
- * publishedState?: string,
- * } $filter */
- $filter = $request->query->all()['filter'] ?? [];
- if (null !== $locale) {
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('locale', $locale));
- }
- if (\count($ids = \array_filter(\explode(',', $request->get('ids', ''))))) {
- $search->addQuery(new IdsQuery($this->getViewDocumentIds($ids, $locale)));
- $limit = \count($ids);
- }
- $fieldDescriptors = $this->getFieldDescriptors();
- $searchFields = $this->restHelper->getSearchFields();
- if (0 === \count($searchFields)) {
- foreach ($fieldDescriptors as $fieldDescriptor) {
- if (FieldDescriptorInterface::SEARCHABILITY_YES !== $fieldDescriptor->getSearchability()) {
- continue;
- }
- $searchFields[] = $fieldDescriptor->getSearchField();
- }
- }
- $searchPattern = $this->restHelper->getSearchPattern();
- if (!empty($searchPattern)) {
- $boolQuery = new BoolQuery();
- foreach ($searchFields as $searchField) {
- $boolQuery->add(new MatchPhrasePrefixQuery($searchField, $searchPattern), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- }
- $search->addQuery($boolQuery);
- }
- if (null !== ($typeString = $request->get('types', $filter['type'] ?? null))) {
- $types = \explode(',', $typeString);
- if (\count($types) > 1) {
- $query = new BoolQuery();
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- $query->add(new TermQuery('type', $type), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- }
- $search->addQuery($query);
- } elseif ($types[0]) {
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('type', $types[0]));
- }
- }
- if ($contactId = $request->get('contactId', $filter['contactId'] ?? null)) {
- $boolQuery = new BoolQuery();
- $boolQuery->add(new MatchQuery('changer_contact_id', $contactId), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- $boolQuery->add(new MatchQuery('creator_contact_id', $contactId), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- $boolQuery->add(new MatchQuery('author_id', $contactId), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- $search->addQuery($boolQuery);
- }
- if ($categoryId = $request->get('categoryId', $filter['categoryId'] ?? null)) {
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('', $categoryId), BoolQuery::MUST);
- }
- if ($tagId = $request->get('tagId', $filter['tagId'] ?? null)) {
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('', $tagId), BoolQuery::MUST);
- }
- if ($pageId = $request->get('pageId', $filter['pageId'] ?? null)) {
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('parent_page_uuid', $pageId), BoolQuery::MUST);
- }
- if ($workflowStage = $request->get('workflowStage', $filter['publishedState'] ?? null)) {
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('published_state', 'published' === $workflowStage), BoolQuery::MUST);
- }
- if ($this->getBooleanRequestParameter($request, 'exclude-shadows', false, false)) {
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('localization_state.state', 'shadow'), BoolQuery::MUST_NOT);
- }
- if ($this->getBooleanRequestParameter($request, 'exclude-ghosts', false, false)) {
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('localization_state.state', 'ghost'), BoolQuery::MUST_NOT);
- }
- $authoredFrom = $request->get('authoredFrom', $this->convertDateTime($filter['authored']['from'] ?? null));
- $authoredTo = $request->get('authoredTo', $this->convertDateTime($filter['authored']['to'] ?? null));
- if ($authoredFrom || $authoredTo) {
- $search->addQuery($this->getRangeQuery('authored', $authoredFrom, $authoredTo), BoolQuery::MUST);
- }
- if (null === $search->getQueries()) {
- $search->addQuery(new MatchAllQuery());
- }
- if (null !== $this->restHelper->getSortColumn()
- && $sortField = $this->getSortFieldName($this->restHelper->getSortColumn())
- ) {
- $search->addSort(
- new FieldSort($sortField, $this->restHelper->getSortOrder())
- );
- } else {
- $search->addSort(
- new FieldSort('created', 'ASC')
- );
- }
- if ($limit) {
- $search->setSize($limit);
- $search->setFrom(($page - 1) * $limit);
- $fields = \array_merge(
- $this->restHelper->getFields() ?: [],
- ['id', 'localizationState', 'publishedState', 'published', 'title', 'routePath']
- );
- $fieldDescriptors = \array_filter(
- $fieldDescriptors,
- function(FieldDescriptorInterface $fieldDescriptor) use ($fields) {
- return \in_array($fieldDescriptor->getName(), $fields);
- }
- );
- } else {
- $search->setSize(1000);
- $search->setScroll('1m');
- }
- if (\method_exists($search, 'setTrackTotalHits')) {
- $search->setTrackTotalHits(true);
- }
- $searchResult = $repository->findRaw($search);
- $result = [];
- foreach ($searchResult as $document) {
- $documentData = $this->normalize($document['_source'], $fieldDescriptors);
- $documentData['ghostLocale'] = 'ghost' == $documentData['localizationState']['state'] ? $documentData['localizationState']['locale'] : null;
- if (false !== ($index = \array_search($documentData['id'], $ids))) {
- $result[$index] = $documentData;
- } else {
- $result[] = $documentData;
- }
- }
- if (\count($ids)) {
- \ksort($result);
- $result = \array_values($result);
- }
- $count = $searchResult->count();
- return $this->handleView(
- $this->view(
- new ListRepresentation(
- $result,
- 'articles',
- 'sulu_article.get_articles',
- $request->query->all(),
- $page,
- $limit,
- $count
- )
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * @param FieldDescriptorInterface[] $fieldDescriptors
- */
- private function normalize(array $document, array $fieldDescriptors)
- {
- $result = [];
- foreach ($fieldDescriptors as $fieldDescriptor) {
- $property = Caser::snake($fieldDescriptor->getName());
- if ('id' === $property) {
- $property = 'uuid';
- }
- $result[$fieldDescriptor->getName()] = \array_key_exists($property, $document) ? $document[$property] : null;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * Returns query to filter by given range.
- */
- private function getRangeQuery(string $field, string $from, string $to): RangeQuery
- {
- return new RangeQuery($field, \array_filter(['gte' => $from, 'lte' => $to]));
- }
- /**
- * Returns single article.
- *
- * @Get(defaults={"id" = ""})
- */
- public function getAction(Request $request, string $id): Response
- {
- $locale = $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'locale', true);
- /** @var ArticleDocument $document */
- $document = $this->documentManager->find(
- $id,
- $locale
- );
- if ($this->documentInspector) {
- $localizationState = $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($document);
- if (LocalizationState::GHOST === $localizationState) {
- $document = $this->documentManager->find(
- $id,
- $locale,
- [
- 'load_ghost_content' => false,
- 'structure_type' => $document->getStructureType(),
- ]
- );
- }
- }
- $context = new Context();
- $context->setSerializeNull(true);
- $context->setGroups(['defaultPage', 'defaultArticle', 'smallArticlePage']);
- return $this->handleView(
- $this->view($document)->setContext($context)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Create article.
- */
- public function postAction(Request $request): Response
- {
- $action = $request->get('action');
- $document = $this->documentManager->create(self::DOCUMENT_TYPE);
- $locale = $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'locale', true);
- $data = $request->request->all();
- $this->persistDocument($data, $document, $locale);
- $this->handleActionParameter($action, $document, $locale);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $context = new Context();
- $context->setSerializeNull(true);
- $context->setGroups(['defaultPage', 'defaultArticle', 'smallArticlePage']);
- return $this->handleView(
- $this->view($document)->setContext($context)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Update articles.
- */
- public function putAction(Request $request, string $id): Response
- {
- $locale = $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'locale', true);
- $action = $request->get('action');
- $data = $request->request->all();
- $document = $this->documentManager->find(
- $id,
- $locale,
- [
- 'load_ghost_content' => false,
- 'load_shadow_content' => false,
- ]
- );
- $this->requestHashChecker->checkHash($request, $document, $document->getUuid());
- $this->persistDocument($data, $document, $locale);
- $this->handleActionParameter($action, $document, $locale);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $context = new Context();
- $context->setSerializeNull(true);
- $context->setGroups(['defaultPage', 'defaultArticle', 'smallArticlePage']);
- return $this->handleView(
- $this->view($document)->setContext($context)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Deletes multiple documents.
- */
- public function cdeleteAction(Request $request): Response
- {
- $ids = \array_filter(\explode(',', $request->get('ids', '')));
- $documentManager = $this->documentManager;
- foreach ($ids as $id) {
- $document = $documentManager->find($id);
- $documentManager->remove($document);
- $documentManager->flush();
- }
- return $this->handleView($this->view(null));
- }
- /**
- * Deletes multiple documents.
- */
- public function deleteAction(Request $request, string $id): Response
- {
- $locale = $this->getLocale($request);
- $deleteLocale = $this->getBooleanRequestParameter($request, 'deleteLocale', false, false);
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($id);
- if ($deleteLocale) {
- $this->documentManager->removeLocale($document, $locale);
- } else {
- $this->documentManager->remove($document);
- }
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- return $this->handleView($this->view(null));
- }
- /**
- * Trigger a action for given article specified over get-action parameter.
- *
- * @Post("/articles/{id}")
- */
- public function postTriggerAction(string $id, Request $request): Response
- {
- // extract parameter
- $action = $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'action', true);
- $locale = $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'locale', false);
- // prepare vars
- $view = null;
- $data = null;
- $userId = $this->getUser()->getId();
- try {
- switch ($action) {
- case 'unpublish':
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($id, $locale);
- $this->documentManager->unpublish($document, $locale);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $data = $this->documentManager->find($id, $locale);
- break;
- case 'remove-draft':
- $data = $this->documentManager->find($id, $locale);
- $this->documentManager->removeDraft($data, $locale);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- break;
- case 'copy-locale':
- $srcLocale = $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'src', false, $locale);
- $destLocales = $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'dest', true);
- $destLocales = \explode(',', $destLocales);
- foreach ($destLocales as $destLocale) {
- $this->securityChecker->checkPermission(
- new SecurityCondition($this->getSecurityContext(), $destLocale),
- PermissionTypes::EDIT
- );
- }
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($id, $srcLocale);
- foreach ($destLocales as $destLocale) {
- $this->documentManager->copyLocale($document, $srcLocale, $destLocale);
- }
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $data = $this->documentManager->find($id, $locale);
- break;
- case 'copy':
- /** @var ArticleDocument $document */
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($id, $locale);
- /** @var string $copiedPath */
- $copiedPath = $this->documentManager->copy($document, \dirname($document->getPath()));
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $data = $this->documentManager->find($copiedPath, $locale);
- break;
- case 'order':
- $this->orderPages($this->getRequestParameter($request, 'pages', true), $locale);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- $data = $this->documentManager->find($id, $locale);
- break;
- default:
- throw new RestException('Unrecognized action: ' . $action);
- }
- // create context
- $context = new Context();
- $context->setSerializeNull(true);
- $context->setGroups(['defaultPage', 'defaultArticle', 'smallArticlePage']);
- // prepare view
- $view = $this->view($data);
- $view->setContext($context);
- } catch (RestException $exc) {
- $view = $this->view($exc->toArray(), 400);
- }
- return $this->handleView($view);
- }
- /**
- * Ordering given pages.
- */
- private function orderPages(array $pages, string $locale): void
- {
- $documentManager = $this->documentManager;
- for ($i = 0; $i < \count($pages); ++$i) {
- $document = $documentManager->find($pages[$i], $locale);
- $documentManager->reorder($document, null);
- }
- }
- public function getSecurityContext()
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
- /**
- * Persists the document using the given Formation.
- *
- * @throws InvalidFormException
- * @throws MissingParameterException
- */
- private function persistDocument(array $data, object $document, string $locale): void
- {
- /** @var class-string<\Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface> $formType */
- $formType = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataForAlias('article')->getFormType();
- $form = $this->formFactory->create(
- $formType,
- $document,
- [
- // disable csrf protection, since we can't produce a token, because the form is cached on the client
- 'csrf_protection' => false,
- ]
- );
- $form->submit($data, false);
- if (!$form->isValid()) {
- throw new InvalidFormException($form);
- }
- if (\array_key_exists('author', $data) && null === $data['author']) {
- $document->setAuthor(null);
- }
- if (\array_key_exists('additionalWebspaces', $data) && null === $data['additionalWebspaces']) {
- $document->setAdditionalWebspaces(null);
- }
- if (\array_key_exists('customizeWebspaceSettings', $data) && false === $data['customizeWebspaceSettings']) {
- $document->setMainWebspace(null);
- $document->setAdditionalWebspaces(null);
- }
- $this->documentManager->persist(
- $document,
- $locale,
- [
- 'user' => $this->getUser()->getId(),
- 'clear_missing_content' => false,
- ]
- );
- }
- /**
- * Delegates actions by given actionParameter, which can be retrieved from the request.
- */
- private function handleActionParameter(?string $actionParameter, object $document, string $locale): void
- {
- switch ($actionParameter) {
- case 'publish':
- $this->documentManager->publish($document, $locale);
- break;
- }
- }
- private function getSortFieldName(string $sortBy): ?string
- {
- $sortBy = Caser::snake($sortBy);
- $fieldDescriptors = $this->getFieldDescriptors();
- if (\array_key_exists($sortBy, $fieldDescriptors)) {
- return $fieldDescriptors[$sortBy]->getSortField();
- }
- return null;
- }
- private function convertDateTime(?string $dateTimeString): ?string
- {
- if (!$dateTimeString) {
- return null;
- }
- $dateTime = new \DateTime($dateTimeString);
- return $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
- }
diff --git a/Controller/ArticlePageController.php b/Controller/ArticlePageController.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 95b075d86..000000000
--- a/Controller/ArticlePageController.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->metadataFactory = $metadataFactory;
- $this->formFactory = $formFactory;
- $this->requestHashChecker = $requestHashChecker;
- }
- /**
- * Returns single article-page.
- *
- * @throws ArticlePageNotFoundException
- */
- public function getAction(string $articleUuid, string $uuid, Request $request): Response
- {
- $locale = $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'locale', true);
- $document = $this->documentManager->find(
- $uuid,
- $locale,
- [
- 'load_ghost_content' => true,
- 'load_shadow_content' => true,
- ]
- );
- if ($articleUuid !== $document->getParent()->getUuid()) {
- // it is required that the parent will be called to resolve the proxy.
- // this wont be done in the serialization process.
- throw new ArticlePageNotFoundException($uuid, $articleUuid);
- }
- $context = new Context();
- $context->setSerializeNull(true);
- $context->setGroups(['defaultPage', 'defaultArticlePage', 'smallArticle']);
- return $this->handleView(
- $this->view($document)->setContext($context)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Create article-page.
- */
- public function postAction(string $articleUuid, Request $request): Response
- {
- $action = $request->get('action');
- $document = $this->documentManager->create(self::DOCUMENT_TYPE);
- $locale = $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'locale', true);
- $data = $request->request->all();
- $this->persistDocument($data, $document, $locale, $articleUuid);
- $this->handleActionParameter($action, $document->getParent(), $locale);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $context = new Context();
- $context->setSerializeNull(true);
- $context->setGroups(['defaultPage', 'defaultArticlePage', 'smallArticle']);
- return $this->handleView(
- $this->view($document)->setContext($context)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Update article-page.
- */
- public function putAction(string $articleUuid, string $uuid, Request $request): Response
- {
- $locale = $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'locale', true);
- $action = $request->get('action');
- $data = $request->request->all();
- $document = $this->documentManager->find(
- $uuid,
- $locale,
- [
- 'load_ghost_content' => false,
- 'load_shadow_content' => false,
- ]
- );
- $this->requestHashChecker->checkHash($request, $document, $document->getUuid());
- $this->persistDocument($data, $document, $locale, $articleUuid);
- $this->handleActionParameter($action, $document->getParent(), $locale);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $context = new Context();
- $context->setSerializeNull(true);
- $context->setGroups(['defaultPage', 'defaultArticlePage', 'smallArticle']);
- return $this->handleView(
- $this->view($document)->setContext($context)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Delete article-page.
- */
- public function deleteAction(string $articleUuid, string $uuid, Request $request): Response
- {
- $locale = $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'locale', true);
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($uuid, $locale);
- $this->documentManager->remove($document);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- return $this->handleView($this->view(null));
- }
- public function getSecurityContext()
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
- /**
- * Persists the document using the given information.
- *
- * @throws InvalidFormException
- * @throws MissingParameterException
- * @throws ParameterNotAllowedException
- */
- private function persistDocument(array $data, object $document, string $locale, string $articleUuid): void
- {
- if (\array_key_exists('title', $data)) {
- throw new ParameterNotAllowedException('title', \get_class($document));
- }
- $article = $this->documentManager->find($articleUuid, $locale);
- if (!\array_key_exists('template', $data)) {
- $data['template'] = $article->getStructureType();
- }
- /** @var class-string<\Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface> $formType */
- $formType = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataForAlias('article_page')->getFormType();
- $form = $this->formFactory->create(
- $formType,
- $document,
- [
- // disable csrf protection, since we can't produce a token, because the form is cached on the client
- 'csrf_protection' => false,
- ]
- );
- $form->submit($data, false);
- $document->setParent($article);
- if (!$form->isValid()) {
- throw new InvalidFormException($form);
- }
- $this->documentManager->persist(
- $document,
- $locale,
- [
- 'user' => $this->getUser()->getId(),
- 'clear_missing_content' => false,
- 'auto_name' => false,
- 'auto_rename' => false,
- ]
- );
- }
- /**
- * Delegates actions by given actionParameter, which can be retrieved from the request.
- */
- private function handleActionParameter(?string $actionParameter, object $document, string $locale): void
- {
- switch ($actionParameter) {
- case 'publish':
- $this->documentManager->publish($document, $locale);
- break;
- }
- }
diff --git a/Controller/VersionController.php b/Controller/VersionController.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 14e34c739..000000000
--- a/Controller/VersionController.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->restHelper = $restHelper;
- $this->userRepository = $userRepository;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the versions for the article with the given UUID.
- */
- public function cgetAction(Request $request, string $id): Response
- {
- $locale = $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'locale', true);
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($id, $request->query->get('locale'));
- $versions = \array_reverse(
- \array_filter(
- $document->getVersions(),
- function($version) use ($locale) {
- /* @var Version $version */
- return $version->getLocale() === $locale;
- }
- )
- );
- $total = \count($versions);
- $limit = $this->restHelper->getLimit();
- $versions = \array_slice($versions, $this->restHelper->getOffset(), $limit);
- $userIds = \array_unique(
- \array_map(
- function($version) {
- /* @var Version $version */
- return $version->getAuthor();
- },
- $versions
- )
- );
- $users = $this->userRepository->findUsersById($userIds);
- $fullNamesByIds = [];
- /** @var User $user */
- foreach ($users as $user) {
- $fullNamesByIds[$user->getId()] = $user->getFullName();
- }
- $versionData = [];
- /** @var Version $version */
- foreach ($versions as $version) {
- $versionData[] = [
- 'id' => \str_replace('.', '_', $version->getId()),
- 'locale' => $version->getLocale(),
- 'author' => \array_key_exists($version->getAuthor(), $fullNamesByIds)
- ? $fullNamesByIds[$version->getAuthor()] : '',
- 'authored' => $version->getAuthored(),
- ];
- }
- $versionCollection = new ListRepresentation(
- $versionData,
- 'article_versions',
- $request->attributes->get('_route'),
- [
- 'uuid' => $id,
- 'locale' => $locale,
- ],
- $this->restHelper->getPage(),
- $limit,
- $total
- );
- return $this->handleView($this->view($versionCollection));
- }
- /**
- * @Post("/articles/{id}/versions/{version}")
- *
- * @throws RestException
- */
- public function postTriggerAction(Request $request, string $id, string $version): Response
- {
- $action = $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'action', true);
- $locale = $this->getLocale($request);
- switch ($action) {
- case 'restore':
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($id, $locale);
- $this->documentManager->restore(
- $document,
- $locale,
- \str_replace('_', '.', $version)
- );
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $data = $this->documentManager->find($id, $locale);
- $view = $this->view($data, null !== $data ? Response::HTTP_OK : Response::HTTP_NO_CONTENT);
- $context = new Context();
- $context->setGroups(['defaultPage', 'defaultArticle', 'smallArticlePage']);
- $context->setSerializeNull(true);
- $view->setContext($context);
- break;
- default:
- throw new RestException(\sprintf('Unrecognized action: "%s"', $action));
- }
- return $this->handleView($view);
- }
- public function getSecurityContext()
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
- public function getLocale(Request $request)
- {
- return $this->getRequestParameter($request, 'locale', true);
- }
- public function getSecuredClass(): string
- {
- return SecurityBehavior::class;
- }
- /**
- * @return mixed
- */
- public function getSecuredObjectId(Request $request)
- {
- return $request->get('uuid');
- }
diff --git a/Controller/WebsiteArticleController.php b/Controller/WebsiteArticleController.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fa545ce53..000000000
--- a/Controller/WebsiteArticleController.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-renderArticle($request, $object, $view, $pageNumber, $preview, $partial);
- }
- /**
- * Render article with given view.
- */
- protected function renderArticle(
- Request $request,
- ArticleInterface $object,
- string $view,
- int $pageNumber,
- bool $preview,
- bool $partial,
- array $attributes = []
- ): Response {
- $object = $this->normalizeArticle($object);
- $requestFormat = $request->getRequestFormat();
- $viewTemplate = $view . '.' . $requestFormat . '.twig';
- if (!$this->container->get('twig')->getLoader()->exists($viewTemplate)) {
- throw new NotAcceptableHttpException(\sprintf('Page does not exist in "%s" format.', $requestFormat));
- }
- $content = $this->resolveArticle($object, $pageNumber);
- $parameters = $this->container->get('sulu_website.resolver.parameter')->resolve(
- [],
- $this->container->get('sulu_core.webspace.request_analyzer'),
- null,
- $preview
- );
- $data = \array_merge($parameters, $content, $attributes);
- try {
- if ($partial) {
- $response = $this->createResponse($request);
- $response->setContent(
- $this->renderBlockView(
- $viewTemplate,
- 'content',
- $data
- )
- );
- return $response;
- } elseif ($preview) {
- $parameters = [
- 'previewParentTemplate' => $viewTemplate,
- 'previewContentReplacer' => Preview::CONTENT_REPLACER,
- ];
- return $this->render(
- '@SuluWebsite/Preview/preview.html.twig',
- \array_merge($data, $parameters),
- $this->createResponse($request)
- );
- } else {
- return $this->render(
- $viewTemplate,
- $data,
- $this->createResponse($request)
- );
- }
- } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $exception) {
- // template not found
- throw new HttpException(406, 'Error encountered when rendering content', $exception);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns all the times the article-document.
- * This is necessary because the preview system passes an article-page here.
- */
- protected function normalizeArticle(ArticleInterface $object): ArticleDocument
- {
- if ($object instanceof ArticlePageDocument) {
- return $object->getParent();
- }
- return $object;
- }
- /**
- * Serialize given article with page-number.
- */
- protected function resolveArticle(ArticleInterface $object, int $pageNumber): array
- {
- $articleContentResolver = $this->getArticleContentResolver();
- return $articleContentResolver->resolve($object, $pageNumber);
- }
- /**
- * Create response.
- */
- private function createResponse(Request $request): Response
- {
- $response = new Response();
- $cacheLifetime = $request->attributes->get('_cacheLifetime');
- if ($cacheLifetime) {
- $response->setPublic();
- $response->headers->set(
- $cacheLifetime
- );
- $response->setMaxAge($this->getParameter('sulu_http_cache.cache.max_age'));
- $response->setSharedMaxAge($this->getParameter('sulu_http_cache.cache.shared_max_age'));
- }
- // we need to set the content type ourselves here
- // else symfony will use the accept header of the client and the page could be cached with false content-type
- // see following symfony issue:
- $mimeType = $request->getMimeType($request->getRequestFormat());
- if ($mimeType) {
- $response->headers->set('Content-Type', $mimeType);
- }
- return $response;
- }
- /**
- * @param array $parameters
- */
- protected function renderBlockView(string $view, string $block, array $parameters = []): string
- {
- $twig = $this->getTwig();
- $parameters = $twig->mergeGlobals($parameters);
- $template = $twig->load($view);
- $level = \ob_get_level();
- \ob_start();
- try {
- $rendered = $template->renderBlock($block, $parameters);
- \ob_end_clean();
- return $rendered;
- } catch (\Exception $e) {
- while (\ob_get_level() > $level) {
- \ob_end_clean();
- }
- throw $e;
- }
- }
- protected function getTwig(): Environment
- {
- return $this->container->get('twig');
- }
- /**
- * @deprecated
- */
- protected function getTemplateAttributeResolver(): TemplateAttributeResolverInterface
- {
- @\trigger_error(__METHOD__ . '() is deprecated since version 2.2 and will be removed in 3.0. If you need the service, you can inject it by yourself instead.', \E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- return $this->container->get('sulu_website.resolver.template_attribute');
- }
- protected function getArticleContentResolver(): ArticleContentResolverInterface
- {
- return $this->container->get('sulu_article.article_content_resolver');
- }
- public static function getSubscribedServices(): array
- {
- $subscribedServices = parent::getSubscribedServices();
- $subscribedServices['twig'] = Environment::class;
- $subscribedServices['sulu_website.resolver.template_attribute'] = TemplateAttributeResolverInterface::class;
- $subscribedServices['sulu_article.article_content_resolver'] = ArticleContentResolverInterface::class;
- $subscribedServices['sulu_website.resolver.parameter'] = ParameterResolverInterface::class;
- $subscribedServices['sulu_core.webspace.request_analyzer'] = RequestAnalyzerInterface::class;
- return $subscribedServices;
- }
diff --git a/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php b/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7aeba3025..000000000
--- a/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- $rootNode
- ->children()
- ->scalarNode('index_name')->end()
- ->arrayNode('hosts')
- ->prototype('scalar')->end()
- ->end()
- ->arrayNode('default_main_webspace')
- ->useAttributeAsKey('locale')
- ->beforeNormalization()
- ->ifString()
- ->then(function($v) {
- return ['default' => $v];
- })
- ->end()
- ->prototype('scalar')->end()
- ->end()
- ->arrayNode('default_additional_webspaces')
- ->beforeNormalization()
- ->ifTrue(function($v) {
- return \count(\array_filter(\array_keys($v), 'is_string')) <= 0;
- })
- ->then(function($v) {
- return ['default' => $v];
- })
- ->end()
- ->prototype('array')->useAttributeAsKey('locale')->prototype('scalar')->end()->end()
- ->defaultValue([])
- ->end()
- ->arrayNode('smart_content')
- ->addDefaultsIfNotSet()
- ->children()
- ->integerNode('default_limit')->defaultValue(100)->end()
- ->end()
- ->end()
- ->arrayNode('documents')
- ->addDefaultsIfNotSet()
- ->children()
- ->arrayNode('article')
- ->addDefaultsIfNotSet()
- ->children()
- ->scalarNode('view')->defaultValue(ArticleViewDocument::class)->end()
- ->end()
- ->end()
- ->arrayNode('article_page')
- ->addDefaultsIfNotSet()
- ->children()
- ->scalarNode('view')->defaultValue(ArticlePageViewObject::class)->end()
- ->end()
- ->end()
- ->end()
- ->end()
- ->arrayNode('types')
- ->useAttributeAsKey('name')
- ->normalizeKeys(false)
- ->prototype('array')
- ->children()
- ->scalarNode('translation_key')->end()
- ->end()
- ->end()
- ->end()
- ->scalarNode('display_tab_all')->defaultTrue()->info('Display tab \'all\' in list view')->end()
- ->scalarNode('default_author')->defaultTrue()->info('Set default author if none isset')->end()
- ->arrayNode('search_fields')
- ->prototype('scalar')->end()->defaultValue([
- 'title',
- 'excerpt.title',
- 'excerpt.description',
- 'excerpt.seo.title',
- 'excerpt.seo.description',
- 'excerpt.seo.keywords',
- 'teaser_description',
- ])
- ->end()
- ->end();
- return $treeBuilder;
- }
diff --git a/DependencyInjection/ConverterCompilerPass.php b/DependencyInjection/ConverterCompilerPass.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d85c3c6b7..000000000
--- a/DependencyInjection/ConverterCompilerPass.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-hasDefinition(self::SERVICE_ID)) {
- return;
- }
- $definition = $container->getDefinition(self::SERVICE_ID);
- $definition->setClass(EventAwareConverter::class);
- $definition->addArgument(new Reference('event_dispatcher'));
- }
diff --git a/DependencyInjection/DefaultArticleTypeNotFoundException.php b/DependencyInjection/DefaultArticleTypeNotFoundException.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a4d8ece6..000000000
--- a/DependencyInjection/DefaultArticleTypeNotFoundException.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-structureType = $structureType;
- $this->type = $type;
- }
- /**
- * Returns type.
- */
- public function getType(): string
- {
- return $this->type;
- }
- /**
- * Returns structure-type.
- */
- public function getStructureType(): string
- {
- return $this->structureType;
- }
diff --git a/DependencyInjection/RouteEnhancerCompilerPass.php b/DependencyInjection/RouteEnhancerCompilerPass.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f9855c75..000000000
--- a/DependencyInjection/RouteEnhancerCompilerPass.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-hasDefinition('sulu_route.routing.router')) {
- return;
- }
- $router = $container->getDefinition('sulu_route.routing.router');
- $router->addMethodCall('addRouteEnhancer', [new Reference('sulu_article.route_enhancer'), 100]);
- }
diff --git a/DependencyInjection/StructureValidatorCompilerPass.php b/DependencyInjection/StructureValidatorCompilerPass.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b645d4e08..000000000
--- a/DependencyInjection/StructureValidatorCompilerPass.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- /** @var StructureMetadataFactory $structureFactory */
- $structureFactory = $container->get('sulu_page.structure.factory');
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- $defaultType = $defaultTypes[$type] ?? null;
- if (!$defaultType) {
- continue;
- }
- try {
- $structureFactory->getStructureMetadata($type, $defaultType);
- } catch (StructureTypeNotFoundException $exception) {
- throw new DefaultArticleTypeNotFoundException($type, $defaultType, $exception);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/DependencyInjection/SuluArticleExtension.php b/DependencyInjection/SuluArticleExtension.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fee6c318b..000000000
--- a/DependencyInjection/SuluArticleExtension.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
- $resolvingBag = $container->getParameterBag();
- $configs = $resolvingBag->resolveValue($configs);
- $config = $this->processConfiguration(new Configuration(), $configs);
- if ($container->hasExtension('jms_serializer')) {
- $container->prependExtensionConfig(
- 'jms_serializer',
- [
- 'metadata' => [
- 'directories' => [
- 'sulu_article' => [
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../Resources/config/serializer',
- 'namespace_prefix' => 'Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle',
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ]
- );
- }
- if ($container->hasExtension('sulu_admin')) {
- $container->prependExtensionConfig(
- 'sulu_admin',
- [
- 'lists' => [
- 'directories' => [
- __DIR__ . '/../Resources/config/lists',
- ],
- ],
- 'forms' => [
- 'directories' => [
- \class_exists(LocalizedLastModifiedBehavior::class)
- ? __DIR__ . '/../Resources/config/forms'
- : __DIR__ . '/../Resources/config/forms_sulu_25_or_lower',
- ],
- ],
- 'resources' => [
- 'articles' => [
- 'routes' => [
- 'list' => 'sulu_article.get_articles',
- 'detail' => 'sulu_article.get_article',
- ],
- ],
- 'article_versions' => [
- 'routes' => [
- 'list' => 'sulu_article.get_article_versions',
- 'detail' => 'sulu_article.post_article_version_trigger',
- ],
- ],
- ],
- 'field_type_options' => [
- 'selection' => [
- 'article_selection' => [
- 'default_type' => 'list_overlay',
- 'resource_key' => 'articles',
- 'types' => [
- 'list_overlay' => [
- 'adapter' => 'table',
- 'list_key' => 'articles',
- 'display_properties' => ['title', 'routePath'],
- 'icon' => 'su-newspaper',
- 'label' => 'sulu_article.selection_label',
- 'overlay_title' => 'sulu_article.selection_overlay_title',
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- 'single_selection' => [
- 'single_article_selection' => [
- 'default_type' => 'list_overlay',
- 'resource_key' => 'articles',
- 'types' => [
- 'list_overlay' => [
- 'adapter' => 'table',
- 'list_key' => 'articles',
- 'display_properties' => ['title'],
- 'empty_text' => 'sulu_article.no_article_selected',
- 'icon' => 'su-newspaper',
- 'overlay_title' => 'sulu_article.single_selection_overlay_title',
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ]
- );
- }
- if ($container->hasExtension('sulu_core')) {
- // can be removed when phpcr storage is removed
- $container->prependExtensionConfig(
- 'sulu_core',
- [
- 'content' => [
- 'structure' => [
- 'paths' => [
- 'article' => [
- 'path' => '%kernel.project_dir%/config/templates/articles',
- 'type' => 'article',
- ],
- 'article_page' => [
- 'path' => '%kernel.project_dir%/config/templates/articles',
- 'type' => 'article_page',
- ],
- ],
- 'type_map' => [
- 'article' => ArticleBridge::class,
- 'article_page' => ArticlePageBridge::class,
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ]
- );
- }
- if ($container->hasExtension('sulu_route')) {
- // can be removed when phpcr storage is removed
- $container->prependExtensionConfig(
- 'sulu_route',
- [
- 'mappings' => [
- 'Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\ArticleDocument' => [
- 'resource_key' => 'articles',
- ],
- 'Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\ArticlePageDocument' => [
- 'resource_key' => 'article_pages',
- ],
- ],
- ]
- );
- }
- if ($container->hasExtension('sulu_search')) {
- // can be removed when phpcr storage is removed
- $container->prependExtensionConfig(
- 'sulu_page',
- [
- 'search' => [
- 'mapping' => [
- ArticleDocument::class => ['index' => 'article', 'decorate_index' => true],
- ArticlePageDocument::class => ['index' => 'article_page'],
- ],
- ],
- ]
- );
- }
- if ($container->hasExtension('sulu_document_manager')) {
- // can be removed when phpcr storage is removed
- $container->prependExtensionConfig(
- 'sulu_document_manager',
- [
- 'mapping' => [
- 'article' => [
- 'class' => ArticleDocument::class,
- 'phpcr_type' => 'sulu:article',
- 'form_type' => ArticleDocumentType::class,
- ],
- 'article_page' => [
- 'class' => ArticlePageDocument::class,
- 'phpcr_type' => 'sulu:articlepage',
- 'form_type' => ArticlePageDocumentType::class,
- ],
- ],
- 'path_segments' => [
- 'articles' => 'articles',
- ],
- ]
- );
- }
- if ($container->hasExtension('fos_js_routing')) {
- // can be removed when phpcr storage is removed
- $container->prependExtensionConfig(
- 'fos_js_routing',
- [
- 'routes_to_expose' => [
- 'sulu_article.post_article_version_trigger',
- ],
- ]
- );
- }
- if ($container->hasExtension('fos_rest')) {
- // can be removed when phpcr storage is removed
- $container->prependExtensionConfig(
- 'fos_rest',
- [
- 'exception' => [
- 'codes' => [
- ParameterNotAllowedException::class => 400,
- ArticlePageNotFoundException::class => 404,
- ],
- ],
- ]
- );
- }
- if ($container->hasExtension('massive_build')) {
- // can be removed when phpcr storage is removed
- $container->prependExtensionConfig(
- 'massive_build',
- [
- 'targets' => [
- 'prod' => [
- 'dependencies' => [
- 'article_index' => [],
- ],
- ],
- 'dev' => [
- 'dependencies' => [
- 'article_index' => [],
- ],
- ],
- 'maintain' => [
- 'dependencies' => [
- 'article_index' => [],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ]
- );
- }
- if ($container->hasExtension('ongr_elasticsearch')) {
- // can be removed when phpcr storage is removed
- $configs = $container->getExtensionConfig($this->getAlias());
- $config = $this->processConfiguration(new Configuration(), $configs);
- $indexName = $config['index_name'];
- $hosts = $config['hosts'];
- $ongrElasticSearchConfig = [
- 'managers' => [
- 'default' => [
- 'index' => [
- 'index_name' => $indexName,
- ],
- 'mappings' => ['SuluArticleBundle'],
- ],
- 'live' => [
- 'index' => [
- 'index_name' => $indexName . '_live',
- ],
- 'mappings' => ['SuluArticleBundle'],
- ],
- ],
- ];
- if (\count($hosts) > 0) {
- $ongrElasticSearchConfig['managers']['default']['index']['hosts'] = $hosts;
- $ongrElasticSearchConfig['managers']['live']['index']['hosts'] = $hosts;
- }
- $container->prependExtensionConfig(
- 'ongr_elasticsearch',
- $ongrElasticSearchConfig
- );
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param mixed[] $configs
- */
- public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container)
- {
- $configuration = new Configuration();
- /**
- * @var array{
- * storage: 'experimental'|'phpcr',
- * objects: array,
- * default_main_webspace: string|null,
- * default_additional_webspaces: string[]|null,
- * types: array,
- * display_tab_all: bool,
- * smart_content: array{
- * default_limit: int,
- * },
- * search_fields: string[],
- * documents: array,
- * default_author: bool,
- * } $config
- */
- $config = $this->processConfiguration($configuration, $configs);
- $loader = new Loader\XmlFileLoader($container, new FileLocator(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/config'));
- $storage = $config['storage'];
- $container->setParameter('sulu_article.article_storage', $storage);
- $container->setParameter('sulu_article.default_main_webspace', $config['default_main_webspace']);
- $container->setParameter('sulu_article.default_additional_webspaces', $config['default_additional_webspaces']);
- $container->setParameter('sulu_article.types', $config['types']);
- $container->setParameter('sulu_article.display_tab_all', $config['display_tab_all']);
- $container->setParameter('sulu_article.smart_content.default_limit', $config['smart_content']['default_limit']);
- $container->setParameter('sulu_article.search_fields', $config['search_fields']);
- $container->setParameter('sulu_article.documents', $config['documents']);
- $container->setParameter('sulu_article.view_document.article.class', $config['documents']['article']['view']);
- $loader->load('services.xml');
- /** @var array $bundles */
- $bundles = $container->getParameter('kernel.bundles');
- if (\array_key_exists('SuluAutomationBundle', $bundles)) {
- $loader->load('automation.xml');
- }
- if (\array_key_exists('SuluTrashBundle', $bundles)) {
- $loader->load('services_trash.xml');
- }
- if (\array_key_exists('SuluHeadlessBundle', $bundles)) {
- $loader->load('services_headless.xml');
- }
- $this->appendDefaultAuthor($config, $container);
- $this->appendArticlePageConfig($container);
- $articleDocument = ArticleDocument::class;
- $articlePageDocument = ArticlePageDocument::class;
- foreach ($container->getParameter('sulu_document_manager.mapping') as $mapping) {
- if ('article' == $mapping['alias']) {
- $articleDocument = $mapping['class'];
- }
- if ('article_page' == $mapping['alias']) {
- $articlePageDocument = $mapping['class'];
- }
- }
- $container->setParameter('sulu_article.article_document.class', $articleDocument);
- $container->setParameter('sulu_article.article_page_document.class', $articlePageDocument);
- }
- /**
- * Append configuration for article "set_default_author".
- *
- * Can be removed when phpcr storage is removed.
- *
- * @param array{default_author: bool} $config
- */
- private function appendDefaultAuthor(array $config, ContainerBuilder $container): void
- {
- $mapping = $container->getParameter('sulu_document_manager.mapping');
- foreach ($mapping as $key => $item) {
- if ('article' === $item['alias']) {
- $mapping[$key]['set_default_author'] = $config['default_author'];
- }
- }
- $container->setParameter('sulu_document_manager.mapping', $mapping);
- $container->setParameter('sulu_article.default_author', $config['default_author']);
- }
- /**
- * Append configuration for article-page (cloned from article).
- *
- * Can be removed when phpcr storage is removed.
- */
- private function appendArticlePageConfig(ContainerBuilder $container): void
- {
- $paths = $container->getParameter('sulu.content.structure.paths');
- $paths['article_page'] = $this->cloneArticleConfig($paths['article'], 'article_page');
- $container->setParameter('sulu.content.structure.paths', $paths);
- $defaultTypes = $container->getParameter('sulu.content.structure.default_types');
- if (isset($defaultTypes['article'])) {
- $defaultTypes['article_page'] = $defaultTypes['article'];
- $container->setParameter('sulu.content.structure.default_types', $defaultTypes);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Clone given path configuration and use given type.
- *
- * Can be removed when phpcr storage is removed.
- */
- private function cloneArticleConfig(array $config, string $type): array
- {
- $result = [];
- foreach ($config as $item) {
- $result[] = ['path' => $item['path'], 'type' => $type];
- }
- return $result;
- }
diff --git a/DependencyInjection/WebspaceSettingsConfigurationResolver.php b/DependencyInjection/WebspaceSettingsConfigurationResolver.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d09350f5..000000000
--- a/DependencyInjection/WebspaceSettingsConfigurationResolver.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-defaultMainWebspace = $defaultMainWebspace;
- $this->defaultAdditionalWebspaces = $defaultAdditionalWebspaces;
- }
- public function getDefaultMainWebspaceForLocale(string $searchedLocale): string
- {
- if (\array_key_exists($searchedLocale, $this->defaultMainWebspace)) {
- return $this->defaultMainWebspace[$searchedLocale];
- }
- if (\array_key_exists('default', $this->defaultMainWebspace)) {
- return $this->defaultMainWebspace['default'];
- }
- throw new InvalidConfigurationException('No configured default main webspace for locale "' . $searchedLocale . '" not found.');
- }
- public function getDefaultAdditionalWebspacesForLocale(string $searchedLocale): array
- {
- if (\array_key_exists($searchedLocale, $this->defaultAdditionalWebspaces)) {
- return $this->defaultAdditionalWebspaces[$searchedLocale];
- }
- if (\array_key_exists('default', $this->defaultAdditionalWebspaces)) {
- return $this->defaultAdditionalWebspaces['default'];
- }
- return [];
- }
diff --git a/Document/ArticleDocument.php b/Document/ArticleDocument.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a6658df4e..000000000
--- a/Document/ArticleDocument.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,593 +0,0 @@
-structure = new Structure();
- $this->extensions = new ExtensionContainer();
- $this->children = new \ArrayIterator();
- }
- public function getUuid()
- {
- return $this->uuid;
- }
- public function setUuid($uuid): RoutablePageBehavior
- {
- $this->uuid = $uuid;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getNodeName()
- {
- return $this->nodeName;
- }
- public function getPath()
- {
- return $this->path;
- }
- public function getParent()
- {
- return $this->parent;
- }
- public function setParent($document)
- {
- $this->parent = $document;
- }
- public function getTitle()
- {
- return $this->title;
- }
- public function setTitle($title)
- {
- $this->title = $title;
- }
- /**
- * Returns route.
- *
- * @return RouteInterface
- */
- public function getRoute()
- {
- return $this->route;
- }
- public function setRoute(RouteInterface $route)
- {
- $this->route = $route;
- }
- public function removeRoute(): RoutablePageBehavior
- {
- $this->route = null;
- $this->routePath = null;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getRoutePath(): ?string
- {
- return $this->routePath;
- }
- public function setRoutePath($routePath): RoutablePageBehavior
- {
- $this->routePath = $routePath;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getClass(): string
- {
- return \get_class($this);
- }
- public function getLocale()
- {
- return $this->locale;
- }
- public function setLocale($locale)
- {
- $this->locale = $locale;
- }
- public function getOriginalLocale()
- {
- return $this->originalLocale;
- }
- public function setOriginalLocale($locale)
- {
- $this->originalLocale = $locale;
- }
- public function getStructureType(): ?string
- {
- return $this->structureType;
- }
- public function setStructureType($structureType)
- {
- $this->structureType = $structureType;
- }
- public function getStructure(): StructureInterface
- {
- return $this->structure;
- }
- public function getCreator()
- {
- return $this->creator;
- }
- /**
- * @param int|null $userId
- *
- * @return void
- */
- public function setCreator($userId)
- {
- $this->creator = $userId;
- }
- public function getChanger()
- {
- return $this->changer;
- }
- public function getCreated()
- {
- return $this->created;
- }
- /**
- * @param \DateTime $created
- *
- * @return void
- */
- public function setCreated($created)
- {
- $this->created = $created;
- }
- public function getChanged()
- {
- return $this->changed;
- }
- /**
- * Returns identifier.
- *
- * @return mixed
- */
- public function getId()
- {
- return $this->getUuid();
- }
- public function getExtensionsData()
- {
- return $this->extensions;
- }
- public function setExtensionsData($extensions)
- {
- $this->extensions = $extensions;
- }
- public function setExtension($name, $data)
- {
- $this->extensions[$name] = $data;
- }
- public function getWorkflowStage()
- {
- return $this->workflowStage;
- }
- public function setWorkflowStage($workflowStage)
- {
- $this->workflowStage = $workflowStage;
- }
- public function getPublished()
- {
- return $this->published;
- }
- public function getAuthored()
- {
- return $this->authored;
- }
- /**
- * @return bool
- */
- public function getLastModifiedEnabled()
- {
- return null !== $this->lastModified;
- }
- /**
- * @param \DateTime|null $lastModified
- *
- * @return void
- */
- public function setLastModified($lastModified)
- {
- $this->lastModified = $lastModified;
- }
- /**
- * @return \DateTime|null
- */
- public function getLastModified()
- {
- return $this->lastModified;
- }
- public function setAuthored($authored)
- {
- $this->authored = $authored;
- }
- public function getAuthor()
- {
- return $this->author;
- }
- public function setAuthor($author)
- {
- $this->author = $author;
- }
- public function getVersions()
- {
- return $this->versions;
- }
- public function setVersions($versions)
- {
- $this->versions = $versions;
- }
- public function getChildren()
- {
- return $this->children;
- }
- public function getArticleUuid(): string
- {
- return $this->getUuid();
- }
- public function getPageUuid(): string
- {
- return $this->getUuid();
- }
- public function getPageNumber(): int
- {
- return 1;
- }
- public function getPageTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->pageTitle;
- }
- /**
- * Set pageTitle.
- *
- * @param string $pageTitle
- *
- * @return $this
- */
- public function setPageTitle($pageTitle)
- {
- $this->pageTitle = $pageTitle;
- return $this;
- }
- /**
- * Returns pages.
- *
- * @return array
- */
- public function getPages()
- {
- return $this->pages;
- }
- /**
- * Set pages.
- *
- * @param array $pages
- *
- * @return $this
- */
- public function setPages($pages)
- {
- $this->pages = $pages;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getShadowLocale()
- {
- return $this->shadowLocale;
- }
- public function setShadowLocale($shadowLocale)
- {
- $this->shadowLocale = $shadowLocale;
- }
- public function isShadowLocaleEnabled()
- {
- return $this->shadowLocaleEnabled;
- }
- public function setShadowLocaleEnabled($shadowLocaleEnabled)
- {
- $this->shadowLocaleEnabled = $shadowLocaleEnabled;
- }
- public function getMainWebspace(): ?string
- {
- return $this->mainWebspace;
- }
- public function setMainWebspace(?string $mainWebspace): WebspaceBehavior
- {
- $this->mainWebspace = $mainWebspace;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getAdditionalWebspaces(): ?array
- {
- return $this->additionalWebspaces;
- }
- public function setAdditionalWebspaces(?array $additionalWebspaces): WebspaceBehavior
- {
- $this->additionalWebspaces = $additionalWebspaces;
- return $this;
- }
diff --git a/Document/ArticleInterface.php b/Document/ArticleInterface.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 58f742ccb..000000000
--- a/Document/ArticleInterface.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-structure = new Structure();
- }
- public function getUuid()
- {
- return $this->uuid;
- }
- public function setUuid($uuid): RoutablePageBehavior
- {
- $this->uuid = $uuid;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getTitle()
- {
- return $this->title;
- }
- public function setTitle($title)
- {
- $this->title = $title;
- return $this;
- }
- /**
- * Returns pageTitle.
- */
- public function getPageTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->pageTitle;
- }
- /**
- * Set pageTitle.
- *
- * @param string $pageTitle
- *
- * @return $this
- */
- public function setPageTitle($pageTitle)
- {
- $this->pageTitle = $pageTitle;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getParent()
- {
- return $this->parent;
- }
- public function setParent($parent)
- {
- $this->parent = $parent;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getPath()
- {
- return $this->path;
- }
- public function getLocale()
- {
- return $this->locale;
- }
- public function setLocale($locale)
- {
- $this->locale = $locale;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getOriginalLocale()
- {
- return $this->originalLocale;
- }
- public function setOriginalLocale($originalLocale)
- {
- $this->originalLocale = $originalLocale;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getStructureType(): ?string
- {
- return $this->structureType;
- }
- public function setStructureType($structureType)
- {
- $this->structureType = $structureType;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getStructure(): StructureInterface
- {
- return $this->structure;
- }
- public function getId()
- {
- return $this->uuid;
- }
- public function getRoute()
- {
- return $this->route;
- }
- public function setRoute(RouteInterface $route)
- {
- $this->route = $route;
- return $this;
- }
- public function removeRoute(): RoutablePageBehavior
- {
- $this->route = null;
- $this->routePath = null;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getRoutePath(): ?string
- {
- return $this->routePath;
- }
- public function setRoutePath($routePath): RoutablePageBehavior
- {
- $this->routePath = $routePath;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getClass(): string
- {
- return \get_class($this);
- }
- public function getPageNumber(): int
- {
- return $this->pageNumber;
- }
- public function setPageNumber(int $pageNumber): PageBehavior
- {
- $this->pageNumber = $pageNumber;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getArticleUuid(): string
- {
- return $this->getParent()->getUuid();
- }
- public function getPageUuid(): string
- {
- return $this->getUuid();
- }
- public function getWorkflowStage()
- {
- return $this->getParent()->getWorkflowStage();
- }
- public function getExtensionsData()
- {
- return $this->getParent()->getExtensionsData();
- }
- public function getShadowLocale()
- {
- return $this->shadowLocale;
- }
- public function setShadowLocale($shadowLocale)
- {
- $this->shadowLocale = $shadowLocale;
- }
- public function isShadowLocaleEnabled()
- {
- return $this->shadowLocaleEnabled;
- }
- public function setShadowLocaleEnabled($shadowLocaleEnabled)
- {
- $this->shadowLocaleEnabled = $shadowLocaleEnabled;
- }
diff --git a/Document/ArticlePageViewObject.php b/Document/ArticlePageViewObject.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8afab9488..000000000
--- a/Document/ArticlePageViewObject.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-uuid = $uuid;
- }
- public function getId()
- {
- return $this->id;
- }
- public function setId($id)
- {
- $this->id = $id;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getUuid()
- {
- return $this->uuid;
- }
- public function setUuid($uuid)
- {
- $this->uuid = $uuid;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getLocale()
- {
- return $this->locale;
- }
- public function setLocale($locale)
- {
- $this->locale = $locale;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getTitle()
- {
- return $this->title;
- }
- public function setTitle($title)
- {
- $this->title = $title;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getRoutePath()
- {
- return $this->routePath;
- }
- public function setRoutePath($routePath)
- {
- $this->routePath = $routePath;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getParentPageUuid()
- {
- return $this->parentPageUuid;
- }
- public function setParentPageUuid($parentPageUuid)
- {
- $this->parentPageUuid = $parentPageUuid;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getType()
- {
- return $this->type;
- }
- public function setType($type)
- {
- $this->type = $type;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getTypeTranslation()
- {
- return $this->typeTranslation;
- }
- public function setTypeTranslation($typeTranslation)
- {
- $this->typeTranslation = $typeTranslation;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getStructureType()
- {
- return $this->structureType;
- }
- public function setStructureType($structureType)
- {
- $this->structureType = $structureType;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getChangerFullName()
- {
- return $this->changerFullName;
- }
- public function setChangerFullName($changerFullName)
- {
- $this->changerFullName = $changerFullName;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getCreatorFullName()
- {
- return $this->creatorFullName;
- }
- public function setCreatorFullName($creatorFullName)
- {
- $this->creatorFullName = $creatorFullName;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getChanged()
- {
- return $this->changed;
- }
- public function setChanged($changed)
- {
- $this->changed = $changed;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getCreated()
- {
- return $this->created;
- }
- public function setCreated($created)
- {
- $this->created = $created;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getExcerpt()
- {
- return $this->excerpt;
- }
- public function setExcerpt(ExcerptViewObject $excerpt)
- {
- $this->excerpt = $excerpt;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getSeo()
- {
- return $this->seo;
- }
- public function setSeo(SeoViewObject $seo)
- {
- $this->seo = $seo;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getLastModified()
- {
- return $this->lastModified;
- }
- public function setLastModified($lastModified)
- {
- $this->lastModified = $lastModified;
- $this->updateLastModifiedOrAuthored();
- return $this;
- }
- public function getLastModifiedOrAuthored(): \DateTime
- {
- return $this->lastModified ?? $this->authored;
- }
- /**
- * @internal setter is required for ONGR but should not be used
- *
- * @return static
- */
- public function setLastModifiedOrAuthored(\DateTime $lastModifiedOrAuthored)
- {
- $this->lastModifiedOrAuthored = $lastModifiedOrAuthored;
- return $this;
- }
- public function updateLastModifiedOrAuthored()
- {
- $this->lastModifiedOrAuthored = $this->lastModified ?? $this->authored;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getAuthored()
- {
- return $this->authored;
- }
- public function setAuthored(?\DateTime $authored = null)
- {
- $this->authored = $authored;
- $this->updateLastModifiedOrAuthored();
- return $this;
- }
- public function getAuthorFullName()
- {
- return $this->authorFullName;
- }
- public function setAuthorFullName($authorFullName)
- {
- $this->authorFullName = $authorFullName;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getTeaserDescription()
- {
- return $this->teaserDescription;
- }
- public function setTeaserDescription($teaserDescription)
- {
- $this->teaserDescription = $teaserDescription;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getTeaserMediaId()
- {
- return $this->teaserMediaId;
- }
- public function setTeaserMediaId($teaserMediaId)
- {
- $this->teaserMediaId = $teaserMediaId;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getPublished()
- {
- return $this->published;
- }
- public function setPublished(?\DateTime $published = null)
- {
- $this->published = $published;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getPublishedState()
- {
- return $this->publishedState;
- }
- public function setPublishedState($publishedState)
- {
- $this->publishedState = $publishedState;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getLocalizationState()
- {
- return $this->localizationState;
- }
- public function setLocalizationState(LocalizationStateViewObject $localizationState)
- {
- $this->localizationState = $localizationState;
- return $this;
- }
- public function setAuthorId($authorId)
- {
- $this->authorId = $authorId;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getAuthorId()
- {
- return $this->authorId;
- }
- public function setCreatorContactId($creatorContactId)
- {
- $this->creatorContactId = $creatorContactId;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getCreatorContactId()
- {
- return $this->creatorContactId;
- }
- public function setChangerContactId($changerContactId)
- {
- $this->changerContactId = $changerContactId;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getChangerContactId()
- {
- return $this->changerContactId;
- }
- public function getPages()
- {
- return $this->pages;
- }
- public function setPages($pages)
- {
- $this->pages = $pages;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getContentData()
- {
- return $this->contentData;
- }
- public function setContentData($contentData)
- {
- $this->contentData = $contentData;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getContent()
- {
- return $this->content;
- }
- public function setContent(\ArrayObject $content)
- {
- $this->content = $content;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getView()
- {
- return $this->view;
- }
- public function setView(\ArrayObject $view)
- {
- $this->view = $view;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getMainWebspace()
- {
- return $this->mainWebspace;
- }
- public function setMainWebspace($mainWebspace)
- {
- $this->mainWebspace = $mainWebspace;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getAdditionalWebspaces()
- {
- return $this->additionalWebspaces;
- }
- public function setAdditionalWebspaces($additionalWebspace)
- {
- $this->additionalWebspaces = $additionalWebspace;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getTargetWebspace()
- {
- return $this->targetWebspace;
- }
- public function setTargetWebspace($targetWebspace)
- {
- $this->targetWebspace = $targetWebspace;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getContentFields(): array
- {
- return $this->contentFields;
- }
- public function setContentFields(array $contentFields): ArticleViewDocumentInterface
- {
- $this->contentFields = $contentFields;
- return $this;
- }
diff --git a/Document/ArticleViewDocumentInterface.php b/Document/ArticleViewDocumentInterface.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 21df42a9b..000000000
--- a/Document/ArticleViewDocumentInterface.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-tags = new Collection();
- $this->categories = new Collection();
- $this->segments = new Collection();
- $this->icon = new Collection();
- $this->images = new Collection();
- }
diff --git a/Document/Form/ArticleDocumentType.php b/Document/Form/ArticleDocumentType.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e68a8bab..000000000
--- a/Document/Form/ArticleDocumentType.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-add('extensions', UnstructuredType::class, ['property_path' => 'extensionsData']);
- $builder->add('shadowLocaleEnabled', CheckboxType::class);
- $builder->add('shadowLocale', TextType::class);
- $builder->add('mainWebspace', TextType::class);
- $builder->add('additionalWebspaces', CollectionType::class,
- [
- 'entry_type' => TextType::class,
- 'entry_options' => [
- 'required' => false,
- ],
- 'allow_add' => true,
- 'allow_delete' => true,
- ]
- );
- $builder->add(
- 'lastModified',
- DateTimeType::class,
- [
- 'widget' => 'single_text',
- ]
- );
- $builder->add('author', TextType::class);
- $builder->add(
- 'authored',
- DateTimeType::class,
- [
- 'widget' => 'single_text',
- ]
- );
- $builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SUBMIT, [DataNormalizer::class, 'normalize']);
- }
- public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
- {
- $resolver->setDefaults(
- [
- 'allow_extra_fields' => true,
- ]
- );
- }
diff --git a/Document/Form/ArticlePageDocumentType.php b/Document/Form/ArticlePageDocumentType.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 859472460..000000000
--- a/Document/Form/ArticlePageDocumentType.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-add('shadowLocaleEnabled', CheckboxType::class);
- $builder->add('shadowLocale', TextType::class);
- }
- public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
- {
- $resolver->setDefaults(
- [
- 'allow_extra_fields' => true,
- ]
- );
- }
diff --git a/Document/Form/Listener/DataNormalizer.php b/Document/Form/Listener/DataNormalizer.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a9b71ddc..000000000
--- a/Document/Form/Listener/DataNormalizer.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- $data = \array_merge(
- [
- 'mainWebspace' => self::getAndUnsetValue($data['structure'], 'mainWebspace'),
- 'additionalWebspaces' => self::getAndUnsetValue($data['structure'], 'additionalWebspaces'),
- ],
- $data
- );
- $event->setData($data);
- }
- /**
- * @return mixed|null
- */
- private static function getAndUnsetValue(array &$data, string $key)
- {
- $value = null;
- if (isset($data[$key])) {
- $value = $data[$key];
- unset($data[$key]);
- }
- return $value;
- }
diff --git a/Document/Form/UnstructuredType.php b/Document/Form/UnstructuredType.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b2c89b7c0..000000000
--- a/Document/Form/UnstructuredType.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- 'compound' => false,
- 'multiple' => true,
- ]);
- }
diff --git a/Document/Index/ArticleGhostIndexer.php b/Document/Index/ArticleGhostIndexer.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c529593d..000000000
--- a/Document/Index/ArticleGhostIndexer.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-webspaceManager = $webspaceManager;
- $this->documentManager = $documentManager;
- }
- public function index(ArticleDocument $document): void
- {
- if ($document->isShadowLocaleEnabled()) {
- $this->indexShadow($document);
- return;
- }
- $article = $this->createOrUpdateArticle($document, $document->getLocale());
- $this->updateShadows($document);
- $this->createOrUpdateGhosts($document);
- $this->dispatchIndexEvent($document, $article);
- $this->manager->persist($article);
- }
- private function createOrUpdateGhosts(ArticleDocument $document): void
- {
- $documentLocale = $document->getLocale();
- /** @var Localization $localization */
- foreach ($this->webspaceManager->getAllLocalizations() as $localization) {
- $locale = $localization->getLocale();
- if ($documentLocale === $locale) {
- continue;
- }
- /** @var ArticleDocument $ghostDocument */
- $ghostDocument = $this->documentManager->find(
- $document->getUuid(),
- $locale
- );
- $localizationState = $this->inspector->getLocalizationState($ghostDocument);
- // Only index ghosts
- if (LocalizationState::GHOST !== $localizationState) {
- continue;
- }
- // Try index the article ghosts.
- $article = $this->createOrUpdateArticle(
- $ghostDocument,
- $localization->getLocale(),
- LocalizationState::GHOST
- );
- if ($article) {
- $this->dispatchIndexEvent($ghostDocument, $article);
- $this->manager->persist($article);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/Document/Index/ArticleIndexer.php b/Document/Index/ArticleIndexer.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fd7492a16..000000000
--- a/Document/Index/ArticleIndexer.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
-structureMetadataFactory = $structureMetadataFactory;
- $this->userManager = $userManager;
- $this->contactRepository = $contactRepository;
- $this->documentFactory = $documentFactory;
- $this->manager = $manager;
- $this->excerptFactory = $excerptFactory;
- $this->seoFactory = $seoFactory;
- $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;
- $this->translator = $translator;
- $this->documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->inspector = $inspector;
- $this->webspaceResolver = $webspaceResolver;
- $this->typeConfiguration = $typeConfiguration;
- }
- /**
- * Returns translation for given article type.
- */
- private function getTypeTranslation(string $type): string
- {
- if (!\array_key_exists($type, $this->typeConfiguration)) {
- return \ucfirst($type);
- }
- $typeTranslationKey = $this->typeConfiguration[$type]['translation_key'];
- return $this->translator->trans($typeTranslationKey, [], 'admin');
- }
- protected function dispatchIndexEvent(ArticleDocument $document, ArticleViewDocumentInterface $article): void
- {
- $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(new IndexEvent($document, $article), IndexEvent::NAME);
- }
- protected function createOrUpdateArticle(
- ArticleDocument $document,
- string $locale,
- string $localizationState = LocalizationState::LOCALIZED
- ): ?ArticleViewDocumentInterface {
- $article = $this->findOrCreateViewDocument($document, $locale, $localizationState);
- if (!$article) {
- return null;
- }
- $structureMetadata = $this->structureMetadataFactory->getStructureMetadata(
- 'article',
- $document->getStructureType()
- );
- $article->setTitle($document->getTitle());
- $article->setRoutePath($document->getRoutePath());
- $this->setParentPageUuid($document, $article);
- $article->setChanged($document->getChanged());
- $article->setCreated($document->getCreated());
- $article->setLastModified($document->getLastModified());
- $article->setAuthored($document->getAuthored());
- if ($document->getAuthor() && $author = $this->contactRepository->find($document->getAuthor())) {
- $article->setAuthorId($author->getId());
- if ($author instanceof Contact) {
- $article->setAuthorFullName($author->getFullName());
- }
- }
- if ($document->getChanger() && $changer = $this->userManager->getUserById($document->getChanger())) {
- $article->setChangerFullName($changer->getFullName());
- if ($changer instanceof User) {
- $article->setChangerContactId($changer->getContact()->getId());
- }
- }
- if ($document->getCreator() && $creator = $this->userManager->getUserById($document->getCreator())) {
- $article->setCreatorFullName($creator->getFullName());
- if ($creator instanceof User) {
- $article->setCreatorContactId($creator->getContact()->getId());
- }
- }
- $article->setType($this->getType($structureMetadata));
- $article->setStructureType($document->getStructureType());
- $article->setPublished($document->getPublished());
- $article->setPublishedState(WorkflowStage::PUBLISHED === $document->getWorkflowStage());
- $article->setTypeTranslation($this->getTypeTranslation($this->getType($structureMetadata)));
- $article->setLocalizationState(
- new LocalizationStateViewObject(
- $localizationState,
- (LocalizationState::LOCALIZED === $localizationState) ? null : $document->getLocale()
- )
- );
- $extensions = $document->getExtensionsData();
- if ($extensions instanceof ExtensionContainer) {
- $extensions = $extensions->toArray();
- }
- if (\array_key_exists('excerpt', $extensions)) {
- $article->setExcerpt($this->excerptFactory->create($extensions['excerpt'], $document->getLocale()));
- }
- if (\array_key_exists('seo', $extensions)) {
- $article->setSeo($this->seoFactory->create($extensions['seo']));
- }
- if ($structureMetadata->hasPropertyWithTagName('sulu.teaser.description')) {
- $descriptionProperty = $structureMetadata->getPropertyByTagName('sulu.teaser.description');
- $article->setTeaserDescription(
- $document->getStructure()->getProperty($descriptionProperty->getName())->getValue()
- );
- }
- if ($structureMetadata->hasPropertyWithTagName('')) {
- $mediaProperty = $structureMetadata->getPropertyByTagName('');
- $mediaData = $document->getStructure()->getProperty($mediaProperty->getName())->getValue();
- if (null !== $mediaData && \array_key_exists('ids', $mediaData)) {
- $article->setTeaserMediaId(\reset($mediaData['ids']) ?: null);
- }
- }
- $article->setContentFields($this->getContentFields($structureMetadata, $document));
- $article->setContentData(\json_encode($document->getStructure()->toArray()));
- $article->setMainWebspace($this->webspaceResolver->resolveMainWebspace($document));
- $article->setAdditionalWebspaces($this->webspaceResolver->resolveAdditionalWebspaces($document));
- $this->mapPages($document, $article);
- return $article;
- }
- protected function getContentFields(StructureMetadata $structure, ArticleDocument $document)
- {
- $tag = '';
- $contentFields = [];
- foreach ($structure->getProperties() as $property) {
- if (\method_exists($property, 'getComponents') && \count($property->getComponents()) > 0) {
- $blocks = $document->getStructure()->getProperty($property->getName())->getValue();
- if (isset($blocks['hotspots'])) {
- $blocks = $blocks['hotspots'];
- }
- $contentFields = \array_merge($contentFields, $this->getBlockContentFieldsRecursive($blocks, $document, $property, $tag));
- } elseif ($property->hasTag($tag)) {
- $value = $document->getStructure()->getProperty($property->getName())->getValue();
- if (\is_string($value) && '' !== $value) {
- $contentFields[] = \strip_tags($value);
- }
- }
- }
- return $contentFields;
- }
- /**
- * @return string[]
- */
- private function getBlockContentFieldsRecursive(array $blocks, ArticleDocument $document, $blockMetaData, $tag)
- {
- $contentFields = [];
- foreach ($blockMetaData->getComponents() as $component) {
- /** @var PropertyMetadata $componentProperty */
- foreach ($component->getChildren() as $componentProperty) {
- if (\method_exists($componentProperty, 'getComponents') && \count($componentProperty->getComponents()) > 0) {
- $filteredBlocks = \array_filter($blocks, function($block) use ($component) {
- return $block['type'] === $component->getName();
- });
- foreach ($filteredBlocks as $filteredBlock) {
- if (isset($filteredBlock['hotspots'])) {
- $filteredBlock = $filteredBlock['hotspots'];
- }
- $contentFields = \array_merge(
- $contentFields,
- $this->getBlockContentFieldsRecursive(
- $filteredBlock[$componentProperty->getName()],
- $document,
- $componentProperty,
- $tag
- )
- );
- }
- }
- if (false === $componentProperty->hasTag($tag)) {
- continue;
- }
- foreach ($blocks as $block) {
- if ($block['type'] === $component->getName()) {
- $blockValue = $block[$componentProperty->getName()];
- if (\is_string($blockValue) && '' !== $blockValue) {
- $contentFields[] = \strip_tags($blockValue);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $contentFields;
- }
- protected function findViewDocument(ArticleDocument $document, string $locale): ?ArticleViewDocumentInterface
- {
- $articleId = $this->getViewDocumentId($document->getUuid(), $locale);
- /** @var ArticleViewDocumentInterface $article */
- $article = $this->manager->find($this->documentFactory->getClass('article'), $articleId);
- return $article;
- }
- /**
- * Returns view-document from index or create a new one.
- */
- protected function findOrCreateViewDocument(
- ArticleDocument $document,
- string $locale,
- string $localizationState
- ): ?ArticleViewDocumentInterface {
- $article = $this->findViewDocument($document, $locale);
- if ($article) {
- // Only index ghosts when the article isn't a ghost himself.
- if (LocalizationState::GHOST === $localizationState
- && LocalizationState::GHOST !== $article->getLocalizationState()->state
- ) {
- return null;
- }
- return $article;
- }
- $article = $this->documentFactory->create('article');
- $article->setId($this->getViewDocumentId($document->getUuid(), $locale));
- $article->setUuid($document->getUuid());
- $article->setLocale($locale);
- return $article;
- }
- /**
- * Maps pages from document to view-document.
- */
- private function mapPages(ArticleDocument $document, ArticleViewDocumentInterface $article): void
- {
- $pages = [];
- /** @var ArticlePageDocument $child */
- foreach ($document->getChildren() as $child) {
- if (!$child instanceof ArticlePageDocument) {
- continue;
- }
- /** @var ArticlePageViewObject $page */
- $page = $this->documentFactory->create('article_page');
- $page->uuid = $child->getUuid();
- $page->pageNumber = $child->getPageNumber();
- $page->title = $child->getPageTitle();
- $page->routePath = $child->getRoutePath();
- $page->contentData = \json_encode($child->getStructure()->toArray());
- $pages[] = $page;
- }
- $article->setPages(new Collection($pages));
- }
- /**
- * Set parent-page-uuid to view-document.
- */
- private function setParentPageUuid(ArticleDocument $document, ArticleViewDocumentInterface $article): void
- {
- $parentPageUuid = $this->getParentPageUuidFromPageTree($document);
- if (!$parentPageUuid) {
- return;
- }
- $article->setParentPageUuid($parentPageUuid);
- }
- protected function removeArticle(string $id): void
- {
- $article = $this->manager->find(
- $this->documentFactory->getClass('article'),
- $id
- );
- if (null === $article) {
- return;
- }
- $this->manager->remove($article);
- }
- public function remove(ArticleDocument $document/*, ?string $locale = null*/): void
- {
- $locale = \func_num_args() >= 2 ? \func_get_arg(1) : null;
- $repository = $this->manager->getRepository($this->documentFactory->getClass('article'));
- $search = $repository->createSearch()
- ->addQuery(new TermQuery('uuid', $document->getUuid()))
- ->setSize(1000);
- if ($locale) {
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('locale', $locale));
- }
- foreach ($repository->findDocuments($search) as $viewDocument) {
- $this->manager->remove($viewDocument);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @deprecated
- * @see ArticleIndexer::replaceWithGhostData
- */
- public function removeLocale(ArticleDocument $document, string $locale): void
- {
- @\trigger_error('Calling ArticleIndexer::removeLocale() is deprecated and will be removed in future. Use ArticleIndexer::replaceWithGhostData() instead.', \E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $this->replaceWithGhostData($document, $locale);
- }
- public function replaceWithGhostData(ArticleDocument $document, string $locale): void
- {
- // overwrite removed locale with properties from original locale
- $article = $this->createOrUpdateArticle($document, $locale);
- $article->setLocalizationState(new LocalizationStateViewObject(LocalizationState::GHOST, $document->getOriginalLocale()));
- $repository = $this->manager->getRepository($this->documentFactory->getClass('article'));
- $search = $repository->createSearch();
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('localization_state.state', 'ghost'), BoolQuery::MUST);
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('localization_state.locale', $locale), BoolQuery::MUST);
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('locale', $locale), BoolQuery::MUST_NOT);
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('uuid', $document->getUuid()), BoolQuery::MUST);
- /** @var array $searchResult */
- $searchResult = $repository->findArray($search);
- foreach ($searchResult as $result) {
- $this->replaceWithGhostData($document, $result['locale']);
- }
- $this->manager->persist($article);
- }
- public function flush(): void
- {
- $this->manager->commit();
- }
- public function clear(): void
- {
- $pageSize = 500;
- $repository = $this->manager->getRepository($this->documentFactory->getClass('article'));
- $search = $repository->createSearch()
- ->addQuery(new MatchAllQuery())
- ->setSize($pageSize);
- do {
- $result = $repository->findDocuments($search);
- foreach ($result as $document) {
- $this->manager->remove($document);
- }
- $this->manager->commit();
- } while (0 !== $result->count());
- $this->manager->clearCache();
- $this->manager->flush();
- }
- public function setUnpublished(string $uuid, string $locale): ?ArticleViewDocumentInterface
- {
- $articleId = $this->getViewDocumentId($uuid, $locale);
- /** @var ArticleViewDocumentInterface|null $article */
- $article = $this->manager->find($this->documentFactory->getClass('article'), $articleId);
- if (!$article) {
- return null;
- }
- $article->setPublished(null);
- $article->setPublishedState(false);
- $this->manager->persist($article);
- return $article;
- }
- public function index(ArticleDocument $document): void
- {
- if ($document->isShadowLocaleEnabled()) {
- $this->indexShadow($document);
- return;
- }
- $article = $this->createOrUpdateArticle($document, $document->getLocale());
- $this->dispatchIndexEvent($document, $article);
- $this->manager->persist($article);
- $this->updateShadows($document);
- }
- protected function indexShadow(ArticleDocument $document): void
- {
- /** @var ArticleDocument $shadowDocument */
- $shadowDocument = $this->documentManager->find(
- $document->getUuid(),
- $document->getOriginalLocale(),
- [
- 'rehydrate' => true,
- ]
- );
- $article = $this->createOrUpdateArticle($shadowDocument, $document->getOriginalLocale(), LocalizationState::SHADOW);
- $this->dispatchIndexEvent($shadowDocument, $article);
- $this->manager->persist($article);
- }
- protected function updateShadows(ArticleDocument $document): void
- {
- if ($document->isShadowLocaleEnabled()) {
- return;
- }
- foreach (\array_keys($this->inspector->getShadowLocales($document)) as $shadowLocale) {
- try {
- /** @var ArticleDocument $shadowDocument */
- $shadowDocument = $this->documentManager->find($document->getUuid(), $shadowLocale);
- // update shadow only if original document exists
- if (!$this->findViewDocument($shadowDocument, $document->getLocale())) {
- continue;
- }
- $this->indexShadow($shadowDocument);
- } catch (DocumentManagerException $documentManagerException) {
- // @ignoreException
- // do nothing
- }
- }
- }
- public function dropIndex(): void
- {
- if (!$this->manager->indexExists()) {
- return;
- }
- $this->manager->dropIndex();
- }
- public function createIndex(): void
- {
- if ($this->manager->indexExists()) {
- return;
- }
- $this->manager->createIndex();
- }
- protected function getDocumentInspector()
- {
- return $this->inspector;
- }
diff --git a/Document/Index/DocumentFactory.php b/Document/Index/DocumentFactory.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8352d44da..000000000
--- a/Document/Index/DocumentFactory.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-documents = $documents;
- }
- public function getClass(string $type): string
- {
- return $this->documents[$type]['view'];
- }
- public function create(string $type)
- {
- $class = $this->getClass($type);
- return new $class();
- }
diff --git a/Document/Index/DocumentFactoryInterface.php b/Document/Index/DocumentFactoryInterface.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f2c67330b..000000000
--- a/Document/Index/DocumentFactoryInterface.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-categoryRepository = $categoryRepository;
- }
- /**
- * Create category collection.
- *
- * @param int[] $categoryIds
- */
- public function create(array $categoryIds, string $locale): Collection
- {
- if (empty($categoryIds)) {
- return new Collection();
- }
- // Load category with keywords
- $queryBuilder = $this->categoryRepository->createQueryBuilder('category')
- ->select(['', 'category.key', 'translate.translation as name', 'keyword.keyword'])
- ->leftJoin('category.translations', 'translate', Join::WITH, 'translate.locale = :locale')
- ->setParameter('locale', $locale)
- ->leftJoin('translate.keywords', 'keyword');
- $queryBuilder->where($queryBuilder->expr()->in('', $categoryIds));
- $categories = [];
- foreach ($queryBuilder->getQuery()->getResult() as $categoryData) {
- $id = (int) $categoryData['id'];
- if (!isset($categories[$id])) {
- $categories[$id] = new CategoryViewObject();
- $categories[$id]->id = $id;
- $categories[$id]->key = $categoryData['key'];
- $categories[$id]->name = $categoryData['name'];
- }
- $categories[$id]->keywords[] = $categoryData['keyword'];
- }
- return new Collection(\array_values($categories));
- }
diff --git a/Document/Index/Factory/ExcerptFactory.php b/Document/Index/Factory/ExcerptFactory.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 99fbbeaf5..000000000
--- a/Document/Index/Factory/ExcerptFactory.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-categoryCollectionFactory = $categoryCollectionFactory;
- $this->tagCollectionFactory = $tagCollectionFactory;
- $this->mediaCollectionFactory = $mediaCollectionFactory;
- $this->segmentCollectionFactory = $segmentCollectionFactory;
- }
- /**
- * Create a excerpt object by given data.
- */
- public function create(array $data, string $locale): ExcerptViewObject
- {
- $excerpt = new ExcerptViewObject();
- if (empty($data)) {
- return $excerpt;
- }
- $excerpt->title = $data['title'];
- $excerpt->more = $data['more'];
- $excerpt->description = $data['description'];
- $excerpt->tags = $this->tagCollectionFactory->create($data['tags']);
- $excerpt->categories = $this->categoryCollectionFactory->create($data['categories'], $locale);
- $excerpt->segments = $this->segmentCollectionFactory->create($data['segments'] ?? []);
- $excerpt->audienceTargetingGroups = $data['audience_targeting_groups'] ?? [];
- $excerpt->icon = $this->mediaCollectionFactory->create($data['icon'] ?? [], $locale);
- $excerpt->images = $this->mediaCollectionFactory->create($data['images'] ?? [], $locale);
- return $excerpt;
- }
diff --git a/Document/Index/Factory/MediaCollectionFactory.php b/Document/Index/Factory/MediaCollectionFactory.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c6414821a..000000000
--- a/Document/Index/Factory/MediaCollectionFactory.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-mediaManager = $mediaManager;
- }
- /**
- * Create media collection object.
- *
- * @return MediaViewObject[]|Collection
- */
- public function create(array $data, string $locale)
- {
- $mediaCollection = new Collection();
- if (empty($data)) {
- return $mediaCollection;
- }
- if (\array_key_exists('ids', $data)) {
- $medias = $this->mediaManager->getByIds($data['ids'], $locale);
- foreach ($medias as $media) {
- $mediaViewObject = new MediaViewObject();
- $mediaViewObject->setData($media);
- $mediaCollection[] = $mediaViewObject;
- }
- }
- return $mediaCollection;
- }
diff --git a/Document/Index/Factory/MediaFactory.php b/Document/Index/Factory/MediaFactory.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 49c638e5c..000000000
--- a/Document/Index/Factory/MediaFactory.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-mediaManager = $mediaManager;
- }
- public function create(int $id, string $locale): MediaViewObject
- {
- $mediaViewObject = new MediaViewObject();
- if (!$id) {
- return $mediaViewObject;
- }
- $media = $this->mediaManager->getById($id, $locale);
- $mediaViewObject->setData($media);
- return $mediaViewObject;
- }
diff --git a/Document/Index/Factory/SegmentCollectionFactory.php b/Document/Index/Factory/SegmentCollectionFactory.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6100f2510..000000000
--- a/Document/Index/Factory/SegmentCollectionFactory.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- $segmentKey) {
- if ($segmentKey) {
- $segment = new SegmentViewObject();
- $segment->assignmentKey = $webspaceKey . SegmentSelect::SEPARATOR . $segmentKey;
- $segment->webspaceKey = $webspaceKey;
- $segment->segmentKey = $segmentKey;
- $collection[] = $segment;
- }
- }
- return $collection;
- }
diff --git a/Document/Index/Factory/SeoFactory.php b/Document/Index/Factory/SeoFactory.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d69364e20..000000000
--- a/Document/Index/Factory/SeoFactory.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-title = $data['title'];
- $seo->description = $data['description'];
- $seo->keywords = $data['keywords'];
- $seo->canonicalUrl = $data['canonicalUrl'];
- $seo->noIndex = $data['noIndex'];
- $seo->noFollow = $data['noFollow'];
- $seo->hideInSitemap = $data['hideInSitemap'];
- return $seo;
- }
diff --git a/Document/Index/Factory/TagCollectionFactory.php b/Document/Index/Factory/TagCollectionFactory.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 098a93736..000000000
--- a/Document/Index/Factory/TagCollectionFactory.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-tagManager = $tagManager;
- }
- /**
- * Create tag collection.
- *
- * @param string[] $tagNames
- */
- public function create(array $tagNames): Collection
- {
- $collection = new Collection();
- foreach ($tagNames as $tagName) {
- $tagEntity = $this->tagManager->findByName($tagName);
- if (!$tagEntity) {
- return null;
- }
- $tag = new TagViewObject();
- $tag->name = $tagName;
- $tag->id = $tagEntity->getId();
- $collection[] = $tag;
- }
- return $collection;
- }
diff --git a/Document/Index/IndexerInterface.php b/Document/Index/IndexerInterface.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 087e4eadb..000000000
--- a/Document/Index/IndexerInterface.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-nodeManager = $nodeManager;
- $this->pathBuilder = $pathBuilder;
- $this->sessionManager = $sessionManager;
- }
- public function initialize(OutputInterface $output, $purge = false)
- {
- $nodeTypeManager = $this->sessionManager->getSession()->getWorkspace()->getNodeTypeManager();
- $nodeTypeManager->registerNodeType(new ArticleNodeType(), true);
- $nodeTypeManager->registerNodeType(new ArticlePageNodeType(), true);
- $articlesPath = $this->pathBuilder->build(['%base%', '%articles%']);
- if (true === $this->nodeManager->has($articlesPath)) {
- $output->writeln(\sprintf(' [ ] Articles path: : %s ', $articlesPath));
- } else {
- $output->writeln(\sprintf(' [+] Articles path: : %s ', $articlesPath));
- $this->nodeManager->createPath($articlesPath);
- $this->nodeManager->save();
- }
- }
diff --git a/Document/Initializer/ArticleNodeType.php b/Document/Initializer/ArticleNodeType.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c6361b556..000000000
--- a/Document/Initializer/ArticleNodeType.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-state = $state;
- $this->locale = $locale;
- }
diff --git a/Document/LocalizedLastModifiedBehavior.php b/Document/LocalizedLastModifiedBehavior.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fc55cfb7d..000000000
--- a/Document/LocalizedLastModifiedBehavior.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-id = $media->getId();
- $this->title = $media->getTitle();
- $this->setFormats($media->getFormats());
- $this->mimeType = $media->getMimeType();
- $this->url = $media->getUrl();
- $this->copyright = $media->getCopyright();
- return $this;
- }
- /**
- * Get formats.
- */
- public function getFormats(): string
- {
- return $this->formats;
- }
- /**
- * Set formats.
- *
- * @param string|string[] $formats
- */
- public function setFormats($formats): self
- {
- if (\is_array($formats)) {
- $formats = \json_encode($formats);
- }
- $this->formats = $formats;
- return $this;
- }
- /**
- * Get thumbnails.
- */
- public function getThumbnails(): array
- {
- return \json_decode($this->formats, true);
- }
diff --git a/Document/Repository/ArticleViewDocumentRepository.php b/Document/Repository/ArticleViewDocumentRepository.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cb3926b8..000000000
--- a/Document/Repository/ArticleViewDocumentRepository.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-searchManager = $searchManager;
- $this->articleDocumentClass = $articleDocumentClass;
- $this->repository = $this->searchManager->getRepository($this->articleDocumentClass);
- $this->searchFields = $searchFields;
- }
- /**
- * Finds recent articles for given parameters sorted by field `authored`.
- */
- public function findRecent(
- ?string $excludeUuid = null,
- int $limit = self::DEFAULT_LIMIT,
- ?array $types = null,
- ?string $locale = null,
- ?string $webspaceKey = null
- ): DocumentIterator {
- $search = $this->createSearch($limit, $types, $locale, $webspaceKey);
- if ($excludeUuid) {
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('uuid', $excludeUuid), BoolQuery::MUST_NOT);
- }
- $search->addSort(new FieldSort('authored', FieldSort::DESC));
- return $this->repository->findDocuments($search);
- }
- /**
- * Finds similar articles for given `uuid` with given parameters.
- */
- public function findSimilar(
- string $uuid,
- int $limit = self::DEFAULT_LIMIT,
- ?array $types = null,
- ?string $locale = null,
- ?string $webspaceKey = null
- ): DocumentIterator {
- $search = $this->createSearch($limit, $types, $locale, $webspaceKey);
- $search->addQuery(
- new MoreLikeThisQuery(
- null,
- [
- 'fields' => $this->searchFields,
- 'min_term_freq' => 1,
- 'min_doc_freq' => 2,
- 'like' => [
- [
- '_id' => $this->getViewDocumentId($uuid, $locale),
- ],
- ],
- ]
- )
- );
- return $this->repository->findDocuments($search);
- }
- /**
- * Creates search with default queries (size, locale, types, webspace).
- */
- private function createSearch(
- int $limit,
- ?array $types = null,
- ?string $locale = null,
- ?string $webspaceKey = null
- ): Search {
- $search = $this->repository->createSearch();
- // set size
- $search->setSize($limit);
- // filter by locale if provided
- if ($locale) {
- $search->addQuery(new TermQuery('locale', $locale), BoolQuery::FILTER);
- }
- // filter by types if provided
- if ($types) {
- $typesQuery = new BoolQuery();
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- $typesQuery->add(new TermQuery('type', $type), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- }
- $search->addQuery($typesQuery);
- }
- // filter by webspace if provided
- if ($webspaceKey) {
- $webspaceQuery = new BoolQuery();
- // check for mainWebspace
- $webspaceQuery->add(new TermQuery('main_webspace', $webspaceKey), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- // check for additionalWebspaces
- $webspaceQuery->add(new TermQuery('additional_webspaces', $webspaceKey), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- $search->addQuery($webspaceQuery);
- }
- return $search;
- }
diff --git a/Document/Resolver/WebspaceResolver.php b/Document/Resolver/WebspaceResolver.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f6e1aa248..000000000
--- a/Document/Resolver/WebspaceResolver.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-webspaceManager = $webspaceManager;
- $this->webspaceSettingsConfigurationResolver = $webspaceSettingsConfigurationResolver;
- }
- public function resolveMainWebspace(WebspaceBehavior $document): ?string
- {
- if (!$this->hasMoreThanOneWebspace()) {
- $webspaces = $this->webspaceManager->getWebspaceCollection()->getWebspaces();
- return \reset($webspaces)->getKey();
- }
- $hasCustomizedWebspaceSettings = $this->hasCustomizedWebspaceSettings($document);
- if ($hasCustomizedWebspaceSettings) {
- return $document->getMainWebspace();
- }
- return $this->webspaceSettingsConfigurationResolver->getDefaultMainWebspaceForLocale($document->getOriginalLocale());
- }
- /**
- * @return string[]|null
- */
- public function resolveAdditionalWebspaces(WebspaceBehavior $document): ?array
- {
- if (!$this->hasMoreThanOneWebspace()) {
- return [];
- }
- $hasCustomizedWebspaceSettings = $this->hasCustomizedWebspaceSettings($document);
- if ($hasCustomizedWebspaceSettings) {
- return $document->getAdditionalWebspaces() ?? [];
- }
- return $this->webspaceSettingsConfigurationResolver->getDefaultAdditionalWebspacesForLocale($document->getOriginalLocale());
- }
- public function hasCustomizedWebspaceSettings(WebspaceBehavior $document): bool
- {
- return null !== $document->getMainWebspace();
- }
- /**
- * Check if system has more than one webspace.
- */
- private function hasMoreThanOneWebspace(): bool
- {
- return \count($this->webspaceManager->getWebspaceCollection()->getWebspaces()) > 1;
- }
diff --git a/Document/SegmentViewObject.php b/Document/SegmentViewObject.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b85b22afe..000000000
--- a/Document/SegmentViewObject.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- 'format' => 'json',
- 'method' => 'addTitleOnPostSerialize',
- ],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Append title to result.
- */
- public function addTitleOnPostSerialize(ObjectEvent $event): void
- {
- $articlePage = $event->getObject();
- /** @var SerializationVisitorInterface $visitor */
- $visitor = $event->getVisitor();
- if (!$articlePage instanceof ArticlePageDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $title = $articlePage->getParent()->getTitle();
- $visitor->visitProperty(new StaticPropertyMetadata('', 'title', $title), $title);
- }
diff --git a/Document/Serializer/ArticleSubscriber.php b/Document/Serializer/ArticleSubscriber.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d78f09e71..000000000
--- a/Document/Serializer/ArticleSubscriber.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-structureManager = $structureManager;
- $this->structureMetadataFactory = $structureMetadataFactory;
- $this->webspaceResolver = $webspaceResolver;
- }
- public static function getSubscribedEvents()
- {
- return [
- [
- 'event' => Events::POST_SERIALIZE,
- 'format' => 'json',
- 'method' => 'addTypeOnPostSerialize',
- ],
- [
- 'event' => Events::POST_SERIALIZE,
- 'format' => 'json',
- 'method' => 'addWebspaceSettingsOnPostSerialize',
- ],
- [
- 'event' => Events::POST_SERIALIZE,
- 'format' => 'json',
- 'method' => 'addBrokenIndicatorOnPostSerialize',
- ],
- [
- 'event' => Events::POST_SERIALIZE,
- 'format' => 'json',
- 'method' => 'addPageTitlePropertyNameOnPostSerialize',
- ],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Append type to result.
- */
- public function addTypeOnPostSerialize(ObjectEvent $event): void
- {
- $article = $event->getObject();
- /** @var SerializationVisitorInterface $visitor */
- $visitor = $event->getVisitor();
- if (!($article instanceof ArticleDocument)) {
- return;
- }
- /** @var StructureBridge $structure */
- $structure = $this->structureManager->getStructure($article->getStructureType(), 'article');
- $articleType = $this->getType($structure->getStructure());
- $visitor->visitProperty(new StaticPropertyMetadata('', 'articleType', $articleType), $articleType);
- }
- /**
- * Append webspace-settings to result.
- */
- public function addWebspaceSettingsOnPostSerialize(ObjectEvent $event): void
- {
- $article = $event->getObject();
- /** @var SerializationVisitorInterface $visitor */
- $visitor = $event->getVisitor();
- if (!($article instanceof ArticleDocument)) {
- return;
- }
- $hasCustomizedWebspaceSettings = $this->webspaceResolver->hasCustomizedWebspaceSettings($article);
- $visitor->visitProperty(
- new StaticPropertyMetadata('', 'customizeWebspaceSettings', $hasCustomizedWebspaceSettings),
- $hasCustomizedWebspaceSettings
- );
- if ($article->getMainWebspace()) {
- return;
- }
- $mainWebspace = $this->webspaceResolver->resolveMainWebspace($article);
- $visitor->visitProperty(new StaticPropertyMetadata('', 'mainWebspace', $mainWebspace), $mainWebspace);
- $additionalWebspaces = $this->webspaceResolver->resolveAdditionalWebspaces($article);
- $visitor->visitProperty(
- new StaticPropertyMetadata('', 'additionalWebspaces', $additionalWebspaces),
- $additionalWebspaces
- );
- }
- /**
- * Append broken-indicator to result.
- */
- public function addBrokenIndicatorOnPostSerialize(ObjectEvent $event): void
- {
- $article = $event->getObject();
- /** @var SerializationVisitorInterface $visitor */
- $visitor = $event->getVisitor();
- if (!($article instanceof ArticleViewDocumentInterface)) {
- return;
- }
- $structure = $this->structureManager->getStructure($article->getStructureType(), 'article');
- $broken = (!$structure || $structure->getKey() !== $article->getStructureType());
- $visitor->visitProperty(
- new StaticPropertyMetadata('', 'broken', $broken),
- $broken
- );
- $originalStructureType = $article->getStructureType();
- $visitor->visitProperty(
- new StaticPropertyMetadata('', 'originalStructureType', $originalStructureType),
- $originalStructureType
- );
- }
- /**
- * Append page-title-property to result.
- */
- public function addPageTitlePropertyNameOnPostSerialize(ObjectEvent $event): void
- {
- $article = $event->getObject();
- /** @var SerializationVisitorInterface $visitor */
- $visitor = $event->getVisitor();
- if (!$article instanceof ArticleInterface) {
- return;
- }
- $property = $this->getPageTitleProperty($article);
- if ($property) {
- $propertyName = $property->getName();
- $visitor->visitProperty(
- new StaticPropertyMetadata('', '_pageTitlePropertyName', $propertyName),
- $propertyName
- );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Find page-title property.
- */
- private function getPageTitleProperty(ArticleInterface $document): ?PropertyMetadata
- {
- $metadata = $this->structureMetadataFactory->getStructureMetadata(
- 'article',
- $document->getStructureType()
- );
- if ($metadata->hasPropertyWithTagName(self::PAGE_TITLE_TAG_NAME)) {
- return $metadata->getPropertyByTagName(self::PAGE_TITLE_TAG_NAME);
- }
- if ($metadata->hasProperty(self::PAGE_TITLE_PROPERTY_NAME)) {
- return $metadata->getProperty(self::PAGE_TITLE_PROPERTY_NAME);
- }
- return null;
- }
diff --git a/Document/Serializer/WebsiteArticleUrlsSubscriber.php b/Document/Serializer/WebsiteArticleUrlsSubscriber.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bd0d3a80..000000000
--- a/Document/Serializer/WebsiteArticleUrlsSubscriber.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-requestStack = $requestStack;
- $this->routeRepository = $routeRepository;
- $this->webspaceManager = $webspaceManager;
- $this->documentInspector = $documentInspector;
- $this->documentRegistry = $documentRegistry;
- $this->nodeManager = $nodeManager;
- if (null === $this->documentInspector) {
- @\trigger_error(
- 'Instantiating the WebsiteArticleUrlsSubscriber without the $documentInspector argument is deprecated!',
- );
- }
- if (null === $this->documentRegistry) {
- @\trigger_error(
- 'Instantiating the WebsiteArticleUrlsSubscriber without the $documentRegistry argument is deprecated!',
- );
- }
- if (null === $this->nodeManager) {
- @\trigger_error(
- 'Instantiating the WebsiteArticleUrlsSubscriber without the $nodeManager argument is deprecated!',
- );
- }
- }
- public static function getSubscribedEvents()
- {
- return [
- [
- 'event' => Events::POST_SERIALIZE,
- 'format' => 'json',
- 'method' => 'addUrlsOnPostSerialize',
- ],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Loops thru current webspace locales and generates routes for them.
- */
- public function addUrlsOnPostSerialize(ObjectEvent $event): void
- {
- $article = $event->getObject();
- /** @var SerializationVisitorInterface $visitor */
- $visitor = $event->getVisitor();
- $context = $event->getContext();
- $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
- if (!$article instanceof ArticleDocument || !$context->hasAttribute('urls') || !$request) {
- return;
- }
- /** @var RequestAttributes $attributes */
- $attributes = $request->get('_sulu');
- if (!$attributes) {
- return;
- }
- /** @var Webspace $webspace */
- $webspace = $attributes->getAttribute('webspace');
- if (!$webspace) {
- return;
- }
- if (null !== ($portal = $attributes->getAttribute('portal'))) {
- $allLocalizations = $portal->getLocalizations();
- } else {
- $allLocalizations = $webspace->getAllLocalizations();
- }
- $urls = [];
- $localizations = [];
- $publishedLocales = $this->getPublishedLocales($article, $webspace);
- foreach ($allLocalizations as $localization) {
- $locale = $localization->getLocale();
- $published = \in_array($locale, $publishedLocales, true);
- $path = '/';
- $alternate = false;
- if ($published) {
- $route = $this->routeRepository->findByEntity(\get_class($article), $article->getUuid(), $locale);
- if ($route) {
- $path = $route->getPath();
- $alternate = true;
- }
- }
- $urls[$locale] = $path;
- $localizations[$locale] = [
- 'locale' => $locale,
- 'url' => $this->webspaceManager->findUrlByResourceLocator($path, null, $locale),
- 'country' => $localization->getCountry(),
- 'alternate' => $alternate,
- ];
- }
- $visitor->visitProperty(new StaticPropertyMetadata('', 'urls', $urls), $urls);
- $visitor->visitProperty(new StaticPropertyMetadata('', 'localizations', $localizations), $localizations);
- }
- /**
- * @return string[]
- */
- private function getWebspaceLocales(Webspace $webspace): array
- {
- return \array_map(
- function(Localization $localization) {
- return $localization->getLocale();
- },
- $webspace->getAllLocalizations()
- );
- }
- /**
- * @return string[]
- */
- private function getPublishedLocales(ArticleDocument $document, Webspace $webspace): array
- {
- if (null === $this->documentInspector || null === $this->documentRegistry || null === $this->nodeManager) {
- // BC layer
- return $this->getWebspaceLocales($webspace);
- }
- // In the preview, the ArticleDocument is not registered in the DocumentRegistry, because this usually
- // happens automatically when calling DocumentManager::find(), which is not done for the preview, but the
- // DocumentInspector::getPublishedLocales() requires it to be registered.
- // Therefore we need to register it manually in that case.
- if (!$this->documentRegistry->hasDocument($document)) {
- try {
- $node = $this->nodeManager->find($document->getUuid());
- } catch (DocumentNotFoundException $e) {
- return [];
- }
- $this->documentRegistry->registerDocument($document, $node, $document->getLocale());
- }
- return $this->documentInspector->getPublishedLocales($document);
- }
diff --git a/Document/Structure/ArticleBridge.php b/Document/Structure/ArticleBridge.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4819afc26..000000000
--- a/Document/Structure/ArticleBridge.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
- }
- public function getController(): string
- {
- /** @var string */
- return $this->structure->getController();
- }
- /**
- * @return array{type: string, value: string}
- */
- public function getCacheLifeTime(): array
- {
- /** @var array{type: string, value: string} */
- return $this->structure->getCacheLifetime();
- }
- public function getUuid()
- {
- // is set for structure loaded with document from document-manager
- // is not set when using structure with view-document
- if ($this->document) {
- return parent::getUuid();
- }
- return $this->uuid;
- }
- public function setUuid($uuid)
- {
- $this->uuid = $uuid;
- }
- /**
- * Will be called by SuluCollector to collect profiler data.
- */
- public function getNavContexts()
- {
- return null;
- }
- public function getEnabledShadowLanguages(): array
- {
- return $this->inspector->getShadowLocales($this->getDocument());
- }
- public function getConcreteLanguages(): array
- {
- return $this->inspector->getConcreteLocales($this->getDocument());
- }
- /**
- * @return mixed
- *
- * Will be called by SuluCollector to collect profiler data
- */
- public function getOriginTemplate()
- {
- return null;
- }
- public function getExt()
- {
- return $this->document->getExtensionsData();
- }
- public function getWebspaceKey()
- {
- return $this->webspaceKey;
- }
- public function setWebspaceKey($webspace)
- {
- $this->webspaceKey = $webspace;
- }
- public function getLanguageCode()
- {
- if (!$this->document) {
- return $this->locale;
- }
- // return original locale for shadow or ghost pages
- if ($this->getIsShadow() || ($this->getType() && 'ghost' === $this->getType()->getName())) {
- return $this->inspector->getOriginalLocale($this->getDocument());
- }
- return parent::getLanguageCode();
- }
diff --git a/Document/Structure/ArticlePageBridge.php b/Document/Structure/ArticlePageBridge.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fee73d77..000000000
--- a/Document/Structure/ArticlePageBridge.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-contentTypeManager = $contentTypeManager;
- $this->proxyFactory = $proxyFactory;
- $this->requestStack = $requestStack;
- }
- /**
- * Create content-proxy for given structure.
- *
- * @return VirtualProxyInterface
- */
- public function createContentProxy(StructureInterface $structure, array $data)
- {
- return $this->proxyFactory->createProxy(
- \ArrayObject::class,
- function(
- &$wrappedObject,
- LazyLoadingInterface $proxy,
- $method,
- array $parameters,
- &$initializer
- ) use ($structure, $data) {
- $initializer = null;
- $wrappedObject = new \ArrayObject($this->resolveContent($structure, $data));
- return true;
- }
- );
- }
- /**
- * Resolve content from given data with the structure.
- */
- private function resolveContent(StructureInterface $structure, array $data): array
- {
- $structure->setWebspaceKey($this->getWebspaceKey());
- $content = [];
- foreach ($structure->getProperties(true) as $child) {
- if (\array_key_exists($child->getName(), $data)) {
- $child->setValue($data[$child->getName()]);
- }
- $contentType = $this->contentTypeManager->get($child->getContentTypeName());
- $content[$child->getName()] = $contentType->getContentData($child);
- }
- return $content;
- }
- /**
- * Create view-proxy for given structure.
- *
- * @return VirtualProxyInterface
- */
- public function createViewProxy(StructureInterface $structure, array $data)
- {
- return $this->proxyFactory->createProxy(
- \ArrayObject::class,
- function(
- &$wrappedObject,
- LazyLoadingInterface $proxy,
- $method,
- array $parameters,
- &$initializer
- ) use ($structure, $data) {
- $initializer = null;
- $wrappedObject = new \ArrayObject($this->resolveView($structure, $data));
- return true;
- }
- );
- }
- /**
- * Resolve view from given data with the structure.
- */
- private function resolveView(StructureInterface $structure, array $data): array
- {
- $structure->setWebspaceKey($this->getWebspaceKey());
- $view = [];
- foreach ($structure->getProperties(true) as $child) {
- if (\array_key_exists($child->getName(), $data)) {
- $child->setValue($data[$child->getName()]);
- }
- $contentType = $this->contentTypeManager->get($child->getContentTypeName());
- $view[$child->getName()] = $contentType->getViewData($child);
- }
- return $view;
- }
- private function getWebspaceKey(): ?string
- {
- $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
- if (!$request) {
- return null;
- }
- /** @var RequestAttributes $attributes */
- $attributes = $request->attributes->get('_sulu');
- if (!$attributes) {
- return null;
- }
- return $attributes->getAttribute('webspaceKey') ?? $attributes->getAttribute('webspace')->getKey();
- }
diff --git a/Document/Structure/RoutableStructureInterface.php b/Document/Structure/RoutableStructureInterface.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bb9c95bae..000000000
--- a/Document/Structure/RoutableStructureInterface.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-structureMetadataFactory = $structureMetadataFactory;
- $this->documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->documentInspector = $documentInspector;
- $this->slugifier = $slugifier;
- $this->resolver = $resolver;
- }
- public static function getSubscribedEvents()
- {
- return [
- Events::HYDRATE => [
- ['setParentOnHydrate', 1],
- ],
- Events::PERSIST => [
- ['checkOptions', 10000],
- ['setTitleOnPersist', 2000],
- ['setNodeOnPersist', 480],
- ['setPageTitleOnPersist'],
- ['setStructureTypeToParent', -2000],
- ['setWorkflowStageOnArticle', -2000],
- ],
- Events::REMOVE => ['setWorkflowStageOnArticle'],
- Events::METADATA_LOAD => ['handleMetadataLoad'],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Hydrate parent to avoid proxiing it.
- */
- public function setParentOnHydrate(HydrateEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticlePageDocument || $document->getParent()) {
- return;
- }
- $parent = $this->documentManager->find(
- $event->getNode()->getParent()->getIdentifier(),
- $document->getOriginalLocale(),
- $event->getOptions()
- );
- $document->setParent($parent);
- }
- /**
- * Check for missing persist options.
- */
- public function checkOptions(PersistEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticlePageDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $autoRename = $event->getOption('auto_rename');
- if (false !== $autoRename) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Persist "ArticlePageDocument" only with option "auto_rename" set to "false" allowed');
- }
- }
- /**
- * Set page-title from structure to document.
- */
- public function setTitleOnPersist(PersistEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticlePageDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $document->setTitle($document->getParent()->getTitle());
- }
- /**
- * Set workflow-stage to test for article.
- *
- * @param PersistEvent|RemoveEvent $event
- */
- public function setWorkflowStageOnArticle($event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticlePageDocument
- || LocalizationState::GHOST === $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($document->getParent())
- ) {
- return;
- }
- $document->getParent()->setWorkflowStage(WorkflowStage::TEST);
- /** @var array $options */
- $options = $event instanceof PersistEvent ? $event->getOptions() : [];
- $this->documentManager->persist(
- $document->getParent(),
- $this->documentInspector->getLocale($document),
- $options
- );
- }
- /**
- * Set node to event on persist.
- */
- public function setNodeOnPersist(PersistEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticlePageDocument || $event->hasNode()) {
- return;
- }
- $pageTitle = $this->getPageTitle($document);
- // if no page-title exists use a unique-id
- $nodeName = $this->slugifier->slugify($pageTitle ?: \uniqid('page-', true));
- $nodeName = $this->resolver->resolveName($event->getParentNode(), $nodeName);
- $node = $event->getParentNode()->addNode($nodeName);
- $event->setNode($node);
- }
- /**
- * Set page-title on persist event.
- */
- public function setPageTitleOnPersist(PersistEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleInterface || !\method_exists($document, 'setPageTitle')) {
- return;
- }
- $document->setPageTitle($this->getPageTitle($document));
- }
- /**
- * Returns page-title for node.
- */
- private function getPageTitle(ArticleInterface $document): ?string
- {
- $pageTitleProperty = $this->getPageTitleProperty($document);
- if (!$pageTitleProperty) {
- return null;
- }
- $stagedData = $document->getStructure()->getStagedData();
- if (\array_key_exists($pageTitleProperty->getName(), $stagedData)) {
- return $stagedData[$pageTitleProperty->getName()];
- }
- if (!$document->getStructure()->hasProperty($pageTitleProperty->getName())) {
- return null;
- }
- return $document->getStructure()->getProperty($pageTitleProperty->getName())->getValue();
- }
- /**
- * Find page-title property.
- */
- private function getPageTitleProperty(ArticleInterface $document): ?PropertyMetadata
- {
- $metadata = $this->structureMetadataFactory->getStructureMetadata(
- 'article_page',
- $document->getStructureType()
- );
- if ($metadata->hasPropertyWithTagName(self::PAGE_TITLE_TAG_NAME)) {
- return $metadata->getPropertyByTagName(self::PAGE_TITLE_TAG_NAME);
- }
- if ($metadata->hasProperty(self::PAGE_TITLE_PROPERTY_NAME)) {
- return $metadata->getProperty(self::PAGE_TITLE_PROPERTY_NAME);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Set structure-type to parent document.
- */
- public function setStructureTypeToParent(PersistEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticlePageDocument
- || LocalizationState::GHOST === $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($document->getParent())
- || $document->getStructureType() === $document->getParent()->getStructureType()
- ) {
- return;
- }
- $document->getParent()->setStructureType($document->getStructureType());
- $this->documentManager->persist($document->getParent(), $event->getLocale());
- }
- /**
- * Extend metadata for article-page.
- */
- public function handleMetadataLoad(MetadataLoadEvent $event): void
- {
- if (ArticlePageDocument::class !== $event->getMetadata()->getClass()
- && !\is_subclass_of($event->getMetadata()->getClass(), ArticlePageDocument::class)
- ) {
- return;
- }
- $metadata = $event->getMetadata();
- $metadata->setSyncRemoveLive(false);
- $metadata->addFieldMapping(
- 'pageTitle',
- [
- 'encoding' => 'system_localized',
- 'property' => 'suluPageTitle',
- ]
- );
- }
diff --git a/Document/Subscriber/ArticleSubscriber.php b/Document/Subscriber/ArticleSubscriber.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d0f114a6..000000000
--- a/Document/Subscriber/ArticleSubscriber.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,599 +0,0 @@
-indexer = $indexer;
- $this->liveIndexer = $liveIndexer;
- $this->documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->documentInspector = $documentInspector;
- $this->propertyEncoder = $propertyEncoder;
- }
- public static function getSubscribedEvents()
- {
- return [
- Events::HYDRATE => [
- ['hydratePageData', -2000],
- ],
- Events::PERSIST => [
- ['handleScheduleIndex', -500],
- ['handleChildrenPersist', 0],
- ['persistPageData', -2000],
- ],
- Events::REMOVE => [
- ['handleRemove', -500],
- ['handleRemoveLive', -500],
- ['handleRemovePage', -500],
- ],
- Events::PUBLISH => [
- ['handleScheduleIndexLive', 0],
- ['handleScheduleIndex', 0],
- ['synchronizeChildren', 0],
- ['publishChildren', 0],
- ['persistPageData', -2000],
- ],
- Events::REORDER => [['persistPageDataOnReorder', -2000]],
- Events::UNPUBLISH => 'handleUnpublish',
- Events::REMOVE_DRAFT => [['handleScheduleIndex', -1024], ['removeDraftChildren', 0]],
- Events::FLUSH => [['handleFlush', -2048], ['handleFlushLive', -2048]],
- Events::COPY => ['handleCopy'],
- Events::METADATA_LOAD => ['handleMetadataLoad'],
- Events::REMOVE_LOCALE => [['handleRemoveLocale', -500], ['handleRemoveLocaleLive', -500]],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Schedule article document for index.
- */
- public function handleScheduleIndex(AbstractMappingEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- if (!$document instanceof ArticlePageDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $document = $document->getParent();
- }
- $this->documents[$document->getUuid() . '_' . $document->getLocale()] = [
- 'uuid' => $document->getUuid(),
- 'locale' => $document->getLocale(),
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Schedule article document for live index.
- */
- public function handleScheduleIndexLive(AbstractMappingEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- if (!$document instanceof ArticlePageDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $document = $document->getParent();
- }
- $this->liveDocuments[$document->getUuid() . '_' . $document->getLocale()] = [
- 'uuid' => $document->getUuid(),
- 'locale' => $document->getLocale(),
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Syncs children between live and draft.
- */
- public function synchronizeChildren(PublishEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $liveNode = $event->getNode();
- $draftNode = $this->documentInspector->getNode($document);
- $liveChildren = $this->getChildren($liveNode);
- $draftChildren = $this->getChildren($draftNode);
- $removedChildrenIds = \array_diff(\array_keys($liveChildren), \array_keys($draftChildren));
- foreach ($removedChildrenIds as $removedChildrenId) {
- $liveChildren[$removedChildrenId]->remove();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns children of given node.
- *
- * @return NodeInterface[]
- */
- private function getChildren(NodeInterface $node): array
- {
- $result = [];
- foreach ($node->getNodes() as $child) {
- $result[$child->getIdentifier()] = $child;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * Publish pages when article will be published.
- */
- public function publishChildren(PublishEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $children = \iterator_to_array($document->getChildren());
- foreach ($children as $child) {
- if (LocalizationState::GHOST !== $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($child)) {
- $this->documentManager->publish($child, $event->getLocale());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Persist page-data for reordering children.
- */
- public function persistPageDataOnReorder(ReorderEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticlePageDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $document = $document->getParent();
- $node = $this->documentInspector->getNode($document);
- $this->setPageData($document, $node, $document->getLocale());
- $document->setWorkflowStage(WorkflowStage::TEST);
- $this->documentManager->persist($document, $this->documentInspector->getLocale($document));
- $this->documents[$document->getUuid() . '_' . $document->getLocale()] = [
- 'uuid' => $document->getUuid(),
- 'locale' => $document->getLocale(),
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Persist page-data.
- *
- * @param PersistEvent|PublishEvent $event
- */
- public function persistPageData($event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $this->setPageData($document, $event->getNode(), $event->getLocale());
- }
- /**
- * Set page-data for given document on given node.
- */
- private function setPageData(ArticleDocument $document, NodeInterface $node, string $locale): void
- {
- $pages = [
- [
- 'uuid' => $document->getUuid(),
- 'title' => $document->getPageTitle() ?: $document->getTitle(),
- 'routePath' => $document->getRoutePath(),
- 'pageNumber' => $document->getPageNumber(),
- ],
- ];
- foreach ($document->getChildren() as $child) {
- if ($child instanceof ArticlePageDocument
- && LocalizationState::GHOST !== $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($child)
- ) {
- $pages[] = [
- 'uuid' => $child->getUuid(),
- 'title' => $child->getPageTitle(),
- 'routePath' => $child->getRoutePath(),
- 'pageNumber' => $child->getPageNumber(),
- ];
- }
- }
- $pages = SortUtils::multisort($pages, '[pageNumber]');
- $document->setPages($pages);
- $node->setProperty(
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName(self::PAGES_PROPERTY, $locale),
- \json_encode($pages)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Hydrate page-data.
- */
- public function hydratePageData(HydrateEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $pages = $event->getNode()->getPropertyValueWithDefault(
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName(self::PAGES_PROPERTY, $document->getOriginalLocale()),
- \json_encode([])
- );
- $pages = \json_decode($pages, true);
- if (LocalizationState::SHADOW === $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($document)) {
- $pages = $this->loadPageDataForShadow($event->getNode(), $document, $pages);
- }
- $document->setPages($pages);
- }
- /**
- * Load `routePath` from current locale into `pageData`.
- */
- private function loadPageDataForShadow(NodeInterface $node, ArticleDocument $document, array $originalPages): array
- {
- $pages = $node->getPropertyValueWithDefault(
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName(self::PAGES_PROPERTY, $document->getLocale()),
- \json_encode([])
- );
- $pages = \json_decode($pages, true);
- for ($i = 0; $i < \count($originalPages); ++$i) {
- $pages[$i]['routePath'] = $originalPages[$i]['routePath'];
- }
- return $pages;
- }
- /**
- * Remove draft from children.
- */
- public function removeDraftChildren(RemoveDraftEvent $event)
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- foreach ($document->getChildren() as $child) {
- if (LocalizationState::GHOST === $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($child)) {
- continue;
- }
- try {
- $this->documentManager->removeDraft($child, $event->getLocale());
- } catch (PathNotFoundException $exception) {
- // child is not available in live workspace
- $node = $this->documentInspector->getNode($child);
- $node->remove();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Index all scheduled article documents with default indexer.
- */
- public function handleFlush(FlushEvent $event): void
- {
- if (\count($this->documents) < 1) {
- return;
- }
- foreach ($this->documents as $documentData) {
- /** @var ArticleDocument|null $document */
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($documentData['uuid'], $documentData['locale']);
- $this->documentManager->refresh($document);
- $this->indexer->index($document);
- }
- $this->indexer->flush();
- $this->documents = [];
- }
- /**
- * Index all scheduled article documents with live indexer.
- */
- public function handleFlushLive(FlushEvent $event): void
- {
- if (\count($this->liveDocuments) < 1) {
- return;
- }
- foreach ($this->liveDocuments as $documentData) {
- /** @var ArticleDocument|null $document */
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($documentData['uuid'], $documentData['locale']);
- $this->documentManager->refresh($document);
- $this->liveIndexer->index($document);
- }
- $this->liveIndexer->flush();
- $this->liveDocuments = [];
- }
- /**
- * Removes document from live index and unpublish document in default index.
- */
- public function handleUnpublish(UnpublishEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $this->liveIndexer->remove($document, $event->getLocale());
- $this->liveIndexer->flush();
- $this->indexer->setUnpublished($document->getUuid(), $event->getLocale());
- $this->indexer->flush();
- }
- /**
- * Reindex article if a page was removed.
- */
- public function handleRemovePage(RemoveEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticlePageDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $document = $document->getParent();
- $this->documents[$document->getUuid() . '_' . $document->getLocale()] = [
- 'uuid' => $document->getUuid(),
- 'locale' => $document->getLocale(),
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Removes article-document.
- */
- public function handleRemove(RemoveEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $this->indexer->remove($document);
- $this->indexer->flush();
- }
- /**
- * Removes localized article-document.
- */
- public function handleRemoveLocale(RemoveLocaleEvent $event)
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $concreteLocales = $this->documentInspector->getConcreteLocales($document);
- $ghostLocale = $document->getOriginalLocale();
- if (!\in_array($ghostLocale, $concreteLocales, true)) {
- $ghostLocale = $concreteLocales[0] ?? null;
- }
- if (null !== $ghostLocale) {
- /** @var ArticleDocument $document */
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($document->getUuid(), $ghostLocale);
- }
- $this->indexer->replaceWithGhostData($document, $event->getLocale());
- $this->indexer->flush();
- }
- /**
- * Removes article-document.
- *
- * @param RemoveEvent|UnpublishEvent $event
- */
- public function handleRemoveLive($event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $this->liveIndexer->remove($document);
- $this->liveIndexer->flush();
- }
- /**
- * Removes localized article-document from live index.
- */
- public function handleRemoveLocaleLive(RemoveLocaleEvent $event)
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $this->liveIndexer->remove($document, $event->getLocale());
- $this->liveIndexer->flush();
- }
- /**
- * Schedule document to index.
- */
- public function handleCopy(CopyEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $uuid = $event->getCopiedNode()->getIdentifier();
- $this->documents[$uuid . '_' . $document->getLocale()] = [
- 'uuid' => $uuid,
- 'locale' => $document->getLocale(),
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Schedule all children.
- */
- public function handleChildrenPersist(PersistEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- foreach ($document->getChildren() as $childDocument) {
- if (!$childDocument instanceof ArticlePageDocument) {
- continue;
- }
- $localizationState = $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($childDocument);
- if (LocalizationState::GHOST === $localizationState) {
- continue;
- }
- $changed = false;
- if ($document->getStructureType() !== $childDocument->getStructureType()) {
- $childDocument->setStructureType($document->getStructureType());
- $changed = true;
- }
- if ($document->getShadowLocale() !== $childDocument->getShadowLocale()) {
- $childDocument->setShadowLocale($document->getShadowLocale());
- $changed = true;
- }
- if ($document->isShadowLocaleEnabled() !== $childDocument->isShadowLocaleEnabled()) {
- $childDocument->setShadowLocaleEnabled($document->isShadowLocaleEnabled());
- $changed = true;
- }
- if ($changed) {
- $this->documentManager->persist(
- $childDocument,
- $childDocument->getLocale(),
- [
- 'clear_missing_content' => false,
- 'auto_name' => false,
- 'auto_rename' => false,
- ]
- );
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Extend metadata for article-page.
- */
- public function handleMetadataLoad(MetadataLoadEvent $event): void
- {
- if (ArticleDocument::class !== $event->getMetadata()->getClass()) {
- return;
- }
- $event->getMetadata()->addFieldMapping(
- 'pageTitle',
- [
- 'encoding' => 'system_localized',
- 'property' => 'suluPageTitle',
- ]
- );
- }
diff --git a/Document/Subscriber/DateShardingSubscriber.php b/Document/Subscriber/DateShardingSubscriber.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 738d9fe2b..000000000
--- a/Document/Subscriber/DateShardingSubscriber.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-pathBuilder = $pathBuilder;
- $this->nodeManager = $nodeManager;
- }
- public static function getSubscribedEvents()
- {
- return [
- Events::PERSIST => [
- ['handleSetParentNode', 481],
- ],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Set parent-node if no parent exists.
- *
- * The format of parent node is: /%base%/%articles%/
- */
- public function handleSetParentNode(PersistEvent $event): void
- {
- if (!$event->getDocument() instanceof DateShardingBehavior || $event->hasParentNode()) {
- return;
- }
- $date = $event->getDocument()->getCreated();
- if (null === $date) {
- $date = new \DateTime();
- }
- $path = $this->pathBuilder->build(['%base%', '%articles%', $date->format('Y'), $date->format('m')]);
- $event->setParentNode($this->nodeManager->createPath($path));
- }
diff --git a/Document/Subscriber/PageSubscriber.php b/Document/Subscriber/PageSubscriber.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dbc1ac0e..000000000
--- a/Document/Subscriber/PageSubscriber.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-documentInspector = $documentInspector;
- $this->propertyEncoder = $propertyEncoder;
- $this->documentManager = $documentManager;
- }
- public static function getSubscribedEvents()
- {
- return [
- Events::HYDRATE => ['handleHydrate'],
- Events::PERSIST => [['handlePersist', -1024]],
- Events::REMOVE => [['handleRemove', 5]],
- Events::PUBLISH => [['handlePublishPageNumber', -1024]],
- Events::REORDER => [['handleReorder', 0]],
- Events::RESTORE => [['handleRestore', -1024]],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Set the page-number to existing pages.
- */
- public function handleHydrate(HydrateEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- $node = $event->getNode();
- $propertyName = $this->propertyEncoder->systemName(static::FIELD);
- if (!$document instanceof PageBehavior || !$node->hasProperty($propertyName)) {
- return;
- }
- $node = $event->getNode();
- $document->setPageNumber($node->getPropertyValue($this->propertyEncoder->systemName(static::FIELD)));
- }
- /**
- * Set the page-number to new pages.
- */
- public function handlePersist(PersistEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- $node = $event->getNode();
- $propertyName = $this->propertyEncoder->systemName(static::FIELD);
- if (!$document instanceof PageBehavior) {
- return;
- }
- $parentDocument = $document->getParent();
- $page = 1;
- foreach ($parentDocument->getChildren() as $child) {
- if (!$child instanceof PageBehavior) {
- continue;
- }
- ++$page;
- if ($child === $document) {
- break;
- }
- }
- $node->setProperty($propertyName, $page);
- $document->setPageNumber($page);
- }
- /**
- * Adjust the page-numbers of siblings when reordering a page.
- */
- public function handleReorder(ReorderEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof PageBehavior) {
- return;
- }
- $propertyName = $this->propertyEncoder->systemName(static::FIELD);
- $parentNode = $this->documentInspector->getNode($document->getParent());
- $page = 1;
- foreach ($parentNode->getNodes() as $childNode) {
- $child = $this->documentManager->find($childNode->getIdentifier(), $event->getLocale());
- if (!$child instanceof PageBehavior) {
- continue;
- }
- $childNode->setProperty($propertyName, ++$page);
- $child->setPageNumber($page);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Copy page-number to live workspace.
- */
- public function handlePublishPageNumber(PublishEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- $node = $event->getNode();
- $propertyName = $this->propertyEncoder->systemName(static::FIELD);
- if (!$document instanceof PageBehavior) {
- return;
- }
- $node->setProperty($propertyName, $document->getPageNumber());
- }
- /**
- * Adjust the page-numbers of siblings when removing a page.
- */
- public function handleRemove(RemoveEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof PageBehavior) {
- return;
- }
- $page = 1;
- foreach ($document->getParent()->getChildren() as $child) {
- if (!$child instanceof PageBehavior || $child->getUuid() === $document->getUuid()) {
- continue;
- }
- $childNode = $this->documentInspector->getNode($child);
- $childNode->setProperty($this->propertyEncoder->systemName(static::FIELD), ++$page);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adjust the page-numbers of siblings when restoring a page.
- */
- public function handleRestore(RestoreEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ChildrenBehavior) {
- return;
- }
- $page = 1;
- foreach ($document->getChildren() as $child) {
- if (!$child instanceof PageBehavior) {
- continue;
- }
- $childNode = $this->documentInspector->getNode($child);
- $childNode->setProperty($this->propertyEncoder->systemName(static::FIELD), ++$page);
- }
- }
diff --git a/Document/Subscriber/RoutableSubscriber.php b/Document/Subscriber/RoutableSubscriber.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac291072..000000000
--- a/Document/Subscriber/RoutableSubscriber.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-chainRouteGenerator = $chainRouteGenerator;
- $this->routeManager = $routeManager;
- $this->routeRepository = $routeRepository;
- $this->entityManager = $entityManager;
- $this->documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->documentInspector = $documentInspector;
- $this->propertyEncoder = $propertyEncoder;
- $this->metadataFactory = $metadataFactory;
- $this->conflictResolver = $conflictResolver;
- }
- public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
- {
- return [
- Events::PERSIST => [
- // low priority because all other subscriber should be finished
- ['handlePersist', -2048],
- ],
- Events::REMOVE => [
- // high priority to ensure nodes are not deleted until we iterate over children
- ['handleRemove', 2048],
- ],
- Events::PUBLISH => ['handlePublish', -2048],
- Events::REORDER => ['handleReorder', -1024],
- Events::COPY => ['handleCopy', -2048],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Generate route and save route-path.
- */
- public function handlePersist(AbstractMappingEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof RoutablePageBehavior || !$document instanceof ChildrenBehavior) {
- return;
- }
- $this->updateChildRoutes($document);
- }
- /**
- * Regenerate routes for siblings on reorder.
- */
- public function handleReorder(ReorderEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof RoutablePageBehavior || !$document instanceof ParentBehavior) {
- return;
- }
- $parentDocument = $document->getParent();
- if (!$parentDocument instanceof ChildrenBehavior) {
- return;
- }
- $this->updateChildRoutes($parentDocument);
- }
- /**
- * Handle publish event and generate route and the child-routes.
- *
- * @throws ResourceLocatorAlreadyExistsException
- */
- public function handlePublish(PublishEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof RoutableBehavior) {
- return;
- }
- $propertyName = $this->getPropertyName($event->getLocale(), self::ROUTES_PROPERTY);
- // check if nodes previous generated routes exists and remove them if not
- $oldRoutes = $event->getNode()->getPropertyValueWithDefault($propertyName, []);
- $this->removeOldChildRoutes($event->getNode()->getSession(), $oldRoutes, $event->getLocale());
- $routes = [];
- if ($document instanceof ChildrenBehavior) {
- // generate new routes of children
- $routes = $this->generateChildRoutes($document, $event->getLocale());
- }
- // save the newly generated routes of children
- $event->getNode()->setProperty($propertyName, $routes);
- $this->entityManager->flush();
- }
- /**
- * Removes route.
- */
- public function handleRemove(RemoveEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof RoutableBehavior || !$document instanceof ChildrenBehavior) {
- return;
- }
- $locales = $this->documentInspector->getLocales($document);
- foreach ($locales as $locale) {
- $this->removeChildRoutes($document, $locale);
- }
- $this->entityManager->flush();
- }
- /**
- * Update routes for copied article.
- */
- public function handleCopy(CopyEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof RoutableBehavior) {
- return;
- }
- $locales = $this->documentInspector->getLocales($document);
- foreach ($locales as $locale) {
- $localizedDocument = $this->documentManager->find($event->getCopiedPath(), $locale);
- if ($localizedDocument instanceof ChildrenBehavior) {
- $this->generateChildRoutes($localizedDocument, $locale);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create or update for given document.
- */
- private function createOrUpdatePageRoute(RoutablePageBehavior $document, string $locale): RouteInterface
- {
- $route = $this->reallocateExistingRoute($document, $locale);
- if ($route) {
- return $route;
- }
- $route = $document->getRoute();
- if (!$route) {
- $route = $this->routeRepository->findByEntity($document->getClass(), $document->getUuid(), $locale);
- }
- if ($route && $route->getEntityId() !== $document->getId()) {
- // Mismatch of entity-id's happens because doctrine don't check entities which has been changed in the
- // current session.
- $document->removeRoute();
- $route = null;
- }
- if ($route) {
- $document->setRoute($route);
- return $this->routeManager->update($document, null, false);
- }
- return $this->routeManager->create($document);
- }
- /**
- * Reallocates existing route to given document.
- */
- private function reallocateExistingRoute(RoutablePageBehavior $document, string $locale): ?RouteInterface
- {
- $newRoute = $this->routeRepository->findByPath($document->getRoutePath(), $locale);
- if (!$newRoute) {
- return null;
- }
- $oldRoute = $this->routeRepository->findByEntity(\get_class($document), $document->getUuid(), $locale);
- $history = $this->routeRepository->findHistoryByEntity(\get_class($document), $document->getUuid(), $locale);
- /** @var RouteInterface $historyRoute */
- foreach (\array_filter(\array_merge($history, [$oldRoute])) as $historyRoute) {
- if ($historyRoute->getId() === $newRoute->getId() || $document->getId() !== $historyRoute->getEntityId()) {
- // Mismatch of entity-id's happens because doctrine don't check entities which has been changed in the
- // current session. If the old-route was already reused by a page before it will be returned in the
- // query of line 329.
- continue;
- }
- $historyRoute->setTarget($newRoute);
- $historyRoute->setHistory(true);
- $newRoute->addHistory($historyRoute);
- }
- $newRoute->setEntityClass(\get_class($document));
- $newRoute->setEntityId($document->getId());
- $newRoute->setTarget(null);
- $newRoute->setHistory(false);
- return $newRoute;
- }
- private function updateRoute(RoutablePageBehavior $document): void
- {
- $locale = $this->documentInspector->getLocale($document);
- $propertyName = $this->getRoutePathPropertyName((string) $document->getStructureType(), $locale);
- $route = $this->chainRouteGenerator->generate($document);
- $document->setRoutePath($route->getPath());
- $node = $this->documentInspector->getNode($document);
- $node->setProperty($propertyName, $route->getPath());
- $node->setProperty($this->propertyEncoder->localizedContentName(self::ROUTE_FIELD_NAME, (string) $locale), $propertyName);
- }
- private function updateChildRoutes(ChildrenBehavior $document): void
- {
- foreach ($document->getChildren() as $childDocument) {
- if (!$childDocument instanceof RoutablePageBehavior) {
- continue;
- }
- $this->updateRoute($childDocument);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Generates child routes.
- *
- * @return string[]
- */
- private function generateChildRoutes(ChildrenBehavior $document, string $locale): array
- {
- $routes = [];
- foreach ($document->getChildren() as $child) {
- if (!$child instanceof RoutablePageBehavior) {
- continue;
- }
- $childRoute = $this->createOrUpdatePageRoute($child, $locale);
- $this->entityManager->persist($childRoute);
- $child->setRoutePath($childRoute->getPath());
- $childNode = $this->documentInspector->getNode($child);
- $propertyName = $this->getRoutePathPropertyName((string) $child->getStructureType(), $locale);
- $childNode->setProperty($propertyName, $childRoute->getPath());
- $routes[] = $childRoute->getPath();
- }
- return $routes;
- }
- /**
- * Removes old-routes where the node does not exists anymore.
- */
- private function removeOldChildRoutes(SessionInterface $session, array $oldRoutes, string $locale): void
- {
- foreach ($oldRoutes as $oldRoute) {
- $oldRouteEntity = $this->routeRepository->findByPath($oldRoute, $locale);
- if ($oldRouteEntity && !$this->nodeExists($session, $oldRouteEntity->getEntityId())) {
- $this->entityManager->remove($oldRouteEntity);
- }
- }
- $this->entityManager->flush();
- }
- /**
- * Iterate over children and remove routes.
- */
- private function removeChildRoutes(ChildrenBehavior $document, string $locale): void
- {
- foreach ($document->getChildren() as $child) {
- if ($child instanceof RoutablePageBehavior) {
- $this->removeChildRoute($child, $locale);
- }
- if ($child instanceof ChildrenBehavior) {
- $this->removeChildRoutes($child, $locale);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes route if exists.
- */
- private function removeChildRoute(RoutablePageBehavior $document, string $locale): void
- {
- $route = $this->routeRepository->findByPath($document->getRoutePath(), $locale);
- if ($route) {
- $this->entityManager->remove($route);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns encoded "routePath" property-name.
- */
- private function getRoutePathPropertyName(string $structureType, string $locale): string
- {
- $metadata = $this->metadataFactory->getStructureMetadata('article', $structureType);
- if ($metadata->hasTag(self::TAG_NAME)) {
- return $this->getPropertyName($locale, $metadata->getPropertyByTagName(self::TAG_NAME)->getName());
- }
- return $this->getPropertyName($locale, self::ROUTE_FIELD);
- }
- /**
- * Returns encoded property-name.
- */
- private function getPropertyName(string $locale, string $field): string
- {
- return $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName($field, $locale);
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if given uuid exists.
- */
- private function nodeExists(SessionInterface $session, string $uuid): bool
- {
- try {
- $session->getNodeByIdentifier($uuid);
- return true;
- } catch (ItemNotFoundException $exception) {
- return false;
- }
- }
diff --git a/Document/Subscriber/WebspaceSubscriber.php b/Document/Subscriber/WebspaceSubscriber.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bb8d23b9..000000000
--- a/Document/Subscriber/WebspaceSubscriber.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->documentInspector = $documentInspector;
- $this->propertyEncoder = $propertyEncoder;
- }
- public static function getSubscribedEvents()
- {
- return [
- Events::HYDRATE => ['loadProperties'],
- Events::PERSIST => ['saveProperties'],
- Events::PUBLISH => ['saveProperties'],
- ];
- }
- public function loadProperties(AbstractMappingEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof WebspaceBehavior) {
- return;
- }
- $locale = $event->getLocale();
- if (LocalizationState::GHOST === $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($document)) {
- $locale = $document->getOriginalLocale();
- }
- $mainWebspace = $event->getNode()->getPropertyValueWithDefault(
- $this->getMainWebspacePropertyName($locale),
- null
- );
- $additionalWebspaces = $event->getNode()->getPropertyValueWithDefault(
- $this->getAdditionalWebspacesPropertyName($locale),
- null
- );
- $document->setMainWebspace($mainWebspace);
- $document->setAdditionalWebspaces($additionalWebspaces);
- }
- public function saveProperties(AbstractMappingEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleInterface || !$document instanceof WebspaceBehavior) {
- return;
- }
- $parentPageUuid = $this->getParentPageUuidFromPageTree($document);
- if ($parentPageUuid) {
- // we know now it's a `page_tree_route` route
- // so load the parent and find out the webspace
- try {
- $parentDocument = $this->documentManager->find($parentPageUuid, $event->getLocale());
- $mainWebspace = $this->documentInspector->getWebspace($parentDocument);
- $document->setMainWebspace($mainWebspace);
- $document->setAdditionalWebspaces([]);
- } catch (DocumentNotFoundException $exception) {
- // Do nothing, because when the parent page was deleted it should still work while restoring.
- }
- }
- $mainWebspace = $document->getMainWebspace();
- $additionalWebspaces = null;
- if ($mainWebspace) {
- $mainWebspace = $document->getMainWebspace();
- $additionalWebspaces = $document->getAdditionalWebspaces();
- }
- $event->getNode()->setProperty(
- $this->getMainWebspacePropertyName($document->getLocale()),
- $mainWebspace
- );
- $event->getNode()->setProperty(
- $this->getAdditionalWebspacesPropertyName($document->getLocale()),
- $additionalWebspaces
- );
- }
- /**
- * Returns encoded "mainWebspace" property-name.
- */
- private function getMainWebspacePropertyName(string $locale): string
- {
- return $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName(self::MAIN_WEBSPACE_PROPERTY, $locale);
- }
- /**
- * Returns encoded "additionalWebspaces" property-name.
- */
- private function getAdditionalWebspacesPropertyName(string $locale): string
- {
- return $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName(self::ADDITIONAL_WEBSPACES_PROPERTY, $locale);
- }
- protected function getDocumentInspector()
- {
- return $this->documentInspector;
- }
diff --git a/Document/TagViewObject.php b/Document/TagViewObject.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 18df5e713..000000000
--- a/Document/TagViewObject.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-articleDocument = $articleDocument;
- $this->sourceArticleId = $sourceArticleId;
- $this->sourceArticleTitle = $sourceArticleTitle;
- $this->sourceArticleTitleLocale = $sourceArticleTitleLocale;
- }
- public function getArticleDocument(): ArticleDocument
- {
- return $this->articleDocument;
- }
- public function getEventType(): string
- {
- return 'copied';
- }
- public function getEventContext(): array
- {
- return [
- 'sourceArticleId' => $this->sourceArticleId,
- 'sourceArticleTitle' => $this->sourceArticleTitle,
- 'sourceArticleTitleLocale' => $this->sourceArticleTitleLocale,
- ];
- }
- public function getResourceKey(): string
- {
- return ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY;
- }
- public function getResourceId(): string
- {
- return (string) $this->articleDocument->getUuid();
- }
- public function getResourceTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getTitle();
- }
- public function getResourceTitleLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getLocale();
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityContext(): ?string
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
diff --git a/Domain/Event/ArticleCreatedEvent.php b/Domain/Event/ArticleCreatedEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9db716b07..000000000
--- a/Domain/Event/ArticleCreatedEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-articleDocument = $articleDocument;
- $this->locale = $locale;
- $this->payload = $payload;
- }
- public function getArticleDocument(): ArticleDocument
- {
- return $this->articleDocument;
- }
- public function getEventType(): string
- {
- return 'created';
- }
- public function getEventPayload(): ?array
- {
- return $this->payload;
- }
- public function getResourceKey(): string
- {
- return ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY;
- }
- public function getResourceId(): string
- {
- return (string) $this->articleDocument->getUuid();
- }
- public function getResourceLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->locale;
- }
- public function getResourceTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getTitle();
- }
- public function getResourceTitleLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getLocale();
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityContext(): ?string
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
diff --git a/Domain/Event/ArticleDraftRemovedEvent.php b/Domain/Event/ArticleDraftRemovedEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d5378ee6e..000000000
--- a/Domain/Event/ArticleDraftRemovedEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-articleDocument = $articleDocument;
- $this->locale = $locale;
- }
- public function getArticleDocument(): ArticleDocument
- {
- return $this->articleDocument;
- }
- public function getEventType(): string
- {
- return 'draft_removed';
- }
- public function getResourceKey(): string
- {
- return ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY;
- }
- public function getResourceId(): string
- {
- return (string) $this->articleDocument->getUuid();
- }
- public function getResourceLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->locale;
- }
- public function getResourceTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getTitle();
- }
- public function getResourceTitleLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getLocale();
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityContext(): ?string
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
diff --git a/Domain/Event/ArticleModifiedEvent.php b/Domain/Event/ArticleModifiedEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ca7c15fc..000000000
--- a/Domain/Event/ArticleModifiedEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-articleDocument = $articleDocument;
- $this->locale = $locale;
- $this->payload = $payload;
- }
- public function getArticleDocument(): ArticleDocument
- {
- return $this->articleDocument;
- }
- public function getEventType(): string
- {
- return 'modified';
- }
- public function getEventPayload(): ?array
- {
- return $this->payload;
- }
- public function getResourceKey(): string
- {
- return ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY;
- }
- public function getResourceId(): string
- {
- return (string) $this->articleDocument->getUuid();
- }
- public function getResourceLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->locale;
- }
- public function getResourceTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getTitle();
- }
- public function getResourceTitleLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getLocale();
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityContext(): ?string
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
diff --git a/Domain/Event/ArticlePublishedEvent.php b/Domain/Event/ArticlePublishedEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index af96beab9..000000000
--- a/Domain/Event/ArticlePublishedEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-articleDocument = $articleDocument;
- $this->locale = $locale;
- }
- public function getArticleDocument(): ArticleDocument
- {
- return $this->articleDocument;
- }
- public function getEventType(): string
- {
- return 'published';
- }
- public function getResourceKey(): string
- {
- return ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY;
- }
- public function getResourceId(): string
- {
- return (string) $this->articleDocument->getUuid();
- }
- public function getResourceLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->locale;
- }
- public function getResourceTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getTitle();
- }
- public function getResourceTitleLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getLocale();
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityContext(): ?string
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
diff --git a/Domain/Event/ArticleRemovedEvent.php b/Domain/Event/ArticleRemovedEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b207ac22f..000000000
--- a/Domain/Event/ArticleRemovedEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-articleId = $articleId;
- $this->articleTitle = $articleTitle;
- $this->articleTitleLocale = $articleTitleLocale;
- }
- public function getEventType(): string
- {
- return 'removed';
- }
- public function getResourceKey(): string
- {
- return ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY;
- }
- public function getResourceId(): string
- {
- return $this->articleId;
- }
- public function getResourceTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleTitle;
- }
- public function getResourceTitleLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleTitleLocale;
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityContext(): ?string
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
diff --git a/Domain/Event/ArticleRestoredEvent.php b/Domain/Event/ArticleRestoredEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 91775bfe8..000000000
--- a/Domain/Event/ArticleRestoredEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-articleDocument = $articleDocument;
- $this->payload = $payload;
- }
- public function getArticleDocument(): ArticleDocument
- {
- return $this->articleDocument;
- }
- public function getEventType(): string
- {
- return 'restored';
- }
- public function getEventPayload(): ?array
- {
- return $this->payload;
- }
- public function getResourceKey(): string
- {
- return ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY;
- }
- public function getResourceId(): string
- {
- return (string) $this->articleDocument->getUuid();
- }
- public function getResourceTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getTitle();
- }
- public function getResourceTitleLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getLocale();
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityContext(): ?string
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
diff --git a/Domain/Event/ArticleTranslationAddedEvent.php b/Domain/Event/ArticleTranslationAddedEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 697940421..000000000
--- a/Domain/Event/ArticleTranslationAddedEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-articleDocument = $articleDocument;
- $this->locale = $locale;
- $this->payload = $payload;
- }
- public function getArticleDocument(): ArticleDocument
- {
- return $this->articleDocument;
- }
- public function getEventType(): string
- {
- return 'translation_added';
- }
- public function getEventPayload(): ?array
- {
- return $this->payload;
- }
- public function getResourceKey(): string
- {
- return ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY;
- }
- public function getResourceId(): string
- {
- return (string) $this->articleDocument->getUuid();
- }
- public function getResourceLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->locale;
- }
- public function getResourceTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getTitle();
- }
- public function getResourceTitleLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getLocale();
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityContext(): ?string
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
diff --git a/Domain/Event/ArticleTranslationCopiedEvent.php b/Domain/Event/ArticleTranslationCopiedEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 309e717ff..000000000
--- a/Domain/Event/ArticleTranslationCopiedEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-articleDocument = $articleDocument;
- $this->locale = $locale;
- $this->sourceLocale = $sourceLocale;
- $this->payload = $payload;
- }
- public function getArticleDocument(): ArticleDocument
- {
- return $this->articleDocument;
- }
- public function getEventType(): string
- {
- return 'translation_copied';
- }
- public function getEventContext(): array
- {
- return [
- 'sourceLocale' => $this->sourceLocale,
- ];
- }
- public function getEventPayload(): ?array
- {
- return $this->payload;
- }
- public function getResourceKey(): string
- {
- return ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY;
- }
- public function getResourceId(): string
- {
- return (string) $this->articleDocument->getUuid();
- }
- public function getResourceLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->locale;
- }
- public function getResourceTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getTitle();
- }
- public function getResourceTitleLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getLocale();
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityContext(): ?string
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
diff --git a/Domain/Event/ArticleTranslationRemovedEvent.php b/Domain/Event/ArticleTranslationRemovedEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a1ff580c..000000000
--- a/Domain/Event/ArticleTranslationRemovedEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-articleDocument = $articleDocument;
- $this->locale = $locale;
- }
- public function getArticleDocument(): ArticleDocument
- {
- return $this->articleDocument;
- }
- public function getEventType(): string
- {
- return 'translation_removed';
- }
- public function getResourceKey(): string
- {
- return ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY;
- }
- public function getResourceId(): string
- {
- return (string) $this->articleDocument->getUuid();
- }
- public function getResourceLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->locale;
- }
- public function getResourceTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getTitle();
- }
- public function getResourceTitleLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getLocale();
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityContext(): ?string
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
diff --git a/Domain/Event/ArticleTranslationRestoredEvent.php b/Domain/Event/ArticleTranslationRestoredEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 44922f811..000000000
--- a/Domain/Event/ArticleTranslationRestoredEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-articleDocument = $articleDocument;
- $this->locale = $locale;
- $this->payload = $payload;
- }
- public function getArticleDocument(): ArticleDocument
- {
- return $this->articleDocument;
- }
- public function getEventType(): string
- {
- return 'translation_restored';
- }
- public function getEventPayload(): ?array
- {
- return $this->payload;
- }
- public function getResourceKey(): string
- {
- return ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY;
- }
- public function getResourceId(): string
- {
- return (string) $this->articleDocument->getUuid();
- }
- public function getResourceLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->locale;
- }
- public function getResourceTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getTitle();
- }
- public function getResourceTitleLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getLocale();
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityContext(): ?string
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
diff --git a/Domain/Event/ArticleUnpublishedEvent.php b/Domain/Event/ArticleUnpublishedEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 79df54bf3..000000000
--- a/Domain/Event/ArticleUnpublishedEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-articleDocument = $articleDocument;
- $this->locale = $locale;
- }
- public function getArticleDocument(): ArticleDocument
- {
- return $this->articleDocument;
- }
- public function getEventType(): string
- {
- return 'unpublished';
- }
- public function getResourceKey(): string
- {
- return ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY;
- }
- public function getResourceId(): string
- {
- return (string) $this->articleDocument->getUuid();
- }
- public function getResourceLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->locale;
- }
- public function getResourceTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getTitle();
- }
- public function getResourceTitleLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getLocale();
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityContext(): ?string
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityObjectType(): ?string
- {
- return SecurityBehavior::class;
- }
diff --git a/Domain/Event/ArticleVersionRestoredEvent.php b/Domain/Event/ArticleVersionRestoredEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 12a8f6ba5..000000000
--- a/Domain/Event/ArticleVersionRestoredEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-articleDocument = $articleDocument;
- $this->locale = $locale;
- $this->version = $version;
- }
- public function getArticleDocument(): ArticleDocument
- {
- return $this->articleDocument;
- }
- public function getEventType(): string
- {
- return 'version_restored';
- }
- public function getEventContext(): array
- {
- return [
- 'version' => $this->version,
- ];
- }
- public function getResourceKey(): string
- {
- return ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY;
- }
- public function getResourceId(): string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getUuid();
- }
- public function getResourceLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->locale;
- }
- public function getResourceTitle(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getTitle();
- }
- public function getResourceTitleLocale(): ?string
- {
- return $this->articleDocument->getLocale();
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityContext(): ?string
- {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
- public function getResourceSecurityObjectType(): ?string
- {
- return SecurityBehavior::class;
- }
diff --git a/Elasticsearch/AnnotationReader.php b/Elasticsearch/AnnotationReader.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 00cd9411f..000000000
--- a/Elasticsearch/AnnotationReader.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-inner = $inner;
- $this->articleViewDocumentClass = $articleViewDocumentClass;
- }
- public function getClassAnnotations(\ReflectionClass $class)
- {
- return $this->inner->getClassAnnotations($class);
- }
- public function getClassAnnotation(\ReflectionClass $class, $annotationName)
- {
- $result = $this->inner->getClassAnnotation($class, $annotationName);
- if (!$result && Document::class === $annotationName && $class->getName() === $this->articleViewDocumentClass) {
- $annotation = new Document();
- $annotation->type = 'article';
- return $annotation;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- public function getMethodAnnotations(\ReflectionMethod $method)
- {
- return $this->inner->getMethodAnnotations($method);
- }
- public function getMethodAnnotation(\ReflectionMethod $method, $annotationName)
- {
- return $this->inner->getMethodAnnotation($method, $annotationName);
- }
- public function getPropertyAnnotations(\ReflectionProperty $property)
- {
- return $this->inner->getPropertyAnnotations($property);
- }
- public function getPropertyAnnotation(\ReflectionProperty $property, $annotationName)
- {
- return $this->inner->getPropertyAnnotation($property, $annotationName);
- }
diff --git a/Elasticsearch/EventAwareConverter.php b/Elasticsearch/EventAwareConverter.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d088f73bc..000000000
--- a/Elasticsearch/EventAwareConverter.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-dispatcher = $dispatcher;
- }
- public function convertToDocument($rawData, Manager $manager)
- {
- $document = parent::convertToDocument($rawData, $manager);
- $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new PostConvertToDocumentEvent($rawData, $document, $manager), PostConvertToDocumentEvent::NAME);
- return $document;
- }
diff --git a/Elasticsearch/PostConvertToDocumentEvent.php b/Elasticsearch/PostConvertToDocumentEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1efb36c90..000000000
--- a/Elasticsearch/PostConvertToDocumentEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-rawData = $rawData;
- $this->document = $document;
- $this->manager = $manager;
- }
- /**
- * Returns rawData.
- */
- public function getRawData(): array
- {
- return $this->rawData;
- }
- /**
- * Returns document.
- */
- public function getDocument(): object
- {
- return $this->document;
- }
- /**
- * Returns manager.
- */
- public function getManager(): Manager
- {
- return $this->manager;
- }
diff --git a/Event/IndexEvent.php b/Event/IndexEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b4c510352..000000000
--- a/Event/IndexEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-document = $document;
- $this->viewDocument = $viewDocument;
- }
- /**
- * Returns article.
- */
- public function getDocument(): ArticleDocument
- {
- return $this->document;
- }
- /**
- * Returns view-document.
- */
- public function getViewDocument(): ArticleViewDocumentInterface
- {
- return $this->viewDocument;
- }
diff --git a/EventListener/ArticleTrashSubscriber.php b/EventListener/ArticleTrashSubscriber.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c79fc9f9e..000000000
--- a/EventListener/ArticleTrashSubscriber.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-trashManager = $trashManager;
- $this->entityManager = $entityManager;
- }
- /**
- * @return array
- */
- public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
- {
- return [
- Events::REMOVE => ['storeArticleToTrash', 1024],
- Events::REMOVE_LOCALE => ['storeArticleTranslationToTrash', 1024],
- Events::FLUSH => 'flushTrashItem',
- Events::CLEAR => 'clearPendingTrashItem',
- ];
- }
- public function storeArticleToTrash(RemoveEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $this->trashManager->store(ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY, $document);
- $this->hasPendingTrashItem = true;
- }
- public function storeArticleTranslationToTrash(RemoveLocaleEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $this->trashManager->store(
- ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY,
- $document,
- ['locale' => $event->getLocale()]
- );
- $this->hasPendingTrashItem = true;
- }
- public function flushTrashItem(FlushEvent $event): void
- {
- if (!$this->hasPendingTrashItem) {
- return;
- }
- $this->entityManager->flush();
- $this->hasPendingTrashItem = false;
- }
- public function clearPendingTrashItem(ClearEvent $event): void
- {
- $this->hasPendingTrashItem = false;
- }
diff --git a/EventListener/ContentProxyListener.php b/EventListener/ContentProxyListener.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f39e71d8e..000000000
--- a/EventListener/ContentProxyListener.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-contentProxyFactory = $contentProxyFactory;
- $this->structureManager = $structureManager;
- }
- /**
- * Add the proxies for content and view to view-documents.
- */
- public function onPostConvertToDocument(PostConvertToDocumentEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleViewDocumentInterface) {
- return;
- }
- $structure = $this->structureManager->getStructure($document->getStructureType(), 'article');
- if (!$structure) {
- throw new \RuntimeException(\sprintf('Could not find article structure from type "%s".', $document->getStructureType()));
- }
- $structure->setUuid($document->getUuid());
- $structure->setLanguageCode($document->getLocale());
- list($content, $view) = $this->getProxies($document->getContentData(), $structure);
- $document->setContent($content);
- $document->setView($view);
- foreach ($document->getPages() as $page) {
- $structure->setUuid($page->uuid);
- list($page->content, $page->view) = $this->getProxies($page->contentData, $structure);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create content and view proxy for given content-data.
- */
- private function getProxies(string $contentData, StructureInterface $structure): array
- {
- $contentData = $contentData ?: '{}';
- $data = \json_decode($contentData, true);
- $content = $this->contentProxyFactory->createContentProxy($structure, $data);
- $view = $this->contentProxyFactory->createViewProxy($structure, $data);
- return [$content, $view];
- }
diff --git a/EventListener/DomainEventSubscriber.php b/EventListener/DomainEventSubscriber.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 11d17788d..000000000
--- a/EventListener/DomainEventSubscriber.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
- */
- private $eventsToBeDispatchedAfterFlush = [];
- /**
- * @var array
- */
- private $persistEventsWithNewDocument = [];
- /**
- * @var array
- */
- private $persistEventsWithNewLocale = [];
- public function __construct(
- DocumentDomainEventCollectorInterface $domainEventCollector,
- DocumentManagerInterface $documentManager,
- PropertyEncoder $propertyEncoder
- ) {
- $this->domainEventCollector = $domainEventCollector;
- $this->documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->propertyEncoder = $propertyEncoder;
- }
- /**
- * @return array
- */
- public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
- {
- return [
- Events::FLUSH => 'handleFlush',
- Events::PERSIST => [
- ['handlePrePersist', 479], // Priority needs to be lower than AutoNameSubscriber::handlePersist (480)
- ['handlePersist', -10000],
- ],
- Events::REMOVE => ['handleRemove', -10000],
- Events::REMOVE_LOCALE => ['handleRemoveLocale', -10000],
- Events::COPY_LOCALE => ['handleCopyLocale', -10000],
- Events::COPY => ['handleCopy', -10000],
- Events::PUBLISH => ['handlePublish', -10000],
- Events::UNPUBLISH => ['handleUnpublish', -10000],
- Events::REMOVE_DRAFT => ['handleRemoveDraft', -10000],
- Events::RESTORE => ['handleRestore', -10000],
- ];
- }
- public function handleFlush(FlushEvent $event): void
- {
- $eventsToBeDispatched = $this->eventsToBeDispatchedAfterFlush;
- if (0 === \count($eventsToBeDispatched)) {
- return;
- }
- $this->eventsToBeDispatchedAfterFlush = [];
- foreach ($eventsToBeDispatched as $eventConfig) {
- $type = $eventConfig['type'] ?? null;
- $options = $eventConfig['options'] ?? [];
- switch ($type) {
- case ArticleCopiedEvent::class:
- $articlePath = $options['articlePath'] ?? null;
- Assert::notNull($articlePath);
- $locale = $options['locale'] ?? null;
- Assert::notNull($locale);
- $sourceArticleId = $options['sourceArticleId'] ?? null;
- Assert::notNull($sourceArticleId);
- $sourceArticleTitle = $options['sourceArticleTitle'] ?? null;
- Assert::notNull($sourceArticleTitle);
- /** @var ArticleDocument $document */
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($articlePath, $locale);
- $this->domainEventCollector->collect(
- new ArticleCopiedEvent(
- $document,
- $sourceArticleId,
- $sourceArticleTitle,
- $locale
- )
- );
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- public function handlePrePersist(PersistEvent $event): void
- {
- if (!$event->hasNode()) {
- return;
- }
- /** @var string|null $locale */
- $locale = $event->getLocale();
- $node = $event->getNode();
- if (null === $locale) {
- return;
- }
- $eventHash = \spl_object_hash($event);
- if ($this->isNewNode($node)) {
- $this->persistEventsWithNewDocument[$eventHash] = true;
- return;
- }
- if ($this->isNewTranslation($node, $locale)) {
- $this->persistEventsWithNewLocale[$eventHash] = true;
- }
- }
- public function handlePersist(PersistEvent $event): void
- {
- if (true === $event->getOption('omit_modified_domain_event')) {
- return;
- }
- /** @var string|null $locale */
- $locale = $event->getLocale();
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (null === $locale || !$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $payload = $this->getPayloadFromArticleDocument($document);
- $eventHash = \spl_object_hash($event);
- if (true === ($this->persistEventsWithNewDocument[$eventHash] ?? null)) {
- unset($this->persistEventsWithNewDocument[$eventHash]);
- $this->domainEventCollector->collect(
- new ArticleCreatedEvent($document, $locale, $payload)
- );
- return;
- }
- if (true === ($this->persistEventsWithNewLocale[$eventHash] ?? null)) {
- unset($this->persistEventsWithNewLocale[$eventHash]);
- $this->domainEventCollector->collect(
- new ArticleTranslationAddedEvent($document, $locale, $payload)
- );
- return;
- }
- $this->domainEventCollector->collect(
- new ArticleModifiedEvent($document, $locale, $payload)
- );
- }
- public function handleRemove(RemoveEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $this->domainEventCollector->collect(
- new ArticleRemovedEvent(
- $document->getUuid(),
- $document->getTitle(),
- $document->getLocale()
- )
- );
- }
- public function handleRemoveLocale(RemoveLocaleEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- $locale = $event->getLocale();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $this->domainEventCollector->collect(
- new ArticleTranslationRemovedEvent(
- $document,
- $locale
- )
- );
- }
- public function handleCopyLocale(CopyLocaleEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $destDocument = $event->getDestDocument();
- if (!$destDocument instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $destLocale = $event->getDestLocale();
- $sourceLocale = $event->getLocale();
- $payload = $this->getPayloadFromArticleDocument($destDocument);
- $this->domainEventCollector->collect(
- new ArticleTranslationCopiedEvent(
- $destDocument,
- $destLocale,
- $sourceLocale,
- $payload
- )
- );
- }
- public function handleCopy(CopyEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $this->eventsToBeDispatchedAfterFlush[] = [
- 'type' => ArticleCopiedEvent::class,
- 'options' => [
- 'articlePath' => $event->getCopiedPath(),
- 'locale' => $document->getLocale(),
- 'sourceArticleId' => $document->getUuid(),
- 'sourceArticleTitle' => $document->getTitle(),
- ],
- ];
- }
- public function handlePublish(PublishEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- $locale = $event->getLocale();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $this->domainEventCollector->collect(
- new ArticlePublishedEvent(
- $document,
- $locale
- )
- );
- }
- public function handleUnpublish(UnpublishEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- $locale = $event->getLocale();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $this->domainEventCollector->collect(
- new ArticleUnpublishedEvent(
- $document,
- $locale
- )
- );
- }
- public function handleRemoveDraft(RemoveDraftEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- $locale = $event->getLocale();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $this->domainEventCollector->collect(
- new ArticleDraftRemovedEvent(
- $document,
- $locale
- )
- );
- }
- public function handleRestore(RestoreEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- $locale = $event->getLocale();
- $version = $event->getVersion();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $this->domainEventCollector->collect(
- new ArticleVersionRestoredEvent(
- $document,
- $locale,
- $version
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * @return mixed[]
- */
- private function getPayloadFromArticleDocument(ArticleDocument $articleDocument): array
- {
- $data = $articleDocument->getStructure()->toArray();
- /** @var ExtensionContainer|mixed[] $extensionData */
- $extensionData = $articleDocument->getExtensionsData();
- if ($extensionData instanceof ExtensionContainer) {
- $extensionData = $extensionData->toArray();
- }
- $data['ext'] = $extensionData;
- return $data;
- }
- /**
- * @param NodeInterface $node
- *
- * @see SecuritySubscriber::handlePersistCreate()
- */
- private function isNewNode(NodeInterface $node): bool
- {
- /** @var \Countable $properties */
- $properties = $node->getProperties(
- $this->propertyEncoder->encode(
- 'system_localized',
- StructureSubscriber::STRUCTURE_TYPE_FIELD,
- '*'
- )
- );
- return 0 === \count($properties);
- }
- /**
- * @param NodeInterface $node
- */
- private function isNewTranslation(NodeInterface $node, string $locale): bool
- {
- /** @var \Countable $localizedProperties */
- $localizedProperties = $node->getProperties(
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedContentName('*', $locale)
- );
- return 0 === \count($localizedProperties);
- }
diff --git a/EventListener/TargetWebspaceListener.php b/EventListener/TargetWebspaceListener.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 05f1a3e32..000000000
--- a/EventListener/TargetWebspaceListener.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-requestAnalyzer = $requestAnalyzer;
- }
- /**
- * Add the proxies for content and view to view-documents.
- */
- public function onPostConvertToDocument(PostConvertToDocumentEvent $event): void
- {
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleViewDocumentInterface) {
- return;
- }
- $document->setTargetWebspace($this->getTargetWebspace($document));
- }
- private function getTargetWebspace(ArticleViewDocumentInterface $document): ?string
- {
- if (!$this->requestAnalyzer->getWebspace()) {
- return null;
- }
- $webspaceKey = $this->requestAnalyzer->getWebspace()->getKey();
- if ($document->getMainWebspace() === $webspaceKey
- || ($document->getAdditionalWebspaces() && \in_array($webspaceKey, $document->getAdditionalWebspaces()))
- ) {
- return $webspaceKey;
- }
- return $document->getMainWebspace();
- }
diff --git a/Exception/ArticleInRequestNotFoundException.php b/Exception/ArticleInRequestNotFoundException.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7aa963baf..000000000
--- a/Exception/ArticleInRequestNotFoundException.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-pageUuid = $pageUuid;
- $this->articleUuid = $articleUuid;
- }
- /**
- * Returns page-uuid.
- */
- public function getPageUuid(): string
- {
- return $this->pageUuid;
- }
- /**
- * Returns article-uuid.
- */
- public function getArticleUuid(): string
- {
- return $this->articleUuid;
- }
diff --git a/Exception/ParameterNotAllowedException.php b/Exception/ParameterNotAllowedException.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9487e258c..000000000
--- a/Exception/ParameterNotAllowedException.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-property = $property;
- $this->class = $class;
- }
- /**
- * Returns property.
- */
- public function getProperty(): string
- {
- return $this->property;
- }
- /**
- * Returns class.
- */
- public function getClass(): string
- {
- return $this->class;
- }
diff --git a/Exception/RouteSchemaNotFoundException.php b/Exception/RouteSchemaNotFoundException.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d962685ca..000000000
--- a/Exception/RouteSchemaNotFoundException.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-requested = $requested;
- $this->available = $available;
- }
- /**
- * Returns requested.
- */
- public function getRequested(): string
- {
- return $this->requested;
- }
- /**
- * Returns requested.
- *
- * @return string[]
- */
- public function getAvailable(): array
- {
- return $this->available;
- }
diff --git a/Export/ArticleExport.php b/Export/ArticleExport.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cbdab16a..000000000
--- a/Export/ArticleExport.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-structureManager = $structureManager;
- $this->extensionManager = $extensionManager;
- }
- public function export(string $locale, string $format = '1.2.xliff', ?OutputInterface $output = null): string
- {
- $this->exportLocale = $locale;
- $this->format = $format;
- $this->output = $output;
- if (!$this->output) {
- $this->output = new NullOutput();
- }
- $this->output->writeln('Loading Data… ');
- $exportData = $this->getExportData($locale);
- $this->output->writeln([
- '',
- 'Render Xliff… ',
- ]);
- return $this->templating->render(
- $this->getTemplate($this->format),
- $exportData
- );
- }
- public function getExportData(string $locale): array
- {
- /** @var ArticleDocument[] $documents */
- $documents = $this->getDocuments($locale);
- $progress = new ProgressBar($this->output, \count($documents));
- $progress->start();
- $documentData = [];
- foreach ($documents as $key => $document) {
- $contentData = $this->getContentData($document, $this->exportLocale);
- $extensionData = $this->getExtensionData($document);
- $settingData = $this->getSettingData($document);
- $documentData[] = [
- 'uuid' => $document->getUuid(),
- 'locale' => $document->getLocale(),
- 'content' => $contentData,
- 'settings' => $settingData,
- 'extensions' => $extensionData,
- ];
- $progress->advance();
- }
- $progress->finish();
- return [
- 'locale' => $locale,
- 'format' => $this->format,
- 'documents' => $documentData,
- ];
- }
- protected function getExtensionData(ArticleDocument $document): array
- {
- $data = $document->getExtensionsData();
- if ($data instanceof ExtensionContainer) {
- $data = $data->toArray();
- }
- $extensionData = [];
- foreach ($data as $extensionName => $extensionProperties) {
- /** @var ExcerptStructureExtension $extension */
- $extension = $this->extensionManager->getExtension($document->getStructureType(), $extensionName);
- if ($extension instanceof ExportExtensionInterface) {
- $extensionData[$extensionName] = $extension->export($extensionProperties, $this->format);
- }
- }
- return $extensionData;
- }
- protected function getSettingData(ArticleDocument $document): array
- {
- if ($created = $document->getCreated()) {
- $created = $created->format('c');
- }
- if ($changed = $document->getChanged()) {
- $changed = $changed->format('c');
- }
- if ($published = $document->getPublished()) {
- $published = $published->format('c');
- }
- if (($authored = $document->getAuthored()) && $authored instanceof \DateTime) {
- $authored = $authored->format('c');
- }
- $settingOptions = [];
- if ('1.2.xliff' === $this->format) {
- $settingOptions = ['translate' => false];
- }
- return [
- 'structureType' => $this->createProperty('structureType', $document->getStructureType(), $settingOptions),
- 'published' => $this->createProperty('published', $published, $settingOptions),
- 'created' => $this->createProperty('created', $created, $settingOptions),
- 'changed' => $this->createProperty('changed', $changed, $settingOptions),
- 'creator' => $this->createProperty('creator', $document->getCreator(), $settingOptions),
- 'changer' => $this->createProperty('changer', $document->getChanger(), $settingOptions),
- 'locale' => $this->createProperty('locale', $document->getLocale(), $settingOptions),
- 'shadowLocale' => $this->createProperty('shadowLocale', $document->getShadowLocale(), $settingOptions),
- 'originalLocale' => $this->createProperty('originalLocale', $document->getOriginalLocale(), $settingOptions),
- 'routePath' => $this->createProperty('routePath', $document->getRoutePath(), $settingOptions),
- 'workflowStage' => $this->createProperty('workflowStage', $document->getWorkflowStage(), $settingOptions),
- 'path' => $this->createProperty('path', $document->getPath(), $settingOptions),
- 'mainWebspace' => $this->createProperty('mainWebspace', $document->getMainWebspace(), $settingOptions),
- 'additionalWebspaces' => $this->createProperty('additionalWebspaces', \json_encode($document->getAdditionalWebspaces()), $settingOptions),
- 'author' => $this->createProperty('author', $document->getAuthor(), $settingOptions),
- 'authored' => $this->createProperty('authored', $authored, $settingOptions),
- ];
- }
- protected function getDocuments(string $locale): QueryResultCollection
- {
- $where = [];
- // only articles
- $where[] = '[jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article"';
- // filter by path
- $where[] = 'ISDESCENDANTNODE("/cmf/articles")';
- // do not load ghost articles
- $where[] = \sprintf(
- '[i18n:%s-template] IS NOT NULL',
- $locale
- );
- $query = $this->documentManager->createQuery(
- 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS a WHERE ' . \implode(' AND ', $where),
- $locale
- );
- return $query->execute();
- }
- protected function getTemplate($format)
- {
- if (!isset($this->formatFilePaths[$format])) {
- throw new ExportFormatNotFoundException(\sprintf('No format "%s" configured for Snippet export', $format));
- }
- return $this->formatFilePaths[$format];
- }
diff --git a/Export/ArticleExportInterface.php b/Export/ArticleExportInterface.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d91b3c194..000000000
--- a/Export/ArticleExportInterface.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-format = $format;
- }
- public function getFormat(): string
- {
- return $this->format;
- }
diff --git a/Import/ArticleImport.php b/Import/ArticleImport.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f3ddee701..000000000
--- a/Import/ArticleImport.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
- $xliff12]);
- $this->documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->documentInspector = $documentInspector;
- $this->documentRegistry = $documentRegistry;
- $this->structureManager = $structureManager;
- $this->extensionManager = $extensionManager;
- $this->logger = $logger ?: new NullLogger();
- }
- public function import(
- string $locale,
- string $filePath,
- ?OutputInterface $output = null,
- string $format = '1.2.xliff',
- bool $overrideSettings = false
- ): ImportResult {
- $parsedDataList = $this->getParser($format)->parse($filePath, $locale);
- $failedImports = [];
- $importedCounter = 0;
- $successCounter = 0;
- if (null === $output) {
- $output = new NullOutput();
- }
- $progress = new ProgressBar($output, \count($parsedDataList));
- $progress->setFormat(' %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%% %elapsed:6s%/%estimated:-6s% %memory:6s%');
- $progress->start();
- foreach ($parsedDataList as $parsedData) {
- ++$importedCounter;
- try {
- $this->importDocument($parsedData, $format, $locale, $overrideSettings);
- ++$successCounter;
- } catch (ImportException $exception) {
- $failedImports[] = $parsedData;
- }
- $this->logger->info(\sprintf('Document %s/%s', $importedCounter, \count($parsedDataList)));
- $progress->advance();
- }
- $progress->finish();
- return new ImportResult($importedCounter, \count($failedImports), $successCounter, $failedImports, $this->exceptionStore);
- }
- protected function importDocument(array $parsedData, string $format, string $locale, bool $overrideSettings): void
- {
- $uuid = null;
- try {
- if (!isset($parsedData['uuid']) || !isset($parsedData['structureType']) || !isset($parsedData['data'])) {
- $this->addException('uuid, structureType or data for import not found.', 'ignore');
- throw new ImportException('uuid, structureType or data for import not found.');
- }
- $uuid = $parsedData['uuid'];
- $structureType = $parsedData['structureType'];
- $data = $parsedData['data'];
- /** @var ArticleDocument $document */
- $document = $this->documentManager->find(
- $uuid,
- $locale,
- [
- 'load_ghost_content' => false,
- ]
- );
- if (!$document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- throw new ImportException(\sprintf('Document(%s) is not an instanecof BasePageDocument', $uuid));
- }
- $document->setStructureType($structureType);
- if (!$this->setDocumentData($document, $locale, $format, $data)) {
- throw new ImportException();
- }
- $this->setDocumentSettings($document, $format, $data, $overrideSettings);
- // save document
- $this->documentManager->persist($document, $locale);
- if (WorkflowStage::PUBLISHED === ((int) $this->getParser($format)->getPropertyData('workflowStage', $data))) {
- $this->documentManager->publish($document, $locale);
- }
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->documentRegistry->clear();
- } catch (\Exception $e) {
- if ($e instanceof DocumentManagerException) {
- throw new ImportException('', 0, $e);
- }
- $this->logger->error(
- \sprintf(
- '%s %s: %s %s',
- $uuid,
- \PHP_EOL . \get_class($e),
- $e->getMessage(),
- \PHP_EOL . $e->getTraceAsString()
- )
- );
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- throw new ImportException('', 0, $e);
- }
- }
- protected function setDocumentData(
- ArticleDocument $document,
- string $locale,
- string $format,
- array $data
- ): bool {
- /** @var ArticleBridge $structure */
- $structure = $this->structureManager->getStructure($document->getStructureType(), 'article');
- $node = $this->documentRegistry->getNodeForDocument($document);
- $node->setProperty(\sprintf('i18n:%s-template', $locale), $document->getStructureType());
- $state = $this->getParser($format)->getPropertyData('state', $data, null, null, 2);
- $node->setProperty(\sprintf('i18n:%s-state', $locale), $state);
- if ('' === $this->getParser($format)->getPropertyData('title', $data)) {
- $this->addException(\sprintf('Document(%s) has not set any title', $document->getUuid()), 'ignore');
- return false;
- }
- $structure->setDocument($document);
- $properties = $structure->getProperties(true);
- foreach ($properties as $property) {
- $value = $this->getParser($format)->getPropertyData(
- $property->getName(),
- $data,
- $property->getContentTypeName()
- );
- $this->importProperty($property, $node, $structure, $value, null, $locale, $format);
- $document->getStructure()->getProperty($property->getName())->setValue($property->getValue());
- }
- // import extensions
- $extensions = $this->extensionManager->getExtensions($document->getStructureType());
- foreach ($extensions as $key => $extension) {
- $extensionData = $this->importExtension($extension, $key, $node, $data, $locale, $format);
- $document->setExtension($key, $extensionData);
- }
- // set required data
- $document->setTitle($this->getParser($format)->getPropertyData('title', $data));
- return true;
- }
- protected function setDocumentSettings(
- ArticleDocument $document,
- string $format,
- array $data,
- bool $overrideSettings
- ): void {
- if (!$overrideSettings) {
- return;
- }
- foreach ($data as $key => $property) {
- $setter = 'set' . \ucfirst($key);
- if (\in_array($key, self::$excludedSettings) || !\method_exists($document, $setter)) {
- continue;
- }
- $value = $this->getParser($format)->getPropertyData(
- $key,
- $data
- );
- $document->$setter($this->getSetterValue($key, $value));
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param mixed $value
- *
- * @return mixed
- */
- protected function getSetterValue(string $key, $value)
- {
- if (empty($value)) {
- return null;
- }
- switch ($key) {
- case 'additionalWebspaces':
- $value = \json_decode($value, true);
- break;
- case 'authored':
- $value = new \DateTime($value);
- break;
- }
- return $value;
- }
- protected function importExtension(
- ExtensionInterface $extension,
- string $extensionKey,
- NodeInterface $node,
- array $data,
- string $locale,
- string $format
- ): array {
- $extensionData = [];
- if ($extension instanceof ExportExtensionInterface) {
- foreach ($extension->getImportPropertyNames() as $propertyName) {
- $value = $this->getParser($format)->getPropertyData(
- $propertyName,
- $data,
- null,
- $extensionKey
- );
- $extensionData[$propertyName] = $value;
- }
- $extension->import($node, $extensionData, null, $locale, $format);
- }
- return $extension->load($node, null, $locale);
- }
diff --git a/Import/ArticleImportInterface.php b/Import/ArticleImportInterface.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 322e15e12..000000000
--- a/Import/ArticleImportInterface.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-count = $count;
- $this->fails = $fails;
- $this->successes = $successes;
- $this->failed = $failed;
- $this->exceptionStore = $exceptionStore;
- }
- public function getCount(): int
- {
- return $this->count;
- }
- public function getFails(): int
- {
- return $this->fails;
- }
- public function getSuccesses(): int
- {
- return $this->successes;
- }
- public function getFailed(): array
- {
- return $this->failed;
- }
- public function getExceptionStore(): array
- {
- return $this->exceptionStore;
- }
diff --git a/Infrastructure/Sulu/Content/ArticleContentQueryBuilder.php b/Infrastructure/Sulu/Content/ArticleContentQueryBuilder.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ffac0220..000000000
--- a/Infrastructure/Sulu/Content/ArticleContentQueryBuilder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-ids = $ids;
- $this->propertiesConfig = \array_merge(
- ['routePath' => new PropertyParameter('routePath', 'routePath')],
- isset($options['properties']) ? $options['properties'] : []
- );
- $this->published = isset($options['published']) ? $options['published'] : false;
- }
- /**
- * @param string $webspaceKey
- * @param string $locale
- *
- * @return string
- */
- protected function buildWhere($webspaceKey, $locale)
- {
- $idsWhere = [];
- foreach ($this->ids as $id) {
- $idsWhere[] = \sprintf("page.[jcr:uuid] = '%s'", $id);
- }
- return '(' . \implode(' OR ', $idsWhere) . ')';
- }
- /**
- * @param string $webspaceKey
- * @param string $locale
- * @param array> $additionalFields
- *
- * @return string
- */
- protected function buildSelect($webspaceKey, $locale, &$additionalFields)
- {
- $select = [];
- if (\count($this->propertiesConfig) > 0) {
- $this->buildPropertiesSelect($locale, $additionalFields);
- }
- return \implode(', ', $select);
- }
- /**
- * @param string $locale
- * @param array> $additionalFields
- */
- private function buildPropertiesSelect($locale, &$additionalFields): void
- {
- foreach ($this->propertiesConfig as $parameter) {
- $alias = $parameter->getName();
- /** @var string $propertyName */
- $propertyName = $parameter->getValue();
- if (false !== \strpos($propertyName, '.')) {
- $parts = \explode('.', $propertyName);
- $this->buildExtensionSelect($alias, $parts[0], $parts[1], $locale, $additionalFields);
- } else {
- $this->buildPropertySelect($alias, $propertyName, $locale, $additionalFields);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param string $alias
- * @param string $propertyName
- * @param string $locale
- * @param array> $additionalFields
- */
- private function buildPropertySelect($alias, $propertyName, $locale, &$additionalFields): void
- {
- foreach ($this->structureManager->getStructures(static::$structureType) as $structure) {
- if ($structure->hasProperty($propertyName)) {
- $property = $structure->getProperty($propertyName);
- $additionalFields[$locale][] = [
- 'name' => $alias,
- 'property' => $property,
- 'templateKey' => $structure->getKey(),
- ];
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param string $alias
- * @param string $extension
- * @param string $propertyName
- * @param string $locale
- * @param array> $additionalFields
- */
- private function buildExtensionSelect($alias, $extension, $propertyName, $locale, &$additionalFields): void
- {
- $extension = $this->extensionManager->getExtension('all', $extension);
- $additionalFields[$locale][] = [
- 'name' => $alias,
- 'extension' => $extension,
- 'property' => $propertyName,
- ];
- }
diff --git a/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/ContentTypeResolver/ArticleSelectionResolver.php b/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/ContentTypeResolver/ArticleSelectionResolver.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e2836dd5b..000000000
--- a/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/ContentTypeResolver/ArticleSelectionResolver.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-structureResolver = $structureResolver;
- $this->contentQueryBuilder = $contentQueryBuilder;
- $this->contentMapper = $contentMapper;
- $this->showDrafts = $showDrafts;
- }
- public function resolve($data, PropertyInterface $property, string $locale, array $attributes = []): ContentView
- {
- /** @var string[]|null $ids */
- $ids = $data;
- if (empty($ids)) {
- return new ContentView([], ['ids' => []]);
- }
- /** @var PropertyParameter[] $params */
- $params = $property->getParams();
- /** @var PropertyParameter[] $propertiesParamValue */
- $propertiesParamValue = isset($params['properties']) ? $params['properties']->getValue() : [];
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->init([
- 'ids' => $ids,
- 'properties' => $propertiesParamValue,
- 'published' => !$this->showDrafts,
- ]);
- /** @var array{string, mixed[]} $queryBuilderResult */
- $queryBuilderResult = $this->contentQueryBuilder->build($property->getStructure()->getWebspaceKey(), [$locale]);
- list($articlesQuery) = $queryBuilderResult;
- $articleStructures = $this->contentMapper->loadBySql2(
- $articlesQuery,
- $locale,
- $property->getStructure()->getWebspaceKey()
- );
- $propertyMap = [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- ];
- foreach ($propertiesParamValue as $propertiesParamEntry) {
- $paramName = $propertiesParamEntry->getName();
- $paramValue = $propertiesParamEntry->getValue();
- $propertyMap[$paramName] = \is_string($paramValue) ? $paramValue : $paramName;
- }
- $articles = \array_fill_keys($ids, null);
- foreach ($articleStructures as $articleStructure) {
- $articles[$articleStructure->getUuid()] = $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties($articleStructure, $propertyMap, $locale);
- }
- return new ContentView(\array_values(\array_filter($articles)), ['ids' => $ids]);
- }
diff --git a/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/ContentTypeResolver/SingleArticleSelectionResolver.php b/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/ContentTypeResolver/SingleArticleSelectionResolver.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 55b613712..000000000
--- a/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/ContentTypeResolver/SingleArticleSelectionResolver.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-articleSelectionResolver = $articleSelectionResolver;
- }
- public function resolve($data, PropertyInterface $property, string $locale, array $attributes = []): ContentView
- {
- /** @var string|null $id */
- $id = $data;
- if (empty($id)) {
- return new ContentView(null, ['id' => null]);
- }
- $content = $this->articleSelectionResolver->resolve([$id], $property, $locale, $attributes);
- /** @var mixed[]|null $contentData */
- $contentData = $content->getContent();
- return new ContentView($contentData[0] ?? null, ['id' => $id]);
- }
diff --git a/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/DataProviderResolver/AbstractArticleDataProviderResolver.php b/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/DataProviderResolver/AbstractArticleDataProviderResolver.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d0509bbdc..000000000
--- a/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/DataProviderResolver/AbstractArticleDataProviderResolver.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-articleDataProvider = $articleDataProvider;
- $this->structureResolver = $structureResolver;
- $this->contentQueryBuilder = $contentQueryBuilder;
- $this->contentMapper = $contentMapper;
- $this->showDrafts = $showDrafts;
- }
- public function getProviderConfiguration(): ProviderConfigurationInterface
- {
- return $this->articleDataProvider->getConfiguration();
- }
- /**
- * @return PropertyParameter[]
- */
- public function getProviderDefaultParams(): array
- {
- return $this->articleDataProvider->getDefaultPropertyParameter();
- }
- public function resolve(
- array $filters,
- array $propertyParameters,
- array $options = [],
- ?int $limit = null,
- int $article = 1,
- ?int $pageSize = null
- ): DataProviderResult {
- $providerResult = $this->articleDataProvider->resolveResourceItems(
- $filters,
- $propertyParameters,
- $options,
- $limit,
- $article,
- $pageSize,
- );
- /** @var string $webspaceKey */
- $webspaceKey = $options['webspaceKey'];
- /** @var string $locale */
- $locale = $options['locale'];
- $articleIds = [];
- foreach ($providerResult->getItems() as $resultItem) {
- $articleIds[] = $resultItem->getId();
- }
- /** @var PropertyParameter[] $propertiesParamValue */
- $propertiesParamValue = isset($propertyParameters['properties']) ? $propertyParameters['properties']->getValue() : [];
- // the ArticleDataProvider resolves the data defined in the $propertiesParamValue using the default content types
- // for example, this means that the result contains an array of media api entities instead of a raw array of ids
- // to resolve the data with the resolvers of this bundle, we need to load the structures with the ContentMapper
- $articleStructures = $this->loadArticleStructures(
- $articleIds,
- $propertiesParamValue,
- $webspaceKey,
- $locale,
- );
- $propertyMap = [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- ];
- foreach ($propertiesParamValue as $propertiesParamEntry) {
- $paramName = $propertiesParamEntry->getName();
- $paramValue = $propertiesParamEntry->getValue();
- $propertyMap[$paramName] = \is_string($paramValue) ? $paramValue : $paramName;
- }
- $resolvedArticles = \array_fill_keys($articleIds, null);
- foreach ($articleStructures as $articleStructure) {
- $resolvedArticles[$articleStructure->getUuid()] = $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties($articleStructure, $propertyMap, $locale);
- }
- return new DataProviderResult(\array_values(\array_filter($resolvedArticles)), $providerResult->getHasNextPage());
- }
- /**
- * @param string[] $articleIds
- * @param PropertyParameter[] $propertiesParamValue
- *
- * @return StructureInterface[]
- */
- private function loadArticleStructures(array $articleIds, array $propertiesParamValue, string $webspaceKey, string $locale): array
- {
- if (0 === \count($articleIds)) {
- return [];
- }
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->init([
- 'ids' => $articleIds,
- 'properties' => $propertiesParamValue,
- 'published' => !$this->showDrafts,
- ]);
- /** @var array{string, mixed[]} $queryBuilderResult */
- $queryBuilderResult = $this->contentQueryBuilder->build($webspaceKey, [$locale]);
- list($articlesQuery) = $queryBuilderResult;
- return $this->contentMapper->loadBySql2(
- $articlesQuery,
- $locale,
- $webspaceKey,
- );
- }
diff --git a/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/DataProviderResolver/ArticleDataProviderResolver.php b/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/DataProviderResolver/ArticleDataProviderResolver.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 541072bc3..000000000
--- a/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/DataProviderResolver/ArticleDataProviderResolver.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-structureResolver = $structureResolver;
- $this->contentQueryBuilder = $contentQueryBuilder;
- $this->contentMapper = $contentMapper;
- $this->showDrafts = $showDrafts;
- }
- public function resolve($data, PropertyInterface $property, string $locale, array $attributes = []): ContentView
- {
- /** @var string[]|null $ids */
- $ids = $data;
- if (empty($ids)) {
- return new ContentView([], ['ids' => []]);
- }
- /** @var PropertyParameter[] $params */
- $params = $property->getParams();
- /** @var PropertyParameter[] $propertiesParamValue */
- $propertiesParamValue = isset($params['properties']) ? $params['properties']->getValue() : [];
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->init([
- 'ids' => $ids,
- 'properties' => $propertiesParamValue,
- 'published' => !$this->showDrafts,
- ]);
- /** @var array{string, mixed[]} $queryBuilderResult */
- $queryBuilderResult = $this->contentQueryBuilder->build($property->getStructure()->getWebspaceKey(), [$locale]);
- list($articlesQuery) = $queryBuilderResult;
- $articleStructures = $this->contentMapper->loadBySql2(
- $articlesQuery,
- $locale,
- $property->getStructure()->getWebspaceKey()
- );
- $propertyMap = [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- ];
- foreach ($propertiesParamValue as $propertiesParamEntry) {
- $paramName = $propertiesParamEntry->getName();
- $paramValue = $propertiesParamEntry->getValue();
- $propertyMap[$paramName] = \is_string($paramValue) ? $paramValue : $paramName;
- }
- $articles = \array_fill_keys($ids, null);
- foreach ($articleStructures as $articleStructure) {
- $articles[$articleStructure->getUuid()] = $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties($articleStructure, $propertyMap, $locale);
- }
- return new ContentView(\array_values(\array_filter($articles)), ['ids' => $ids]);
- }
diff --git a/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/ContentTypeResolver/SingleArticleSelectionResolver.php b/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/ContentTypeResolver/SingleArticleSelectionResolver.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 58bd34137..000000000
--- a/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/ContentTypeResolver/SingleArticleSelectionResolver.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-articleSelectionResolver = $articleSelectionResolver;
- }
- public function resolve($data, PropertyInterface $property, string $locale, array $attributes = []): ContentView
- {
- /** @var string|null $id */
- $id = $data;
- if (empty($id)) {
- return new ContentView(null, ['id' => null]);
- }
- $content = $this->articleSelectionResolver->resolve([$id], $property, $locale, $attributes);
- /** @var mixed[]|null $contentData */
- $contentData = $content->getContent();
- return new ContentView($contentData[0] ?? null, ['id' => $id]);
- }
diff --git a/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/DataProviderResolver/AbstractArticleDataProviderResolver.php b/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/DataProviderResolver/AbstractArticleDataProviderResolver.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e1548e0dd..000000000
--- a/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/DataProviderResolver/AbstractArticleDataProviderResolver.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-articleDataProvider = $articleDataProvider;
- $this->structureResolver = $structureResolver;
- $this->contentQueryBuilder = $contentQueryBuilder;
- $this->contentMapper = $contentMapper;
- $this->showDrafts = $showDrafts;
- }
- public function getProviderConfiguration(): ProviderConfigurationInterface
- {
- return $this->articleDataProvider->getConfiguration();
- }
- /**
- * @return PropertyParameter[]
- */
- public function getProviderDefaultParams(): array
- {
- return $this->articleDataProvider->getDefaultPropertyParameter();
- }
- public function resolve(
- array $filters,
- array $propertyParameters,
- array $options = [],
- ?int $limit = null,
- int $article = 1,
- ?int $pageSize = null
- ): DataProviderResult {
- $providerResult = $this->articleDataProvider->resolveResourceItems(
- $filters,
- $propertyParameters,
- $options,
- $limit,
- $article,
- $pageSize,
- );
- /** @var string $webspaceKey */
- $webspaceKey = $options['webspaceKey'];
- /** @var string $locale */
- $locale = $options['locale'];
- $articleIds = [];
- foreach ($providerResult->getItems() as $resultItem) {
- $articleIds[] = $resultItem->getId();
- }
- /** @var PropertyParameter[] $propertiesParamValue */
- $propertiesParamValue = isset($propertyParameters['properties']) ? $propertyParameters['properties']->getValue() : [];
- // the ArticleDataProvider resolves the data defined in the $propertiesParamValue using the default content types
- // for example, this means that the result contains an array of media api entities instead of a raw array of ids
- // to resolve the data with the resolvers of this bundle, we need to load the structures with the ContentMapper
- $articleStructures = $this->loadArticleStructures(
- $articleIds,
- $propertiesParamValue,
- $webspaceKey,
- $locale,
- );
- $propertyMap = [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- ];
- foreach ($propertiesParamValue as $propertiesParamEntry) {
- $paramName = $propertiesParamEntry->getName();
- $paramValue = $propertiesParamEntry->getValue();
- $propertyMap[$paramName] = \is_string($paramValue) ? $paramValue : $paramName;
- }
- $resolvedArticles = \array_fill_keys($articleIds, null);
- foreach ($articleStructures as $articleStructure) {
- $resolvedArticles[$articleStructure->getUuid()] = $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties($articleStructure, $propertyMap, $locale);
- }
- return new DataProviderResult(\array_values(\array_filter($resolvedArticles)), $providerResult->getHasNextPage());
- }
- /**
- * @param string[] $articleIds
- * @param PropertyParameter[] $propertiesParamValue
- *
- * @return StructureInterface[]
- */
- private function loadArticleStructures(array $articleIds, array $propertiesParamValue, string $webspaceKey, string $locale): array
- {
- if (0 === \count($articleIds)) {
- return [];
- }
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->init([
- 'ids' => $articleIds,
- 'properties' => $propertiesParamValue,
- 'published' => !$this->showDrafts,
- ]);
- /** @var array{string, mixed[]} $queryBuilderResult */
- $queryBuilderResult = $this->contentQueryBuilder->build($webspaceKey, [$locale]);
- list($articlesQuery) = $queryBuilderResult;
- return $this->contentMapper->loadBySql2(
- $articlesQuery,
- $locale,
- $webspaceKey,
- );
- }
diff --git a/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/DataProviderResolver/ArticleDataProviderResolver.php b/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/DataProviderResolver/ArticleDataProviderResolver.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f4af123c6..000000000
--- a/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/DataProviderResolver/ArticleDataProviderResolver.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-sortField = $sortField ? $sortField : $name;
- $this->searchField = $searchField;
- parent::__construct(
- $name,
- $translation,
- $visibility,
- $searchability,
- $type,
- $sortable
- );
- }
- public function getSortField(): string
- {
- return $this->sortField;
- }
- public function getSearchField(): string
- {
- return $this->searchField;
- }
diff --git a/ListBuilder/ElasticSearchFieldDescriptorBuilder.php b/ListBuilder/ElasticSearchFieldDescriptorBuilder.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 03b6ddd21..000000000
--- a/ListBuilder/ElasticSearchFieldDescriptorBuilder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-name = $name;
- $this->translation = $translation;
- }
- public function setSortField(string $sortField)
- {
- $this->sortField = $sortField;
- $this->sortable = true;
- return $this;
- }
- public function setVisibility(string $visibility)
- {
- $this->visibility = $visibility;
- return $this;
- }
- public function setSearchability(string $searchability)
- {
- $this->searchability = $searchability;
- return $this;
- }
- public function setType(string $type)
- {
- $this->type = $type;
- return $this;
- }
- public function setSearchField(string $searchField): self
- {
- $this->searchField = $searchField;
- return $this;
- }
- public function build(): ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor
- {
- return new ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor(
- $this->name,
- $this->sortField,
- $this->translation,
- $this->visibility,
- $this->searchability,
- $this->type,
- $this->sortable,
- $this->searchField,
- );
- }
diff --git a/Markup/ArticleLinkProvider.php b/Markup/ArticleLinkProvider.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f468bf96e..000000000
--- a/Markup/ArticleLinkProvider.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-liveManager = $liveManager;
- $this->defaultManager = $defaultManager;
- $this->webspaceManager = $webspaceManager;
- $this->requestStack = $requestStack;
- $this->translator = $translator;
- $this->types = $types;
- $this->articleViewClass = $articleViewClass;
- $this->environment = $environment;
- }
- public function getConfiguration()
- {
- // TODO implement tabs again?
- return LinkConfigurationBuilder::create()
- ->setTitle($this->translator->trans('sulu_article.articles', [], 'admin'))
- ->setResourceKey('articles')
- ->setListAdapter('table')
- ->setDisplayProperties(['title'])
- ->setOverlayTitle($this->translator->trans('sulu_article.single_selection_overlay_title', [], 'admin'))
- ->setEmptyText($this->translator->trans('sulu_article.no_article_selected', [], 'admin'))
- ->setIcon('su-newspaper')
- ->getLinkConfiguration();
- }
- public function preload(array $hrefs, $locale, $published = true)
- {
- $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
- $scheme = 'http';
- if ($request) {
- $scheme = $request->getScheme();
- }
- $search = new Search();
- $search->addQuery(new IdsQuery($this->getViewDocumentIds($hrefs, $locale)));
- $search->setSize(\count($hrefs));
- $repository = $this->liveManager->getRepository($this->articleViewClass);
- if (!$published) {
- $repository = $this->defaultManager->getRepository($this->articleViewClass);
- }
- $documents = $repository->findDocuments($search);
- $result = [];
- /** @var ArticleViewDocumentInterface $document */
- foreach ($documents as $document) {
- $result[] = $this->createLinkItem($document, $locale, $scheme);
- }
- return $result;
- }
- protected function createLinkItem(ArticleViewDocumentInterface $document, string $locale, string $scheme): LinkItem
- {
- $url = $this->webspaceManager->findUrlByResourceLocator(
- $document->getRoutePath(),
- $this->environment,
- $locale,
- $document->getTargetWebspace(),
- null,
- $scheme
- );
- return new LinkItem($document->getUuid(), $document->getTitle(), $url, $document->getPublishedState());
- }
diff --git a/Metadata/ArticleViewDocumentIdTrait.php b/Metadata/ArticleViewDocumentIdTrait.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 627ceaaa4..000000000
--- a/Metadata/ArticleViewDocumentIdTrait.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-getViewDocumentId($uuid, $locale);
- }
- return $ids;
- }
diff --git a/Metadata/ListMetadataVisitor.php b/Metadata/ListMetadataVisitor.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e36d89278..000000000
--- a/Metadata/ListMetadataVisitor.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- */
- private $articleTypeConfigurations;
- /**
- * @param array $articleTypeConfigurations
- */
- public function __construct(StructureManagerInterface $structureManager, array $articleTypeConfigurations)
- {
- $this->structureManager = $structureManager;
- $this->articleTypeConfigurations = $articleTypeConfigurations;
- }
- public function visitListMetadata(ListMetadata $listMetadata, string $key, string $locale, array $metadataOptions = []): void
- {
- if ('articles' !== $key) {
- return;
- }
- $typeField = $listMetadata->getField('type');
- $types = $this->getTypes();
- if (1 === \count($types)) {
- $typeField->setFilterType(null);
- $typeField->setFilterTypeParameters(null);
- return;
- }
- $options = [];
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- $options[$type['type']] = $type['title'];
- }
- $typeField->setFilterTypeParameters(['options' => $options]);
- }
- /**
- * @return array
- */
- private function getTypes(): array
- {
- $types = [];
- // prefill array with keys from configuration to keep order of configuration for tabs
- foreach ($this->articleTypeConfigurations as $typeKey => $articleTypeConfiguration) {
- $types[$typeKey] = [
- 'type' => $typeKey,
- 'title' => $this->getTitle($typeKey),
- ];
- }
- /** @var StructureBridge $structure */
- foreach ($this->structureManager->getStructures('article') as $structure) {
- /** @var string|null $type */
- $type = $this->getType($structure->getStructure(), null);
- $typeKey = $type ?: 'default';
- if (empty($types[$typeKey])) {
- $types[$typeKey] = [
- 'type' => $typeKey,
- 'title' => $this->getTitle($typeKey),
- ];
- }
- }
- return $types;
- }
- private function getTitle(string $type): string
- {
- if (!\array_key_exists($type, $this->articleTypeConfigurations)) {
- return \ucfirst($type);
- }
- return $this->articleTypeConfigurations[$type]['translation_key'];
- }
diff --git a/Metadata/StructureTagTrait.php b/Metadata/StructureTagTrait.php
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--- a/Metadata/StructureTagTrait.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-getTagAttribute($metadata, ArticleAdmin::STRUCTURE_TAG_TYPE, 'type', $default);
- }
- /**
- * Returns multipage-configuration for given structure-metadata.
- *
- * @return mixed
- */
- protected function getMultipage(StructureMetadata $metadata)
- {
- return $this->getTagAttribute($metadata, ArticleAdmin::STRUCTURE_TAG_MULTIPAGE, 'enabled', false);
- }
- /**
- * Returns attribute for given tag in metadata.
- *
- * @param mixed $default
- *
- * @return mixed
- */
- private function getTagAttribute(StructureMetadata $metadata, string $tag, string $attribute, $default)
- {
- if (!$metadata->hasTag($tag)) {
- return $default;
- }
- $tag = $metadata->getTag($tag);
- if (!\array_key_exists($attribute, $tag['attributes'])) {
- return $default;
- }
- return $tag['attributes'][$attribute];
- }
diff --git a/Preview/ArticleObjectProvider.php b/Preview/ArticleObjectProvider.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 06a43875b..000000000
--- a/Preview/ArticleObjectProvider.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->serializer = $serializer;
- $this->articleDocumentClass = $articleDocumentClass;
- $this->structureMetadataFactory = $structureMetadataFactory;
- }
- public function getObject($id, $locale)
- {
- return $this->documentManager->find(
- $id,
- $locale,
- [
- 'load_ghost_content' => false,
- 'load_shadow_content' => true,
- ]
- );
- }
- /**
- * @param ArticleDocument $object
- */
- public function getId($object)
- {
- return $object->getUuid();
- }
- /**
- * @param ArticleDocument $object
- */
- public function setValues($object, $locale, array $data)
- {
- $propertyAccess = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessorBuilder()
- ->enableMagicCall()
- ->getPropertyAccessor();
- $structure = $object->getStructure();
- foreach ($data as $property => $value) {
- try {
- if ('ext' === $property) {
- $object->setExtensionsData(new ExtensionContainer($value));
- continue;
- }
- $propertyAccess->setValue($structure, $property, $value);
- } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
- // @ignoreException
- //ignore not existing properties
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param ArticleDocument $object
- */
- public function setContext($object, $locale, array $context)
- {
- if (\array_key_exists('template', $context)) {
- $object->setStructureType($context['template']);
- }
- return $object;
- }
- /**
- * @param ArticleDocument $object
- */
- public function serialize($object)
- {
- $pageNumber = $object->getPageNumber();
- if ($object instanceof ArticlePageDocument) {
- // resolve proxy to ensure that this will also be serialized
- $object = $object->getParent();
- $object->getTitle();
- }
- $result = $this->serializer->serialize(
- $object,
- 'json',
- SerializationContext::create()
- ->setSerializeNull(true)
- ->setGroups(['preview'])
- );
- return \json_encode(['pageNumber' => $pageNumber, 'object' => $result]);
- }
- /**
- * @param ArticleDocument $serializedObject
- */
- public function deserialize($serializedObject, $objectClass)
- {
- $result = \json_decode($serializedObject, true);
- $article = $this->serializer->deserialize(
- $result['object'],
- $this->articleDocumentClass,
- 'json',
- DeserializationContext::create()
- ->setGroups(['preview'])
- );
- foreach ($article->getChildren() as $child) {
- $child->setParent($article);
- }
- if (1 === $result['pageNumber']) {
- return $article;
- }
- $children = \array_values($article->getChildren());
- $object = $children[$result['pageNumber'] - 2];
- return $object;
- }
- public function getSecurityContext($id, $locale): ?string
- {
- /** @var ArticleDocument $object */
- $object = $this->getObject($id, $locale);
- $articleType = $this->getArticleType($object);
- if (!$articleType) {
- return ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT;
- }
- return ArticleAdmin::getArticleSecurityContext($articleType);
- }
- private function getArticleType(ArticleDocument $articleDocument): ?string
- {
- $structureMetadata = $this->structureMetadataFactory->getStructureMetadata(
- 'article',
- $articleDocument->getStructureType()
- );
- if (!$structureMetadata) {
- return null;
- }
- return $this->getType($structureMetadata);
- }
diff --git a/Reference/Provider/ArticleReferenceProvider.php b/Reference/Provider/ArticleReferenceProvider.php
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index ec6e2253d..000000000
--- a/Reference/Provider/ArticleReferenceProvider.php
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@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- $document->getWebspaceName(),
- ]);
- }
diff --git a/Reference/Refresh/ArticleReferenceRefresher.php b/Reference/Refresh/ArticleReferenceRefresher.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b2266c1e0..000000000
--- a/Reference/Refresh/ArticleReferenceRefresher.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- $query = $queryManager->createQuery($sql2, 'JCR-SQL2');
- $queryResult = $query->execute();
- /** @var RowIterator $rows */
- $rows = $queryResult->getRows();
- foreach ($this->webspaceManager->getAllLocalizations() as $localization) {
- $locale = $localization->getLocale();
- /** @var Row $row */
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- /** @var string $uuid */
- $uuid = $row->getValue('jcr:uuid');
- /** @var (UuidBehavior&TitleBehavior&StructureBehavior)|null $document */
- $document = $this->documentManager->find(
- $uuid,
- $locale,
- [
- 'load_ghost_content' => false,
- ]
- );
- if (!$document) {
- continue;
- }
- $this->documentReferenceProvider->updateReferences($document, $locale, $this->suluContext);
- yield $document;
- }
- $this->documentManager->clear(); // the cache is locale independent, so we need to clear between locale changes
- }
- }
diff --git a/Resolver/ArticleContentResolver.php b/Resolver/ArticleContentResolver.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b3155ce62..000000000
--- a/Resolver/ArticleContentResolver.php
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@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-serializer = $serializer;
- $this->structureManager = $structureManager;
- $this->extensionManager = $extensionManager;
- $this->contentProxyFactory = $contentProxyFactory;
- }
- public function resolve(ArticleInterface $article, int $pageNumber = 1)
- {
- $data = $this->serializer->serialize(
- $article,
- SerializationContext::create()
- ->setSerializeNull(true)
- ->setGroups(['website', 'content'])
- ->setAttribute('pageNumber', $pageNumber)
- ->setAttribute('urls', true)
- );
- if ($article instanceof ArticlePageDocument) {
- $article = $article->getParent();
- }
- $data['page'] = $pageNumber;
- $data['pages'] = $article->getPages();
- $article = $this->getArticleForPage($article, $pageNumber);
- $data['id'] = $article->getArticleUuid();
- $data['uuid'] = $article->getArticleUuid();
- $data['pageUuid'] = $article->getPageUuid();
- $data = \array_merge($data, $this->resolveContent($article));
- return $data;
- }
- /**
- * Returns article page by page-number.
- */
- private function getArticleForPage(ArticleDocument $article, int $pageNumber): ArticleDocument
- {
- $children = $article->getChildren();
- if (null === $children || 1 === $pageNumber) {
- return $article;
- }
- foreach ($children as $child) {
- if ($child instanceof ArticlePageDocument && $child->getPageNumber() === $pageNumber) {
- return $child;
- }
- }
- return $article;
- }
- /**
- * Returns content and view of article.
- */
- private function resolveContent(ArticleDocument $article): array
- {
- /** @var StructureBridge $structure */
- $structure = $this->structureManager->getStructure($article->getStructureType(), 'article');
- $structure->setDocument($article);
- $data = $article->getStructure()->toArray();
- $extension = [];
- $extensionData = $article->getExtensionsData();
- if ($extensionData instanceof ExtensionContainer) {
- $extensionData = $extensionData->toArray();
- }
- foreach ($extensionData as $name => $value) {
- $extension[$name] = $this->extensionManager->getExtension('article', $name)->getContentData($value);
- }
- $content = $this->contentProxyFactory->createContentProxy($structure, $data);
- $view = $this->contentProxyFactory->createViewProxy($structure, $data);
- return [
- 'content' => $content,
- 'view' => $view,
- 'extension' => $extension,
- ];
- }
diff --git a/Resolver/ArticleContentResolverInterface.php b/Resolver/ArticleContentResolverInterface.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b44a3592..000000000
--- a/Resolver/ArticleContentResolverInterface.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- %sulu_article.article_document.class%
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--- a/Resources/config/forms/article_settings.xml
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@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
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--- a/Resources/config/forms_sulu_25_or_lower/article_settings.xml
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@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
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index 9e7f3453b..000000000
--- a/Resources/config/lists/article_versions.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- article_versions
diff --git a/Resources/config/lists/articles.xml b/Resources/config/lists/articles.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ff02ef04..000000000
--- a/Resources/config/lists/articles.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- articles
diff --git a/Resources/config/routing_api.yml b/Resources/config/routing_api.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 32496f1fe..000000000
--- a/Resources/config/routing_api.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- type: rest
- resource: Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Controller\ArticleController
- name_prefix: sulu_article.
- type: rest
- resource: Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Controller\ArticlePageController
- name_prefix: sulu_article.
- type: rest
- resource: Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Controller\VersionController
- name_prefix: sulu_article.
- parent: sulu_article.article
diff --git a/Resources/config/serializer/Document.ArticleDocument.xml b/Resources/config/serializer/Document.ArticleDocument.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ceabb96a..000000000
--- a/Resources/config/serializer/Document.ArticleDocument.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- ]]>
diff --git a/Resources/config/serializer/Document.ArticlePageDocument.xml b/Resources/config/serializer/Document.ArticlePageDocument.xml
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index 50d8d0073..000000000
--- a/Resources/config/serializer/Document.ArticlePageDocument.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Resources/config/serializer/Document.ArticleViewDocument.xml b/Resources/config/serializer/Document.ArticleViewDocument.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a9fb4f9a3..000000000
--- a/Resources/config/serializer/Document.ArticleViewDocument.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
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index 0a358b119..000000000
--- a/Resources/config/serializer/Document.LocalizationStateViewObject.xml
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@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index 91a082c34..000000000
--- a/Resources/config/services.xml
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@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@
- @SuluArticle/Export/Article/1.2.xliff.twig
- %sulu.context%
- %kernel.bundles%
- %sulu_article.types%
- %sulu_document_manager.versioning.enabled%
- %sulu_article.display_tab_all%
- %sulu_article.documents%
- %sulu_article.types%
- %sulu_article.types%
- %kernel.environment%
- %sulu_article.view_document.article.class%
- %sulu_article.smart_content.default_limit%
- container.hasParameter('sulu_audience_targeting.enabled')
- %sulu_article.view_document.article.class%
- %sulu_article.smart_content.default_limit%
- %sulu_article.view_document.article.class%
- %sulu.content.language.namespace%
- %sulu_article.article_document.class%
- %sulu_article.types%
- %sulu_article.view_document.article.class%
- %kernel.environment%
- %sulu_article.view_document.article.class%
- %sulu_article.view_document.article.class%
- %sulu_article.view_document.article.class%
- %sulu_article.search_fields%
- %sulu_article.default_main_webspace%
- %sulu_article.default_additional_webspaces%
- %sulu_article.view_document.article.class%
- %sulu_article.export.article.formats%
- %sulu_article.types%
diff --git a/Resources/config/services_headless.xml b/Resources/config/services_headless.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b1175cb4..000000000
--- a/Resources/config/services_headless.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- %sulu_document_manager.show_drafts%
- %sulu_document_manager.show_drafts%
- %sulu_document_manager.show_drafts%
diff --git a/Resources/config/services_reference.xml b/Resources/config/services_reference.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index cd8413e9d..000000000
--- a/Resources/config/services_reference.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- %sulu.context%
diff --git a/Resources/config/services_trash.xml b/Resources/config/services_trash.xml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/Resources/config/services_trash.xml
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@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
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--- a/Resources/doc/
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-# Documentation of SuluArticleBundle
-This documentation covers basic-topics to install and use this bundle.
-## List of content
-* [Installation](
-* [Routing](
-* [Overview-Page](
-* [Content-Types](
-* [ArticleViewDocument](
-* [Twig-Extensions](
-* [Commands](
-* [Author](
-* [Article Types](
-* [Multi Webspaces](
-* [XLIFF Export / Import](
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-# Article Types
-The SuluArticleBundle provides an additional way to divide different types of templates and group articles in the
-Sulu-Admin. The article type of a template is set with the `sulu_article.type` tag.
-This has following impacts:
-* The article list in the Sulu-Admin will be extended by a tab-navigation to filter for article-types.
-* Permissions in the settings area of the Sulu-Admin are managed separately for each article type.
-* When changing the template of an article, you can only choose templates with the same article-type.
-> To allow users to see a newly added article type, you need to add the permissions for the article to the respective user roles
-The article-type can also be used for querying the elastic-search index, it is stored in the field `type`.
-## Sulu-Admin translations
-To translate the name of the type in the Sulu-Admin UI you can use the following configuration snippet:
- types:
- my_article_type:
- translation_key: "app.article_types.my_article_type"
-This key can the be used to translate the key by adding a Translation File `translations/admin.en.json`.
-## Usage in Content-Types
-### Smart-Content
-The type can also be used to predefine a filter for the smart-content provider for articles. You can simply add the following param to the template definition:
-This will filter the smart-content for the given two types of articles.
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-# ArticleViewDocument
-This object is used to index article data in Elasticsearch. This index is used to query data where more than one article
-is requested (content-types, smart-content, ...).
-## Properties
-| Property | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| uuid | string | |
-| locale | string | |
-| title | string | |
-| routePath | string | |
-| type | string | |
-| structureType | string | Key of the XML Template file |
-| changerFullName | string | Fullname of the changer |
-| creatorFullName | string | Fullname of the creator |
-| authorFullName | string | Fullname of the author |
-| changed | DateTime | Timestamp of last modification |
-| created | DateTime | Timestamp of creation |
-| authored | DateTime | Managed timestamp of publication |
-| published | DateTime | Timestamp of publication |
-| excerpt | ExcerptViewObject | Full resolved (incl. media formats) of excerpt data |
-| seo | SeoViewObject | Data of excerpt data |
-| pages | ArticlePageViewObject[] | Content of pages (incl. content and view) |
-| content | array | Resolved content from raw-data |
-| view | array | Resolved view from raw-data |
-| targetWebspace | string | Recommended webspace key |
-| mainWebspace | string | Configured main webspace |
-| additionalWebspaces | string[] | Configured additional webspaces |
-| contentFields | string[] | Contains content properties tagged with `` |
-The `content` and `view` property is represented by a proxy to avoid resolving data where it is not needed.
-### ContentFields
-The content of the property `contentFields` can be customized. All properties which are tagged with
-`` in the xml configuration, are automatically added to this field. The main purpose of this field
-is to give the developer enough data and flexibility to implement search functionality via e.g. a `SearchController`.
- Text
- Text
-## How to extend?
-To extend the indexed data you can extend the `ArticleViewDocument`. This can be achieved by performing the following
-steps. The same steps can also be used to extend the `ArticlePageViewObject`.
-### 0. Create a Bundle Class
-Unfortunately, the ElasticsearchBundle allows to overwrite document classes only if an `AppBundle` is registered in the
-application. If you do not have registered such a bundle yet, you need to add it to your `src` directory and enable it
-in the `config/bundles.php` file.
- ['all' => true],
-#### 1. Create custom class
- $viewDocument = $event->getViewDocument();
- $data = $document->getStructure()->toArray();
- if (!array_key_exists('myCustomProperty', $data)) {
- return;
- }
- $viewDocument->myCustomProperty = $data['myCustomProperty'];
- }
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-# Author
-The author is a value which can be set by the content-manager. By default set the creator as the author on creation time
-and the content-manager can select another contact in the settings-tab. Therefor the author is a prefilled mandatory
-This behavior can be influenced by the configuration and make the author an optional nullable value.
- default_author: false
-When this configuration isset the author will no be prefilled and can be set optional in the settings-tab. If is was not
-set the `author` variable in twig will stay `null`.
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-# Commands
-## Reindex command
-The reindex command can be used to rebuild the elastic-search index of the articles.
-bin/adminconsole sulu:article:reindex
-bin/websiteconsole sulu:article:reindex
-The default behaviour of the command is to load all the articles and update the content of them. This includes that
-deleted articles (which was not removed correctly from index) will stay inside the index.
-To avoid this behaviour you can use the `--clear` option to remove all the articles from the index before reindex the
-existing ones.
-bin/adminconsole sulu:article:reindex --clear
-bin/websiteconsole sulu:article:reindex --clear
-Sometimes you want to update also the mapping of the index. To achieve this you can use the `--drop` option. This will
-drop and recreate the index with the current mapping.
-bin/adminconsole sulu:article:reindex --drop
-bin/websiteconsole sulu:article:reindex --drop
-This options will answer you the confirm this operation. To avoid this interaction you can use the `--no-interaction`
-bin/adminconsole sulu:article:reindex --drop --no-interaction
-bin/websiteconsole sulu:article:reindex --drop --no-interaction
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-# Content-Types
-The SuluArticleBundle provides 3 ways to include articles into another page (or article).
-1. Direct assignment: `article_selection` or `single_article_selection`
-2. Smart-Content: `articles` or `articles_page_tree`
-2. Teaser-Selection: `article`
-## Article-Selection
-Allows to select articles and assign them to another page or article.
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| types | string | Comma separated list of types which can be selected |
-### Returns
-The content-type returns a list of [ArticleViewDocumentInterface]( instances.
-### Example
- Articles
- Artikel
-## Single-Article-Selection
-Allows to select a single article and assign it to another page or article.
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| types | string | Comma separated list of types which can be selected |
-### Returns
-The content-type returns a single [ArticleViewDocumentInterface]( instance.
-### Example
- Article
- Artikel
-## Smart-Content
-This bundle provides also a way to include articles in the
-This allows to create dynamic lists of articles for example on overview-pages.
-There exists 2 different providers which does almost the same. The only difference is that
-the `articles_page_tree` allows to select a page as data-source which will be used to filter
-the articles.
-**Alias:** `articles` or `articles_page_tree`
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| types | string | Comma separated list of types which can be selected |
-| structureTypes | string | Comma separated list of structure types (template keys) which can be selected |
-| ignoreWebspaces | bool | If set to `true` all articles will be loaded, otherwise the webspace needs to match |
-### Returns
-The content-type returns a list of `ArticleResourceItem` (get the underlying
-[ArticleViewDocumentInterface]( with `ArticleResourceItem::getContent()`) instances.
-### Example
- Articles
- Artikel
-## Teaser-Selection
-Also for the [teaser-selection](
-an `article` provider exists.
-It allows to include there also articles. Same as for the pages, the data for the `Teaser`
-will be extracted from the excerpt or defined properties (`title`, `sulu.teaser.description` or
-Additionally this Teaser contains following attributes:
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| structureType | string | Key of selected template |
-| type | string | Article-Type of selected template |
-To use this attributes use `{{ teaser.attributes.structureType }}` but wrap it with a if-statement
-to ensure that this is only used for article teasers.
diff --git a/Resources/doc/default.html.twig b/Resources/doc/default.html.twig
deleted file mode 100644
index 9406b661a..000000000
--- a/Resources/doc/default.html.twig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "base.html.twig" %}
-{% block content %}
- {{ content.title }}
- {{ content.article|default()|raw }}
-{% endblock %}
diff --git a/Resources/doc/default.xml b/Resources/doc/default.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4773faacb..000000000
--- a/Resources/doc/default.xml
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@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- default
- articles/default
- Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Controller\WebsiteArticleController::indexAction
- 144000
- Default
- Standard
- Title
- Titel
- Resourcelocator
- Adresse
- Article
- Artikel
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-# Experimental Content Bundle Storage
-For the **experimental** storage the articles are stored using the [SuluContentBundle](
-## Table of content
- - [Installation](#installation)
- - [Routes](#routes)
- - [Configuration](#configuration)
- - [Override Entities](#override-entities)
- - [Override Article Entity](#override-article-entity)
- - [Override Article Content Entity](#override-article-entity)
-## Installation
-To use the experimental storage you need to have the [SuluContentBundle]( installed.
-composer require sulu/content-bundle
-Then you can configure it:
- article:
- storage: experimental
-## Routes
-# config/routes/sulu_article_admin.yaml
-## coming soon ...
-## Configuration
-The following is showing the full configuration of the **experimental** article module:
- storage: experimental
- # optional
- objects:
- article:
- model: 'Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Domain\Model\Article'
- article_content:
- model: 'Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Domain\Model\ArticleDimensionContent'
-## Override Entities
-### Override Article Entity
- User Roles`
-## Possible bundle configurations:
-# config/packages/sulu_article.yaml
- index_name: su_articles
- hosts: ['']
- default_main_webspace: null
- default_additional_webspaces: []
- smart_content:
- default_limit: 100
- documents:
- article:
- view: Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\ArticleViewDocument
- article_page:
- view: Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\ArticlePageViewObject
- types:
- # Prototype
- name:
- translation_key: ~
- # Display tab 'all' in list view
- display_tab_all: true
- # Set default author if none isset
- default_author: true
- search_fields:
- # Defaults:
- - title
- - excerpt.title
- - excerpt.description
- - excerpt.seo.title
- - excerpt.seo.description
- - excerpt.seo.keywords
- - teaser_description
-## Troubleshooting
-### Add bundles to AbstractKernel
-The bundle need to be registered after the `SuluCoreBundle` and `SuluDocumentManagerBundle`. This should be done
-automatically by Symfony Flex, if that fails for some reason you have to do it manually:
-/* config/bundles.php */
-Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\SuluArticleBundle::class => ['all' => true],
-ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\ONGRElasticsearchBundle::class => ['all' => true],
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@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Multi Webspaces
-When you have more than one webspace in your Sulu installation you should provide a default main webspace and optional additional webspaces for which the article is valid.
-## Functionality
-Normally an article will be delivered only for the main webspace. Further an article can be delivered for
-the additional webspaces which are configured. To prevent duplicate content issues a canonical tag with the
-url for the main webspace is inclued in the HTML head.
-More information about this topic:
-* Duplicate content:
-* Canonicalization:
-## Content Manager
-For each article the default webspace configuration can be overwritten by the content manager.
-## URL Generation
-The twig method [`sulu_content_path`]( can generate url with another webspace.
-Just give this method the `targetWebspace` of the article as second argument.
-For example: `sulu_content_path(article.routePath, article.targetWebspace)`.
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-# Overview Page
-This bundle provides multiple ways to create a overview page.
-## Content Types
-The first possibility to create a overview page is to use the build in functionality of Sulu.
-* Manually: Article-Selection (see [Content-Types](
-* Automatic: Smart-Content with article provider (see [Content-Types](
-Both can be influenced by the content-manager (selection of articles or configuring the filter).
-## Custom Controller
-Another way is to create a custom controller.
- article-overview
- pages/article-overview
- App\Controller\Website\ArticleOverviewController::indexAction
- 86400
- Title
- Titel
- Resourcelocator
- Adresse
-In this controller the articles can be loaded by using a custom elastic-search query.
-See [here]( for more information.
-esManagerLive = $esManagerLive;
- }
- public function indexAction(Request $request, StructureInterface $structure, $preview = false, $partial = false)
- {
- $page = $request->query->getInt('page', 1);
- if ($page < 1) {
- throw new NotFoundHttpException();
- }
- $articles = $this->loadArticles($page, self::PAGE_SIZE, $request->getLocale());
- $pages = (int) ceil($articles->count() / self::PAGE_SIZE) ?: 1;
- return $this->renderStructure(
- $structure,
- [
- 'page' => $page,
- 'pages' => $pages,
- 'articles' => $articles
- ],
- $preview,
- $partial
- );
- }
- private function loadArticles($page, $pageSize, $locale)
- {
- $repository = $this->getRepository();
- $search = $repository->createSearch()
- ->addSort(new FieldSort('authored', FieldSort::DESC))
- ->setFrom(($page - 1) * $pageSize)
- ->setSize($pageSize)
- ->addQuery(new TermQuery('locale', $locale));
- return $repository->findDocuments($search);
- }
- /**
- * @return Repository
- */
- private function getRepository()
- {
- return $this->esManagerLive->getRepository(ArticleViewDocument::class);
- }
-That the `$esManagerLive` is correctly set you need to add the following to your `config/services.yaml`
- # default configuration for services in *this* file
- _defaults:
- autowire: true # Automatically injects dependencies in your services.
- autoconfigure: true # Automatically registers your services as commands, event subscribers, etc.
- bind:
- $esManagerLive: ''
-In the twig template you can use the [ArticleViewDocument]( to render for example a list of
-{% extends "base.html.twig" %}
-{% block content %}
- {{ content.title }}
- {% if page > 1 %}
- Previous
- {% endif %}
- {% for i in 1..pages %}
- {{ i }}
- {% endfor %}
- {% if page < pages %}
- Next
- {% endif %}
-{% endblock %}
-### Page-Tree-Route
-As an addition to the example above you can use the [page_tree_route]( to link articles
-to a specific page.
-This can be handled in th controller by changing the `loadArticles($page, $pageSize, $structure->getUuid()`.
-private function loadArticles($page, $pageSize, $uuid)
- $repository = $this->getRepository();
- $search = $repository->createSearch()
- ->addSort(new FieldSort('authored', FieldSort::DESC))
- ->setFrom(($page - 1) * $pageSize)
- ->setSize($pageSize)
- ->addQuery(new TermQuery('parent_page_uuid', $uuid));
- return $repository->findDocuments($search);
-The rest of the code can be reused.
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-# Routing
-The articles uses the routing-system of sulu. This enables entities (in this case the article)
-to manage the routes centrally in the database. This routes will be used to determine which
-Controller will be called during the request.
-This controller can be configured in the template file of the article. This xml-file contains
-an item which is called `` and it contains the controller name (also services are
-possible) and the action (or function) name.
-The arguments for the controller are:
-* `ArticleInterface $object`: The article itself.
-* `string $view`: Contains the value of the `` node from the template.xml file.
-* `int $pageNumber`: The page-number is used to pass tell the controller which page of the
- article should be rendered.
-* `int _cacheLifetime`: Contains the resolved value of `` node from the
- template.xml file.
-Additionally the `Request $request` can also be used in the controller.
-## Route Schema
-The `route_schema` which will be used to generate a route for a newly created article can be
-defined in the configuration.
- mappings:
- Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\ArticleDocument:
- generator: schema
- options:
- route_schema: '/articles/{implode("-", object)}'
-This schema will be used for all articles which will be created in the future. Older articles
-will not be touched.
-### Overwrite route schema in template
-You can use a different `route_schema` for articles with a specific template by setting the
-`route_schema` param of the `routePath` property in the template:
- Resourcelocator
- Adresse
-## Route Generation
-For the route generation this bundle provides two different ways and two different approaches.
-### Route Schema
-This method is default for SuluArticleBundle. It generates the route by a custom schema which is
-already configured in the installation process (see [installation](
-To use this approach you have to do nothing (if you followed the installation description). For
-the completeness you have to be aware that following steps are done:
-* The `routePath` property uses the `route` content type
-* The `sulu_route` configuration includes a `route_schema` for the `ArticleDocument`
-### Page tree integration
-The other approach is based on the page-tree. You can choose a page which is used as the parent
-route to generate the routes for the article (e.g. `/page/article`). Each article can have its
-own parent-page and can so be coupled to the page.
-To use this approach you have to change the content-type of the property `routePath` to
-`page_tree_route`. This will change the UI for this property in the Sulu-Admin and behind the
-scenes the routes will be handled in a different way.
- Resourcelocator
- Adresse
-You still can define the rear part generation of the url like descripted above.
-**Route update**
-When changing a url of a page the system also update the routes of all the linked articles.
-By default this behaviour will be called immediately on publishing the page. This could consume
-a lot of time when lots of articles are linked to the saved page.
-To omit this the bundle provides a way to asynchronously call this route-update via the
-SuluAutomationBundle. To enable it you have to install the
-[SuluAutomationBundle]( and add following
-configuration to `app/config/admin/config.yml`:
- content_types:
- page_tree_route:
- page_route_cascade: task # "request" or "off"
-**Route move**
-When the parent-page of multiple articles should be changed (e.g. the page was removed) you can use following command to
-update the parent-page of all articles which are related to the given page-url.
-bin/console sulu:article:page-tree:move /page-1 /page-2 sulu_io de
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-# Twig Extensions
-Twig Extensions
-* Load recent articles: `sulu_article_load_recent`
-* Load similar articles: `sulu_article_load_similar`
-## `sulu_article_load_recent`
-Returns recent published articles, filter by given parameters.
-### Arguments
-- **limit**: *integer* - optional: set the limit - default: 5
-- **types**: *array* - optional: filter for article types - default: type of the requested article or null
-- **locale**: *string* - optional: filter for locale - default: locale of the request
-- **ignoreWebspaces**: *bool* - ignore webspace settings - default: false
-### Returns
-The content-type returns a list of `ArticleResourceItem` instances.
-### Example
-{% set articles = sulu_article_load_recent(3, ['blog']) %}
-## `sulu_article_load_similar`
-Returns similar articles compared to the requested one.
-Note: Which fields are included in this request can be configured with `sulu_article.search_fields` config parameter.
-### Arguments
-- **limit**: *integer* - optional: set the limit - default: 5
-- **types**: *array* - optional: filter for article types - default: type of the requested article
-- **locale**: *string* - optional: filter for locale - default: locale of the request
-- **ignoreWebspaces**: *bool* - ignore webspace settings - default: false
-### Returns
-The content-type returns a list of `ArticleResourceItem` instances.
-### Example
-{% set articles = sulu_article_load_similar(5, ['blog']) %}
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-# XLIFF Export / Import
-The SuluArticleBundle is able to export the content of the articles into a XLIFF format. The resulting file can be used
-by a translation tool or send to a translation agency.
-They can extend the file with the translation and after that imported by the developer.
-$ bin/adminconsole sulu:article:export export.xliff en
-Article Language Export
-Target: export.xliff
-Locale: en
-Format: 1.2.xliff
-Continue with this options?(y/n) y
-Loading Data…
- 30/30 [============================] 100%
-Render Xliff…
-$ bin/adminconsole sulu:article:import export.xliff de --overrideSettings
-Language Import
-Locale: de
-Format: 1.2.xliff
-Override Setting: YES
-Continue with this options? Be careful! (y/n) y
- 1/1 [============================] 100% 2 secs/2 secs 54.5 MiB
-Import Result
-1 Documents imported.
-0 Documents ignored.
diff --git a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version201702211450.php b/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version201702211450.php
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--authors` and adds `i18n:-author`.
- */
-class Version201702211450 implements VersionInterface, ContainerAwareInterface
- use ContainerAwareTrait;
- public function up(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
- $this->upgrade($liveSession);
- $this->upgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- public function down(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
- $this->downgrade($liveSession);
- $this->downgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- /**
- * Upgrade all nodes in given session.
- */
- private function upgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $localizations = $this->container->get('sulu_core.webspace.webspace_manager')->getAllLocalizations();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article"';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- /** @var Row $row */
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- /** @var Node $node */
- $node = $row->getNode();
- /** @var Localization $localization */
- foreach ($localizations as $localization) {
- $value = null;
- $authorsPropertyName = \sprintf('i18n:%s-authors', $localization->getLocale());
- if ($node->hasProperty($authorsPropertyName)) {
- $property = $node->getProperty($authorsPropertyName);
- $value = $property->getValue();
- if (\is_array($value) && \count($value) > 0) {
- $value = $value[0];
- }
- $property->remove();
- }
- $authorPropertyName = \sprintf('i18n:%s-author', $localization->getLocale());
- if (!$node->hasProperty($authorPropertyName)) {
- $node->setProperty(
- $authorPropertyName,
- $value
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Downgrades all nodes in given session.
- */
- private function downgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $localizations = $this->container->get('sulu_core.webspace.webspace_manager')->getAllLocalizations();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article"';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- /** @var Row $row */
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- /** @var Localization $localization */
- foreach ($localizations as $localization) {
- $value = null;
- $authorPropertyName = \sprintf('i18n:%s-author', $localization->getLocale());
- if ($node->hasProperty($authorPropertyName)) {
- $property = $node->getProperty($authorPropertyName);
- $value = $property->getValue();
- $property->remove();
- }
- $authorsPropertyName = \sprintf('i18n:%s-authors', $localization->getLocale());
- if (!$node->hasProperty($authorsPropertyName)) {
- $node->setProperty(
- $authorsPropertyName,
- [$value]
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
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@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
- */
-class Version201712041018 implements VersionInterface, ContainerAwareInterface
- use ContainerAwareTrait;
- public const AUTHOR_PROPERTY_NAME = 'sulu:author';
- public const AUTHORED_PROPERTY_NAME = 'sulu:authored';
- public function up(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
- $this->upgrade($liveSession);
- $this->upgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- public function down(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
- $this->downgrade($liveSession);
- $this->downgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- /**
- * Upgrade all nodes in given session.
- */
- private function upgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $localizations = $this->container->get('sulu_core.webspace.webspace_manager')->getAllLocalizations();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article"';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- /** @var Row $row */
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- /** @var Node $node */
- $node = $row->getNode();
- /** @var Localization $localization */
- foreach ($localizations as $localization) {
- if (!$node->hasProperty(\sprintf('i18n:%s-template', $localization->getLocale()))) {
- continue;
- }
- $this->upgradeAuthor($node, $localization->getLocale());
- $this->upgradeAuthored($node, $localization->getLocale());
- }
- if ($node->hasProperty(self::AUTHOR_PROPERTY_NAME)) {
- $node->getProperty(self::AUTHOR_PROPERTY_NAME)->remove();
- }
- if ($node->hasProperty(self::AUTHORED_PROPERTY_NAME)) {
- $node->getProperty(self::AUTHORED_PROPERTY_NAME)->remove();
- }
- }
- }
- private function upgradeAuthor(NodeInterface $node, $locale)
- {
- if (!$node->hasProperty(self::AUTHOR_PROPERTY_NAME)) {
- return;
- }
- $authorPropertyName = \sprintf('i18n:%s-author', $locale);
- $node->setProperty($authorPropertyName, $node->getPropertyValue(self::AUTHOR_PROPERTY_NAME));
- }
- private function upgradeAuthored(NodeInterface $node, $locale)
- {
- if (!$node->hasProperty(self::AUTHORED_PROPERTY_NAME)) {
- return;
- }
- $authoredPropertyName = \sprintf('i18n:%s-authored', $locale);
- $node->setProperty($authoredPropertyName, $node->getPropertyValue(self::AUTHORED_PROPERTY_NAME));
- }
- /**
- * Downgrades all nodes in given session.
- */
- private function downgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $localizations = $this->container->get('sulu_core.webspace.webspace_manager')->getAllLocalizations();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article"';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- /** @var Row $row */
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- /** @var Node $node */
- $node = $row->getNode();
- /** @var Localization $localization */
- foreach ($localizations as $localization) {
- if (!$node->hasProperty(\sprintf('i18n:%s-changed', $localization->getLocale()))) {
- continue;
- }
- $this->downgradeAuthor($node, $localization->getLocale());
- $this->downgradeAuthored($node, $localization->getLocale());
- }
- }
- }
- private function downgradeAuthor(NodeInterface $node, $locale)
- {
- $authorPropertyName = \sprintf('i18n:%s-author', $locale);
- if (!$node->hasProperty($authorPropertyName)) {
- return;
- }
- $node->setProperty(self::AUTHOR_PROPERTY_NAME, $node->getPropertyValue($authorPropertyName));
- $node->getProperty($authorPropertyName)->remove();
- }
- private function downgradeAuthored(NodeInterface $node, $locale)
- {
- $authoredPropertyName = \sprintf('i18n:%s-authored', $locale);
- if (!$node->hasProperty($authoredPropertyName)) {
- return;
- }
- $node->setProperty(self::AUTHORED_PROPERTY_NAME, $node->getPropertyValue($authoredPropertyName));
- $node->getProperty($authoredPropertyName)->remove();
- }
diff --git a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version201811091000.php b/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version201811091000.php
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@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
- * Removes the property `additionalWebspaces` and adds `i18n:-additionalWebspaces`.
- */
-class Version201811091000 implements VersionInterface, ContainerAwareInterface
- use ContainerAwareTrait;
- public const MAIN_WEBSPACE_PROPERTY_NAME = 'mainWebspace';
- public const ADDITONAL_WEBSPACES_PROPERTY_NAME = 'additionalWebspaces';
- public function up(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
- $this->upgrade($liveSession);
- $this->upgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- public function down(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
- $this->downgrade($liveSession);
- $this->downgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- /**
- * Upgrade all nodes in given session.
- */
- private function upgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $localizations = $this->container->get('sulu_core.webspace.webspace_manager')->getAllLocalizations();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article"';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- /** @var Row $row */
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- /** @var Node $node */
- $node = $row->getNode();
- /** @var Localization $localization */
- foreach ($localizations as $localization) {
- // check if node exists
- if (!$node->hasProperty(\sprintf('i18n:%s-template', $localization->getLocale()))) {
- continue;
- }
- $this->upgradeMainWebspace($node, $localization->getLocale());
- $this->upgradeAdditionalWebspaces($node, $localization->getLocale());
- }
- if ($node->hasProperty(self::MAIN_WEBSPACE_PROPERTY_NAME)) {
- $node->getProperty(self::MAIN_WEBSPACE_PROPERTY_NAME)->remove();
- }
- if ($node->hasProperty(self::ADDITONAL_WEBSPACES_PROPERTY_NAME)) {
- $node->getProperty(self::ADDITONAL_WEBSPACES_PROPERTY_NAME)->remove();
- }
- }
- }
- private function upgradeMainWebspace(NodeInterface $node, $locale)
- {
- if (!$node->hasProperty(self::MAIN_WEBSPACE_PROPERTY_NAME)) {
- return;
- }
- $value = $node->getPropertyValue(self::MAIN_WEBSPACE_PROPERTY_NAME);
- if ($value) {
- $mainWebspacePropertyNameLocalized = \sprintf('i18n:%s-' . self::MAIN_WEBSPACE_PROPERTY_NAME, $locale);
- $node->setProperty(
- $mainWebspacePropertyNameLocalized,
- $node->getPropertyValue(self::MAIN_WEBSPACE_PROPERTY_NAME)
- );
- }
- }
- private function upgradeAdditionalWebspaces(NodeInterface $node, $locale)
- {
- if (!$node->hasProperty(self::ADDITONAL_WEBSPACES_PROPERTY_NAME)) {
- return;
- }
- $value = $node->getPropertyValue(self::ADDITONAL_WEBSPACES_PROPERTY_NAME);
- if ($value) {
- $additionalWebspacesPropertyNameLocalized = \sprintf('i18n:%s-' . self::ADDITONAL_WEBSPACES_PROPERTY_NAME, $locale);
- $node->setProperty(
- $additionalWebspacesPropertyNameLocalized,
- $value
- );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Downgrades all nodes in given session.
- */
- private function downgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $localizations = $this->container->get('sulu_core.webspace.webspace_manager')->getAllLocalizations();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article"';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- /** @var Row $row */
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- /** @var Node $node */
- $node = $row->getNode();
- /** @var Localization $localization */
- foreach ($localizations as $localization) {
- // check if node exists
- if (!$node->hasProperty(\sprintf('i18n:%s-template', $localization->getLocale()))) {
- continue;
- }
- $this->downgradeMainWebspace($node, $localization->getLocale());
- $this->downgradeAdditionalWebspaces($node, $localization->getLocale());
- }
- }
- }
- private function downgradeMainWebspace(NodeInterface $node, $locale)
- {
- $mainWebspacePropertyNameLocalized = \sprintf('i18n:%s-' . self::MAIN_WEBSPACE_PROPERTY_NAME, $locale);
- if (!$node->hasProperty($mainWebspacePropertyNameLocalized)) {
- return;
- }
- $value = $node->getPropertyValue($mainWebspacePropertyNameLocalized);
- if ($value) {
- $node->setProperty(self::MAIN_WEBSPACE_PROPERTY_NAME, $value);
- }
- $node->getProperty($mainWebspacePropertyNameLocalized)->remove();
- }
- private function downgradeAdditionalWebspaces(NodeInterface $node, $locale)
- {
- $additionalWebspacesPropertyNameLocalized = \sprintf('i18n:%s-' . self::ADDITONAL_WEBSPACES_PROPERTY_NAME, $locale);
- if (!$node->hasProperty($additionalWebspacesPropertyNameLocalized)) {
- return;
- }
- $value = $node->getPropertyValue($additionalWebspacesPropertyNameLocalized);
- if ($value) {
- $node->setProperty(self::ADDITONAL_WEBSPACES_PROPERTY_NAME, $value);
- }
- $node->getProperty($additionalWebspacesPropertyNameLocalized)->remove();
- }
diff --git a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version201905071542.php b/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version201905071542.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9040450b3..000000000
--- a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version201905071542.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- $this->upgrade($liveSession);
- $this->upgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- public function down(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
- $this->downgrade($liveSession);
- $this->downgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- private function upgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE ([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:page" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:home")';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- foreach ($node->getProperties() as $property) {
- if (\is_string($property->getValue())) {
- $propertyValue = \json_decode($property->getValue(), true);
- if (\is_array($propertyValue) && \array_key_exists('items', $propertyValue)) {
- foreach ($propertyValue['items'] as &$item) {
- if (isset($item['type']) && 'article' === $item['type']) {
- $item['type'] = 'articles';
- }
- }
- $property->setValue(\json_encode($propertyValue));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private function downgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE ([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:page" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:home")';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- foreach ($node->getProperties() as $property) {
- if (\is_string($property->getValue())) {
- $propertyValue = \json_decode($property->getValue(), true);
- if (\is_array($propertyValue) && \array_key_exists('items', $propertyValue)) {
- foreach ($propertyValue['items'] as &$item) {
- if (isset($item['type']) && 'articles' === $item['type']) {
- $item['type'] = 'article';
- }
- }
- $property->setValue(\json_encode($propertyValue));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202005151141.php b/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202005151141.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f649ba2da..000000000
--- a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202005151141.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- $this->upgrade($liveSession);
- $this->upgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- public function down(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
- $this->downgrade($liveSession);
- $this->downgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- private function upgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE ([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:page" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:home" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:articlepage")';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- foreach ($node->getProperties() as $property) {
- if (\is_string($property->getValue())) {
- $propertyValue = \json_decode($property->getValue(), true);
- if (\is_array($propertyValue) && \array_key_exists('items', $propertyValue)) {
- foreach ($propertyValue['items'] as &$item) {
- if (isset($item['type']) && 'article' === $item['type']) {
- $item['type'] = 'articles';
- }
- if (isset($item['type']) && 'content' === $item['type']) {
- $item['type'] = 'pages';
- }
- }
- $property->setValue(\json_encode($propertyValue));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private function downgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE ([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:page" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:home" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:articlepage")';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- foreach ($node->getProperties() as $property) {
- if (\is_string($property->getValue())) {
- $propertyValue = \json_decode($property->getValue(), true);
- if (\is_array($propertyValue) && \array_key_exists('items', $propertyValue)) {
- foreach ($propertyValue['items'] as &$item) {
- if (isset($item['type']) && 'articles' === $item['type']) {
- $item['type'] = 'article';
- }
- if (isset($item['type']) && 'pages' === $item['type']) {
- $item['type'] = 'content';
- }
- }
- $property->setValue(\json_encode($propertyValue));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202005191117.php b/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202005191117.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 40880d39e..000000000
--- a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202005191117.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- $this->upgrade($liveSession);
- $this->upgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- public function down(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
- $this->downgrade($liveSession);
- $this->downgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- private function upgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE ([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:snippet")';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- foreach ($node->getProperties() as $property) {
- if (\is_string($property->getValue())) {
- $propertyValue = \json_decode($property->getValue(), true);
- if (\is_array($propertyValue) && \array_key_exists('items', $propertyValue)) {
- foreach ($propertyValue['items'] as &$item) {
- if (isset($item['type']) && 'article' === $item['type']) {
- $item['type'] = 'articles';
- }
- }
- $property->setValue(\json_encode($propertyValue));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private function downgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE ([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:snippet")';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- foreach ($node->getProperties() as $property) {
- if (\is_string($property->getValue())) {
- $propertyValue = \json_decode($property->getValue(), true);
- if (\is_array($propertyValue) && \array_key_exists('items', $propertyValue)) {
- foreach ($propertyValue['items'] as &$item) {
- if (isset($item['type']) && 'articles' === $item['type']) {
- $item['type'] = 'article';
- }
- }
- $property->setValue(\json_encode($propertyValue));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202005250920.php b/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202005250920.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b50a80926..000000000
--- a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202005250920.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- $this->upgrade($liveSession);
- $this->upgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- public function down(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
- $this->downgrade($liveSession);
- $this->downgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- private function upgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE ([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:articlepage")';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- foreach ($node->getProperties() as $property) {
- if (\is_string($property->getValue())) {
- $propertyValue = \json_decode($property->getValue(), true);
- // decide if property is of type smart_content type by checking for presentAs and sortBy
- if (\is_array($propertyValue) && \array_key_exists('presentAs', $propertyValue) && \array_key_exists('sortBy', $propertyValue)) {
- if (\is_array($propertyValue['sortBy'])) {
- $propertyValue['sortBy'] = \count($propertyValue['sortBy']) > 0 ? $propertyValue['sortBy'][0] : null;
- }
- $property->setValue(\json_encode($propertyValue));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private function downgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE ([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:articlepage")';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- foreach ($node->getProperties() as $property) {
- if (\is_string($property->getValue())) {
- $propertyValue = \json_decode($property->getValue(), true);
- // decide if property is of type smart_content type by checking for presentAs and sortBy
- if (\is_array($propertyValue) && \array_key_exists('presentAs', $propertyValue) && \array_key_exists('sortBy', $propertyValue)) {
- if (!\is_array($propertyValue['sortBy'])) {
- $propertyValue['sortBy'] = [$propertyValue['sortBy']];
- }
- $property->setValue(\json_encode($propertyValue));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202210140922.php b/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202210140922.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c61c814e..000000000
--- a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202210140922.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
- $this->upgrade($liveSession);
- $this->upgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- public function down(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
- $this->downgrade($liveSession);
- $this->downgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- private function upgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE ([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:articlepage")';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- foreach ($node->getProperties() as $property) {
- $propertyValue = $property->getValue();
- if (\is_string($propertyValue)) {
- if (false !== \strpos($propertyValue, '(.*?)<\/sulu:media>/',
- function($match) {
- return ''
- . $match[2]
- . ' ';
- },
- $propertyValue
- );
- }
- if (false !== \strpos($propertyValue, '(.*?)<\/sulu:(.*?)>/',
- '$3 ',
- $propertyValue
- );
- }
- if ($propertyValue !== $property->getValue()) {
- $property->setValue($propertyValue);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private function downgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE ([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:articlepage")';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- foreach ($node->getProperties() as $property) {
- $propertyValue = $property->getValue();
- if (\is_string($propertyValue)) {
- if (false !== \strpos($propertyValue, '(.*?)<\/sulu-link>/',
- function($match) {
- return '' . $match[2] . ' ';
- },
- $propertyValue
- );
- }
- if (false !== \strpos($propertyValue, '(.*?)<\/sulu-(.*?)>/',
- '$3 ',
- $propertyValue
- );
- }
- if ($propertyValue !== $property->getValue()) {
- $property->setValue($propertyValue);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202210241106.php b/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202210241106.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f7403b90..000000000
--- a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202210241106.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- $this->upgrade($liveSession);
- $this->upgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- public function down(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
- $this->downgrade($liveSession);
- $this->downgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- private function upgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $localizations = $this->container->get('sulu_core.webspace.webspace_manager')->getAllLocalizations();
- /** @var Localization $localization */
- foreach ($localizations as $localization) {
- $suffixPropertyName = \sprintf('i18n:%s-routePath-suffix', $localization->getLocale());
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE ([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:articlepage")';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- /** @var Row $row */
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- if (!$node || !$node->hasProperty($suffixPropertyName)) {
- continue;
- }
- $suffix = $node->getPropertyValue($suffixPropertyName);
- $newSuffix = '/' . \ltrim($suffix, '/');
- if ($suffix === $newSuffix) {
- continue;
- }
- $node->setProperty($suffixPropertyName, $newSuffix);
- }
- }
- }
- private function downgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $localizations = $this->container->get('sulu_core.webspace.webspace_manager')->getAllLocalizations();
- /** @var Localization $localization */
- foreach ($localizations as $localization) {
- $suffixPropertyName = \sprintf('i18n:%s-routePath-suffix', $localization->getLocale());
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE ([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:articlepage")';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- /** @var Row $row */
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- if (!$node || !$node->hasProperty($suffixPropertyName)) {
- continue;
- }
- $suffix = $node->getPropertyValue($suffixPropertyName);
- $newSuffix = \ltrim($suffix, '/');
- if ($suffix === $newSuffix) {
- continue;
- }
- $node->setProperty($suffixPropertyName, $newSuffix);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202407111600.php b/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202407111600.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d996f345..000000000
--- a/Resources/phpcr-migrations/Version202407111600.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-container = $container;
- }
- public function up(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $this->propertyEncoder = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.property_encoder');
- $this->metadataFactory = $this->container->get('sulu_page.structure.factory');
- $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
- $this->upgrade($liveSession);
- $this->upgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- public function down(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $this->propertyEncoder = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.property_encoder');
- $this->metadataFactory = $this->container->get('sulu_page.structure.factory');
- $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
- $this->downgrade($liveSession);
- $this->downgrade($session);
- $liveSession->save();
- $session->save();
- }
- private function upgrade(SessionInterface $session): void
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $localizations = $this->container->get('sulu_core.webspace.webspace_manager')->getAllLocalizations();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE ([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:articlepage")';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- /** @var Localization $localization */
- foreach ($localizations as $localization) {
- $locale = $localization->getLocale();
- $templateKey = $this->propertyEncoder->localizedContentName('template', $locale);
- /** @var Row $row */
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- $structureType = $node->getPropertyValue($templateKey);
- $routePathPropertyName = $this->getRoutePathPropertyName($structureType, $locale);
- $propertyName = $this->propertyEncoder->localizedContentName(RoutableSubscriber::ROUTE_FIELD_NAME, $locale);
- $node->setProperty($propertyName, $routePathPropertyName);
- }
- }
- }
- private function downgrade(SessionInterface $session)
- {
- $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();
- $localizations = $this->container->get('sulu_core.webspace.webspace_manager')->getAllLocalizations();
- $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE ([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:article" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:articlepage")';
- $rows = $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();
- /** @var Localization $localization */
- foreach ($localizations as $localization) {
- $locale = $localization->getLocale();
- /** @var Row $row */
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $node = $row->getNode();
- $propertyName = $this->propertyEncoder->localizedContentName(RoutableSubscriber::ROUTE_FIELD_NAME, $locale);
- $node->setProperty($propertyName, null);
- }
- }
- }
- private function getRoutePathPropertyName(string $structureType, string $locale): string
- {
- $metadata = $this->metadataFactory->getStructureMetadata('article', $structureType);
- if ($metadata->hasPropertyWithTagName(RoutableSubscriber::TAG_NAME)) {
- return $this->getPropertyName($locale, $metadata->getPropertyByTagName(RoutableSubscriber::TAG_NAME)->getName());
- }
- return $this->getPropertyName($locale, RoutableSubscriber::ROUTE_FIELD);
- }
- private function getPropertyName(string $locale, string $field): string
- {
- return $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName($field, $locale);
- }
diff --git a/Resources/views/Export/Article/1.2.xliff.twig b/Resources/views/Export/Article/1.2.xliff.twig
deleted file mode 100644
index c92ed0979..000000000
--- a/Resources/views/Export/Article/1.2.xliff.twig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "@SuluArticle/Export/Article/base.export.twig" %}
-{% block main %}
-{{ parent() }}
-{% endblock main %}
-{% block article %}
- {{- parent() -}}
-{% endblock article %}
-{# view #}
-{%- block view -%}
- {% apply spaceless %}
- {% set attributes = '' %}
- {% set target = '' %}
- {%- if value is iterable -%}
- {% set value = value|json_encode %}
- {%- endif -%}
- {%- if options.translate is defined and not options.translate -%}
- {% set attributes = attributes ~ ' translate="no"' %}
- {% set target = value %}
- {%- endif -%}
- {% if type == 'text_editor' %}
- {% set attributes = attributes ~ ' datatype="html"' %}
- {% endif %}
- {% endapply %}
- {% autoescape false %}
- {{ sulu_content_type_export_escape(value) }}
- {{ sulu_content_type_export_escape(target) }}
- {% endautoescape %}
-{%- endblock view -%}
diff --git a/Resources/views/Export/Article/base.export.twig b/Resources/views/Export/Article/base.export.twig
deleted file mode 100644
index 77de5e7f0..000000000
--- a/Resources/views/Export/Article/base.export.twig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-{% block main %}
- {{ block('articles') }}
-{% endblock main %}
-{% if false %} {# avoid output of block directly #}
- {# Iterate over the articles #}
- {%- block articles -%}
- {%- for document in documents -%}
- {% apply spaceless %}
- {% set settings = document.settings %}
- {% set content = document.content %}
- {% set extensions = document.extensions %}
- {% set prefix = '' %}
- {% endapply %}{{ block('article') }}
- {%- endfor -%}
- {%- endblock articles -%}
- {% block article %}
- {{- block('content') -}}
- {{- block('extensions') -}}
- {{- block('settings') -}}
- {% endblock article %}
- {# Output content #}
- {%- block content -%}
- {% set properties = content %}
- {{- block('properties') -}}
- {%- endblock content -%}
- {# Output extensions #}
- {%- block extensions -%}
- {%- for key, extension in extensions -%}
- {% set prefixBefore = prefix %}
- {% set prefix = prefix ~ key ~ '-' %}
- {% set properties = extension %}
- {{- block('properties') -}}
- {% set prefix = prefixBefore %}
- {%- endfor -%}
- {%- endblock extensions -%}
- {# Output settings #}
- {%- block settings -%}
- {% set properties = settings %}
- {{- block('properties') -}}
- {%- endblock settings -%}
- {# Output properties #}
- {%- block properties -%}
- {%- for property in properties -%}
- {% if property.value is defined %}
- {{- block('model') -}}
- {% endif %}
- {%- if property.children is defined -%}
- {%- for key, child in property.children -%}
- {% set prefixBefore = prefix %}
- {% set prefix = prefix ~ ~ '#' ~ key ~ '-' %}
- {% set properties = child %}
- {{- block('properties') -}}
- {% set prefix = prefixBefore %}
- {%- endfor -%}
- {%- endif -%}
- {%- endfor -%}
- {%- endblock properties -%}
- {# Output model #}
- {%- block model -%}
- {% apply spaceless %}
- {% set name = prefix ~ %}
- {% set options = property.options|default('') %}
- {% set value = property.value %}
- {% set type = property.type|default('') %}
- {% endapply %}{{- block('view') -}}
- {%- endblock model -%}
- {# View #}
- {%- block view -%}{%- endblock view -%}
-{% endif %}
diff --git a/Routing/ArticlePageRouteGenerator.php b/Routing/ArticlePageRouteGenerator.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a326c9e4..000000000
--- a/Routing/ArticlePageRouteGenerator.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-routeGenerator = $routeGenerator;
- $this->tokenProvider = $tokenProvider;
- }
- public function generate($entity, array $options)
- {
- $parent = $options['parent'];
- $tokens = [];
- \preg_match_all('/{(.*?)}/', $parent, $matches);
- $tokenNames = $matches[1];
- foreach ($tokenNames as $name) {
- $tokenName = '{' . $name . '}';
- $tokenValue = $this->tokenProvider->provide($entity, $name);
- $tokens[$tokenName] = $tokenValue;
- }
- $parentPath = \strtr($parent, $tokens);
- return $this->routeGenerator->generate($entity, ['route_schema' => $parentPath . $options['route_schema']]);
- }
- public function getOptionsResolver(array $options)
- {
- return (new OptionsResolver())->setRequired(['route_schema', 'parent']);
- }
diff --git a/Routing/ArticleRouteDefaultProvider.php b/Routing/ArticleRouteDefaultProvider.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 71237175e..000000000
--- a/Routing/ArticleRouteDefaultProvider.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->structureMetadataFactory = $structureMetadataFactory;
- $this->cacheLifetimeResolver = $cacheLifetimeResolver;
- $this->structureManager = $structureManager;
- $this->webspaceResolver = $webspaceResolver;
- $this->requestAnalyzer = $requestAnalyzer;
- }
- /**
- * @param ArticleDocument $object
- */
- public function getByEntity($entityClass, $id, $locale, $object = null)
- {
- if (!$object) {
- $object = $this->documentManager->find($id, $locale);
- }
- $pageNumber = $object->getPageNumber();
- if ($object instanceof ArticlePageDocument) {
- // the article contains the seo/excerpt data and the controller handles the page-number automatically
- /** @var ArticleDocument $object */
- $object = $object->getParent();
- }
- $metadata = $this->structureMetadataFactory->getStructureMetadata('article', $object->getStructureType());
- // this parameter should not be used
- // but the sulu-collector for the profiler needs it to determine data from request
- /** @var StructureBridge $structure */
- $structure = $this->structureManager->wrapStructure('article', $metadata);
- $structure->setDocument($object);
- return [
- 'object' => $object,
- 'view' => $metadata->getView(),
- 'pageNumber' => $pageNumber,
- 'structure' => $structure,
- '_cacheLifetime' => $this->getCacheLifetime($metadata),
- '_controller' => $metadata->getController(),
- ];
- }
- /**
- * If article is not published the document will be of typ unknown-document.
- * Also check the workflow stage if it`s a ArticleDocument.
- *
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- public function isPublished($entityClass, $id, $locale)
- {
- $object = $this->documentManager->find(
- $id,
- $locale,
- [
- 'load_ghost_content' => false,
- ]
- );
- if (!$object instanceof ArticleInterface) {
- return false;
- }
- if ($object instanceof ShadowLocaleBehavior && $object->isShadowLocaleEnabled()) {
- $object = $this->documentManager->find(
- $id,
- $object->getShadowLocale(),
- [
- 'load_ghost_content' => false,
- ],
- );
- }
- if (!$object instanceof ArticleInterface || WorkflowStage::PUBLISHED !== $object->getWorkflowStage()) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!$object instanceof WebspaceBehavior) {
- return true;
- }
- $webspace = $this->requestAnalyzer->getWebspace();
- if (!$webspace
- || (
- $this->webspaceResolver->resolveMainWebspace($object) !== $webspace->getKey()
- && !\in_array($webspace->getKey(), $this->webspaceResolver->resolveAdditionalWebspaces($object))
- )
- ) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- public function supports($entityClass)
- {
- return ArticleDocument::class === $entityClass
- || ArticlePageDocument::class === $entityClass
- || \is_subclass_of($entityClass, ArticleDocument::class)
- || \is_subclass_of($entityClass, ArticlePageDocument::class);
- }
- /**
- * Get cache life time.
- */
- private function getCacheLifetime(StructureMetadata $metadata): ?int
- {
- $cacheLifetime = $metadata->getCacheLifetime();
- if (!$cacheLifetime) {
- return null;
- }
- if (!\is_array($cacheLifetime)
- || !isset($cacheLifetime['type'])
- || !isset($cacheLifetime['value'])
- || !$this->cacheLifetimeResolver->supports($cacheLifetime['type'], $cacheLifetime['value'])
- ) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Invalid cachelifetime in article route default provider: %s', \var_export($cacheLifetime, true)));
- }
- return $this->cacheLifetimeResolver->resolve($cacheLifetime['type'], $cacheLifetime['value']);
- }
diff --git a/Routing/ArticleRouteEnhancer.php b/Routing/ArticleRouteEnhancer.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 37651d41a..000000000
--- a/Routing/ArticleRouteEnhancer.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-webspaceManager = $webspaceManager;
- $this->webspaceResolver = $webspaceResolver;
- $this->environment = $environment;
- }
- public function enhance(array $defaults, Request $request): array
- {
- if (!$this->shouldAddCanonicalTag($defaults, $request)) {
- return $defaults;
- }
- $article = $defaults['object'];
- $seo['canonicalUrl'] = $this->webspaceManager->findUrlByResourceLocator(
- $article->getRoutePath(),
- $this->environment,
- $article->getLocale(),
- $this->webspaceResolver->resolveMainWebspace($article)
- );
- return \array_merge(
- $defaults,
- ['_seo' => $seo]
- );
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the enhancer should add an canonical tag to the route attributes.
- */
- private function shouldAddCanonicalTag(array $defaults, Request $request): bool
- {
- if (!\array_key_exists('object', $defaults)) {
- return false;
- }
- $article = $defaults['object'];
- if (!$article instanceof ArticleInterface || !$article instanceof WebspaceBehavior) {
- return false;
- }
- $sulu = $request->get('_sulu');
- if (!$sulu) {
- return false;
- }
- /** @var Webspace $webspace */
- $webspace = $sulu->getAttribute('webspace');
- if (!$webspace) {
- return false;
- }
- $additionalWebspaces = $this->webspaceResolver->resolveAdditionalWebspaces($article);
- if (!$additionalWebspaces || !\in_array($webspace->getKey(), $additionalWebspaces)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByTemplate.php b/Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByTemplate.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c239a09d..000000000
--- a/Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByTemplate.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-routeGenerator = $routeGenerator;
- }
- /**
- * @param ArticleDocument $entity
- */
- public function generate($entity, array $options)
- {
- $template = $entity->getStructureType();
- if (!\array_key_exists($template, $options)) {
- throw new RouteSchemaNotFoundException($template, \array_keys($options));
- }
- return $this->routeGenerator->generate($entity, ['route_schema' => $options[$template]]);
- }
- public function getOptionsResolver(array $options)
- {
- return (new OptionsResolver())->setDefined(\array_keys($options));
- }
diff --git a/Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByType.php b/Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByType.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ac181c68e..000000000
--- a/Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByType.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-routeGenerator = $routeGenerator;
- $this->structureMetadataFactory = $structureMetadataFactory;
- }
- /**
- * @param ArticleDocument $entity
- */
- public function generate($entity, array $options)
- {
- $type = $this->getType(
- $this->structureMetadataFactory->getStructureMetadata('article', $entity->getStructureType())
- );
- if (!\array_key_exists($type, $options)) {
- throw new RouteSchemaNotFoundException($type, \array_keys($options));
- }
- return $this->routeGenerator->generate($entity, ['route_schema' => $options[$type]]);
- }
- public function getOptionsResolver(array $options)
- {
- return (new OptionsResolver())->setDefined(\array_keys($options));
- }
diff --git a/Search/ArticleSearchSubscriber.php b/Search/ArticleSearchSubscriber.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 27edba598..000000000
--- a/Search/ArticleSearchSubscriber.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-factory = $factory;
- $this->webspaceResolver = $webspaceResolver;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- *
- * Returns the events this subscriber has subscribed.
- */
- public static function getSubscribedEvents()
- {
- return [
- SearchEvents::PRE_INDEX => 'handlePreIndex',
- ];
- }
- public function handlePreIndex(PreIndexEvent $event): void
- {
- $subject = $event->getSubject();
- $document = $event->getDocument();
- if (!$subject instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- return;
- }
- $document->setUrl($subject->getRoutePath());
- $document->addField(
- $this->factory->createField(
- 'mainWebspace',
- $this->webspaceResolver->resolveMainWebspace($subject),
- )
- );
- $document->addField(
- $this->factory->createField(
- 'additionalWebspaces',
- $this->webspaceResolver->resolveAdditionalWebspaces($subject),
- )
- );
- }
diff --git a/Sitemap/ArticleSitemapProvider.php b/Sitemap/ArticleSitemapProvider.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ee60a7e94..000000000
--- a/Sitemap/ArticleSitemapProvider.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-manager = $manager;
- $this->documentFactory = $documentFactory;
- $this->webspaceManager = $webspaceManager;
- }
- public function build($page, $scheme, $host)
- {
- $repository = $this->manager->getRepository($this->documentFactory->getClass('article'));
- $webspaceKeys = $this->getWebspaceKeysByHost($host);
- $result = [];
- $from = 0;
- $size = 1000;
- do {
- $bulk = $this->getBulk($repository, $webspaceKeys, $from, $size);
- /** @var SitemapUrl[] $sitemapUrlListByUuid */
- $sitemapUrlListByUuid = [];
- /** @var ArticleViewDocumentInterface $item */
- foreach ($bulk as $item) {
- // Get all webspace keys which are for the current document and current selected webspaces
- $itemWebspaceKeys = \array_intersect(
- \array_merge([$item->getMainWebspace()], $item->getAdditionalWebspaces()),
- $webspaceKeys
- );
- foreach ($itemWebspaceKeys as $itemWebspaceKey) {
- $url = $this->buildUrl($item, $scheme, $host, $itemWebspaceKey);
- $result[] = $url;
- $alternativeUrlsKey = $itemWebspaceKey . '__' . $item->getUuid();
- if (!isset($sitemapUrlListByUuid[$alternativeUrlsKey])) {
- $sitemapUrlListByUuid[$alternativeUrlsKey] = [];
- }
- $sitemapUrlListByUuid[$alternativeUrlsKey] = $this->setAlternatives(
- $sitemapUrlListByUuid[$alternativeUrlsKey],
- $url
- );
- }
- }
- $from += $size;
- } while ($bulk->count() > $from && $from < static::PAGE_SIZE);
- return $result;
- }
- protected function buildUrl(
- ArticleViewDocumentInterface $articleView,
- string $scheme,
- string $host,
- string $webspaceKey
- ): SitemapUrl {
- return new SitemapUrl(
- $this->findUrl($articleView, $scheme, $host, $webspaceKey),
- $articleView->getLocale(),
- null,
- $articleView->getLastModified() ?? $articleView->getChanged()
- );
- }
- private function findUrl(
- ArticleViewDocumentInterface $articleView,
- string $scheme,
- string $host,
- string $webspaceKey
- ): string {
- return $this->webspaceManager->findUrlByResourceLocator(
- $articleView->getRoutePath(),
- null,
- $articleView->getLocale(),
- $webspaceKey,
- $host,
- $scheme
- );
- }
- /**
- * Set alternatives to sitemap url.
- *
- * @param SitemapUrl[] $sitemapUrlList
- *
- * @return SitemapUrl[]
- */
- private function setAlternatives(array $sitemapUrlList, SitemapUrl $sitemapUrl): array
- {
- foreach ($sitemapUrlList as $sitemapUrlFromList) {
- // Add current as alternative to exist.
- $sitemapUrlFromList->addAlternateLink(
- new SitemapAlternateLink($sitemapUrl->getLoc(), $sitemapUrl->getLocale())
- );
- // Add others as alternative to current.
- $sitemapUrl->addAlternateLink(
- new SitemapAlternateLink($sitemapUrlFromList->getLoc(), $sitemapUrlFromList->getLocale())
- );
- }
- $sitemapUrlList[] = $sitemapUrl;
- return $sitemapUrlList;
- }
- private function getBulk(Repository $repository, array $webspaceKeys, int $from, int $size): DocumentIterator
- {
- $search = $repository->createSearch()
- ->addQuery(new TermQuery('seo.hide_in_sitemap', 'false'))
- ->setFrom($from)
- ->setSize($size);
- $webspaceQuery = new BoolQuery();
- foreach ($webspaceKeys as $webspaceKey) {
- $webspaceQuery->add(new TermQuery('main_webspace', $webspaceKey), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- $webspaceQuery->add(new TermQuery('additional_webspaces', $webspaceKey), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- }
- $search->addQuery($webspaceQuery);
- if (\method_exists($search, 'setTrackTotalHits')) {
- $search->setTrackTotalHits(true);
- }
- return $repository->findDocuments($search);
- }
- public function createSitemap($scheme, $host)
- {
- return new Sitemap($this->getAlias(), $this->getMaxPage($scheme, $host));
- }
- public function getMaxPage($schema, $host)
- {
- $repository = $this->manager->getRepository($this->documentFactory->getClass('article'));
- $search = $repository->createSearch()
- ->addQuery(new TermQuery('seo.hide_in_sitemap', 'false'));
- $webspaceKeys = $this->getWebspaceKeysByHost($host);
- $webspaceQuery = new BoolQuery();
- foreach ($webspaceKeys as $webspaceKey) {
- $webspaceQuery->add(new TermQuery('main_webspace', $webspaceKey), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- $webspaceQuery->add(new TermQuery('additional_webspaces', $webspaceKey), BoolQuery::SHOULD);
- }
- $search->addQuery($webspaceQuery);
- return \ceil($repository->count($search) / static::PAGE_SIZE);
- }
- /**
- * @return string[]
- */
- private function getWebspaceKeysByHost(string $host): array
- {
- $portalInformations = $this->webspaceManager->findPortalInformationsByHostIncludingSubdomains($host);
- $webspaceKeys = [];
- foreach ($portalInformations as $portalInformation) {
- $webspaceKeys[] = $portalInformation->getWebspaceKey();
- }
- return $webspaceKeys;
- }
- public function getAlias()
- {
- return 'articles';
- }
diff --git a/Teaser/ArticleTeaserProvider.php b/Teaser/ArticleTeaserProvider.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e95bfcb05..000000000
--- a/Teaser/ArticleTeaserProvider.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-searchManager = $searchManager;
- $this->translator = $translator;
- $this->articleDocumentClass = $articleDocumentClass;
- }
- public function getConfiguration()
- {
- return new TeaserConfiguration(
- $this->translator->trans('sulu_article.article', [], 'admin'),
- 'articles',
- 'table',
- ['title'],
- $this->translator->trans('sulu_article.single_selection_overlay_title', [], 'admin')
- );
- }
- public function find(array $ids, $locale)
- {
- if (0 === \count($ids)) {
- return [];
- }
- $articleIds = $this->getViewDocumentIds($ids, $locale);
- $repository = $this->searchManager->getRepository($this->articleDocumentClass);
- $search = $repository->createSearch();
- $search->addQuery(new IdsQuery($articleIds));
- $search->setSize(\count($articleIds));
- $result = [];
- foreach ($repository->findDocuments($search) as $item) {
- $excerpt = $item->getExcerpt();
- $result[] = new Teaser(
- $item->getUuid(),
- 'articles',
- $item->getLocale(),
- '' !== $excerpt->title ? $excerpt->title : $item->getTitle(),
- '' !== $excerpt->description ? $excerpt->description : $item->getTeaserDescription(),
- $excerpt->more,
- $item->getRoutePath(),
- \count($excerpt->images) ? $excerpt->images[0]->id : $item->getTeaserMediaId(),
- $this->getAttributes($item)
- );
- }
- $idPositions = \array_flip($ids);
- \usort($result, function(Teaser $a, Teaser $b) use ($idPositions) {
- return $idPositions[$a->getId()] - $idPositions[$b->getId()];
- });
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * Returns attributes for teaser.
- */
- protected function getAttributes(ArticleViewDocument $viewDocument): array
- {
- return [
- 'structureType' => $viewDocument->getStructureType(),
- 'type' => $viewDocument->getType(),
- ];
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Application/.env b/Tests/Application/.env
index 25b858f47..c767aeb3c 100644
--- a/Tests/Application/.env
+++ b/Tests/Application/.env
@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/Tests/Application/Kernel.php b/Tests/Application/Kernel.php
index 50cb30bcf..c06f0436a 100644
--- a/Tests/Application/Kernel.php
+++ b/Tests/Application/Kernel.php
@@ -46,20 +46,8 @@ public function registerBundles(): iterable
$bundles = parent::registerBundles();
$bundles[] = new SuluArticleBundle();
- if ('phpcr_storage' === $this->config) {
- $bundles[] = new ONGRElasticsearchBundle();
- $bundles[] = new SuluHeadlessBundle();
- }
- if ('experimental_storage' === $this->config) {
- $bundles[] = new SuluContentBundle();
- $bundles[] = new SuluMessengerBundle();
- }
- if ('extend' === \getenv('ARTICLE_TEST_CASE')) {
- $bundles[] = new TestExtendBundle();
- }
+ $bundles[] = new SuluContentBundle();
+ $bundles[] = new SuluMessengerBundle();
return $bundles;
@@ -68,33 +56,8 @@ public function registerContainerConfiguration(LoaderInterface $loader): void
- if ('jackrabbit' === \getenv('PHPCR_TRANSPORT')) {
- $loader->load(__DIR__ . '/config/versioning.yml');
- }
$loader->load(__DIR__ . '/config/config.yml');
$loader->load(__DIR__ . '/config/config_' . $this->config . '.yml');
- if ('phpcr_storage' === $this->config) {
- $type = 'default';
- if (\getenv('ARTICLE_TEST_CASE')) {
- $type = \getenv('ARTICLE_TEST_CASE');
- }
- $loader->load(__DIR__ . '/config/config_' . $type . '.yml');
- }
- }
- public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
- {
- if ('phpcr_storage' === $this->config) {
- // Make some services which were inlined in optimization
- $container->getDefinition('sulu_article.content.page_tree_data_provider')
- ->setPublic(true);
- $container->getDefinition('sulu_article.elastic_search.article_indexer')
- ->setPublic(true);
- }
@@ -104,9 +67,6 @@ protected function getKernelParameters(): array
$parameters = parent::getKernelParameters();
- $gedmoReflection = new \ReflectionClass(\Gedmo\Exception::class);
- $parameters['gedmo_directory'] = \dirname($gedmoReflection->getFileName());
return $parameters;
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/config.yml b/Tests/Application/config/config.yml
index cd3e3c3bc..2baa18167 100644
--- a/Tests/Application/config/config.yml
+++ b/Tests/Application/config/config.yml
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
-# Doctrine Configuration
- orm:
- mappings:
- gedmo_tree:
- type: xml
- prefix: Gedmo\Tree\Entity
- dir: "%gedmo_directory%/Tree/Entity"
- alias: GedmoTree
- is_bundle: false
+sulu_article: {}
+ content:
+ structure:
+ default_type:
+ article: 'article'
+ # symfony recipe default configuration:
+ workflows: null
+ messenger:
+ transports:
+ routing:
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/config_default.yml b/Tests/Application/config/config_default.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ab6758ad..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/config_default.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# This file will not be included when run under extend
- mappings:
- Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\ArticleDocument:
- generator: "schema"
- options:
- route_schema: "/articles/{object.getTitle()}"
- Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\ArticlePageDocument:
- generator: "article_page"
- options:
- route_schema: "/{translator.trans(\"page\")}-{object.getPageNumber()}"
- parent: "{object.getParent().getRoutePath()}"
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/config_experimental_storage.yml b/Tests/Application/config/config_experimental_storage.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e98efc0a6..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/config_experimental_storage.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- storage: 'experimental'
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/config_extend.yml b/Tests/Application/config/config_extend.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bdd6cfba..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/config_extend.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# This file will configure using the TestExtendBundle documents
- mapping:
- article:
- class: Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Tests\TestExtendBundle\Document\ArticleDocument
- phpcr_type: 'sulu:article'
- article_page:
- class: Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Tests\TestExtendBundle\Document\ArticlePageDocument
- phpcr_type: 'sulu:articlepage'
- mappings:
- Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Tests\TestExtendBundle\Document\ArticleDocument:
- resource_key: 'article'
- generator: "schema"
- options:
- route_schema: "/articles/{object.getTitle()}"
- Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Tests\TestExtendBundle\Document\ArticlePageDocument:
- resource_key: 'article'
- generator: "article_page"
- options:
- route_schema: "/{translator.trans(\"page\")}-{object.getPageNumber()}"
- parent: "{object.getParent().getRoutePath()}"
- managers:
- default:
- mappings:
- - TestExtendBundle
- live:
- mappings:
- - TestExtendBundle
- documents:
- article:
- view: Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Tests\TestExtendBundle\Document\ArticleViewDocument
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/config_phpcr_storage.yml b/Tests/Application/config/config_phpcr_storage.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a14c91bf9..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/config_phpcr_storage.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- mappings:
- Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\ArticleDocument:
- generator: "schema"
- options:
- route_schema: "/articles/{object.getTitle()}"
- Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\ArticlePageDocument:
- generator: "article_page"
- options:
- route_schema: "/{translator.trans(\"page\")}-{object.getPageNumber()}"
- parent: "{object.getParent().getRoutePath()}"
- storage: 'phpcr'
- index_name: "su_articles_tests"
- hosts: ["%env(ELASTICSEARCH_HOST)%"]
- default_main_webspace: 'sulu_io'
- analysis:
- tokenizer:
- pathTokenizer:
- type: path_hierarchy
- analyzer:
- pathAnalyzer:
- tokenizer: pathTokenizer
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/routing.yml b/Tests/Application/config/routing.yml
index c5199be95..f5cf8bf1b 100644
--- a/Tests/Application/config/routing.yml
+++ b/Tests/Application/config/routing.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
- type: rest
- resource: "@SuluArticleBundle/Resources/config/routing_api.yml"
- prefix: /api
+ resource: "@SuluArticleBundle/config/routing_admin_api.yaml"
+ prefix: /admin/api
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/block.xml b/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/block.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 946006f83..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/block.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- block
- ::block
- SuluWebsiteBundle:Default:index
- 2400
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default.xml b/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ea0f00d94..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- default
- ::default
- SuluWebsiteBundle:Default:index
- 2400
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_blocks_in_blocks.xml b/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_blocks_in_blocks.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 14ecb6942..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_blocks_in_blocks.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- default_blocks_in_blocks
- ::default
- SuluWebsiteBundle:Default:index
- 2400
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_fallback.xml b/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_fallback.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a79fa7179..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_fallback.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- default_fallback
- ::default
- SuluWebsiteBundle:Default:index
- 2400
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_image.xml b/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_image.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f9d8d2ce..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_image.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- default_image
- ::default
- SuluWebsiteBundle:Default:index
- 2400
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_pages.xml b/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_pages.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ed422fdd..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_pages.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- default_pages
- ::default
- SuluWebsiteBundle:Default:index
- 2400
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_with_page_tree_route.xml b/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_with_page_tree_route.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a8ccc510..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_with_page_tree_route.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- default_with_page_tree_route
- ::default_with_page_tree_route
- SuluWebsiteBundle:Default:index
- 2400
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_with_route.xml b/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_with_route.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d6828c34a..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_with_route.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- default_with_route
- ::default_with_route
- SuluWebsiteBundle:Default:index
- 2400
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_with_search_tags.xml b/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_with_search_tags.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index eac7c8a83..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/default_with_search_tags.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- default_with_search_tags
- ::default
- SuluWebsiteBundle:Default:index
- 2400
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/page_tree_route.xml b/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/page_tree_route.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e45610226..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/page_tree_route.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- page_tree_route
- ::default
- SuluWebsiteBundle:Default:index
- 2400
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/page_tree_route_second.xml b/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/page_tree_route_second.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 25e00bff3..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/page_tree_route_second.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- page_tree_route_second
- ::default
- SuluWebsiteBundle:Default:index
- 2400
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/simple.xml b/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/simple.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9583fc808..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/simple.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- simple
- ::default
- SuluWebsiteBundle:Default:index
- 2400
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/simple_with_route.xml b/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/simple_with_route.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b8abc30e..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/templates/articles/simple_with_route.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- simple_with_route
- ::default
- SuluWebsiteBundle:Default:index
- 2400
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/versioning.yml b/Tests/Application/config/versioning.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 61120983a..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/versioning.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- versioning:
- enabled: true
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/webspaces/ b/Tests/Application/config/webspaces/
deleted file mode 100644
index 843bfbc7e..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/webspaces/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- Sulu Blog CMF
- sulu_io_blog
- default
- overview
- overview
- Mainnavigation
- Sulu CMF AT
- sulucmf_at
- sulu_io.localhost/blog
- sulu_io.localhost/blog
- sulu_io.localhost/blog
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/webspaces/ b/Tests/Application/config/webspaces/
index 21b61c439..51fa1ac67 100644
--- a/Tests/Application/config/webspaces/
+++ b/Tests/Application/config/webspaces/
@@ -1,24 +1,31 @@
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="">
Sulu CMF
- sulu_io
+ sulu-io
+ Website
- overview
- overview
+ default
+ default
+ search/search
@@ -37,17 +44,20 @@
- sulu_io.localhost
+ {host}
+ {host}/en
- sulu_io.localhost
+ {host}
+ {host}/en
- sulu_io.localhost
+ {host}
+ {host}/en
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/webspaces/test.xml b/Tests/Application/config/webspaces/test.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index dc1f01e8e..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/webspaces/test.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- Test
- test
- default
- overview
- overview
- Mainnavigation
- Test
- test
- test.localhost
- test.localhost
- test.localhost
diff --git a/Tests/Application/config/webspaces/test2.xml b/Tests/Application/config/webspaces/test2.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 89a70d28f..000000000
--- a/Tests/Application/config/webspaces/test2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- Test2
- test-2
- default
- overview
- overview
- Mainnavigation
- Test2
- test-2
- test-2.localhost
- test-2.localhost
- test-2.localhost
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/.gitignore b/Tests/Functional/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Content/ArticleDataProviderTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Content/ArticleDataProviderTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c25a5c6ac..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Content/ArticleDataProviderTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
-client = $this->createAuthenticatedClient();
- $this->initPhpcr();
- /** @var Manager $manager */
- $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('es.manager.default');
- $manager->dropAndCreateIndex();
- $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('');
- $manager->dropAndCreateIndex();
- }
- public function testResolveDataItems()
- {
- $item = $this->createArticle();
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems([], [], ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']);
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertEquals($item['id'], $result->getItems()[0]->getId());
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsTypeParam()
- {
- $item1 = $this->createArticle();
- $item2 = $this->createArticle('Test', 'simple');
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- // get all articles with type video
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(
- [],
- ['types' => new PropertyParameter('types', 'video')],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertEquals($item2['id'], $result->getItems()[0]->getId());
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsTypeParamMultiple()
- {
- $item1 = $this->createArticle();
- $item2 = $this->createArticle('Test', 'simple');
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- // get all articles with type video or blog
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(
- [],
- ['types' => new PropertyParameter('types', 'video,blog')],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertCount(2, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertContains(
- $item1['id'],
- [$result->getItems()[0]->getId(), $result->getItems()[1]->getId()]
- );
- $this->assertContains(
- $item2['id'],
- [$result->getItems()[0]->getId(), $result->getItems()[1]->getId()]
- );
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsTypeParamWrong()
- {
- $item1 = $this->createArticle();
- $item2 = $this->createArticle('Test', 'simple');
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- // get all articles with type other
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(
- [],
- ['types' => new PropertyParameter('types', 'other')],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertCount(0, $result->getItems());
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsStructureTypeParam()
- {
- $item1 = $this->createArticle();
- $item2 = $this->createArticle('Test', 'simple');
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- // get all articles with structureType simple
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(
- [],
- ['structureTypes' => new PropertyParameter('structureTypes', 'simple')],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertEquals($item2['id'], $result->getItems()[0]->getId());
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsStructureTypeParamMultiple()
- {
- $item1 = $this->createArticle('Test #1', 'default');
- $item2 = $this->createArticle('Test #2', 'simple');
- $item3 = $this->createArticle('Test no match', 'default_fallback');
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- // get all articles with structureType default or simple
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(
- [],
- ['structureTypes' => new PropertyParameter('structureTypes', 'default,simple')],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertCount(2, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertContains(
- $item1['id'],
- [$result->getItems()[0]->getId(), $result->getItems()[1]->getId()]
- );
- $this->assertContains(
- $item2['id'],
- [$result->getItems()[0]->getId(), $result->getItems()[1]->getId()]
- );
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsStructureTypeParamWrong()
- {
- $item1 = $this->createArticle();
- $item2 = $this->createArticle('Test', 'simple');
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- // get all articles with structureType default_fallback
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(
- [],
- ['structureTypes' => new PropertyParameter('structureTypes', 'default_fallback')],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertCount(0, $result->getItems());
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsStructureTypeFromSmartContentFiltering()
- {
- $item1 = $this->createArticle();
- $item2 = $this->createArticle('Test', 'simple');
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- // get all articles with structureType default_fallback
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(
- ['types' => ['simple']],
- [],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result->getItems());
- // get all articles with structureType default_fallback
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(
- ['types' => ['default']],
- [],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result->getItems());
- // get all articles with structureType default_fallback
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(
- ['types' => ['default', 'simple']],
- [],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertCount(2, $result->getItems());
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsPagination()
- {
- $items = [
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- ];
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems([], [], ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io'], null, 1, 2);
- $this->assertCount(2, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertTrue($result->getHasNextPage());
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems([], [], ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io'], null, 2, 2);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertFalse($result->getHasNextPage());
- }
- public function testResolveResourceItemsPaginationWithPageSizeSmallerThanDefaultLimit()
- {
- $items = [
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- ];
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($dataProvider);
- $reflectionProperty = $reflectionClass->getProperty('defaultLimit');
- $reflectionProperty->setAccessible(true);
- $reflectionProperty->setValue($dataProvider, 3);
- $pageSize = 20; // need to be bigger as default limit and should have no effect then
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveResourceItems([], [], ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io'], null, 1, $pageSize);
- $this->assertCount(3, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertTrue($result->getHasNextPage());
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveResourceItems([], [], ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io'], null, 2, $pageSize);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertFalse($result->getHasNextPage());
- }
- public function testResolveResourceItemsPaginationWithLimit()
- {
- $items = [
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- ];
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveResourceItems([], [], ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io'], 3, 1, 2);
- $this->assertCount(2, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertTrue($result->getHasNextPage());
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveResourceItems([], [], ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io'], 3, 2, 2);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertFalse($result->getHasNextPage());
- }
- public function testResolveResourceItemsWithSegments()
- {
- if (!\class_exists(SegmentSelect::class)) {
- $this->markTestSkipped('Segments did not exist in Sulu <2.2.');
- }
- $items = [
- $this->createArticle('Test Article 1', 'default', 'test', null, ['test' => 's']),
- $this->createArticle('Test Article 2', 'default', 'test', null, ['test' => 'w']),
- $this->createArticle('Test Article 3', 'default', 'test'),
- ];
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveResourceItems(
- ['segmentKey' => 's'],
- [],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'test']
- );
- $items = $result->getItems();
- $this->assertCount(2, $items);
- $titles = [
- $items[0]->getTitle(),
- $items[1]->getTitle(),
- ];
- $this->assertContains('Test Article 1', $titles);
- $this->assertContains('Test Article 3', $titles);
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveResourceItems(
- ['segmentKey' => 'w'],
- [],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'test']
- );
- $items = $result->getItems();
- $this->assertCount(2, $items);
- $titles = [
- $items[0]->getTitle(),
- $items[1]->getTitle(),
- ];
- $this->assertContains('Test Article 2', $titles);
- $this->assertContains('Test Article 3', $titles);
- }
- public function testResolveResourceItemsPagination()
- {
- $items = [
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- ];
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveResourceItems([], [], ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io'], null, 1, 2);
- $this->assertCount(2, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertTrue($result->getHasNextPage());
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveResourceItems([], [], ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io'], null, 2, 2);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertFalse($result->getHasNextPage());
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsPaginationWithLimit()
- {
- $items = [
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- ];
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems([], [], ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io'], 3, 1, 2);
- $this->assertCount(2, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertTrue($result->getHasNextPage());
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems([], [], ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io'], 3, 2, 2);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertFalse($result->getHasNextPage());
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsPaginationWithExcluded()
- {
- $items = [
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- ];
- /** @var DataProviderInterface $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(['excluded' => [$items[0]['id']]], [], ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']);
- $this->assertCount(3, $result->getItems());
- for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
- $this->assertEquals($items[$i + 1]['id'], $result->getItems()[$i]->getId());
- }
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsPaginationWithReferenceStore()
- {
- $items = [
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- ];
- $referenceStore = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.reference_store.article');
- $referenceStore->add($items[0]['id']);
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(
- [],
- ['exclude_duplicates' => new PropertyParameter('exclude_duplicates', true)],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $this->assertCount(3, $result->getItems());
- for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
- $this->assertEquals($items[$i + 1]['id'], $result->getItems()[$i]->getId());
- }
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsPaginationExludeDuplicatedFalse()
- {
- $items = [
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- ];
- $referenceStore = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.reference_store.article');
- $referenceStore->add($items[0]['id']);
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(
- [],
- ['exclude_duplicates' => new PropertyParameter('exclude_duplicates', false)],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $this->assertCount(4, $result->getItems());
- for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) {
- $this->assertEquals($items[$i]['id'], $result->getItems()[$i]->getId());
- }
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsPaginationExludeDuplicatedNull()
- {
- $items = [
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- ];
- $referenceStore = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.reference_store.article');
- $referenceStore->add($items[0]['id']);
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(
- [],
- [],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $this->assertCount(4, $result->getItems());
- for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) {
- $this->assertEquals($items[$i]['id'], $result->getItems()[$i]->getId());
- }
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsWithCustomWebspaceSettings()
- {
- $items = [
- $this->createArticle('Test-Article 1', 'default', 'test'),
- $this->createArticle('Test-Article 2', 'default', 'test-2', ['sulu_io']),
- $this->createArticle('Test-Article 2', 'default', 'sulu_io'),
- $this->createArticle(),
- ];
- $referenceStore = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.reference_store.article');
- $referenceStore->add($items[0]['id']);
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(
- [],
- [],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $this->assertCount(3, $result->getItems());
- }
- public function testResolveResourceItemsWithIgnoreWebspaces()
- {
- $this->createArticle('Test-Article 1', 'default', 'test', []);
- $this->createArticle('Test-Article 2', 'default', 'test-2', ['sulu_io']);
- $this->createArticle('Test-Article 2', 'default', 'sulu_io', []);
- $this->createArticle();
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- // push fake request with `sulu_io`
- $this->pushFakeRequest('sulu_io');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveResourceItems(
- [],
- ['ignoreWebspaces' => new PropertyParameter('ignoreWebspaces', true)],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $items = $result->getItems();
- $this->assertCount(4, $items);
- $this->assertEquals('test', $items[0]->getTargetWebspace());
- $this->assertEquals('sulu_io', $items[1]->getTargetWebspace());
- $this->assertEquals('sulu_io', $items[2]->getTargetWebspace());
- $this->assertEquals('sulu_io', $items[3]->getTargetWebspace());
- $this->popFakeRequest();
- // push fake request with `test`
- $this->pushFakeRequest('test');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveResourceItems(
- [],
- ['ignoreWebspaces' => new PropertyParameter('ignoreWebspaces', true)],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $items = $result->getItems();
- $this->assertCount(4, $items);
- $this->assertEquals('test', $items[0]->getTargetWebspace());
- $this->assertEquals('test-2', $items[1]->getTargetWebspace());
- $this->assertEquals('sulu_io', $items[2]->getTargetWebspace());
- $this->assertEquals('sulu_io', $items[3]->getTargetWebspace());
- $this->popFakeRequest();
- }
- private function pushFakeRequest($webspaceKey)
- {
- $webspaceManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_core.webspace.webspace_manager');
- $webspace = $webspaceManager->findWebspaceByKey($webspaceKey);
- $fakeRequest = Request::create('/', 'GET');
- $fakeRequest->setLocale('de');
- $fakeRequest->attributes->set('_sulu', new RequestAttributes(
- [
- 'webspace' => $webspace,
- ]
- ));
- /** @var RequestStack $requestStack */
- $requestStack = $this->getContainer()->get('request_stack');
- $requestStack->push($fakeRequest);
- }
- private function popFakeRequest()
- {
- /** @var RequestStack $requestStack */
- $requestStack = $this->getContainer()->get('request_stack');
- $requestStack->pop();
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsWithIgnoreWebspaces()
- {
- $items = [
- $this->createArticle('Test-Article 1', 'default', 'test'),
- $this->createArticle('Test-Article 2', 'default', 'test-2', ['sulu_io']),
- $this->createArticle('Test-Article 2', 'default', 'sulu_io'),
- $this->createArticle(),
- ];
- $referenceStore = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.reference_store.article');
- $referenceStore->add($items[0]['id']);
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(
- [],
- ['ignoreWebspaces' => new PropertyParameter('ignoreWebspaces', true)],
- ['locale' => 'de', 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu_io']
- );
- $this->assertCount(4, $result->getItems());
- }
- private function createArticle(
- $title = 'Test-Article',
- $template = 'default',
- $mainWebspace = null,
- $additionalWebspaces = null,
- $segments = null
- ) {
- $data = [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'template' => $template,
- ];
- if ($mainWebspace) {
- $data['mainWebspace'] = $mainWebspace;
- }
- if ($additionalWebspaces) {
- $data['additionalWebspaces'] = $additionalWebspaces;
- }
- if ($segments) {
- $data['ext'] = ['excerpt' => ['segments' => $segments]];
- }
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&action=publish',
- $data
- );
- $response = $this->client->getResponse();
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $response);
- return \json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Content/PageTreeArticleDataProviderTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Content/PageTreeArticleDataProviderTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d3129b19d..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Content/PageTreeArticleDataProviderTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-client = $this->createAuthenticatedClient();
- $this->initPhpcr();
- /** @var Manager $manager */
- $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('es.manager.default');
- $manager->dropAndCreateIndex();
- /** @var Manager $manager */
- $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('');
- $manager->dropAndCreateIndex();
- }
- public function testFilterByDataSource()
- {
- $page1 = $this->createPage('Test Page 1', '/page-1');
- $page2 = $this->createPage('Test Page 2', '/page-1/page-2');
- $page3 = $this->createPage('Test Page 3', '/page-1-1');
- $articles = [
- $this->createArticle($page1, 'Test 1'),
- $this->createArticle($page2, 'Test 2'),
- $this->createArticle($page3, 'Test 3'),
- ];
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.page_tree_data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(['dataSource' => $page1->getUuid()], [], ['locale' => 'de']);
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertEquals($articles[0]['id'], $result->getItems()[0]->getId());
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(['dataSource' => $page1->getUuid(), 'includeSubFolders' => false], [], ['locale' => 'de']);
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertEquals($articles[0]['id'], $result->getItems()[0]->getId());
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(['dataSource' => $page1->getUuid(), 'includeSubFolders' => true], [], ['locale' => 'de']);
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertCount(2, $result->getItems());
- $this->assertEquals($articles[0]['id'], $result->getItems()[0]->getId());
- $this->assertEquals($articles[1]['id'], $result->getItems()[1]->getId());
- }
- public function testSortByTitle()
- {
- $page1 = $this->createPage('Test Page', '/page-1');
- $articles = [
- $this->createArticle($page1, 'Test A'),
- $this->createArticle($page1, 'Test B'),
- ];
- $filters = [
- 'dataSource' => $page1->getUuid(),
- 'sortBy' => 'title.raw',
- 'sortMethod' => 'asc',
- ];
- /** @var PageTreeArticleDataProvider $dataProvider */
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.page_tree_data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems($filters, [], ['locale' => 'de']);
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertEquals($articles[0]['title'], $result->getItems()[0]->getTitle());
- $this->assertEquals($articles[1]['title'], $result->getItems()[1]->getTitle());
- $filters['sortMethod'] = 'desc';
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems($filters, [], ['locale' => 'de']);
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertEquals($articles[0]['title'], $result->getItems()[1]->getTitle());
- $this->assertEquals($articles[1]['title'], $result->getItems()[0]->getTitle());
- }
- public function testResolveDataSource()
- {
- $page = $this->createPage('Test Page', '/page');
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.page_tree_data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDatasource($page->getUuid(), [], ['locale' => 'de']);
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DatasourceItem::class, $result);
- $this->assertEquals($page->getUuid(), $result->getId());
- $this->assertEquals($page->getTitle(), $result->getTitle());
- }
- public function testResolveDataItemsUnpublished()
- {
- $page = $this->createPage('Test Page', '/page', 'de', false);
- $articles = [
- $this->createArticle($page, 'Test 1'),
- $this->createArticle($page, 'Test 2'),
- ];
- $this->ensureKernelShutdown();
- self::bootKernel(['sulu.context' => SuluKernel::CONTEXT_WEBSITE]);
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.page_tree_data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDataItems(['dataSource' => $page->getUuid()], [], ['locale' => 'de']);
- $this->assertInstanceOf(DataProviderResult::class, $result);
- $this->assertCount(2, $result->getItems());
- }
- public function testResolveDataSourceUnpublished()
- {
- $page = $this->createPage('Test Page', '/page', 'de', false);
- $this->ensureKernelShutdown();
- self::bootKernel(['sulu.context' => SuluKernel::CONTEXT_WEBSITE]);
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.page_tree_data_provider');
- $result = $dataProvider->resolveDatasource($page->getUuid(), [], ['locale' => 'de']);
- $this->assertNull($result);
- }
- public function testResolveDataSourceNull()
- {
- $dataProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.content.page_tree_data_provider');
- $this->assertNull($dataProvider->resolveDatasource(null, [], ['locale' => 'de']));
- }
- private function createArticle(PageDocument $page, $title = 'Test-Article', $template = 'page_tree_route')
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&action=publish',
- [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'template' => $template,
- 'routePath' => [
- 'page' => [
- 'uuid' => $page->getUuid(),
- 'path' => $page->getResourceSegment(),
- ],
- 'suffix' => Urlizer::urlize($title),
- 'path' => $page->getResourceSegment() . '/' . Urlizer::urlize($title),
- ],
- ]
- );
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- /**
- * Create a new page.
- *
- * @param string $title
- * @param string $resourceSegment
- * @param string $locale
- * @param bool $published
- *
- * @return PageDocument
- */
- private function createPage($title, $resourceSegment, $locale = 'de', $published = true)
- {
- $documentManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_document_manager.document_manager');
- $sessionManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu.phpcr.session');
- $page = $documentManager->create('page');
- $uuidReflection = new \ReflectionProperty(PageDocument::class, 'uuid');
- $uuidReflection->setAccessible(true);
- $uuidReflection->setValue($page, Uuid::uuid4()->toString());
- $page->setTitle($title);
- $page->setStructureType('default');
- $page->setParent($documentManager->find($sessionManager->getContentPath('sulu_io')));
- $page->setResourceSegment($resourceSegment);
- $documentManager->persist($page, $locale);
- if ($published) {
- $documentManager->publish($page, $locale);
- }
- $documentManager->flush();
- return $page;
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Controller/ArticleControllerTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Controller/ArticleControllerTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 388c24184..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Controller/ArticleControllerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1860 +0,0 @@
- 'blog', 'simple' => 'video', 'default_fallback' => 'other'];
- /**
- * @var KernelBrowser
- */
- private $client;
- /**
- * @var DocumentManagerInterface
- */
- private $documentManager;
- /**
- * @var UserManager
- */
- private $userManager;
- /**
- * @var ContactManager
- */
- private $contactManager;
- /**
- * @var ObjectRepository
- */
- private $activityRespository;
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- parent::setUp();
- $this->client = $this->createAuthenticatedClient();
- $this->initPhpcr();
- $this->purgeDatabase();
- $this->purgeIndex();
- $this->documentManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_document_manager.document_manager');
- $this->userManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_security.user_manager');
- $this->contactManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_contact.contact_manager');
- $this->activityRespository = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository(Activity::class);
- $collectionTypes = new LoadCollectionTypes();
- $collectionTypes->load($this->getEntityManager());
- $mediaTypes = new LoadMediaTypes();
- $mediaTypes->load($this->getEntityManager());
- }
- protected function post(
- $title = 'Test-Article',
- $template = 'default',
- $authored = '2016-01-01',
- $action = null
- ) {
- $requestData = [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'template' => $template,
- 'authored' => \date('c', \strtotime($authored)),
- 'action' => $action,
- ];
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=de',
- $requestData
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- protected function postPage($article, $pageTitle = 'Test-Page')
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '/pages?locale=de',
- [
- 'pageTitle' => $pageTitle,
- 'template' => $article['template'],
- 'authored' => \date('c', \strtotime('2016-01-01')),
- ]
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- public function testPost($title = 'Test-Article', $template = 'default')
- {
- $response = $this->post($title, $template);
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($this->getRoute($title), $response['route']);
- $this->assertEquals(self::$typeMap[$template], $response['articleType']);
- $this->assertEquals($template, $response['template']);
- $this->assertEquals('2016-01-01', \date('Y-m-d', \strtotime($response['authored'])));
- $this->assertEquals($this->getTestUser()->getContact()->getId(), $response['author']);
- $this->assertFalse($response['customizeWebspaceSettings']);
- $this->assertNotNull($this->findViewDocument($response['id'], 'de'));
- /** @var ActivityInterface $activity */
- $activity = $this->activityRespository->findOneBy(['type' => 'created']);
- $this->assertNotNull($activity);
- return $response;
- }
- public function testPostWithAuthor($title = 'Sulu is awesome', $locale = 'de')
- {
- $user = $this->createContact();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=' . $locale,
- [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'authored' => \date('c', \strtotime('2016-01-01')),
- 'author' => $user->getId(),
- ]
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($this->getRoute($title), $response['route']);
- $this->assertEquals('2016-01-01', \date('Y-m-d', \strtotime($response['authored'])));
- $this->assertEquals($user->getId(), $response['author']);
- $this->assertNotNull($this->findViewDocument($response['id'], 'de'));
- }
- protected function get($id, $locale = 'de')
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles/' . $id . '?locale=' . $locale);
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- public function testGet()
- {
- $article = $this->testPost();
- $response = $this->get($article['id']);
- foreach ($article as $name => $value) {
- $this->assertEquals($value, $response[$name]);
- }
- }
- protected function put($title = 'Sulu is awesome', $locale = 'de', $shadowLocale = null, $article = null)
- {
- if (!$article) {
- $article = $this->post();
- }
- $requestData = [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'authored' => \date('c', \strtotime('2016-01-01')),
- ];
- if ($shadowLocale) {
- $requestData['shadowOn'] = true;
- $requestData['shadowBaseLanguage'] = $shadowLocale;
- }
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'PUT',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?locale=' . $locale,
- $requestData
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- public function testPut($title = 'Sulu is awesome', $locale = 'de', $article = null)
- {
- if (!$article) {
- $article = $this->testPost();
- }
- $response = $this->put($title, $locale, null, $article);
- $this->assertNotEquals($article['title'], $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($article['route'], $response['route']);
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals('2016-01-01', \date('Y-m-d', \strtotime($response['authored'])));
- $this->assertEquals($this->getTestUser()->getContact()->getId(), $response['author']);
- $this->assertNotNull($this->findViewDocument($response['id'], 'de'));
- /** @var ActivityInterface $activity */
- $activity = $this->activityRespository->findOneBy(['type' => 'modified']);
- $this->assertSame((string) $article['id'], $activity->getResourceId());
- return $article;
- }
- public function testPutWithAuthor($title = 'Sulu is awesome', $locale = 'de')
- {
- $user = $this->createContact();
- $article = $this->testPost();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'PUT',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?locale=' . $locale,
- [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'authored' => \date('c', \strtotime('2016-01-01')),
- 'author' => $user->getId(),
- ]
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($article['route'], $response['route']);
- $this->assertEquals('2016-01-01', \date('Y-m-d', \strtotime($response['authored'])));
- $this->assertEquals($user->getId(), $response['author']);
- $this->assertNotNull($this->findViewDocument($response['id'], 'de'));
- }
- public function testPutTranslation($title = 'Sulu is nice')
- {
- $article = $this->put('Sulu ist toll', 'de');
- $response = $this->put($title, 'en', null, $article);
- $this->assertNotEquals($article['title'], $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($this->getRoute($title), $response['route']);
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals('2016-01-01', \date('Y-m-d', \strtotime($response['authored'])));
- $this->assertEquals($this->getTestUser()->getContact()->getId(), $response['author']);
- $this->assertNotNull($this->findViewDocument($response['id'], 'de'));
- /** @var ActivityInterface $activity */
- $activity = $this->activityRespository->findOneBy(['type' => 'translation_added']);
- $this->assertSame((string) $article['id'], $activity->getResourceId());
- }
- public function provideCustomWebspaceSettings()
- {
- return [
- [
- 'Sulu is nice',
- 'de',
- ],
- [
- 'Sulu is nice',
- 'de',
- 'test',
- ['sulu_io', 'test-2'],
- ],
- [
- 'Sulu is nice',
- 'de',
- 'sulu_io',
- ['test-2'],
- ],
- [
- 'Sulu is nice',
- 'de',
- 'sulu_io',
- ],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider provideCustomWebspaceSettings
- */
- public function testPutCustomWebspaceSettings($title, $locale, $mainWebspace = null, $additionalWebspaces = null)
- {
- $article = $this->testPost();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'PUT',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?locale=' . $locale,
- [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'mainWebspace' => $mainWebspace,
- 'additionalWebspaces' => $additionalWebspaces,
- ]
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- // check response
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- $customizeWebspaceSettings = $response['customizeWebspaceSettings'];
- $this->assertEquals(null !== $mainWebspace, $customizeWebspaceSettings);
- $this->assertEquals($mainWebspace ?? 'sulu_io', $response['mainWebspace']);
- $this->assertEquals($customizeWebspaceSettings ? $additionalWebspaces : ($additionalWebspaces ?? []), $response['additionalWebspaces']);
- // check if phpcr document is correct
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- /** @var ArticleDocument $document */
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($response['id'], 'de');
- $this->assertEquals($title, $document->getTitle());
- $this->assertEquals($mainWebspace, $document->getMainWebspace());
- $this->assertEquals($additionalWebspaces, $document->getAdditionalWebspaces());
- /** @var ArticleViewDocument $viewDocument */
- $viewDocument = $this->findViewDocument($response['id'], 'de');
- $this->assertNotNull($viewDocument);
- $this->assertEquals($mainWebspace ?? 'sulu_io', $viewDocument->getMainWebspace());
- $this->assertEquals($additionalWebspaces ?? [], $viewDocument->getAdditionalWebspaces());
- // test that ghost do not serve default webspace settings
- $response = $this->get($article['id'], 'en');
- $this->assertEquals('sulu_io', $response['mainWebspace']);
- $this->assertEquals([], $response['additionalWebspaces']);
- $viewDocument = $this->findViewDocument($response['id'], 'en');
- $this->assertNotNull($viewDocument);
- $this->assertEquals('sulu_io', $viewDocument->getMainWebspace());
- $this->assertEquals([], $viewDocument->getAdditionalWebspaces());
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider provideCustomWebspaceSettings
- */
- public function testPutCustomWebspaceSettingsWithShadow($title, $locale, $mainWebspace = null, $additionalWebspaces = null)
- {
- $article = $this->testPost();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'PUT',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?locale=' . $locale,
- [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'mainWebspace' => $mainWebspace,
- 'additionalWebspaces' => $additionalWebspaces,
- ]
- );
- $this->put('Sulu is great', 'en', $locale, $article);
- $response = $this->get($article['id'], 'en');
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- $customizeWebspaceSettings = $response['customizeWebspaceSettings'];
- $this->assertEquals(null !== $mainWebspace, $customizeWebspaceSettings);
- $this->assertEquals($mainWebspace ?? 'sulu_io', $response['mainWebspace']);
- $this->assertEquals($customizeWebspaceSettings ? $additionalWebspaces : ($additionalWebspaces ?? []), $response['additionalWebspaces']);
- /** @var ArticleViewDocument $viewDocument */
- $viewDocument = $this->findViewDocument($response['id'], 'en');
- $this->assertNotNull($viewDocument);
- $this->assertEquals($mainWebspace ?? 'sulu_io', $viewDocument->getMainWebspace());
- $this->assertEquals($additionalWebspaces ?? [], $viewDocument->getAdditionalWebspaces());
- }
- public function testGetEmptyDocument()
- {
- $title = 'Sulu ist toll';
- $article = $this->testPut($title, 'de');
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?locale=en');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals('', $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals(null, $response['authored']);
- $this->assertEquals(null, $response['author']);
- $this->assertEquals($article['template'], $response['template']);
- }
- public function testGetShadow()
- {
- $title = 'Sulu ist toll';
- $article = $this->put($title, 'de');
- $this->put('Sulu is great', 'en', 'de', $article);
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?locale=en');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals('2016-01-01', \date('Y-m-d', \strtotime($response['authored'])));
- $this->assertEquals($this->getTestUser()->getContact()->getId(), $response['author']);
- $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'shadow', 'value' => 'de'], $response['type']);
- $this->assertEquals('/articles/sulu-is-great', $response['route']);
- $this->assertTrue($response['shadowOn']);
- $this->assertEquals('de', $response['shadowBaseLanguage']);
- }
- public function testCGetGhost()
- {
- $title1 = 'Sulu ist toll - Test 1';
- $article1 = $this->put($title1, 'de');
- $title2 = 'Sulu ist toll - Test 2';
- $article2 = $this->put($title2, 'de');
- $title2_EN = $title2 . ' (EN)';
- $this->put($title2_EN, 'en', null, $article2);
- // Retrieve articles in 'de'.
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&types=blog&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $items = \array_map(
- function($item) {
- return [$item['id'], $item['title']];
- },
- $response['_embedded']['articles']
- );
- $this->assertContains([$article1['id'], $title1], $items);
- $this->assertContains([$article2['id'], $title2], $items);
- // Retrieve articles in 'en'.
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=en&types=blog&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $items = \array_map(
- function($item) {
- return [$item['id'], $item['title']];
- },
- $response['_embedded']['articles']
- );
- $this->assertContains([$article1['id'], $title1], $items);
- $this->assertContains([$article2['id'], $title2_EN], $items);
- }
- public function testCGetExcludeGhost()
- {
- $title1 = 'Sulu ist toll - Test 1';
- $this->put($title1, 'de');
- $title2 = 'Sulu ist toll - Test 2';
- $article2 = $this->put($title2, 'de');
- $title2_EN = $title2 . ' (EN)';
- $this->put($title2_EN, 'en', null, $article2);
- // Retrieve articles in 'de'.
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&types=blog&fields=title&exclude-ghosts=true');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- // Retrieve articles in 'en'.
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=en&types=blog&fields=title&exclude-ghosts=true');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(1, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- }
- public function testCGetShadow()
- {
- $title1 = 'Sulu ist toll - Test 1';
- $article1 = $this->put($title1, 'de');
- $title2 = 'Sulu ist toll - Test 2';
- $article2 = $this->put($title2, 'de');
- // create second language for article2
- $title2_EN = $title2 . ' (EN)';
- $this->put($title2_EN, 'en', null, $article2);
- $title3 = 'Sulu ist toll - Test 3';
- $article3 = $this->put($title3, 'de');
- // create shadow for article3
- $title3_EN = $title2 . ' (EN)';
- $this->put($title3_EN, 'en', 'de', $article3);
- // Retrieve articles in 'de'.
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&types=blog&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(3, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(3, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $items = \array_map(
- function($item) {
- return [$item['id'], $item['title']];
- },
- $response['_embedded']['articles']
- );
- $this->assertContains([$article1['id'], $title1], $items);
- $this->assertContains([$article2['id'], $title2], $items);
- $this->assertContains([$article3['id'], $title3], $items);
- // Retrieve articles in 'en'.
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=en&types=blog&fields=title,route');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(3, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(3, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $items = \array_map(
- function($item) {
- return [$item['id'], $item['title'], $item['localizationState']];
- },
- $response['_embedded']['articles']
- );
- $this->assertContains([$article1['id'], $title1, ['state' => 'ghost', 'locale' => 'de']], $items);
- $this->assertContains([$article2['id'], $title2_EN, ['state' => 'localized']], $items);
- $this->assertContains([$article3['id'], $title3, ['state' => 'shadow', 'locale' => 'de']], $items);
- }
- public function testCGetExcludeShadow()
- {
- $title1 = 'Sulu ist toll - Test 1';
- $article1 = $this->put($title1, 'de');
- $title2 = 'Sulu ist toll - Test 2';
- $article2 = $this->put($title2, 'de');
- // create second language for article2
- $title2_EN = $title2 . ' (EN)';
- $this->put($title2_EN, 'en', null, $article2);
- $title3 = 'Sulu ist toll - Test 3';
- $article3 = $this->put($title3, 'de');
- // create shadow for article3
- $title3_EN = $title2 . ' (EN)';
- $this->put($title3_EN, 'en', 'de', $article3);
- // Retrieve articles in 'de'.
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&types=blog&fields=title&exclude-shadows=true');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(3, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(3, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- // Retrieve articles in 'en'.
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=en&types=blog&fields=title,route&exclude-shadows=true');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- }
- public function testPutExtensions(
- $title = 'Sulu is awesome',
- $extensions = [
- 'seo' => [
- 'title' => 'Seo title',
- 'description' => 'Seo description',
- 'keywords' => 'Seo keywords',
- 'canonicalUrl' => 'http://canonical.lo',
- 'hideInSitemap' => true,
- 'noFollow' => false,
- 'noIndex' => true,
- ],
- 'excerpt' => [
- 'title' => 'Excerpt title',
- 'description' => 'Excerpt title',
- 'more' => 'Excerpt more',
- 'categories' => [1],
- 'tags' => [
- 'Excerpt',
- 'Tags',
- ],
- 'icon' => [
- 'displayOption' => 'top',
- 'ids' => [1],
- ],
- 'images' => [
- 'displayOption' => 'top',
- 'ids' => [1],
- ],
- 'audience_targeting_groups' => [],
- 'segments' => [],
- ],
- ]
- ) {
- $media = $this->createMedia();
- $extensions['excerpt']['icon']['ids'] = [$media->getId()];
- $extensions['excerpt']['images']['ids'] = [$media->getId()];
- $article = $this->testPost();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'PUT',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?locale=de',
- [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'ext' => $extensions,
- ]
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertNotEquals($article['title'], $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($extensions['seo'], $response['ext']['seo']);
- if (!\class_exists(SegmentSelect::class)) {
- // segment is only returned for sulu versions >= 2.2
- unset($extensions['excerpt']['segments']);
- }
- $this->assertEquals($extensions['excerpt'], $response['ext']['excerpt']);
- }
- public function testPutDifferentTemplate($title = 'Sulu', $description = 'Sulu is awesome')
- {
- $article = $this->testPost();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'PUT',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?locale=de',
- ['title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'template' => 'simple']
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertNotEquals($article['title'], $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals('simple', $response['template']);
- $this->assertEquals(self::$typeMap['simple'], $response['articleType']);
- $this->assertEquals($description, $response['description']);
- }
- public function testPutDifferentLocale($title = 'Sulu is awesome')
- {
- $article = $this->testPost();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'PUT',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?locale=en',
- ['title' => $title, 'template' => 'default']
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(['de', 'en'], $response['contentLocales']);
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- }
- public function testCGet()
- {
- $article1 = $this->testPost('Sulu');
- $this->flush();
- $article2 = $this->testPost('Sulu is awesome');
- $this->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&types=blog');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $items = \array_map(
- function($item) {
- return [$item['id'], $item['title']];
- },
- $response['_embedded']['articles']
- );
- $this->assertContains([$article1['id'], $article1['title']], $items);
- $this->assertContains([$article2['id'], $article2['title']], $items);
- }
- public function testCGetIds()
- {
- $article1 = $this->testPost('Sulu');
- $this->flush();
- $article2 = $this->testPost('Sulu is awesome');
- $this->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'GET',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&ids=' . \implode(',', [$article2['id'], $article1['id']])
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $this->assertEquals($article2['id'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($article1['id'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][1]['id']);
- }
- public function testCGetAuthoredRange()
- {
- $this->post('Sulu');
- $this->flush();
- $article = $this->post('Sulu is awesome', 'default', '2016-01-10');
- $this->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'GET',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&types=blog&authoredFrom=2016-01-09&authoredTo=2016-01-11&fields=title'
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(1, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $this->assertEquals($response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['title'], $article['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['id'], $article['id']);
- }
- public function testCGetWorkflowStage()
- {
- $this->post('Sulu');
- $this->flush();
- $article = $this->post('Sulu is awesome', 'default', '2016-01-10', 'publish');
- $this->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&types=blog&workflowStage=published&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(1, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $this->assertEquals($response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['title'], $article['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['id'], $article['id']);
- }
- public function testCGetSearch()
- {
- $this->testPost('Sulu');
- $this->flush();
- $article2 = $this->testPost('Sulu is awesome');
- $this->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&searchFields=title&search=awesome&types=blog&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(1, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $this->assertEquals($article2['id'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($article2['title'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['title']);
- }
- public function testCGetSearchWithoutSearchFields()
- {
- $this->testPost('Sulu');
- $this->flush();
- $article2 = $this->testPost('Sulu is awesome');
- $this->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&search=awesome&types=blog&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(1, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $this->assertEquals($article2['id'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($article2['title'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['title']);
- }
- public function testCGetSearchRoutePath()
- {
- $articles = [
- $this->testPost('Sulu'),
- $this->testPost('Sulu is awesome'),
- ];
- $this->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'GET',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&searchFields=route_path&search=/articles&types=blog&fields=title'
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $this->assertEquals($articles[0]['id'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($articles[0]['title'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($articles[1]['id'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][1]['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($articles[1]['title'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][1]['title']);
- }
- public function testCGetSearchFieldRoutePath()
- {
- $routePathData = [
- 'suffix' => '/test-route',
- ];
- $article = $this->postPageTreeRoute($routePathData, 'Article Name');
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'GET',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&page=1&limit=10&fields=id,title,creatorFullName,changerFullName,authorFullName,routePath&search=test-route&flat=true'
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(1, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $this->assertEquals($article['id'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($article['title'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['title']);
- }
- public function testCGetSearchCaseInsensitive()
- {
- $this->testPost('Sulu');
- $this->flush();
- $article2 = $this->testPost('Sulu is awesome');
- $this->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&searchFields=title&search=AwEsoMe&types=blog&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(1, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $this->assertEquals($article2['id'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($article2['title'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['title']);
- }
- public function testCGetSort()
- {
- $article1 = $this->testPost('Hikaru Sulu');
- $this->flush();
- $article2 = $this->testPost('USS Enterprise');
- $this->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&sortBy=title&sortOrder=desc&types=blog&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $this->assertEquals($article2['id'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($article2['title'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][0]['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($article1['id'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][1]['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($article1['title'], $response['_embedded']['articles'][1]['title']);
- }
- public function testCGetTypes()
- {
- $article1 = $this->testPost('Sulu');
- $this->flush();
- $article2 = $this->testPost('Sulu is awesome', 'simple');
- $this->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&types=blog&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(1, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $items = \array_map(
- function($item) {
- return [$item['id'], $item['title']];
- },
- $response['_embedded']['articles']
- );
- $this->assertContains([$article1['id'], $article1['title']], $items);
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&types=video&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(1, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $items = \array_map(
- function($item) {
- return [$item['id'], $item['title']];
- },
- $response['_embedded']['articles']
- );
- $this->assertContains([$article2['id'], $article2['title']], $items);
- }
- public function testCGetMultipleTypes()
- {
- $article1 = $this->testPost('Sulu', 'default');
- $article2 = $this->testPost('Sulu is awesome', 'simple');
- $article3 = $this->testPost('Sulu is great', 'default_fallback');
- $this->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&types=blog,video&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- }
- public function testCGetFilterByContactId()
- {
- // create contact1
- $contact1 = $this->contactManager->save(
- [
- 'firstName' => 'Testi 1',
- 'lastName' => 'Testo 1',
- ],
- null,
- false,
- true
- );
- // create contact2
- $contact2 = $this->contactManager->save(
- [
- 'firstName' => 'Testi 2',
- 'lastName' => 'Testo 2',
- ],
- null,
- false,
- true
- );
- // create contact3
- $contact3 = $this->contactManager->save(
- [
- 'firstName' => 'Testi 3',
- 'lastName' => 'Testo 3',
- ],
- null,
- false,
- true
- );
- // create user1
- $user1 = $this->userManager->save(
- [
- 'username' => 'testi.testo1',
- 'email' => '',
- 'password' => 'ThisIsSave!#123',
- 'contact' => [
- 'id' => $contact1->getId(),
- ],
- ],
- 'de',
- null,
- false,
- true
- );
- // create user2
- $user2 = $this->userManager->save(
- [
- 'username' => 'testi.testo2',
- 'email' => '',
- 'password' => 'ThisIsSave!#123',
- 'contact' => [
- 'id' => $contact2->getId(),
- ],
- ],
- 'de',
- null,
- false,
- true
- );
- // create user3
- $user3 = $this->userManager->save(
- [
- 'username' => 'testi.testo3',
- 'email' => '',
- 'password' => 'ThisIsSave!#123',
- 'contact' => [
- 'id' => $contact3->getId(),
- ],
- ],
- 'de',
- null,
- false,
- true
- );
- /** @var ArticleDocument $article */
- $article = $this->documentManager->create('article');
- $article->setTitle('first title');
- $article->setStructureType('default');
- // user 3 is author
- $article->setAuthor($contact3->getId());
- // user 1 is creator
- $this->documentManager->persist($article, 'de', ['user' => $user1->getId()]);
- $this->documentManager->publish($article, 'de');
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- // user 2 is changer
- $this->documentManager->persist($article, 'de', ['user' => $user2->getId()]);
- $this->documentManager->publish($article, 'de');
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- // add article
- /** @var ArticleDocument $article */
- $article2 = $this->documentManager->create('article');
- $article2->setTitle('first title');
- $article2->setStructureType('default');
- $this->documentManager->persist($article2, 'de', ['user' => $user1->getId()]);
- $this->documentManager->publish($article2, 'de');
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- // retrieve all articles for user1
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'GET',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&searchFields=title&types=blog&contactId=' . $user1->getContact()->getId()
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- // retrieve all articles for user2
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'GET',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&searchFields=title&types=blog&contactId=' . $user2->getContact()->getId()
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(1, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- // retrieve all articles for user1
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'GET',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&searchFields=title&types=blog&contactId=' . $user1->getContact()->getId()
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- // retrieve all articles for user2
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'GET',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&searchFields=title&types=blog&contactId=' . $user2->getContact()->getId()
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(1, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- // retrieve all articles for user3
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'GET',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&searchFields=title&types=blog&contactId=' . $user3->getContact()->getId()
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(1, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- }
- public function testDelete()
- {
- $article = $this->testPost('Sulu');
- $this->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('DELETE', '/api/articles/' . $article['id']);
- $this->flush();
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(204, $this->client->getResponse());
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&types=blog');
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(0, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(0, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $this->assertNull($this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'de'));
- /** @var ActivityInterface $activity */
- $activity = $this->activityRespository->findOneBy(['type' => 'removed']);
- $this->assertSame((string) $article['id'], $activity->getResourceId());
- }
- public function testCDelete()
- {
- $article1 = $this->testPost('Sulu');
- $this->flush();
- $article2 = $this->testPost('Sulu is awesome', 'simple');
- $this->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('DELETE', '/api/articles?ids=' . \implode(',', [$article1['id'], $article2['id']]));
- $this->flush();
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(204, $this->client->getResponse());
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&types=blog');
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(0, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(0, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $this->assertNull($this->findViewDocument($article1['id'], 'de'));
- $this->assertNull($this->findViewDocument($article2['id'], 'de'));
- }
- public function testCopy()
- {
- // create article
- $sourceArticle = $this->testPost('Sulu ist toll - Artikel 1');
- $this->publish($sourceArticle['id']);
- $this->flush();
- // trigger copy action
- $this->client->jsonRequest('POST',
- \sprintf('/api/articles/%s?action=copy', $sourceArticle['id'])
- );
- $response = $this->client->getResponse();
- $result = \json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $response);
- $this->assertNotEquals($sourceArticle['id'], $result['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($sourceArticle['title'], $result['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($sourceArticle['articleType'], $result['articleType']);
- $this->assertEquals(false, $result['publishedState']);
- }
- public function testCopyLocaleWithoutSource()
- {
- // prepare vars
- $locale = 'de';
- $destLocale = 'en';
- // create article in default locale
- $article1 = $this->testPost('Sulu ist toll - Artikel 1');
- $this->publish($article1['id']);
- $article2 = $this->testPost('Sulu ist toll - Artikel 2');
- $this->publish($article2['id']);
- $this->flush();
- // get all articles in default locale
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=' . $locale . '&types=blog&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $items = \array_map(
- function($item) {
- return [$item['id'], $item['title']];
- },
- $response['_embedded']['articles']
- );
- $this->assertContains([$article1['id'], $article1['title']], $items);
- $this->assertContains([$article2['id'], $article2['title']], $items);
- // get all articles in dest locale (both should be ghosts)
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=' . $destLocale . '&types=blog&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $items = \array_map(
- function($item) {
- return [$item['id'], $item['title'], $item['localizationState']];
- },
- $response['_embedded']['articles']
- );
- $this->assertContains([$article1['id'], $article1['title'], ['state' => 'ghost', 'locale' => 'de']], $items);
- $this->assertContains([$article2['id'], $article2['title'], ['state' => 'ghost', 'locale' => 'de']], $items);
- // request copy-locale post action for article1 (published de locale should be returned)
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles/' . $article1['id'] . '?locale=' . $locale . '&dest=' . $destLocale . '&action=copy-locale'
- );
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $this->assertEquals($article1['id'], $response['id']);
- $this->assertEquals(true, $response['publishedState']);
- $this->assertEquals([$locale, $destLocale], $response['contentLocales']);
- // get all articles in dest locale (now only one should be a ghost)
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=' . $destLocale . '&types=blog&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $items = \array_map(
- function($item) {
- return [$item['id'], $item['title'], $item['localizationState']];
- },
- $response['_embedded']['articles']
- );
- $this->assertContains([$article1['id'], $article1['title'], ['state' => 'localized']], $items);
- $this->assertContains([$article2['id'], $article2['title'], ['state' => 'ghost', 'locale' => 'de']], $items);
- }
- public function testCopyLocaleWithSource()
- {
- // prepare vars
- $locale = 'en';
- $srclocale = 'de';
- $destLocale = 'en';
- // create article in default locale
- $article1 = $this->testPost('Sulu ist toll - Artikel 1');
- $this->publish($article1['id']);
- $article2 = $this->testPost('Sulu ist toll - Artikel 2');
- $this->publish($article2['id']);
- $this->flush();
- // get all articles in default locale
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=' . $srclocale . '&types=blog&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $items = \array_map(
- function($item) {
- return [$item['id'], $item['title']];
- },
- $response['_embedded']['articles']
- );
- $this->assertContains([$article1['id'], $article1['title']], $items);
- $this->assertContains([$article2['id'], $article2['title']], $items);
- // get all articles in dest locale (both should be ghosts)
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=' . $destLocale . '&types=blog&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $items = \array_map(
- function($item) {
- return [$item['id'], $item['title'], $item['localizationState']];
- },
- $response['_embedded']['articles']
- );
- $this->assertContains([$article1['id'], $article1['title'], ['state' => 'ghost', 'locale' => 'de']], $items);
- $this->assertContains([$article2['id'], $article2['title'], ['state' => 'ghost', 'locale' => 'de']], $items);
- // request copy-locale post action for article1 (unpublished en locale should be returned)
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles/' . $article1['id'] . '?locale=' . $locale . '&src=' . $srclocale . '&dest=' . $destLocale . '&action=copy-locale'
- );
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $this->assertEquals($article1['id'], $response['id']);
- $this->assertEquals(false, $response['publishedState']);
- $this->assertEquals([$srclocale, $destLocale], $response['contentLocales']);
- // get all articles in dest locale (now only one should be a ghost)
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=' . $destLocale . '&types=blog&fields=title');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $response['_embedded']['articles']);
- $items = \array_map(
- function($item) {
- return [$item['id'], $item['title'], $item['localizationState']];
- },
- $response['_embedded']['articles']
- );
- $this->assertContains([$article1['id'], $article1['title'], ['state' => 'localized']], $items);
- $this->assertContains([$article2['id'], $article2['title'], ['state' => 'ghost', 'locale' => 'de']], $items);
- /** @var ActivityInterface $activity */
- $activity = $this->activityRespository->findOneBy(['type' => 'translation_copied']);
- $this->assertSame((string) $article1['id'], $activity->getResourceId());
- }
- public function testCgetFilterByCategory()
- {
- $title = 'Test-Article';
- $template = 'default';
- $category = $this->createCategory();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=de',
- [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'template' => $template,
- 'authored' => \date('c', \strtotime('2016-01-01')),
- 'ext' => ['excerpt' => ['categories' => [$category->getId()]]],
- ]
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $article1 = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- // create second article which should not appear in response
- $article2 = $this->post();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&categoryId=' . $category->getId());
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $result = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result['_embedded']['articles']);
- $this->assertEquals($article1['id'], $result['_embedded']['articles'][0]['id']);
- }
- public function testCgetFilterByTag()
- {
- $title = 'Test-Article';
- $template = 'default';
- $tag = $this->createTag();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=de',
- [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'template' => $template,
- 'authored' => \date('c', \strtotime('2016-01-01')),
- 'ext' => ['excerpt' => ['tags' => [$tag->getName()]]],
- ]
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $article1 = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- // create second article which should not appear in response
- $article2 = $this->post();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&tagId=' . $tag->getId());
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $result = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result['_embedded']['articles']);
- $this->assertEquals($article1['id'], $result['_embedded']['articles'][0]['id']);
- }
- public function testCgetFilterByPage()
- {
- $page = $this->createPage('Test Page', '/test-page');
- $routePathData = [
- 'page' => [
- 'uuid' => $page->getUuid(),
- 'path' => $page->getResourceSegment(),
- 'webspace' => 'sulu_io',
- ],
- 'suffix' => 'test-article',
- 'path' => '/test-page/test-article',
- ];
- $article1 = $this->postPageTreeRoute($routePathData);
- // create second article which should not appear in response
- $this->post();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles?locale=de&pageId=' . $page->getUuid());
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $result = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertCount(1, $result['_embedded']['articles']);
- $this->assertEquals($article1['id'], $result['_embedded']['articles'][0]['id']);
- }
- public function testPostPageTreeRoute()
- {
- $page = $this->createPage('Test Page', '/test-page');
- $routePathData = [
- 'page' => [
- 'uuid' => $page->getUuid(),
- 'path' => $page->getResourceSegment(),
- ],
- 'suffix' => '/test-article',
- 'path' => '/test-page/test-article',
- ];
- $response = $this->postPageTreeRoute($routePathData);
- $this->assertEquals('Test Article', $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals('/test-page/test-article', $response['route']);
- $this->assertEquals($routePathData, $response['routePath']);
- }
- public function testPostPageTreeRouteGenerate()
- {
- $page = $this->createPage('Test Page', '/test-page');
- $routePathData = [
- 'page' => [
- 'uuid' => $page->getUuid(),
- 'path' => $page->getResourceSegment(),
- ],
- 'suffix' => '/articles/test-article',
- 'path' => '/test-page/articles/test-article',
- ];
- $response = $this->postPageTreeRoute(['page' => $routePathData['page']]);
- $this->assertEquals('Test Article', $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals('/test-page/articles/test-article', $response['route']);
- $this->assertEquals($routePathData, $response['routePath']);
- }
- public function testPostPageTreeRouteGeneratePublishPage()
- {
- $page = $this->createPage('Test Page', '/test-page');
- $routePathData = [
- 'page' => [
- 'uuid' => $page->getUuid(),
- 'path' => $page->getResourceSegment(),
- ],
- 'suffix' => 'articles/test-article',
- 'path' => '/test-page/articles/test-article',
- ];
- $article = $this->postPageTreeRoute(['page' => $routePathData['page']]);
- $page->setResourceSegment('/test-page-2');
- $this->documentManager->persist($page, 'de');
- $this->documentManager->publish($page, 'de');
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?locale=de');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals('Test Article', $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals('/test-page-2/articles/test-article', $response['route']);
- $this->assertEquals(
- [
- 'page' => [
- 'uuid' => $page->getUuid(),
- 'path' => $page->getResourceSegment(),
- ],
- 'suffix' => '/articles/test-article',
- 'path' => '/test-page-2/articles/test-article',
- ],
- $response['routePath']
- );
- }
- public function testPostPageTreeRouteGenerateMovePage()
- {
- $page1 = $this->createPage('Page 1', '/page-1');
- $page2 = $this->createPage('Page 2', '/page-2');
- $routePathData = [
- 'page' => [
- 'uuid' => $page1->getUuid(),
- 'path' => $page1->getResourceSegment(),
- ],
- 'suffix' => '/test-article',
- 'path' => '/test-page/articles/test-article',
- ];
- $article = $this->postPageTreeRoute(['page' => $routePathData['page']]);
- $this->documentManager->move($page1, $page2->getUuid());
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- $page1 = $this->documentManager->find($page1->getUuid(), 'de');
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?locale=de');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals('Test Article', $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals('/page-2/page-1/articles/test-article', $response['route']);
- $this->assertEquals(
- [
- 'page' => [
- 'uuid' => $page1->getUuid(),
- 'path' => $page1->getResourceSegment(),
- ],
- 'suffix' => '/articles/test-article',
- 'path' => '/page-2/page-1/articles/test-article',
- ],
- $response['routePath']
- );
- }
- public function testPostPageTreeRouteGenerateRemovePage()
- {
- $page = $this->createPage('Test Page', '/test-page');
- $routePathData = [
- 'page' => [
- 'uuid' => $page->getUuid(),
- 'path' => $page->getResourceSegment(),
- ],
- 'suffix' => '/articles/test-article',
- 'path' => '/test-page/articles/test-article',
- ];
- $article = $this->postPageTreeRoute($routePathData);
- $this->documentManager->remove($page);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?locale=de');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals('Test Article', $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals('/test-page/articles/test-article', $response['route']);
- $this->assertEquals(
- [
- 'page' => [
- 'uuid' => $page->getUuid(),
- 'path' => $page->getResourceSegment(),
- ],
- 'suffix' => '/articles/test-article',
- 'path' => '/test-page/articles/test-article',
- ],
- $response['routePath']
- );
- }
- protected function publish($id)
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest('PUT', '/api/articles/' . $id . '?action=publish&locale=de', $this->get($id));
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- public function testOrderPages()
- {
- $this->markTestSkipped();
- $article = $this->post();
- $pages = [
- $this->postPage($article, 'Page 1'),
- $this->postPage($article, 'Page 2'),
- $this->postPage($article, 'Page 3'),
- $this->postPage($article, 'Page 4'),
- ];
- $this->publish($article['id']);
- $pages[] = $this->postPage($article, 'Page 5');
- $expectedPages = [$pages[4]['id'], $pages[3]['id'], $pages[2]['id'], $pages[1]['id'], $pages[0]['id']];
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?action=order&locale=de',
- ['pages' => $expectedPages]
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = $this->publish($article['id']);
- $responsePages = $response['children'];
- for ($i = 0; $i < \count($expectedPages); ++$i) {
- $this->assertEquals($expectedPages[$i], $responsePages[$i]['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($i + 2, $responsePages[$i]['pageNumber']);
- $this->assertEquals(
- $article['route'] . '/page-' . $responsePages[$i]['pageNumber'],
- $responsePages[$i]['route']
- );
- $route = $this->findRoute($responsePages[$i]['route'], 'de');
- $this->assertTrue(\is_subclass_of($route->getEntityClass(), ArticlePageDocument::class) || ArticlePageDocument::class === $route->getEntityClass());
- $this->assertEquals($responsePages[$i]['id'], $route->getEntityId());
- $this->assertEquals('de', $route->getLocale());
- $this->assertFalse($route->isHistory());
- $this->assertNull($route->getTarget());
- }
- }
- private function postPageTreeRoute($routePathData, $title = 'Test Article')
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&action=publish',
- [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'template' => 'page_tree_route',
- 'routePath' => $routePathData,
- 'authored' => \date('c', \strtotime('2016-01-01')),
- ]
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- /**
- * Create a media.
- *
- * @return Media
- */
- private function createMedia()
- {
- $collection = new Collection();
- $collection->setType($this->getEntityManager()->getReference(CollectionType::class, 1));
- $media = new Media();
- $media->setType($this->getEntityManager()->getReference(MediaType::class, 1));
- $media->setCollection($collection);
- $this->getEntityManager()->persist($collection);
- $this->getEntityManager()->persist($media);
- $this->getEntityManager()->flush();
- return $media;
- }
- /**
- * Create a category.
- *
- * @return Category
- */
- private function createCategory()
- {
- $entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
- $category = new Category();
- $category->setDefaultLocale('de');
- $entityManager->persist($category);
- $entityManager->flush();
- return $category;
- }
- /**
- * Create a tag.
- *
- * @return Tag
- */
- private function createTag()
- {
- $entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
- $tag = new Tag();
- $tag->setName('Test');
- $entityManager->persist($tag);
- $entityManager->flush();
- return $tag;
- }
- /**
- * Create a contact.
- *
- * @return Contact
- */
- private function createContact()
- {
- $entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
- $contact = new Contact();
- $contact->setFirstName('Max');
- $contact->setLastName('Mustermann');
- $entityManager->persist($contact);
- $entityManager->flush();
- return $contact;
- }
- /**
- * Create a new page.
- *
- * @param string $title
- * @param string $resourceSegment
- * @param string $locale
- *
- * @return PageDocument
- */
- private function createPage($title, $resourceSegment, $locale = 'de')
- {
- $sessionManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu.phpcr.session');
- $page = $this->documentManager->create('page');
- $uuidReflection = new \ReflectionProperty(PageDocument::class, 'uuid');
- $uuidReflection->setAccessible(true);
- $uuidReflection->setValue($page, Uuid::uuid4()->toString());
- $page->setTitle($title);
- $page->setStructureType('default');
- $page->setParent($this->documentManager->find($sessionManager->getContentPath('sulu_io')));
- $page->setResourceSegment($resourceSegment);
- $this->documentManager->persist($page, $locale);
- $this->documentManager->publish($page, $locale);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- return $page;
- }
- private function purgeIndex()
- {
- /** @var IndexerInterface $indexer */
- $indexer = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.elastic_search.article_indexer');
- $indexer->clear();
- }
- private function flush()
- {
- /** @var IndexerInterface $indexer */
- $indexer = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.elastic_search.article_indexer');
- $indexer->flush();
- }
- private function findViewDocument($uuid, $locale)
- {
- /** @var Manager $manager */
- $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('es.manager.default');
- return $manager->find(
- $this->getContainer()->getParameter('sulu_article.view_document.article.class'),
- $this->getViewDocumentId($uuid, $locale)
- );
- }
- /**
- * @param string $path
- * @param string $locale
- *
- * @return RouteInterface
- */
- private function findRoute($path, $locale)
- {
- return $this->getContainer()->get('sulu.repository.route')->findByPath($path, $locale);
- }
- private function getRoute($title)
- {
- return '/articles/' . Urlizer::urlize($title);
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Controller/ArticlePageControllerTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Controller/ArticlePageControllerTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c70f9f5c..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Controller/ArticlePageControllerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-client = $this->createAuthenticatedClient();
- $this->purgeIndex();
- $this->purgeDatabase();
- $this->initPhpcr();
- $collectionTypes = new LoadCollectionTypes();
- $collectionTypes->load($this->getEntityManager());
- $mediaTypes = new LoadMediaTypes();
- $mediaTypes->load($this->getEntityManager());
- }
- private function createArticle($title = 'Test-Article', $template = 'default_pages', $locale = 'de')
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=' . $locale,
- [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'pageTitle' => $title,
- 'template' => $template,
- 'authored' => \date('c', \strtotime('2016-01-01')),
- ]
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- private function createArticleLocale($article, $title = 'Test-Article', $template = 'default_pages', $locale = 'en')
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'PUT',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?locale=' . $locale,
- [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'pageTitle' => $title,
- 'template' => $template,
- 'authored' => \date('c', \strtotime('2016-01-01')),
- ]
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- private function createArticleShadow($article, $locale = 'en', $shadowLocale = 'de')
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'PUT',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '?locale=' . $locale,
- [
- 'shadowOn' => true,
- 'shadowBaseLanguage' => $shadowLocale,
- ]
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- private function getArticle($uuid, $locale = 'de')
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles/' . $uuid . '?locale=' . $locale);
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- private function post($article, $pageTitle = 'Test-Page', $template = 'default_pages', $locale = 'de')
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '/pages?locale=' . $locale,
- [
- 'pageTitle' => $pageTitle,
- 'template' => $template,
- ]
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- public function testPost($title = 'Test-Article', $pageTitle = 'Test-Page', $template = 'default_pages')
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle($title, $template);
- $response = $this->post($article, $pageTitle);
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($pageTitle, $response['pageTitle']);
- $this->assertEquals($template, $response['template']);
- $this->assertEquals($this->getRoute($title, 2), $response['route']);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['pageNumber']);
- $this->assertEquals($article['id'], $response['parent']['id']);
- $article = $this->getArticle($article['id']);
- $pages = $article['children'];
- $this->assertCount(1, $pages);
- $this->assertEquals($response['id'], \reset($pages)['id']);
- $articleViewDocument = $this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'de');
- $this->assertCount(1, $articleViewDocument->getPages());
- $this->assertEquals(2, $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->pageNumber);
- $this->assertEquals($pageTitle, $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->title);
- $this->assertEquals($response['id'], $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->uuid);
- }
- public function testPostMultiplePages($title = 'Test-Article')
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle($title);
- $response1 = $this->post($article, 'Test-1');
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response1['title']);
- $this->assertEquals('Test-1', $response1['pageTitle']);
- $this->assertEquals($this->getRoute($title, 2), $response1['route']);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response1['pageNumber']);
- $response2 = $this->post($article, 'Test-2');
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response2['title']);
- $this->assertEquals('Test-2', $response2['pageTitle']);
- $this->assertEquals($this->getRoute($title, 3), $response2['route']);
- $this->assertEquals(3, $response2['pageNumber']);
- $article = $this->getArticle($article['id']);
- $pages = \array_values($article['children']);
- $this->assertCount(2, $pages);
- $this->assertEquals($response1['id'], $pages[0]['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($response2['id'], $pages[1]['id']);
- $articleViewDocument = $this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'de');
- $this->assertCount(2, $articleViewDocument->getPages());
- $this->assertEquals(2, $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->pageNumber);
- $this->assertEquals('Test-1', $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->title);
- $this->assertEquals($response1['id'], $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->uuid);
- $this->assertEquals($response1['route'], $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->routePath);
- $this->assertEquals(3, $articleViewDocument->getPages()[1]->pageNumber);
- $this->assertEquals('Test-2', $articleViewDocument->getPages()[1]->title);
- $this->assertEquals($response2['id'], $articleViewDocument->getPages()[1]->uuid);
- $this->assertEquals($response2['route'], $articleViewDocument->getPages()[1]->routePath);
- }
- public function testGet($title = 'Test-Article', $pageTitle = 'Test-Page', $template = 'default_pages')
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle($title, $template);
- $page = $this->post($article, $pageTitle);
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '/pages/' . $page['id'] . '?locale=de');
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($this->getRoute($title, 2), $response['route']);
- $this->assertEquals($pageTitle, $response['pageTitle']);
- $this->assertEquals($template, $response['template']);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['pageNumber']);
- }
- public function testPut($title = 'Test-Article', $pageTitle = 'New-Page-Title', $template = 'default_pages')
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle($title, $template);
- $page = $this->post($article);
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'PUT',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '/pages/' . $page['id'] . '?locale=de',
- [
- 'pageTitle' => $pageTitle,
- 'article' => 'Sulu is awesome',
- ]
- );
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($this->getRoute($title, 2), $response['route']);
- $this->assertEquals($pageTitle, $response['pageTitle']);
- $this->assertEquals($template, $response['template']);
- $this->assertEquals('Sulu is awesome', $response['article']);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['pageNumber']);
- $articleViewDocument = $this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'de');
- $this->assertCount(1, $articleViewDocument->getPages());
- $this->assertEquals(2, $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->pageNumber);
- $this->assertEquals($pageTitle, $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->title);
- $this->assertEquals($response['id'], $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->uuid);
- }
- public function testPutPublish($title = 'Test-Article', $pageTitle = 'New-Page-Title', $template = 'default_pages')
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle($title, $template);
- $page = $this->post($article);
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'PUT',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '/pages/' . $page['id'] . '?locale=de&action=publish',
- [
- 'pageTitle' => $pageTitle,
- 'article' => 'Sulu is awesome',
- ]
- );
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $this->assertEquals($title, $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals($this->getRoute($title, 2), $response['route']);
- $this->assertEquals($pageTitle, $response['pageTitle']);
- $this->assertEquals($template, $response['template']);
- $this->assertEquals('Sulu is awesome', $response['article']);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['pageNumber']);
- $articleViewDocument = $this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'de');
- $this->assertCount(1, $articleViewDocument->getPages());
- $this->assertEquals(2, $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->pageNumber);
- $this->assertEquals($pageTitle, $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->title);
- $this->assertEquals($response['id'], $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->uuid);
- }
- public function testDelete()
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle();
- $page = $this->post($article);
- $this->client->jsonRequest('DELETE', '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '/pages/' . $page['id'] . '?locale=de');
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(204, $this->client->getResponse());
- $article = $this->getArticle($article['id']);
- $this->assertCount(0, $article['children']);
- $articleViewDocument = $this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'de');
- $this->assertCount(0, $articleViewDocument->getPages());
- }
- public function testHandleSecondLocale($title = 'Sulu ist toll')
- {
- $articleDE = $this->createArticle($title);
- $page1 = $this->post($articleDE, 'Sulu ist toll - Page 1');
- $articleEN = $this->createArticleLocale($articleDE, 'Sulu is great');
- // page 1 should exists with empty pageTitle
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles/' . $articleEN['id'] . '/pages/' . $page1['id'] . '?locale=en');
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('type', $response);
- $this->assertEquals('', $response['pageTitle']);
- }
- public function testHandleShadowArticlePageForEN($title = 'Sulu ist toll')
- {
- $this->markTestSkipped();
- $articleDE = $this->createArticle($title);
- $page2 = $this->post($articleDE, 'Sulu ist toll - Page 2');
- $page3 = $this->post($articleDE, 'Sulu ist toll - Page 3');
- $page4 = $this->post($articleDE, 'Sulu ist toll - Page 4');
- $articleEN = $this->createArticleLocale($articleDE, 'Sulu is great');
- $articleShadow = $this->createArticleShadow($articleEN);
- // check the article itself
- $this->assertEquals('Sulu ist toll', $articleShadow['title']);
- // load second page
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles/' . $articleEN['id'] . '/pages/' . $page2['id'] . '?locale=en');
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $this->assertEquals('Sulu ist toll', $response['title']);
- $this->assertTrue($response['shadowOn']);
- $this->assertEquals('de', $response['shadowBaseLanguage']);
- $this->assertEquals('/articles/sulu-is-great/page-2', $response['route']);
- $articleViewDocument = $this->findViewDocument($articleEN['id'], 'en');
- $this->assertEquals('en', $articleViewDocument->getLocale());
- $this->assertEquals('/articles/sulu-is-great', $articleViewDocument->getRoutePath());
- $this->assertEquals('Sulu ist toll', $articleViewDocument->getTitle());
- $this->assertEquals(LocalizationState::SHADOW, $articleViewDocument->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertEquals('de', $articleViewDocument->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- $this->assertCount(3, $articleViewDocument->getPages());
- $this->assertEquals('Sulu ist toll - Page 2', $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->title);
- $this->assertEquals('Sulu ist toll - Page 3', $articleViewDocument->getPages()[1]->title);
- $this->assertEquals('Sulu ist toll - Page 4', $articleViewDocument->getPages()[2]->title);
- $this->assertEquals('/articles/sulu-is-great/page-2', $articleViewDocument->getPages()[0]->routePath);
- $this->assertEquals('/articles/sulu-is-great/page-3', $articleViewDocument->getPages()[1]->routePath);
- $this->assertEquals('/articles/sulu-is-great/page-4', $articleViewDocument->getPages()[2]->routePath);
- }
- public function testHandleShadowArticlePageForDE($title = 'Sulu is great')
- {
- $articleEN = $this->createArticle($title, 'default_pages', 'en');
- $page2 = $this->post($articleEN, 'Sulu is great - Page 2', 'default_pages', 'en');
- $page3 = $this->post($articleEN, 'Sulu is great - Page 3', 'default_pages', 'en');
- $articleDE = $this->createArticleLocale($articleEN, 'Sulu is great', 'default_pages', 'de');
- $articleShadow = $this->createArticleShadow($articleDE, 'de', 'en');
- // check the article itself
- $this->assertEquals('Sulu is great', $articleShadow['title']);
- // load second page
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles/' . $articleDE['id'] . '/pages/' . $page2['id'] . '?locale=de');
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $this->assertEquals('Sulu is great', $response['title']);
- $this->assertEquals('Sulu is great - Page 2', $response['pageTitle']);
- }
- private function purgeIndex()
- {
- /** @var IndexerInterface $indexer */
- $indexer = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.elastic_search.article_indexer');
- $indexer->clear();
- }
- /**
- * @return ArticleViewDocumentInterface
- */
- private function findViewDocument($uuid, $locale)
- {
- /** @var Manager $manager */
- $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('es.manager.default');
- return $manager->find(
- $this->getContainer()->getParameter('sulu_article.view_document.article.class'),
- $this->getViewDocumentId($uuid, $locale)
- );
- }
- private function getRoute($title, $page)
- {
- return '/articles/' . Urlizer::urlize($title) . '/page-' . $page;
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Controller/VersionControllerTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Controller/VersionControllerTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 35cfedaae..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Controller/VersionControllerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-client = $this->createAuthenticatedClient();
- if (!$this->getContainer()->getParameter('sulu_document_manager.versioning.enabled')) {
- $this->markTestSkipped('Versioning is not enabled');
- }
- $this->initPhpcr();
- $this->documentManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_document_manager.document_manager');
- }
- public function testPostRestore()
- {
- /** @var ArticleDocument $article */
- $article = $this->documentManager->create('article');
- $article->setTitle('first title');
- $article->setStructureType('default');
- $this->documentManager->persist($article, $this->locale);
- $this->documentManager->publish($article, $this->locale);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $article = $this->documentManager->find($article->getUuid(), $this->locale);
- $article->setTitle('second title');
- $this->documentManager->persist($article, $this->locale);
- $this->documentManager->publish($article, $this->locale);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles/' . $article->getUuid() . '/versions/1_0?action=restore&locale=' . $this->locale
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals('first title', $response['title']);
- }
- public function testPostRestoreInvalidVersion()
- {
- /** @var ArticleDocument $article */
- $article = $this->documentManager->create('article');
- $article->setTitle('first title');
- $article->setStructureType('default');
- $this->documentManager->persist($article, $this->locale);
- $this->documentManager->publish($article, $this->locale);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles/' . $article->getUuid() . '/versions/2_0?action=restore&locale=' . $this->locale
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(404, $this->client->getResponse());
- }
- public function testCGet()
- {
- /** @var ArticleDocument $article */
- $article = $this->documentManager->create('article');
- $article->setTitle('first title');
- $article->setStructureType('default');
- $this->documentManager->persist($article, $this->locale);
- $this->documentManager->publish($article, $this->locale);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $article = $this->documentManager->find($article->getUuid(), $this->locale);
- $article->setTitle('second title');
- $this->documentManager->persist($article, $this->locale);
- $this->documentManager->publish($article, $this->locale);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'GET',
- '/api/articles/' . $article->getUuid() . '/versions?locale=' . $this->locale
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- $response = \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $response['total']);
- $versions = $response['_embedded']['article_versions'];
- $this->assertEquals('1_1', $versions[0]['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($this->locale, $versions[0]['locale']);
- $this->assertEquals('1_0', $versions[1]['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($this->locale, $versions[1]['locale']);
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Document/Index/ArticleIndexerTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Document/Index/ArticleIndexerTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7273b0823..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Document/Index/ArticleIndexerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,838 +0,0 @@
-client = $this->createAuthenticatedClient();
- $this->initPhpcr();
- $this->purgeDatabase();
- $this->liveManager = $this->getContainer()->get('');
- $this->manager = $this->getContainer()->get('es.manager.default');
- $this->documentManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_document_manager.document_manager');
- $this->liveIndexer = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.elastic_search.article_live_indexer');
- $this->liveIndexer->clear();
- $this->indexer = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.elastic_search.article_indexer');
- $this->indexer->clear();
- }
- public function testRemove()
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle(
- [
- 'article' => 'Test content',
- ],
- 'Test Article',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- $secondLocale = 'de';
- // now add second locale
- $this->updateArticle(
- $article['id'],
- $secondLocale,
- [
- 'id' => $article['id'],
- 'article' => 'Test Inhalt',
- ],
- 'Test Artikel Deutsch',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- /** @var ArticleDocument $articleDocument */
- $articleDocument = $this->documentManager->find($article['id']);
- $this->liveIndexer->remove($articleDocument);
- $this->liveIndexer->flush();
- self::assertNull($this->findLiveViewDocument($articleDocument->getUuid(), 'de'));
- self::assertNull($this->findLiveViewDocument($articleDocument->getUuid(), 'en'));
- }
- public function testReplaceWithGhostData()
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle(
- [
- 'article' => 'Test content',
- ],
- 'Test Article',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- $otherArticle = $this->createArticle(
- [
- 'article' => 'Other content',
- ],
- 'Other Article',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- $articleDocumentUuid = $article['id'];
- $documentDE = $this->findViewDocument($articleDocumentUuid, 'de');
- $documentEN = $this->findViewDocument($articleDocumentUuid, 'en');
- $documentFR = $this->findViewDocument($articleDocumentUuid, 'fr');
- $this->assertSame('Test Article', $documentEN->getTitle());
- $this->assertSame('localized', $documentEN->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertNull($documentEN->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- $this->assertSame('Test Article', $documentDE->getTitle());
- $this->assertSame('ghost', $documentDE->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertSame('en', $documentDE->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- $this->assertSame('Test Article', $documentFR->getTitle());
- $this->assertSame('ghost', $documentFR->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertSame('en', $documentFR->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- $secondLocale = 'de';
- // now add second locale
- $this->updateArticle(
- $article['id'],
- $secondLocale,
- [
- 'id' => $article['id'],
- 'article' => 'Test Inhalt',
- ],
- 'Test Artikel Deutsch',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- $this->updateArticle(
- $otherArticle['id'],
- $secondLocale,
- [
- 'id' => $otherArticle['id'],
- 'article' => 'Anderer Inhalt',
- ],
- 'Anderer Artikel Deutsch',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- /** @var ArticleDocument $articleDocument */
- $articleDocument = $this->documentManager->find($article['id']);
- /** @var ArticleDocument $otherDocument */
- $otherDocument = $this->documentManager->find($otherArticle['id']);
- static::setPrivateProperty($otherDocument, 'originalLocale', 'de'); // to reproduce correctly
- $this->indexer->replaceWithGhostData($articleDocument, 'de');
- $this->indexer->replaceWithGhostData($otherDocument, 'en');
- $this->indexer->flush();
- $documentEN = $this->findViewDocument($articleDocument->getUuid(), 'en');
- $documentDE = $this->findViewDocument($articleDocument->getUuid(), 'de');
- $documentFR = $this->findViewDocument($articleDocument->getUuid(), 'fr');
- $this->assertSame('localized', $documentEN->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertNull($documentEN->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- $this->assertSame('ghost', $documentDE->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertSame('en', $documentDE->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- $this->assertSame('ghost', $documentFR->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertSame('en', $documentFR->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- /** @var ArticleDocument $otherDocument */
- $otherDocumentEN = $this->findViewDocument($otherDocument->getUuid(), 'en');
- $otherDocumentDE = $this->findViewDocument($otherDocument->getUuid(), 'de');
- $otherDocumentFR = $this->findViewDocument($otherDocument->getUuid(), 'fr');
- $this->assertSame('localized', $otherDocumentDE->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertNull($otherDocumentDE->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- $this->assertSame('ghost', $otherDocumentEN->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertSame('de', $otherDocumentEN->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- $this->assertSame('ghost', $otherDocumentFR->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertSame('de', $otherDocumentFR->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- }
- public function testReplaceWithGhostDataUpdateExistingGhosts()
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle(
- [
- 'article' => 'Test content',
- ],
- 'Test Article English',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- $this->updateArticle(
- $article['id'],
- 'de',
- [
- 'id' => $article['id'],
- 'article' => 'Test Inhalt',
- ],
- 'Test Artikel Deutsch',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- $this->updateArticle(
- $article['id'],
- 'fr',
- [
- 'id' => $article['id'],
- 'article' => 'Test Inhalt',
- ],
- 'Test Artikel French',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- $documentEN = $this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'en');
- $this->assertSame(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED, $documentEN->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $documentDE = $this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'de');
- $this->assertSame(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED, $documentDE->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $documentFR = $this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'fr');
- $this->assertSame(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED, $documentFR->getLocalizationState()->state);
- /** @var ArticleDocument $articleDocument */
- $articleDocument = $this->documentManager->find($article['id'], 'en');
- $this->indexer->replaceWithGhostData($articleDocument, 'fr');
- $this->indexer->flush();
- $documentEN = $this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'en');
- $this->assertSame(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED, $documentEN->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $documentDE = $this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'de');
- $this->assertSame(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED, $documentDE->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $documentFR = $this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'fr');
- $this->assertSame(LocalizationState::GHOST, $documentFR->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertSame('en', $documentFR->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- /** @var ArticleDocument $articleDocument */
- $articleDocument = $this->documentManager->find($article['id'], 'de');
- $this->indexer->replaceWithGhostData($articleDocument, 'en');
- $this->indexer->flush();
- $documentEN = $this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'en');
- $this->assertSame(LocalizationState::GHOST, $documentEN->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertSame('de', $documentEN->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- $documentDE = $this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'de');
- $this->assertSame(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED, $documentDE->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $documentFR = $this->findViewDocument($article['id'], 'fr');
- $this->assertSame(LocalizationState::GHOST, $documentFR->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertSame('de', $documentFR->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- }
- public function testIndexDefaultWithRoute()
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle(
- [
- 'article' => 'Test content',
- ],
- 'Test Article',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- $this->liveIndexer = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.elastic_search.article_live_indexer');
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($article['id'], $this->locale);
- $this->liveIndexer->index($document);
- $viewDocument = $this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($document->getUuid(), $viewDocument->getUuid());
- $this->assertEquals('/articles/test-article', $viewDocument->getRoutePath());
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\DateTime', $viewDocument->getPublished());
- $this->assertTrue($viewDocument->getPublishedState());
- $this->assertEquals('localized', $viewDocument->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertNull($viewDocument->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- }
- public function testIndexShadow()
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle(
- [
- 'article' => 'Test content',
- ],
- 'Test Article',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- $secondLocale = 'de';
- // now add second locale
- $this->updateArticle(
- $article['id'],
- $secondLocale,
- [
- 'id' => $article['id'],
- 'article' => 'Test Inhalt',
- ],
- 'Test Artikel Deutsch',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- // now transform second locale to shadow
- $this->updateArticle(
- $article['id'],
- $secondLocale,
- [
- 'id' => $article['id'],
- 'shadowOn' => true,
- 'shadowBaseLanguage' => 'en',
- ],
- null,
- null
- );
- $viewDocument = $this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id'], $secondLocale);
- $this->assertEquals($article['id'], $viewDocument->getUuid());
- $this->assertEquals('/articles/test-artikel-deutsch', $viewDocument->getRoutePath());
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\DateTime', $viewDocument->getPublished());
- $this->assertTrue($viewDocument->getPublishedState());
- $this->assertEquals('shadow', $viewDocument->getLocalizationState()->state);
- $this->assertEquals($this->locale, $viewDocument->getLocalizationState()->locale);
- $this->assertEquals($secondLocale, $viewDocument->getLocale());
- $this->assertEquals('Test Article', $viewDocument->getTitle());
- $contentData = \json_decode($viewDocument->getContentData(), true);
- $this->assertEquals($contentData['article'], 'Test content');
- // now update the source locale
- // the shadow should be update also
- $this->updateArticle(
- $article['id'],
- $this->locale,
- [
- 'id' => $article['id'],
- 'article' => 'Test content - CHANGED!',
- ],
- 'Test Article - CHANGED!',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- $viewDocument = $this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id'], $secondLocale);
- $this->assertEquals('Test Article - CHANGED!', $viewDocument->getTitle());
- $contentData = \json_decode($viewDocument->getContentData(), true);
- $this->assertEquals($contentData['article'], 'Test content - CHANGED!');
- }
- public function testUnpublishedShadows(): void
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle(
- [
- 'article' => 'Test content',
- ],
- 'Test Article',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- $secondLocale = 'de';
- $thirdLocale = 'fr';
- $this->updateArticle(
- $article['id'],
- $secondLocale,
- [
- 'id' => $article['id'],
- 'article' => 'Test Inhalt',
- ],
- 'Test Artikel Deutsch',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- $this->updateArticle(
- $article['id'],
- $secondLocale,
- [
- 'id' => $article['id'],
- 'shadowOn' => true,
- 'shadowBaseLanguage' => $this->locale,
- ],
- null,
- null
- );
- $this->updateArticle(
- $article['id'],
- $thirdLocale,
- [
- 'id' => $article['id'],
- 'article' => 'Test French Content',
- ],
- 'Test Artikel French',
- 'default_with_route'
- );
- $this->updateArticle(
- $article['id'],
- $thirdLocale,
- [
- 'id' => $article['id'],
- 'shadowOn' => true,
- 'shadowBaseLanguage' => $this->locale,
- ],
- null,
- null
- );
- self::assertNotNull($this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id'], $this->locale));
- self::assertNotNull($this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id'], $secondLocale));
- self::assertNotNull($this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id'], $thirdLocale));
- $this->unpublishArticle($article['id'], $this->locale);
- $this->unpublishArticle($article['id'], $secondLocale);
- $this->unpublishArticle($article['id'], $thirdLocale);
- self::assertNull($this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id'], $this->locale));
- self::assertNull($this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id'], $secondLocale));
- self::assertNull($this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id'], $thirdLocale));
- // publish the shadow
- $this->updateArticle(
- $article['id'],
- $secondLocale,
- [
- 'id' => $article['id'],
- ],
- null,
- null
- );
- // only the DE shadow should be published
- self::assertNull($this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id'], $this->locale));
- self::assertNotNull($this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id'], $secondLocale));
- self::assertNull($this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id'], $thirdLocale));
- }
- public function testIndexPageTreeRoute()
- {
- $page = $this->createPage();
- $article = $this->createArticle(
- [
- 'routePath' => [
- 'page' => ['uuid' => $page->getUuid(), 'path' => $page->getResourceSegment()],
- 'path' => $page->getResourceSegment() . '/test-article',
- ],
- ],
- 'Test Article',
- 'page_tree_route'
- );
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($article['id'], $this->locale);
- $this->liveIndexer->index($document);
- $viewDocument = $this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($page->getUuid(), $viewDocument->getParentPageUuid());
- }
- public function testSetUnpublished()
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle();
- $viewDocument = $this->liveIndexer->setUnpublished($article['id'], $this->locale);
- $this->assertNull($viewDocument->getPublished());
- $this->assertFalse($viewDocument->getPublishedState());
- }
- public function testIndexTaggedProperties()
- {
- $data = [
- 'title' => 'Test Article Title',
- 'pageTitle' => 'Test Page Title',
- 'article' => 'Test Article
- 'article_2' => 'should not be indexed
- ];
- if (\class_exists(ImageMapContentType::class)) {
- $data['blocks'] = [
- [
- 'type' => 'title-with-article',
- 'settings' => [],
- 'title' => 'Test Title in Block',
- 'article' => 'Test Article in Block
- ],
- ];
- } else {
- $data['blocks'] = [
- [
- 'type' => 'title-with-article',
- 'title' => 'Test Title in Block',
- 'article' => 'Test Article in Block
- ],
- ];
- }
- $article = $this->createArticle($data, $data['title'], 'default_with_search_tags');
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($article['id'], $this->locale);
- $this->liveIndexer->index($document);
- $this->liveIndexer->flush();
- $viewDocument = $this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id']);
- $contentFields = $viewDocument->getContentFields();
- $this->assertSame($article['id'], $viewDocument->getUuid());
- $this->assertSame($data, \json_decode($viewDocument->getContentData(), true));
- $this->assertCount(5, $contentFields);
- $this->assertContains('Test Article Title', $contentFields);
- $this->assertContains('Test Page Title', $contentFields);
- $this->assertContains('Test Article', $contentFields);
- $this->assertContains('Test Title in Block', $contentFields);
- $this->assertContains('Test Article in Block', $contentFields);
- }
- public function testIndexTaggedPropertiesBlocksInBlocks(): void
- {
- if (!\method_exists(RouteRepositoryInterface::class, 'remove')) {
- $this->markTestSkipped('Only for Sulu > 2.1.0 (requires nested blocks)');
- }
- $data = [
- 'title' => 'Test Article',
- 'blocks' => [
- [
- 'type' => 'text-with-blocks',
- 'settings' => [],
- 'text_1' => 'Level 1 Text_1',
- 'blocks_1' => [
- [
- 'type' => 'article-with-blocks',
- 'settings' => [],
- 'article_2' => 'Level 2 Article_1',
- 'blocks_2' => [
- [
- 'type' => 'area-with-blocks',
- 'settings' => [],
- 'area_3' => 'Level 3 Area_1',
- 'blocks_3' => [
- [
- 'type' => 'article',
- 'settings' => [],
- 'article_4' => 'Level 4 Article_1',
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- [
- 'type' => 'text-with-blocks',
- 'settings' => [],
- 'text_1' => 'Level 1 Text_2',
- 'blocks_1' => [
- [
- 'type' => 'article-with-blocks',
- 'settings' => [],
- 'article_2' => 'Level 2 Article_2',
- 'blocks_2' => [
- [
- 'type' => 'area-with-blocks',
- 'settings' => [],
- 'area_3' => 'Level 3 Area_2',
- 'blocks_3' => [
- [
- 'type' => 'article',
- 'settings' => [],
- 'article_4' => 'Level 4 Article_2',
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ];
- $article = $this->createArticle($data, $data['title'], 'default_blocks_in_blocks');
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($article['id'], $this->locale);
- $this->liveIndexer->index($document);
- $this->liveIndexer->flush();
- $viewDocument = $this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id']);
- $contentFields = $viewDocument->getContentFields();
- $this->assertEquals($article['id'], $viewDocument->getUuid());
- $this->assertCount(9, $contentFields);
- $this->assertContains('Test Article', $contentFields);
- $this->assertContains('Level 1 Text_1', $contentFields);
- $this->assertContains('Level 2 Article_1', $contentFields);
- $this->assertContains('Level 3 Area_1', $contentFields);
- $this->assertContains('Level 4 Article_1', $contentFields);
- $this->assertContains('Level 1 Text_2', $contentFields);
- $this->assertContains('Level 2 Article_2', $contentFields);
- $this->assertContains('Level 3 Area_2', $contentFields);
- $this->assertContains('Level 4 Article_2', $contentFields);
- }
- public function testIndexContentData()
- {
- $data = [
- 'title' => 'Test Article',
- 'routePath' => '/test-article',
- 'pageTitle' => 'Test Page Title',
- 'article' => 'Test Article',
- ];
- $article = $this->createArticle($data, $data['title'], 'default_pages');
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- $this->createArticlePage($article);
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($article['id'], $this->locale);
- $this->liveIndexer->index($document);
- $this->liveIndexer->flush();
- $viewDocument = $this->findLiveViewDocument($article['id']);
- $this->assertEquals($article['id'], $viewDocument->getUuid());
- $this->assertEquals($data, \json_decode($viewDocument->getContentData(), true));
- $this->assertProxies($data, $viewDocument->getContent(), $viewDocument->getView());
- $this->assertCount(1, $viewDocument->getPages());
- foreach ($viewDocument->getPages() as $page) {
- $this->assertProxies(
- [
- 'title' => 'Test Article',
- 'routePath' => '/test-article/page-2',
- 'pageTitle' => 'Test-Page',
- 'article' => '',
- ],
- $page->content,
- $page->view
- );
- }
- }
- private function assertProxies(array $data, $contentProxy, $viewProxy)
- {
- $this->assertInstanceOf(\ArrayObject::class, $contentProxy);
- $this->assertInstanceOf(\ArrayObject::class, $viewProxy);
- $content = \iterator_to_array($contentProxy);
- $view = \iterator_to_array($viewProxy);
- $this->assertEquals($data, $content);
- foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
- $this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $view);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create a new article.
- *
- * @param string $title
- * @param string $template
- *
- * @return mixed
- */
- private function createArticle(array $data = [], $title = 'Test Article', $template = 'default')
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=' . $this->locale . '&action=publish',
- \array_merge(['title' => $title, 'template' => $template], $data)
- );
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- /**
- * Update existing article.
- *
- * @param string $uuid
- * @param string $locale
- * @param string $title
- * @param string $template
- *
- * @return mixed
- */
- private function updateArticle(
- $uuid,
- $locale = null,
- array $data = [],
- $title = 'Test Article',
- $template = 'default'
- ) {
- $requestData = $data;
- if ($title) {
- $requestData['title'] = $title;
- }
- if ($template) {
- $requestData['template'] = $template;
- }
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'PUT',
- '/api/articles/' . $uuid . '?locale=' . ($locale ? $locale : $this->locale) . '&action=publish',
- $requestData
- );
- $this->assertEquals(200, $this->client->getResponse()->getStatusCode());
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- private function unpublishArticle($uuid, $locale = null)
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles/' . $uuid . '?locale=' . ($locale ?: $this->locale) . '&action=unpublish'
- );
- $this->assertEquals(200, $this->client->getResponse()->getStatusCode());
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- /**
- * Create article page.
- *
- * @param string $pageTitle
- * @param string $template
- *
- * @return array
- */
- private function createArticlePage(
- array $article,
- array $data = [],
- $pageTitle = 'Test-Page',
- $template = 'default_pages'
- ) {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles/' . $article['id'] . '/pages?locale=' . $this->locale . '&action=publish',
- \array_merge(['pageTitle' => $pageTitle, 'template' => $template], $data)
- );
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $this->client->getResponse());
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- /**
- * Create a new page.
- *
- * @param string $title
- * @param string $resourceSegment
- * @param string $locale
- *
- * @return PageDocument
- */
- private function createPage($title = 'Test Page', $resourceSegment = '/test-page', $locale = 'de')
- {
- $sessionManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu.phpcr.session');
- $page = $this->documentManager->create('page');
- $uuidReflection = new \ReflectionProperty(PageDocument::class, 'uuid');
- $uuidReflection->setAccessible(true);
- $uuidReflection->setValue($page, Uuid::uuid4()->toString());
- $page->setTitle($title);
- $page->setStructureType('default');
- $page->setParent($this->documentManager->find($sessionManager->getContentPath('sulu_io')));
- $page->setResourceSegment($resourceSegment);
- $this->documentManager->persist($page, $locale);
- $this->documentManager->publish($page, $locale);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- return $page;
- }
- /**
- * Find view-document in live index.
- *
- * @param string $uuid
- * @param string $locale
- *
- * @return ArticleViewDocument
- */
- private function findLiveViewDocument($uuid, $locale = null)
- {
- return $this->liveManager->find(
- $this->getContainer()->getParameter('sulu_article.view_document.article.class'),
- $uuid . '-' . ($locale ? $locale : $this->locale)
- );
- }
- /**
- * Find view-document in live index.
- *
- * @param string $uuid
- * @param string $locale
- *
- * @return ArticleViewDocument
- */
- private function findViewDocument($uuid, $locale = null)
- {
- return $this->manager->find(
- $this->getContainer()->getParameter('sulu_article.view_document.article.class'),
- $uuid . '-' . ($locale ? $locale : $this->locale)
- );
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Export/ArticleExportTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Export/ArticleExportTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bf140b88..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Export/ArticleExportTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-client = $this->createAuthenticatedClient();
- $this->initPhpcr();
- $this->purgeDatabase();
- }
- public function testExport(): void
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle('Test-Article', 'default', [
- 'mainWebspace' => 'sulu_io',
- 'additionalWebspaces' => ['sulu_io_blog'],
- 'ext' => [
- 'seo' => [
- 'title' => 'Seo Title',
- ],
- 'excerpt' => [
- 'title' => 'Excerpt Title',
- ],
- ],
- ]);
- $exporter = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.export.exporter');
- $result = $exporter->export('de');
- $expected = <<
- Test-Article<\/source>
- <\/target>
- <\/trans-unit>
- $this->assertRegExp('/' . $expected . '/', $result);
- $expected = <<
- Seo Title<\/source>
- <\/target>
- <\/trans-unit>
- $this->assertRegExp('/' . $expected . '/', $result);
- $expected = <<
- Excerpt Title<\/source>
- <\/target>
- <\/trans-unit>
- $this->assertRegExp('/' . $expected . '/', $result);
- $expected = <<
- default<\/source>
- default<\/target>
- <\/trans-unit>
- $this->assertRegExp('/' . $expected . '/', $result);
- $expected = <<
- de<\/source>
- de<\/target>
- <\/trans-unit>
- $this->assertRegExp('/' . $expected . '/', $result);
- $expected = <<
- sulu_io<\/source>
- sulu_io<\/target>
- <\/trans-unit>
- $this->assertRegExp('/' . $expected . '/', $result);
- $expected = <<
- <\/source>
- <\/target>
- <\/trans-unit>
- $this->assertRegExp('/' . $expected . '/', $result);
- }
- public function testExportGhostArticles(): void
- {
- $this->createArticle('Test-Article', 'default', [
- 'mainWebspace' => 'sulu_io',
- 'additionalWebspaces' => ['sulu_io_blog'],
- 'ext' => [
- 'seo' => [
- 'title' => 'Seo Title',
- ],
- 'excerpt' => [
- 'title' => 'Excerpt Title',
- ],
- ],
- ]);
- $exporter = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.export.exporter');
- $result = $exporter->export('en');
- $this->assertStringNotContainsString('trans-unit', $result);
- }
- private function createArticle($title = 'Test-Article', $template = 'default', $data = []): array
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&action=publish',
- \array_merge($data, ['title' => $title, 'template' => $template])
- );
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Import/ArticleImportTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Import/ArticleImportTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c45f88bf0..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Import/ArticleImportTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-client = $this->createAuthenticatedClient();
- $this->initPhpcr();
- $this->purgeDatabase();
- }
- public function testImport(): void
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle('Test-Article');
- $import = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.import.importer');
- $fileContent = \file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/export.xliff');
- $fileContent = \str_replace('%uuid%', $article['id'], $fileContent);
- \file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/export.test.xliff', $fileContent);
- $result = $import->import('de', __DIR__ . '/export.test.xliff', null, '1.2.xliff', true);
- $this->assertSame(1, $result->getCount());
- $this->assertSame(0, $result->getFails());
- $this->assertSame(1, $result->getSuccesses());
- $this->assertSame([], $result->getFailed());
- $this->assertSame([], $result->getExceptionStore());
- $result = $this->getArticle($article['id']);
- $this->assertSame('simple', $result['template']);
- $this->assertSame('TEST TITLE', $result['title']);
- $this->assertSame('TEST DESCRIPTION
', $result['description']);
- $this->assertSame('SEO TITLE', $result['ext']['seo']['title']);
- $this->assertSame('SEO DESCRIPTION', $result['ext']['seo']['description']);
- $this->assertSame('SEO KEYWORDS', $result['ext']['seo']['keywords']);
- $this->assertSame('', $result['ext']['seo']['canonicalUrl']);
- $this->assertSame(true, $result['ext']['seo']['noIndex']);
- $this->assertSame(true, $result['ext']['seo']['noFollow']);
- $this->assertSame(true, $result['ext']['seo']['hideInSitemap']);
- $this->assertSame('EXCERPT TITLE', $result['ext']['excerpt']['title']);
- $this->assertSame('EXCERPT MORE', $result['ext']['excerpt']['more']);
- $this->assertSame('EXCERPT DESCRIPTION', $result['ext']['excerpt']['description']);
- $this->assertSame(['displayOption' => 'left', 'ids' => [6, 3]], $result['ext']['excerpt']['icon']);
- $this->assertSame(['displayOption' => 'left', 'ids' => [6, 3]], $result['ext']['excerpt']['images']);
- }
- private function createArticle(
- string $title = 'Test-Article',
- string $template = 'default',
- array $data = []
- ): array {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=en&action=publish',
- \array_merge($data, ['title' => $title, 'template' => $template])
- );
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- private function getArticle(string $id, string $locale = 'de'): array
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest('GET', '/api/articles/' . $id . '?locale=' . $locale);
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Import/export.xliff b/Tests/Functional/Import/export.xliff
deleted file mode 100644
index 17a68b5bd..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Import/export.xliff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
- The technology behind Sulu 2.0.0
- Since I wanted to go to another React conference this year and it is always awesome to meet some people using our product I thought it would be super nice to combine both activities. I stumbled upon React Amsterdam, a conference in Amsterdam covering (surprise!) React. The conference looks very promising and since I know that we have quite some users in the Netherlands it should be a great match. After exchanging a few messages with the community in our Slack channel I now have two additional events I am excited to share with you.
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
- []
- []
- simple
- simple
- 2020-07-30T14:54:37+02:00
- 2020-07-30T14:54:37+02:00
- 2020-07-30T14:54:37+02:00
- 2020-07-30T14:54:37+02:00
- 2020-07-30T14:54:37+02:00
- 2020-07-30T14:54:37+02:00
- en
- en
- en
- en
- /blog/the-technology-behind-sulu-2-0-0
- /blog/the-technology-behind-sulu-2-0-0
- 2
- 2
- /cmf/articles/2020/07/the-technology-behind-sulu-2-0-0
- /cmf/articles/2020/07/the-technology-behind-sulu-2-0-0
- null
- null
- 1
- 1
- 2020-07-30T14:54:37+02:00
- 2020-07-30T14:54:37+02:00
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Infrastructure/Doctrine/Repository/ArticleRepositoryTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Infrastructure/Doctrine/Repository/ArticleRepositoryTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ad77935f..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Infrastructure/Doctrine/Repository/ArticleRepositoryTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
- 'test_experimental_storage']);
- $this->articleRepository = static::getContainer()->get('sulu_article.article_repository');
- }
- public function testFindOneByNotExist(): void
- {
- $uuid = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
- $this->assertNull($this->articleRepository->findOneBy(['uuid' => $uuid]));
- }
- public function testGetOneByNotExist(): void
- {
- $this->expectException(ArticleNotFoundException::class);
- $uuid = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
- $this->articleRepository->getOneBy(['uuid' => $uuid]);
- }
- public function testFindByNotExist(): void
- {
- $uuid = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
- $articles = \iterator_to_array($this->articleRepository->findBy(['uuids' => [$uuid]]));
- $this->assertCount(0, $articles);
- }
- public function testAdd(): void
- {
- $uuid = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
- $article = new Article($uuid);
- $this->articleRepository->add($article);
- static::getEntityManager()->flush();
- static::getEntityManager()->clear();
- $article = $this->articleRepository->getOneBy(['uuid' => $uuid]);
- $this->assertSame($uuid, $article->getUuid());
- }
- public function testRemove(): void
- {
- $uuid = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
- $article = new Article($uuid);
- $this->articleRepository->add($article);
- static::getEntityManager()->flush();
- static::getEntityManager()->clear();
- $article = $this->articleRepository->getOneBy(['uuid' => $uuid]);
- $this->articleRepository->remove($article);
- static::getEntityManager()->flush();
- $this->assertNull($this->articleRepository->findOneBy(['uuid' => $uuid]));
- }
- public function testCountBy(): void
- {
- static::purgeDatabase();
- $this->articleRepository->add(new Article());
- $this->articleRepository->add(new Article());
- static::getEntityManager()->flush();
- static::getEntityManager()->clear();
- $this->assertSame(2, $this->articleRepository->countBy());
- }
- public function testFindByUuids(): void
- {
- static::purgeDatabase();
- $uuid = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
- $uuid2 = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
- $uuid3 = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
- $article = new Article($uuid);
- $article2 = new Article($uuid2);
- $article3 = new Article($uuid3);
- $this->articleRepository->add($article);
- $this->articleRepository->add($article2);
- $this->articleRepository->add($article3);
- static::getEntityManager()->flush();
- static::getEntityManager()->clear();
- $articles = \iterator_to_array($this->articleRepository->findBy(['uuids' => [$uuid, $uuid3]]));
- $this->assertCount(2, $articles);
- }
- public function testFindByLimitAndPage(): void
- {
- static::purgeDatabase();
- $this->articleRepository->add(new Article());
- $this->articleRepository->add(new Article());
- $this->articleRepository->add(new Article());
- static::getEntityManager()->flush();
- static::getEntityManager()->clear();
- $articles = \iterator_to_array($this->articleRepository->findBy(['limit' => 2, 'page' => 2]));
- $this->assertCount(1, $articles);
- }
- public function testFindByLocaleAndStage(): void
- {
- static::purgeDatabase();
- $article = static::createArticle();
- $article2 = static::createArticle();
- $article3 = static::createArticle();
- static::createArticleContent($article, ['title' => 'Article A']);
- static::createArticleContent($article, ['title' => 'Article A', 'stage' => 'live']);
- static::createArticleContent($article2, ['title' => 'Article B']);
- static::createArticleContent($article3, ['title' => 'Article C']);
- static::createArticleContent($article3, ['title' => 'Article C', 'stage' => 'live']);
- static::getEntityManager()->flush();
- static::getEntityManager()->clear();
- $articles = \iterator_to_array($this->articleRepository->findBy(['locale' => 'en', 'stage' => 'live']));
- $this->assertCount(2, $articles);
- }
- public function testCategoryFilters(): void
- {
- static::purgeDatabase();
- $categoryA = static::createCategory(['key' => 'a']);
- $categoryB = static::createCategory(['key' => 'b']);
- $article = static::createArticle();
- $article2 = static::createArticle();
- $article3 = static::createArticle();
- static::createArticleContent($article, ['title' => 'Article A', 'excerptCategories' => [$categoryA]]);
- static::createArticleContent($article2, ['title' => 'Article B']);
- static::createArticleContent($article3, ['title' => 'Article C', 'excerptCategories' => [$categoryA, $categoryB]]);
- static::getEntityManager()->flush();
- $categoryAId = $categoryA->getId();
- $categoryBId = $categoryB->getId();
- static::getEntityManager()->clear();
- $this->assertCount(2, \iterator_to_array($this->articleRepository->findBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'categoryKeys' => ['a', 'b'],
- ])));
- $this->assertSame(2, $this->articleRepository->countBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'categoryKeys' => ['a', 'b'],
- ]));
- $this->assertCount(1, \iterator_to_array($this->articleRepository->findBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'categoryKeys' => ['a', 'b'],
- 'categoryOperator' => 'AND',
- ])));
- $this->assertSame(1, $this->articleRepository->countBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'categoryKeys' => ['a', 'b'],
- 'categoryOperator' => 'AND',
- ]));
- $this->assertCount(2, \iterator_to_array($this->articleRepository->findBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'categoryIds' => [$categoryAId, $categoryBId],
- ])));
- $this->assertSame(2, $this->articleRepository->countBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'categoryIds' => [$categoryAId, $categoryBId],
- ]));
- $this->assertCount(1, \iterator_to_array($this->articleRepository->findBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'categoryIds' => [$categoryAId, $categoryBId],
- 'categoryOperator' => 'AND',
- ])));
- $this->assertSame(1, $this->articleRepository->countBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'categoryIds' => [$categoryAId, $categoryBId],
- 'categoryOperator' => 'AND',
- ]));
- }
- public function testTagFilters(): void
- {
- static::purgeDatabase();
- $tagA = static::createTag(['name' => 'a']);
- $tagB = static::createTag(['name' => 'b']);
- $article = static::createArticle();
- $article2 = static::createArticle();
- $article3 = static::createArticle();
- static::createArticleContent($article, ['title' => 'Article A', 'excerptTags' => [$tagA]]);
- static::createArticleContent($article2, ['title' => 'Article B']);
- static::createArticleContent($article3, ['title' => 'Article C', 'excerptTags' => [$tagA, $tagB]]);
- static::getEntityManager()->flush();
- $tagAId = $tagA->getId();
- $tagBId = $tagB->getId();
- static::getEntityManager()->clear();
- $this->assertCount(2, \iterator_to_array($this->articleRepository->findBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'tagNames' => ['a', 'b'],
- ])));
- $this->assertSame(2, $this->articleRepository->countBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'tagNames' => ['a', 'b'],
- ]));
- $this->assertCount(1, \iterator_to_array($this->articleRepository->findBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'tagNames' => ['a', 'b'],
- 'tagOperator' => 'AND',
- ])));
- $this->assertSame(1, $this->articleRepository->countBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'tagNames' => ['a', 'b'],
- 'tagOperator' => 'AND',
- ]));
- $this->assertCount(2, \iterator_to_array($this->articleRepository->findBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'tagIds' => [$tagAId, $tagBId],
- ])));
- $this->assertSame(2, $this->articleRepository->countBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'tagIds' => [$tagAId, $tagBId],
- ]));
- $this->assertCount(1, \iterator_to_array($this->articleRepository->findBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'tagIds' => [$tagAId, $tagBId],
- 'tagOperator' => 'AND',
- ])));
- $this->assertSame(1, $this->articleRepository->countBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'tagIds' => [$tagAId, $tagBId],
- 'tagOperator' => 'AND',
- ]));
- }
- public function testFilterTemplateKeys(): void
- {
- static::purgeDatabase();
- $article = static::createArticle();
- $article2 = static::createArticle();
- $article3 = static::createArticle();
- static::createArticleContent($article, ['title' => 'Article A', 'templateKey' => 'a']);
- static::createArticleContent($article2, ['title' => 'Article B', 'templateKey' => 'b']);
- static::createArticleContent($article3, ['title' => 'Article C', 'templateKey' => 'c']);
- static::getEntityManager()->flush();
- static::getEntityManager()->clear();
- $this->assertCount(2, \iterator_to_array($this->articleRepository->findBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'templateKeys' => ['a', 'c'],
- ])));
- $this->assertSame(2, $this->articleRepository->countBy([
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'stage' => 'draft',
- 'templateKeys' => ['a', 'c'],
- ]));
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Infrastructure/Sulu/Content/ArticleContentQueryBuilderTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Infrastructure/Sulu/Content/ArticleContentQueryBuilderTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 55f9361f0..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Infrastructure/Sulu/Content/ArticleContentQueryBuilderTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
- $this->initPhpcr();
- $this->documentManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_document_manager.document_manager');
- $this->structureManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu.content.structure_manager');
- $this->extensionManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_page.extension.manager');
- $this->contentQuery = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu.content.query_executor');
- $this->languageNamespace = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('sulu.content.language.namespace');
- }
- /**
- * @return mixed[]
- */
- public function propertiesProvider(): array
- {
- $documents = [];
- $max = 15;
- for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
- $data = [
- 'title' => 'News ' . $i,
- 'routePath' => '/news/news-' . $i,
- 'ext' => [
- 'excerpt' => [
- 'title' => 'Excerpt Title ' . $i,
- 'tags' => [],
- ],
- ],
- ];
- $template = 'simple_with_route';
- if ($i > 2 * $max / 3) {
- $template = 'block';
- $data['article'] = [
- [
- 'title' => 'Block Title ' . $i,
- 'article' => 'Blockarticle ' . $i,
- 'type' => 'test',
- 'settings' => [],
- ],
- [
- 'title' => 'Block Title 2 ' . $i,
- 'article' => 'Blockarticle2 ' . $i,
- 'type' => 'test',
- 'settings' => [],
- ],
- ];
- } elseif ($i > $max / 3) {
- $template = 'article';
- $data['article'] = 'Text article ' . $i;
- }
- /** @var ArticleDocument $document */
- $document = $this->documentManager->create('article');
- $document->setTitle($data['title']);
- $document->setRoutePath($data['routePath']);
- $document->getStructure()->bind($data);
- $document->setStructureType($template);
- $document->setWorkflowStage(WorkflowStage::PUBLISHED);
- $this->documentManager->persist($document, 'en');
- $this->documentManager->publish($document, 'en');
- $documents[$document->getUuid()] = $document;
- }
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- return $documents;
- }
- public function testProperties(): void
- {
- $documents = $this->propertiesProvider();
- $webspace = new Webspace();
- $webspace->setKey('sulu_io');
- $request = new Request([], [], ['_sulu' => new RequestAttributes(['webspace' => $webspace])]);
- $request->headers->add(['Accept-Language' => 'en']);
- $this->getContainer()->get('request_stack')->push($request);
- $builder = new ArticleContentQueryBuilder(
- $this->structureManager,
- $this->extensionManager,
- $this->languageNamespace,
- );
- $builder->init(
- [
- 'ids' => \array_keys($documents),
- 'properties' => [
- 'my_article' => new PropertyParameter('my_article', 'article'),
- 'my_title' => new PropertyParameter('my_title', 'title'),
- 'ext_title' => new PropertyParameter('ext_title', 'excerpt.title'),
- 'ext_tags' => new PropertyParameter('ext_tags', 'excerpt.tags'),
- ],
- ],
- );
- $result = $this->contentQuery->execute('sulu_io', ['en'], $builder);
- foreach ($result as $item) {
- /** @var ArticleDocument $expectedDocument */
- $expectedDocument = $documents[$item['id']];
- $this->assertSame($expectedDocument->getUuid(), $item['id']);
- $this->assertSame($expectedDocument->getChanged(), $item['changed']);
- $this->assertSame($expectedDocument->getChanger(), $item['changer']);
- $this->assertSame($expectedDocument->getCreated(), $item['created']);
- $this->assertSame($expectedDocument->getCreator(), $item['creator']);
- $this->assertSame($expectedDocument->getLocale(), $item['locale']);
- $this->assertSame($expectedDocument->getStructureType(), $item['template']);
- $this->assertSame($expectedDocument->getTitle(), $item['title']);
- $this->assertSame($expectedDocument->getRoutePath(), $item['routePath']);
- if ($expectedDocument->getStructure()->hasProperty('article')) {
- $this->assertSame(
- $expectedDocument->getStructure()->getProperty('article')->getValue(),
- $item['my_article'],
- );
- }
- $this->assertSame($expectedDocument->getTitle(), $item['my_title']);
- $this->assertSame($expectedDocument->getExtensionsData()['excerpt']['title'], $item['ext_title']);
- $this->assertSame($expectedDocument->getExtensionsData()['excerpt']['tags'], $item['ext_tags']);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @return mixed[]
- */
- private function shadowProvider(): array
- {
- $nodesEn = [];
- $nodesDe = [];
- $nodesEn = \array_merge(
- $nodesEn,
- $this->save(
- [
- 'title' => 'Team',
- 'routePath' => '/team',
- ],
- 'en',
- ),
- );
- $nodesEn = \array_merge(
- $nodesEn,
- $this->save(
- [
- 'title' => 'Thomas',
- 'routePath' => '/team/thomas',
- ],
- 'en',
- null,
- false,
- null,
- Structure::STATE_TEST,
- ),
- );
- $nodesEn = \array_merge(
- $nodesEn,
- $this->save(
- [
- 'title' => 'Daniel',
- 'routePath' => '/team/daniel',
- ],
- 'en',
- ),
- );
- $nodesEn = \array_merge(
- $nodesEn,
- $this->save(
- [
- 'title' => 'Johannes',
- 'routePath' => '/team/johannes',
- ],
- 'en',
- null,
- false,
- null,
- Structure::STATE_TEST,
- ),
- );
- $nodesEn = \array_merge(
- $nodesEn,
- $this->save(
- [
- 'title' => 'Alex',
- 'routePath' => '/team/alex',
- ],
- 'en',
- null,
- false,
- null,
- ),
- );
- $nodesDe = \array_merge(
- $nodesDe,
- $this->save(
- [
- 'title' => 'Team',
- 'routePath' => '/team',
- ],
- 'de',
- $nodesEn['/team']->getUuid(),
- true,
- 'en',
- ),
- );
- $nodesDe = \array_merge(
- $nodesDe,
- $this->save(
- [
- 'title' => 'not-important',
- 'routePath' => '/team/thomas',
- ],
- 'de',
- $nodesEn['/team/thomas']->getUuid(),
- true,
- 'en',
- Structure::STATE_TEST,
- ),
- );
- $nodesDe = \array_merge(
- $nodesDe,
- $this->save(
- [
- 'title' => 'not-important',
- 'routePath' => '/team/daniel',
- ],
- 'de',
- $nodesEn['/team/daniel']->getUuid(),
- true,
- 'en',
- ),
- );
- $nodesDe = \array_merge(
- $nodesDe,
- $this->save(
- [
- 'title' => 'Johannes DE',
- 'routePath' => '/team/johannes',
- ],
- 'de',
- $nodesEn['/team/johannes']->getUuid(),
- ),
- );
- $nodesDe = \array_merge(
- $nodesDe,
- $this->save(
- [
- 'title' => 'not-important-2',
- 'routePath' => '/team/alex',
- ],
- 'de',
- $nodesEn['/team/alex']->getUuid(),
- true,
- 'en',
- Structure::STATE_TEST,
- ),
- );
- return ['en' => $nodesEn, 'de' => $nodesDe];
- }
- public function testShadow(): void
- {
- $data = $this->shadowProvider();
- $builder = new ArticleContentQueryBuilder(
- $this->structureManager,
- $this->extensionManager,
- $this->languageNamespace,
- );
- $builder->init(
- [
- 'ids' => [
- $data['en']['/team/thomas']->getUuid(),
- $data['en']['/team/daniel']->getUuid(),
- $data['en']['/team/johannes']->getUuid(),
- $data['en']['/team/alex']->getUuid(),
- ],
- ],
- );
- $result = $this->contentQuery->execute('sulu_io', ['en'], $builder);
- $this->assertCount(4, $result);
- $items = [];
- foreach ($result as $item) {
- $items[$item['routePath']] = $item;
- }
- $this->assertSame('/team/thomas', $items['/team/thomas']['routePath']);
- $this->assertSame('Thomas', $items['/team/thomas']['title']);
- $this->assertFalse($items['/team/thomas']['publishedState']);
- $this->assertNull($items['/team/thomas']['published']);
- $this->assertSame('/team/daniel', $items['/team/daniel']['routePath']);
- $this->assertSame('Daniel', $items['/team/daniel']['title']);
- $this->assertTrue($items['/team/daniel']['publishedState']);
- $this->assertNotNull($items['/team/daniel']['published']);
- $this->assertSame('/team/johannes', $items['/team/johannes']['routePath']);
- $this->assertSame('Johannes', $items['/team/johannes']['title']);
- $this->assertFalse($items['/team/johannes']['publishedState']);
- $this->assertNull($items['/team/johannes']['published']);
- $this->assertSame('/team/alex', $items['/team/alex']['routePath']);
- $this->assertSame('Alex', $items['/team/alex']['title']);
- $this->assertTrue($items['/team/alex']['publishedState']);
- $this->assertNotNull($items['/team/alex']['published']);
- $result = $this->contentQuery->execute('sulu_io', ['de'], $builder);
- $this->assertCount(4, $result);
- $items = [];
- foreach ($result as $item) {
- $items[$item['routePath']] = $item;
- }
- $this->assertSame('/team/thomas', $items['/team/thomas']['routePath']);
- $this->assertSame('Thomas', $items['/team/thomas']['title']);
- $this->assertFalse($items['/team/thomas']['publishedState']);
- $this->assertNull($items['/team/thomas']['published']);
- $this->assertSame('/team/daniel', $items['/team/daniel']['routePath']);
- $this->assertSame('Daniel', $items['/team/daniel']['title']);
- $this->assertTrue($items['/team/daniel']['publishedState']);
- $this->assertNotNull($items['/team/daniel']['published']);
- $this->assertSame('/team/johannes', $items['/team/johannes']['routePath']);
- $this->assertSame('Johannes DE', $items['/team/johannes']['title']);
- $this->assertTrue($items['/team/johannes']['publishedState']);
- $this->assertNotNull($items['/team/johannes']['published']);
- $this->assertSame('/team/alex', $items['/team/alex']['routePath']);
- $this->assertSame('Alex', $items['/team/alex']['title']);
- $this->assertFalse($items['/team/alex']['publishedState']);
- $this->assertNull($items['/team/alex']['published']);
- }
- private function save(
- $data,
- $locale,
- $uuid = null,
- $isShadow = false,
- $shadowLocale = '',
- $state = WorkflowStage::PUBLISHED
- ) {
- if (!$isShadow) {
- /* @var ArticleDocument $document */
- try {
- $document = $uuid
- ? $this->documentManager->find($uuid, $locale, ['load_ghost_content' => false])
- : $this->documentManager->create('article');
- } catch (DocumentNotFoundException $e) {
- $document = $this->documentManager->create('article');
- }
- $document->getStructure()->bind($data);
- $document->setTitle($data['title']);
- $document->setRoutePath($data['routePath']);
- $document->setStructureType('simple_with_route');
- $document->setWorkflowStage($state);
- $this->documentManager->persist($document, $locale);
- } else {
- $document = $this->documentManager->find($uuid, $locale, ['load_ghost_content' => false]);
- $document->setShadowLocaleEnabled(true);
- $document->setShadowLocale($shadowLocale);
- $document->setLocale($locale);
- $document->setStructureType('simple_with_route');
- $this->documentManager->persist($document, $locale);
- }
- if (WorkflowStage::PUBLISHED === $state) {
- $this->documentManager->publish($document, $locale);
- }
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- return [$document->getRoutePath() => $document];
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Markup/ArticleLinkProviderTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Markup/ArticleLinkProviderTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7248eac63..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Markup/ArticleLinkProviderTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-client = $this->createAuthenticatedClient();
- $this->initPhpcr();
- /** @var Manager $manager */
- $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('es.manager.default');
- $manager->dropAndCreateIndex();
- $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('');
- $manager->dropAndCreateIndex();
- $this->articleLinkProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.markup.link_provider');
- }
- public function testPreload()
- {
- $articles = [
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createAndPublishArticle(),
- ];
- $uuids = \array_map(
- function(array $data) {
- return $data['id'];
- },
- $articles
- );
- $result = $this->articleLinkProvider->preload($uuids, 'de', false);
- $this->assertCount(2, $result);
- $this->assertEquals($articles[0]['id'], $result[0]->getId());
- $this->assertEquals('http://test.localhost' . $articles[0]['route'], $result[0]->getUrl());
- $this->assertFalse($result[0]->isPublished());
- $this->assertEquals($articles[1]['id'], $result[1]->getId());
- $this->assertEquals('http://test.localhost' . $articles[1]['route'], $result[1]->getUrl());
- $this->assertTrue($result[1]->isPublished());
- }
- public function testPreloadPublished()
- {
- $articles = [
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createAndPublishArticle(),
- ];
- $uuids = \array_map(
- function(array $data) {
- return $data['id'];
- },
- $articles
- );
- $result = $this->articleLinkProvider->preload($uuids, 'de');
- $this->assertCount(1, $result);
- $this->assertEquals($articles[1]['id'], $result[0]->getId());
- }
- public function testPreloadMoreThan10()
- {
- $articles = [
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- $this->createArticle(),
- ];
- $uuids = \array_map(
- function(array $data) {
- return $data['id'];
- },
- $articles
- );
- $result = $this->articleLinkProvider->preload($uuids, 'de', false);
- $this->assertCount(11, $result);
- }
- private function createArticle($title = 'Test-Article', $template = 'default', $data = [])
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=de',
- \array_merge($data, ['title' => $title, 'template' => $template])
- );
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
- private function createAndPublishArticle($title = 'Test-Article', $template = 'default', $data = [])
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&action=publish',
- \array_merge($data, ['title' => $title, 'template' => $template])
- );
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Reference/Provider/ArticleReferenceProviderTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Reference/Provider/ArticleReferenceProviderTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cc523b0e..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Reference/Provider/ArticleReferenceProviderTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
- */
- private $referenceRepository;
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->purgeDatabase();
- $this->initPhpcr();
- if (!\interface_exists(ReferenceRefresherInterface::class)) {
- return;
- }
- $this->articleReferenceProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.reference_provider');
- $this->documentManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_document_manager.document_manager');
- $this->referenceRepository = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu.repository.reference');
- }
- public function testUpdateReferences(): void
- {
- if (!\interface_exists(ReferenceRefresherInterface::class)) {
- $this->markTestSkipped('References did not exist in Sulu <2.6.');
- }
- $media = $this->createMedia();
- /** @var \Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Tests\TestExtendBundle\Document\ArticleDocument $article */
- $article = $this->documentManager->create('article');
- $article->setTitle('Example article');
- $article->setStructureType('default_image');
- $article->getStructure()->bind(['image' => ['id' => $media->getId()]]);
- $this->documentManager->persist($article, 'en');
- $this->documentManager->publish($article, 'en');
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->articleReferenceProvider->updateReferences($article, 'en', 'test');
- $this->getEntityManager()->flush();
- /** @var Reference[] $references */
- $references = $this->referenceRepository->findBy(['referenceContext' => 'test']);
- $this->assertCount(1, $references);
- self::assertSame((string) $media->getId(), $references[0]->getResourceId());
- }
- public function testUpdateUnpublishedReferences(): void
- {
- if (!\interface_exists(ReferenceRefresherInterface::class)) {
- $this->markTestSkipped('References did not exist in Sulu <2.6.');
- }
- $media = $this->createMedia();
- /** @var \Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Tests\TestExtendBundle\Document\ArticleDocument $article */
- $article = $this->documentManager->create('article');
- $article->setTitle('Example article');
- $article->setStructureType('default_image');
- $article->getStructure()->bind(['image' => ['id' => $media->getId()]]);
- $this->documentManager->persist($article, 'en');
- $this->documentManager->publish($article, 'en');
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->documentManager->unpublish($article, 'en');
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- static::ensureKernelShutdown();
- static::bootKernel(['sulu.context' => SuluKernel::CONTEXT_WEBSITE]);
- // refresh services from new kernel
- $this->articleReferenceProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.reference_provider');
- $this->documentManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_document_manager.document_manager');
- $this->referenceRepository = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu.repository.reference');
- /** @var ArticleDocument $article */
- $article = $this->documentManager->find($article->getUuid(), 'en', [
- 'load_ghost_content' => false,
- ]);
- $this->articleReferenceProvider->updateReferences($article, 'en', 'test');
- $this->getEntityManager()->flush();
- $references = $this->referenceRepository->findBy(['referenceContext' => 'test']);
- $this->assertCount(0, $references);
- }
- private function createMedia(): Media
- {
- $collectionType = new CollectionType();
- $collectionType->setName('Default Collection Type');
- $collectionType->setDescription('Default Collection Type');
- $mediaType = new MediaType();
- $mediaType->setName('Default Media Type');
- $collection = new Collection();
- $collection->setType($collectionType);
- $media = new Media();
- $media->setType($mediaType);
- $media->setCollection($collection);
- $this->getEntityManager()->persist($collection);
- $this->getEntityManager()->persist($collectionType);
- $this->getEntityManager()->persist($mediaType);
- $this->getEntityManager()->persist($media);
- $this->getEntityManager()->flush();
- return $media;
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Reference/Refresh/ArticleReferenceRefresherTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Reference/Refresh/ArticleReferenceRefresherTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a674ae774..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Reference/Refresh/ArticleReferenceRefresherTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- */
- private $referenceRepository;
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->purgeDatabase();
- $this->initPhpcr();
- if (!\interface_exists(ReferenceRefresherInterface::class)) {
- return;
- }
- $this->articleReferenceRefresher = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.article_reference_refresher');
- $this->documentManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_document_manager.document_manager');
- $this->referenceRepository = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu.repository.reference');
- }
- public function testRefreshWithoutReferences(): void
- {
- if (!\interface_exists(ReferenceRefresherInterface::class)) {
- $this->markTestSkipped('References did not exist in Sulu <2.6.');
- }
- /** @var ArticleDocument $article */
- $article = $this->documentManager->create('article');
- $article->setTitle('Example article');
- $article->setStructureType('default_image');
- $this->documentManager->persist($article, 'en');
- $this->documentManager->publish($article, 'en');
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $count = 0;
- foreach ($this->articleReferenceRefresher->refresh() as $document) {
- ++$count;
- }
- // flush the references
- $this->getEntityManager()->flush();
- $this->assertSame(3, $count);
- self::assertCount(0, $this->referenceRepository->findAll());
- }
- public function testRefresh(): void
- {
- if (!\interface_exists(ReferenceRefresherInterface::class)) {
- $this->markTestSkipped('References did not exist in Sulu <2.6.');
- }
- $media = $this->createMedia();
- /** @var ArticleDocument $article */
- $article = $this->documentManager->create('article');
- $article->setTitle('Example article');
- $article->setStructureType('default_image');
- $article->getStructure()->bind(['image' => ['id' => $media->getId()]]);
- $this->documentManager->persist($article, 'en');
- $this->documentManager->publish($article, 'en');
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $count = 0;
- foreach ($this->articleReferenceRefresher->refresh() as $document) {
- ++$count;
- }
- // flush the references
- $this->getEntityManager()->flush();
- $this->assertSame(3, $count);
- /** @var Reference[] $references */
- $references = $this->referenceRepository->findBy([
- 'referenceResourceKey' => 'articles',
- 'referenceResourceId' => $article->getUuid(),
- 'referenceLocale' => 'en',
- ]);
- self::assertCount(2, $references);
- self::assertSame('image', $references[0]->getReferenceProperty());
- self::assertSame((string) $media->getId(), $references[0]->getResourceId());
- self::assertSame('media', $references[0]->getResourceKey());
- self::assertSame($article->getUuid(), $references[0]->getReferenceResourceId());
- self::assertSame('articles', $references[0]->getReferenceResourceKey());
- self::assertSame('en', $references[0]->getReferenceLocale());
- self::assertSame('website', $references[0]->getReferenceContext());
- self::assertSame('image', $references[1]->getReferenceProperty());
- self::assertSame((string) $media->getId(), $references[1]->getResourceId());
- self::assertSame('media', $references[1]->getResourceKey());
- self::assertSame($article->getUuid(), $references[1]->getReferenceResourceId());
- self::assertSame('articles', $references[1]->getReferenceResourceKey());
- self::assertSame('en', $references[1]->getReferenceLocale());
- self::assertSame('admin', $references[1]->getReferenceContext());
- }
- private function createMedia(): Media
- {
- $collectionType = new CollectionType();
- $collectionType->setName('Default Collection Type');
- $collectionType->setDescription('Default Collection Type');
- $mediaType = new MediaType();
- $mediaType->setName('Default Media Type');
- $collection = new Collection();
- $collection->setType($collectionType);
- $media = new Media();
- $media->setType($mediaType);
- $media->setCollection($collection);
- $this->getEntityManager()->persist($collection);
- $this->getEntityManager()->persist($collectionType);
- $this->getEntityManager()->persist($mediaType);
- $this->getEntityManager()->persist($media);
- $this->getEntityManager()->flush();
- return $media;
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Sitemap/ArticleSitemapProviderTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Sitemap/ArticleSitemapProviderTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e01a62dc6..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Sitemap/ArticleSitemapProviderTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-client = $this->createAuthenticatedClient();
- $this->initPhpcr();
- /** @var Manager $manager */
- $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('es.manager.default');
- $manager->dropAndCreateIndex();
- $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('');
- $manager->dropAndCreateIndex();
- $this->articleSitemapProvider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.sitemap.articles');
- }
- public function testBuild()
- {
- $article1 = $this->createArticle('1', 'default', 'sulu_io', []);
- $article2 = $this->createArticle('2', 'simple', 'test', ['sulu_io']);
- $article3 = $this->createArticle('3', 'default', 'test', ['test-2']);
- $article4 = $this->createArticle('4', 'default', 'sulu_io_blog', []);
- /** @var SitemapUrl[] $result */
- $result = $this->articleSitemapProvider->build(0, 'http', 'sulu_io.localhost');
- $this->assertCount(3, $result);
- $this->assertEquals('http://sulu_io.localhost' . $article1['route'], $result[0]->getLoc());
- $this->assertEquals('http://sulu_io.localhost/blog' . $article4['route'], $result[1]->getLoc());
- $this->assertEquals('http://sulu_io.localhost' . $article2['route'], $result[2]->getLoc());
- /** @var SitemapUrl[] $result */
- $result = $this->articleSitemapProvider->build(0, 'http', 'test.localhost');
- $this->assertCount(2, $result);
- $this->assertEquals('http://test.localhost' . $article2['route'], $result[0]->getLoc());
- $this->assertEquals('http://test.localhost' . $article3['route'], $result[1]->getLoc());
- /** @var SitemapUrl[] $result */
- $result = $this->articleSitemapProvider->build(0, 'http', 'test-2.localhost');
- $this->assertCount(1, $result);
- $this->assertEquals('http://test-2.localhost' . $article3['route'], $result[0]->getLoc());
- }
- private function createArticle(
- $title = 'Test-Article',
- $template = 'default',
- $mainWebspace = null,
- $additionalWebspaces = null
- ) {
- $data = [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'template' => $template,
- 'mainWebspace' => $mainWebspace,
- 'additionalWebspaces' => $additionalWebspaces,
- ];
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&action=publish',
- \array_merge($data, ['title' => $title, 'template' => $template])
- );
- $response = $this->client->getResponse();
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $response);
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Teaser/ArticleTeaserProviderTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Teaser/ArticleTeaserProviderTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c5e4dc404..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Teaser/ArticleTeaserProviderTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-client = $this->createAuthenticatedClient();
- $this->initPhpcr();
- /** @var Manager $manager */
- $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('es.manager.default');
- $manager->dropAndCreateIndex();
- $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('');
- $manager->dropAndCreateIndex();
- }
- public function testFind()
- {
- $item1 = $this->createArticle('1');
- $item2 = $this->createArticle('2', 'simple');
- /** @var TeaserProviderInterface $provider */
- $provider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.teaser.provider');
- $result = $provider->find([$item1['id'], $item2['id']], 'de');
- $this->assertCount(2, $result);
- $this->assertEquals($item1['id'], $result[0]->getId());
- $this->assertEquals($item1['title'], $result[0]->getTitle());
- $this->assertEquals($item2['id'], $result[1]->getId());
- $this->assertEquals($item2['title'], $result[1]->getTitle());
- $this->assertEquals(['structureType' => 'default', 'type' => 'blog'], $result[0]->getAttributes());
- $this->assertEquals(['structureType' => 'simple', 'type' => 'video'], $result[1]->getAttributes());
- }
- public function testFindWithFallback()
- {
- $item = $this->createArticle(
- '1',
- 'default_fallback',
- ['medias' => ['ids' => [5, 4, 3], 'display_options' => 'top'], 'description' => 'Sulu is awesome']
- );
- /** @var TeaserProviderInterface $provider */
- $provider = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.teaser.provider');
- $result = $provider->find([$item['id']], 'de');
- $this->assertCount(1, $result);
- $this->assertEquals($item['id'], $result[0]->getId());
- $this->assertEquals($item['title'], $result[0]->getTitle());
- $this->assertEquals($item['description'], $result[0]->getDescription());
- $this->assertEquals(5, $result[0]->getMediaId());
- }
- private function createArticle($title = 'Test-Article', $template = 'default', $data = [])
- {
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=de&action=publish',
- \array_merge($data, ['title' => $title, 'template' => $template])
- );
- return \json_decode($this->client->getResponse()->getContent(), true);
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Traits/CreateArticleTrait.php b/Tests/Functional/Traits/CreateArticleTrait.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 863ae859c..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Traits/CreateArticleTrait.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- $article = $articleRepository->createNew($data['uuid'] ?? null);
- $articleRepository->add($article);
- return $article;
- }
- /**
- * @param array{
- * locale?: ?string,
- * stage?: ?string,
- * templateKey?: ?string,
- * templateData?: mixed[],
- * excerptCategories?: CategoryInterface[],
- * excerptTags?: TagInterface[],
- * } $data
- */
- public function createArticleContent(ArticleInterface $article, array $data = []): void
- {
- $locale = $data['locale'] ?? 'en';
- $stage = $data['stage'] ?? DimensionContentInterface::STAGE_DRAFT;
- $unlocalizedDimensionContent = $article->createDimensionContent();
- $unlocalizedDimensionContent->setStage($stage);
- $article->addDimensionContent($unlocalizedDimensionContent);
- $localizedDimensionContent = $article->createDimensionContent();
- $localizedDimensionContent->setLocale($locale);
- $localizedDimensionContent->setStage($stage);
- $templateKey = $data['templateKey'] ?? null;
- if ($templateKey) {
- $localizedDimensionContent->setTemplateKey($templateKey);
- }
- $localizedDimensionContent->setTemplateData($data['templateData'] ?? ['title' => '']);
- $localizedDimensionContent->setExcerptCategories($data['excerptCategories'] ?? []);
- $localizedDimensionContent->setExcerptTags($data['excerptTags'] ?? []);
- $article->addDimensionContent($localizedDimensionContent);
- }
- abstract protected static function getEntityManager(): EntityManagerInterface;
- abstract protected static function getContainer(): ContainerInterface;
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Traits/CreateCategoryTrait.php b/Tests/Functional/Traits/CreateCategoryTrait.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 31405b80f..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Traits/CreateCategoryTrait.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- /** @var CategoryInterface $category */
- $category = $categoryRepository->createNew();
- $category->setKey($data['key'] ?? null);
- $category->setDefaultLocale($data['default_locale'] ?? 'en');
- static::getEntityManager()->persist($category);
- return $category;
- }
- /**
- * @param array{
- * title?: ?string,
- * locale?: ?string,
- * } $data
- */
- public function createCategoryTranslation(CategoryInterface $category, array $data = []): CategoryTranslationInterface
- {
- $categoryTranslation = new CategoryTranslation();
- $categoryTranslation->setLocale($data['locale'] ?? 'en');
- $categoryTranslation->setTranslation($data['title'] ?? '');
- $category->addTranslation($categoryTranslation);
- return $categoryTranslation;
- }
- abstract protected static function getEntityManager(): EntityManagerInterface;
- abstract protected static function getContainer(): ContainerInterface;
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Traits/CreateTagTrait.php b/Tests/Functional/Traits/CreateTagTrait.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 74d3b5969..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Traits/CreateTagTrait.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- /** @var TagInterface $tag */
- $tag = $tagRepository->createNew();
- $tag->setName($data['name'] ?? '');
- static::getEntityManager()->persist($tag);
- return $tag;
- }
- abstract protected static function getEntityManager(): EntityManagerInterface;
- abstract protected static function getContainer(): ContainerInterface;
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Trash/ArticleTrashItemHandlerTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Trash/ArticleTrashItemHandlerTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bf173370f..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Trash/ArticleTrashItemHandlerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-markTestSkipped('SuluTrashBundle does not exist in Sulu <2.4');
- }
- $this->documentManager = static::getContainer()->get('sulu_document_manager.document_manager');
- $this->articleTrashItemHandler = static::getContainer()->get('sulu_article.article_trash_item_handler');
- }
- public function testStoreAndRestore(): void
- {
- /** @var ArticleDocument $article1De */
- $article1De = $this->documentManager->create(ArticleController::DOCUMENT_TYPE);
- $article1De->setTitle('test-title-de');
- $article1De->setLocale('de');
- $article1De->setCreator(101);
- $article1De->setCreated(new \DateTime('1999-04-20'));
- $article1De->setAuthor(202);
- $article1De->setAuthored(new \DateTime('2000-04-20'));
- $article1De->setStructureType('default_with_route');
- $article1De->getStructure()->bind([
- 'routePath' => 'german-route-path',
- 'article' => 'german article content',
- ]);
- $article1De->setExtensionsData([
- 'excerpt' => [
- 'title' => 'excerpt-title-de',
- ],
- 'seo' => [
- 'title' => 'seo-title-de',
- ],
- ]);
- $article1De->setMainWebspace('sulu_io');
- $article1De->setAdditionalWebspaces(['test', 'test-2']);
- $this->documentManager->persist($article1De, 'de');
- /** @var ArticleDocument $article1En */
- $article1En = $this->documentManager->find($article1De->getUuid(), 'en', ['load_ghost_content' => false]);
- $article1En->setTitle('test-title-en');
- $article1En->setLocale('en');
- $article1En->setCreator(303);
- $article1En->setCreated(new \DateTime('1999-04-22'));
- $article1En->setAuthor(404);
- $article1En->setAuthored(new \DateTime('2000-04-22'));
- $article1En->setStructureType('default_with_route');
- $article1En->getStructure()->bind([
- 'routePath' => 'english-route-path',
- 'article' => 'english article content',
- ]);
- $article1En->setExtensionsData([
- 'excerpt' => [
- 'title' => 'excerpt-title-en',
- ],
- 'seo' => [
- 'title' => 'seo-title-en',
- ],
- ]);
- $article1En->setMainWebspace('sulu_io');
- $article1En->setAdditionalWebspaces(['test', 'test-2']);
- $this->documentManager->persist($article1En, 'en');
- /** @var ArticleDocument $article2De */
- $article2De = $this->documentManager->create(ArticleController::DOCUMENT_TYPE);
- $article2De->setTitle('second-article');
- $article2De->setLocale('de');
- $article2De->setStructureType('default');
- $this->documentManager->persist($article2De, 'de');
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $originalArticleUuid = $article1De->getUuid();
- $trashItem = $this->articleTrashItemHandler->store($article1De);
- $this->documentManager->remove($article1De);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- static::assertSame($originalArticleUuid, $trashItem->getResourceId());
- static::assertSame('test-title-de', $trashItem->getResourceTitle());
- static::assertSame('test-title-en', $trashItem->getResourceTitle('en'));
- static::assertSame('test-title-de', $trashItem->getResourceTitle('de'));
- /** @var ArticleDocument $restoredArticle */
- $restoredArticle = $this->articleTrashItemHandler->restore($trashItem);
- static::assertSame($originalArticleUuid, $restoredArticle->getUuid());
- /** @var ArticleDocument $restoredArticleDe */
- $restoredArticleDe = $this->documentManager->find($originalArticleUuid, 'de');
- static::assertSame($originalArticleUuid, $restoredArticleDe->getUuid());
- static::assertSame('test-title-de', $restoredArticleDe->getTitle());
- static::assertSame('german-route-path', $restoredArticleDe->getRoutePath());
- static::assertSame('de', $restoredArticleDe->getLocale());
- static::assertSame(101, $restoredArticleDe->getCreator());
- static::assertSame('1999-04-20T00:00:00+00:00', $restoredArticleDe->getCreated()->format('c'));
- static::assertSame(202, $restoredArticleDe->getAuthor());
- static::assertSame('2000-04-20T00:00:00+00:00', $restoredArticleDe->getAuthored()->format('c'));
- static::assertSame('default_with_route', $restoredArticleDe->getStructureType());
- static::assertSame('german article content', $restoredArticleDe->getStructure()->toArray()['article']);
- static::assertSame('excerpt-title-de', $restoredArticleDe->getExtensionsData()['excerpt']['title']);
- static::assertSame('seo-title-de', $restoredArticleDe->getExtensionsData()['seo']['title']);
- static::assertSame('sulu_io', $restoredArticleDe->getMainWebspace());
- static::assertSame(['test', 'test-2'], $restoredArticleDe->getAdditionalWebspaces());
- /** @var ArticleDocument $restoredArticleEn */
- $restoredArticleEn = $this->documentManager->find($originalArticleUuid, 'en');
- static::assertSame($originalArticleUuid, $restoredArticleEn->getUuid());
- static::assertSame('test-title-en', $restoredArticleEn->getTitle());
- static::assertSame('english-route-path', $restoredArticleEn->getRoutePath());
- static::assertSame('en', $restoredArticleEn->getLocale());
- static::assertSame(303, $restoredArticleEn->getCreator());
- static::assertSame('1999-04-20T00:00:00+00:00', $restoredArticleEn->getCreated()->format('c'));
- static::assertSame(404, $restoredArticleEn->getAuthor());
- static::assertSame('2000-04-22T00:00:00+00:00', $restoredArticleEn->getAuthored()->format('c'));
- static::assertSame('default_with_route', $restoredArticleEn->getStructureType());
- static::assertSame('english article content', $restoredArticleEn->getStructure()->toArray()['article']);
- static::assertSame('excerpt-title-en', $restoredArticleEn->getExtensionsData()['excerpt']['title']);
- static::assertSame('seo-title-en', $restoredArticleEn->getExtensionsData()['seo']['title']);
- static::assertSame('sulu_io', $restoredArticleEn->getMainWebspace());
- static::assertSame(['test', 'test-2'], $restoredArticleEn->getAdditionalWebspaces());
- }
- public function testStoreAndRestoreShadowArticle(): void
- {
- /** @var ArticleDocument $articleDe */
- $articleDe = $this->documentManager->create(ArticleController::DOCUMENT_TYPE);
- $articleDe->setTitle('target-locale-title');
- $articleDe->setLocale('de');
- $articleDe->setStructureType('default_with_route');
- $articleDe->getStructure()->bind([
- 'routePath' => 'target-locale-route-path',
- 'article' => 'target locale article content',
- ]);
- $this->documentManager->persist($articleDe, 'de');
- /** @var ArticleDocument $articleEn */
- $articleEn = $this->documentManager->find($articleDe->getUuid(), 'en', ['load_ghost_content' => false]);
- $articleEn->setTitle('source-locale-title');
- $articleEn->setLocale('en');
- $articleEn->setStructureType('default_with_route');
- $articleEn->getStructure()->bind([
- 'routePath' => 'source-locale-route-path',
- 'article' => 'source locale article content',
- ]);
- $articleEn->setShadowLocaleEnabled(true);
- $articleEn->setShadowLocale('de');
- $this->documentManager->persist($articleEn, 'en');
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $originalArticleUuid = $articleDe->getUuid();
- $trashItem = $this->articleTrashItemHandler->store($articleDe);
- $this->documentManager->remove($articleDe);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- /** @var ArticleDocument $restoredArticle */
- $restoredArticle = $this->articleTrashItemHandler->restore($trashItem);
- static::assertSame($originalArticleUuid, $restoredArticle->getUuid());
- /** @var ArticleDocument $restoredArticleDe */
- $restoredArticleDe = $this->documentManager->find($restoredArticle->getUuid(), 'de');
- static::assertSame('target-locale-title', $restoredArticleDe->getTitle());
- static::assertSame('de', $restoredArticleDe->getLocale());
- static::assertSame('target-locale-route-path', $restoredArticleDe->getRoutePath());
- static::assertSame('target locale article content', $restoredArticleDe->getStructure()->toArray()['article']);
- static::assertSame('de', $restoredArticleDe->getOriginalLocale());
- static::assertNull($restoredArticleDe->getShadowLocale());
- /** @var ArticleDocument $restoredArticleEn */
- $restoredArticleEn = $this->documentManager->find($restoredArticle->getUuid(), 'en');
- static::assertSame('target-locale-title', $restoredArticleEn->getTitle());
- static::assertSame('de', $restoredArticleEn->getLocale());
- static::assertSame('target-locale-route-path', $restoredArticleEn->getRoutePath());
- static::assertSame('target locale article content', $restoredArticleEn->getStructure()->toArray()['article']);
- static::assertSame('en', $restoredArticleEn->getOriginalLocale());
- static::assertSame('de', $restoredArticleEn->getShadowLocale());
- }
- public function testStoreAndRestorePageTreeRoute(): void
- {
- /** @var PageDocument $page */
- $page = $this->documentManager->create('page');
- $page->setTitle('test parent page');
- $page->setStructureType('default');
- $page->setResourceSegment('/test-parent-page');
- $this->documentManager->persist($page, 'de', ['parent_path' => '/cmf/sulu_io/contents']);
- $this->documentManager->publish($page, 'de');
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- /** @var ArticleDocument $article1De */
- $article1De = $this->documentManager->create(ArticleController::DOCUMENT_TYPE);
- $article1De->setParent($this->documentManager->find('/cmf/sulu_io/contents', 'de'));
- $article1De->setTitle('test-title-de');
- $article1De->setLocale('de');
- $article1De->setStructureType('default_with_page_tree_route');
- $article1De->setRoutePath($page->getStructure()->getProperty('url')->getValue() . '/test-title-de');
- $article1De->getStructure()->bind([
- 'routePath' => [
- 'page' => [
- 'uuid' => $page->getUuid(),
- 'path' => $page->getStructure()->getProperty('url')->getValue(),
- ],
- 'path' => $page->getStructure()->getProperty('url')->getValue() . '/test-title-de',
- 'suffix' => '/test-title-de',
- ],
- ]);
- $article1De->setMainWebspace('sulu_io');
- $this->documentManager->persist($article1De, 'de');
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $originalArticleUuid = $article1De->getUuid();
- $trashItem = $this->articleTrashItemHandler->store($article1De);
- $this->documentManager->remove($article1De);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- static::assertSame($originalArticleUuid, $trashItem->getResourceId());
- static::assertSame('test-title-de', $trashItem->getResourceTitle());
- /** @var ArticleDocument $restoredArticle */
- $restoredArticle = $this->articleTrashItemHandler->restore($trashItem);
- static::assertSame($originalArticleUuid, $restoredArticle->getUuid());
- /** @var ArticleDocument $restoredArticleDe */
- $restoredArticleDe = $this->documentManager->find($originalArticleUuid, 'de');
- static::assertSame($originalArticleUuid, $restoredArticleDe->getUuid());
- static::assertSame('test-title-de', $restoredArticleDe->getTitle());
- static::assertSame('/test-parent-page/test-title-de', $restoredArticleDe->getRoutePath());
- static::assertSame('de', $restoredArticleDe->getLocale());
- static::assertSame('default_with_page_tree_route', $restoredArticleDe->getStructureType());
- static::assertSame('sulu_io', $restoredArticleDe->getMainWebspace());
- }
- public function testStoreAndRestorePageTreeRouteNoValidParent(): void
- {
- /** @var ArticleDocument $article1De */
- $article1De = $this->documentManager->create(ArticleController::DOCUMENT_TYPE);
- $article1De->setParent($this->documentManager->find('/cmf/sulu_io/contents', 'de'));
- $article1De->setTitle('test-title-de');
- $article1De->setLocale('de');
- $article1De->setStructureType('default_with_page_tree_route');
- $article1De->getStructure()->bind([
- 'routePath' => [
- 'page' => [
- 'uuid' => 'not-existing-uuid',
- 'path' => '/not-existing-path',
- ],
- 'path' => '/not-existing-path/test-title-de',
- 'suffix' => '/test-title-de',
- ],
- ]);
- $article1De->setMainWebspace('sulu_io');
- $this->documentManager->persist($article1De, 'de');
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $originalArticleUuid = $article1De->getUuid();
- $trashItem = $this->articleTrashItemHandler->store($article1De);
- $this->documentManager->remove($article1De);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- $this->documentManager->clear();
- static::assertSame($originalArticleUuid, $trashItem->getResourceId());
- static::assertSame('test-title-de', $trashItem->getResourceTitle());
- /** @var ArticleDocument $restoredArticle */
- $restoredArticle = $this->articleTrashItemHandler->restore($trashItem);
- static::assertSame($originalArticleUuid, $restoredArticle->getUuid());
- /** @var ArticleDocument $restoredArticleDe */
- $restoredArticleDe = $this->documentManager->find($originalArticleUuid, 'de');
- static::assertSame($originalArticleUuid, $restoredArticleDe->getUuid());
- static::assertSame('test-title-de', $restoredArticleDe->getTitle());
- static::assertSame('/not-existing-path/test-title-de', $restoredArticleDe->getRoutePath());
- static::assertSame('de', $restoredArticleDe->getLocale());
- static::assertSame('default_with_page_tree_route', $restoredArticleDe->getStructureType());
- static::assertSame('sulu_io', $restoredArticleDe->getMainWebspace());
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Twig/ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtensionTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Twig/ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtensionTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bae5c5f77..000000000
--- a/Tests/Functional/Twig/ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtensionTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-client = $this->createAuthenticatedClient();
- $this->initPhpcr();
- /** @var Manager $manager */
- $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('es.manager.default');
- $manager->dropAndCreateIndex();
- $manager = $this->getContainer()->get('');
- $manager->dropAndCreateIndex();
- }
- public function testFindMethods()
- {
- $items = [
- $this->createArticle('XXX 1'),
- $this->createArticle('XXX 2'),
- $this->createArticle('YYY 3'),
- $this->createArticle('YYY 4'),
- $this->createArticle('XXX 3 - in another webspace', 'default', 'test', []),
- ];
- $this->pushFakeRequest('sulu_io', $items[0]['id']);
- // test 'loadRecent' => all others should be returned
- $result = $this->getTwigExtension()->loadRecent();
- $this->assertCount(3, $result);
- // test 'loadSimilar' => only article with title 'XXX 2' should be returned
- $result = $this->getTwigExtension()->loadSimilar();
- $this->assertCount(1, $result);
- $this->assertEquals($items[1]['title'], $result[0]->getTitle());
- }
- public function testFindMethodsWithIgnoreWebspaces()
- {
- $items = [
- $this->createArticle('XXX 1'),
- $this->createArticle('XXX 2'),
- $this->createArticle('YYY 3'),
- $this->createArticle('YYY 4'),
- $this->createArticle('XXX 3 - in another webspace', 'default', 'test', []),
- ];
- $this->pushFakeRequest('sulu_io', $items[0]['id']);
- // test 'loadRecent' => all others should be returned
- $result = $this->getTwigExtension()->loadRecent(10, null, null, true);
- $this->assertCount(4, $result);
- // test 'loadSimilar' => only article with title 'XXX 2' and 'XXX 3' should be returned
- $result = $this->getTwigExtension()->loadSimilar(10, null, null, true);
- $this->assertCount(2, $result);
- $this->assertEquals($items[1]['title'], $result[0]->getTitle());
- $this->assertEquals($items[4]['title'], $result[1]->getTitle());
- }
- private function createArticle(
- $title = 'Test-Article',
- $template = 'default',
- $mainWebspace = null,
- $additionalWebspaces = null
- ) {
- $data = [
- 'title' => $title,
- 'template' => $template,
- ];
- if ($mainWebspace) {
- $data['mainWebspace'] = $mainWebspace;
- $data['additionalWebspaces'] = $additionalWebspaces;
- }
- $this->client->jsonRequest(
- 'POST',
- '/api/articles?locale=' . self::LOCALE . '&action=publish',
- $data
- );
- $respone = $this->client->getResponse();
- $this->assertHttpStatusCode(200, $respone);
- return \json_decode($respone->getContent(), true);
- }
- private function pushFakeRequest($webspaceKey, $id)
- {
- $webspaceManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_core.webspace.webspace_manager');
- $webspace = $webspaceManager->findWebspaceByKey($webspaceKey);
- $fakeRequest = Request::create('/', 'GET');
- $fakeRequest->setLocale('de');
- $fakeRequest->attributes->set('_sulu', new RequestAttributes(
- [
- 'webspace' => $webspace,
- ]
- ));
- $fakeRequest->attributes->set('object', $this->getArticleDocument($id));
- /** @var RequestStack $requestStack */
- $requestStack = $this->getContainer()->get('request_stack');
- $requestStack->push($fakeRequest);
- }
- /**
- * @param string $uuid
- *
- * @return ArticleDocument
- */
- private function getArticleDocument($uuid)
- {
- $documentManager = $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_document_manager.document_manager');
- return $documentManager->find($uuid, self::LOCALE);
- }
- /**
- * @return ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtension
- */
- private function getTwigExtension()
- {
- return $this->getContainer()->get('sulu_article.twig.view_document_repository');
- }
diff --git a/Tests/TestExtendBundle/Document/ArticleDocument.php b/Tests/TestExtendBundle/Document/ArticleDocument.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b53b960a0..000000000
--- a/Tests/TestExtendBundle/Document/ArticleDocument.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- $structure = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $repository = $this->prophesize(Repository::class);
- $search = $this->prophesize(Search::class);
- $referenceStore = $this->prophesize(ReferenceStoreInterface::class);
- $structure->getLanguageCode()->willReturn('de');
- $property->getStructure()->willReturn($structure->reveal());
- $property->getValue()->willReturn($ids);
- $manager->getRepository(ArticleViewDocument::class)->willReturn($repository->reveal());
- $repository->createSearch()->willReturn($search->reveal());
- $search->addQuery(
- Argument::that(
- function(IdsQuery $query) use ($ids) {
- return $query->toArray() === [
- 'ids' => [
- 'values' => \array_map(
- function($id) {
- return $id . '-de';
- },
- $ids
- ),
- ],
- ];
- }
- )
- )->shouldBeCalled();
- $search->setSize(2)->shouldBeCalled();
- $repository->findDocuments($search->reveal())->willReturn($articles);
- $contentType = new ArticleSelectionContentType(
- $manager->reveal(),
- $referenceStore->reveal(),
- ArticleViewDocument::class
- );
- $result = $contentType->getContentData($property->reveal());
- $this->assertCount(2, $result);
- $this->assertEquals($ids[0], $result[0]->getUuid());
- $this->assertEquals($ids[1], $result[1]->getUuid());
- }
- public function testGetContentDataEmptyArray()
- {
- $ids = [];
- $manager = $this->prophesize(Manager::class);
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- $referenceStore = $this->prophesize(ReferenceStoreInterface::class);
- $property->getValue()->willReturn($ids);
- $manager->getRepository(ArticleViewDocument::class)->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $contentType = new ArticleSelectionContentType(
- $manager->reveal(),
- $referenceStore->reveal(),
- ArticleViewDocument::class
- );
- $result = $contentType->getContentData($property->reveal());
- $this->assertCount(0, $result);
- }
- public function testGetContentDataNull()
- {
- $ids = null;
- $manager = $this->prophesize(Manager::class);
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- $referenceStore = $this->prophesize(ReferenceStoreInterface::class);
- $property->getValue()->willReturn($ids);
- $manager->getRepository(ArticleViewDocument::class)->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $contentType = new ArticleSelectionContentType(
- $manager->reveal(),
- $referenceStore->reveal(),
- ArticleViewDocument::class
- );
- $result = $contentType->getContentData($property->reveal());
- $this->assertCount(0, $result);
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Content/SingleArticleSelectionContentTypeTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Content/SingleArticleSelectionContentTypeTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f54720923..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Content/SingleArticleSelectionContentTypeTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- $structure = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $repository = $this->prophesize(Repository::class);
- $referenceStore = $this->prophesize(ReferenceStoreInterface::class);
- $structure->getLanguageCode()->willReturn($locale);
- $property->getStructure()->willReturn($structure->reveal());
- $property->getValue()->willReturn($id);
- $manager->getRepository(ArticleViewDocument::class)->willReturn($repository->reveal());
- $repository->find($localizedId)->willReturn($article);
- $repository->find($localizedId)->shouldBeCalled();
- $contentType = new SingleArticleSelectionContentType(
- $manager->reveal(),
- $referenceStore->reveal(),
- ArticleViewDocument::class
- );
- $result = $contentType->getContentData($property->reveal());
- $this->assertNotNull($result);
- $this->assertIsObject($result);
- $this->assertEquals($id, $result->getUuid());
- }
- public function testGetContentDataNull()
- {
- $id = null;
- $manager = $this->prophesize(Manager::class);
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- $referenceStore = $this->prophesize(ReferenceStoreInterface::class);
- $property->getValue()->willReturn($id);
- $manager->getRepository(ArticleViewDocument::class)->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $contentType = new SingleArticleSelectionContentType(
- $manager->reveal(),
- $referenceStore->reveal(),
- ArticleViewDocument::class
- );
- $result = $contentType->getContentData($property->reveal());
- $this->assertNull($result);
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/DependencyInjection/WebspaceSettingsConfigurationResolverTest.php b/Tests/Unit/DependencyInjection/WebspaceSettingsConfigurationResolverTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4643dfab2..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/DependencyInjection/WebspaceSettingsConfigurationResolverTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- 'example1',
- ],
- [
- [],
- ],
- 'example1',
- [],
- ],
- // Case 2
- [
- [
- 'default' => 'example1',
- ],
- [
- ['test1', 'test2'],
- ],
- 'example1',
- [],
- ],
- // Case 3
- [
- [
- 'default' => 'example1',
- 'de' => 'test1',
- ],
- [
- 'default' => ['test1', 'test2'],
- 'de' => ['example1'],
- ],
- 'test1',
- ['example1'],
- ],
- // Case 4
- [
- [
- 'default' => 'example1',
- 'de' => 'test1',
- ],
- [
- 'default' => ['test1', 'test2'],
- 'de' => ['example1'],
- ],
- 'test1',
- ['example1'],
- ],
- // Case 5
- [
- [
- 'default' => 'example1',
- 'en' => 'test1',
- ],
- [
- 'default' => ['test1', 'test2'],
- 'en' => ['example1'],
- ],
- 'example1',
- ['test1', 'test2'],
- ],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @param string[] $expectedResultAdditionalWebspaces
- *
- * @dataProvider configuration
- */
- public function test(
- array $defaultMainWebspaceConfig,
- array $defaultAdditionalWebspaceConfig,
- $expectedResultMainWebspace,
- array $expectedResultAdditionalWebspaces
- ) {
- $web = new WebspaceSettingsConfigurationResolver($defaultMainWebspaceConfig, $defaultAdditionalWebspaceConfig);
- $this->assertEquals($expectedResultMainWebspace, $web->getDefaultMainWebspaceForLocale('de'));
- $this->assertEquals($expectedResultAdditionalWebspaces, $web->getDefaultAdditionalWebspacesForLocale('de'));
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Document/Serializer/WebsiteArticleUrlsSubscriberTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Document/Serializer/WebsiteArticleUrlsSubscriberTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c7d42004a..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Document/Serializer/WebsiteArticleUrlsSubscriberTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-requestStack = $this->prophesize(RequestStack::class);
- $this->routeRepository = $this->prophesize(RouteRepository::class);
- $this->webspaceManager = $this->prophesize(WebspaceManagerInterface::class);
- $this->documentInspector = $this->prophesize(DocumentInspector::class);
- $this->documentRegistry = $this->prophesize(DocumentRegistry::class);
- $this->nodeManager = $this->prophesize(NodeManager::class);
- $this->urlsSubscriber = new WebsiteArticleUrlsSubscriber(
- $this->requestStack->reveal(),
- $this->routeRepository->reveal(),
- $this->webspaceManager->reveal(),
- $this->documentInspector->reveal(),
- $this->documentRegistry->reveal(),
- $this->nodeManager->reveal()
- );
- $webspace = new Webspace();
- $webspace->addLocalization(new Localization('en'));
- $webspace->addLocalization(new Localization('de'));
- $request = $this->prophesize(Request::class);
- $request->get('_sulu')->willReturn(new RequestAttributes(['webspace' => $webspace]));
- $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->willReturn($request->reveal());
- }
- public function testAddUrlsOnPostSerialize()
- {
- $article = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $visitor = $this->prophesize(SerializationVisitorInterface::class);
- $context = $this->prophesize(SerializationContext::class);
- $context->hasAttribute('urls')->willReturn(true);
- $entityId = '123-123-123';
- $article->getUuid()->willReturn($entityId);
- $event = $this->prophesize(ObjectEvent::class);
- $event->getObject()->willReturn($article->reveal());
- $event->getVisitor()->willReturn($visitor->reveal());
- $event->getContext()->willReturn($context->reveal());
- $entityClass = \get_class($article->reveal());
- $this->documentRegistry->hasDocument($article->reveal())->willReturn(true);
- $this->documentInspector->getPublishedLocales($article->reveal())->willReturn(['en', 'de']);
- $deRoute = $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class);
- $deRoute->getPath()->willReturn('/seite');
- $this->routeRepository->findByEntity($entityClass, $entityId, 'de')->willReturn($deRoute->reveal());
- $this->webspaceManager->findUrlByResourceLocator('/seite', null, 'de')->willReturn('');
- $enRoute = $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class);
- $enRoute->getPath()->willReturn('/page');
- $this->routeRepository->findByEntity($entityClass, $entityId, 'en')->willReturn($enRoute->reveal());
- $this->webspaceManager->findUrlByResourceLocator('/page', null, 'en')->willReturn('');
- $visitor->visitProperty(
- Argument::that(function(StaticPropertyMetadata $metadata) {
- return 'urls' === $metadata->name;
- }),
- ['de' => '/seite', 'en' => '/page']
- )->shouldBeCalled();
- $visitor->visitProperty(
- Argument::that(function(StaticPropertyMetadata $metadata) {
- return 'localizations' === $metadata->name;
- }),
- [
- 'de' => ['locale' => 'de', 'url' => '', 'country' => '', 'alternate' => true],
- 'en' => ['locale' => 'en', 'url' => '', 'country' => '', 'alternate' => true],
- ]
- )->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->urlsSubscriber->addUrlsOnPostSerialize($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testAddUrlsOnPostSerializeUnregisteredDocument()
- {
- $article = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $node = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $visitor = $this->prophesize(SerializationVisitorInterface::class);
- $context = $this->prophesize(SerializationContext::class);
- $context->hasAttribute('urls')->willReturn(true);
- $entityId = '123-123-123';
- $locale = 'en';
- $article->getUuid()->willReturn($entityId);
- $article->getLocale()->willReturn($locale);
- $event = $this->prophesize(ObjectEvent::class);
- $event->getObject()->willReturn($article->reveal());
- $event->getVisitor()->willReturn($visitor->reveal());
- $event->getContext()->willReturn($context->reveal());
- $entityClass = \get_class($article->reveal());
- $this->documentRegistry->hasDocument($article->reveal())->willReturn(false);
- $this->nodeManager->find($entityId)->willReturn($node->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->documentRegistry->registerDocument($article->reveal(), $node->reveal(), $locale)->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->documentInspector->getPublishedLocales($article->reveal())->willReturn(['en', 'de']);
- $deRoute = $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class);
- $deRoute->getPath()->willReturn('/seite');
- $this->routeRepository->findByEntity($entityClass, $entityId, 'de')->willReturn($deRoute->reveal());
- $this->webspaceManager->findUrlByResourceLocator('/seite', null, 'de')->willReturn('');
- $enRoute = $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class);
- $enRoute->getPath()->willReturn('/page');
- $this->routeRepository->findByEntity($entityClass, $entityId, 'en')->willReturn($enRoute->reveal());
- $this->webspaceManager->findUrlByResourceLocator('/page', null, 'en')->willReturn('');
- $visitor->visitProperty(
- Argument::that(function(StaticPropertyMetadata $metadata) {
- return 'urls' === $metadata->name;
- }),
- ['de' => '/seite', 'en' => '/page']
- )->shouldBeCalled();
- $visitor->visitProperty(
- Argument::that(function(StaticPropertyMetadata $metadata) {
- return 'localizations' === $metadata->name;
- }),
- [
- 'de' => ['locale' => 'de', 'url' => '', 'country' => '', 'alternate' => true],
- 'en' => ['locale' => 'en', 'url' => '', 'country' => '', 'alternate' => true],
- ]
- )->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->urlsSubscriber->addUrlsOnPostSerialize($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testAddUrlsOnPostSerializeNonExistingRoute()
- {
- $article = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $visitor = $this->prophesize(SerializationVisitorInterface::class);
- $context = $this->prophesize(SerializationContext::class);
- $context->hasAttribute('urls')->willReturn(true);
- $entityId = '123-123-123';
- $article->getUuid()->willReturn($entityId);
- $event = $this->prophesize(ObjectEvent::class);
- $event->getObject()->willReturn($article->reveal());
- $event->getVisitor()->willReturn($visitor->reveal());
- $event->getContext()->willReturn($context->reveal());
- $entityClass = \get_class($article->reveal());
- $this->documentRegistry->hasDocument($article->reveal())->willReturn(true);
- $this->documentInspector->getPublishedLocales($article->reveal())->willReturn(['en', 'de']);
- $deRoute = $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class);
- $deRoute->getPath()->willReturn('/seite');
- $this->routeRepository->findByEntity($entityClass, $entityId, 'de')->willReturn($deRoute->reveal());
- $this->webspaceManager->findUrlByResourceLocator('/seite', null, 'de')->willReturn('');
- $enRoute = $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class);
- $enRoute->getPath()->willReturn('/page');
- $this->routeRepository->findByEntity($entityClass, $entityId, 'en')->willReturn(null);
- $this->webspaceManager->findUrlByResourceLocator('/', null, 'en')->willReturn('');
- $visitor->visitProperty(
- Argument::that(function(StaticPropertyMetadata $metadata) {
- return 'urls' === $metadata->name;
- }),
- ['de' => '/seite', 'en' => '/']
- )->shouldBeCalled();
- $visitor->visitProperty(
- Argument::that(function(StaticPropertyMetadata $metadata) {
- return 'localizations' === $metadata->name;
- }),
- [
- 'de' => ['locale' => 'de', 'url' => '', 'country' => '', 'alternate' => true],
- 'en' => ['locale' => 'en', 'url' => '', 'country' => '', 'alternate' => false],
- ]
- )->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->urlsSubscriber->addUrlsOnPostSerialize($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testAddUrlsOnPostSerializeUnpublishedLocale()
- {
- $article = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $visitor = $this->prophesize(SerializationVisitorInterface::class);
- $context = $this->prophesize(SerializationContext::class);
- $context->hasAttribute('urls')->willReturn(true);
- $entityId = '123-123-123';
- $article->getUuid()->willReturn($entityId);
- $event = $this->prophesize(ObjectEvent::class);
- $event->getObject()->willReturn($article->reveal());
- $event->getVisitor()->willReturn($visitor->reveal());
- $event->getContext()->willReturn($context->reveal());
- $entityClass = \get_class($article->reveal());
- $this->documentRegistry->hasDocument($article->reveal())->willReturn(true);
- $this->documentInspector->getPublishedLocales($article->reveal())->willReturn(['de']);
- $deRoute = $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class);
- $deRoute->getPath()->willReturn('/seite');
- $this->routeRepository->findByEntity($entityClass, $entityId, 'de')->willReturn($deRoute->reveal());
- $this->webspaceManager->findUrlByResourceLocator('/seite', null, 'de')->willReturn('');
- $this->routeRepository->findByEntity(Argument::any())->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->webspaceManager->findUrlByResourceLocator('/', null, 'en')->willReturn('');
- $visitor->visitProperty(
- Argument::that(function(StaticPropertyMetadata $metadata) {
- return 'urls' === $metadata->name;
- }),
- ['de' => '/seite', 'en' => '/']
- )->shouldBeCalled();
- $visitor->visitProperty(
- Argument::that(function(StaticPropertyMetadata $metadata) {
- return 'localizations' === $metadata->name;
- }),
- [
- 'de' => ['locale' => 'de', 'url' => '', 'country' => '', 'alternate' => true],
- 'en' => ['locale' => 'en', 'url' => '', 'country' => '', 'alternate' => false],
- ]
- )->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->urlsSubscriber->addUrlsOnPostSerialize($event->reveal());
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Document/Subscriber/ArticlePageSubscriberTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Document/Subscriber/ArticlePageSubscriberTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2250f8656..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Document/Subscriber/ArticlePageSubscriberTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-factory = $this->prophesize(StructureMetadataFactoryInterface::class);
- $this->documentManager = $this->prophesize(DocumentManagerInterface::class);
- $this->documentInspector = $this->prophesize(DocumentInspector::class);
- $this->slugifier = $this->prophesize(SlugifierInterface::class);
- $this->nameResolver = $this->prophesize(NameResolver::class);
- $this->metadata = $this->prophesize(StructureMetadata::class);
- $this->document = $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class);
- $this->parentDocument = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $this->document->getStructureType()->willReturn('default');
- $this->factory->getStructureMetadata('article_page', 'default')->willReturn($this->metadata->reveal());
- $this->slugifier->slugify(Argument::type('string'))->will(
- function($arguments) {
- return Urlizer::urlize($arguments[0]);
- }
- );
- $this->nameResolver->resolveName(Argument::type(NodeInterface::class), Argument::type('string'))->will(
- function($arguments) {
- return $arguments[1];
- }
- );
- $this->subscriber = new ArticlePageSubscriber(
- $this->factory->reveal(),
- $this->documentManager->reveal(),
- $this->documentInspector->reveal(),
- $this->slugifier->reveal(),
- $this->nameResolver->reveal()
- );
- }
- private function createEvent($className, $node = null, $accessor = null, $options = null)
- {
- $event = $this->prophesize($className);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $event->getLocale()->willReturn($this->locale);
- if (null !== $node) {
- $event->getNode()->willReturn($node);
- }
- if (null !== $accessor) {
- $event->getAccessor()->willReturn($accessor);
- }
- if (null !== $options) {
- $event->getOptions()->willReturn($options);
- }
- return $event->reveal();
- }
- public function testSetTitleOnPersist()
- {
- $event = $this->createEvent(PersistEvent::class);
- $this->parentDocument->getTitle()->willReturn('Test title');
- $this->document->getParent()->willReturn($this->parentDocument->reveal());
- $this->document->setTitle('Test title')->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->subscriber->setTitleOnPersist($event);
- }
- public function testSetWorkflowStageOnArticle()
- {
- $this->document->getParent()->willReturn($this->parentDocument->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($this->parentDocument->reveal())->willReturn(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED);
- $this->documentInspector->getLocale($this->document->reveal())->willReturn($this->locale);
- $this->parentDocument->setWorkflowStage(WorkflowStage::TEST)->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->documentManager->persist($this->parentDocument->reveal(), $this->locale, Argument::any())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->subscriber->setWorkflowStageOnArticle($this->createEvent(PersistEvent::class, null, null, []));
- }
- public function testSetWorkflowStageOnArticleGhost()
- {
- $this->document->getParent()->willReturn($this->parentDocument->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($this->parentDocument->reveal())->willReturn(LocalizationState::GHOST);
- $this->parentDocument->setWorkflowStage(WorkflowStage::TEST)->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->documentManager->persist($this->parentDocument->reveal(), $this->locale, Argument::any())->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->subscriber->setWorkflowStageOnArticle($this->createEvent(PersistEvent::class));
- }
- public function testSetNodeOnPersist()
- {
- $node = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $parentNode = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $parentNode->addNode(Argument::type('string'))->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn($node->reveal());
- $event = $this->prophesize(PersistEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $event->hasNode()->willReturn(false);
- $event->getParentNode()->willReturn($parentNode->reveal());
- $event->setNode($node->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->subscriber->setNodeOnPersist($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testSetNodeOnPersistWithTag()
- {
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyMetadata::class);
- $property->getName()->willReturn('pageTitle');
- $this->metadata->hasPropertyWithTagName(ArticlePageSubscriber::PAGE_TITLE_TAG_NAME)
- ->willReturn(true);
- $this->metadata->getPropertyByTagName(ArticlePageSubscriber::PAGE_TITLE_TAG_NAME)
- ->willReturn($property->reveal());
- $node = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $parentNode = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $parentNode->addNode(Urlizer::urlize('Sulu is awesome'))->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn($node->reveal());
- $structure = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $structure->getStagedData()->willReturn(['pageTitle' => 'Sulu is awesome']);
- $this->document->getStructure()->willReturn($structure->reveal());
- $event = $this->prophesize(PersistEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $event->hasNode()->willReturn(false);
- $event->getParentNode()->willReturn($parentNode->reveal());
- $event->setNode($node->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->subscriber->setNodeOnPersist($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testSetNodeOnPersistWithProperty()
- {
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyMetadata::class);
- $property->getName()->willReturn('pageTitle');
- $this->metadata->hasPropertyWithTagName(ArticlePageSubscriber::PAGE_TITLE_TAG_NAME)
- ->willReturn(false);
- $this->metadata->hasProperty(ArticlePageSubscriber::PAGE_TITLE_PROPERTY_NAME)
- ->willReturn(true);
- $this->metadata->getProperty(ArticlePageSubscriber::PAGE_TITLE_PROPERTY_NAME)
- ->willReturn($property->reveal());
- $node = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $parentNode = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $parentNode->addNode(Urlizer::urlize('Sulu is awesome'))->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn($node->reveal());
- $structure = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $structure->getStagedData()->willReturn(['pageTitle' => 'Sulu is awesome']);
- $this->document->getStructure()->willReturn($structure->reveal());
- $event = $this->prophesize(PersistEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $event->hasNode()->willReturn(false);
- $event->getParentNode()->willReturn($parentNode->reveal());
- $event->setNode($node->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->subscriber->setNodeOnPersist($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testSetPageTitleOnPersist()
- {
- $event = $this->prophesize(PersistEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $this->document->setPageTitle(null)->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->subscriber->setPageTitleOnPersist($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testSetPageTitleOnPersistWithTag()
- {
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyMetadata::class);
- $property->getName()->willReturn('pageTitle');
- $this->metadata->hasPropertyWithTagName(ArticlePageSubscriber::PAGE_TITLE_TAG_NAME)
- ->willReturn(true);
- $this->metadata->getPropertyByTagName(ArticlePageSubscriber::PAGE_TITLE_TAG_NAME)
- ->willReturn($property->reveal());
- $structure = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $structure->getStagedData()->willReturn(['pageTitle' => 'Sulu is awesome']);
- $this->document->getStructure()->willReturn($structure->reveal());
- $event = $this->prophesize(PersistEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $this->document->setPageTitle('Sulu is awesome')->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->subscriber->setPageTitleOnPersist($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testSetPageTitleOnPersistWithProperty()
- {
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyMetadata::class);
- $property->getName()->willReturn('pageTitle');
- $this->metadata->hasPropertyWithTagName(ArticlePageSubscriber::PAGE_TITLE_TAG_NAME)
- ->willReturn(false);
- $this->metadata->hasProperty(ArticlePageSubscriber::PAGE_TITLE_PROPERTY_NAME)
- ->willReturn(true);
- $this->metadata->getProperty(ArticlePageSubscriber::PAGE_TITLE_PROPERTY_NAME)
- ->willReturn($property->reveal());
- $structure = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $structure->getStagedData()->willReturn(['pageTitle' => 'Sulu is awesome']);
- $this->document->getStructure()->willReturn($structure->reveal());
- $event = $this->prophesize(PersistEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $this->document->setPageTitle('Sulu is awesome')->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->subscriber->setPageTitleOnPersist($event->reveal());
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Document/Subscriber/ArticleSubscriberTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Document/Subscriber/ArticleSubscriberTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c96e1726..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Document/Subscriber/ArticleSubscriberTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,746 +0,0 @@
-indexer = $this->prophesize(IndexerInterface::class);
- $this->liveIndexer = $this->prophesize(IndexerInterface::class);
- $this->documentManager = $this->prophesize(DocumentManagerInterface::class);
- $this->documentInspector = $this->prophesize(DocumentInspector::class);
- $this->propertyEncoder = $this->prophesize(PropertyEncoder::class);
- $this->document = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $this->document->getUuid()->willReturn($this->uuid);
- $this->document->getLocale()->willReturn($this->locale);
- $this->documentManager->find($this->uuid, $this->locale)->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $this->articleSubscriber = new ArticleSubscriber(
- $this->indexer->reveal(),
- $this->liveIndexer->reveal(),
- $this->documentManager->reveal(),
- $this->documentInspector->reveal(),
- $this->propertyEncoder->reveal()
- );
- }
- protected function prophesizeEvent($className, $locale = null, $options = null)
- {
- $event = $this->prophesize($className);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- if (null !== $options) {
- $event->getOptions()->willReturn($options);
- }
- if (null !== $locale) {
- $event->getLocale()->willReturn($locale);
- }
- return $event->reveal();
- }
- public function testHandleScheduleIndex()
- {
- $event = $this->prophesizeEvent(AbstractMappingEvent::class);
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleScheduleIndex($event);
- $this->indexer->index(Argument::any())->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->indexer->flush()->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->liveIndexer->index(Argument::any())->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->liveIndexer->flush()->shouldNotBeCalled();
- }
- public function testHandleScheduleIndexLive()
- {
- $event = $this->prophesizeEvent(AbstractMappingEvent::class);
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleScheduleIndexLive($event);
- $this->indexer->index(Argument::any())->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->indexer->flush()->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->liveIndexer->index(Argument::any())->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->liveIndexer->flush()->shouldNotBeCalled();
- }
- public function testHandleFlush()
- {
- $event = $this->prophesizeEvent(AbstractMappingEvent::class);
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleScheduleIndex($event);
- $this->documentManager->find($this->uuid, $this->locale)->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $this->documentManager->refresh($this->document->reveal())->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleFlush($this->prophesize(FlushEvent::class)->reveal());
- $this->indexer->index($this->document->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->indexer->flush()->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->liveIndexer->index(Argument::any())->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->liveIndexer->flush()->shouldNotBeCalled();
- }
- public function testHandleFlushLive()
- {
- $event = $this->prophesizeEvent(AbstractMappingEvent::class);
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleScheduleIndexLive($event);
- $this->documentManager->find($this->uuid, $this->locale)->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $this->documentManager->refresh($this->document->reveal())->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleFlushLive($this->prophesize(FlushEvent::class)->reveal());
- $this->indexer->index(Argument::any())->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->indexer->flush()->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->liveIndexer->index($this->document->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->liveIndexer->flush()->shouldBeCalled();
- }
- public function testHandleRemove()
- {
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleRemove($this->prophesizeEvent(RemoveEvent::class));
- $this->indexer->remove($this->document->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->indexer->flush()->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->liveIndexer->index(Argument::any())->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->liveIndexer->flush()->shouldNotBeCalled();
- }
- public function testHandleRemoveLive()
- {
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleRemoveLive($this->prophesizeEvent(RemoveEvent::class));
- $this->indexer->remove(Argument::any())->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->indexer->flush()->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->liveIndexer->remove($this->document->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->liveIndexer->flush()->shouldBeCalled();
- }
- public function testPublishChildren()
- {
- $children = [
- $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class)->reveal(),
- $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class)->reveal(),
- $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class)->reveal(),
- ];
- $this->document->getChildren()->willReturn(new \ArrayIterator($children));
- foreach ($children as $child) {
- $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($child)->willReturn(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED);
- $this->documentManager->publish($child, $this->locale)->shouldBeCalled();
- }
- $this->articleSubscriber->publishChildren($this->prophesizeEvent(PublishEvent::class, $this->locale));
- }
- public function testSynchronizeChildren()
- {
- $document = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $liveNode = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $draftNode = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $event = $this->prophesize(PublishEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($document->reveal());
- $event->getNode()->willReturn($liveNode->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($document->reveal())->willReturn($draftNode->reveal());
- $children = [
- $this->createNodeMock('123-123-123'),
- $this->createNodeMock('456-456-456'),
- ];
- $liveNode->getNodes()->willReturn($children);
- $draftNode->getNodes()->willReturn($children);
- $this->articleSubscriber->synchronizeChildren($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testSynchronizeChildrenDifferenceRemove()
- {
- $document = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $liveNode = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $draftNode = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $event = $this->prophesize(PublishEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($document->reveal());
- $event->getNode()->willReturn($liveNode->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($document->reveal())->willReturn($draftNode->reveal());
- $children = [
- $this->createNodeMock('123-123-123'),
- $this->createNodeMock('456-456-456', true),
- ];
- $liveNode->getNodes()->willReturn($children);
- $draftNode->getNodes()->willReturn([$children[0]]);
- $this->articleSubscriber->synchronizeChildren($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testSynchronizeChildrenDifferenceAdd()
- {
- $document = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $liveNode = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $draftNode = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $event = $this->prophesize(PublishEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($document->reveal());
- $event->getNode()->willReturn($liveNode->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($document->reveal())->willReturn($draftNode->reveal());
- $children = [
- $this->createNodeMock('123-123-123'),
- $this->createNodeMock('456-456-456'),
- ];
- $liveNode->getNodes()->willReturn([$children[0]]);
- $draftNode->getNodes()->willReturn($children);
- // nothing should happen because publish new children will be done somewhere else
- $this->articleSubscriber->synchronizeChildren($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testSynchronizeChildrenDifferenceAddAndRemove()
- {
- $document = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $liveNode = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $draftNode = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $event = $this->prophesize(PublishEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($document->reveal());
- $event->getNode()->willReturn($liveNode->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($document->reveal())->willReturn($draftNode->reveal());
- $children = [
- $this->createNodeMock('123-123-123', true),
- $this->createNodeMock('456-456-456'),
- ];
- $liveNode->getNodes()->willReturn([$children[0]]);
- $draftNode->getNodes()->willReturn([$children[1]]);
- $this->articleSubscriber->synchronizeChildren($event->reveal());
- }
- private function createNodeMock($uuid, $removeCall = false)
- {
- $node = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $node->getIdentifier()->willReturn($uuid);
- if ($removeCall) {
- $node->remove()->shouldBeCalled();
- } else {
- $node->remove()->shouldNotBeCalled();
- }
- return $node->reveal();
- }
- public function testRemoveDraftChildren()
- {
- $children = [
- $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class)->reveal(),
- $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class)->reveal(),
- $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class)->reveal(),
- ];
- $this->document->getChildren()->willReturn($children);
- foreach ($children as $child) {
- $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($child)->willReturn(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED);
- $this->documentManager->removeDraft($child, $this->locale)->shouldBeCalled();
- }
- $this->articleSubscriber->removeDraftChildren($this->prophesizeEvent(RemoveDraftEvent::class, $this->locale));
- }
- public function testRemoveDraftChildrenNotExists()
- {
- $child = $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class)->reveal();
- $this->document->getChildren()->willReturn([$child]);
- $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($child)->willReturn(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED);
- $this->documentManager->removeDraft($child, $this->locale)->shouldBeCalled()
- ->willThrow(new PathNotFoundException());
- $node = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $node->remove()->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($child)->willReturn($node->reveal());
- $this->articleSubscriber->removeDraftChildren($this->prophesizeEvent(RemoveDraftEvent::class, $this->locale));
- }
- public function testHandleChildrenPersistWithoutChanges()
- {
- $children = [];
- for ($id = 1; $id < 4; ++$id) {
- $child = $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class);
- $child->getUuid()->willReturn($id);
- $child->getLocale()->willReturn($this->locale);
- $child->getShadowLocale()->willReturn(null);
- $child->isShadowLocaleEnabled()->willReturn(false);
- $child->getStructureType()->willReturn('my-other-test');
- $child->setStructureType('my-test')->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($child)->willReturn(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED);
- $this->documentManager->persist(
- $child->reveal(),
- $this->locale,
- [
- 'clear_missing_content' => false,
- 'auto_name' => false,
- 'auto_rename' => false,
- ]
- )->shouldBeCalled();
- $children[] = $child;
- }
- $this->document->getStructureType()->willReturn('my-test');
- $this->document->getChildren()->willReturn($children);
- $this->document->getShadowLocale()->willReturn(null);
- $this->document->isShadowLocaleEnabled()->willReturn(false);
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleChildrenPersist(
- $this->prophesizeEvent(PersistEvent::class, $this->locale, [])
- );
- }
- public function testHandleChildrenPersistWithStructureTypeChange()
- {
- $children = [];
- for ($id = 1; $id < 4; ++$id) {
- /** @var ArticlePageDocument $child */
- $child = $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class);
- $child->getUuid()->willReturn($id);
- $child->getLocale()->willReturn($this->locale);
- $child->getShadowLocale()->willReturn(null);
- $child->isShadowLocaleEnabled()->willReturn(false);
- $child->getStructureType()->willReturn('old');
- $child->setStructureType('changed-structure')->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($child)->willReturn(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED);
- $this->documentManager->persist(
- $child,
- $this->locale,
- [
- 'clear_missing_content' => false,
- 'auto_name' => false,
- 'auto_rename' => false,
- ]
- )->shouldBeCalled();
- $children[] = $child;
- }
- $this->document->getStructureType()->willReturn('changed-structure');
- $this->document->getChildren()->willReturn($children);
- $this->document->getShadowLocale()->willReturn(null);
- $this->document->isShadowLocaleEnabled()->willReturn(false);
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleChildrenPersist(
- $this->prophesizeEvent(PersistEvent::class, $this->locale, [])
- );
- }
- public function testHandleChildrenPersistShadow()
- {
- $children = [];
- for ($id = 1; $id < 4; ++$id) {
- /** @var ArticlePageDocument $child */
- $child = $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class);
- $child->getUuid()->willReturn($id);
- $child->getLocale()->willReturn($this->locale);
- $child->getShadowLocale()->willReturn(null);
- $child->isShadowLocaleEnabled()->willReturn(false);
- $child->getStructureType()->willReturn('nice_structure');
- $child->setShadowLocaleEnabled(true)->shouldBeCalled();
- $child->setShadowLocale('de')->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($child)->willReturn(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED);
- $this->documentManager->persist(
- $child,
- $this->locale,
- [
- 'clear_missing_content' => false,
- 'auto_name' => false,
- 'auto_rename' => false,
- ]
- )->shouldBeCalled();
- $children[] = $child;
- }
- $this->document->getStructureType()->willReturn('nice_structure');
- $this->document->getChildren()->willReturn($children);
- $this->document->getShadowLocale()->willReturn('de');
- $this->document->isShadowLocaleEnabled()->willReturn(true);
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleChildrenPersist(
- $this->prophesizeEvent(PersistEvent::class, $this->locale, [])
- );
- }
- public function testHydratePageData()
- {
- $node = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $event = $this->prophesize(HydrateEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $event->getNode()->willReturn($node->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState(
- $this->document->reveal()
- )->willReturn(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED);
- $propertyName = 'i18n:' . $this->locale . '-' . ArticleSubscriber::PAGES_PROPERTY;
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName(ArticleSubscriber::PAGES_PROPERTY, $this->locale)
- ->willReturn($propertyName);
- $node->getPropertyValueWithDefault($propertyName, \json_encode([]))
- ->willReturn(\json_encode([['title' => 'Test title']]));
- $this->document->setPages([['title' => 'Test title']])->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->document->getOriginalLocale()->willReturn($this->locale);
- $this->articleSubscriber->hydratePageData($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testHydratePageDataShadow()
- {
- $node = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $event = $this->prophesize(HydrateEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $event->getNode()->willReturn($node->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState(
- $this->document->reveal()
- )->willReturn(LocalizationState::SHADOW);
- $propertyNameEN = 'i18n:en-' . ArticleSubscriber::PAGES_PROPERTY;
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName(ArticleSubscriber::PAGES_PROPERTY, 'en')
- ->willReturn($propertyNameEN);
- $propertyNameDE = 'i18n:' . $this->locale . '-' . ArticleSubscriber::PAGES_PROPERTY;
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName(ArticleSubscriber::PAGES_PROPERTY, $this->locale)
- ->willReturn($propertyNameDE);
- $node->getPropertyValueWithDefault($propertyNameDE, \json_encode([]))
- ->willReturn(\json_encode(
- [
- [
- 'title' => 'Test Ãœberschrift',
- 'routePath' => '/test-ueberschrift',
- ],
- ]
- ));
- $node->getPropertyValueWithDefault($propertyNameEN, \json_encode([]))
- ->willReturn(\json_encode(
- [
- [
- 'title' => 'Test Headline',
- 'routePath' => '/test-headline',
- ],
- ]
- ));
- $this->document->getLocale()->willReturn($this->locale);
- $this->document->getOriginalLocale()->willReturn('en');
- $this->document->setPages(
- [
- [
- 'title' => 'Test Ãœberschrift',
- 'routePath' => '/test-headline',
- ],
- ]
- )->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->articleSubscriber->hydratePageData($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testPersistPageData()
- {
- $node = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $event = $this->prophesize(PersistEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $event->getNode()->willReturn($node->reveal());
- $event->getLocale()->willReturn($this->locale);
- $pages = [
- [
- 'uuid' => '123-123-123',
- 'title' => 'Test article: page 1',
- 'routePath' => '/test-article',
- 'pageNumber' => 1,
- ],
- [
- 'uuid' => '321-321-321',
- 'title' => 'Test article: page 2',
- 'routePath' => '/test-article/page-2',
- 'pageNumber' => 2,
- ],
- ];
- $this->document->getUuid()->willReturn($pages[0]['uuid']);
- $this->document->getPageTitle()->willReturn($pages[0]['title']);
- $this->document->getRoutePath()->willReturn($pages[0]['routePath']);
- $this->document->getPageNumber()->willReturn($pages[0]['pageNumber']);
- $child = $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class);
- $child->getUuid()->willReturn($pages[1]['uuid']);
- $child->getPageTitle()->willReturn($pages[1]['title']);
- $child->getRoutePath()->willReturn($pages[1]['routePath']);
- $child->getPageNumber()->willReturn($pages[1]['pageNumber']);
- $this->document->getChildren()->willReturn(new \ArrayIterator([$child->reveal()]));
- $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($child->reveal())->willReturn(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED);
- $propertyName = 'i18n:' . $this->locale . '-' . ArticleSubscriber::PAGES_PROPERTY;
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName(ArticleSubscriber::PAGES_PROPERTY, $this->locale)
- ->willReturn($propertyName);
- $this->document->setPages($pages)->shouldBeCalled();
- $node->setProperty($propertyName, \json_encode($pages))->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->articleSubscriber->persistPageData($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testPersistPageDataOnReorder()
- {
- $node = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $orderedDocument = $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class);
- $orderedDocument->getParent()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $this->document->getLocale()->willReturn($this->locale);
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($this->document->reveal())->willReturn($node->reveal());
- $event = $this->prophesize(ReorderEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($orderedDocument->reveal());
- $pages = [
- [
- 'uuid' => '123-123-123',
- 'title' => 'Test article: page 1',
- 'routePath' => '/test-article',
- 'pageNumber' => 1,
- ],
- [
- 'uuid' => '321-321-321',
- 'title' => 'Test article: page 2',
- 'routePath' => '/test-article/page-2',
- 'pageNumber' => 2,
- ],
- ];
- $this->document->getUuid()->willReturn($pages[0]['uuid']);
- $this->document->getPageTitle()->willReturn($pages[0]['title']);
- $this->document->getRoutePath()->willReturn($pages[0]['routePath']);
- $this->document->getPageNumber()->willReturn($pages[0]['pageNumber']);
- $child = $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class);
- $child->getUuid()->willReturn($pages[1]['uuid']);
- $child->getPageTitle()->willReturn($pages[1]['title']);
- $child->getRoutePath()->willReturn($pages[1]['routePath']);
- $child->getPageNumber()->willReturn($pages[1]['pageNumber']);
- $this->document->getChildren()->willReturn(new \ArrayIterator([$child->reveal()]));
- $this->documentInspector->getLocalizationState($child->reveal())->willReturn(LocalizationState::LOCALIZED);
- $this->documentInspector->getLocale($this->document->reveal())->willReturn('de');
- $propertyName = 'i18n:' . $this->locale . '-' . ArticleSubscriber::PAGES_PROPERTY;
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName(ArticleSubscriber::PAGES_PROPERTY, $this->locale)->willReturn(
- $propertyName
- );
- $this->document->setPages($pages)->shouldBeCalled();
- $node->setProperty($propertyName, \json_encode($pages))->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->document->setWorkflowStage(WorkflowStage::TEST)->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->document->setWorkflowStage(WorkflowStage::TEST);
- $this->documentManager->persist($this->document->reveal(), 'de')->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->articleSubscriber->persistPageDataOnReorder($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testHandleRemoveLocaleWithInvalidDocument()
- {
- $event = $this->prophesize(RemoveLocaleEvent::class);
- $document = $this->prophesize(\stdClass::class); // Not an ArticleDocument
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($document->reveal());
- // Ensure the indexer methods are not called
- $this->indexer->replaceWithGhostData()->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->indexer->flush()->shouldNotBeCalled();
- // Call the method and make sure it doesn't throw exceptions
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleRemoveLocale($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testHandleRemoveLocale()
- {
- $event = $this->prophesize(RemoveLocaleEvent::class);
- $document = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $document->getOriginalLocale()->willReturn('en');
- $document->getUuid()->willReturn($this->uuid);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($document->reveal());
- $event->getLocale()->willReturn('de');
- $this->documentInspector->getConcreteLocales($document->reveal())->willReturn(['en', 'fr']);
- $originalDocument = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $this->documentManager->find($this->uuid, 'en')->willReturn($originalDocument->reveal());
- // Ensure the indexer methods are called
- $this->indexer->replaceWithGhostData($originalDocument->reveal(), 'de')->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->indexer->flush()->shouldBeCalled();
- // Call the method
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleRemoveLocale($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testHandleRemoveLocaleWithDefaultLocaleDoesNotExists()
- {
- $event = $this->prophesize(RemoveLocaleEvent::class);
- $document = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $document->getOriginalLocale()->willReturn('en');
- $document->getUuid()->willReturn($this->uuid);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($document->reveal());
- $event->getLocale()->willReturn('de');
- $this->documentInspector->getConcreteLocales($document->reveal())->willReturn(['fr']);
- $originalDocument = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $this->documentManager->find($this->uuid, 'fr')->willReturn($originalDocument->reveal());
- // Ensure the indexer methods are called
- $this->indexer->replaceWithGhostData($originalDocument->reveal(), 'de')->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->indexer->flush()->shouldBeCalled();
- // Call the method
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleRemoveLocale($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testHandleRemoveLocaleLiveWithInvalidDocument()
- {
- $event = $this->prophesize(RemoveLocaleEvent::class);
- $document = $this->prophesize(\stdClass::class); // Not an ArticleDocument
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($document->reveal());
- // Ensure the liveIndexer methods are not called
- $this->liveIndexer->remove()->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->liveIndexer->flush()->shouldNotBeCalled();
- // Call the method and make sure it doesn't throw exceptions
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleRemoveLocaleLive($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testHandleRemoveLocaleLive()
- {
- // Create a mock RemoveLocaleEvent with an ArticleDocument
- $event = $this->prophesize(RemoveLocaleEvent::class);
- $document = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($document->reveal());
- $event->getLocale()->willReturn('en');
- // Ensure the liveIndexer methods are called
- $this->liveIndexer->remove($document->reveal(), 'en')->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->liveIndexer->flush()->shouldBeCalled();
- // Call the method
- $this->articleSubscriber->handleRemoveLocaleLive($event->reveal());
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Document/Subscriber/PageSubscriberTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Document/Subscriber/PageSubscriberTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fc797da1d..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Document/Subscriber/PageSubscriberTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-documentInspector = $this->prophesize(DocumentInspector::class);
- $this->propertyEncoder = $this->prophesize(PropertyEncoder::class);
- $this->documentManager = $this->prophesize(DocumentManagerInterface::class);
- $this->document = $this->prophesize(PageBehavior::class);
- $this->node = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $this->pageSubscriber = new PageSubscriber(
- $this->documentInspector->reveal(), $this->propertyEncoder->reveal(), $this->documentManager->reveal()
- );
- }
- public function testHandlePersist()
- {
- $child1 = $this->prophesize(\stdClass::class);
- $child2 = $this->prophesize(PageBehavior::class);
- $child2->getUuid()->willReturn('1-1-1');
- $child3 = $this->prophesize(PageBehavior::class);
- $child3->getUuid()->willReturn('1-2-2');
- $event = $this->prophesize(PersistEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $event->getNode()->willReturn($this->node->reveal());
- $this->node->hasProperty('sulu:pageNumber')->willReturn(false);
- $parentDocument = $this->prophesize(ChildrenBehavior::class);
- $parentDocument->getChildren()->willReturn(
- [
- $child1->reveal(),
- $child2->reveal(),
- $child3->reveal(),
- ]
- );
- $this->document->getParent()->willReturn($parentDocument->reveal());
- $this->document->getUuid()->willReturn('1-2-3');
- $this->document->getPageNumber()->willReturn(null);
- $this->document->setPageNumber(3)->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->propertyEncoder->systemName(PageSubscriber::FIELD)->willReturn('sulu:' . PageSubscriber::FIELD);
- $this->node->setProperty('sulu:' . PageSubscriber::FIELD, 3)->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->pageSubscriber->handlePersist($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testHandleRemove()
- {
- $child1 = $this->prophesize(\stdClass::class);
- $child2 = $this->prophesize(PageBehavior::class);
- $child2->getUuid()->willReturn('1-1-1');
- $child3 = $this->prophesize(PageBehavior::class);
- $child3->getUuid()->willReturn('1-2-2');
- $childNode2 = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($child2->reveal())->willReturn($childNode2->reveal());
- $childNode3 = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($child3->reveal())->willReturn($childNode3->reveal());
- $event = $this->prophesize(RemoveEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $parentDocument = $this->prophesize(ChildrenBehavior::class);
- $parentDocument->getChildren()->willReturn(
- [
- $child1->reveal(),
- $child2->reveal(),
- $this->document->reveal(),
- $child3->reveal(),
- ]
- );
- $this->document->getParent()->willReturn($parentDocument->reveal());
- $this->document->getUuid()->willReturn('1-2-3');
- $this->propertyEncoder->systemName(PageSubscriber::FIELD)->willReturn('sulu:' . PageSubscriber::FIELD);
- $childNode2->setProperty('sulu:' . PageSubscriber::FIELD, 2)->shouldBeCalled();
- $childNode3->setProperty('sulu:' . PageSubscriber::FIELD, 3)->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->pageSubscriber->handleRemove($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testHandlePublishPageNumber()
- {
- $event = $this->prophesize(PublishEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $event->getNode()->willReturn($this->node->reveal());
- $this->propertyEncoder->systemName(PageSubscriber::FIELD)->willReturn('sulu:' . PageSubscriber::FIELD);
- $this->document->getPageNumber()->willReturn(1);
- $this->node->setProperty('sulu:' . PageSubscriber::FIELD, 1)->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->pageSubscriber->handlePublishPageNumber($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testHandleRestore()
- {
- $event = $this->prophesize(RestoreEvent::class);
- $parentDocument = $this->prophesize(ChildrenBehavior::class);
- $parentDocument->getChildren()->willReturn([$this->document->reveal()]);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($parentDocument->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($this->document->reveal())->willReturn($this->node->reveal());
- $this->propertyEncoder->systemName(PageSubscriber::FIELD)->willReturn('sulu:' . PageSubscriber::FIELD);
- $this->document->getPageNumber()->willReturn(2);
- $this->node->setProperty('sulu:' . PageSubscriber::FIELD, 2)->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->pageSubscriber->handleRestore($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testHandleReorder()
- {
- $parentDocument = $this->prophesize(ChildrenBehavior::class);
- $this->document->getParent()->willReturn($parentDocument->reveal());
- $nodes = [
- $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class),
- $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class),
- $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class),
- ];
- $nodes[0]->getIdentifier()->willReturn('1-1-1');
- $nodes[1]->getIdentifier()->willReturn('1-2-2');
- $nodes[2]->getIdentifier()->willReturn('1-2-3');
- $parentNode = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $parentNode->getNodes()->willReturn(
- \array_map(
- function($item) {
- return $item->reveal();
- },
- $nodes
- )
- );
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($parentDocument->reveal())->willReturn($parentNode->reveal());
- $documents = [
- $this->prophesize(PageBehavior::class),
- $this->prophesize(PageBehavior::class),
- $this->prophesize(PageBehavior::class),
- ];
- $this->documentManager->find('1-1-1', 'de')->willReturn($documents[0]->reveal());
- $this->documentManager->find('1-2-2', 'de')->willReturn($documents[1]->reveal());
- $this->documentManager->find('1-2-3', 'de')->willReturn($documents[2]->reveal());
- $event = $this->prophesize(ReorderEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $event->getLocale()->willReturn('de');
- $this->propertyEncoder->systemName(PageSubscriber::FIELD)->willReturn('sulu:' . PageSubscriber::FIELD);
- $documents[0]->setPageNumber(2)->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[0]->setProperty('sulu:' . PageSubscriber::FIELD, 2)->shouldBeCalled();
- $documents[1]->setPageNumber(3)->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[1]->setProperty('sulu:' . PageSubscriber::FIELD, 3)->shouldBeCalled();
- $documents[2]->setPageNumber(4)->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[2]->setProperty('sulu:' . PageSubscriber::FIELD, 4)->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->pageSubscriber->handleReorder($event->reveal());
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Document/Subscriber/RoutableSubscriberTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Document/Subscriber/RoutableSubscriberTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index df560e3ea..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Document/Subscriber/RoutableSubscriberTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-chainGenerator = $this->prophesize(ChainRouteGeneratorInterface::class);
- $this->routeManager = $this->prophesize(RouteManagerInterface::class);
- $this->routeRepository = $this->prophesize(RouteRepositoryInterface::class);
- $this->entityManager = $this->prophesize(EntityManagerInterface::class);
- $this->documentManager = $this->prophesize(DocumentManagerInterface::class);
- $this->documentInspector = $this->prophesize(DocumentInspector::class);
- $this->propertyEncoder = $this->prophesize(PropertyEncoder::class);
- $this->metadataFactory = $this->prophesize(StructureMetadataFactoryInterface::class);
- $this->documentInspector = $this->prophesize(DocumentInspector::class);
- $this->documentManager = $this->prophesize(DocumentManagerInterface::class);
- $this->conflictResolver = $this->prophesize(ConflictResolverInterface::class);
- $this->document = $this->prophesize(RoutableBehavior::class);
- $this->node = $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class);
- $this->node->getIdentifier()->willReturn('123-123-123');
- $this->conflictResolver->resolve(Argument::type(RouteInterface::class))->will(
- function(array $arguments) {
- return $arguments[0];
- }
- );
- $this->routableSubscriber = new RoutableSubscriber(
- $this->chainGenerator->reveal(),
- $this->routeManager->reveal(),
- $this->routeRepository->reveal(),
- $this->entityManager->reveal(),
- $this->documentManager->reveal(),
- $this->documentInspector->reveal(),
- $this->propertyEncoder->reveal(),
- $this->metadataFactory->reveal(),
- $this->conflictResolver->reveal()
- );
- }
- protected function prophesizeEvent($className)
- {
- $event = $this->prophesize($className);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $event->getLocale()->willReturn('de');
- $event->getNode()->willReturn($this->node->reveal());
- return $event->reveal();
- }
- public function testHandlePersist()
- {
- $document = $this->prophesize(RoutableBehavior::class);
- $document->willImplement(ChildrenBehavior::class);
- $event = $this->prophesize(AbstractMappingEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($document->reveal());
- $metadata = $this->prophesize(StructureMetadata::class);
- $metadata->hasTag(Argument::any())->willReturn(false);
- $this->metadataFactory->getStructureMetadata('article', 'default')->willReturn($metadata->reveal());
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName('routePath', 'de')->willReturn('i18n:de-routePath');
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedContentName('routePathName', 'de')->willReturn('i18n:de-routePathName');
- $children = [
- $this->prophesize(RoutablePageBehavior::class),
- $this->prophesize(RoutablePageBehavior::class),
- $this->prophesize(RoutablePageBehavior::class),
- ];
- foreach ($children as $child) {
- $child->getStructureType()->willReturn('default');
- $this->documentInspector->getLocale($child->reveal())->willReturn('de');
- }
- $document->getChildren()
- ->willReturn([$children[0]->reveal(), $children[1]->reveal(), $children[2]->reveal()]);
- $nodes = [
- $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class),
- $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class),
- $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class),
- ];
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($children[0]->reveal())->willReturn($nodes[0]->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($children[1]->reveal())->willReturn($nodes[1]->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($children[2]->reveal())->willReturn($nodes[2]->reveal());
- $routes = [
- $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class),
- $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class),
- $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class),
- ];
- $routes[0]->getPath()->willReturn('/test-1');
- $routes[1]->getPath()->willReturn('/test-2');
- $routes[2]->getPath()->willReturn('/test-3');
- $this->chainGenerator->generate($children[0]->reveal())->willReturn($routes[0]->reveal());
- $this->chainGenerator->generate($children[1]->reveal())->willReturn($routes[1]->reveal());
- $this->chainGenerator->generate($children[2]->reveal())->willReturn($routes[2]->reveal());
- $children[0]->setRoutePath('/test-1')->shouldBeCalled();
- $children[1]->setRoutePath('/test-2')->shouldBeCalled();
- $children[2]->setRoutePath('/test-3')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[0]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePath', '/test-1')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[0]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePathName', 'i18n:de-routePath')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[1]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePath', '/test-2')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[1]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePathName', 'i18n:de-routePath')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[2]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePath', '/test-3')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[2]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePathName', 'i18n:de-routePath')->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->routableSubscriber->handlePersist($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testHandleRemove()
- {
- $this->document->willImplement(ChildrenBehavior::class);
- $this->documentInspector->getLocales($this->document->reveal())->willReturn(['de', 'en']);
- $event = $this->prophesize(RemoveEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $child2 = $this->prophesize(RoutableBehavior::class);
- $child2->getRoutePath()->willReturn('/test/test-2');
- $child1 = $this->prophesize(RoutableBehavior::class);
- $child1->willImplement(ChildrenBehavior::class);
- $child1->getChildren()->willReturn([$child2->reveal()]);
- $child1->getRoutePath()->willReturn('/test/test-1');
- $this->document->getChildren()->willReturn([$child1->reveal()]);
- $route1de = $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class);
- $route1en = $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class);
- $route2de = $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class);
- $route2en = $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class);
- $this->routeRepository->findByPath('/test/test-1', 'de')->willReturn($route1de->reveal());
- $this->routeRepository->findByPath('/test/test-1', 'en')->willReturn($route1en->reveal());
- $this->routeRepository->findByPath('/test/test-2', 'de')->willReturn($route2de->reveal());
- $this->routeRepository->findByPath('/test/test-2', 'en')->willReturn($route2en->reveal());
- $this->entityManager->remove($route1de->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->entityManager->remove($route1en->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->entityManager->remove($route2de->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->entityManager->remove($route2en->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->entityManager->flush()->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->routableSubscriber->handleRemove($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testHandleCopy()
- {
- $this->document->willImplement(ChildrenBehavior::class);
- $event = $this->prophesize(CopyEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $event->getCopiedPath()->willReturn('/cmf/articles/2017/04/test-article');
- $this->documentInspector->getLocales($this->document->reveal())->willReturn(['de']);
- $this->documentManager->find('/cmf/articles/2017/04/test-article', 'de')->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $route = $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class);
- $route->getPath()->willReturn('/test');
- $this->chainGenerator->generate($this->document->reveal())->willReturn($route->reveal());
- $this->document->getStructureType()->willReturn('default');
- $metadata = $this->prophesize(StructureMetadata::class);
- $metadata->hasTag(RoutableSubscriber::TAG_NAME)->willReturn(false);
- $this->metadataFactory->getStructureMetadata('article', 'default')->willReturn($metadata->reveal());
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName(RoutableSubscriber::ROUTE_FIELD, 'de')
- ->willReturn('i18n:de-routePath');
- $children = [
- $this->prophesize(RoutablePageBehavior::class),
- $this->prophesize(RoutablePageBehavior::class),
- $this->prophesize(RoutablePageBehavior::class),
- ];
- foreach ($children as $child) {
- $child->getStructureType()->willReturn('default');
- $this->documentInspector->getLocale($child->reveal())->willReturn('de');
- }
- $children[0]->getRoutePath()->willReturn('/test-old-1');
- $children[1]->getRoutePath()->willReturn('/test-old-2');
- $children[2]->getRoutePath()->willReturn('/test-old-3');
- $this->routeRepository->findByPath('/test-old-1', 'de')->willReturn(null);
- $this->routeRepository->findByPath('/test-old-2', 'de')->willReturn(null);
- $this->routeRepository->findByPath('/test-old-3', 'de')->willReturn(null);
- $children[0]->getRoute()->willReturn(null);
- $children[1]->getRoute()->willReturn(null);
- $children[2]->getRoute()->willReturn(null);
- $children[0]->getUuid()->willReturn('123-123-123');
- $children[1]->getUuid()->willReturn('231-231-231');
- $children[2]->getUuid()->willReturn('312-312-312');
- $children[0]->getClass()->willReturn('Article');
- $children[1]->getClass()->willReturn('Article');
- $children[2]->getClass()->willReturn('Article');
- $this->routeRepository->findByEntity('Article', '123-123-123', 'de')->willReturn(null);
- $this->routeRepository->findByEntity('Article', '231-231-231', 'de')->willReturn(null);
- $this->routeRepository->findByEntity('Article', '312-312-312', 'de')->willReturn(null);
- $this->document->getChildren()
- ->willReturn([$children[0]->reveal(), $children[1]->reveal(), $children[2]->reveal()]);
- $nodes = [
- $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class),
- $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class),
- $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class),
- ];
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($children[0]->reveal())->willReturn($nodes[0]->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($children[1]->reveal())->willReturn($nodes[1]->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($children[2]->reveal())->willReturn($nodes[2]->reveal());
- $routes = [
- $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class),
- $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class),
- $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class),
- ];
- $routes[0]->getPath()->willReturn('/test-1');
- $routes[1]->getPath()->willReturn('/test-2');
- $routes[2]->getPath()->willReturn('/test-3');
- $this->routeManager->create($children[0]->reveal())->willReturn($routes[0]->reveal());
- $this->routeManager->create($children[1]->reveal())->willReturn($routes[1]->reveal());
- $this->routeManager->create($children[2]->reveal())->willReturn($routes[2]->reveal());
- $this->entityManager->persist($routes[0])->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->entityManager->persist($routes[1])->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->entityManager->persist($routes[2])->shouldBeCalled();
- $children[0]->setRoutePath('/test-1')->shouldBeCalled();
- $children[1]->setRoutePath('/test-2')->shouldBeCalled();
- $children[2]->setRoutePath('/test-3')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[0]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePath', '/test-1')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[1]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePath', '/test-2')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[2]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePath', '/test-3')->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->routableSubscriber->handleCopy($event->reveal());
- }
- public function testHandleReorder()
- {
- $this->document->willImplement(ParentBehavior::class);
- $event = $this->prophesize(ReorderEvent::class);
- $event->getDocument()->willReturn($this->document->reveal());
- $parentDocument = $this->prophesize(ChildrenBehavior::class);
- $parentDocument->willImplement(StructureBehavior::class);
- $this->document->getParent()->willReturn($parentDocument->reveal());
- $metadata = $this->prophesize(StructureMetadata::class);
- $metadata->hasTag(Argument::any())->willReturn(false);
- $this->metadataFactory->getStructureMetadata('article', 'default')->willReturn($metadata->reveal());
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedSystemName('routePath', 'de')->willReturn('i18n:de-routePath');
- $this->propertyEncoder->localizedContentName('routePathName', 'de')->willReturn('i18n:de-routePathName');
- $children = [
- $this->prophesize(RoutablePageBehavior::class),
- $this->prophesize(RoutablePageBehavior::class),
- $this->prophesize(RoutablePageBehavior::class),
- ];
- foreach ($children as $child) {
- $child->getStructureType()->willReturn('default');
- $this->documentInspector->getLocale($child)->willReturn('de');
- }
- $parentDocument->getChildren()
- ->willReturn([$children[0]->reveal(), $children[1]->reveal(), $children[2]->reveal()]);
- $nodes = [
- $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class),
- $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class),
- $this->prophesize(NodeInterface::class),
- ];
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($children[0]->reveal())->willReturn($nodes[0]->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($children[1]->reveal())->willReturn($nodes[1]->reveal());
- $this->documentInspector->getNode($children[2]->reveal())->willReturn($nodes[2]->reveal());
- $routes = [
- $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class),
- $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class),
- $this->prophesize(RouteInterface::class),
- ];
- $routes[0]->getPath()->willReturn('/test-1');
- $routes[1]->getPath()->willReturn('/test-2');
- $routes[2]->getPath()->willReturn('/test-3');
- $this->chainGenerator->generate($children[0]->reveal())->willReturn($routes[0]->reveal());
- $this->chainGenerator->generate($children[1]->reveal())->willReturn($routes[1]->reveal());
- $this->chainGenerator->generate($children[2]->reveal())->willReturn($routes[2]->reveal());
- $children[0]->setRoutePath('/test-1')->shouldBeCalled();
- $children[1]->setRoutePath('/test-2')->shouldBeCalled();
- $children[2]->setRoutePath('/test-3')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[0]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePath', '/test-1')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[0]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePathName', 'i18n:de-routePath')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[1]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePath', '/test-2')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[1]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePathName', 'i18n:de-routePath')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[2]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePath', '/test-3')->shouldBeCalled();
- $nodes[2]->setProperty('i18n:de-routePathName', 'i18n:de-routePath')->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->routableSubscriber->handleReorder($event->reveal());
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Domain/Model/ArticleDimensionContentTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Domain/Model/ArticleDimensionContentTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index cd43708d1..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Domain/Model/ArticleDimensionContentTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- */
- private $article;
- protected function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->article = $this->prophesize(ArticleInterface::class);
- }
- public function testGetResource(): void
- {
- $articleDimensionContent = $this->createArticlDimensionContent();
- $this->assertSame($this->article->reveal(), $articleDimensionContent->getResource());
- }
- public function testTitleTemplateData(): void
- {
- $articleDimensionContent = $this->createArticlDimensionContent();
- $articleDimensionContent->setTemplateData(['title' => 'My Title']);
- $this->assertSame('My Title', $articleDimensionContent->getTitle());
- }
- public function testTemplateData(): void
- {
- $articleDimensionContent = $this->createArticlDimensionContent();
- $articleDimensionContent->setTemplateData(['title' => 'My Title', 'description' => 'My Description']);
- $this->assertSame(
- [
- 'title' => 'My Title',
- 'description' => 'My Description',
- ],
- $articleDimensionContent->getTemplateData()
- );
- }
- public function testGetTemplateType(): void
- {
- $this->assertSame(
- // use string instead of constant to test regression which maybe need migrations
- 'article',
- ArticleDimensionContent::getTemplateType()
- );
- }
- public function testGetResourceKey(): void
- {
- $this->assertSame(
- // use string instead of constant to test regression which maybe need migrations
- 'articles',
- ArticleDimensionContent::getResourceKey()
- );
- }
- private function createArticlDimensionContent(): ArticleDimensionContentInterface
- {
- return new ArticleDimensionContent(
- $this->article->reveal()
- );
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Domain/Model/ArticleTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Domain/Model/ArticleTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bc2bb7730..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Domain/Model/ArticleTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- $this->assertNotNull($article->getId());
- }
- public function testGetIdCustom()
- {
- $article = $this->createArticle(['id' => '9dd3f8c6-f000-4a37-a780-fe8c3128526d']);
- $this->assertSame('9dd3f8c6-f000-4a37-a780-fe8c3128526d', $article->getId());
- }
- private function createArticle(array $data = []): ArticleInterface
- {
- return new Article(
- $data['id'] ?? null
- );
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Factory/ArticleResourceItemFactoryTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Factory/ArticleResourceItemFactoryTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c76ab46a1..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Factory/ArticleResourceItemFactoryTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- $articleViewDocument = $this->getArticleViewDocument($articleDocument);
- $documentManager = $this->prophesize(DocumentManager::class);
- $proxyFactory = $this->prophesize(LazyLoadingValueHolderFactory::class);
- $articleResourceItemFactory = new ArticleResourceItemFactory(
- $documentManager->reveal(),
- $proxyFactory->reveal()
- );
- $proxyFactory->createProxy(Argument::cetera())
- ->willReturn(
- $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class)->willImplement(VirtualProxyInterface::class)->reveal()
- );
- $result = $articleResourceItemFactory->createResourceItem($articleViewDocument);
- $this->assertInstanceOf(VirtualProxyInterface::class, $result->getResource());
- $this->assertInstanceOf(ArticleDocument::class, $result->getResource());
- $this->assertInstanceOf(ArticleResourceItem::class, $result);
- $this->assertEquals($result->getUuid(), $articleDocument->getUuid());
- }
- /**
- * @return ArticleDocument
- */
- private function getArticleDocument()
- {
- $articleDocument = new ArticleDocument();
- $articleDocument->setUuid('123-123-123');
- $articleDocument->setLocale('de');
- return $articleDocument;
- }
- /**
- * @return ArticleViewDocument
- */
- private function getArticleViewDocument(ArticleDocument $articleDocument)
- {
- $articleViewDocument = new ArticleViewDocument($articleDocument->getUuid());
- $articleViewDocument->setLocale($articleDocument->getLocale());
- return $articleViewDocument;
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Admin/ArticleAdminTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Admin/ArticleAdminTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0000c20b3..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Admin/ArticleAdminTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
- */
- private $contentViewBuilderFactory;
- /**
- * @var ObjectProphecy
- */
- private $securityChecker;
- /**
- * @var ObjectProphecy
- */
- private $localizationManager;
- /**
- * @var ArticleAdmin
- */
- private $articleAdmin;
- protected function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->viewBuilderFactory = new ViewBuilderFactory();
- $this->contentViewBuilderFactory = $this->prophesize(ContentViewBuilderFactoryInterface::class);
- $this->securityChecker = $this->prophesize(SecurityCheckerInterface::class);
- $this->localizationManager = $this->prophesize(LocalizationManagerInterface::class);
- $this->articleAdmin = new ArticleAdmin(
- $this->viewBuilderFactory,
- $this->contentViewBuilderFactory->reveal(),
- $this->securityChecker->reveal(),
- $this->localizationManager->reveal()
- );
- }
- public function testConfigureViews(): void
- {
- $viewCollection = $this->prophesize(ViewCollection::class);
- $this->securityChecker->hasPermission(ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT, Argument::any())
- ->shouldBeCalled()
- ->willReturn(true);
- $this->localizationManager->getLocales()
- ->shouldBeCalled()
- ->willReturn(['de', 'en']);
- $contentView = $this->prophesize(ViewBuilderInterface::class);
- $this->contentViewBuilderFactory->createViews(
- ArticleInterface::class,
- ArticleAdmin::EDIT_TABS_VIEW,
- ArticleAdmin::ADD_TABS_VIEW,
- )
- ->shouldBeCalled()
- ->willReturn([$contentView->reveal()]);
- $viewCollection->add(Argument::any())
- ->shouldBeCalled(4);
- $this->articleAdmin->configureViews($viewCollection->reveal());
- }
- public function testConfigureNavigationItems(): void
- {
- $navigationItemCollection = $this->prophesize(NavigationItemCollection::class);
- $navigationItemCollection->add(Argument::any())
- ->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->securityChecker->hasPermission(ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT, PermissionTypes::EDIT)
- ->shouldBeCalled()
- ->willReturn(true);
- $this->articleAdmin->configureNavigationItems($navigationItemCollection->reveal());
- }
- public function testConfigureNavigationItemsNoPermissions(): void
- {
- $navigationItemCollection = $this->prophesize(NavigationItemCollection::class);
- $navigationItemCollection->add(Argument::any())
- ->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->securityChecker->hasPermission(ArticleAdmin::SECURITY_CONTEXT, PermissionTypes::EDIT)
- ->shouldBeCalled()
- ->willReturn(false);
- $this->articleAdmin->configureNavigationItems($navigationItemCollection->reveal());
- }
- public function testGetSecurityContexts(): void
- {
- $this->assertSame(
- [
- 'Sulu' => [
- 'Global' => [
- // using not the ArticleAdmin constant here to test regression which would need a migration
- 'sulu.article.articles' => [
- PermissionTypes::VIEW,
- PermissionTypes::ADD,
- PermissionTypes::EDIT,
- PermissionTypes::DELETE,
- PermissionTypes::LIVE,
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- $this->articleAdmin->getSecurityContexts()
- );
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/ContentTypeResolver/ArticleSelectionResolverTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/ContentTypeResolver/ArticleSelectionResolverTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd10e62f..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/ContentTypeResolver/ArticleSelectionResolverTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-structureResolver = $this->prophesize(StructureResolverInterface::class);
- $this->contentQueryBuilder = $this->prophesize(ContentQueryBuilderInterface::class);
- $this->contentMapper = $this->prophesize(ContentMapperInterface::class);
- $this->articleSelectionResolver = new ArticleSelectionResolver(
- $this->structureResolver->reveal(),
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->reveal(),
- $this->contentMapper->reveal(),
- true
- );
- }
- public function testGetContentType(): void
- {
- self::assertSame('article_selection', $this->articleSelectionResolver::getContentType());
- }
- public function testResolve(): void
- {
- $structure = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $structure->getWebspaceKey()->willReturn('webspace-key');
- /** @var PropertyInterface|ObjectProphecy $property */
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- $params = [
- 'properties' => new PropertyParameter('properties', [
- new PropertyParameter('contentDescription', 'description'),
- new PropertyParameter('excerptTitle', 'excerpt.title'),
- new PropertyParameter('categories', 'excerpt.categories'),
- ]),
- ];
- $property->getParams()->willReturn($params);
- $property->getStructure()->willReturn($structure->reveal());
- // expected and unexpected service calls
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->init([
- 'ids' => ['article-id-1', 'article-id-2'],
- 'properties' => $params['properties']->getValue(),
- 'published' => false,
- ])->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->build('webspace-key', ['en'])->willReturn(['article-query-string']);
- $articleStructure1 = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $articleStructure1->getUuid()->willReturn('article-id-1');
- $articleStructure2 = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $articleStructure2->getUuid()->willReturn('article-id-2');
- $this->contentMapper->loadBySql2(
- 'article-query-string',
- 'en',
- 'webspace-key'
- )->willReturn([
- $articleStructure2->reveal(),
- $articleStructure1->reveal(),
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties(
- $articleStructure1->reveal(),
- [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- 'contentDescription' => 'description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'excerpt.title',
- 'categories' => 'excerpt.categories',
- ],
- 'en'
- )->willReturn([
- 'id' => 'article-id-1',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 1',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-1',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 1',
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties(
- $articleStructure2->reveal(),
- [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- 'contentDescription' => 'description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'excerpt.title',
- 'categories' => 'excerpt.categories',
- ],
- 'en'
- )->willReturn([
- 'id' => 'article-id-2',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 2',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-2',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 2',
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- // call test function
- $result = $this->articleSelectionResolver->resolve(
- ['article-id-1', 'article-id-2'],
- $property->reveal(),
- 'en'
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf(ContentView::class, $result);
- $this->assertSame(
- [
- [
- 'id' => 'article-id-1',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 1',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-1',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 1',
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- ],
- [
- 'id' => 'article-id-2',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 2',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-2',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 2',
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- $result->getContent()
- );
- $this->assertSame(
- ['ids' => ['article-id-1', 'article-id-2']],
- $result->getView()
- );
- }
- public function testResolveDataIsNull(): void
- {
- $locale = 'en';
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- // expected and unexpected service calls
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->init(Argument::cetera())
- ->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->structureResolver->resolve(Argument::cetera())
- ->shouldNotBeCalled();
- // call test function
- $result = $this->articleSelectionResolver->resolve(null, $property->reveal(), $locale);
- $this->assertSame([], $result->getContent());
- $this->assertSame(['ids' => []], $result->getView());
- }
- public function testResolveDataIsEmptyArray(): void
- {
- $locale = 'en';
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- // expected and unexpected service calls
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->init(Argument::any())
- ->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->structureResolver->resolve(Argument::any())
- ->shouldNotBeCalled();
- // call test function
- $result = $this->articleSelectionResolver->resolve([], $property->reveal(), $locale);
- $this->assertSame([], $result->getContent());
- $this->assertSame(['ids' => []], $result->getView());
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/ContentTypeResolver/SingleArticleSelectionResolverTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/ContentTypeResolver/SingleArticleSelectionResolverTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 98589d240..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/ContentTypeResolver/SingleArticleSelectionResolverTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-articleSelectionResolver = $this->prophesize(ArticleSelectionResolver::class);
- $this->singleArticleSelectionResolver = new SingleArticleSelectionResolver(
- $this->articleSelectionResolver->reveal()
- );
- }
- public function testGetContentType(): void
- {
- self::assertSame('single_article_selection', $this->singleArticleSelectionResolver::getContentType());
- }
- public function testResolve(): void
- {
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- $this->articleSelectionResolver->resolve([1], $property, 'en', [])->willReturn(
- new ContentView(
- [
- [
- 'id' => '1',
- 'uuid' => '1',
- 'nodeType' => 1,
- 'path' => '/testarticle',
- 'changer' => 1,
- 'publishedState' => true,
- 'creator' => 1,
- 'title' => 'TestArticle',
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu',
- 'template' => 'headless',
- 'parent' => '1',
- 'author' => '2',
- ],
- ],
- [1]
- )
- );
- $result = $this->singleArticleSelectionResolver->resolve(1, $property->reveal(), 'en');
- $this->assertInstanceOf(ContentView::class, $result);
- $this->assertSame(
- [
- 'id' => '1',
- 'uuid' => '1',
- 'nodeType' => 1,
- 'path' => '/testarticle',
- 'changer' => 1,
- 'publishedState' => true,
- 'creator' => 1,
- 'title' => 'TestArticle',
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu',
- 'template' => 'headless',
- 'parent' => '1',
- 'author' => '2',
- ],
- $result->getContent()
- );
- $this->assertSame(
- [
- 'id' => 1,
- ],
- $result->getView()
- );
- }
- public function testResolveDataIsNull(): void
- {
- $locale = 'en';
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- $result = $this->singleArticleSelectionResolver->resolve(null, $property->reveal(), $locale);
- $this->assertNull($result->getContent());
- $this->assertSame(['id' => null], $result->getView());
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticleDataProviderResolverTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticleDataProviderResolverTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a2f35f0ea..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticleDataProviderResolverTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-articleDataProvider = $this->prophesize(DataProviderInterface::class);
- $this->structureResolver = $this->prophesize(StructureResolverInterface::class);
- $this->contentQueryBuilder = $this->prophesize(ContentQueryBuilderInterface::class);
- $this->contentMapper = $this->prophesize(ContentMapperInterface::class);
- $this->articleDataProviderResolver = new ArticleDataProviderResolver(
- $this->articleDataProvider->reveal(),
- $this->structureResolver->reveal(),
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->reveal(),
- $this->contentMapper->reveal(),
- true
- );
- }
- public function testGetDataProvider(): void
- {
- self::assertSame('articles', $this->articleDataProviderResolver::getDataProvider());
- }
- public function testGetProviderConfiguration(): void
- {
- $configuration = $this->prophesize(ProviderConfigurationInterface::class);
- $this->articleDataProvider->getConfiguration()->willReturn($configuration->reveal());
- $this->assertSame($configuration->reveal(), $this->articleDataProviderResolver->getProviderConfiguration());
- }
- public function testGetProviderDefaultParams(): void
- {
- $propertyParameter = $this->prophesize(PropertyParameter::class);
- $this->articleDataProvider->getDefaultPropertyParameter()->willReturn(['test' => $propertyParameter->reveal()]);
- $this->assertSame(['test' => $propertyParameter->reveal()], $this->articleDataProviderResolver->getProviderDefaultParams());
- }
- public function testResolve(): void
- {
- $providerResultItem1 = $this->prophesize(ResourceItemInterface::class);
- $providerResultItem1->getId()->willReturn('article-id-1');
- $providerResultItem2 = $this->prophesize(ResourceItemInterface::class);
- $providerResultItem2->getId()->willReturn('article-id-2');
- $providerResult = $this->prophesize(DataProviderResult::class);
- $providerResult->getHasNextPage()->willReturn(true);
- $providerResult->getItems()->willReturn([$providerResultItem1->reveal(), $providerResultItem2->reveal()]);
- $propertyParameters = [
- 'properties' => new PropertyParameter('properties', [
- new PropertyParameter('contentDescription', 'description'),
- new PropertyParameter('excerptTitle', 'excerpt.title'),
- ]),
- ];
- // expected and unexpected service calls
- $this->articleDataProvider->resolveResourceItems(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- )->willReturn($providerResult->reveal())->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->init([
- 'ids' => ['article-id-1', 'article-id-2'],
- 'properties' => $propertyParameters['properties']->getValue(),
- 'published' => false,
- ])->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->build('webspace-key', ['en'])->willReturn(['article-query-string']);
- $articleStructure1 = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $articleStructure1->getUuid()->willReturn('article-id-1');
- $articleStructure2 = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $articleStructure2->getUuid()->willReturn('article-id-2');
- $this->contentMapper->loadBySql2(
- 'article-query-string',
- 'en',
- 'webspace-key'
- )->willReturn([
- $articleStructure2->reveal(),
- $articleStructure1->reveal(),
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties(
- $articleStructure1->reveal(),
- [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- 'contentDescription' => 'description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'excerpt.title',
- ],
- 'en'
- )->willReturn([
- 'id' => 'article-id-1',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 1',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-1',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 1',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties(
- $articleStructure2->reveal(),
- [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- 'contentDescription' => 'description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'excerpt.title',
- ],
- 'en'
- )->willReturn([
- 'id' => 'article-id-2',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 2',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-2',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 2',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- // call test function
- $result = $this->articleDataProviderResolver->resolve(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- );
- $this->assertTrue($result->getHasNextPage());
- $this->assertSame(
- [
- [
- 'id' => 'article-id-1',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 1',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-1',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 1',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ],
- [
- 'id' => 'article-id-2',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 2',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-2',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 2',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- $result->getItems()
- );
- }
- public function testResolveEmptyProviderResult(): void
- {
- $providerResult = $this->prophesize(DataProviderResult::class);
- $providerResult->getHasNextPage()->willReturn(false);
- $providerResult->getItems()->willReturn([]);
- $propertyParameters = [
- 'properties' => new PropertyParameter('properties', [
- new PropertyParameter('contentDescription', 'description'),
- new PropertyParameter('excerptTitle', 'excerpt.title'),
- ]),
- ];
- // expected and unexpected service calls
- $this->articleDataProvider->resolveResourceItems(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- )->willReturn($providerResult->reveal())
- ->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- // call test function
- $result = $this->articleDataProviderResolver->resolve(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- );
- $this->assertFalse($result->getHasNextPage());
- $this->assertSame(
- [],
- $result->getItems()
- );
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticlePageTreeDataProviderResolverTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticlePageTreeDataProviderResolverTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 61f02f671..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/Sulu/Headless/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticlePageTreeDataProviderResolverTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-articleDataProvider = $this->prophesize(DataProviderInterface::class);
- $this->structureResolver = $this->prophesize(StructureResolverInterface::class);
- $this->contentQueryBuilder = $this->prophesize(ContentQueryBuilderInterface::class);
- $this->contentMapper = $this->prophesize(ContentMapperInterface::class);
- $this->articleDataProviderResolver = new ArticlePageTreeDataProviderResolver(
- $this->articleDataProvider->reveal(),
- $this->structureResolver->reveal(),
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->reveal(),
- $this->contentMapper->reveal(),
- true
- );
- }
- public function testGetDataProvider(): void
- {
- self::assertSame('articles_page_tree', $this->articleDataProviderResolver::getDataProvider());
- }
- public function testGetProviderConfiguration(): void
- {
- $configuration = $this->prophesize(ProviderConfigurationInterface::class);
- $this->articleDataProvider->getConfiguration()->willReturn($configuration->reveal());
- $this->assertSame($configuration->reveal(), $this->articleDataProviderResolver->getProviderConfiguration());
- }
- public function testGetProviderDefaultParams(): void
- {
- $propertyParameter = $this->prophesize(PropertyParameter::class);
- $this->articleDataProvider->getDefaultPropertyParameter()->willReturn(['test' => $propertyParameter->reveal()]);
- $this->assertSame(['test' => $propertyParameter->reveal()], $this->articleDataProviderResolver->getProviderDefaultParams());
- }
- public function testResolve(): void
- {
- $providerResultItem1 = $this->prophesize(ResourceItemInterface::class);
- $providerResultItem1->getId()->willReturn('article-id-1');
- $providerResultItem2 = $this->prophesize(ResourceItemInterface::class);
- $providerResultItem2->getId()->willReturn('article-id-2');
- $providerResult = $this->prophesize(DataProviderResult::class);
- $providerResult->getHasNextPage()->willReturn(true);
- $providerResult->getItems()->willReturn([$providerResultItem1->reveal(), $providerResultItem2->reveal()]);
- $propertyParameters = [
- 'properties' => new PropertyParameter('properties', [
- new PropertyParameter('contentDescription', 'description'),
- new PropertyParameter('excerptTitle', 'excerpt.title'),
- ]),
- ];
- // expected and unexpected service calls
- $this->articleDataProvider->resolveResourceItems(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- )->willReturn($providerResult->reveal())->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->init([
- 'ids' => ['article-id-1', 'article-id-2'],
- 'properties' => $propertyParameters['properties']->getValue(),
- 'published' => false,
- ])->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->build('webspace-key', ['en'])->willReturn(['article-query-string']);
- $articleStructure1 = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $articleStructure1->getUuid()->willReturn('article-id-1');
- $articleStructure2 = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $articleStructure2->getUuid()->willReturn('article-id-2');
- $this->contentMapper->loadBySql2(
- 'article-query-string',
- 'en',
- 'webspace-key'
- )->willReturn([
- $articleStructure2->reveal(),
- $articleStructure1->reveal(),
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties(
- $articleStructure1->reveal(),
- [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- 'contentDescription' => 'description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'excerpt.title',
- ],
- 'en'
- )->willReturn([
- 'id' => 'article-id-1',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 1',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-1',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 1',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties(
- $articleStructure2->reveal(),
- [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- 'contentDescription' => 'description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'excerpt.title',
- ],
- 'en'
- )->willReturn([
- 'id' => 'article-id-2',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 2',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-2',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 2',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- // call test function
- $result = $this->articleDataProviderResolver->resolve(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- );
- $this->assertTrue($result->getHasNextPage());
- $this->assertSame(
- [
- [
- 'id' => 'article-id-1',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 1',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-1',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 1',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ],
- [
- 'id' => 'article-id-2',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 2',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-2',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 2',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- $result->getItems()
- );
- }
- public function testResolveEmptyProviderResult(): void
- {
- $providerResult = $this->prophesize(DataProviderResult::class);
- $providerResult->getHasNextPage()->willReturn(false);
- $providerResult->getItems()->willReturn([]);
- $propertyParameters = [
- 'properties' => new PropertyParameter('properties', [
- new PropertyParameter('contentDescription', 'description'),
- new PropertyParameter('excerptTitle', 'excerpt.title'),
- ]),
- ];
- // expected and unexpected service calls
- $this->articleDataProvider->resolveResourceItems(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- )->willReturn($providerResult->reveal())
- ->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- // call test function
- $result = $this->articleDataProviderResolver->resolve(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- );
- $this->assertFalse($result->getHasNextPage());
- $this->assertSame(
- [],
- $result->getItems()
- );
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/ContentTypeResolver/ArticleSelectionResolverTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/ContentTypeResolver/ArticleSelectionResolverTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 800368730..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/ContentTypeResolver/ArticleSelectionResolverTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-structureResolver = $this->prophesize(StructureResolverInterface::class);
- $this->contentQueryBuilder = $this->prophesize(ContentQueryBuilderInterface::class);
- $this->contentMapper = $this->prophesize(ContentMapperInterface::class);
- $this->articleSelectionResolver = new ArticleSelectionResolver(
- $this->structureResolver->reveal(),
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->reveal(),
- $this->contentMapper->reveal(),
- true
- );
- }
- public function testGetContentType(): void
- {
- self::assertSame('article_selection', $this->articleSelectionResolver::getContentType());
- }
- public function testResolve(): void
- {
- $structure = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $structure->getWebspaceKey()->willReturn('webspace-key');
- /** @var PropertyInterface|ObjectProphecy $property */
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- $params = [
- 'properties' => new PropertyParameter('properties', [
- new PropertyParameter('contentDescription', 'description'),
- new PropertyParameter('excerptTitle', 'excerpt.title'),
- new PropertyParameter('categories', 'excerpt.categories'),
- ]),
- ];
- $property->getParams()->willReturn($params);
- $property->getStructure()->willReturn($structure->reveal());
- // expected and unexpected service calls
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->init([
- 'ids' => ['article-id-1', 'article-id-2'],
- 'properties' => $params['properties']->getValue(),
- 'published' => false,
- ])->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->build('webspace-key', ['en'])->willReturn(['article-query-string']);
- $articleStructure1 = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $articleStructure1->getUuid()->willReturn('article-id-1');
- $articleStructure2 = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $articleStructure2->getUuid()->willReturn('article-id-2');
- $this->contentMapper->loadBySql2(
- 'article-query-string',
- 'en',
- 'webspace-key'
- )->willReturn([
- $articleStructure2->reveal(),
- $articleStructure1->reveal(),
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties(
- $articleStructure1->reveal(),
- [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- 'contentDescription' => 'description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'excerpt.title',
- 'categories' => 'excerpt.categories',
- ],
- 'en'
- )->willReturn([
- 'id' => 'article-id-1',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 1',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-1',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 1',
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties(
- $articleStructure2->reveal(),
- [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- 'contentDescription' => 'description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'excerpt.title',
- 'categories' => 'excerpt.categories',
- ],
- 'en'
- )->willReturn([
- 'id' => 'article-id-2',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 2',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-2',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 2',
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- // call test function
- $result = $this->articleSelectionResolver->resolve(
- ['article-id-1', 'article-id-2'],
- $property->reveal(),
- 'en'
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf(ContentView::class, $result);
- $this->assertSame(
- [
- [
- 'id' => 'article-id-1',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 1',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-1',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 1',
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- ],
- [
- 'id' => 'article-id-2',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 2',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-2',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 2',
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- 'categories' => [],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- $result->getContent()
- );
- $this->assertSame(
- ['ids' => ['article-id-1', 'article-id-2']],
- $result->getView()
- );
- }
- public function testResolveDataIsNull(): void
- {
- $locale = 'en';
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- // expected and unexpected service calls
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->init(Argument::cetera())
- ->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->structureResolver->resolve(Argument::cetera())
- ->shouldNotBeCalled();
- // call test function
- $result = $this->articleSelectionResolver->resolve(null, $property->reveal(), $locale);
- $this->assertSame([], $result->getContent());
- $this->assertSame(['ids' => []], $result->getView());
- }
- public function testResolveDataIsEmptyArray(): void
- {
- $locale = 'en';
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- // expected and unexpected service calls
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->init(Argument::any())
- ->shouldNotBeCalled();
- $this->structureResolver->resolve(Argument::any())
- ->shouldNotBeCalled();
- // call test function
- $result = $this->articleSelectionResolver->resolve([], $property->reveal(), $locale);
- $this->assertSame([], $result->getContent());
- $this->assertSame(['ids' => []], $result->getView());
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/ContentTypeResolver/SingleArticleSelectionResolverTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/ContentTypeResolver/SingleArticleSelectionResolverTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 22610a4f9..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/ContentTypeResolver/SingleArticleSelectionResolverTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-articleSelectionResolver = $this->prophesize(ArticleSelectionResolver::class);
- $this->singleArticleSelectionResolver = new SingleArticleSelectionResolver(
- $this->articleSelectionResolver->reveal()
- );
- }
- public function testGetContentType(): void
- {
- self::assertSame('single_article_selection', $this->singleArticleSelectionResolver::getContentType());
- }
- public function testResolve(): void
- {
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- $this->articleSelectionResolver->resolve([1], $property, 'en', [])->willReturn(
- new ContentView(
- [
- [
- 'id' => '1',
- 'uuid' => '1',
- 'nodeType' => 1,
- 'path' => '/testarticle',
- 'changer' => 1,
- 'publishedState' => true,
- 'creator' => 1,
- 'title' => 'TestArticle',
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu',
- 'template' => 'headless',
- 'parent' => '1',
- 'author' => '2',
- ],
- ],
- [1]
- )
- );
- $result = $this->singleArticleSelectionResolver->resolve(1, $property->reveal(), 'en');
- $this->assertInstanceOf(ContentView::class, $result);
- $this->assertSame(
- [
- 'id' => '1',
- 'uuid' => '1',
- 'nodeType' => 1,
- 'path' => '/testarticle',
- 'changer' => 1,
- 'publishedState' => true,
- 'creator' => 1,
- 'title' => 'TestArticle',
- 'locale' => 'en',
- 'webspaceKey' => 'sulu',
- 'template' => 'headless',
- 'parent' => '1',
- 'author' => '2',
- ],
- $result->getContent()
- );
- $this->assertSame(
- [
- 'id' => 1,
- ],
- $result->getView()
- );
- }
- public function testResolveDataIsNull(): void
- {
- $locale = 'en';
- $property = $this->prophesize(PropertyInterface::class);
- $result = $this->singleArticleSelectionResolver->resolve(null, $property->reveal(), $locale);
- $this->assertNull($result->getContent());
- $this->assertSame(['id' => null], $result->getView());
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticleDataProviderResolverTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticleDataProviderResolverTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b5a287b1..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticleDataProviderResolverTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-articleDataProvider = $this->prophesize(DataProviderInterface::class);
- $this->structureResolver = $this->prophesize(StructureResolverInterface::class);
- $this->contentQueryBuilder = $this->prophesize(ContentQueryBuilderInterface::class);
- $this->contentMapper = $this->prophesize(ContentMapperInterface::class);
- $this->articleDataProviderResolver = new ArticleDataProviderResolver(
- $this->articleDataProvider->reveal(),
- $this->structureResolver->reveal(),
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->reveal(),
- $this->contentMapper->reveal(),
- true
- );
- }
- public function testGetDataProvider(): void
- {
- self::assertSame('articles', $this->articleDataProviderResolver::getDataProvider());
- }
- public function testGetProviderConfiguration(): void
- {
- $configuration = $this->prophesize(ProviderConfigurationInterface::class);
- $this->articleDataProvider->getConfiguration()->willReturn($configuration->reveal());
- $this->assertSame($configuration->reveal(), $this->articleDataProviderResolver->getProviderConfiguration());
- }
- public function testGetProviderDefaultParams(): void
- {
- $propertyParameter = $this->prophesize(PropertyParameter::class);
- $this->articleDataProvider->getDefaultPropertyParameter()->willReturn(['test' => $propertyParameter->reveal()]);
- $this->assertSame(['test' => $propertyParameter->reveal()], $this->articleDataProviderResolver->getProviderDefaultParams());
- }
- public function testResolve(): void
- {
- $providerResultItem1 = $this->prophesize(ResourceItemInterface::class);
- $providerResultItem1->getId()->willReturn('article-id-1');
- $providerResultItem2 = $this->prophesize(ResourceItemInterface::class);
- $providerResultItem2->getId()->willReturn('article-id-2');
- $providerResult = $this->prophesize(DataProviderResult::class);
- $providerResult->getHasNextPage()->willReturn(true);
- $providerResult->getItems()->willReturn([$providerResultItem1->reveal(), $providerResultItem2->reveal()]);
- $propertyParameters = [
- 'properties' => new PropertyParameter('properties', [
- new PropertyParameter('contentDescription', 'description'),
- new PropertyParameter('excerptTitle', 'excerpt.title'),
- ]),
- ];
- // expected and unexpected service calls
- $this->articleDataProvider->resolveResourceItems(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- )->willReturn($providerResult->reveal())->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->init([
- 'ids' => ['article-id-1', 'article-id-2'],
- 'properties' => $propertyParameters['properties']->getValue(),
- 'published' => false,
- ])->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->build('webspace-key', ['en'])->willReturn(['article-query-string']);
- $articleStructure1 = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $articleStructure1->getUuid()->willReturn('article-id-1');
- $articleStructure2 = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $articleStructure2->getUuid()->willReturn('article-id-2');
- $this->contentMapper->loadBySql2(
- 'article-query-string',
- 'en',
- 'webspace-key'
- )->willReturn([
- $articleStructure2->reveal(),
- $articleStructure1->reveal(),
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties(
- $articleStructure1->reveal(),
- [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- 'contentDescription' => 'description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'excerpt.title',
- ],
- 'en'
- )->willReturn([
- 'id' => 'article-id-1',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 1',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-1',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 1',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties(
- $articleStructure2->reveal(),
- [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- 'contentDescription' => 'description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'excerpt.title',
- ],
- 'en'
- )->willReturn([
- 'id' => 'article-id-2',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 2',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-2',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 2',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- // call test function
- $result = $this->articleDataProviderResolver->resolve(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- );
- $this->assertTrue($result->getHasNextPage());
- $this->assertSame(
- [
- [
- 'id' => 'article-id-1',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 1',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-1',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 1',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ],
- [
- 'id' => 'article-id-2',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 2',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-2',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 2',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- $result->getItems()
- );
- }
- public function testResolveEmptyProviderResult(): void
- {
- $providerResult = $this->prophesize(DataProviderResult::class);
- $providerResult->getHasNextPage()->willReturn(false);
- $providerResult->getItems()->willReturn([]);
- $propertyParameters = [
- 'properties' => new PropertyParameter('properties', [
- new PropertyParameter('contentDescription', 'description'),
- new PropertyParameter('excerptTitle', 'excerpt.title'),
- ]),
- ];
- // expected and unexpected service calls
- $this->articleDataProvider->resolveResourceItems(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- )->willReturn($providerResult->reveal())
- ->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- // call test function
- $result = $this->articleDataProviderResolver->resolve(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- );
- $this->assertFalse($result->getHasNextPage());
- $this->assertSame(
- [],
- $result->getItems()
- );
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticlePageTreeDataProviderResolverTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticlePageTreeDataProviderResolverTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e75068c98..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Infrastructure/SuluHeadlessBundle/Content/DataProviderResolver/ArticlePageTreeDataProviderResolverTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-articleDataProvider = $this->prophesize(DataProviderInterface::class);
- $this->structureResolver = $this->prophesize(StructureResolverInterface::class);
- $this->contentQueryBuilder = $this->prophesize(ContentQueryBuilderInterface::class);
- $this->contentMapper = $this->prophesize(ContentMapperInterface::class);
- $this->articleDataProviderResolver = new ArticlePageTreeDataProviderResolver(
- $this->articleDataProvider->reveal(),
- $this->structureResolver->reveal(),
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->reveal(),
- $this->contentMapper->reveal(),
- true
- );
- }
- public function testGetDataProvider(): void
- {
- self::assertSame('articles_page_tree', $this->articleDataProviderResolver::getDataProvider());
- }
- public function testGetProviderConfiguration(): void
- {
- $configuration = $this->prophesize(ProviderConfigurationInterface::class);
- $this->articleDataProvider->getConfiguration()->willReturn($configuration->reveal());
- $this->assertSame($configuration->reveal(), $this->articleDataProviderResolver->getProviderConfiguration());
- }
- public function testGetProviderDefaultParams(): void
- {
- $propertyParameter = $this->prophesize(PropertyParameter::class);
- $this->articleDataProvider->getDefaultPropertyParameter()->willReturn(['test' => $propertyParameter->reveal()]);
- $this->assertSame(['test' => $propertyParameter->reveal()], $this->articleDataProviderResolver->getProviderDefaultParams());
- }
- public function testResolve(): void
- {
- $providerResultItem1 = $this->prophesize(ResourceItemInterface::class);
- $providerResultItem1->getId()->willReturn('article-id-1');
- $providerResultItem2 = $this->prophesize(ResourceItemInterface::class);
- $providerResultItem2->getId()->willReturn('article-id-2');
- $providerResult = $this->prophesize(DataProviderResult::class);
- $providerResult->getHasNextPage()->willReturn(true);
- $providerResult->getItems()->willReturn([$providerResultItem1->reveal(), $providerResultItem2->reveal()]);
- $propertyParameters = [
- 'properties' => new PropertyParameter('properties', [
- new PropertyParameter('contentDescription', 'description'),
- new PropertyParameter('excerptTitle', 'excerpt.title'),
- ]),
- ];
- // expected and unexpected service calls
- $this->articleDataProvider->resolveResourceItems(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- )->willReturn($providerResult->reveal())->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->init([
- 'ids' => ['article-id-1', 'article-id-2'],
- 'properties' => $propertyParameters['properties']->getValue(),
- 'published' => false,
- ])->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->contentQueryBuilder->build('webspace-key', ['en'])->willReturn(['article-query-string']);
- $articleStructure1 = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $articleStructure1->getUuid()->willReturn('article-id-1');
- $articleStructure2 = $this->prophesize(StructureInterface::class);
- $articleStructure2->getUuid()->willReturn('article-id-2');
- $this->contentMapper->loadBySql2(
- 'article-query-string',
- 'en',
- 'webspace-key'
- )->willReturn([
- $articleStructure2->reveal(),
- $articleStructure1->reveal(),
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties(
- $articleStructure1->reveal(),
- [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- 'contentDescription' => 'description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'excerpt.title',
- ],
- 'en'
- )->willReturn([
- 'id' => 'article-id-1',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 1',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-1',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 1',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- $this->structureResolver->resolveProperties(
- $articleStructure2->reveal(),
- [
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'routePath' => 'routePath',
- 'contentDescription' => 'description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'excerpt.title',
- ],
- 'en'
- )->willReturn([
- 'id' => 'article-id-2',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 2',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-2',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 2',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ])->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- // call test function
- $result = $this->articleDataProviderResolver->resolve(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- );
- $this->assertTrue($result->getHasNextPage());
- $this->assertSame(
- [
- [
- 'id' => 'article-id-1',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 1',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-1',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 1',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ],
- [
- 'id' => 'article-id-2',
- 'template' => 'default',
- 'content' => [
- 'title' => 'Article Title 2',
- 'routePath' => '/article-url-2',
- 'contentDescription' => 'Article Content Description',
- 'excerptTitle' => 'Article Excerpt Title 2',
- ],
- 'view' => [
- 'title' => [],
- 'routePath' => [],
- 'contentDescription' => [],
- 'excerptTitle' => [],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- $result->getItems()
- );
- }
- public function testResolveEmptyProviderResult(): void
- {
- $providerResult = $this->prophesize(DataProviderResult::class);
- $providerResult->getHasNextPage()->willReturn(false);
- $providerResult->getItems()->willReturn([]);
- $propertyParameters = [
- 'properties' => new PropertyParameter('properties', [
- new PropertyParameter('contentDescription', 'description'),
- new PropertyParameter('excerptTitle', 'excerpt.title'),
- ]),
- ];
- // expected and unexpected service calls
- $this->articleDataProvider->resolveResourceItems(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- )->willReturn($providerResult->reveal())
- ->shouldBeCalledOnce();
- // call test function
- $result = $this->articleDataProviderResolver->resolve(
- ['filter-key' => 'filter-value'],
- $propertyParameters,
- ['webspaceKey' => 'webspace-key', 'locale' => 'en'],
- 10,
- 1,
- 5
- );
- $this->assertFalse($result->getHasNextPage());
- $this->assertSame(
- [],
- $result->getItems()
- );
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/ListBuilder/ElasticSearchFieldDescriptorBuilderTest.php b/Tests/Unit/ListBuilder/ElasticSearchFieldDescriptorBuilderTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 67636e883..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/ListBuilder/ElasticSearchFieldDescriptorBuilderTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- $this->assertInstanceOf(ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::class, $fieldDescriptor);
- $this->assertEquals('title', $fieldDescriptor->getName());
- $this->assertEquals('public.title', $fieldDescriptor->getTranslation());
- $this->assertFalse($fieldDescriptor->getSortable());
- $this->assertFalse($fieldDescriptor->getDisabled());
- $this->assertFalse($fieldDescriptor->getDefault());
- $this->assertEquals('string', $fieldDescriptor->getType());
- }
- public function testConstructor()
- {
- $builder = new ElasticSearchFieldDescriptorBuilder('title', 'public.title');
- $fieldDescriptor = $builder->build();
- $this->assertInstanceOf(ElasticSearchFieldDescriptor::class, $fieldDescriptor);
- $this->assertEquals('title', $fieldDescriptor->getName());
- $this->assertEquals('public.title', $fieldDescriptor->getTranslation());
- }
- public function testSetVisibility()
- {
- $builder = new ElasticSearchFieldDescriptorBuilder('title', 'public.title');
- $builder->setVisibility(FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_ALWAYS);
- $fieldDescriptor = $builder->build();
- $this->assertSame(FieldDescriptorInterface::VISIBILITY_ALWAYS, $fieldDescriptor->getVisibility());
- }
- public function testSetSortField()
- {
- $builder = new ElasticSearchFieldDescriptorBuilder('title', 'public.title');
- $builder->setSortField('title.raw');
- $fieldDescriptor = $builder->build();
- $this->assertEquals('title.raw', $fieldDescriptor->getSortField());
- $this->assertTrue($fieldDescriptor->getSortable());
- }
- public function testSetType()
- {
- $builder = new ElasticSearchFieldDescriptorBuilder('title', 'public.title');
- $builder->setType('boolean');
- $fieldDescriptor = $builder->build();
- $this->assertEquals('boolean', $fieldDescriptor->getType());
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Preview/ArticleObjectProviderTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Preview/ArticleObjectProviderTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ed285347..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Preview/ArticleObjectProviderTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-documentManager = $this->prophesize(DocumentManagerInterface::class);
- $this->serializer = $this->prophesize(SerializerInterface::class);
- $this->structureMetadataFactory = $this->prophesize(StructureMetadataFactoryInterface::class);
- $this->provider = new ArticleObjectProvider(
- $this->documentManager->reveal(),
- $this->serializer->reveal(),
- ArticleDocument::class,
- $this->structureMetadataFactory->reveal()
- );
- }
- public function testGetObject($id = '123-123-123', $locale = 'de')
- {
- $this->documentManager->find($id, $locale, Argument::any())
- ->willReturn($this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class)->reveal())->shouldBeCalledTimes(1);
- $this->assertInstanceOf(ArticleDocument::class, $this->provider->getObject($id, $locale));
- }
- public function testGetId($id = '123-123-123')
- {
- $object = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $object->getUuid()->willReturn($id);
- $this->assertEquals($id, $this->provider->getId($object->reveal()));
- }
- public function testSetValues($locale = 'de', $data = ['title' => 'SULU'])
- {
- $structure = new Structure();
- $object = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $object->getStructure()->willReturn($structure);
- $this->provider->setValues($object->reveal(), $locale, $data);
- $this->assertEquals('SULU', $structure->getProperty('title')->getValue());
- }
- public function testSetExtensionValues(string $locale = 'de', array $data = ['title' => 'SULU', 'ext' => ['key' => 'value']]): void
- {
- $structure = new Structure();
- $object = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $object->setExtensionsData(
- Argument::that(
- function($extensionContainer) {
- $this->assertEquals(['key' => 'value'], $extensionContainer->toArray());
- return true;
- }
- )
- )->shouldBeCalled();
- $object->getStructure()->willReturn($structure);
- $this->provider->setValues($object->reveal(), $locale, $data);
- $this->assertEquals('SULU', $structure->getProperty('title')->getValue());
- }
- public function testSetContext($locale = 'de', $context = ['template' => 'test-template'])
- {
- $object = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $object->setStructureType('test-template')->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->assertEquals($object->reveal(), $this->provider->setContext($object->reveal(), $locale, $context));
- }
- public function testSerialize()
- {
- $object = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $object->getPageNumber()->willReturn(1);
- $this->serializer->serialize(
- $object->reveal(),
- 'json',
- Argument::that(
- function(SerializationContext $context) {
- return $context->shouldSerializeNull()
- && $context->getAttribute('groups') === ['preview'];
- }
- )
- )->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn('{"title": "test"}');
- $this->assertEquals(
- '{"pageNumber":1,"object":"{\"title\": \"test\"}"}',
- $this->provider->serialize($object->reveal())
- );
- }
- public function testSerializePage()
- {
- $article = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $article->getPageNumber()->willReturn(1);
- $article->getTitle()->willReturn('page 1');
- $object = $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class);
- $object->getPageNumber()->willReturn(2);
- $object->getTitle()->willReturn('page 2');
- $object->getParent()->willReturn($article->reveal());
- $this->serializer->serialize(
- $article->reveal(),
- 'json',
- Argument::that(
- function(SerializationContext $context) {
- return $context->shouldSerializeNull()
- && $context->getAttribute('groups') === ['preview'];
- }
- )
- )->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn('{"title": "test"}');
- $this->assertEquals(
- '{"pageNumber":2,"object":"{\"title\": \"test\"}"}',
- $this->provider->serialize($object->reveal())
- );
- }
- public function testDeserialize()
- {
- $object = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $this->serializer->deserialize(
- '{"title": "test"}',
- ArticleDocument::class,
- 'json',
- Argument::that(
- function(DeserializationContext $context) {
- return $context->getAttribute('groups') === ['preview'];
- }
- )
- )->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn($object->reveal());
- $object->getChildren()->willReturn([]);
- $this->assertEquals(
- $object->reveal(),
- $this->provider->deserialize(
- '{"pageNumber":1,"object":"{\"title\": \"test\"}"}',
- \get_class($object->reveal())
- )
- );
- }
- public function testDeserializePage()
- {
- $article = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $object = $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class);
- $page2 = $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class);
- $this->serializer->deserialize(
- '{"title": "test"}',
- ArticleDocument::class,
- 'json',
- Argument::that(
- function(DeserializationContext $context) {
- return $context->getAttribute('groups') === ['preview'];
- }
- )
- )->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn($article->reveal());
- $article->getChildren()->willReturn(['page-1' => $object->reveal(), 'page-2' => $page2->reveal()]);
- $object->setParent($article->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $page2->setParent($article->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->assertEquals(
- $object->reveal(),
- $this->provider->deserialize(
- '{"pageNumber":2,"object":"{\"title\": \"test\"}"}',
- \get_class($object->reveal())
- )
- );
- }
- public function testGetSecurityContext(): void
- {
- $metadata = $this->prophesize(StructureMetadata::class);
- $metadata->hasTag(ArticleAdmin::STRUCTURE_TAG_TYPE)->willReturn(true);
- $metadata->getTag(ArticleAdmin::STRUCTURE_TAG_TYPE)->willReturn([
- 'attributes' => ['type' => 'test-type'],
- ]);
- $this->structureMetadataFactory->getStructureMetadata('article', 'default')->willReturn($metadata->reveal());
- $object = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $object->getStructureType()->willReturn('default');
- $this->documentManager->find('123-123-213', 'en', Argument::any())
- ->willReturn($object->reveal());
- $this->assertSame(
- ArticleAdmin::getArticleSecurityContext('test-type'),
- $this->provider->getSecurityContext('123-123-213', 'en')
- );
- }
- public function testGetSecurityContextNoMetadata(): void
- {
- $this->structureMetadataFactory->getStructureMetadata('article', 'default')->willReturn(null);
- $object = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $object->getStructureType()->willReturn('default');
- $this->documentManager->find('123-123-213', 'en', Argument::any())
- ->willReturn($object->reveal());
- $this->assertSame(
- $this->provider->getSecurityContext('123-123-213', 'en')
- );
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Repository/ArticleViewDocumentRepositoryTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Repository/ArticleViewDocumentRepositoryTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 84def7ddb..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Repository/ArticleViewDocumentRepositoryTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-search = $this->prophesize(Search::class);
- $this->repository = $this->prophesize(Repository::class);
- $this->repository->createSearch()->willReturn(new Search());
- $this->searchManager = $this->prophesize(Manager::class);
- $this->searchManager->getRepository(ArticleViewDocument::class)->willReturn($this->repository->reveal());
- $this->articleViewDocumentRepository = new ArticleViewDocumentRepository(
- $this->searchManager->reveal(),
- ArticleViewDocument::class,
- ['title', 'teaser_description']
- );
- }
- public function dataProvider()
- {
- return [
- [],
- ['123-123-123', ['blog', 'article']],
- ['321-321-321', ['blog'], 'en', 10],
- ['444-444-444', ['blog'], 'en', 10, 'test_webspace'],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider dataProvider
- *
- * @param string $uuid
- * @param string $locale
- * @param int $limit
- * @param string $webspaceKey
- */
- public function testFindSimilar(
- $uuid = '123-123-123',
- array $types = ['blog'],
- $locale = 'de',
- $limit = 12,
- $webspaceKey = null
- ) {
- $termQuery = [];
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- $termQuery[] = [
- 'term' => ['type' => $type],
- ];
- }
- $mustQuery = [];
- $mustQuery[] = [
- 'bool' => [
- 'should' => $termQuery,
- ],
- ];
- if ($webspaceKey) {
- $mustQuery[] = [
- 'bool' => [
- 'should' => [
- [
- 'term' => ['main_webspace' => $webspaceKey],
- ],
- [
- 'term' => ['additional_webspaces' => $webspaceKey],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ];
- }
- $mustQuery[] = [
- 'more_like_this' => [
- 'like' => [
- [
- '_id' => $uuid . '-' . $locale,
- ],
- ],
- 'fields' => ['title', 'teaser_description'],
- 'min_term_freq' => 1,
- 'min_doc_freq' => 2,
- ],
- ];
- $expectedSearch = [
- 'bool' => [
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'term' => ['locale' => $locale],
- ],
- ],
- 'must' => $mustQuery,
- ],
- ];
- $documentIterator = $this->prophesize(DocumentIterator::class);
- $this->repository->findDocuments(Argument::that(function(Search $search) use ($expectedSearch, $limit) {
- $this->assertEquals($expectedSearch, $search->getQueries()->toArray());
- $this->assertEquals($limit, $search->getSize());
- $this->assertCount(0, $search->getSorts());
- return true;
- }))->willReturn($documentIterator->reveal());
- $this->assertSame(
- $documentIterator->reveal(),
- $this->articleViewDocumentRepository->findSimilar($uuid, $limit, $types, $locale, $webspaceKey)
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider dataProvider
- *
- * @param string $excludeUuid
- * @param string $locale
- * @param int $limit
- * @param string $webspaceKey
- */
- public function testFindRecent(
- $excludeUuid = '123-123-123',
- array $types = ['blog'],
- $locale = 'de',
- $limit = 12,
- $webspaceKey = null
- ) {
- $termQuery = [];
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- $termQuery[] = [
- 'term' => ['type' => $type],
- ];
- }
- $expectedSearch = [
- 'bool' => [
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'term' => ['locale' => $locale],
- ],
- ],
- 'must' => [
- [
- 'bool' => [
- 'should' => $termQuery,
- ],
- ],
- ],
- 'must_not' => [
- [
- 'term' => [
- 'uuid' => $excludeUuid,
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ];
- if ($webspaceKey) {
- $expectedSearch['bool']['must'][] = [
- 'bool' => [
- 'should' => [
- [
- 'term' => ['main_webspace' => $webspaceKey],
- ],
- [
- 'term' => ['additional_webspaces' => $webspaceKey],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ];
- }
- $documentIterator = $this->prophesize(DocumentIterator::class);
- $this->repository->findDocuments(Argument::that(function(Search $search) use ($expectedSearch, $limit) {
- $this->assertEquals($expectedSearch, $search->getQueries()->toArray());
- $this->assertEquals($limit, $search->getSize());
- $this->assertCount(1, $search->getSorts());
- $this->assertEquals(new FieldSort('authored', FieldSort::DESC), \current($search->getSorts()));
- return true;
- }))->willReturn($documentIterator->reveal());
- $this->assertSame(
- $documentIterator->reveal(),
- $this->articleViewDocumentRepository->findRecent($excludeUuid, $limit, $types, $locale, $webspaceKey)
- );
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticlePageRouteGeneratorTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticlePageRouteGeneratorTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index cab98f5bd..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticlePageRouteGeneratorTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-routeGenerator = $this->prophesize(RouteGeneratorInterface::class);
- $this->tokenProvider = $this->prophesize(TokenProviderInterface::class);
- $this->articleRouteGenerator = new ArticlePageRouteGenerator(
- $this->routeGenerator->reveal(),
- $this->tokenProvider->reveal()
- );
- }
- public function testGenerate()
- {
- $entity = $this->prophesize(\stdClass::class);
- $parent = '/{object.getParentPath()}';
- $this->tokenProvider->provide($entity->reveal(), 'object.getParentPath()')->willReturn('parent');
- $this->routeGenerator->generate($entity->reveal(), ['route_schema' => '/parent' . $this->routeSchema])
- ->shouldBeCalled()
- ->willReturn('/parent/page-2');
- $result = $this->articleRouteGenerator->generate(
- $entity->reveal(),
- ['parent' => $parent, 'route_schema' => $this->routeSchema]
- );
- $this->assertEquals('/parent/page-2', $result);
- }
- public function testGetOptionsResolver()
- {
- $this->assertInstanceOf(OptionsResolver::class, $this->articleRouteGenerator->getOptionsResolver([]));
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteDefaultProviderTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteDefaultProviderTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f80e4a45b..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteDefaultProviderTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-documentManager = $this->prophesize(DocumentManagerInterface::class);
- $this->structureMetadataFactory = $this->prophesize(StructureMetadataFactoryInterface::class);
- $this->cacheLifetimeResolver = $this->prophesize(CacheLifetimeResolverInterface::class);
- $this->structureManager = $this->prophesize(StructureManagerInterface::class);
- $this->webspaceResolver = $this->prophesize(WebspaceResolver::class);
- $this->requestAnalyzer = $this->prophesize(RequestAnalyzer::class);
- $this->provider = new ArticleRouteDefaultProvider(
- $this->documentManager->reveal(),
- $this->structureMetadataFactory->reveal(),
- $this->cacheLifetimeResolver->reveal(),
- $this->structureManager->reveal(),
- $this->webspaceResolver->reveal(),
- $this->requestAnalyzer->reveal()
- );
- }
- public function publishedDataProvider()
- {
- $articleDocument = new ArticleDocument();
- $articleDocument->setWorkflowStage(WorkflowStage::TEST);
- $articleDocumentPublished = new ArticleDocument();
- $articleDocumentPublished->setWorkflowStage(WorkflowStage::PUBLISHED);
- $unknownDocument = new UnknownDocument();
- return [
- [$articleDocument, 'test', 'test', [], false],
- [$articleDocumentPublished, 'test', 'test', [], true],
- [$articleDocumentPublished, 'test', 'other_webspace', ['test', 'one_more_other_webspace'], true],
- [$unknownDocument, 'test', null, [], false],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider publishedDataProvider
- */
- public function testIsPublished(
- $document,
- $webspaceKey,
- $documentMainWebspace,
- $documentAdditionalWebspaces,
- $result
- ) {
- if ($document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- $this->webspaceResolver->resolveMainWebspace($document)->willReturn($documentMainWebspace);
- $this->webspaceResolver->resolveAdditionalWebspaces($document)->willReturn($documentAdditionalWebspaces);
- }
- $this->documentManager->find(
- $this->entityId,
- $this->locale,
- [
- 'load_ghost_content' => false,
- ]
- )->willReturn($document);
- $webspace = $this->prophesize(Webspace::class);
- $webspace->getKey()->willReturn($webspaceKey);
- $this->requestAnalyzer->getWebspace()->willReturn($webspace->reveal());
- $this->assertEquals($result, $this->provider->isPublished($this->entityClass, $this->entityId, $this->locale));
- }
- public function publishedDataProviderWithShadow()
- {
- $articleDocument = new ArticleDocument();
- $articleDocument->setWorkflowStage(WorkflowStage::TEST);
- $articleDocument->setShadowLocale('en');
- $articleDocument->setShadowLocaleEnabled(true);
- $baseDocument = new ArticleDocument();
- $baseDocument->setWorkflowStage(WorkflowStage::TEST);
- $baseDocumentPublished = new ArticleDocument();
- $baseDocumentPublished->setWorkflowStage(WorkflowStage::PUBLISHED);
- $unknownDocument = new UnknownDocument();
- return [
- [$articleDocument, $baseDocument, false],
- [$articleDocument, $baseDocumentPublished, true],
- [$articleDocument, $unknownDocument, false],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider publishedDataProviderWithShadow
- */
- public function testIsPublishedWithShadow(
- $document,
- $baseDocument,
- $result
- ) {
- $webspace = $this->prophesize(Webspace::class);
- $webspace->getKey()->willReturn('test');
- $this->requestAnalyzer->getWebspace()->willReturn($webspace->reveal());
- if ($document instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- $this->webspaceResolver->resolveMainWebspace($baseDocument)->willReturn('test');
- $this->webspaceResolver->resolveAdditionalWebspaces($baseDocument)->willReturn([]);
- }
- $this->documentManager->find(
- $this->entityId,
- $this->locale,
- [
- 'load_ghost_content' => false,
- ]
- )->willReturn($document);
- $this->documentManager->find(
- $this->entityId,
- 'en',
- [
- 'load_ghost_content' => false,
- ]
- )->willReturn($baseDocument);
- $webspace = $this->prophesize(Webspace::class);
- $webspace->getKey()->willReturn('test');
- $this->requestAnalyzer->getWebspace()->willReturn($webspace->reveal());
- $this->assertEquals($result, $this->provider->isPublished($this->entityClass, $this->entityId, $this->locale));
- }
- public function testGetByEntity()
- {
- $article = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $article->getStructureType()->willReturn('default');
- $article->getPageNumber()->willReturn(1);
- $structureMetadata = new StructureMetadata('default');
- $structureMetadata->setView('default.html.twig');
- $structureMetadata->setCacheLifetime(['type' => 'seconds', 'value' => 3600]);
- $structureMetadata->setController('Sulu\\Bundle\\ArticleBundle\\Controller\\WebsiteArticleController::indexAction');
- $this->documentManager->find($this->entityId, $this->locale)->willReturn($article->reveal());
- $this->structureMetadataFactory->getStructureMetadata('article', 'default')->willReturn($structureMetadata);
- $this->cacheLifetimeResolver->supports('seconds', 3600)->willReturn(true);
- $this->cacheLifetimeResolver->resolve('seconds', 3600)->willReturn(3600);
- $structure = $this->prophesize(ArticleBridge::class);
- $structure->setDocument($article->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->structureManager->wrapStructure('article', $structureMetadata)->willReturn($structure->reveal());
- $result = $this->provider->getByEntity($this->entityClass, $this->entityId, $this->locale);
- $this->assertEquals(
- [
- 'object' => $article->reveal(),
- 'structure' => $structure->reveal(),
- 'view' => 'default.html.twig',
- 'pageNumber' => 1,
- '_controller' => 'Sulu\\Bundle\\ArticleBundle\\Controller\\WebsiteArticleController::indexAction',
- '_cacheLifetime' => 3600,
- ],
- $result
- );
- }
- public function testGetByEntityArticlePage()
- {
- $articlePage = $this->prophesize(ArticlePageDocument::class);
- $articlePage->getPageNumber()->willReturn(2);
- $article = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $article->getStructureType()->willReturn('default');
- $article->getPageNumber()->willReturn(1);
- $articlePage->getParent()->willReturn($article->reveal());
- $structureMetadata = new StructureMetadata('default');
- $structureMetadata->setView('default.html.twig');
- $structureMetadata->setCacheLifetime(['type' => 'seconds', 'value' => 3600]);
- $structureMetadata->setController('Sulu\\Bundle\\ArticleBundle\\Controller\\WebsiteArticleController::indexAction');
- $this->documentManager->find($this->entityId, $this->locale)->willReturn($articlePage->reveal());
- $this->structureMetadataFactory->getStructureMetadata('article', 'default')->willReturn($structureMetadata);
- $this->cacheLifetimeResolver->supports('seconds', 3600)->willReturn(true);
- $this->cacheLifetimeResolver->resolve('seconds', 3600)->willReturn(3600);
- $structure = $this->prophesize(ArticleBridge::class);
- $structure->setDocument($article->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
- $this->structureManager->wrapStructure('article', $structureMetadata)->willReturn($structure->reveal());
- $result = $this->provider->getByEntity($this->entityClass, $this->entityId, $this->locale);
- $this->assertEquals(
- [
- 'object' => $article->reveal(),
- 'structure' => $structure->reveal(),
- 'view' => 'default.html.twig',
- 'pageNumber' => 2,
- '_controller' => 'Sulu\\Bundle\\ArticleBundle\\Controller\\WebsiteArticleController::indexAction',
- '_cacheLifetime' => 3600,
- ],
- $result
- );
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteEnhancerTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteEnhancerTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f5123d50b..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteEnhancerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-webspace = $this->prophesize(Webspace::class);
- $this->webspace->getKey()->willReturn('webspace_key');
- $this->requestAttributes = $this->prophesize(RequestAttributes::class);
- $this->requestAttributes->getAttribute('webspace')->willReturn($this->webspace->reveal());
- $this->request = $this->prophesize(Request::class);
- $this->request->get('_sulu')->willReturn($this->requestAttributes);
- $this->article = $this->prophesize(ArticleDocument::class);
- $this->article->getRoutePath()->willReturn('/route/path');
- $this->article->getLocale()->willReturn('locale');
- $this->defaults['object'] = $this->article->reveal();
- $this->webspaceManager = $this->prophesize(WebspaceManagerInterface::class);
- $this->webspaceManager->findUrlByResourceLocator(
- '/route/path',
- 'env_value',
- 'locale',
- 'main_webspace_key'
- )->willReturn('main-webspace/route/path');
- $this->webspaceResolver = $this->prophesize(WebspaceResolver::class);
- $this->webspaceResolver->resolveAdditionalWebspaces($this->article)->willReturn(['webspace_key']);
- $this->webspaceResolver->resolveMainWebspace($this->article)->willReturn('main_webspace_key');
- $this->articleRouteGenerator = new ArticleRouteEnhancer(
- $this->webspaceManager->reveal(),
- $this->webspaceResolver->reveal(),
- 'env_value'
- );
- }
- public function testEnhance()
- {
- $defaults = $this->articleRouteGenerator->enhance($this->defaults, $this->request->reveal());
- $this->assertArrayHasKey('_seo', $defaults);
- $this->assertTrue(\is_array($defaults['_seo']));
- $this->assertArrayHasKey('canonicalUrl', $defaults['_seo']);
- $this->assertEquals('main-webspace/route/path', $defaults['_seo']['canonicalUrl']);
- }
- public function testEnhanceInvalidOne()
- {
- $this->webspaceResolver->resolveAdditionalWebspaces($this->article)->willReturn(['another_webspace_key']);
- $defaults = $this->articleRouteGenerator->enhance($this->defaults, $this->request->reveal());
- $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('_seo', $defaults);
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByTemplateTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByTemplateTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ef3ad44c..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByTemplateTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- '/test1/{entity.getTitle()', 'test2' => '/test2/{entity.getTitle()'];
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->generatorBySchema = $this->prophesize(RouteGeneratorInterface::class);
- $this->generatorByTemplate = new ArticleRouteGeneratorByTemplate($this->generatorBySchema->reveal());
- }
- public function testGenerate()
- {
- $entity = $this->prophesize(StructureBehavior::class);
- $entity->getStructureType()->willReturn('test1');
- $this->generatorByTemplate->generate($entity->reveal(), $this->config);
- $this->generatorBySchema->generate($entity->reveal(), ['route_schema' => '/test1/{entity.getTitle()'])
- ->shouldBeCalled();
- }
- public function testGenerateNotConfigured()
- {
- $this->expectException(RouteSchemaNotFoundException::class);
- $entity = $this->prophesize(StructureBehavior::class);
- $entity->getStructureType()->willReturn('test3');
- $this->generatorByTemplate->generate($entity->reveal(), $this->config);
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByTypeTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByTypeTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 32b3b3c3b..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Routing/ArticleRouteGeneratorByTypeTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- '/test1/{entity.getTitle()', 'type2' => '/test2/{entity.getTitle()'];
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->generatorBySchema = $this->prophesize(RouteGeneratorInterface::class);
- $this->structureMetadataFactory = $this->prophesize(StructureMetadataFactoryInterface::class);
- $this->generatorByTemplate = new ArticleRouteGeneratorByType(
- $this->generatorBySchema->reveal(),
- $this->structureMetadataFactory->reveal()
- );
- }
- public function testGenerate()
- {
- $metadata = new StructureMetadata();
- $metadata->setTags([
- ['name' => 'sulu_article.type', 'attributes' => ['type' => 'type1']],
- ]);
- $this->structureMetadataFactory->getStructureMetadata('article', 'test1')->willReturn($metadata);
- $entity = $this->prophesize(StructureBehavior::class);
- $entity->getStructureType()->willReturn('test1');
- $this->generatorByTemplate->generate($entity->reveal(), $this->config);
- $this->generatorBySchema->generate($entity->reveal(), ['route_schema' => '/test1/{entity.getTitle()'])
- ->shouldBeCalled();
- }
- public function testGenerateNotConfigured()
- {
- $this->expectException(RouteSchemaNotFoundException::class);
- $metadata = new StructureMetadata();
- $metadata->setTags([
- ['name' => 'sulu_article.type', 'attributes' => ['type' => 'type3']],
- ]);
- $this->structureMetadataFactory->getStructureMetadata('article', 'test3')->willReturn($metadata);
- $entity = $this->prophesize(StructureBehavior::class);
- $entity->getStructureType()->willReturn('test3');
- $this->generatorByTemplate->generate($entity->reveal(), $this->config);
- }
diff --git a/Tests/Unit/Twig/ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtensionTest.php b/Tests/Unit/Twig/ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtensionTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ca2178d3b..000000000
--- a/Tests/Unit/Twig/ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtensionTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
- $articleViewDocuments = $this->getArticleViewDocuments($articleDocuments);
- $articleResourceItems = $this->getArticleResourceItems($articleDocuments, $articleViewDocuments);
- $documentIterator = $this->getDocumentIterator($articleViewDocuments);
- $metadataFactory = $this->getMetadataFactory();
- $articleViewDocumentRepository = $this->prophesize(ArticleViewDocumentRepository::class);
- $articleViewDocumentRepository->findSimilar(
- $articleDocuments[0]->getUuid(),
- 5,
- [
- $articleDocuments[0]->getStructureType(),
- ],
- $articleDocuments[0]->getLocale(),
- 'webspace_key'
- )->willReturn($documentIterator);
- $articleResourceItemFactory = $this->prophesize(ArticleResourceItemFactory::class);
- $articleResourceItemFactory->createResourceItem($articleViewDocuments[1])->willReturn($articleResourceItems[1]);
- $articleResourceItemFactory->createResourceItem($articleViewDocuments[2])->willReturn($articleResourceItems[2]);
- $webspace = $this->prophesize(Webspace::class);
- $webspace->getKey()->willReturn('webspace_key');
- $requestAttributes = $this->prophesize(RequestAttributes::class);
- $requestAttributes->getAttribute('webspace')->willReturn($webspace->reveal());
- $request = $this->prophesize(Request::class);
- $request->get('object')->willReturn($articleDocuments[0]);
- $request->getLocale()->willReturn('de');
- $request->get('_sulu')->willReturn($requestAttributes->reveal());
- $requestStack = $this->prophesize(RequestStack::class);
- $requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->willReturn($request->reveal());
- $referenceStore = $this->prophesize(ReferenceStore::class);
- $referenceStore->add($articleDocuments[1]->getUuid())->shouldBeCalled();
- $referenceStore->add($articleDocuments[2]->getUuid())->shouldBeCalled();
- $extension = new ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtension(
- $articleViewDocumentRepository->reveal(),
- $articleResourceItemFactory->reveal(),
- $referenceStore->reveal(),
- $metadataFactory->reveal(),
- $requestStack->reveal()
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- [
- $articleResourceItems[1],
- $articleResourceItems[2],
- ],
- $extension->loadSimilar()
- );
- }
- public function testFindRecent()
- {
- $articleDocuments = $this->getArticleDocuments();
- $articleViewDocuments = $this->getArticleViewDocuments($articleDocuments);
- $articleResourceItems = $this->getArticleResourceItems($articleDocuments, $articleViewDocuments);
- $documentIterator = $this->getDocumentIterator($articleViewDocuments);
- $metadataFactory = $this->getMetadataFactory();
- $articleViewDocumentRepository = $this->prophesize(ArticleViewDocumentRepository::class);
- $articleViewDocumentRepository->findRecent(
- $articleDocuments[0]->getUuid(),
- 5,
- [
- $articleDocuments[0]->getStructureType(),
- ],
- $articleDocuments[0]->getLocale(),
- 'webspace_key'
- )->willReturn($documentIterator);
- $articleResourceItemFactory = $this->prophesize(ArticleResourceItemFactory::class);
- $articleResourceItemFactory->createResourceItem($articleViewDocuments[1])->willReturn($articleResourceItems[1]);
- $articleResourceItemFactory->createResourceItem($articleViewDocuments[2])->willReturn($articleResourceItems[2]);
- $webspace = $this->prophesize(Webspace::class);
- $webspace->getKey()->willReturn('webspace_key');
- $requestAttributes = $this->prophesize(RequestAttributes::class);
- $requestAttributes->getAttribute('webspace')->willReturn($webspace->reveal());
- $request = $this->prophesize(Request::class);
- $request->get('object')->willReturn($articleDocuments[0]);
- $request->getLocale()->willReturn('de');
- $request->get('_sulu')->willReturn($requestAttributes->reveal());
- $requestStack = $this->prophesize(RequestStack::class);
- $requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->willReturn($request->reveal());
- $referenceStore = $this->prophesize(ReferenceStore::class);
- $referenceStore->add($articleDocuments[1]->getUuid())->shouldBeCalled();
- $referenceStore->add($articleDocuments[2]->getUuid())->shouldBeCalled();
- $extension = new ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtension(
- $articleViewDocumentRepository->reveal(),
- $articleResourceItemFactory->reveal(),
- $referenceStore->reveal(),
- $metadataFactory->reveal(),
- $requestStack->reveal()
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- [
- $articleResourceItems[1],
- $articleResourceItems[2],
- ],
- $extension->loadRecent()
- );
- }
- /**
- * @return MetadataFactory
- */
- private function getMetadataFactory()
- {
- $metadata = new StructureMetadata();
- $metadata->setTags([
- ['name' => 'sulu_article.type', 'attributes' => ['type' => 'blog']],
- ]);
- $metadataFactory = $this->prophesize(StructureMetadataFactory::class);
- $metadataFactory->getStructureMetadata('article', 'blog')->willReturn($metadata);
- return $metadataFactory;
- }
- /**
- * @return array
- */
- private function getArticleDocuments()
- {
- $ids = ['123-123-123', '321-321-321', '111-111-111'];
- return \array_map(
- function($id) {
- $articleDocument = new ArticleDocument();
- $articleDocument->setUuid($id);
- $articleDocument->setLocale('de');
- $articleDocument->setStructureType('blog');
- return $articleDocument;
- },
- \array_values($ids)
- );
- }
- /**
- * @return array
- */
- private function getArticleViewDocuments(array $articleDocuments)
- {
- return \array_map(
- function($articleDocument) {
- $articleViewDocument = new ArticleViewDocument($articleDocument->getUuid());
- $articleViewDocument->setLocale($articleDocument->getLocale());
- $articleViewDocument->setStructureType($articleDocument->getStructureType());
- return $articleViewDocument;
- },
- \array_values($articleDocuments)
- );
- }
- /**
- * @return array
- */
- private function getArticleResourceItems(array $articleDocuments, array $articleViewDocuments)
- {
- $articleResourceItems = [];
- foreach ($articleViewDocuments as $key => $value) {
- $articleResourceItems[] = new ArticleResourceItem($articleViewDocuments[$key], $articleDocuments[$key]);
- }
- return $articleResourceItems;
- }
- /**
- * @return DocumentIterator
- */
- private function getDocumentIterator(array $articleViewDocuments)
- {
- $documentIteratorCount = 1;
- $documentIterator = $this->prophesize(DocumentIterator::class);
- $documentIterator->rewind()->willReturn(0);
- $documentIterator->next()->willReturn($documentIteratorCount);
- $documentIterator->current()->will(function() use (&$documentIteratorCount, $articleViewDocuments) {
- return $articleViewDocuments[$documentIteratorCount++];
- });
- $documentIterator->valid()->will(function() use (&$documentIteratorCount, $articleViewDocuments) {
- if (\array_key_exists($documentIteratorCount, $articleViewDocuments)) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- });
- return $documentIterator;
- }
diff --git a/Trash/ArticleTrashItemHandler.php b/Trash/ArticleTrashItemHandler.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 23a9bf095..000000000
--- a/Trash/ArticleTrashItemHandler.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-trashItemRepository = $trashItemRepository;
- $this->documentManager = $documentManager;
- $this->documentInspector = $documentInspector;
- $this->documentDomainEventCollector = $documentDomainEventCollector;
- }
- /**
- * @param ArticleDocument $article
- */
- public function store(object $article, array $options = []): TrashItemInterface
- {
- Assert::isInstanceOf($article, ArticleDocument::class);
- $articleTitles = [];
- $data = [
- 'parentUuid' => $article->getParent()->getUuid(),
- 'locales' => [],
- ];
- $restoreType = isset($options['locale']) ? 'translation' : null;
- $locales = isset($options['locale']) ? [$options['locale']] : $this->documentInspector->getLocales($article);
- /** @var string $locale */
- foreach ($locales as $locale) {
- /** @var ArticleDocument $localizedArticle */
- $localizedArticle = $this->documentManager->find($article->getUuid(), $locale);
- $extensionsData = ($localizedArticle->getExtensionsData() instanceof ExtensionContainer)
- ? $localizedArticle->getExtensionsData()->toArray()
- : $localizedArticle->getExtensionsData();
- // routePath property of structure contains route of target locale in case of a shadow page
- // we want to restore the path of the source locale, therefore we use the value of the document
- $structureData = $localizedArticle->getStructure()->toArray();
- $articleTitles[$locale] = $localizedArticle->getTitle();
- $lastModified = $localizedArticle->getLastModified() ? $localizedArticle->getLastModified()->format('c') : null;
- $data['locales'][] = [
- 'title' => $localizedArticle->getTitle(),
- 'locale' => $locale,
- 'creator' => $localizedArticle->getCreator(),
- 'created' => $localizedArticle->getCreated()->format('c'),
- 'lastModified' => $lastModified,
- 'author' => $localizedArticle->getAuthor(),
- 'authored' => $localizedArticle->getAuthored()->format('c'),
- 'structureType' => $localizedArticle->getStructureType(),
- 'structureData' => $structureData,
- 'extensionsData' => $extensionsData,
- 'shadowLocaleEnabled' => $localizedArticle->isShadowLocaleEnabled(),
- 'shadowLocale' => $localizedArticle->getShadowLocale(),
- 'mainWebspace' => $localizedArticle->getMainWebspace(),
- 'additionalWebspaces' => $localizedArticle->getAdditionalWebspaces(),
- ];
- }
- return $this->trashItemRepository->create(
- ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY,
- (string) $article->getUuid(),
- $articleTitles,
- $data,
- $restoreType,
- $options,
- null,
- null
- );
- }
- public function restore(TrashItemInterface $trashItem, array $restoreFormData = []): object
- {
- $uuid = $trashItem->getResourceId();
- $data = $trashItem->getRestoreData();
- $localizedArticle = null;
- // restore shadow locales after concrete locales because shadow locales depend on their target locale
- $sortedLocales = [];
- foreach ($data['locales'] as $localeData) {
- if ($localeData['shadowLocaleEnabled']) {
- $sortedLocales[] = $localeData;
- } else {
- \array_unshift($sortedLocales, $localeData);
- }
- }
- /** @var array{
- * title: string,
- * locale: string,
- * creator: ?int,
- * created: string,
- * lastModified: ?string,
- * author: ?int,
- * authored: string,
- * structureType: string,
- * structureData: mixed,
- * extensionsData: mixed,
- * shadowLocaleEnabled: bool,
- * shadowLocale: ?string,
- * mainWebspace: ?string,
- * additionalWebspaces: ?array,
- * } $localeData
- */
- foreach ($sortedLocales as $localeData) {
- $locale = $localeData['locale'];
- try {
- /** @var ArticleDocument $localizedArticle */
- $localizedArticle = $this->documentManager->find($uuid, $locale, ['load_ghost_content' => false]);
- } catch (DocumentNotFoundException $exception) {
- /** @var ArticleDocument $localizedArticle */
- $localizedArticle = $this->documentManager->create(ArticleController::DOCUMENT_TYPE);
- $localizedArticle->setParent($this->documentManager->find($data['parentUuid']));
- $localizedArticle->setUuid($uuid);
- }
- $lastModified = \array_key_exists('lastModified', $localeData) && $localeData['lastModified'] ? new \DateTime($localeData['lastModified']) : null;
- $localizedArticle->setTitle($localeData['title']);
- $localizedArticle->setLocale($locale);
- $localizedArticle->setCreator($localeData['creator']);
- $localizedArticle->setCreated(new \DateTime($localeData['created']));
- $localizedArticle->setLastModified($lastModified);
- $localizedArticle->setAuthor($localeData['author']);
- $localizedArticle->setAuthored(new \DateTime($localeData['authored']));
- $localizedArticle->setStructureType($localeData['structureType']);
- $localizedArticle->getStructure()->bind($localeData['structureData']);
- $localizedArticle->setExtensionsData($localeData['extensionsData']);
- $localizedArticle->setShadowLocaleEnabled($localeData['shadowLocaleEnabled']);
- $localizedArticle->setShadowLocale($localeData['shadowLocale']);
- $localizedArticle->setMainWebspace($localeData['mainWebspace']);
- $localizedArticle->setAdditionalWebspaces($localeData['additionalWebspaces']);
- $this->documentManager->persist($localizedArticle, $locale, ['omit_modified_domain_event' => true]);
- }
- Assert::isInstanceOf($localizedArticle, ArticleDocument::class);
- $event = 'translation' === $trashItem->getRestoreType()
- ? new ArticleTranslationRestoredEvent($localizedArticle, $trashItem->getRestoreOptions()['locale'], $data)
- : new ArticleRestoredEvent($localizedArticle, $data);
- $this->documentDomainEventCollector->collect($event);
- $this->documentManager->flush();
- return $localizedArticle;
- }
- public static function getResourceKey(): string
- {
- return ArticleDocument::RESOURCE_KEY;
- }
- public function getConfiguration(): RestoreConfiguration
- {
- return new RestoreConfiguration(
- null,
- ArticleAdmin::LIST_VIEW,
- );
- }
diff --git a/Twig/ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtension.php b/Twig/ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtension.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 761cc0282..000000000
--- a/Twig/ArticleViewDocumentTwigExtension.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-articleViewDocumentRepository = $articleViewDocumentRepository;
- $this->articleResourceItemFactory = $articleResourceItemFactory;
- $this->referenceStore = $referenceStore;
- $this->structureMetadataFactory = $structureMetadataFactory;
- $this->requestStack = $requestStack;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- *
- * Returns an array of possible function in this extension.
- */
- public function getFunctions()
- {
- return [
- new TwigFunction('sulu_article_load_recent', [$this, 'loadRecent']),
- new TwigFunction('sulu_article_load_similar', [$this, 'loadSimilar']),
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Loads recent articles with given parameters.
- *
- * @return ArticleResourceItem[]
- */
- public function loadRecent(
- int $limit = ArticleViewDocumentRepository::DEFAULT_LIMIT,
- ?array $types = null,
- ?string $locale = null,
- bool $ignoreWebspaces = false
- ): array {
- $excludeUuid = null;
- /** @var Request $request */
- $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
- $articleDocument = $request->get('object');
- if ($articleDocument instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- $excludeUuid = $articleDocument->getUuid();
- if (!$types) {
- $types = [$this->getArticleType($articleDocument)];
- }
- }
- if (!$locale) {
- $locale = $request->getLocale();
- }
- $webspaceKey = $this->getWebspaceKey($request, $ignoreWebspaces);
- $articleViewDocuments = $this->articleViewDocumentRepository->findRecent(
- $excludeUuid,
- $limit,
- $types,
- $locale,
- $webspaceKey
- );
- return $this->getResourceItems($articleViewDocuments);
- }
- /**
- * Loads similar articles with given parameters.
- *
- * @return ArticleResourceItem[]
- *
- * @throws ArticleInRequestNotFoundException
- */
- public function loadSimilar(
- int $limit = ArticleViewDocumentRepository::DEFAULT_LIMIT,
- ?array $types = null,
- ?string $locale = null,
- bool $ignoreWebspaces = false
- ): array {
- $uuid = null;
- $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
- $articleDocument = $request->get('object');
- if ($articleDocument instanceof ArticleDocument) {
- $uuid = $articleDocument->getUuid();
- if (!$types) {
- $types = [$this->getArticleType($articleDocument)];
- }
- }
- if (!$uuid) {
- throw new ArticleInRequestNotFoundException();
- }
- if (!$locale) {
- $locale = $request->getLocale();
- }
- $webspaceKey = $this->getWebspaceKey($request, $ignoreWebspaces);
- $articleViewDocuments = $this->articleViewDocumentRepository->findSimilar(
- $uuid,
- $limit,
- $types,
- $locale,
- $webspaceKey
- );
- return $this->getResourceItems($articleViewDocuments);
- }
- public function getName(): string
- {
- return 'sulu_article.article_view_document';
- }
- /**
- * @return ArticleResourceItem[]
- */
- private function getResourceItems(DocumentIterator $articleViewDocuments): array
- {
- $articleResourceItems = [];
- /** @var ArticleViewDocument $articleViewDocument */
- foreach ($articleViewDocuments as $articleViewDocument) {
- $this->referenceStore->add($articleViewDocument->getUuid());
- $articleResourceItems[] = $this->articleResourceItemFactory->createResourceItem($articleViewDocument);
- }
- return $articleResourceItems;
- }
- private function getArticleType(ArticleDocument $articleDocument): string
- {
- $structureMetadata = $this->structureMetadataFactory->getStructureMetadata(
- 'article',
- $articleDocument->getStructureType()
- );
- return $this->getType($structureMetadata);
- }
- private function getWebspaceKey(Request $request, bool $ignoreWebspaces): ?string
- {
- if ($ignoreWebspaces) {
- return null;
- }
- $sulu = $request->get('_sulu');
- if (!$sulu) {
- return null;
- }
- /** @var Webspace $webspace */
- $webspace = $sulu->getAttribute('webspace');
- if (!$webspace) {
- return null;
- }
- return $webspace->getKey();
- }
diff --git a/Resources/translations/ b/translations/
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/translations/
rename to translations/
diff --git a/Resources/translations/admin.en.json b/translations/admin.en.json
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/translations/admin.en.json
rename to translations/admin.en.json