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Steps to run the code

1. Building the docker image

Command: docker build . -t sumeet-g-prj0

Note: I have purposefully tagged the image with my name to prevent accidental running of image with same name for my submission.

2. Starting the docker containers

Note: In case there are changes made to hostfile, make sure to re-build the docker image before starting the containers.

Command: ./

The above script does the following:

  • Checks if the required docker network bridge exists, if not it creates it.
  • starts the docker container for each host present in the hostfile.
    • each container is named using the following format: sumeet-g-<hostname>.
    • For each docker container, stdout and stderr is redirected to a sumeet-g-<hostname>.log file for easy access and debugging.

Note: On receiving "I am alive" message from all peers, each container outputs "READY" in the log file and exits gracefully.

Stopping the docker containers

Note: This script should only be used to stop all the containers abruptly.

Command: ./

The above script finds and stops all containers with name prefix sumeet-g*.