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Steps to run the code

Building the Docker image

Command: docker build . -t sumeet-g-prj2

Note: The image is purposefully tagged with my name prefix to prevent accidental collision of image names with other submissions.

Starting the Docker containers


  • In case there are changes made to hostfile, please make sure to re-build the docker image before starting the containers.

  • Once started the containers will remain running unless explicitly stopped.

How to run the testcases

Use to run the various test cases (Recommended and requires python3)
It is a python script which uses unittest framework to test various scenarios.
All the test cases are present under the MembershipSuite test suite.

  • Before running a test case, MembershipSuite.setUp() method is invoked by the unittest framework. Inside this method all the containers with name prefix sumeet-g* are stopped (docker stop) and then removed (docker rm).

  • After running a test case, MembershipSuite.tearDown() method is invoked by the unittest framework. Inside this method all the containers with name prefix sumeet-g* are stopped. The containers are not removed purposefully so that their logs can be accessed in case of a test case failure.

Test Cases
  • membership service test cases
    • test_case_1: Adding a peer to the membership list
      Each peer joins one by one, till all the peers from the hostfile have joined. Leader starts first followed by other peers. The script waits for a view change to complete before starting the next peer.

    • test_case_2: Failure Detector
      All peers are started one by one. Last peer in the hostfile is crashed and all peers detect its failure.

    • test_case_3: Delete a peer from the membership list
      After all the peers are part of the group, each peer is crashed one by one in the reverse order of appearance in the hostfile. The script waits for each view change to complete before crashing the next peer. In the end, you only leader is left.

    • test_case_4: Leader Failure
      After all the peers are part of the group, the last peer in the hostfile is crashed. The leader detects the failure and sends request message to all peers except the nextLeader and dies before accepting any OkMsg. The new leader starts sends the NewLeaderMsg and completes the pending delete request.

Following command should be used to run the a given test case:
Command: python3 -m unittest test_membership.MembershipSuite.<test case name> -v

The verbosity of the logs can be increased by running the same command with VERBOSE=1
Command: VERBOSE=1 python3 -m unittest test_membership.MembershipSuite.<test case name> -v


  • The application logs are emitted to stdout and stderr, which can be accessed using docker logs <hostname>. (Recommended)

  • Along with this, a logs/<hostname> folder is created for each host and is mounted to the corresponding docker container. So along with docker logs, logs are also present under logs/<hostname>/lab2.INFO file. This redundancy of logs is to prevent loss of logs in case the docker container is unknowingly removed.

Manually start a container:

Command: HOST='<hostname>'; docker run --name "${HOST}" --network cs7610-bridge --hostname "${HOST}" sumeet-g-prj2 --v 0 --hostfile /hostfile --leaderFailureDemo

  • --v: Controls the verbosity of the logs. Possible values are: [0, 1]. Increasing the verbosity is only useful during the debugging phase but not in general. It is not recommended to set this flag unless required.

  • --hostfile: The path of the hostfile inside the docker container

  • --leaderFailureDemo: Setting this flag will turn on the leader failure mode, as mentioned in test case 4.
    When this flag is set for a peer and if the peer is the leader and is in middle of processing a Delete Operation then the following events occurs:

    • the leader sends the delete RequestMsg to all peers except PeerId:2

    • after sending the RequestMsg the leader exits before receiving any OkMsg.

    Note: Specifying this flag for multiple hosts may lead to multiple leader crashes.

Stopping the docker containers

Command: ./

The above script finds and stops all containers with name prefix sumeet-g*.