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Kafka the Definitive

File metadata and controls

382 lines (322 loc) · 18.4 KB


To know the inside of Kafka clients.

CH01. Meet Kafka

  • Publish/Subscribe Messaging

    • Pub/Sub pattern is characterized by the sender not specifically directing it to a receiver
    • A lot of 1:1 connections make a system harder to trace
  • Message

    • Unit of data within Kafka
  • Batch

    • A collections of messages

    • The larger the batches, the more messages that can be handled per unit of time

      (Tradeoff b/w latency and throughput)

  • Schema

    • A type of message content
    • e.g. Json, xml, avro, …
  • Topic

    • Category of messages

    • Topics are broken down into a number of partitions

      (Each partition can be hosted on a different server)

  • Kafka clients

    • users of the system
    • Producer
      • creates new messages
      • A message is produced to a specific topic
    • Consumer
      • reads messages
      • uses offset of messages to keep track of the messages
      • Consumers work as part of a consumer group
        • The group assures that each partition is only consumed by one member
  • Broker

    • a single Kafka server

    • receives messages from producers

      → assigns offsets to them

      → commits the messages to storage on disk

      → responds to fetch requests from consumers

CH03. Kafka Producers: Writing Messages to Kafka

  • Overview


    • Starts with generating an instance of ProducerRecord
      • target topic and value are necessary
      • key and target partition are optional
    • Call Send() API
      • serializes the data to byte array
    • Partitioner decides a target partition to send
      • adds a record to a batch of records that will also be sent to a same topic and partition
    • Another separate thread sends the batch to a Broker
  • Constructing a Kafka Producer

    • Three mandatory properties
      • bootstrap.servers
        • lists of host:port of broker
        • no need to know the whole lists
      • key.serializer
      • value.serializer
  • Three primary methods of sending messages

    • Fire and forget → Don’t care whether the message successfully arrives or not
    • Synchronous send → Wait until the message arrives or not
    • Asynchronous send → Use callback function, which is triggered when it receives a response from a Broker
  • Sending a message synchronously

    • A thread must wait until it gets response from a broker

    ⇒ not common

  • Sending a message asynchronously

    • can use a callback method to handle errors from a broker

      → implement org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Callback

      → pass the implementation to send() method

  • Configuring Producers


      ⇒ to distinguish producers

    • acks

      ⇒ determine the number of partition replica that receives the record

      • acks=0 : Don’t care whether any replica receives the record or not
      • acks=1 : Count as success when the a leader replica receives the record
      • acks=all : Count as success when all in-sync replicas receive the record
    • message delivery time

      • two sections of it
        • calling of send() ~ returning of result
        • returning of result ~ call of callback


      • : Determines maximum time that the producer can be blocked

      • : Determines maximum time between after returning of send() and before receiving a response from a broker

        → ≥ +

      • : Determines maximum time to wait the response from the broker

      • retries : Determines maximum number to retry sending to the broker

      • : Determines waiting time between retries

      • : Determines waiting time before sending the batch

      • buffer.memory : Determines maximum size of memory of waiting buffer

      • batch.size : Determines the size (byte) of batch

      • : Determines the maximum number of messages that can be sent even before receiving a response from a broker

      • enable.idempotence=true : Guarantees the idempotence of records

        • ≤ 5
        • retries ≥ 1
        • acks = all
  • Partition

    • If key is null, pick random partition, which is available now
    • If there is a key, default partitioner uses hash of key to pick a specific partition
      • same key → same partition
      • but, when we increase the number of partition, it can not be guaranteed
    • Keep balance with round robin algorithm
    • We can use custom partitioner by implementing org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Partitioner
  • Interceptor

    • make it possible to add some features without modifying client codes
    • ProducerInterceptor.onSend → Called just before serialization
    • ProducerInterceptor.onAcknowledgement → Called after the producer receives a response from a broker

CH04. Kafka Consumers: Reading Data from Kafka

  • Concept

    • Consumer & Consumer Group

      • Consumer is a part of Consumer Group
      • Each consumer fetches its own partition
        • Rule of assigning the partition → Implementation of PartitionAssignor
      • If # of consumers > # of partitions → there are idle consumers
      • Different consumer groups read all messages of topic independently from each other
    • Consumer Group & Partition Rebalance

      • When does rebalance occur?
        • New consumer added to the group
        • Topic changed (Partition added)

      ⇒ Reassign a partition to another consumer

      • Eager Rebalance (Default before ver 2.4)


        • When the rebalance starts, all consumers stop reading, relinquish its ownership on the partition, rejoin to the group, and are assigned to a new partition
        • Causes Stop-The-World
      • Cooperative Rebalance (Default after ver 3.1)


        • Consumer Group Leader picks the partitions, which need to be reassigned
        • Only consumers related to reassignment target partitions relinquish its ownership and are assigned to a new partition
  • Consumer can read various topics (more than one)

  • Polling Loop

    • consumer.poll(timeout)
      • timeout → maximum time of blocking when there is no data in consumer buffer
    • When a consumer first calls poll() → Find GroupCoordinator, participate in to the group, and is assigned to a partition
    • If poll() is not called for → Consider this consumer dead
  • One Consumer, One Thread

  • Configuring Consumers

    • fetch.min.bytes → Minimum byte size of fetching records (If a size of records is less than this, it waits)

    • → Maximum time to wait fetching

    • fetch.max.bytes → Maximum byte size of fetching records (considering memory of client server)

      • but, if the batch from broker exceeds this value, broker ignores this value and send the records
    • max.poll.records → Maximum number of records per polling

    • → Maximum time the group coordinator considers the consumer dead when no heartbeat comes from the consumer

    • → Time of iteration of sending heartbeat

    • → Maximum time the group coordinator considers the consumer dead when no polling comes from the consumer

    • → Maximum time that consumer waits response from a broker

    • auto.offset.reset

      → latest (default): If there is no valid offset, consumer reads from the latest

      → earliest (default): If there is no valid offset, consumer reads from the earliest

    • → Determine whether the consumer commits offset automatically or manually (default: true)

    • partition.assignment.strategy → Determine partition assignment strategy

      • Range / RoundRobin / Sticky / Cooperative Sticky
  • Offset & Commit

    • Offset Commit → update current cursor in the partition

      • it commits the last message, not separately
      • After rebalance, the consumer starts reading from the last committed offset
    • Automatic Commit

      • Every, consumer commits the offset of the last message

      • There is a chance to find duplicated consuming


    • Commit Current Offset

      • To reduce the number of duplicated message caused by rebalancing, we want to control the time to commit
      • commitSync() → commits the last offset when polling is successful
      • if commitSync() called before processing is done to prevent duplicated consuming, there is a chance to find message loss
    • Asynchronous Commit

      • Manual commit blocks the application until a consumer receives a response from a broker
      • To avoid the blocking, we can use commitAsync()
      • commitAsync() does not retry
    • Combining Synchronous and Asynchronous Commits

      • To make consuming robust, we can call both before consumer closes
    • Committing a Specified Offset

      • commitSync(currentOffsets) or commitSync(currentOffsets)
  • Rebalance Listener

    • We can use callback methods to execute when the consumer is about to close or the rebalancing is about to start → ConsumerRebalanceListener

    • onPartitionAssigned → After a partition is reassigned and before a consumer starts to read message from the partition

    • onPartitionRevoked → After a partition is unassigned from a consumer

      (At here, the offset should be committed)

    • onPartitionsLost → On exceptional rebalancing situation that a given partition is already assigned to another consumer

  • Consuming Records with Specific Offsets

    • seekToBeginning → From the first offset
    • seekToEnd → From the last offset
    • seek → Find specific offset

CH06. Kafka Internals

  • Cluster Membership
    • Utilize Apache Zookeeper to keep the list of brokers
  • Controller
    • one broker in a cluster acts as a controller
    • In charge of electing the leader of partition
    • When the controller realizes any broker has left the cluster, it assigns new brokers to partitions that the broker was assigned as a leader
  • Replication
    • Essence of kafka architecture
    • Leader Replica
      • Write request is given to the leader
    • Follower Replica
      • replicates new messages from leader
    • Follower replicas send read requests to a leader to sync with the leader
      • gets the messages with offsets and also in order
    • If a follower replica does not send any read request for 10s → consider it as out-of-sync replica
      • opposite is in-sync replica
  • Request Processing
    • Clients know where to request by fetching metadata
      • includes lists of topics, number of partitions, information of replicas, which is a leader, …
    • Directly read or write the messages using above information (cached)
    • Write request
      • Consumers (clients) only can read the messages, which are written successfully in all in-sync replicas
  • Physical Storage
    • Default unit is a partition replica
    • Partition Assignment
      • Distribute replicas uniformly through brokers
      • Each replica in a same partition should be assigned to different brokers
    • File Management
      • we can set retention period of each topic
        • Kafka doesn’t store data ‘eternally’ and also doesn’t wait for consumers to read before deleting
    • Uses index to search messages with specific offsets
      • maps offsets to locations in the storage

CH07. Reliable Data Delivery

  • What does kafka guarantee?
    • Order of messages in the same partition
    • It considers a message as committed when the message is written in all ISR
    • Committed message would not be lost if there is at least one alive replica
    • Consumer only can read the committed message
  • Replication
    • All messages are written to a leader replica, and usually are read from the leader
    • replication.factor
      • number of replication for a topic
      • needs to consider below factors
        • availability → more replications, higher availability
        • durability → more replications, higher durability
        • throughput → more replications, lower throughput
        • latency → more replications, higher latency
        • cost → more replications, higher cost
    • unclean.leader.election.enable
      • option for whether to elect a new leader from out-of-sync replicas
        • when all replicas are shut down
      • default is false
      • if false
        • producer should wait until the leader is recovered
      • if true
        • the replica that recovered the fastest is elected as a leader
        • can make message loss and break consistency
    • min.insync.replicas
      • determines minimum number of in-sync-replica to consider a message as committed
  • We can control a tradeoff b/w reliability and performance for each topic
  • Reliability on producer
    • use proper acks configuration (acks=1 or acks=all)
    • need to handle error responses from a broker (leader)
  • Reliability on consumer
    • check auto.offset.reset
    • use proper ,

CH09. Exactly Once Semantics

  • Consists of two key features; Idempotent producer and Transaction
  • Idempotent producer (enable.idempotence=true)
    • Every message has its own Producer ID and Sequence ID
    • Producer ID + Sequence ID = UID in a specific topic of a partition
    • If a broker receives a message, which is processed already (can be recognized by above UID), it makes an error
    • If a broker receives a message, which has a larger Sequence ID than expected, it also makes an error
    • Without Transaction feature, when a producer is initialized, it gets a new Producer ID, which is generated from a broker
    • Leader replica has recent 5 Sequence IDs of messages in memory
    • and follower replicas not only sync messages but also update those IDs
    • limitations
      • it only prevents replication caused by producer’s internal logic
      • If we call producer.send() with same message, it makes replication
  • Transaction
    • This is feature is for Kafka Streams

      e.g. Read Topic → Processing → Publish Topic

    • Need to consider isolation level of consumer (isolation.level)

CH10. Cross-Cluster Data Mirroring

  • Mirroring
    • data replication b/w clusters
  • Need to consider some trade-offs
    • High latency
    • Limited bandwidth
    • Higher cost
  • Architectures
    • Hub-and-Spokes Architecture


      • Applications are only able to use data stored in a same data center
    • Active-Active Architecture


      • mirrors each other
      • difficult to avoid read/write crash
    • Active-Standby Architecture


      • Only for failover
      • Mirrors active cluster
      • Inactive cluster is usually called as disaster recovery cluster
      • Mirroring is usually asynchronous → DR cluster does not have the newest messages
      • Determine from which offset to start reading
        • offset topic replication
        • timestamp-based recovery
        • offset transformation


  • Kafka Producer Client []
    • Three parts: KafkaProducer, RecordAccumulator, Sender
    • KafkaProducer -> send()
      • can pass callback method
      • execute Serialization, Partitioning, Compression
      • If there is no given partitioner, it uses DefaultPartitioner
        • has key ⇒ key → hash → choose partition
        • no key ⇒ round-robin → choose partition
    • RecordAccumulator
      • saves records from KafkaProducer.send()RecordAccumulator.append()
      • manages records with a data structure, batches<TopicPartition, Deque<RecordBatch>>
        • to prevent concurrency issue, it uses ConcurrentMap
      • when it is called with append() method, it finds Deque with TopicPartition Key
        • and check a size of last RecordBatch
        • if there is a room, use it
        • if not, create a new RecordBatch
      • If there is no room of BufferPool when it wants to make a new RecordBatch, it should wait until some of BufferPool get free (maximum is
    • Sender
      • uses another thread
      • sends records in RecordAccumulator
      • uses drain() method to get targets (Deque<RecordBatch>)
  • Kafka Consumer Client []
    • ConsumerNetworkClient
      • communicates with broker asynchronously using NetworkClient
    • SubscriptionState
      • manages consuming topics, partitions, offsets
    • ConsumerCoordinator
      • in charge of rebalance, offset initialization, offset commit
    • Fetcher
      • poll() call → Fetcher.sendFetches()
      • check nextInLineRecords and completedFetches (in cache)
        • if there is nothing in there, call sendFetches() to get records