This update brings compatibility with the version 1.21 of Minecraft.
- 1.21 compatibility
- Mace enchantment descriptions
- Improve most enchantment descriptions
- Improved load times
- Fixed script not working if not output folder exists
- Removed script because the datapack can no longer be generated completely by the provided scripts
- Enchantment descriptions now show the max level the enchant can have
- Updated several descriptions to better reflect their enchantments
- Fixed the silk touch description not making sense
- New artwork for the datapack
- Added a pack.png
- Added a python script to generate all the files for the datapack
- Console logs for the python scripts (errors and info)
- Updated most enchantment descriptions to better describe their purpose
- Python scripts now generate an 'output' folder if none already exist
- Python scripts now remove all contents from the output folder before creating new files
- Added proper json formatting to the advancement files
- Fixed sweeping edge not getting a description
- Spelling mistakes
- Added the 1.19 Swift Sneak enchantment
- Added a spreadsheet for item modifiers to make it easier to edit
- Added an script to generate the item_modifier files
- Made the advancements and functions scripts read enchantment names from the spreadsheet instead of being hard-coded
- Fixed each player only being able to change the description of each enchanted book once
- New system to detect and update enchanted books - does not use ticking functions
- Added
- Added scripts used to generate datapack files - you may use these if you wish to modify the datapack.
- Enchanted books can be detected anywhere in the inventory instead of just the main hand.
- Changed to advancement based book detection - much better performance.
- Updated README file
- Initial release of the datapack (early beta)