- Fixed output type of cmdlet
- Corrected function that only worked on Windows.
- Prevented unexpected value changes where parameters that were never set are unchanged but replayed back as part of Set-AzConnectedKubernetes processing.
- Fixed environment variable usage
- Got rid of deprecated module and improved logging
- Added support for Workload Identity Federation and OIDC Issuer features to the ConnectedKubernetes cmdlets.
- Added support for arc gateway feature in cmdlet New-AzConnectedKubernetes.
- Added Set-AzConnectedKubernetes cmdlet to support updateing arc gateway features on existing resource.
- Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
- Introduced secrets detection feature to safeguard sensitive data.
- Fixed custom location enable flag issue.
- Added support for custom locations id and correlation Id.
- Used Env:HELM_CLIENT_PATH if user defined in cmdlet New-AzConnectedKubernetes and Remove-AzConnectedKubernetes.
- Added support for downloading signed helm v3.6.3 for Windows in cmdlet New-AzConnectedKubernetes and Remove-AzConnectedKubernetes.
- Moved helm release namespace to "azure-arc-release" in cmdlet New-AzConnectedKubernetes and Remove-AzConnectedKubernetes.
- Cleaned "azure-arc-release" namespace after disconnecting in cmdlet Remove-AzConnectedKubernetes.
- Added optional configs (-HttpProxy, -HttpsProxy, -NoProxy, -ProxyCert) for connection behind outbound proxy server.
- Added optional configs (-ContainerLogPath, -DisableAutoUpgrade, -NoWait, -OnboardingTimeout).
- Fixed invalid URI issue with display name of location.
- Fixed response can't be parsed issue with UseBasicParsing.
- Made
support PowerShell 5.
- Added the logic that prompt legal information when users call the parameter "-AzureHybridBenefit" in
- Added a related legal clause that users need to agree to when using the cmdlet
in order to successfully create.
- Upgraded api version to 2022-10-01-preview
- Fixed the issue that Azure Arc cannot connect to Kubernetes[#19080]
- Updated api-version of ConnectedKubernetes to 2021-10-01
- Create new cmdlet: Get-AzConnectedKubernetesUserCredential.
- Update the New-AzConnectedKubernetes to support helm from version 3.7+
- Updated api-version of ConnectedKubernetes to 2021-03-01
- The first preview release