- Migrated ServiceBus SDK to generated SDK
- Removed "Microsoft.Azure.Management.ServiceBus" Version "5.0.0" PackageReference
- Added ServiceBus.Management.Sdk ProjectReference
- Moved cmdlets to V4.
- Introduced secrets detection feature to safeguard sensitive data.
- Added Breaking Change Warning for parameter datatype change.
- Aliased
respectively. - Replaced
- Added upcoming breaking change notifications for Az.ServiceBus module.
- Upgraded API version to 2022-10-01-preview
- Fixed a bug for
- Added NamespaceV2 cmdlets for ServiceBus.
- Most cmdlets in Az.ServiceBus module have been migrated to a new format and would witness breaking changes. Please refer our migration guide https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2204584 to know breaking changes in detail.
- In the upcoming major breaking change release in October 2022, Az.ServiceBus would be migrating most cmdlets to a new format for a better powershell experience and as a result would witness breaking changes. Please refer our migration guide to know more https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2204584.
- Added -MinimumTlsVersion to New-AzServiceBusNamespace and Set-AzServiceBusNamespace
- Added cmdlets for manual approval of Service Bus Private Endpoint Connections. The added cmdlets include, -Approve-AzServiceBusPrivateEndpointConnection -Deny-AzServiceBusPrivateEndpointConnection -Get-AzServiceBusPrivateEndpointConnection -Remove-AzServiceBusPrivateEndpointConnection -Get-AzServiceBusPrivateLink
- Fixed miscellaneous network rule set typos across module.
- Add
- Fixed that
returns invalid token. [#12975]
- Added identity and encryption properties to New-AzServiceBusNamespace and Set-AzServiceBusNamespace.
- Added New-AzServiceBusEncryptionConfig
- Added support to Enable or Disable Public Network Access as optional parameter 'PublicNetworkAccess' to
- Fixed
with Tags
- Added support for ZoneRedundant and optional switch parameter 'DisableLocalAuth' to
- Fixed that
returns invalid token. [#12975]
- Update references in .psd1 to use relative path
- Fixed miscellaneous typos across module
- Fix for issue #9658 : Typo VirtualNetworkRule parameter in Set-AzServiceBusNetworkRuleSet
- Fix for issue #9786 : cannot create a rule with Listen only rights
- Added new command 'Test-AzServiceBusNameAvailability' to check the name availability for queue and topic
- Added new cmmdlet added for generating SAS token : New-AzServiceBusAuthorizationRuleSASToken
- Added verification and error message for authorizationrules rights if only 'Manage' is assigned
- Fix for issue #4938 - New-AzureRmServiceBusQueue returns BadRequest when setting MaxSizeInMegabytes
- Fix for issue #9182 - Get-AzServiceBusNamespace returns ResourceGroup instead of ResourceGroupName
- Fix spelling of Namespace in Resources.resx
- Added new cmdlets for NetworkRuleSet of Namespace
- General availability of