Utility in Java to search big file (tested with nearly 400MB and 1GB log file)
- File size
, type[Text]
, lines processed[13147027]
and pattern find[1094]
times, time taken[8sec]
- Attaching result with the name as
With BufferedReader
- Analysing some line difference due to line endings
- File size
, type[Text]
, lines processed[13147035]
and pattern find[794]
times, time taken[119sec]
- Attaching result with the name as
Test 1GB New
- File size
, type[Text]
, lines processed[13147035]
and pattern find[794]
times, time taken[167sec]
- Attaching result with the name as
Test 1GB
- Support search as you type
- Memory indicator added to application, and can be used to free memory
- Clipboard support via menu
- Now if file not exists app will ask to remove it from recent entry
- AutoLock and Change password in menu
- Lock and Change password screen added
- Clipboard popup will appear to set file name.
- Update color and borders.
- Font/Colors will change only if window is active.
- Now highlighted text color will also change. Implementation changed from HighlightPainter to SimpleAttributeSet.
- Update pom version.
- Application can be colored with highlight color.
- Theme color comes on hover of tool buttons.
- Drag n Drop file to set it in search text field.
- Use F3/Shift-F3 to search text.
- User can press Ctrl+F from anywhere to go to search box and hit enter to make Search.
- Added old export cleaup button and display time to each action in information
- Added export button to transfer results into a timestamp based file
- Settings menu added
- Now font and highlight color will be changed automatically if settings are ON
- Updated with better picture of colors for highlighting and selected text
- Different colors available for highlight and selected text.
- Sample can be see as tooltip
- Html highlighting removed and used Swing Highlighter class.
- Now find functionality will also highlight new results.
- Added split pane for all occurrences.
- Added shortcuts to recent list of files/searches.
- Added all occurrences table to search occurrences quicker with highlighted text.
- Added all occurrences table to search occurrences quicker.
- Added buttons to change cases in search box - Upper, Lower, Title and Invert case.
- Aa/W used for case-sensitive and word search.
- After 'Read' operation is performed Search pattern box can be used to find any string in existing result.
- Help button text color changes to 6 different colors every 30sec.
- Tabs added for Help and Result.
- TitledBorder removed.
- Help will be displayed at start of application.
- Help button also added.
- Now auto complete feature is available in search file and search pattern text fields.
- Added controls to go on next or previous occurrences of search result.
- Warning and Info indicator will change font every 10 min. Font details will be in tooptip.
- Added controls to go on first or last line of results.
- Open file dialog added with
- In case of hang, program tries to stop forcefully after 50 sec.
- The warning indicator is now revamped and made more prominent.
- ESC key to hide inner-frame for recent searches.
- Names are in separate files now.
- Configs are now in the file.
- UI and Core modules are used that has logic for logger, Utils and SwingUI.
- Added indicator showing present font size of file contents pane.
- Bug fixes, performance improvement, icon change.
- Now recent files/searches can be tagged for quick searching.
- Any recent files/searches starting with
will be added as favourite button(max 5)
- Controls to increase/decrease font size.
- A warning indicator is shown and show the occurrences so war in case if there are too many matches.
- Image attached as
- UI improvement.
- Iconified few buttons and added functionality to use filter on recent items.
- Image attached as
- Greatly improved performance.
- Now added a new feature to read last 500 lines of a file along with the highlight of search pattern
- Removed last 500 lines and give options till 5000 lines.
- Changed labels and added tooltips to accommodate UI.
- Threading used to draw search results in chunks.
- This redraw/repaint of JEditorPane improved alot, 1GB of data searched now in 119 seconds !!
- Now combo boxes will be shown small initially but if list items are wider, then list will become wider to show it.
- Performance and UI improvement enhanced
- New callable to update statistics and append result
- Warning if search runs for too long or too many search occurrences
- Added the tooltip for combo box items
- Added recent searched files and recent searched text
- Max limit for recent is 20
Initial check in.
Program will store last search file location and search string.
Match case and whole word search options are available.
Only search matched result will be displayed.
Matched string will be highlighted with yellow background.
Line number will be displayed as bold at the start of line to match with an original file.
Summary will be displayed in title bar with file size, time taken and number of occurrences matched.