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Workflow integration

Tony Tam edited this page Jun 25, 2014 · 23 revisions

You can add swagger-codegen into your workflow in a number of ways.


Default codegen templates are included with the swagger-codegen artifact. You can of course override these by copying them into your own deployment, and setting a new template directory. A good starting point is to grab templates from here:

And modify them as you like. After doing so, you'll need to override the basic codegen template directory. See the petstore client as an example:

  // location of templates
  override def templateDir = "mytemplates/Java"

Build process with Maven

It's easy to make the codegen a part of your build cycle. Take the following pom.xml for example:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

              <!-- See note #1 -->
                <!-- See note #2 -->
                <!-- See note #3 -->
                <!-- See note #4 -->
    <!-- See note #5 -->

To generate the objective-c client, run:

mvn scala:run -Dlauncher=objc-codegen

which executes the default objective-c script.

Now to generate the java client, you simply run:

mvn scala:run -Dlauncher=java-codegen

which executes the codegen script under src/main/scala named JavaPetstoreCodegen. Note! To run this, you'll need to copy some files from the codegen project, or run this pom.xml from the codegen source folder.

Some notes:

  1. JavaPetstoreCodegen is the codegen script, should lives under src/main/scala

  2. This is the URL where the service is running

  3. If the api requires a key, put it here.

  4. You can generate from a set of files instead of from a live server by setting the -DfileMap flag. If this is the case, the URL from #2 will be used as the basePath of the service when generating the code.

    Using files for the codegen is a good idea for automating the build process without having to launch a server to provide the json.

  5. If you are using a snapshot, you'll need to add the Sonatype OSS repository, as shown