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How to do it yourself

The original Callbag spec is unopinionated and doesn't dictate how the implementation should go. This guide gives opinionated examples of how to implement some Callbag patterns. It helps you to get a concrete understanding how to use the spec.

JS and Swift implementation of Callbag vs CallbagKit

Well they both are the same except in swift no need for the type parameter, because the cases of enums in swift can have names.

So in the original Callbag-Spec: Callbag defined as following.

  export type Callbag<I, O> = {
    (t: START, d: Callbag<O, I>): void;
    (t: DATA, d: I): void;
    (t: END, d?: any): void;

In swift we can define Callbag as following.

  enum Callbag<I, O> {
    case start(Callbag<O, I>)
    case data(I)
    case end(Any?)

But in CallbagKit-Spec: we went a bit far.

  enum Callbag<I, O> {
    case start(Callbag<O, I>)
    case next(I)
    case completed(Completion)

  // `Completion` is just another `Enum`

  enum Completion {
    case failed(Error)
    case finished

Current CallbagKit implementation of Callbag protocol ends here. However the ideas in the section below may comes handy in the future.

Extending the Callbag protocol?

The following is just an ideas that extends the Callbag protocol to be a bit efficient, controlled, as well as drives to cleaner understandable code.

Completion as a Enum type allow us to extend the protocol of Callbag in future when its needed to have a new type of Completion e.g.

  case cancelled

instead of treat finished as cancelled which is already happen

Or add

  case terminated

Which will help to identify weather if process stopped normally, or been forced by the app processor Ctrl+C

Or maybe change the next(I) to be next(Emission<I>)

  enum Emission<I> {
    //// Source will use this case to deliver items.
    case value(I)
    //// Sink can use these cases to talkback to source.

    // the following 2 cases can be used to tell source to pause/resume emissions
    case pause
    case resume

    // the following case can be used tell source to restart emissions.
    // Without the need of `repeats` operator
    case rewind

    // the following case can be used by the sink to request next emission from
    // pulllable source. Instead of using .next(nil)
    case wantItem

Technically pause/resume can be achieved by creating a wrapper operator around the filter operator. But it will not notify the source that we are pausing/resuming. Which means source is actually emitting items but the filter operator is avoiding them.

However, using pause/resume as protocol extension will assure that source is not emitting, this leads to speed up the process of downstream/upstream talking. Which drives to less talking, less memory allocating, also means less time (faster execution) on benchmarking tests.

Handshakes and talkbacks

A handshake is when the sink greets the source and the source greets the sink back. Usually the order is source(.start(sink)) then inside the implementation of source we call sink(.start(talkback)). Notice that talkback is the payload. It is possible that talkback === source, but often the talkback will be another function.

Talkbacks receive .next and .completed messages from the sink, but never .start, because the handshake has already occurred (it's just two .start messages, not more than two).

We will see later with examples how this is important. But first let's define some types that will help to make the explaining process more easy to understand.

The following two types were introduced in the original Callbag-Spec

  * A source only delivers data
  typealias Source<T> = Callbag<Optional<Any>, T>

  * A sink only receives data
  typealias Sink<T> = Callbag<T, Optional<Any>>

However, the following type wasn't introduced in the original Callbag-Spec

  * A way to let Sink to talkback to Source
  typealias SourceTalkback<T> = (Source<T>) -> Void

Producers and Consumers

As explained above sources takes a .start in order to subscribe a sink to it like source(.start(sink)). Well, producer/consumer behave the same way but without the need to call .start. So same behavior can be achieved as following producer(consumer), this is just for simplicity and writing less code.

A producer is simply a function that takes a consumer as an argument. While consumer is a function that takes a Callbag<I, O> as an argument.

Literally they are just a swift typealias

  * A callback function only receives data
  typealias Consumer<T> = (Sink<T>) -> Void

  * A callback function only delivers data
  typealias Producer<T> = (Consumer<T>) -> Void

And this is why CallbagKit is using producer(consumer) handshaking style instead of source(.start(sink)), the following examples will walk through the transformation process step by step from classic source(.start(sink)) to modern producer(consumer).

Creating a sink

Sinks are easy to create because they are meant for just receiving data, and require less code to work. Sinks can be either listeners or pullers. Let's first implement a listener sink.


A classic listener sink is a callbag function:

  func sink(_ payload: Sink<Int>) {


The name of the argument doesn't matter.

  func sink(_ payload: Sink<Int>) {
    if case let .start(tb) = payload {
      // ...

The sink can use this talkback to terminate the relationship with the source. For instance, we can terminate after 3 seconds have passed.

  func sink(_ payload: Sink<Int>) {
    if case let .start(tb) = payload {
      /// Notice `tb` type is SourceTalkback<Int>
      _ = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 3000, repeats: false) {

To make the sink actually receive data, we need to pick .next:

  func sink(_ payload: Sink<Int>) {
    if case let .start(tb) = payload {
      /// Notice `tb` type is SourceTalkback<Int>
      _ = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 3000, repeats: false) {
    if case let .next(data) = payload {
      // consume the data here, for instance:

If the sink receives .completed, it means the source is terminating the sink, and it's the right moment to dispose of resources. For instance, we should cancel that setTimeout, but for that we need to keep a reference to the returned timeout handle:

  var handle: Timer?
  func sink(_ payload: Sink<Int>) {
    switch payload {
    case let .start(tb):
      handle = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 3000, repeats: false) {
    case let .next(data):
    case .completed:
      handle = nil

Because it's common to keep state in a closure, we convert the code above into a sink factory function:

  func makeSink() -> (Sink<Int>) -> Void {
    var handle: Timer?
    return { payload in
      switch payload {
      case let .start(tb):
        handle = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 3000, repeats: false) {
      case let .next(data):
      case .completed:
        handle = nil

  /// this can be used like


  func sink(_ consumer: Consumer<Int>) -> Producer<Int> -> Void {
    return { producer in
      /// this is what we meant by `producer(consumer)`
      producer { payload in
        switch payload {
        case let .start(tb):
          handle = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 3000, repeats: false) {
        case .next:
        case .completed:
          handle = nil

  /// this can be used like


A puller sink can call the talkback with .next as argument. In the example below, the puller requests data from the source until source emit a completion:

  func makeSink() -> (Sink<Int>) -> Void {
    var talkback: SourceTalkback<Int>?
    return { payload in
      switch payload {
      case let .start(tb):
        talkback = tb
      case let .next(data):
      case let .completed(completion):
        talkback = nil


  func sink(_ consumer: @escaping Consumer<Int>) -> (Producer<Int>) -> Void {
    return { producer in
      var talkback: SourceTalkback<Int>?
      producer { payload in
        switch payload {
        case let .start(tb):
          talkback = tb
        case .next:
        case .completed:
          talkback = nil

Creating a source

Now that you know how to create sinks (consumers of data), we can create sources (producers of data) of two modes: listenables or pullables.


A listenable source sends data to a sink regardless of requests .next from the sink to the source. A basic example is to create a listenable source that wraps the Timer API. In the example below, we will send 0 to the sink every 1 second:

  func source(_ payload: Source<Int>) {
    if case let .start(sink) = payload {
      _ = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 3000, repeats: false) {

We are missing something important, though: greeting the sink with a talkback function (see Handshake section above).

  func source(_ payload: Source<Int>) {
    if case let .start(sink) = payload {
      _ = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 3000, repeats: false) {
      sink(.start(/* talkback callbag here */));

Now the question is: what should be the talkback? Its purpose is for the sink to send .completed messages upwards, for cancelling the Timer for instance. If we make talkback=source, then we lose support for multiple sinks. How? Think about it: if the source is called multiple times with .start and a sink payload, then we have called Timer multiple times. When one of those sinks sends .completed upwards, we want to stop the Timer only for that sink, not for all of them. This is why we need a talkback for every different sink. Below, we make the talkback recognize .completed messages and clear the Timer:

  func source(_ payload: Source<Int>) {
    if case let .start(sink) = payload {
      let handle = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 3000, repeats: false) {
      let talkback: SourceTalkback<Int> = { talkbackPayload in
        if case .completed = talkbackPayload {
          handle = nil

Notice we don't need to handle .next neither .completed for the source because its only purpose is to setup the Timer and then plug the sink with the talkback. Basically the sink thinks that the source is the talkback. It's so common to only handle .start in sources.


  func source() -> Producer<Int> {
    return { sink in
      let handle = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 3000, repeats: false) {
      let talkback: SourceTalkback<Int> = { talkbackPayload in
        if case .completed = talkbackPayload {
          handle = nil


A pullable source differs from a listenable source in that it waits for the sink to send a .next request to the talkback before sending a .next response back. The example below sends numbers 10 until 20, only on demand:

  func source(_ payload: Source<Int>) {
    if case let .start(sink) = payload {
      var i = 10
      let talkback: SourceTalkback<Int> = { talkbackPayload in
        if case .next = talkbackPayload {
          defer { i += 1 }

Notice that in this case the talkback doesn't need to check .completed messages, because there is nothing to be disposed. Some pullable sources may have resources to be disposed upon .completed, though. Also it is important to send-back .completed as well as preventing sink from requesting another .next after requesting .completed:

  func source(_ payload: Source<Int>) {
    if case let .start(sink) = payload {
      var i: Int? = 10
      let talkback: SourceTalkback<Int> = { talkbackPayload in
        if case .next = talkbackPayload {
          if let currentI = i, currentI <= 20 {
            i! += 1
          } else {
        if case .completed = talkbackPayload {
          i = nil


  func source() -> Producer<Int> {
    return { sink in
      var i: Int? = 10
      let talkback: SourceTalkback<Int> = { talkbackPayload in
        if case .next = talkbackPayload {
          if let currentI = i, currentI <= 20 {
            i! += 1
          } else {
        if case .completed = talkbackPayload {
          i = nil

Creating an operator

Operators are functions that take a source as input and return another source based on the first one. They are useful for creating transformation pipelines through a utility like pipe. The Callbag spec itself doesn't dictate how you should create operators, but if you want to keep your operators interoperable with pipe, then follow the simple convention:

let myOperator = args -> inputSource -> outputSource

This way, when you call it in a pipe as myOperator(args):


Let's see an example operator called multiplyBy that works on a source of integers:


  func multiplyBy(_ factor: Int) -> (@escaping SourceTalkback<Int>) -> SourceTalkback<Int> {
    return { inputSource in
      return { outputSource in
        var inputSourceTalkback: Optional<SourceTalkback<Int>> = .none
        switch outputSource {
        case let .start(outputSink):
          inputSource(.start{ payload in
            switch payload {
            case let .start(tb):
              inputSourceTalkback = .some(tb)
            case let .next(element):
              outputSink(.next(element * factor))
            case .completed:
        default: break

How to use original-operator

  // using:
  //  - original-puller sink
  //  - original-pullable source

  let composedSource = multiplyBy(10)(source)
  composedSource(.start(makeSink())) // 100
                                     // 110
                                     // 120
                                     // 130
                                     // 140
                                     // ...
                                     // 200
                                     // finished


  func multiplyBy(_ factor: Int) -> (@escaping Producer<Int>) -> Producer<Int> {
    return { inputSource in
      return { outputSource in
        var inputSourceTalkback: Optional<SourceTalkback<Int>> = .none
        inputSource { payload in
          switch payload {
          case let .start(tb):
            inputSourceTalkback = .some(tb)
          case let .next(element):
            outputSource(.next(element * factor))
          case .completed:

How to use modified-operator

  // using:
  //  - modified-puller sink
  //  - modified-pullable source

  let composedSource = multiplyBy(10)(source())
  })(composedSource) // next(100)
                     // next(110)
                     // next(120)
                     // next(130)
                     // next(140)
                     // ...
                     // next(200)
                     // completed(finished)

Two patterns are worth remembering:

  • Calling the operator returns inputSource => outputSource
  • Inside the implementation of outputSource, call inputSource

The input source is called with (Consumer<Int>) -> ..., an anonymous sink that does the core logic of the operator. In this case, we multiply inputSource data by factor, and pass it to the output sink.


Factories of sources are similar, but even simpler than operators. They just don't have inputSource arguments. So it's just:

let myFactory = args -> outputSource

Examples are: from, interval, combine.


For more examples, look at real source code for some existing operators. Since it's often short, it's possible to understand quickly. Examples: