libsbp provides C bindings for Swift Binary Protocol (SBP), the native binary protocol used by the Piksi GPS receiver. It is intended to be as portable as possible and is written in standards compliant C with no dependencies other than the standard C libraries.
On Debian-based systems (including Ubuntu 12.10 or later) you can get dependencies with:
sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config cmake doxygen check clang-format-6.0
On Mac:
brew tap swift-nav/swift-devs
brew install check cmake pkg-config doxygen clang-tools-6.0
On other systems, you can obtain CMake from your operating system package manager or from
Before attempting to build, it is necessary to update the git submodules to pull in the cmake submodule for the c build of libsbp. This isn't strictly necessary for the code itself, but it is necessary for the cmake build system provided by Swift. This can be done at the command line with:
git submodule update --init
Once you have the dependencies installed, from this (the libsbp/c directory) create a build directory where the library will be built:
mkdir build
cd build
Then invoke CMake to configure the build, and then build and install,
cmake ../
sudo make install
By default libsbp will be built both as a shared library libsbp
a static library libsbp-static
For now, documentation for libsbp is available with libswiftnav. A separate tutorial for applying SBP is at
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Distributed under MIT.